Portfolio Analysis of Dairy Farm Company

Risk Identification Dairy Farm International Holdings identifies the risks facing the company through an audit committee. The committee is charged with assessing areas of risk and uncertainty and the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control processes. This occurs on a regular basis but the reporting of the committee’s findings to...

Catholic Culture vs. Deaf Culture

Cultures define humans because they dictate how a group conducts its activities and how its members interact based on beliefs and traditions. Although in some instances an individual has the liberty to decide whether to belong to a particular culture or not, it is not always the case. For instance,...

Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence

Three commonly abused substances and their effects It is with no doubt that a sizable number of people engage themselves in illicit utilization of substance for both personal and commercial use. The most frequently abused substances are cocaine, heroin and PhenylCyclohexylPiperidine (shortened as PCP). These substances normally have different business...

Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”: Empathy as the Key

Introduction Change is one of the concepts that appear both thrilling and frightening to people at the same time. However, even during the most drastic change, those who can keep their humanity intact are capable of surviving the challenge of transformation and even turning it into something beautiful. Examining the...

Managing Business Risks: A Critical Analysis

Owners of modern business organizations have to deal with various challenges and risks. The term ‘risk’ is used to imply the possibility of reporting profits that are lower than what was anticipated. In addition, the concept also indicates that the firm may suffer from losses caused by a wide range...

Infectious Disease and Public Health Focus

Infectious disease may be defined as the clinically manifest infection, resulting from the sickness caused by pathogens such as virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, prions, etc. These pathogens if not controlled, may result in the disease epidemics and acute public health crisis (Infectious disease, 2012). This paper aims to discuss...

“Follow the Leader” by Eric B. & Rakim

Introduction “Follow the Leader” is a hip-hop song by an American rap duo Eric B. & Rakim, the stage names of Eric Barrier and William Griffin. Released in 1988, the song was critically acclaimed and is still considered among the most prominent and influential compositions produced by the rap duo....

Data Quality Evaluation Plan

Introduction This is an elaborate plan on data quality evaluation for GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK). This is a multinational pharmaceutical company with headquarters in London. There are issues in master data management as a result of two firms merging in 2000; Glaxo Wellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham Company. These two companies...

Evidence-Based Public Health Policy

Evidence-based policy is based on a well-informed research and factual evidenced. However, evidence-based policy is established for the benefit of the public. In addition, evidence-based policy utilizes scientific methodologies to improve and validate the outcomes. Therefore, the use of random controlled trials to ascertain the reliability of variables and sample...

Nurse Staffing, Quality of Care, and Job Outcomes

Introduction Hospitals nurse staffing levels affect patients and nurses outcomes. Several researches have established a relationship between low nurse staffing levels and negative patient outcomes in hospitals. A study by Aiken et al, for example, presented in their article Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction,...

Comparing the Nursing Education of Kenya and China

In Kenya, nursing education began before the country attained independence. Missionaries were responsible for bringing it into the country. This was a time when the government consisted only of the whites. The missionaries were unable to offer education to the entire country and had to seek assistance from the government....

A Personalized Emotional Action Plan Based on Emotional Intelligence Assessment

According to the latest scores, the subject has significantly improved from the previous scores in all four areas of emotional intelligence (EQ) assessment. The new average emotional score is 91 out of a possible 100. This means that the subject has the strength to capitalize on, based on what she...

“Disgrace” by John Coetzee: Analysis

Introduction “Disgrace” by John Coetzee is a novel about loss, pain, and the efforts to reconcile with oneself. The main characters are disgraced and deprived of all dignity in different circumstances. Even though the characters David Lurie and Lucy Lurie have in common the suffering of facing traumatic sexual experiences,...

Ethics in the Healthcare Industry: Armando Dimas’ Case

Armando Dimas’s case presents different issues that medical professionals in the healthcare industry face. Armando Dimas, a Mexican immigrant who comes to the hospital, raises essential moral and ethical questions about gender, race and ethnicity, class, patient’s right, choice, hospital’s control, and connection (Belkin, 1993). The case highlights the crucial...

Singapore Airlines and Sabre Management System

Abstract The paper revolves around the functioning of Singapore Airlines as a modern company that manages to compete with its rivals and provide outstanding quality of services to its clients. The high levels of performance and the ability to accomplish all emerging tasks are also linked to the use of...

“Royal Commentaries” by Garcilaso el Inca

By the will of fate, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega may be considered as the most famous chronicler of the New World. As the son of an Inca princess and conquistador, he had a truly unique opportunity to learn the details of the history of pre-Hispanic Peru first-hand from numerous...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Pension Plan vs. A 401k Plan

401k is a kind of retirement plan that contributions made to the account do not attract any tax until withdrawal. The plan is applicable to both profit making organizations and non-profit making organization. In most cases, the employer also contributes to this account on top of an employee’s contribution to...

