Obesity: Evidence-Based Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan


The problem of obesity in modern society is an issue that could hardly be overlooked due to its vast prevalence among the United States population (Roberto et al., 2015). Based on the information obtained in Genetic Health History, it should be stated that the adult participant is at risk of developing the mentioned preventable disease. One of the primary risk factors is the patient’s heredity. Additionally, one should specify such modifiable risk factor as a dietary pattern. Therefore, the primary purpose of this paper is to develop a teaching plan for the patient, supporting it by scholarly literature evidence.

Preventable Disease Overview

First of all, it is essential to overview the preventable disease under consideration to give further reasoning a proper context. One of the primary and most apparent signs of developing obesity is the growth of the person’s BMI, which could also be coupled with increased blood tension and dyspnea (Roberto et al., 2015). There are various means of diagnosing obesity that include gathering information from patient’s Health History as well as evaluation of symptoms presented. According to Davis, Indelicato, and Kuiper (2014), the investigation of resting metabolic rates (RMR) is a critical factor in successful obesity diagnosis.

Further, it is important to discuss the identification of the adult participant’s risk for obesity. The assessment is made based on the information obtained from Genetic Health History paper. This document provides sufficient information on the family health history of the patient. One of the primary findings is that the participant’s 3rd generation relatives had problems with excessive weight. Therefore, it is stated that the patient’s genetic predisposition for overweightness may be activated by the changes in the dietary patterns. Thus, it was concluded that it is critical to focus on the development of teaching plan for obesity prevention.

Evidence Based Intervention

Since the primary modifiable factor, which was identified for the chosen preventable disease, is the dietary pattern and eating behavior, it is of high importance to propose an evidence-based intervention. According to the article by Flattum et al. (2015), one of the most efficient means of preventing obesity is the involvement in family-based meal preparation and the development of healthy nutrition patterns within one’s family in the form of sessions and intervention calls. The solution, which is proposed by the authors, appears to be significantly beneficial for the patient under consideration since he is not obese at the moment, and thus these preventive activities would be the most suitable. Considering short-term goals, it is stated that the patient should comply with the guidelines of the intervention, and thus the long-term goal is the exclusion of chances for obesity development.

Implementation: Teaching Plan

To successfully implement the proposed intervention, it is essential to provide the patient with a teaching plan. Thus, he would be able to follow the guidelines properly, and, what is more important, he will form healthy eating habits that would support his health condition throughout the life. First of all, it is recommended that the patient would acquaint with the scholarly literature on the topic, primarily with the articles by Flattum et al. (2015), Hawkes et al. (2015), Pareja-Galeano, Sanchis-Gomar, and García-Giménez (2014), Raganelli et al. (2018). These articles will provide the patient with relevant and relatable information about the disease.

Further, it is proposed that the patient would follow the steps, which are described by Flattum et al. (2015). The authors suggest a family-focused and community-based approach, which is not difficult to implement. The patient should find family group sessions, dedicated to the development of healthy dietary patterns, and attend them, involving his family members (Flattum et al., 2015). These community services will provide a platform for discussion and communication, from which the patient will learn new information about diets. However, if the plan turns out to unsuccessful, it is possible to revise it as follows: my responsibility will be to guide the patient more persistent and thoroughly, showing him the existing opportunities for improvement.


To evaluate the quality of conducted intervention, it is suggested that regular phone calls to the patient (for example, once in two weeks) would be the most convenient form of monitoring the progress. When the patient is given the intervention guidelines and supporting sources of information, which were discussed in the previous sections, he will be able to implement the intervention into particular activities. Interviewing and motivating the patient will help him to comply with requirements of his newly developed dietary pattern. In addition to the health outcomes, the participant’s satisfaction is also a highly desired outcome because the patient should feel the improvement of his quality of life.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the case of the patient under discussion is an excellent example of the importance of obesity prevention. Since the patient is relatively young, he is not experiencing weight problems; however, they might develop later. Therefore, this paper has provided an elaborated plan for obesity prevention, which includes the overview of the disease, identification of risk factors, and intervention guidelines, including the teaching plan and evaluation methods. In overall, the implementation of this plan would significantly benefit the long-term health condition of the patient.


Davis, B., Indelicato, J., & Kuiper, N. (2014). Metabolic factor: A new clinical tool in obesity diagnosis and weight management. Archives of Medical and Biomedical Research, 1(2), 47-53.

Flattum, C., Draxten, M., Horning, M., Fulkerson, J. A., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Garwick, A.,… Story, M. (2015). HOME Plus: Program design and implementation of a family-focused, community-based intervention to promote the frequency and healthfulness of family meals, reduce children’s sedentary behavior, and prevent obesity. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1), 53-62.

Hawkes, C., Smith, T. G., Jewell, J., Wardle, J., Hammond, R. A., Friel, S.,… Kain, J. (2015). Smart food policies for obesity prevention. The Lancet, 385(9985), 2410-2421.

Pareja-Galeano, H., Sanchis-Gomar, F., & García-Giménez, J. L. (2014). Physical exercise and epigenetic modulation: Elucidating intricate mechanisms. Sports Medicine, 44(4), 429-436.

Raganelli, A., Bona, R. D., Martino, A. M., Calò, C., & Palozzi, G., Rebecchi, M., … Calò, L. (2018). Epigenetics and nutrition. MOJ Food Process Technol, 6(1), 00141.

Roberto, C. A., Swinburn, B., Hawkes, C., Huang, T. T., Costa, S. A., Ashe, M.,… Brownell, K. D. (2015). Patchy progress on obesity prevention: Emerging examples, entrenched barriers, and new thinking. The Lancet, 385(9985), 2400-2409.

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StudyCorgi. "Obesity: Evidence-Based Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan." December 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-prevention-and-patient-teaching-plan/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Obesity: Evidence-Based Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan." December 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-prevention-and-patient-teaching-plan/.

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