Health-Related Lobbyists and Health Care Reforms

Health-related lobbyists consist of health professionals, pharmaceuticals, and health associations responsible for agitating better policies and conditions for the health sector. Through their efforts, the country gives priority to challenges identified in the health sector. As a result, health-related lobbyists demand a substantial amount of finance to support their services....

Descriptive Business Statistics of Mobile Users

Description of mobile users Descriptive statistics are useful in summarizing data (Levine, Krehbiel and Berenson, 2010). Some of the most common types of descriptive statistics include meaning, mode and median (Francis, 2004). Mean refers to the average of a data sample while the mode is the most frequent observation in...

Tesla’s Stock Prices Review on Yahoo’s Finance Service

For this week’s assignment, the stock prices of Tesla are reviewed using Yahoo’s Finance service. Tesla is a United States-based company that works in the industry of electric car manufacturing construction and is of the companies owned by Elon Musk. Tesla is a great company, both because it entered a...

Analysis of Amazon Recruitment and Staffing

Introduction Like many other companies in the e-commerce business, Amazon relies on the scale of its operations for profits. Recently, the company has announced that it would hire 7,000 workers to support its operations in the U.S. (Isidore, 2013). In order to manage the quality of service as part of...

Beccaria Philosophies Analysis

Cesare Beccaria was named the first socialist who significantly questioned the state’s right to execute and imprison the citizens. This desire emerged after witnessing many citizens’ cruel and brutal deaths and a man accused of committing sodomy. The male was called Lisette and was viciously dealt with by the state....

Animal Behavior of a Snake

Snakes are a widespread species that can be found in almost every part of the planet. While many people find them dangerous and even have phobias associated with snakes, they are interesting animals worthy of researchers’ attention. Due to the snakes’ inaccurate portrayal in media and culture, the general population...

Methods for Avoiding Relapse

Introduction Human beings have used pscychoactive substances to alter mood and induce pleasure since prehistoric times. The complexities of today’s world have however contributed to the accelerated use of drugs and alcohol therefore leading to an epidemic of chemical dependency. The prevalence of this problem can to an extent be...

Palliative Care in Nursing

Introduction Palliative care refers to specialized care given to people suffering from terminal illnesses in order to improve their quality of life and reduce suffering. Generally, people suffering from terminal illnesses are incapable of supporting themselves, either physically or psychologically, thus tending to require a lot of support from family...

Data Mining Approaches in Logistics and SCM

The efficiency of data mining in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is becoming increasingly prominent and crucial for business success. SCM involves coordinating production, distribution, and transportation processes both within and outside the company to improve its performance (Sener et al. 2019). Generally, these activities entail a considerable amount of data,...

How News Spread on Social Media Contests Based News Organizations

With the development and widespread use of communication technologies and the internet, social media becomes an extremely influential source of information. For example, the events of the Arab Spring (2010-2012) were largely stimulated by social media since some participants in protests had high levels of Internet usage, which allowed them...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Doctoral Methods of Scientific Inquiry

Doctoral methods of scientific inquiry aims at enabling the inquirer to unveil new information pertaining to particular subject from his/her perspectives of view at the same time not negating the prior scholarly works. The intent is to depict the relevance in conformance or departure from other scientist’s garnered information about...

Practice Change in the University Hospital

Introduction This proposal will describe the interventions which will be needed to reduce the level of noise within one unit of the University Hospital; in particular, the specific aim is to achieve at least 45 percent noise reduction. This task can have several important implications for the welfare patients; for...

Stigma in HIV-Positive Women Article by Sandelowski et al.

The purpose of the study and identification of the problem This article attempts to describe how studies have addressed issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and social class in studying stigma among HIV-positive women. Sandelowski, Barroso, and Voils look at HIV-related stigmas with gender and sexual orientation, race, class-related stigmas. They note...

Institutions Violent – What Should Do and Factors

Introduction Human service professionals often encounter acts of violence in their daily work. James, Gilliand, and James (2008) have noted that violent behaviors in institutions are mainly precipitated by such elements as gender, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, gangs, as well as deinstitutionalization. Increased cases of violence have been...

Christian Mission Methodology

The successful expansion of ideas and beliefs relies heavily on the methodology chosen by those who embark on this mission. The purpose of each Christian missionary is to transmit the ideas provided in the Gospel to a new audience, taking into consideration its cultural code and particularities. The effective choice...