Healthcare and Corrections

Abstract HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare problem in modern correctional setting. In order to counteract it, various educative, preventive and treatment measures are undertaken. However, research shows that in order to efficiently combat the disease, emotional and ethical measures are vital promoting cooperation between the patients and the prison staff...

Gender Roles in “The Simpsons”

It is an undeniable fact that TV shows profoundly influence the social and cognitive development of children. In this text, I demonstrate how a show can affect the operational learning and self-socialization of children, using the example of “The Simpsons.” The work proves that, while young male spectators are offered...

Model of Nursing Care and Patient Safety

Introduction Healthcare professionals especially those in the nursing field, apply different types of models in order to execute their roles professionally. These models are beneficial to patients and help to promote code of ethics and patient safety. Thus, a nursing model is a conceptual framework connecting particulars and phenomena, which...

Global Health Issues: On the Border Line

How Serving as a Public Health Administrator at a Border is a Challenge People living across borders often suffer high rates of communicable and preventable diseases (Flores & Kaplan, 2009). Tuberculosis and intestinal infections are some of the common diseases, which affect this demographic. This has been the case along...

Uncomfortable Discussions: Personal Preconceptions

There is a plethora of topic that are difficult to approach in a discussion, yet some of them are especially challenging to handle in a conversation. As a rule, these include the issues that are deemed as highly contentious due to the deep personal connection that people have with opinion...

Colombian and Mexican Drug Cartels and Their Impact in the U.S.

The majority of Americans are not well informed on the illicit drug problem (Lyman & Potter, 2007, p. 1) which is giving the federal and state government a run for their money. The United States has been spending a lot of money on this issue for decades in an attempt...

Examples of Literacy and Health Literacy

Health literacy and literacy are two closely associated terms. However, they differ in scope and meaning. For example, Healthy People 2020 (2011) defines health literacy as “The degree to which individuals could obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make right health decisions” (p. 1). Comparatively...

Childhood Obesity in Ocean Springs Mississippi

Introduction Obesity can be defined in simple terms as having too much fat than the amount required by the body and it occurs when you consume more calories than is required by the body. This imbalance between the calories getting in and out of the body may be a result...

Perspectives of Legalizing Marijuana in Texas

Introduction Marijuana is the universal name for the unfinished drug that comes from a plant called cannabis sativa. Marijuana has a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including other chemicals. Marijuana cigarette mostly referred to as “joint” is prepared from dried particles of the plant. The quantity of THC in marijuana establishes...

Photovoice of Homeless Population

This photograph shows an ongoing housing project in a downtown neighborhood. The building project is a joint venture between private and public entities. This project is part of the public sector’s efforts to address the shortage of humanitarian shelters within the state and the country at large. This project is...

Sexuality Reflection Forum

Personal Growth Reflection Reflecting upon sexual activity among adults, one has to understand what sexuality means. The author of the article about sexy seniors, Vicki Mabrey (2006) defined it as a long-life activity. The author underlined that having sex in any age is equal in significance to taking food. Besides,...

Diabetes Mellitus and Its Pathophysiology

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous disease affecting people worldwide irrespective of gender and place. It is a state of the body when it does not produce sufficient insulin and shows high level of glucose in the body. This paper presents various facts on diabetes mellitus. The clinical manifestations, subjective...

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and their governments. The constitution,...

Impact of Individual Behavior on Business Outcomes

Introduction Assessing individual behavior in the context of influencing business outcomes is an opportunity to identify workers’ motivators. Based on the proposed scenario, the attitudes and job satisfaction of each of the four employees will be evaluated, and corresponding impacts on individual aspects of organizational performance will be given. Implementing...

Codes of Ethics, Nursing, and Professional Skills Development

Introduction The Code of Ethics is one of the essential elements of the profession for any specialist in any field. This statement is especially relevant for nurses since the lives of many people depend on them. That is why understanding and following the Code of Ethics provisions are student nurses’...

Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostics: Mr. M.’s Case Evaluation

Alzheimer’s disease is a dangerous condition of the brain most common among older people. Scientists note that the disease is the third leading cause of death in the United States after cardiovascular disease and cancer (Bredesen et al., 2016). The treatment is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms, as nowadays,...

Influence of Regulatory Agencies on Curriculum Development

The national council of state boards of nursing is national organization whose membership includes boards of nursing in 50 U.S states and the recognized territories of United States of America. The US territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. The state boards of nursing...

Walmart Tactics and Action Plan

Introduction Walmart is known across the globe for its revolutionization of retail strategy. It has maximized the cost-efficiency of all processes, including logistics, manufacturer relations, distribution, as well as human resources (Reich, 2018). Throughout its history, the company was one of the first to introduce numerous changes that helped streamline...

