Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act


Operationalization is the conversion of abstract ideas into observable and measurable data. It entails specifying the methods for measuring, observing, and manipulating a concept. This process can enable researchers to collect and assess phenomena that may not be observable and measurable directly. This paper describes the operationalization of the concept of violent acts, and the steps involved, and then outlines violent acts in the video (Tom and Jerry).


There are three stages that one must follow to operationalize a concept. The first stage involves outlining the concepts of the study, then choosing variables to denote each concept, and finally selecting measurable indicators (Andrade, 2021). In this case study, the concept is already identified, the violent act. To develop a complete research question, it is appropriate for the investigator to choose another concept, for instance, interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the topic of the study can be as follows, the effects of violent acts on interpersonal relationships. The variables to represent the concept of violent acts can be the frequency of physical assault such as hitting, kicking, or punching, sexual assault, intimidation, threats, and manipulation through lies. The indicator for measuring the frequency of physical assault can be the count of physical actions such as kicking, hitting, punching, sexual assault, manipulative behavior, and emotional abuse.

The reason for choosing this method to operationalize the concept of violent acts is to ensure that it addresses or assists find a solution to the research topic developed. By determining the frequency, an individual is subjected to physical assault by their partner, and one can find out the impacts it has on the relationship between the two individuals. For instance, an interpersonal relationship can be unhealthy if one of the partners is often the subject of physical assault, sexual assault, emotional abuse, or manipulation. On the other hand, an interpersonal relationship can be healthy, respectful, or honoring if neither of the parties subjects one other to any form of violent behavior.

There are several instances of violent acts in the video Tom and Jerry. The first incidence of a violent act is when Tom threatens to catch Jerry from under the chair’s cushion. The attempts by Tom to catch Jerry in the initial incident lead to another violent act to which Jerry responds by manipulating Tom. Jerry manipulates Tom to eat soap as food and then runs away after Tom has discovered that it is not food (WB Kids, 2020). Again, another violent act ensues when Tom chases down Jerry, who enters into a small hole to avoid being caught. The result of Jerry’s escape leads to a violent act when Tom pulls out the rope, thinking he has caught Jerry to eat. He becomes subject to Jerry’s manipulative behaviors, and his tongue gets trapped, causing injury.


For fear of being caught, Jerry devices a manipulative plan and puts red paint on their face of Tom while asleep. Upon waking up Tom becomes aware of Jerry reading a book on the dining table and tries to catch him, but Jerry manipulates him and succeeds in confusing him by highlighting a concern in the text. Jerry then brings a mirror and shows Tom the state of his face, and convinces him that he requires home treatment. During this home treatment, Jerry subjects Tom to a series of violent acts such as hitting, burning, noise, and being subjected to a freezing temperature using ice. The number of violent acts in the video Tom and Jerry that meets the operational definition described above is six (WB Kids, 2020). The total violent acts count in the video is twelve, which includes six violent acts that did not meet the operational definition mentioned above.


Andrade, C. (2021). A student’s guide to the classification and operationalization of variables in the conceptualization and design of a clinical study: Part 1. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 43(2), 177-179.

WB Kids. (2020). Tom & Jerry. Is Jerry Taking Care of Tom? YouTube.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 29). Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act. https://studycorgi.com/operationalization-of-the-concept-violent-act/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act." July 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/operationalization-of-the-concept-violent-act/.


StudyCorgi. "Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act." July 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/operationalization-of-the-concept-violent-act/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act." July 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/operationalization-of-the-concept-violent-act/.

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