Organizational Behavior on Lack of Motivation

Organizational behavior plays a significant role in the analysis of groups’ conduct in a corporate environment. The observation of the features of lack of motivation and dissatisfaction helps identify its role in the company’s functioning. The managers should identify the manifestations of lack of motivation and job satisfaction because this behavior threatens to reduce work productivity to improve the working environment, ethical practices, and leadership styles.

Various components may help to identify the lack of motivation and job satisfaction. These elements are the general assessment of the company’s contribution to employees’ feelings, the cognitive analysis of the expectations and intentions, and the analysis of the company’s influence on humans’ self-assessment. The managers have to understand how to identify the features of dissatisfaction to cope with the problem in advance. The first manifestation of a lack of inspiration and contentment is the overall evaluation of the organization’s operations that influence the employees. For instance, Ko and Choi (2018) display how the employees demonstrate their complaints about the overtime work, focusing on its role in their overall negative attitude towards the company. The second component is the expectations of the workers. The managers may interview the employees to comprehend whether their beliefs correspond to the actual circumstances in the organization. Finally, the last component is the violation of the regulations by the individuals. For instance, if they are frequently late, disregard the deadlines, or miss the meetings, it can signify that they are dissatisfied.

Lack of motivation and job satisfaction threatens to impede employees’ productivity and the profitability of the company. The negative feelings of the workers can be associated with their ability to complete the assigned tasks, the communication quality in the organization, and the relationship with the management. Since these elements are crucial for the employees’ everyday activities, they influence how people evaluate their job and the environment and whether they value their position. According to Chamberlin, Newton, and LePine (2018), such practices as motivation and opportunity enhancement facilitate the performance of the employees. The study results indicate that the understanding that people can manage their functions and duties improves their feeling of self-assessment and enables them to work more effectively. Consequently, this study demonstrates that if individuals lack motivation and feel dissatisfied with their job, their work will be unproductive.

Such factors as working environment, fair practices, and relationship with management help to improve personnel’s motivation and job satisfaction. When the employees demonstrate the traces of deficiency in inspiration and contentment, the organization’s management should analyze the factors that might have caused this situation. Mainly, Pawirosumarto, Sarjana, and Gunawan (2017) determine that working conditions, corporate values, and the managers’ style determines how the workers evaluate their position in the company and aspire to perform better. In particular, the scholars define that the strong leadership skills of the managers facilitate the employees’ feeling of “self-esteem, its good reputation” (Pawirosumarto, Sarjana, and Gunawan, 2017, p. 1352). It implies that the ability of the leadership to solve the issues effectively, create a healthy environment in the company, and treat the workers fairly enables the administrators to keep the level of job satisfaction of the group on a necessary level.

Thus, the supervisors should know how the deficiency in motivation and contentment influences the workers’ performance and how to identify this behavior to facilitate working conditions, fair practices, and the relationship between management and staff. The general assessment of work, the expectations, and actions of the employees demonstrate whether they feel content. The unmotivated individuals’ work lacks productivity and may result in a reduction in profits. Therefore, the managers should pay attention to the working environment, fairness of the policies, and the appropriateness of the leadership styles to guarantee job satisfaction.


Chamberlin, M., Newton, D., & LePine, J. (2018). A meta-analysis of empowerment and voice as transmitters of high-performance managerial practices to job performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(10), 1296-1313.

Ko, Y., & Choi, J. (2018). Overtime work as the antecedent of employee satisfaction, firm productivity, and innovation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(3), 282-295.

Pawirosumarto, S., Sarjana, P. K., & Gunawan, R. (2017). The effect of work environment, leadership style, and organizational culture towards job satisfaction and its implication towards employee performance in Parador Hotels and Resorts, Indonesia. International Journal of Law and Management, 59(6), 1337-1358.

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