Sainsbury’s Market: Its History and Evolution

Sainsbury’s was founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury as a small shop in Drury Lane, London. However, in 1922, the company became the largest retailer of groceries, and now it is the second-largest chain of supermarkets in the UK and the third by market share. It possesses a sixteen...

Mental Illness and People of Color: Misconceptions and Stigmas

This research examined the personal attitudes, mistrust, and stigma of people of color regarding mental health services and their influence on the utilization of these services. The study mentions conceptualized terms ā€œattitudeā€, ā€œmental healthā€, ā€œcounselingā€, ā€œstigmaā€, ā€œmental health servicesā€, ā€œmistrustā€, ā€œdisparitiesā€, ā€œhelp-seeking behaviorā€, and ā€œintention to seek counselingā€ (Fripp &...

The 1850s in the History of the Union

Introduction Few historical events have had more influence on the formation of American national identity than the Civil War. It was a time during which citizens of the United States had to decide whether the economic benefits of slavery were worth the staggering moral cost. While the armed conflict took...

Florida Nurse Practitioner Community

Introduction Florida is the state with the restricted practice of NP. Due to House Bill 607, starting from July 1, 2020, the restrictions will lessen for several categories of specialists. Initially, the full powers and the list of specialists to be allowed to have independent practice in HB 607 were...

Ethics in the Business World Based on Dilbert TV Series

In the fourteenth episode of the second season of the Dilbert TV series, the main character faces an ethical dilemma that makes him choose between his personal principles and various temptations. Moreover, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the product, which becomes the source of this dilemma,...

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Main Principles

The use of information and communication technologies has long changed the way the healthcare is delivered. Telehealth is one of the inventions that contributed into such changes. Basically, telehealth is the delivery of such services as ā€œhealth promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, consultation, education, and therapyā€ (Hebda & Czar, 2009, p....

Ethics. “The Responsible Administrator” by Cooper

Introduction In part two, chapter six of his book, The Responsible Administrator, Cooper (2012) gives a guideline on how to maintain responsible conduct in public organizations. He identifies four major components of responsible conduct which are individual attributes, organizational structure, organizational culture, and societal expectations. Cooper (2012) gives two approaches...

Big Data and New Marketing Research Techniques

Introduction Marketing research always involves analysing a large amount of information because it should address a number of significant factors, including product characteristics, market conditions, and consumer behaviour. New methods of collecting and processing data enable more efficient design and verification of research hypotheses. According to Constantiou and Kallinikos (2015),...

Learning Disabilities of American Children

Every child is unique and has a different pace of learning. This fact also concerns developing communication skills, which include language and speech production. Several communication stages can be highlighted in the process of acquiring them. First, before 12 months, children should usually recognize sounds, voices, understand some simple words,...

The Structural Determinants of Neighborhoods and Crimes

Sociologists and criminologists believe that there are marked variations in crime rates across US neighborhoods. In their study Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earl examine the impacts of collective efficacy on violent or deviant behavior in the community. Their hypothesis is that social cohesion and peoples willingness to intervene...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Type II Diabetes in Obese Children

Obesity refers to a medical condition whereby a personā€™s body structure is made up of excessive body fats to an extent that is detrimental to their health. More generally obesity and overweight are defined the same way as conditions where a person body fats are above normal levels ( The...

ā€œNude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)ā€ by Marcel Duchamp

The work under consideration in the following paper named ā€œNude Descending a Staircase (No. 3)ā€ is completed by Marcel Duchamp in 1916 (ā€œNude Descending a Staircaseā€ par. 1). It is accomplished in pen, black paint, black ink, graphite, blue wash, and colored crayon on gelatin silver photograph with dimensions of...

The Language of the “Citizen Kane” Film

The film Citizen Kane is notable not only with the story it uncovers for the audience but also with its effective use of cinematography techniques. The film’s deep-focus photography, mise en scĆØne, lighting, and camera movements have earned numerous appraises by critics over the decades after Citizen Kane was filmed....

Galapagos Finch Speciation

When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands in the 1830s, thirteen species of finches inhabited the place. Finches show a variety of shapes and sizes of beaks, all of which are suitable for their different types of food and lifestyles. Darwin gave this phenomenon the following explanation: they are all...

Social Pressure to Young Adults

Social pressure has existed for as long as human beings have lived in groups. People exert influence on their friends and colleagues, making them take some actions and change their behaviors to engage in their social circle. Various persons have suggested that, despite the differences between generations in terms of...

Analysis of Operating Systems

Operating system is a master program that controls the functioning of the computer hardware. It is an interface linking the user and the hardware. The main functions of an operating system include coordinating input and output devices, controlling the use of the backing storage, integrating the user and computer communication,...

Pharmacogenetics Characteristics and Development

Pharmacogenetics is a relatively young branch of medical science, but it is supposed to have significant potential when it comes to the effectiveness of treatment methods and attempts to make responses to various diseases more individualized. As the term suggests, the scientific branch in question studies the way that genes...