Family in Bambara’s ”Raymond’s Run” & So’s ”Three Women of Chuck’s Donuts”

Kindred significantly contribute to the character, values, beliefs, identity and status of an individual. When kindred suffer loss due to divorce, illness or death of an individual the impact is felt by others. In Toni Cade Bambara’s short story, “Raymond’s Run,” the protagonist shows how she relates with her brother...

The Tech Temps Company’s Stock and Bond Valuation

To describe the stock and bond valuations that Tech Temps Company should invest in, it is essential to comprehensively analyze the factors affecting such valuations. This begins from their respective definitions of the individual terms and how the companies’ current financial status and objectives will influence buying specific stocks or...

Issue of the Sharing of Finances

The sharing of finances in work relations and among relatives was an economic inefficiency that existed before the invention of mobile transfer services in Kenya. Therefore, M-PESA has resolved this challenge by enhancing money circulation. This mobile money service provider offers a safe, secure, and cheap transfer of funds. For...

Scarcity Principle: Important Tool in Marketing

Introduction The scarcity principle is an important tool in marketing and negotiations involving rival parties. The principle relies on the motivation generated out of fear of losing something which makes people to act. Scarcity can arise because of limitation in supply of a commodity or lack of time, prompting individuals...

Limited Liability Corporation and Limited Liability Partnership

Introduction For any business the organizational set up plays a pivotal role in the growth of business. Limited liability of ownership is originally associated with corporate set ups; but the same features with some modifications have also been applied in limited liability partnerships. There are other positive and negative features...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tradition in “Everyday Use” by Walker and “The Lottery” by Jackson

During the semester, several works were studied. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson were exciting pieces of literature. The “Everyday Use” is a short story that highlights the plight of African -Americas who were trying to redefine their social, cultural, and political identity. It mainly...

Antagonistic Objects in the Short Stories

An antagonist is a character who opposes the main one on the way to achieve goals. The antagonist-protagonist opposition is one of the possible driving forces of the central conflict of literature work. The actions of the antagonist not only create obstacles that the protagonist must overcome but can also...

Brief Description of the Paricutín Volcano

The Paricutín volcano is the one of youngest on Earth and belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. It is situated in the central part of Mexico in the state of Michoacan, 322 km from Mexico City. The eruption occurred from 1943 to 1952 in the Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field (Larrea et...

Plessy V Ferguson and the 14th Amendment

Introduction One of the landmark US Supreme Court decisions upholding the validity of racial segregation was Plessy v Ferguson. It was an 1896 case whose ruling was based on separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was a 7/8 Caucasian man who refused to sit in a train car meant for...

The Social Aspects Affecting Faith Ringgold’s Art

Introduction In the words of a great artist, “You can’t sit around and wait for somebody to say who you are. You need to write it and paint it and do it” (Ringgold). Faith Ringgold is one of the most well-known representatives of the modern African American creative community. Her...

Why Diversity Is Important?

Introduction Diversity encompasses a wide range of areas, which might include the workplace, organizations, education, politics, society, and laws. One should be aware that diversity is an essential part of multiculturalism, where a multitude of different cultures co-exists in harmony. Promoting and adhering to the notion takes a substantial effort...

American Shooters in the War Era: Art Comparison

Shooting for the Beef George Caleb Bingham, American, 1811-1879 Medium: Oil on Canvas Dates: 1850 Credit Line: Dick S. Ramsay Fund Accession Number: 40.342 The Songs of the War Winslow Homer, American, 1836-1910 Dates: 1861 Credit Line: Gift of Harvey Isbitts Accession Number: 1998.105.63 The comparison of these two American...

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Mean It by Lauv and LANY

Introduction The modern music industry is so vast and developed that it offers music and music videos for all tastes. The song that the author of this work has chosen to analyze is Mean It. The singers are Lauv and LANY. The author believes that the genre of this song...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain Review

Huckleberry Finn (Huck Finn) is the protagonist of the novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” written by the worldwide known author Mark Twain. Story is focused on the Hucks life path, his adventures and interactions with other characters. Mark Twain displays the boy as the moral center of the novel,...