A Treatment for Coronavirus Patients: The Article’s Review

The current effects of global pandemic are disturbing since the number of people affected by the virus keeps increasing. However, after months of quarantine and social isolation, there is still no viable antiviral drug to treat Coronavirus. Apart from the dexamethasone trial conducted in Britain, the media’s attention has been...

Advocacy Campaign for Hypertension in African American Population

Abstract Nowadays, people are affected by many health risks which deprive them of the possibility to lead a lifestyle free from apprehension and complications from the diseases. However, such risks can be eliminated with the help of thoroughly designed and successfully implemented health advocacy campaigns. There are various types of...

Outpatient Care in the United States

The American healthcare delivery system is a complex structure with hundreds of professionals, settings, and centers that provide services to the public. At the same time, this system is constantly changing and developing, and over the past decade has changed the way services are provided. Outpatient care has become more...

Funeral Ceremony: The Song of Death, the Hymn of Life

At present, the world is confronted with an unprecedented situation due to the global spread of COVID-19. People are forced to face death, being affected by the demise of their loved ones, watching helplessly the course of their disease, or being infected themselves without knowing the possible outcome. It is...

Aging and Retirement Reference Brochure

Population aging is a global problem that is estimated to be at its worst. The United Nations (2004) echoes this by stating that in the history of mankind the world has never seen an aged population as the one existing currently. To this end, the United Nations has predicted that...

Concepts of Mandatory Sentencing

Abstract Although many individuals may argue that the obligatory sentence orientation has achieved a lot as far as crime taming is concerned, the entire process has many flaws; something that jeopardizes its mandate. In this regard, the paper will explore the ethical dilemmas relating to this form of a sentence,...

Positive Qualities of Hotel Staff: Hilton Sydney

Background Information Hilton Hotels & Resorts is a global brand of luxury and full-service hotels operating in multiple countries around the globe. The company accounts for more than 215 thousand rooms in 85 countries and areas across six continents, including Australia. In Sydney, the Hilton Hotel is located on 488...

Creation Myths of Ancient Greeks and Egyptians

Since time immemorial, humans have wondered about the origins of everything, including the Earth, natural forces, animals, and even themselves. Such curiosity about the unknown encouraged early humans to search for answers; however, since at that time, science was not yet as developed as today, people started to create myths....

Diversion Investigator and Special Agent: Job Description

Diversion Investigator (DI) is a master position in the Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Special Agent (SA) is a position in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The employees of these agencies are trained, supervised, clearly authorized to carry out large and small criminal cases and perform the...

Increase of Personal Bankruptcy

In the last 25 years, consumer bankruptcy filings have increased from 225,000 to 1.5 million forcing many experts to examine what could be the reason behind this worrying trend. Interestingly, the experts have concluded that the attitude of the society towards those who file for bankruptcy is to blame (Zywicki,...

John Locke’s Perspective Regarding Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues that evoke heated debates in the United States. On the one hand, Americans place the highest value on human life and people’s basic rights. The right to life cannot be alienated, according to liberal views that reign in the USA (McCarthy,...

Berkshire Industries: Motivations and Options

Executive Summary The case “Berkshire Industries PLC” gives a detailed examination of the situations that led to the introduction of a new incentive plan capable of meeting the demands of both workers and shareholders. The company had grappled with various challenges before, such as the ineffectiveness of the original reward...

The Novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

In his Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine article, reviewing Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818), Walter Scott introduces the idea, that the novel, dealing with the supernatural, as a possibility for personal reflection. Scott advocates questioning the morals and conventional train of thought by submitting a character of an ordinary man to...

Mandating Ultrasound Prior to Having an Abortion

During a long period of time, American government made numerous attempts to create appropriate conditions for women, who wanted to have an abortion, and provide them with a chance to understand the outcomes of their decisions (Acharya et al., 390). At the beginning of 2011, the American citizens got to...

The Russian Communication Rules and Traditions

Communication is a basic need of every person in the world. Socialization is one of the most critical stages of a child’s growth as it has a significant impact on the formation of character and behavior patterns. The environment has a strong influence on the attitudes or opinion-forming of a...

Racism and Social Injustice in Warriors Don’t Cry

In her autobiographical book, Warriors Don’t Cry, Melba Pattillo Beals examines her experiences of being an African American female living in the USA in the middle of the twentieth century. The girl had to face numerous instances of racism and social injustice. The author describes the different ways people of...

Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia

Diabetes occurs in two forms; Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the deficiency of insulin in the body, whereas type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) occurs due to the body’s inability to respond effectively to insulin in the blood. T1DM is most common in...

Rhetorical Analysis: “In Defense of the ‘Impractical’ English Major” by C. Gregoire and “Top 10 Reasons You’re Not Wasting Your Time as an English Major” by S. Reeves

At first approximation, the option to choose an English major does not seem to lure many potential students. A considerable number of issues arise – starting from career opportunities and ending with the knowledge that this major can bring. In their articles, Carolyn Gregoire and Sophie Reeves aspire to prove...