The Wave of the Future: Driverless Car Technology

Imagine if you will, a future where voice responsive technology, GPRS systems, and onboard computers allow one to have a car that can be driven worry and hassle-free by even a toddler. No, I am not talking about the cars in Demolition Man or Minority Report, although Hollywood is not...

Assessment of Geriatric Patients: Old Age Problems

Old age is characterized by slowing down of physiological functions and the impeded renewal of body tissues. As the body breaks down, the geriatric becomes weaker. Every system in the body shows reduced functioning as the metabolic process is slowed down. As there is a slower and reduced renewal of...

Computer Software Development and Reality Shows

Computer software development has grown at such a rapid pace over the past decade that it have invaded every aspect of our lives and ever fiber of our being. It has allowed people to disconnect from reality and enjoy various activities without ever having to actually participate in it. It...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US Supreme Court Jurisdiction Evolvement

The U.S. Supreme Court represents one of the three branches of power that ensures the effective work of the system of checks and balances. This institution was established in 1798 within the scope of the U.S. Constitution (Urofsky 319). The Supreme Court, as well as its layout and jurisdiction, was...

Every Man for Himself: Third-World Economies

Every Man for Himself is an editorial published on September 28, 2017, in a popular daily Philippine newspaper, ā€œBusiness Mirror.ā€ This research revealed the influence of developed countries on third-world economies. It is a case study that examines a specific theoretical model of the development of the third world countries...

Cafe Latte Cino: Marketing Strategic Alternatives

The first option for retention of the customer base is the introduction of coupons and daily deals. This strategy is primarily aimed at price-conscious consumers. The coupons will be distributed directly in the coffee shop. Such a strategy is expected to be highly successful for two reasons. First, the current...

Production Costs: Calculating All Major Variables

Introduction No business operates with infinite amount of resources. All production eventually faces the issue of scarcity related to employees, equipment, materials, and other related costs. Determining optimal operations capacity in regards to costs is paramount to minimize expenditures associated with production and maximize profits in short and long-term perspectives....

Central Los Angeles Community Assessment

Elimination Patterns of the Community Traffic: traffic jams, noise, exhaust gas Tourism: a lot of visitors High costs of living: food, accommodation, public transport Urban ecology: dirty streets and water and air pollution Homeless: crime and health problems Los Angeles Traffic is considered as the worst in the world. Even...

Corporal Punishment in Florida Public Schools

Introduction Corporal punishment is widely used in Florida schools, and many educators view it as an efficient method of children’s behavior management. Florida state laws allow schools to use corporate punishment at the principal’s discretion, even if the parents are against such practice. Nevertheless, psychologists argue that the practice can...

Eugenics, Human Genetics and Their Societal Impact

Ever since the discovery of DNA and the ability to manipulate it, genetics research has remained one of the most controversial scientific topics of the 21st century. The key concepts around this topic consist of genetics (the study of genetic material and mechanisms responsible for the transmission of characteristics) and...

US Political Surveillance and Homeland Security

Identify the primary law enforcement agency responsible for political surveillance in the investigation of terrorism in the United States Terrorism is a critical issue for the whole world. In the USA, it is addressed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This agency deals with the development of counterterrorism investigations...

The Nursing Shortage Bill Becoming a Law

Situation: Is This Something Than Can Be Legislated? The problem/concern The nursing shortage usually causes an insufficient nurse-to-patient ratio. In turn, this tendency leads to an imbalance in healthcare workplaces. The shortage of nursing staff results in excessive workloads for the remaining nurses. Additionally, it exposes patients to various dangers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Operations Management: Factors and Approaches

Importance of Operations Management Operations management is critical for any business because it can be used for effective and efficient work that ensures the possibility to meet the overall business objectives and reach successful performance. To prove this fact, it may be advantageous to consider the ways the most typical...

Cash Door Prize and Ethics of Its Receiving

Facts: Engineer A works for UVW Engineering. As part of Engineer A’s activities and employment responsibilities on behalf of UVW Engineering, he attends various conferences and trade shows. While attending a recent conference and trade show at UVW Engineering’s expense, Engineer A won a door prize worth $5,000. Question: Would...

Religion and State Separation History in America

Introduction The Capitol Hill building features one of the greatest monuments of art, which is the fresco of Apotheosis of George Washington. It was created by Constantino Brumidi in 1865, to commemorate the end of the Civil War and the foundation of the USA as a free and independent state...

Best Electronics Website’s Search Engine Optimization

In an increasingly interconnected world, a company’s website serves as the face it exhibits to its consumers, business associates, and the wider public. Website design and usability are of immense importance if companies are to achieve effectiveness in using websites to express what they do, what they stand for, and...

Student Veterans and Academic Benefits

Abstract The project reviews the main issues faced by U.S. veterans and shows how the Post-9/11 GI Bill aims to address them by offering financial assistance to student veterans. The paper outlines the benefits and limitations of the policy and provides specific recommendations for improvement. In the contemporary political context,...

The Studies of Two-Tone Suppression and Cochlear Non-Linearity

The purpose of this work is to analyze the nature and behavior of cochlear nonlinearity and two-tone suppression under different conditions and at different levels. These processes may happen in the inner ear and cause certain problems with the perception of information by people and other human beings; this is...