Mass Rapes Committed by the Soviet Army in the Axis Countries

Wieden, A. (2016). Writing resistance: Anonyma’s narration of rape in A woman in Berlin. Women in German Yearbook, 32, 25-49. Web. This publication is an autobiography that gives firsthand accounts of World War II German rape victims. Anonyma, the narrator, recounts her rape experiences when men were helpless witnesses of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Habitat for the Homeless: Poverty

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful program that seeks to alleviate poverty by helping families with low income acquire a place they can call home. The service’s website data indicates that six out of ten children in the North Omaha metro area live in abject poverty (“Building a Better Community,”...

Real Estate Judgement Summary

The case presented by the United States Attorney General seeks a determination of whether the mineral reservation law on patents holds under the 1916 Stock-Raising Homestead Act. This is after the district court held that owners of a disputed land did not hold valid ownership rights due to the Mineral...

Vietnam’s Legislation Process and Criminal Code

A country’s legislation plays a crucial role in maintaining safety and high living standards. Therefore, the legislation process should constantly be enhanced in a way that ensures the proper compilation and passing of various laws. Only the high-quality institutions that are capable of performing the abovementioned actions allow for the...

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the successful implementation of evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. A strategy for 22-bed intensive care units in an Australian public tertiary hospital was developed (Aitken et al., 2011). The article provides details of this implementation and it can be regarded as an...

Combat to Corporate: Migrating from Military Leadership to Business

Military leadership and civilian business leadership rely on overlapping sets of leadership skills and personal traits. However, the extent of this overlap is currently uncertain, and veterans transitioning to business leadership positions may face challenges translating their existing skills to their new role. Although the primary topic of the research...

The Creation of an Effective Team

Introduction The creation of an effective team within an organization requires considerations of the mission, vision, and strategies of growth within a particular setting. The goal of the plan is to create a team that would work together over a period of nine months and reach the objectives of the...

Nietzsche’s Ideas: God and True Virtue

Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche, the outstanding German philosopher of the 19th century, left behind a rich academic heritage and became one of the founders of irrationalism as a philosophical doctrine. One of his well-known works is Thus Spake Zarathustra, the story about a wandering preacher who promotes the doctrine of the...

The Positioning of Systematic Theology

In a detailed discussion of the differences in existing approaches to the study of the Bible, it is worth emphasizing the nature of the object understudy in the first place. Strictly speaking, theology itself involves studying the nature of God and the religious beliefs that enable followers to believe in...

The O. J. Simpson Trial Case

The case of OJ Simpson is one of the most complex and confusing cases that happened to the US courts. The arrest and consecutive trial of the former NFL star generated a mass media frenzy. All of the participants of the case received high publicity and even people outside the...

The Long Term Effects of Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism attacks have become very common in today’s world especially with the increasing conflicts of power and the increase in financial difficulties in the globe. Many terrorist groups have been formed whose main agenda is cause violence in order to achieve certain political or religious goals. Loss of lives...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Introduction to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System

Introduction Health education in the United States of America has undergone major transformation regard the way it is undertaken in pursuit of improving the health status and wellness of the population. Health education in the United States of America is influenced by health care structure and health care policy. Impact...

Oppressive Gender Norms and Roles

Introduction Social roles are often enforced through the cultural upbringing of children, religious beliefs, and legal laws. In the 19th century, a group of feminists decided to oppose the derogative gender expectations that were designed to domesticate and suppress women (Allen 207). Different avenues, including the media, Constitution, and street...

The Quest for Freedom: William Blake and Fredrick Douglass

Romantic poets such as William Blake believed human imagination could counter scientific principles that defined reality using material objects. Blake believes that this view of the world is limiting, seeing as happiness depends on an individual’s ability to recreate their environment in their mind. People shape their understanding of events...

Gardasil: Vaccine Against Human Papillomaviruses

Introduction Health care is a rather important sphere of human life. The progress of medicine allows people nowadays to work on inventing the cures and treatments for such serious diseases as cancer. Needless to say, there are people who support and oppose the newly found cures. The article Public Radio...

Analysis of Beethoven’s Concerts

For my analysis, I have chosen two concertos in which Beethoven is performed: the first is Beethoven’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (performed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra). The second is Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra). In the first case, the concert hall is small; it...

