The leadership and structure of a nursing department can significantly influence not only the patients’ level of satisfaction but also the quality of care and nurses’ retention rates. Thus, many aspects should be considered in creating a comfortable and stable environment in a hospital. One of the issues that contemporary nursing management is concerned with is the notion of unit collaboration and the moral purpose of leadership. Many people feel that their level of job satisfaction often depends on relationships with other staff members. Nurses are not an exception, as this particular profession often requires individuals to collaborate to solve various problems. The following SWOT analysis will focus on the areas of collaboration, teamwork, and aesthetic leadership of one of the nursing departments in Miami, Florida.
SWOT Analysis
The staff of the discussed hospital should consider the elements of this SWOT analysis to assess their situation and choose the best way to deal with the issue of teamwork and moral position. Nursing professionals may use the outlined strengths and weaknesses to evaluate their skills and opportunities. Moreover, the highlighted opportunities should be considered by nurses to bring the staff of the hospital together to resolve the encountered issue.
Ma, C., Shang, J., & Bott, M. J. (2015). Linking unit collaboration and nursing leadership to nurse outcomes and quality of care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(9), 435-442.
Mannix, J., Wilkes, L., & Daly, J. (2015). ‘Good ethics and moral standing’: A qualitative study of aesthetic leadership in clinical nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 1603-1610.