Nursing Development: Inter-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare


Continuous improvement of healthcare services with the application of evidence-based practices is crucial for better patient outcomes delivery. For this purpose, nursing leaders are responsible for timely addressing the drawbacks in the staff’s work and adhering to new regulations. Hospital re-admission and poor nursing care are the most significant issues in the healthcare system since they might diminish patient safety and impose unnecessary resources’ expenditures.

Therefore, a nursing leader needs to apply appropriate leadership styles, tools, and managing methods to plan and carry out proper interventions that would facilitate change implementation in a cost-effective and qualified manner. In this paper, the essentials of inter-professional collaboration, a plan of promoting excellent patient outcomes, a healthcare delivery system plan, and MSN interventions will be presented. The adherence to a well-constructed and competently verified plan is key to better performance within a healthcare facility.

Promotion of Teaching-Coaching Function Within the Nursing Staff and Leaders

Educational endeavors and improvement of the quality of care are the primary requirements of the modern medical system. The exchange of knowledge and evidence between the representatives of different professions in this regard contributes to the successful achievement of the organizations’ goals and facilitates better healthcare service delivery. There are many ways to integrate the means for teaching and to coach within a nursing setting that might improve the quality of training and enhance the scope of new regulations’ implementation.

According to Fiscella, Mauksch, Bodenheimer, & Salas (2017 ), it is crucial to facilitate teamwork in a healthcare setting to ensure the effective achievement of the three leading goals, including “optimal patient experience, population health, and reduced costs” (p. 361).

It is essential to establish reliable channels of communication between nursing staff and leaders through such innovative means as digital reports or remote conferences for experience exchange with other organizations. Apart from innovative communication, it is necessary to arrange regular meetings where face-to-face conversations between the team members are held to discuss urgent issues and provide support to the staff in their practical application of new directions (Fiscella et al., 2017). Continuous communication and the integration of innovation to the process of teaching the staff will eliminate burnout and ensure better patient outcomes as aimed by the implemented regulations.

Excellent Patient Outcomes Promotion Plan

The implementation of a plan aimed at the achievement of excellent patient outcomes must start with proper changes in the work of a healthcare unit. Since the work of a nurse requires deliberate inclusion into the process and creating a qualified and patient-oriented approach to service delivery, it is crucial to apply an appropriate leadership style to guide the staff through the implementation of change. As Boamah, Laschinger, Wong, & Clarke (2017) state, the transformational leadership style is the most effective framework for facilitating the nurses’ performance. It helps to motivate them “to do more than is normally expected of them to achieve organizational goals” (Boamah et al., 2017, p. 181).

Therefore, the leader should act in a manner that is comprised of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration, which need to be integrated into the plan of work (Boamah et al., 2017). The proposed plan of promoting excellent patient outcomes includes the following points.

  1. Promotion of the organization’s values and goals through the distribution of the code of conduct and arranging staff meetings.
  2. Dissemination of evidence-based practices and the findings of the latest research applicable to the scope of healthcare through the development of a system of training and educational interventions for the staff. On-going professional growth of the nurses will contribute to high-quality services and will ultimately ensure better patient outcomes (Boamah et al., 2017).
  3. Integration of research in the cultural aspect of the served population will eliminate bias in care and increase the level of patient satisfaction.
  4. Development of the interventions aimed at facilitating teamwork for burnout reduction as an integral element of high-quality healthcare services (Fiscella et al., 2017).

Healthcare Delivery System Plan

An efficient leader is responsible for the cost-effective and goal-driven management of human and physical resources within a facility. The overall work with the healthcare delivery system is very complex and requires accurate planning, negotiating with the staff, and efficient utilization of the available resources (Marshall et al., 2015). The introduced plan of healthcare delivery system negotiation and management aims at:

  1. Precise organizing of the practices within respective units of care.
  2. We are facilitating a care delivery system by providing remote healthcare services in the most cost-effective areas.
  3. We are developing and cultivating performance excellence based on scholarship and research across all units.
  4. I am reviewing costs spent on one patient with an aim to facilitate the expenditures and find ways to provide high-quality and cost-effective service for excellent patient outcomes.
  5. Application of system dynamics simulation model to establish a cost-effective verification of the long-term change within complex elements of a healthcare delivery system (Marshall et al., 2015).
  6. Promoting community health through the initiation of preventative interventions across the served population is expected to improve overall health and reduce hospital admission.
  7. Encouraging evidence-based practice across all units of the healthcare organization (Black, Balneaves, Garossino, Puyat, & Qian, 2015).

These points will contribute to the facilitation of healthcare delivery, improve staff’s performance, improve the quality of service, and ultimately lead to fewer hospital re-admissions and a higher level of patient satisfaction.

MSN Intervention

A leader must integrate appropriate interventions into the work with the staff to ensure the achievement of the set goals. In the case of the implementation of new regulations aimed at hospital readmission reduction and elimination of poor nursing, specific MSN essential interventions are needed. One such intervention is the initiation of research interest groups facilitating evidence-based nursing practice (Black et al., 2015).

It is expected that access to the latest findings and possible ways of performance improvement will enhance the staff’s quality of work and ultimately provide a positive influence on the performance of the whole organization. This intervention might be implemented through the arrangement of regular meetings and, more often, attendance of conferences to encourage evidence-based practice inside the facility.


In summation, the ongoing professional and personal development of the nursing staff is an integral element of their performance improvement, which ultimately impacts patient outcomes. Therefore, it is the leaders’ obligation to plan and enforce strategic steps required for eliminating drawbacks and educating the best practices. The cost-effectiveness of the services and their high quality that adheres to modern standards must be a priority for a leader pursuing a change within a medical setting. As it has been identified, teamwork, precise planning of healthcare delivery, innovations, and evidence-based practice might ensure the achievement of organizational goals and the development of excellent healthcare service.


Black, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14-20.

Boamah, S. A., Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C., & Clarke, S. (2017). Effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction and patient safety outcomes. Nursing Outlook, 66(2), 180-189.

Fiscella, K., Mauksch, L., Bodenheimer, T., & Salas, E. (2017). Improving care teams’ functioning: Recommendations from team science. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 43(7), 361-368.

Marshall, D. A., Burgos-Liz, L., Jzerman, M. J., Osgood, N. D., Padula, W., V., Higashi, M. K., Crown, W. (2015). Applying dynamic simulation modeling methods in health care delivery research – the SIMULATE checklist: Report of the ISPOR simulation modeling emerging good practices task force. Value in Health Volume 18(1), 5-16.

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