Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion

A significant role in maintaining and forming the principles of a healthy lifestyle and motivation to preserve health is played by medical workers, particularly nurses. It is possible to form skills for maintaining health and the need to strengthen it at the preclinical stage. A nurse should give the necessary recommendations considering age, physical development, and belonging to a particular culture.

For measures to form a healthy lifestyle of the population to bring the expected effect, it is necessary to consider the patient’s cultural specifics. The set of methodological recommendations for the organization and conduct of work with patients should differ depending on the cultural background. Methods at different levels of preventive work of the average medical staff rely on the target audience, which guarantees the effectiveness of the measures taken.

It is worth applying the Health Belief Model to each specific culture when planning patient care. For example, when conducting health education among black men, it is necessary to appeal to an increasing number of sexually transmitted infections among the black population (Plowden, 2003). Training in the prevention of diseases of the reproductive system will be of increased importance for this group of people. Therefore, the methods of organizing sanitary and hygienic education should be based on the prevention of STIs.

For measures to form a healthy lifestyle of the population to bring the expected effect, it is necessary to take cultural peculiarities into account. Prevention of diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle should consider the risk factors for the health of a particular ethnic group. Measures to ensure all conditions for observing a healthy lifestyle should also be selected according to the population affiliation to ensure that they can be followed.


Plowden, K. (2003). A theoretical approach to understanding black men’s health-seeking behaviour. Journal Of Theory Construction & Testing, 7(1), 27-31.

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