Nurturing Independent and Adventurous Children

Is it not amazing how creativity pays in contemporary society where the internet offers people unlimited possibilities? Parenting styles should adjust to the changing society to support children’s adaptability to become responsible, productive, and successful adults. While researchers often encourage parents to use the authoritative parenting style due to its neutrality (Makay Francis, 2017), I would use permissive parenting to offer them more freedom. Jordan Peterson uses the Freudian concept of an eatable mother to urge parents to provide children with the freedom to learn and make mistakes. Peterson mentions that an eatable mother intermingles with her children to a great degree that her attempts to protect them fatally undermine them (Bite-Sized Philosophy, 2017). I intend to use this concept to offer my children the freedom to experiment, make mistakes, and learn while protecting them from external harms and ensuring they act morally.

A permissive parenting style comes with risks associated with defiance in children due to unlimited freedom. Studies show that children become rebellious and defiant when they can fulfill their desires (Live on Purpose TV, 2019). I plan to eliminate this problem by teaching children moral behaviors, responding to all their concerns, and creating a conducive environment where they can share their troubles. Peterson illustrates that teaching children such lessons during infancy and early childhood determines their behaviors throughout adulthood unless a hugely impactful environmental incident arises (Bite-Sized Philosophy, 2017). Therefore, teaching them morals and urging working with them on their assignments and projects to instill hard work can eliminate rebellion and defiance while elevating their creativity. They will freely exploit their talent and receive sufficient support to explore them. I am working on my financial well-being to ensure I never fail to support my children’s vision after nudging them in the right direction. As a result, the permissive parenting style will be my preferred method of raising adventurous, creative, and independent children.


Bite-Sized Philosophy. (2017). Jordan Peterson – The overprotective mother of ‘how not to raise a child’ [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Live on Purpose TV. (2019). What are the three main parenting styles? [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Makay Francis. (2017). Parenting styles and their effects on children [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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