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Issues: Bayless’ Case

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Malpractice can be defined as an action where a professional fails to perform his or her duty causing serious injury or death to a patient (Iyer, 2001). It is done out of negligence or when a person in charge of the situation fails to deliver what...

Legal Aspects of Health Care Management

The Doctrine of informed consent The doctrine of informed consent is related to the concept of self-sufficient authorization of medication by a physician. A legally informed consent should be obtained prior to a medical process in order to relocate the consent in the context of institutional and social rules (Pozgar,...

Aspects of Mouse-Trap Car

Introduction A mouse-trap car according to Balmer (1998) is a kind of motor vehicle that is motorized by the power that is accumulated in a wound up mouse-trap spring (1). A simple mouse-trap is constructed by attaching a string on a mouse-trap’s snapper arm and then winding this string on...

Cryptocurrency in the Modern Economy

Information technology is constantly developing, building on previous innovations, adjusting not only to market trends but also to the changing economic environment. The digital economy is a key factor in the development and rise of the global economy in modern realities. Therefore, there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency, which...

Substance Abuse Problem Analysis

Even though the government has allocated significant resources towards curbing the substance abuse menace, this vice continues to thrive. Moreover, new substance abuse related problems keep emerging. This essay explores substance abuse and its general impact on the society and on individuals. Substance abuse has been a major concern for...

Review of Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894 raises essential feminist issues. Despite the short form of the literary work, it successfully and powerfully conveys the deprivations American women of the end of the nineteenth century experienced due to the dominantly patriarchal society in which they lived. Meticulously using...

Concepts of Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

Introduction The main reason why United States Congress passed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act in1972 was to promote justice and equality in all federal employment departments. This act brought sanity in many departments including the police. For a number of years, the police department was a symbol of many cases...

Consumerism in the Healthcare Industry

Difference between performance measurement and quality improvement processes Performance measurement refers to the process through which a firm’s outputs are quantified to determine the implementation and effectiveness of the various organizational strategies. Performance measurement aids in determining whether a firm programs are efficient in addition to analyzing the deviation between...

“Airframe” by Michael Crichton

The plot of the story is focused around Casey Singleton who is a single mom and the quality assurance vice-president of Norton Aircraft, a company that deals with the manufacture of airplanes. Casey is called in to investigate the crash of one of Norton’s wide-body aircraft, the Norton N-22 after...

Grid Technology Based Inventory & Product Development System

Abstract A proper Product Development System is key to higher profit and better resource management. The system is basically an active control program through which all the three aspects of business i.e., sales, purchases and business. Introduction of IT enabled grid technology would bring a new era into the process...

Corrections and Punishment Analysis

Punishment for a crime is a logical consequence of wrongful deeds, which is applied in all countries of the world. However, the reasons for punishment and its forms are different depending on the situation, the severity of the crime, and the judge’s view of its circumstances, and the possibility of...

The Controversy Around Gun Culture in America

Introduction The debate surrounding possession and control of firearms has been ongoing in the United States for a long time. One side of the argument claims that owning weapons leads to increased gun violence while the other side asserts otherwise. Some firearms have been outlawed, but they continue to be...

Different Perspectives of Viewing Crime

Crime should not be taken to refer to some obvious act of commission or omission. Normally, the mention of the word crime brings to mind the image of some deranged character or some fanatical fundamentalist group(s) out to cause some social, political and economic havoc by way of stealing, killing,...

What Influenced Zora Neale Hurston to Write

Zora Neale Hurston became the most significant and most successful black writer of the first half of the 20th century. She made it by using her own talent, ability to produce an utterly unforgettable impression, bright intellect, powerful nature, infectious sense of humor, and the gift of “entering the heart”...

Healthy People Initiative 2030 vs. 2020

Introduction The Healthy People (HP) program envisions a healthier nation with a lower preventable disease burden. For decades, this initiative has guided federal efforts to prevent specific diseases and promote healthy behaviors. Priority health issues are first identified before formulating measurable objectives for preventing diseases and promoting health. Then, concerted...

Nurse Assistance in Correcting Dysfunctional Family Communication

Communication in the family contributes significantly to the health of every member of the family. There is the sender, who gives the information, and the receiver of the message. When there are communications obstacles the communication patterns are altered. The patterns of communication should be corrected especially when roles change...

“Erin Brockovich” by Steven Soderbergh

Abstract The issues of chemical pollution and environmental health are crucial in the world of nowadays. This paper examines the film “Erin Brokovich” and the process of research and data collection conducted by the legal agency through such methods as personal interviews, inspection, medical and scientific report. The movie review...

