Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank

Facility Type: This facility is needed for blood transfusion and allows to save lives and improve health. Meanwhile, the mission of San Diego Blood Bank is to unite different communities of people to save others (San Diego Blood Bank, n.d.). In addition, the value statement is to provide the best possible service and the vision is to continuously develop for the health of patients.

Organizational Chart: The center has 26 employees who are divided into three departments. The governing body is the board of directors, which includes 16 employees. Moreover, there is a leadership team of 6 employees who are responsible for legal and financial issues (San Diego Blood Bank, n.d.). Moreover, one employee is elected from them to supervise the medical staff. The next department is the executive team, that is, persons with medical education, who are responsible for the gathering and preservation of blood.

Corrective Action Plan: The challenge that exists at San Diego Blood Bank is not the lack of donors, but in the event of an emergency, the lack of nurses to receive blood (San Diego Blood Bank, n.d.). The root cause of this problem is the lack of information among the population about the importance of blood transfusion not only in critical periods such as Covid 19, but also in normal times. In order to eliminate this issue, 3 months are needed, because this period is enough to develop and launch advertising about the center in the media. This will attract more doctors to the executive team and encourage residents to donate blood. Accordingly, it is necessary to involve the media as a third party to promote the profession and explain the importance of blood donation among the residents of the United States. After three months, it is possible to evaluate how much the number of visitors and nursing staff has increased. The survey should ask employees if their workload is adequate to meet the number of tasks.

Employee Resistance to Change: Employees may not be supportive of change because more blood donors will come first and then staff will be hired. Therefore, at first the executive team will work in several shifts, but gradually the executive team will be increased.


San Diego Blood Bank (n.d.). San Diego Blood Bank about us. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank." January 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-nursing-shortage-at-san-diego-blood-bank/.


StudyCorgi. "Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank." January 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-nursing-shortage-at-san-diego-blood-bank/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Overcoming Nursing Shortage at San Diego Blood Bank." January 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-nursing-shortage-at-san-diego-blood-bank/.

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