Safeguarding and the Bible Perspective

The term ‘safeguarding tendencies’ implies a range of structured actions of an individual determined to protect himself or herself from public criticism or other threats from other people, including both phycological and physical ones. These behavioral patterns are usually referred to as revealing a neurotic nature and lifestyle. There are...

Purnell Model for American Cubans in Miami

American Cubans One of the most successful sub-groups among Hispanics 27% have a bachelor’s degree Lower poverty rate compared to Hispanics Higher income compared to Hispanics Loyal to their traditions, customs, and language Cubans are one of the most successful sub-groups among the citizens of the Hispanic or Latino race...

Difficulties in Communication of Children

Children of between 3-5 years of age that face difficulties in communication often consider playing a core part of their personalities. A challenging situation may stimulate a child refuse from engaging in play. When a kid is bullied by friends while playing, he or she may develop reduced ability to...

How Technology Affects Face-To-Face Interactions

Introduction The 21st century has seen many ways of communication and interactions evolved. Modern technology has made our lives much easier than it was in the past. Nowadays, it is possible to just sit in the house and do your shopping, chat with friends, watch a movie online, do class...

Bullying and Parenting Styles

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there is a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

Contribution of Media Manipulation in Communicating Issues with Special Interests

Information is an integral element required for comprehensive communication and accurate interpretation of messages. The video presented has been useful in understanding the intent of circulating different media content (Attkisson). It notes that most online advertisements intend to dictate human behavior in the consumption of commodities. Developing inaccurate information and...

Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Factors to Consider

Assiduous business professionals will agree to the fact that a multiplicity of factors needs to be considered before any decision to invest at an international level is made. Business entities do not exist in a vacuum; they affect and in turn are affected by various cultural, geographic, physical, legal, political...

Thinking About Retirement: Perceptions of Retirement

Life expectancy is nowadays considerably higher than it was in the previous century thanks to the development of healthcare and society as such. Today the part of the elderly population has grown due to a decrease in fertility rates in developed countries. In the U.S., almost 15% of the population...

Performance Measurements in the Healthcare Organization

My healthcare organization My healthcare organization specializes in ambulatory surgery services, which are offered to both patients with and without appointments (Summit Surgery Center, 2014). There are several departments within the facility. However, the various sections and/or departments are coordinated through the use of a healthcare information system that ensures...

Checklist for Evaluating Internal Controls

Introduction Internal control is a key element that should be incorporated into the operation of a firm. The core objective is to integrate high standards in the operation of a firm. Effective internal control can be conducted through the integration of a checklist (Louwers & Strawser, 2007, p.65). For efficiency,...

US Police Challenges Today: Police Discretion

Introduction Police discretion is essential to the success of an officer and the public at large. Letā€™s not get carried away by the fact that police officers disrespect palpable offenders, but at times on duty, police officers too have to initiate measures to protect innocent lives and property and use...

“White-Collar Crime” Definition and Qualification

White-collar crime can be defined as the crimes which are committed by individuals of respectability and very high social status in the course of their occupation. There have been numerous debates as to what qualifies as a white-collar crime and it generally encompasses a variety of nonviolent crimes that are...

Quantitative Research: Methodology and Main Focus

The strategy uses for this study is going to be quantitative. In quantitative research, your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects usually measured once) or experimental (subjects...

Nintendo Financial Statements and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Nintendo financial statements are lacking corporate social responsibility, which is important in the modern corporate world. This information is vital for the current corporate world Social responsibility. Take two interactive software as a section of social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is described below. Social responsibility concerning the management of...

Management Issues: Discouraging Auditorium Disturbances

In many ways, as members of management, we find we must conform to rules typically referred to as policies, procedures, and/or simple acts of kindness (courtesies). We assume this responsibility as the governing body for the hundreds of guests that we welcome through our doors every day of the year....

Arithmetical Problem-Solving Difficulties of Students

One of the most common complaints among students at all levels has to be one that involves difficulty comprehending the concepts and constructs of mathematics. Each day students are struggling when attempting to arrive at solutions for mathematical problems. Educators and laypersons alike attribute these difficulties to several causes. Among...

Activity-Based Costing Systems: Traditional, Fuzzy, and Monte Carlo Approaches

Summary As a method of managing expenses within an organization, the activity-based costing (ABC) approach has warranted the status of a popular tool for managing accounting issues by transforming indirect costs into direct ones. In their study, Esmalifalak, Albin, and Behzadpoor (2015) scrutinize how the sources of uncertainty associated with...

Scheduling Problems Management: Linear Programming Models

Summary In manufacturing, scheduling issues are concerned with the processes of controlling, arranging, and optimizing both work and workloads. These processes are necessary for allocating the resources of the machinery and plant resources, the staff, raw materials, and planned production processes. Thus, inefficient scheduling can increase production times and costs,...

American Cancer Society: Risk Factors, Effective Care and Enhancing Nursing Knowledge

Introduction The interaction of medical professionals with cancer patients is a topic that is often addressed in the modern world since oncology is one of the most common causes of death. In this regard, care issues play an important role in discussions of potentially effective interventions aimed at minimizing the...

