The Problem of Same-Sex Marriage

Marriage gender equity supporters claim that providing same-sex couples marriage privileges ensures equal legal status and opens the door to a slew of governmental opportunities that benefit both the offspring of same-sex partners and society overall. Opponents of the phenomenon argue that simply permitting opposite-sex weddings enhances the traditional family by encouraging natural reproduction and urging parents to nurture their biological children altogether (CFR Staff, 2021). It seems reasonable to state that the competing positions are clear and possess the necessary rationale. It also seems apparent that these positions contradict each other.

Both perspectives have the required evidence-based background, which contributes to their validity – of course, from different angles. The supporters mostly appeal to the modern principles of universal equality and fundamental human rights, according to which everyone should be provided with the opportunity of freedom of choice and will in this vein. The opponents tend to use evidence that is grounded on biological facts, as well as traditional societal norms.

The arguments may be considered persuasive from both sides, given that the rationale seems to be versatile, convincing, and uses solid research background (scholarly findings). However, it would be appropriate to state that these positions equally contain an exact extent of biases. The former tend to neglect the biological essence of being a couple, while the opponents diminish the significance of the contemporary social order that is to be founded on equal opportunities in all spheres of being. It might be assumed that distinctions in the perspectives result from different cultural backgrounds obtained by the representatives during their lives.

These perspectives can be expressed more effectively if each side can continuously come u with a compromise that would fit at least the majority opinion. Nowadays, it is visibly possible, as this issue has been surrounded by rhetoric and debates for a long period. Such a state of affairs has led to elaborated positions, which are being delivered in a civilized and scientific manner. Moreover, one could increase fairness and objectivity in this regard by combining biological and ethical approaches to addressing the problem.


CFR Staff. (2021). Marriage equality: Global comparisons. CFR. Web.

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