Internal Accountability Mechanisms

The City Council hearing in Newark, presented by Jacoby and Bourg (2016) as a documentary episode, raises the issues of power abuse by police officers and the facts of unreasonable threats to the population. According to the speakers involved, the major problems concern the breadth of powers of the local...

How My Life Values Have Transformed After the Global Lockdown

Life is full of surprises; we all know this, and yet are never ready for them. Coronavirus pandemic was indeed a surprise that brought fears, losses, unexpected discoveries, and controversial decisions. When there is a burden of doing the same thing day by day, it feels that nothing is going...

Nursing Leadership, Care, and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction A nurse’s profession is challenging, and those who have chosen it are presented with at least four types of requirements: professional competence, physical endurance, decency, and constant improvement of skills and knowledge. Professional competence is essential for successful work, continuous improvement of skills and expertise provides an opportunity to...

Analysis of Problem-Oriented Policing and Community-Oriented Policing

With globalization, immigration, and urbanization taking the lead, as a part of the global evolution, police need to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the general public. For police to foster friendliness with the general public, they mainly implement Problem Oriented Policing or Community Oriented Policing. In this essay, I discuss,...

Yemen Crisis: Causes and Outcomes

Yemen is topping the list of International Rescue Committee (IRC) countries that are being watched due to the increased civil war that has been going on for five years. The civil war has seen 3.65 million people being displaced in Yemen since 2015. Also, about 24 million Yemeni nationals are...

The Personal Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes of an Individual

Introduction This paper is about the evaluation and summary of an article published in the Journal of Sexuality and Disability in November 2000. The article, “Sexuality and the chronically ill older adult: A social justice issue”, is an attempt to describe and analyze the complicated relationship between the personal sexual...

Terrorism Current Events

Terrorist attacks have for a long time troubled world peace and culminated to loss of lives, property destruction, destabilized governments and resulted in economic paralysis. In Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorist groups have sizable control of regions from which they conduct their operations. In 2011, various terrorist attacks have...

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

The Hazy London and Its Dwellers The small excerpt depicts the scenery of London in the 19th century. The central streets are small, quiet, and clean from dust. Nonetheless, it is just an illusion of a prosperous city. The text suggests that people are unhappy and unsatisfied with the situation...

Pollution as a Global Challenge

Pollution is a global environmental problem that diminishes the quality of life of communities across the world. Whereas several initiatives have been made toward environmental contamination management, the limited political will has slowed down the administration processes. Pollution affects the ecosystem by interfering with ecological biodiversity and jeopardizes communities’ health...

AI: Agent Human Interactions

Introduction Computer scientists have in recent years come up with ways of solving problems that occur in the real life situations by use of computers. Artificial intelligence is the field that computer scientists have concentrated much on so as to achieve intelligent agent software. It is a study whereby computer...

Religion and Colonialism in the History of the USA

The desire by European powers such as Britain, French, and Spanish to spread religion led to the colonization of America. The three colonial powers were initially in the same political camp and ironically used religion as a weapon to strengthen overseas colonies. It was also evident that these colonial masters...

Diagnostics: Cognitive Disorders

Introduction This paper was about a very interesting article published in the spring of 2004 at the British Journal of Nursing by two prominent authors, Thomas Aird and Michelle McIntosh. Thomas is a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing of the London South Bank University and Michelle is a senior...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery

Description of the Agile Team Model The Agile Team (AT) model is an innovative model that can be implemented in acute care delivery to improve the quality of care offered. This is a model that has been introduced as a replacement for a model that was referred to as the...

Social Security Retirement Fund System: Analysis

Introduction Ensuring that aging people have a decent life of the required quality is an essential part of the government’s function. However, in light of the recent developments in the global economic and financial field, as well as on local levels, some of the present frameworks for supporting the aging...

“The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion” by Oates

“The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion” by Stephen B. Oates is a book that depicts the rebellion led by Turner in 1831. Religion and the Bible play an essential role in understanding the context of the uprising. For slaveowners, the Bible justified their actions towards African Americans. Similarly,...

The Relations Between God and Contemporary Culture

Outline The aspect of religion where God is the superior Being has continued to diminish in contemporary culture. This modern culture is characterized by many technological developments in which man is the main innovator. The ability of a human being to influence creation has made him feel superior to the...