Waiting Lines Situation at Banking Organizations

Summary Queues represent a common occurrence that people can experience in multiple areas of life (Anderson et al., 2016). For example, people who visit banks are often faced with the problem of having to wait in lines to get help from a bank employee. Therefore, queues are highly standard at...

Mental Lexicon and Language Lexicon

A lexicon is a group of words within the same language. Also known as thesaurus, a lexicon arranges the mental vocabulary of a language according to certain values. The lexicon of a language is the groupings of words, expressions, and vocabularies. A personā€™s mental lexicon, or lexical understanding, or idea...

Starting a Small Business

Introduction Business ownership is an inviting opportunity for everyone as its benefits attract people towards financial and personal freedom. Among other factors, it offers the absence of the top management, engagement with different people, and schedule flexibility. In this essay, the thorough description of setting up a small business will...

Aspects of Economic Concepts

Introduction The nominal interest rate is the real interest rate combined with the expected inflation rate. The definition of the ā€˜opportunity costā€™ in nominal interest can be interpreted as the choice between alternatives of either holding the money, which provides payment protection but forgoes the alternative of gaining interest on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Scientific Theory and Other Perspectives

Since time immemorial, science has been an integral part of our lives giving us a better understanding of the reality around us. With science, there have been many incredible changes with some being beneficial while others have been destructive. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that science has been very instrumental...

Juvenile Delinquency: The Marginalized Youths

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. Oxford dictionary defines a delinquency as ā€œbad or criminal behavior usually committed by young peopleā€. The age limit that defines...

Basketball: The History of Popularity

Basketball ā€“ an iconic sport which gathers hundreds of thousands of fans each year in large stadiums while also being the favorite pastime for kids after school. The sport is elegantly simple, two teams of five players each, trying to throw the ball into the basket of their opponent to...

The Analysis of ā€œRaceā€ by Karen Gershon

Every poem is unique in the way it portrays emotions and experiences that have already been reported in the literature. For instance, it may employ different tropes to create a lasting impression. The narrator’s personality, their perspective, is another important tool that allows conveying the message of the poet. This...

Wiki Collaboration: Several Points for the Writers

Wikipedia is an Internet resource from which people can take information and also supplement it by creating new pages or editing current ones. Wikipedia contributors can work in collaboration to create quality content, improve it, and make it more relevant and reliable. Group projects can be more consistent, full, and...

Nutrition and Fitness Case Study: Phoebe, a College Freshman

Phoebe is a typical example of ignorance so far as nutrition and its links to fitness are concerned. She cannot control her diet but suddenly overreaches herself in trying to be fit by playing football that results in injury. Phoebe being young her wound will heal but what should be...

Managed Care Accreditation in the United States

Introduction Managed care refers to the various methods used in the reduction of the costs of health care. The state of managed care in the United States has experienced a metamorphosis. As of now various companies and organizations are involved in the managed care sector. The provision of healthcare services...

Annotated Bibliography: Hypertension and Kidneys

Agarwal, R. (2005). Hypertension and survival in chronic hemodialysis patients-past lessons and future opportunities. Kidney International, 67, 1-13. This study review looks at reverse epidemiology between hypertension and mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. The author conducts a critical analysis of the most recent research studies, which show that there is...

Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner

Probabilistic Reasoning The theme of probability and its reasons is perfectly described in two sources. One of them is the chapter in the book Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner where the author gives several clear and interesting examples and defines the essence of probability in different cases. And another...

Animal Testing in the Modern World

Introduction Animal testing is among high controversial and ethical issues of the modern world, where both commercial and scientific organizations are increasingly generating products, which require extensive testing on model organisms. The concern is manifested in the fact that animals are sentient beings as well, which poses a dilemma in...

Leadership Styles Integration Into the Nursing Practice

Leadership Traits of an Effective Communicator Transparency Accountability Expertise Integrity Empathy Communication is an essential part of leadership, and it requires crucial leadership skills and qualities for successful interaction. There are six basic styles at the intersection of leadership and communication: listening, coaching, teaching, advising, motivating, and directing (Prossack, 2018)....

Homelessness in Imperial Valley

Homelessness usually involves people encountering extreme hardship and desperate situations. More than half a million people become homeless in the United States, just one night (Montgomery et al., 2016). Nearly seven million Americans have so far encountered homelessness; 65% of these are found in homeless shelters as the remaining 35%...

Human Resource Management Selection Practices

For a long time the brand name has been the selling proposition for the big companies in attracting qualified candidates for jobs. This no longer works and internet has emerged as the most suitable tool, thus enabling all companies irrespective of their sizes the opportunity to communicate their job vacancies...

Health Care Systems of the US and China

In this paper, our task is to compare and contrast health care systems in such countries as the United States and the Republic of China. We have chosen these states because they differ significantly in terms of political and socio-economic structure, which immensely influences the functioning of medical institutions. In...

