Nursing Shortage Issue in the Healthcare Sector

Selected Issue

The increasing global population means that existing medical professionals should work hard to deliver high-quality and personalized health services. Unfortunately, the current number of nurses providing medical support and care in this country continues to decline. This is the case since the consumption or demand for such services has continued to change over the years. More patients are experiencing various opportunistic infections, hospital-acquired illnesses, and prolonged stays than ever before (Beitz 408). Medication errors and other sentinel events have increased within the past two decades. These issues are directly connected to the problem of nursing shortage. This is the selected topic for this discussion.

Reasons for Selecting the Issue

The ultimate objective or aim of any organized healthcare system is to ensure that the targeted citizens have access to timely, reliable, and high-quality medical services. In the United States, the number of elderly citizens has increased significantly since baby boomers are aging very fast. This population is at risk of different infections and co-morbidities that should be addressed using sustainable care delivery strategies. Different terminal conditions are affecting the health outcomes and experiences of the greatest number of people, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (Drennan and Ross 6). With these problems in place, very little is being done to improve the situation and empower more citizens to achieve their health goals.

Nurses play a critical role in the delivery of medical services, care, and support. Currently, over 1 million registered nurses (RNs) are about to retire since they have attained the age of 50 (Drennan and Ross 8). The existing health facilities and learning institutions are releasing a small percentage of professionals to the national workforce (Beitz 407). They also have limited resources, thereby making it hard for medical facilities to get competent practitioners whose skills resonate with patients’ demands.

The level of turnover for nurses has also been on the rise (Beitz 409). Some institutions have implemented diverse strategies to retain retirees and hire additional nurse aids. This is being done to ensure that more people receive high-quality and timely medical services.

These issues indicate that nursing shortage remains a major concern for both patients and hospitals. Without proper incentives and strategies to increase the number of RNs, the chances are high that more people will be unable to receive the intended services. Similarly, those who are available in different units have to struggle since they receive uncompetitive salaries and operate in poor working conditions (Juraschek 476). They also have to work overtime to meet their patients’ needs. Consequently, many nurses have continued to complain due to poor conditions, burnout, fatigue, and improper work-life balances.

When this predicament is examined from different perspectives, stakeholders will identify its causal factors and encourage policymakers to present superior solutions. Such measures will attract more nurses and employ them to continue providing the intended services (Beitz 407). These professionals will also receive better salaries and stop looking for new opportunities elsewhere. The end result is that the experiences and outcomes of the greatest number of patients will improve.


The above discussion has identified nursing shortage as a major predicament that all stakeholders in the healthcare sector should take seriously. This is the case since it affects caregivers, clinicians, community members, and patients. A detailed analysis of the problem will support the presentation of evidence-based solutions that can empower more nurses and address their demands. The final result is that the quality of medical services will improve in this country.

Works Cited

Beitz, Janice M. “Addressing the Perioperative Nursing Shortage through Education: A Perioperative Imperative.” AORN Journal, vol. 110, no. 4, 2019, pp. 403-414.

Drennan, Vari M., and Fiona Ross. “Global Nurse Shortages-The Facts, the Impact and Action for Change.” British Medical Bulletin, vol. 130, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-13.

Juraschek, Stephen P. “Refurbished: United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast.” American Journal of Medical Quality, vol. 34, no. 5, 2019, pp. 473-481.

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