Violinist Analogy in Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion”

Introduction The practice of abortions is one of the most debatable issues on the social agenda. Even though this discussion has been one of the earliest in the feministic narrative, the public opinion on it stays ambiguous. According to the Pew Research Center studies, during the last 25 years, about...

The Use of the Internet to Solve Crimes

Introduction Law enforcement agencies have in the recent past turned to using the internet as a way of solving crimes. This has been accelerated by the increased rate of online as well as complicated crimes that are taking place. Internet use as a way of solving crime has also been...

Nursing Staffing Ratio and Patient Safety & Care

Description of Nursing Staffing Ratio The nurse staffing ratio in the health facility emergency department has been a global concern. According to Strachan-Hall (2017), the patient’s safety is directly proportional to the number of nursing staff; the lesser the nurse-to-patient ratio, the higher death instances. In most global states, individual...

The Importance of Community Health Education

Contribution of Community Health to Addressing the Causes of Death of Young People The health efforts the community makes can affect the leading causes of death for adolescents and the adults in many ways. Adolescents aged between ten and fourteen years have the lowest risk of death compared to other...

Psychology of Relationships: Case Analysis

I worked at a small IT company where creativity was valued, but one of my attempts to offer new ideas resulted in worsening my relationship with the boss. We frequently had brainstorming sessions where the thoughts about our product development have been assessed and discussed. The boss valued the openness...

The Impact of the Locke’s Democratic Theory on the Contemporary Governance

Introduction John Locke (1632-1704) is one of the most influential classical democratic theorists whose ideas have defined the modern theory of democracy. John Locke is famously known as the father of classical liberalism. His writings on democracy are still influential in modern society, especially in the United States (Forstron, 2010)....

Commercial Success of the Movie Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians is an American romantic comedy film that hit the screens in 2018 and became an instant success. The highest-grossing romantic comedy of the last ten years, Crazy Rich Asians, was directed by Jon M. Chu and written by Peter Chiarelli and Adele Lim. The screenplay was adapted...

Case Study: Important Business and Managerial Problems

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, business owners should address a range of details concerning various fields in order to make their enterprise profitable and popular with customers. In addition, they are highly likely to encounter challenges, which are difficult to be found an appropriate solution. Therefore, the purpose...

Researching Cryptocurrency and Mathematics

Brief History of Cryptography The development of civilization provided the need for encryption of data and its secret transmission. Thus, cryptography was used in early states such as ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At that time, the primary method of encrypting information was the substitution of symbols (Dooley, 2018). In more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Living On-campus vs. Living Off-campus When Attending University Comparison

Introduction While entering a university, students have to choose where they would live, either on campus or another place. Since both campus and off-campus options have advantages and disadvantages, this choice becomes quite complicated. Students often pay attention to such issues as costs, locations, comfort, meals, and so on. Although...

American and Chinese Cultures and Communication

Most ethnicities have habits, customs, and rules that may seem strange to representatives of other cultures. These habits often form a stereotype that cannot determine all representatives of the culture; for example, all Russians drink vodka. At the same time, some of the stereotypes are annoying but do not bring...

“Coordination-Induced Condensation of [Ta6O19]8−” by Abramov

Introduction One of the areas of polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry that has had very little research is the solution chemistry of polyoxotantalates. One of the main chemical components in this area comprises the hexatantalates. The chemical species [Ta6O19]8−, which is a positively charged ion, has immense stability in elevated pH. The...

Educating the Client on Diabetes Medications

Interview Findings In order to ascertain the reasons for polypharmacy, an interview was conducted with a client who takes several medications at once. Every precaution was taken to ensure the interviewee’s comfort, including the lack of recording equipment and information privacy. A client is a man struggling with Type 2...

The Academic Field of Nursing Science

Introduction In the past few decades, the academic field of nursing science has evolved in terms of its philosophies, theories, and ethics. Especially, the latter decade has witnessed a specific focus on theory-guided practice models and caring relationships as the foundation of professional nursing. Nurses normally have to weigh between...

Philosophy of Nursing Leadership: Transformational Leadership Philosophy

Introduction Presently, the modern economic environment has changed from what it was in the past. The poor state of the economy impacts nursing practices in several ways from budget cuts to layoffs and service delivery. The success of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to the prevailing economic...