Post-Natal Depression as an Affective Disorder

Postpartum or post-natal depression (PPD) is a serious issue that can potentially be destructive to both infant and mother (Leahyā€Warren, McCarthy, & Corcoran, 2012). The prevalence in the community constitutes around 10-15% (Leahyā€Warren et al., 2012). Given the fragile psychological state of a new mother, there is a necessity for...

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: Aspect of Care

Examining cases from different areas of medicine is a rewarding and beneficial practice for healthcare professionals of all levels. Particularly, Operating Department Practitioners (ODP) should reflect on and review practice as required by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standard 11 of proficiency. It allows us as future practitioners...

Priority-Nursing Diagnoses in Miami

The initial risk that has to be addressed by nurses is the lack of educational information aimed at the reduction of the occurrence of substance abuse. Despite the fact that the cases of alcohol intake have been regarded as infrequent, it should be noted that the lack of education in...

Fall Prevention in Elderly Homes

Introduction Falls among the elderly population staying in nursing homes are common though preventable adverse incidents. According to the Joint Commission (2015), the number of people aged 65 and older is growing at a rapid pace, which corresponds to an increased risk of this group getting injuries from falling. For...

Nursing. Journey North: A Virtual Experience

Journey North provides a great experience of living and working in a northern community. Although the nursing station there resembles any other in the country, the working conditions can be described as extremely tough. The nurses are expected to withstand an enormous amount of stress and be ready to rely...

Concepts: Accountability and Advocacy

A diabetic foot ulcer is a complex condition that requires systematic treatment and attention on the part of the healthcare team. The role of the nurse is associated with the continuous oversight and the evaluation of the patient’s condition to develop an appropriate treatment strategy, which can include wound offloading,...

Patricia Brennerā€™s from Novice to Expert Model

Ozdemir, N. G. (2019). The development of nursesā€™ individualized care perceptions and practices: Brenner’s novice to expert model perspective. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(2), 1279-1285. This article analyzes the relation between individualized nursing care as a quality indicator in nursing conducive to positive outcomes. The articleā€™s central premise is...

The Correlation Between Literature and Empathy

Formerly reading used to be one of the principal ways to divert oneself. Rapid technological development and the growing entertainment industry may have changed the way people approach their leisure. The decline of reading is an ongoing phenomenon that results from profound changes in how investing one’s time is viewed....

Leadership Style in Medical Career

The situational leadership for the three realities of healthcare organizations: A pperspective view The purpose of the article is to discuss the benefits of the situational leadership approach under the realities of healthcare organizations (HCO). First, the author describes situational leadership, especially from the view of the path-goal theory. The...

Mandatory HIV Testing for All Pregnant Women

Ensuring health of the nation required component activities to ensure universal access to prevention and treatment of HIV significant reduction in HIV-related morbidity and mortality maximizing the ability of people with HIV to access treatment preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (Bulled, 2016) support the concept of ā€œuniversal accessā€ to knowledge...

Eliezer’s Image in the Mirror in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

A book called Night by Elie was written out of reflections of events that took place during the Holocaust when many Jewish men, women, and children were killed in what went down as the greatest atrocity in the history of the world. The book is a literary work that puts...

Legislators in Policy Development and Dissemination

There are multiple legislators and governmental sections, directly and indirectly, involved in the policy development to regulate the usage of alternatives for decreasing opioids misuse. The U.S. Congress has established and disseminated the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act that provides the available approaches and treatment options to overcome the crisis...

Opium: Legal and Illegal Use

The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) also known as bread seed poppy is a flowering plant. The plant can reach 3-16 feet tall with lobed silver-green foliage and blue-purple flowers that are approximately 5 inches wide. Seeds are held in a spherical capsule topped by a disk with the stigmas of...

Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching

American Heart Association (briefly AHA) – is an American non-profit organization and voluntary agency founded in 1924. Its area of activity includes sponsoring medical research and creating projects to inform the population about a healthy lifestyle. The association set itself to contribute to the prevention of deaths and diseases arising...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ā€œJazzā€ by Toni Morrison

Introduction Any literature masterpiece is composed of numerous layers and themes, which supplement each other and give it new tones and accents. One can read a book looking for some evident events and the plot lying on the surface. However, this approach will not ensure a profound understanding of the...

Civil vs. Criminal Law and Differences Between Them

People are governed by laws that are either set by the community or the state. In many cases criminal law is the most common type of law that people are familiar with. There is another type of law called the civil law, which is not known to many people. But...

Analysis of Litigation Between Dan Black and Columbia Pictures

The case under analysis is a complex one as far as the causes for action, the parties, and the jurisdictions of the litigation might be different depending on the laws and their interpretation by court in a certain way. On the one hand, the parties involved in the litigation are...

What is a UAS Pieces Map

The best ideal module for the design effort for independent control is writing an intricate algorithm with the capacity to effectively direct the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) past barriers. The component will autonomously guide the UAV through a pre-planned track according to the mission. The current project uses a limited...

The Modes of Persuasion in ā€œLetter From Birmingham Jailā€

The persuasion of the speech is often assessed by standards set by the great philosopher Aristotle. He divided the structure of an effective pitch into logos, ethos, and pathos. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is recognized as one of American history’s most persuasive writings. It was so compelling...