The Fight that I Won by Losing It

My story happened when I was a teenager, with all the angst and rebelliousness associated with that stage. I may have taken it further than most people, growing far apart from my parents. In the end, I asked my doting grandmother, who lived across the town, to take me in...

Elements of a Contract: Commercial Law for Employees

There are five salient elements of a contract. The elements are a requisite for a contract to be enforced. Failure to prove any of the elements renders the contract voidable, thus it cannot be enforced. Acceptance is one of the elements that validate a contract. Secondly, consensus ad idem is...

Ethical Self-Assessment

Introduction Ethics is very important for the human society, and various organizations establish their codes of ethics for their members to follow the organizational ethical values. The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) also has its code of ethics (ACHE, 2009) and this paper focuses on my ethical self-assessment as...

Organizational Behavior in a Criminal Justice Agency

Background of the study Organizational behavior is the study of the impact of an individual or groups of individuals at their workplace in an organization. Research indicates that the behavior of a group of people in an organization affects the functions of that particular organization and vice versa (Arthur &...

Dante’s Inferno: Descending Into the Pits of Hell to Gain Redemption

Introduction: Text Details and Context Being one of the best-known poems of the 14th century and the best-known poem by Dante Alighieri, the Divine Comedy fascinates with its humorous and nuanced way of describing the complicated relationships between an individual and Christian God. The poem serves as a humorous guide...

Tourism: Athens and Rome

Europe is one of the most popular and diverse tourist destinations. When deciding which country to visit, one can choose between a wide array of cultures, traditions, climates, sights, and experiences. For a traveler interested in the ancient culture, Rome and Athens offer the best opportunities for sightseeing, combined with...

Japan & UK Accounting Standards & Corporate Governance

Corporate governance Basically, corporate governance is concerned with the manner in which power is exercised in safeguarding resources of an organisation with the aim of increasing and maintaining shareholders’ wealth. Corporate governance is important in bridging the gap between economic and social goals as well as communal and individual goals....

Evidence-Based Practice Project on Diabetes

Extant literature demonstrates that a fundamental component of early Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatment is patient education, which in turn sets the foundation for effective treatment and management throughout the disease continuum (Robertson, 2012). It is reported in the nursing scholarship that, due to lack of effective education, many...

Global Marketing in the Smartphone Industry

The selected business industry for this scenario is the smartphone industry. The business research topic is customer satisfaction and value perception. The purpose of the global marketing research is to find the impact of consumer perceived value (CPV) on a smartphone purchase intention. Maximizing CPV is a major challenge for...

Researching of Business Process Management

Summary Using a systematic approach to analyze current organizational problems is a successful business strategy for early detection and further management. However, few companies recognize the importance of business process management, BPM, to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. In the case study under discussion, the automotive component company, which focuses...

Management of Information Systems in Digital Firm

Executive Summary The information management in any media integrated organization is of great significance as it ensures coordination of activities well in such organizations. In this regard, therefore, media integrated houses should ensure that; their information systems are well managed as this will determine their efficiency and effectiveness in terms...

Effects of Arsenic on Human

Introduction Arsenic is an element that occurs naturally. It exists in both living things and minerals. Due to its toxicity and people’s inability to notice its effects, many people have used it for many years for homicidal purposes (ATSDR, 2014). This paper discusses the toxicological and epidemiological implications of arsenic...

Informal Long-Term Care: Policy Brief

Introduction Informal caregiving is a widely accepted alternative to official care providers when a person’s relatives and close circle are in charge. The service is often called unpaid, although it does not necessarily mean that it leads to saving money, as the budget may be reallocated to other needs. Informal...

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Symptoms and Treatment

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disorder found mostly in aging men. It is characterized by a nonmalignant chronic growth of the prostate gland, which, in turn, prevents the bladder from emptying completely and leads to lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) (Woodard, Manigault, McBurrows, Wray, & Woodard, 2016). This...

Investment. Net Present Value vs. Payback Period

Net Present Value (NPV) is a better indicator than Payback Period (PBP) because it tells precisely which value would be earned by the investors if they decide to undertake it. In general, NPV as an investment appraisal method is based on the idea that the project would be beneficial if...

Poem Analysis William Shakespeare

Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare can be viewed as a message from a man to his beloved women. The speaker talks to a girl describing her beauty and her importance to him. For this reason, the tone is solemn, inspirational, and at the same time, it is full of warmth...

Do Private Schools in the United States Discriminate Based on Race?

Racial issues have always been a major problem in the US due to the historical origins of the nation’s establishment. Therefore, its presence in educational facilities is inevitable, especially because of economic disparities, which result in private schools becoming more expensive than public ones. The main reason is the fact...

Moral Hazard: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

A moral hazard is simply defined as a risk that a financial institution or a party to a contract enters into a contract not in good faith. A party to a transaction can decide to provide false information regarding its assets, liabilities or financial status in order to earn a...