Electronic Resources in Healthcare

Introduction In the modern world, medical personnel’s awareness of the latest technologies is one of the significant points in the development of healthcare. Electronic resources are increasingly used instead of physical libraries, due to high availability, access to data anytime and anywhere, and mobility, meaning the ability to store a...

Reflection Paper on Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group that assists alcohol addicts to break from their drinking habits and stay sober for the rest of their lives. Alcohol Anonymous (AA) gives the successful candidate an opportunity to mentor other people struggling with alcohol problems. According to Kneisl & Trogoboff (2013), the program...

Montley Fool Money Guide: A Book’s Review

Introduction Montley Fool Money Guide is a book that has been authored by Selena Maranjian and a foreward by David Gardner. It is an educative book that gives an insight about saving, spending and investing. The author tries to bring out the foolish things people do with their money and...

How Technologies Can Enhance the Teaching Models

Information and communications technology (ICT) found its way into the classroom, and it is impossible to imagine the modern educational process without it. The teaching models also adopted technologies to serve a specific purpose relevant to the aspect they emphasize. However, due to their shared characteristics that facilitate learning, ICT...

HIV in Adolescent Population: Healthy Promotion Intervention Plan

Intervention Background Statistics shows that many representatives of the adolescent population are under a threat of getting HIV infection. African American males are under the influence of the living conditions and the events taking place around. They live with single parents, do not have a chance to get the desirable...

Root Cause Analysis of Refusal of Immunization

Contracting a disease, especially a severe one, and not being able to afford the necessary treatment is considered to be one of the most acute fears of a great number of people. Governments and healthcare providers have acknowledged the danger of contagious diseases and launched a mandatory immunization program, which...

The Teaching and Learning of Ethics

Introduction With the rising attention that is being accorded to ethical values both in research studies and specialized practice, there is a need to comprehend the way that such moral principles are attained. There is often the assumption that learners will easily realize necessary obligations as they continue with their...

“Back to My Arms”: A Romantic Poem Analysis

Poem – Back to my Arms In the dark of the midnight, Lay me, eyes open, lacking sleep in the night, Thinking, taxing my mind, wandering the valleys, You crisscross thoughts; within my thoughts are alleys, Wanting to see, hold, and have you again as I remember with nostalgia, The...

Some Aspects of an Organization’s Culture

In my opinion, Gallup’s results fit my general expectation of an excellent organizational culture. For instance, the Coca-Cola Company has remained one of the top global firms because of its employees’ efforts and commitment to upholding its unique culture. Organizational culture reflects an organization’s members’ shared values, beliefs, and ideals....

Effects of Organizational Culture on Communication

Introduction One of my family members once worked for a subsidiary of a famous Japanese manufacturer in the U.S., where the majority of the staff were from Japan. The company had a presence in different spheres ranging from automotive to industrial infrastructure, and I had a chance to witness their...

Measuring the Level of Cultural Awareness

The Importance of Cultural Awareness Cultural awareness is a fundamental element in the proper functioning of modern organizations since it promotes an entity’s vision and mission through the integration of an intercultural workforce. Essentially, the above-mentioned conception involves acquiring knowledge and skills about an individual’s way of life and that...

Grand Nursing Theorist Dorothea Orem

Introduction Dorothea Orem developed one of the major grand theories of nursing in the 1960s and continued to contribute to perfecting it with the help of the nursing academic community. Her self-care deficit theory created a new edge to the scientific and practical interpretation of the nursing profession and inspired...

International Green Marketing in British and Romanian Firms

Gurau and Ranchhod in the article “International green marketing: A comparative study of British and Romanian firms,” written in 2005 discussed that the most basic idea in green marketing is to promote one’s product or operation, so that one’s consumers will know that the company and its products are environmentally...

True Intentions of the Founding Fathers

The transition of the United States from a small and rather helpless group of colonies to one of the most influential powers in the world has been a long journey. Some might argue that it would ultimately have failed if not for the Founding Fathers and their heroic efforts during...

Cyberpunk, Nintendo Switch, and PS5 Advertising Survey

Number of Advertisements and Media Gaming marketers have capitalized on almost all social media and video platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, and Pinterest. For this research, I viewed five advertisements for each game on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram for a day. The promotions were similar on...