Therapy for Depressive Disorder Symptom Relief

Purpose of the Study The population of elderly people in Turkey and the world is increasing rapidly due to the rise in life expectancy. Old age is linked with several health issues and comorbidities. Depression is one of the most common mental problems associated with old age. It may lead...

Overcoming Communication Barriers in Nursing

Despite the fact that lumbar puncture is a regular procedure in a clinical setting, many patients can have fears and negative preconceptions about it. For this reason, a nurse practitioner can face several communication challenges, for instance, a lack of patients’ understanding of the puncture. A pessimistic perception and a...

Tobacco Product Use Issues

On the first search, I used the phrase “tobacco product use.” To facilitate the relevance of search results, I ticked the boxes for “full-text” and “peer-reviewed” and indicated that my language of choice was English. From the publication date dropdown, I chose “Last 12 months” so that only articles that...

Applications of the Models of Justice: Utilitarian Theory

Utilitarianism is one of the most significant moral theories that aim to assess actions based on their morality. As a form of consequentialism, the utilitarian approach promotes the necessity to evaluate the effects and results of decisions that can be either morally right or wrong (Duignan & West, 2020). Utilitarianism...

Dividend Payout Policy

In this specific case BP is slashing it dividends due to environmental recovery operation in the Gulf of Mexico. The originator of the theory of ā€œDividend Payout Policyā€ Miller and Modigliani had the following assumptions in the theory (Miller and Modigliani 1961). The market structure is of Perfect competition. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Minor History and B. Krugerā€™s ā€œI Shop Therefore I Amā€

Minor History Defined by Branden Joseph Branden W. Joseph introduces the concept of minor history in the first chapter of his book Beyond the Dream Syndicate: Tony Conrad and the Arts After Cage (Joseph, 2011). He uses this concept to place Conrad’s art in a theoretical perspective grasping his endeavors...

Board Leadership in Nursing, Personal Experience

Nursing organizations play a significant in revolutionizing the quality of care available to different patients. They collaborate with like-minded institutions and non-governmental agencies to engage in advocacy and present new concepts to transform practice. Practitioners should make appropriate preparations before being involved in such civic organizations. This paper describes how...

Information Systems Impact on Business Decisions

In the contemporary world, information technologies are becoming increasingly important in all spheres of human life. One of the main aspects in which they prove immensely useful is the creation of information systems ā€“ organizational structures designed to store and use information effectively for a given purpose. Information systems may...

Patient Care Standards Application

Standards of care as developed both in local organizations and through state and federal policy are critical to maintaining a safe and high-quality level of patient care. These standards of care are commonly based on evidence-based research or the experience of health care professionals. Healthcare organizations are expected to provide...

Health Behavior Theories

The role of a competent nurse practitioner not only implies health care delivery, but it additionally includes specific interventions that coach, teach, inform, and mentor patients in order to achieve their health goals. It goes without saying that the in-depth examination of human behaviors related to health that are connected...

The Process of Public Policy Formulation’ Article by Freed et al.

The Process of Public Policy Formulation: The Case of Thimerosal in Vaccines is a Journal article written by Freed et al. The article discusses the emergence of Thimerosal as a concern in vaccination programs in the US. Successful immunization programs have significantly reduced cases of vaccine-preventable ailments. Thus, the article...

Nursing Metaparadigms and Culturally Proficient Care

Nursing is a discipline and a practice profession that requires individuals involved in it to practice holistic health care that is guided by the principles of human freedom, responsibility, and choice. It is expected that nurses would use clinical judgment and critical thinking in order to facilitate evidence-based care to...

Uniform Crime Report: Term Definition

Uniform Crime Report is a reporting system that is summarized with data concerning different geographic levels in a State. The data that is reported in Uniform Crime Report is officially represented to the agencies that enforce law and order. These agencies are therefore required to forward that report to the...

Barriers to Practice: Advanced Practice Nurses

Despite the 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (previously Institute of medicine) Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) continue to struggle against barriers of practice (Schober, 2019). APNs with the same national certification and educational preparation face various restrictions when relocating from one state to another, thus limiting their scope...

Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

Nursing as a professional has continued to evolve overtime. In the process of evolution, nursing cannot do so without involving advancement in information technology. Information is the main and valuable resource in the field of health care. It is a concept that is changing the manner in which healthcare organization...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s Concert in March 2020

Ladysmith Black Mambazo is the worldwide famous African male choral group with more than fifty years of performance history. In 2020, the singers were forced to cancel their tour due to the pandemic and death of the group’s founder, Joseph Shabalala (Ladysmith Black Mambazo). However, Ladysmith Black Mambazo gave one...

Philosophy of Care as a Nurse

For many people, nursing is a field that represents the very essence of caring and compassion. In such a challenging profession, it is vital to have empathy, and a desire to help those who cannot take care of themselves. However, nursing philosophy is much more complicated than this; it includes...

Data Integrity and Standardized Nursing Languages

Information gathered by a healthcare team has a significant impact on a clientā€™s care, and the integrity and accuracy of this data are obligatory. Software and hardware enable the workers to check, manage and store the electronic records. Standardized nursing languages prevent possible misinterpretations of data collected using different methods...