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis’ book, The Big Short: inside the Doomsday Machine mainly deals with a group of individuals who tried to analyze the sub-prime mortgage and came to discover many underhand deals in the financial system. The shenanigans in the Wall Street came to understand that their schemes would bring about...

Commercial Script of Advertisement for TruQuest

Scene One The advertisement’s main character is a young girl as the marketing plan aims to expand the sales of the Quest Kids portion of TruQuest’s product line in China. The advertisement seeks to appeal to the parent market segment who would be interested in buying mouthwash for their children....

Research Article Report About Sports and Creatine

Introduction Sport and physical activity play an important role in the lives of many people around the world. While many exhibit casual interest in various physical practices, some choose to dedicate their time to professional sport. Having a variety of health risks and benefits, the field is heavily contested on...

The FACT Spiritual Assessment Tool

Abstract The present paper employs the FACT spiritual assessment tool to conduct an assessment interview with a recovering patient and demonstrate how the tool works by undertaking a critical analysis of the interview results. Findings demonstrate that FACT raises care standards, minimizes patient risks, and ensures that nursing professionals are...

Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication

This paper analyzes a study by Harding (2003), which used the counterfactual causal framework to explain the rate of teenage pregnancy after exposure to poverty. Harding (2003) used the framework to explain “the difference in outcome between the world in which the subject receives treatment and the counterfactual world in...

Promotion of Public Health: Improvement Strategies

Whether physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, or sexual health is concerned, it is essential that there is a public understanding of the inestimable value of health. However, those who has ever tried to inform people of at least a healthy diet or the benefits of exercise have not always meet full...

Psychosocial Nursing a Part of Self-Assessment in Routine Physical Examinations

Psychosocial nursing has often been perceived to be a different part of self-assessment in routine physical examinations. However, I do not think this is the case. I perceive psychosocial nursing to be linked to the physical wellbeing of a person because it focuses on obtaining information about a person’s physiological,...

Criminal Justice Professionals: Role and Importance

The criminal justice profession implies fulfilling duties that meet the needs of various populations. All individuals and societal groups need security and protection, and meeting those needs make this profession valuable and rewarding. It makes both professionals and people feel proud and honorable. The functions of the criminal justice are...

Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Previously, atherosclerosis seemed as an insipid collection of cholesterol in the artery made worse by the formation of smooth muscles, a view that has changed presently. The concept argued that endothelial denuding injury caused platelet aggregation and release of platelet factors. This, in turn, triggered a proliferation of smooth muscles...

Utilitarian Philosophy in Nursing

Abstract This paper explores personal philosophy in nursing. Utilitarian philosophy and its basics are taken as the main perspective to view such aspects as the role of nurses, nursing as a profession, the concepts of health and environment. Besides, the paper focuses on the functions of nursing education, administration and...

Beowulf as a Tragic Hero of the Old English Warrior Culture

Beowulf is an old English story drawn from their native oral literature. Though the author is anonymous, its influence is still felt up to today in many of the works of contemporary writers. The protagonist exhibits all the character traits of a tragic hero as defined by Aristotle. According to...

Information System Implementation Difficulties

Introduction Computer-based information systems are designed and maintained using these information systems (Jeffrey et al, 2005). The systems comprise application software’s which is used to support business and organization processes. The most used types of information systems are information technologies because they are responsible for assisting human beings to perform...

Steel Shipping Containers for Housing

Introduction The use of steel shipping containers in the manufacture of housing is becoming increasingly widespread due to the functionality of such buildings and their valuable technical characteristics. In the example of the Australian market, the positioning of this product will be considered due to the appropriate analysis of the...

Ethics in Public Health Policies

Most professionals execute their professional duties under the guidance of ethical standards. Businesspersons and other professionals apply ethical standards to determine the right cause of action. There are certain business ethical considerations that must be upheld in business dealings. For instance, business ethics requires that every transaction must be fair,...

Emotional Intelligence in the Health Care

EI Level and Leadership in the Health Care Environment Not many people know how crucial the role of emotional intelligence for effective leadership can be. Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, and Boyle (2006) tell about the importance or even the necessity of cooperation of such processes like thinking and feeling and develop...

Roosevelt and Obama: Critical Analysis of Two Speeches

Introduction The concept of personal freedoms to which every citizen of the United States is entitled from birth is a rather peculiar one since defining the exact range of freedoms is quite complicated. While some of the freedoms are quite self-explanatory, such as the freedom of thought, others may come...

Software Engineering and Methodologies

The term methodology refers to a complete description of a system that considers the process, people, modeling language, project management, social structures and products. We however note that not all the systems developed to bear the meaning of this word. They are rather Object-Oriented than being Agent-Oriented. It is with...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Regulatory boards such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have developed frameworks that seek to formalize systems of accounting used by different types of organizations. These frameworks aim at monitoring and regulating the recording, reporting, and preparation of financial statements in various organizations. Key among these frameworks is...