Marriage and Family Therapy and Pharmacological Treatment

Therapy and counseling have now become valuable tools in terms of handling one’s issues and maintaining overall mental health to live a fulfilling life. However, while some people prefer to handle these issues on their own by vising individual therapy, others feel that marriage and family therapy would be more...

Personality and Communication Styles in the Workplace

Introduction The uniqueness of individual differences goes beyond personal appearances to personality. Personality entails how different people act and react in given situations. The personality style of an individual is more natural but also influenced by many other factors such as cultural orientation, interaction with other people and challenges faced....

Daly’s Predictive Cluttering Inventory

The Predictive Cluttering Inventory is an assessment tool that is used to diagnose cluttering. The Predictive Cluttering Inventory was developed by David Daly and Robert Cantrell, and the variant of their assessment protocol appeared in 2006 (Van Zaalen-op’t Hof, Wijnen, & Dejonckere, 2009). Still, the assessment became known as Daly’s...

Black Lives Matter as a Sociological Issue

Event Background Today’s society and media context, in general, are replete with events that tend to interfere with the fundamentals of ethics and sociological issues. In fact, every single endeavor that takes place in the world has the ability to be assessed from a sociological perspective. However, one of the...

Autism in the “A Boy Called Po” by Asher

Summary of Po’s Experience Autism is a developmental disability characterized by significant communication, social, and behavioral challenges among affected individuals, and in most cases, it begins from early childhood. As a result, patients interact, communicate, and behave in manners different from other healthy individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...

Affordable Care Act for North Carolina Uninsured Population

In the recent past, health insurance coverage has become a legal mandate to all U.S citizens and legal immigrants courtesy of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Act has various provisions that set the new guidelines for the health insurance industry, ensure the expansion of the health insurance market, and...

Navigating Ethics of Patient Confidentiality

Ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality There are some responsibilities and ethical considerations that nurses are required to observe at any given time. One such consideration is maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the medical information gathered from patients (Erickson & Millar, 2005). If the information is to be...

“A Guide to Taking Patient’s History” by Lloyd & Craig

Introduction Taking a patient’s history is many times crucial for their diagnosis and subsequent treatment. That is why hospitals and treating institutions tend to give much importance to the history of patients. Precisely, because of this importance, it is crucial to have a good patient history-taking process. The medical history...

Girls with Obesity: Hospital-Based Intervention

Childhood obesity is one of the major public health concerns in the USA. It has been estimated that approximately 17% of American children and adolescents are overweight or obese (Schapiro et al., 2019). This health condition has negative effects on students’ physical and mental state, which can have negative effects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Growing Veganism Trend: Animal Rights Protection

In recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of people who chose to lead vegan lifestyles. Whether it is a shift to plant-based diets or advocacy for animal rights, veganism has grown both as a term and an idea. It is now frequently described as a...

Discussions on Cole, Lynch and Cugnoni’s Paper on Nursing

Introduction This paper was about a very interesting article published in the month of June 2006 by the Journal of Nursing Standards, an internationally recognized journal dealing with the latest development in nursing and medical science. Its authors are Cole, Lynch and Cugnoni. Elaine Cole is a lecturer on nursing...

Incremental Cost-Effectiveness in Medicine

Introduction In healthcare, analysis of healthcare resource expenditure relative to the expected medical benefits is helpful in setting priorities and healthcare decision-making. It involves a systematic analysis of the costs, benefits and effectiveness of public health investment alternatives. Cost-effectiveness analysis is important in the determination of efficient medical choices and...

Ideal Moral Community Outline

While the projects of ideal moral communities usually turn out to be utopias more or less unachievable in practice, there are still reasons why people keep designing them. A project of an ideal moral community, even if never realized in practice, is a manifestation of a person’s ethical beliefs and...

Healthcare Accreditation and Licensing

Introduction Patients’ safety and well-being are some of the most crucial components in any healthcare system. Accreditation is a practice aimed to assess this component of in-hospital care as well as the overall quality of provided care against established standards. Certification of accreditation guarantees patients and stakeholders that a healthcare...

The Issues of Aging Population

Over the past few decades, the birth rate in the world has been steadily declining while life expectancy has been growing. The aging population is one of four global demographic trends, along with population growth, international migration, and urbanization, which have a long-term impact on the development of the world....

