Social Issues in Countries and Region

Barr, V. J. (2016). Planning for healthy and equitable communities in British Columbia: a critical analysis of the implementation of an equity lens in Healthy Built Environments initiatives (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia). 

The article by Barr (2016) addresses the pressing social problems of poverty, inequality, poor health, and environmental degradation. Social issues challenge local and regional administrations across Canada, but British Columbia is the most affected province. The article suggests that community participation in planning, targeting the marginalized populations in planning, effective incentives, and policy levers are viable solutions to the problem. Barr identifies social inequity as the root of all social problems which are closely associated. Additionally, the study highlights that social, physical, and political environments influence health inequities, health status, and poverty levels. Strategic planning and good governance to eliminate social inequality are the recommendations described by Barr. The article will inform me on some strategic planning that can foster inequality in British Columbia.

Marchand, Y., Dubé, J., & Breau, S. (2020). Exploring the causes and consequences of regional income inequality in Canada. Economic Geography, 96(2), 83-107.

The causes and consequences of regional inequality in Canada are explored in the article by (Marchand et al., 2020). According to Marchand et al., Canada’s geography is unequal and polarized in access to opportunity and prosperity due to socioeconomic and national-level factors. British Columbia is the most affected region characterized by geographical discontentment, resentment, and heightened polarization of attitudes and voting behavior. First, the paper depicts regional dimensions to identify areas most affected by poverty. Then, Marchand et al. design solutions to inequality and describe the drivers of change. Previous statistics on how a set of forces such as labor market conditions, altering the demographic profile, and administration are assessed how they effectively eliminate inequality and poverty. I will use the publication by Marchand et al. to explore the main causes of income inequality in Canada. The social consequences accruing inequality discussed in the article will highlight the immensity of poverty and problems facing the Canadian people.

TogetherBC. (2019). British Columbia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. 

The article is a poverty reduction strategy TogetherBC in the province of British Columbia with elaborative policy initiatives and investments designed to uplift people. The article responds to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Act implemented in 2018 with housing, health care, and finance solutions, among other sectors influencing poverty. The six priority areas featured in the plan include affordable housing, support for families, children, and youth, employment opportunities, improving access to education and trading, social inclusion, and improving the affordability of basic commodities. The publication presented the current data and prospected statistics after the plan’s implementation. Canada’s macroeconomic, structural and social policies in the strategy article will highlight the implemented plan of action to eliminate poverty and inequality in British Columbia.


Barr, V. J. (2016). Planning for healthy and equitable communities in British Columbia: a critical analysis of the implementation of an equity lens in Healthy Built Environments initiatives (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).

Marchand, Y., Dubé, J., & Breau, S. (2020). Exploring the causes and consequences of regional income inequality in Canada. Economic Geography, 96(2), 83-107.

TogetherBC. (2019). British Columbia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. Web.

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