Online Learning and Studentsā€™ Mental Health

The accelerated development of technologies made online learning possible, allowing many students who would not have had a possibility to study otherwise, in a face-to-face setting, to continue their education. Access to a number of courses and educational opportunities also has been granted by this phenomenon. Online learning can be...

Using Telehealth Services: Issues and Con-Position

Introduction In the post-discharge period, patients require the attention of their healthcare providers in terms of effective follow-up procedures and overall monitoring. Physical examinations are an essential part of this process because they show a cohesive ā€˜picture’ of how a patient is recovering. Despite the usefulness of telehealth services in...

Approach to Viewing Race and Race Relations: Critical Race Theory

What is Critical Race Theory? Critical race theory is an interdisciplinary approach to viewing race and race relations, and the conceptualization of race on which the theory operates is that race is a social construct created by a dominant cultural group. The main objective of this theory is to explore...

Nurse Education Today: Professional Improvement

Introduction With the continuing expansion of healthcare systems, accommodating new patients, treatments, and technologies, education for medical professionals has become critical. Nurses, who are on the frontlines and facing new challenges, require additional knowledge. The management of chronic diseases and injuries requires sophisticated and modern methods or treatments. Therefore, the...

Consequences of Plagiarism: Punishments and Reduction of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, much like the phenomenon of ghostwriting, has evolved and expanded in popularity over the past few decades. Plagiarism involves stealing other peopleā€™s ideas without acknowledging the authors correctly. In the age of the prime value and importance of intellectual property, plagiarism is seemingly becoming a widely recognized disease of...

Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

The Importance of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare Teamwork in healthcare contributes to better patient health outcomes. Clinical staff and administration of healthcare organizations must work collaboratively. Alignment with the guidelines for effective interprofessional collaboration is key to performance improvement. Adherence to four competencies of interprofessional collaboration sets high service quality...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The year 2019 will forever be engraved in many peopleā€™s hearts and minds as the time when a deadly virus known as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) invaded almost all the sectors, thereby disrupting daily activities. It is described as a communicable respiratory illness which is triggered by a new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Privacy and National Security Concerns

With the development of modern technologies all over the world, numerous challenges for governments and their citizens appear. One of the most widespread problems is the lack of a balance between the privacy of personal data and national security. The government struggles to provide protection for its citizens and curb...

Net Neutrality ā€“ A Free Internet

Net neutrality regulations are critical to the openness and innovation of the Internet. It is a concept that has been built into the creation of the Internet since its foundations almost 30 years ago. Without net neutrality, major internet service providers (ISP) the likes of Verizon and Comcast would be...

The Legal Principles and Their Contribution to Business

Identification and application of the legal principles are significant for businesspersons. Practical, realistic, case-study approach will contribute to future prosperity and reduction of conflicts. To know the legal environment of business is very useful in terms of understanding both rights and obligations. Constitutional concepts and clauses along with activities of...

The Prevalence of Fiber-Implicated Diseases

This short essay examines the evidence for diseases in which lack of fiber in the diet is implicated and what these imply for health education. Both the National Academy of Sciences(NAS) Institute of Medicine and the British Nutrition Foundation have issued guidelines recommending from 12 to 18 grams intake of...

Incarcerated Peopleā€™s Work in the USA

There are over 2 million incarcerated people in prisons of the United States, and approximately half of them work. Many prisons have job-training programs, which allow putting the incarcerated people to labor. This system has existed in the United States since the end of the 19th century. Today, there are...

Issue of Stress in Nursing Practice

The issues of stress caused by workplace violence in nursing practice require special consideration because of their direct relation to the effectiveness of employees’ efforts and the quality of health care services. The main sources of nursesā€™ professional hazards include both internal (patients and co-workers) and external (robbers or terrorists)...

Pride Definitions in The Bible and Everyday Life

Pride is a complex word and a concept that can be rather ambiguous. It corresponds to two polarly different meanings, and finding a line between them may be difficult at times. The first interpretation of this term which comes to mind is connected to the one from the Bible, where...

“Going to Meet the Man” Story by James Baldwin

Koritha Mitchell’s Living with Lynching and James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man” In the book Living with Lynching, Koritha Mitchel studies the so-called ā€œlynching dramaā€ and the role that lynching played in the American culture. She claims that the depictions of racial violence produced by the black and white...

Walter Benjamin as a Marxist Criticist of Art

Argument Critics of the Marxist approach comprehended art as a form of social production and realization. For them, it is not an intellectual, idealistic phenomenon but an instrumental social practice. A genuinely revolutionary artist, therefore, always deals not only with a work of art but also with the means of...

Aspects of Child Adoption

Introduction Whenever a child is required to be adopted, letters of recommendation are sought from people who are known to the applicant. The recommendation letter justifies why the applicant is a fit case for adopting a child and why he or she will prove to be a good parent. The...

Math: Functional Analysis

ā€œFunctions are mathematical ideas that take one or more variables and produce a variable. You can think of a function as a cook that takes one or more ingredients and cooks them up to make a dish. Depending on what you put in, you can get very different things outā€....