Stem Cells and Related Ethical Controversy

Introduction Stem cell research has received a lot of public attention evoking mixed feelings and opinions. Some religious groups and politicians have strongly opposed the idea while scientists and a significant percentage of the public, are in support of the use of stem cells. Both parties have been leading campaigns...

Social Factors of Substance Drug Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the pattern of continued use, despite adverse consequence. Socio-cultural determinants of substance abuse imply to social factors that affect the outcome of drug abuse. The group characteristic determines social-cultural determinants and the general beliefs in history of the set community. For instance, smoking was considered fashionable...

Ohio Role in the Civil War

The American Civil War was a war between the citizens of the Northern and Southern states presented by the governments of the Union and the Confederacy. The Civil War started with the worsening relationships between the Union representatives, who were gaining more power in parliament. The abolition of slavery –...

Usher Syndrome and Mental Illness

Usher syndrome belongs to the number of hereditary diseases that occur extremely rarely. Its negative impact on the human body cannot be overstated as there are a lot of cases when this diagnosis is associated with various mental diseases such as schizophrenia in people of different age (Domanico, Fragiotta, Trabucco,...

Sickle Cell Disease Analysis

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) also referred to as Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) is an autosomal blood disorder that occurs in individuals who possess a pair of recessive Sickle Cell genes. Sickle Cell Disease is usually characterized by the abnormal appearance of the red blood cells (Alexander, Baldwin, Money & McDaniel,...

Sexual Assault Against Women: Factors and Prevention

Sexual assault is quite a common type of crime. In the majority of cases, females become victims of sexual assault though males (especially young boys) can also be victimized (Bramsen, Elklit & Nielsen, 2009). This paper will focus on sexual abuse against women. Rape is a form of sexual abuse....

The Issues of Insurance of Health

Introduction People’s health depends on multiple factors, including diet, exercises, sufficient sleep, general well-being conditions, and other factors. However, income is the driving mechanism behind the striking health inequalities faced by many minorities. Revenue inequality has increased significantly in recent decades, which may perpetuate or worsen health inequalities. Moreover, the...

White-Collar Crime: Securities and Pension Fraud

Securities fraud Securities fraud, which is also referred to as stock fraud or investment fraud, is generally a deceptive exercise in the stock markets aimed at inducing investors into making purchases or sales based on falsified information. It often results in huge losses and violates the law of securities (Blanck,...

The International Business Expansion

Middle East The Middle Eastern business culture is substantially different from the Western conception, which can complicate the adoption of an American approach. Per Browaeys and Price (2019), it is heavily centered on family, with a large share of MENA enterprises owned and operated by them, and reputation, which takes...

Hepatitis B: The Epidemiological Determinants

Hepatitis B is an inflammatory liver disease caused by the DNA-containing virus. About 58 million patients with an acute form of infection are registered in the world every year (Terrault et al., 2018). According to WHO experts, the total number of patients with hepatitis B and carriers exceeds 1 billion...

Sustainable Development of the Community

Introduction Sustainability can be perceived as ensuring continuity by addressing human beings’ actions and needs in an environmentally friendly and socioeconomically stable manner. It involves the use of natural resources with future spawns in mind. The process addresses the community’s current and future concerns for long-term supportable development without necessarily...

Grief and Mourning in ‘Big Fish’ by Danielle Wallace

It is evident that people have mortal bodies, and life is not internal; thus, passing away is a normal and unavoidable process. Nevertheless, such biological and philosophical ideas would be clueless to comfort people experiencing the loss of loved ones. Bereaved individuals usually undergo a hard time of distress, and...

The South vs. The North in the American Civil War

Introduction The United States of America is a powerful and great nation that plays an essential role in the modern world. However, it was not always so, and the 19th century, for example, witnessed as it was divided into two parts. It refers to the Northern and Southern regions that...

The Roles of Family Nurse Practitioner

The roles of family nurse practitioner have changed over time just like the responsibilities of other health care providers such as physicians. In fact, the increased availability of prospects within the specialty medicine is the major factor that causes the changing trends. In other words, private practice among the health...

King Leopold’s Ghost by Hochschild: A Reader Response

Looking at most of the recent history from the perspective of cultural change and the key trends in it will help to discover that the legacy of colonialism is imprinted into every facet of cross-cultural interactions. Although colonialism is typically associated with the history of American and the exploitation of...

Blockbuster LLC Going out of Business in Anchorage, Alaska

Introduction Founded in 1986 by a software supplier in the oil and gas sector, David Cook, Blockbuster LLC remained the biggest video-rental chain in the United States for decades. At the pinnacle of its popularity, Blockbuster had 9,000 stores across the country and employed almost 85,000 people worldwide (Ash, 2018)....

