Nursing Career: Achieving Goals and Objectives

Nursing is not just an occupation, but rather a noble profession, which is exceptionally dynamic. Nurses can work in rehabilitation centers, schools, hospitals, etc. This diversity significantly appealed to my interest, since the career will also enable me to give back fully to the society, that is, directly get in touch with the people (Wood). Remarkably, this career majorly provides service to humanity through changing of lives. This is evident when nurses are involved in counseling, motivating, and caring for the sick.

In addition, I decided to choose this career because of its job security (Wood). With the rapid increase in the global population, health centers expect more patients to access medical services, the consequences of which include the fact that the health centers will require more nurses than they do now. Thus, it could be said that the career has a job guarantee.

At present

To achieve my goal, currently, I am deeply engaging myself in both the theoretical and practical work (“How to Achieve your Career Goals and Objectives”). I am also practicing to be consistent in time management and be presentable all the time. These actions will help me in attending to patients’ needs at any time. Presently, I am also working extremely hard in school to get better grades that will enable me to pursue a degree in nursing at the university level. Notably, at this level, hard work coupled with passion is acting as my benchmark in meeting my goals.

At the University (In the near future)

At the University level, I tend to choose a nursing course and join professional associations and clubs which discuss the nursing issues. Moreover, I will join motivator and counseling forums in order to handle varied cases like trauma, which I consider extremely necessary because of the variety of patients the nurses will meet in the future. I am also going to participate in medical research studies, attend medical seminars, and take part in conferences in order to have a wide mastery of content. Consequently, I hope to build strong relationships with people, who could be more knowledgeable in the nursing field and could help me in my profession (“How to Achieve your Career Goals and Objectives”).

At the workplace (Ten years to come)

At my workplace, in the next ten years, I will continue interacting with fellow employees and the management. I will share ideas and thoughts on the profession, which will increase my knowledge base. In addition, I will constantly search for new health information from the internet which will help me to be at par with the new inventions in my field and apply this data in my daily activities (“How to Achieve your Career Goals and Objectives”). As a part of the corporate responsibility, I will at times volunteer for the community work initiating such activities like communal tree planting, family planning, and HIV/AIDS awareness events.

Conclusively, the nursing profession touches all life aspects and requires the people who are ready to serve humanity whole-heartedly. In my opinion, to achieve career goals does not mean receiving hefty salaries and rewards, but it involves the intrinsic feeling of working for the common good of the whole society.

Works Cited

“How to Achieve your Career Goals and Objectives.” Job Interview & Career Guide. n.pag., n.d. Web.

Wood, Debra. “Why Nursing is the ‘Best Job in Healthcare’.” NurseConnect. AMN Healthcare, Inc. 2012. Web.

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