Nurse Manager and Nurse Practitioner’s Differences in Work Regarding EBP

Evidence-based practice is essential in the medical sphere, in nursing practice particularly. Depending on the status and rank of the medical worker, the implication of EBP into the working process may slightly differ. Though nurse practitioners and nurse managers should be equally aware of the EBP notions, their approaches to it may be different, so the work aims to discuss these differences.

Nurse practitioners and nurse managers accomplish different duties. First of all, the nurses cope with patients, providing health care, communicating with relatives, and other persons. However, the nurse manager’s duties are administration, promoting the frontline staff, providing ideas to enhance the working process (Melnyk et al., 2016). The nurse should imply the EBP knowledge into medical practice, enhancing the quality of patient care, imrove the outcomes of patient treatment. The realization of these factors includes proper knowledge and usage of EBP. According to Omniy and Ezeruigbo, the nurse manager’s implication of evidence-based practice is insufficient concerning some aspects (2019). Nurse managers may not involve leadership and creativity in the working process; moreover, they should improve in terms of nurse practice. Sometimes, the nursing sphere is lacking in new ideas provided by nurse managers (Omniy & Ezeruigbo, 2019). Despite these facts, the nurse manager’s EBP involvement in the working process is not identical worldwide and is equally crucial as nurse practitioners’ one.

To conclude, EBP is a significant factor in medic’s work. Duties of nurse practitioners and nurse managers relate to different aspects of work. Most of the time, nurse practitioners work with patients, while the manager’s duties are related with administrating; still, their impact is equally crucial. The EBP is provided differently, concerning those spheres; moreover, nurse managers should develop mentoring and creative skills in terms of EBP implication into the working process.


Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2016). Implementing the evidence-based practice (EBP) competencies in healthcare: A practical guide for improving quality, safety, and outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau.

Omniy, J., Ezeruigbo, C. F. S. (2019). How nurse manager’s position in the hospital hierarchy influences evidence-based practice implementation in nursing: A qualitative case study of the Nigerian acute care setting. Journal on Nursing Education and practice, 9(6), 14-22.

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