Artificial Sweeteners and Their Misrepresentation

Introduction Sugar is considered a cornerstone of many health issues that plague modern civilization. It is a known fact that Americans consume an excessive amount of sugar every day. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose, or cyclamate, were invented as a potential solution to this problem. They interact with the...

Case Study Assignment. Marvin Verses Marvin Case

Marvin verses Marvin case was a milestone case ruled by the US courts in the year 1976 (Ihara & Hertz, 2008). The plaintiff Michele Triola brought the case to court after the dissolution of their relationship with Marvin Lee. Before the case was brought to court, Triola together with her...

Creating an Advertising Website for a Jewelry Company

Executive Summary Webster’s Jewellers is a jewelry company founded in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Its reputation and economic success allowed opening a store in the northern part of the city, in addition to the downtown location. At the same time, in order to promote the new Webster’s North, it would...

Abuse and Neglect: Orientation Project

Introduction Child abuse and neglect is serious issue as children are highly vulnerable and do not have means for self-defense or sufficient independence to avoid abusers (CDC, 2012). The prevalence of the problem is rather high (Nies & McEwen, 2013). The United States federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act...

General Financial Information About the Adventist Health System

Introduction The Adventist Health System provides services to millions of people in its work of extending the healing mission of Christ. The Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver follows the Adventist principles of health care and offers both basic primary health care and has specialists’ centers with staff to deal with...

The Causes of Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, or the multiplication of microscopic living organisms. The causes of water pollution are related to human activities. After observing the Drinking Water...

The Dramatized Real Story of Erin Brockovich

Abstract The paper revolves around the dramatized real story of Erin Brockovich. The story is retrieved from a film entitled Brockovich that was written by Susannah Grant. The story concentrates more on the health complications that the residents of Hinkley were facing as a result of consumption of contaminated water....

The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Plant Growth

Introduction The term magnesium was derived from the word magnesia which is the district in Greece from which magnesium was first mined. The importance of magnesium in plants was discovered by scientists such as Mayer, Knop, Sachs, and Salm-Horstmar; and then in 1904-1902, Willstarter identified magnesium to be part of...

Price Elasticity Following Taxation Policies on Certain Consumer Goods

Obesity and overweight are major public health concerns worldwide. Mexico is not an exception: as per recent estimations, two-thirds of adults and one-third of Mexican children and adolescents are carrying excessive weight (Colchero, Salgado, Unar-Munguía, Hernandez-Avila, & Rivera-Dommarco, 2015). In terms of obesity and diabetes rates, among all the country...

Stella Young’s Speech: “I Am Not Your Inspiration”

Do we not all expect motivation from a disabled person if at all he or she stepped on a platform? Stella Young answers this question in her speech, “I am not your inspiration, thank you very much.” She gives detailed information on the topic of handicap people as a source...

Simulation in Nursing: A Critical Appraisal

Sanford, P. G. (2010). Simulation in nursing education: A review of the research. The Qualitative Report, 15(4), 1006-1011. The author aimed at reviewing published articles that used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques to assess the use of simulation in nursing education. Specifically, the article concentrated on reviewing papers published...

How Do Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults?

Barr-Anderson, Daheia et al. “Does Television Viewing Predict Dietary Intake Five Years Later in High School Students and Young Adults?” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, vol. 6, no. 7, 2009, pp. 1-8. Research studies have established a negative correlation between the nutrition of teenagers and the amount...

Amazon, Inc. Balance Sheet Analysis and Recommendation

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reflects what a business owns (assets), what it owes outsiders (liabilities), and its owners (equity). It balances the accounting equation by equating assets to the sum of liabilities and owners’ equity (Fraser & Ormiston, 2015). It shows a company’s financial condition or...

Types of Parenting Styles in a “Parenthood” by Howard

Movie’s Plot For a long time, this drama with comedy elements is showing to viewers the crucial issues of family relationships, growing up, and the importance of communication. The plot of the film is a small live segment of one huge family, which includes five generations. The filmmakers tried to...

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Frankenstein: A Child in the Form of the Monster

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Quality Improvement in the Medical Industry

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Arizona Coyotes Team’s Media Coverage Analysis

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