The Concept of the ā€œWar on Drugsā€

The “war on drugs” is a policy term in the United States that describes the government’s longstanding campaign aiming to combat drug trafficking and drug use, both on the domestic and international levels. The US governmentā€™s measures included prohibitive legislation, military assistance to other states in the fight against drug...

Microsoft Corporation: Anti-trust Claims

Microsoft Corporation is a popular target for private antitrust claims. The claims increased due to government action against Microsoft (Delta & Matsuura, 2004). The courts of appeal agreed on the government claims that Microsoft had monopoly power in the PCs (stands for Personal Computers) market, its network effects and the...

Advocacy in Nursing: The Process of Healthcare Policymaking

Introduction In the course of their jobs, nurses have to advocate for the patients and the profession. Nurses spend most of their time with patients, and thus they understand the strengths and limitations of the healthcare system from a broad perspective based on firsthand experience. However, nurses are rarely involved...

Vaccinations for Children: Issues and Recommendations for Positive Change

Introduction Evidence-based projects improve nursesā€™ practical skills. They integrate theoretical knowledge into health care. The discussed issue is vaccinations. Vaccines are recommended for children (Alexander, Lacy, Myers, & Lantos, 2016). Some parents are afraid of vaccines. Education about vaccinesā€™ benefits is vital. Importance of Evidence-Based Projects Masterā€™s degrees focus on...

Addiction Among Nurses: Professional and Personal Experience of Nurses

Overview Despite the common delusion that addiction to substances is more typical of marginal or minority population groups, drug and alcohol abuse can be encountered across all social strata, generations, ethnicities, and cultures. The nursing profession is not an exception to this rule. Addiction among nurses is a pressing issue,...

Dealing With Millennial Leaders: Characteristics and Effectiveness

At the end of the 21st century, people began approaching the world in a more complicated manner. Traditional views on leadership, management, and corporative psychology were interchanged by the paradigms that account for the complexity of human character. The context is another crucial factor that influences the ability to lead....

Socrates’ Apology Analysis: Historical Details

Apology of Socrates is a work of Plato that contains a version of Socrates’ speech delivered by him in 399 BC in his defense. This work was one of many apologies written in defense of Socrates against allegations of corruption. This speech is a reliable source of the trial of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Issues of Ice-Fili in the Early 2000s: Case Analysis

Ice-Fili was a top ice cream manufacturer in Russia in 2002. By that time, the company had managed to overcome the consequences of both the Soviet Union dissolution and the financial crisis of 1998. However, the company and its managers also faced a few key issues that deserved specific attention....

Integrated Marketing Campaign Stories: Subaruā€™s Short Video Commercials

Big corporations with well-designed brands, company mission, vision, and values integrate their priorities in captivating messages that they address to their target audience through marketing tools. An integrated marketing campaign (IMC) is a combined set of promotional messages distributed through various channels of communications so that brands can reach their...

The Most Valuable Qualities of a Person: Definition of Honor

Introduction Honor has always been one of the most valued qualities. Traditionally, it had been associated with noble people who had to act in a particular way to be honored. Today, the given concept can be applied to all people regardless of their status or position in society. However, it...

Crime Causation Theories: Contrastive Analysis

The crime level has been a severe issue for society since the genesis of the worldā€™s earliest civilizations. However, it was only in the 19th century when various scholars decided to examine patterns of behavior and social environment of the criminals in order to establish regularities between those factors and...

Empowerment Measures in Health Promotion

Health is the basic value for the modern human society as far as health assures peopleā€™s living and personal development. Therefore, the modern activists and social organizations like International Union for Health Promotion and Education take their time to promote health, healthy way of life, and the ways in which...

Explanation of the Radicalization

With the development of the Internet, many terrorist organizations, which are associations of people with the most radical ideas, have actively recruited individuals. This trend leads to increased instability in the public life of the state. Structural decision-making in the political, social, and religious aspects helps localize radical movements and...

Postpartum Psychological Disorders

Postpartum psychological disorders include mild conditions, known as ā€œbaby blues,ā€ postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis. The risks of complications increase due to the history of psychological disorders, labor complications, unintended pregnancy, unmarried status, or marital discord (Perry & Hockenberry, 2018). Postpartum psychosis requires significant attention as ā€œinfanticide and suicide are...

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is one of Americaā€™s principal membership organizations for managers and executives working in the field of healthcare financial management. In excess of 35,000 affiliates comprising of a range of leaders, from CFOs to managers to accountants, hold HFMA as a much appreciated thought leader with...

Algebra Development: Rhetoric, Syncopated and Symbolic Stages

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships, structures, and quantities. Elementary algebra is a category of algebra that is concerned with solving arithmetic, operands, and arithmetic equations. Historians associate the origin of algebra to the early priests in Babylon four thousand years back. Algebra is known to have...

Fashion Design as a Major

Fashion design has long become global and spans across a multitude of industries, including clothing, modeling, retailing, and advertising. Clothes have functions besides covering the basic needs of human beings today. They serve as a way to express oneself, and sometimes they may be used as a communication channel. Graphic...