Juvenile Boot Camps as a Tool for Correcting Underage Offenders

In recent years, the popularity of juvenile boot camps as a tool for correcting underage offenders has been on the rise. Juvenile boot camps are “short-term residential programs that resemble military basic training and target adjudicated juvenile offenders” (Tyler, Darville & Stalnaker, 2001). The main goal of juvenile boot camps...

Theory Use in Public Health Campaign

Introduction In the last decade, researchers have discovered the need for theoretical innovation in public health practice (Green, 2000; Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Most theoretical knowledge has largely centered on specific fields of public health, such as behavioral psychology and biomedical science (Glanz & Bishop, 2010). Some researchers have also...

Nursing Reflection on Course Objectives and Achievements

Learning Objectives Insights from Chief Nurse Officer Interview An in-depth analysis of the strategies, theories, and concepts presented in the course has introduced a great number of information concerning the role of the nurse administrator in facing challenges of constant change. Great complexity of daily operations involves a number of...

Risk Factors in Juvenile Offending

Adolescents tend to behave in a manner that is contrary to the accepted rules. They engage themselves in activities such as underage smoking and abuse of drugs in an attempt to find their place in the world. Juvenile offending or delinquency refers to the illicit demeanor of minors. Research suggests...

“Hamlet” by William Shakespeare: Character of the Ghost

The importance of each character in a literary work can be either revealed explicitly by the author or implied by the character’s interactions with other individuals or relations to some events. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there is one character that does exist in the same dimension as all the others. The...

American and African Weddings Comparison

Introduction A wedding is one of the most ancient ceremonies of humankind, held differently in various corners of the planet. Each country in the course of historical development sets its own rules, habits, and features of wedding ceremonies. In some places, they are strikingly different, because the countries themselves differ...

Behavioral Endocrinology: Hormones and Health

The hormonal system, also referred to as the endocrine system, constitutes several glands that secrete different hormones. This is usually performed in the response of a stimulus, whether external or internal. The body’s major glands include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovaries...

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Benzene Exposure Rule

The OSHA proposal for benzene was aimed at limiting the amount of exposure from 10ppm to 1ppm. This rule was due to the reports in the media about the death of workers who were exposed to benzene levels that were above 10ppm, yet the initial limit set by OSHA was...

Response to George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”

Introduction Animal Farm written by George Orwell during World War II is one of the prime examples of an allegorical novel. The images of animals presented in the book personify social vices and attract readers with realism and similarity to history, which are shown openly in the plot. Despite the...

“Practice Nurse Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice”: Synopsis of the Study

What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of this study was “to describe nurses’ perception regarding the attitudes associated with the use of evidence-based practice” (Prior, Wilkinson, & Neville, 2010, p. 14). The researchers also wanted to examine how educational preparation supports the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP)....

The Ideas of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois

Introduction Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois is the two influential Black thinkers of the late 19th century and the early 20th century. They were during the aftermath of the slavery abolishment, and that period presented new challenges to Black people. The thinkers suggested different, almost polar...

Hospital of Saint Raphael: Financial Analysis

Introduction The following financial statements ratio analysis report is based on the available financial statements of the Hospital of Saint Raphael for the years 2004 and 2005. The comparisons will be made with the financial information for the two years. The analysis will be based on the ratio of the...

Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue

Today’s society is inevitably related to the notions of discrimination, inequality, and ethical injustice due to the increasing rates of incompetence incidence based on racial, gender, or ethnic affiliation. While the modern world should pool its efforts to even slightly modify the existing tendency, the already existing achievements in the...

Review of “Murder On A Sunday Morning” Movie

Murder on a Sunday morning is a documentary film developed by a French filmmaker by the name Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. The story in the film involves a fifteen years old boy known as Brenton Butler. The boy is suspected of murdering a tourist in Jacksonville, Florida. It happened that Jean...

“The Coming” by Daniel Black

Introduction Little attention has been devoted to the captured Africans’ experiences during the Middle Passage when they were shipped across the Atlantic to be sold into slavery. More importantly, few texts have attempted to capture the African spirit of resistance during the long journey from the shores of West Africa...

G4S Company’s Strategies and Opportunities

Strategic risks are likely to be the leading class of risks for G4S in the coming years. It is therefore imperative that G4S take advantage of this risk and turn it into an opportunity. To begin with, change in technology is unavoidable. It can be an opportunity for a multinational...

Nursing Philosophies, Models, and Theories in Preventing Respiratory Complications

The project ‘Preventing Respiratory Complications on Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center’ will relate to Martha Rogers’ Unitary human being theory, Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, and Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory. Nursing Philosophy Main concept of Philosophy Project significance Martha Rogers’...

Vital Organs and Medical Practices

The course of human anatomy begins with the definition of the body’s organs and systems that have various functions. All these systems are essential, but some organs are called vital, while others are not vital. This paper aims to name and discuss the purposes of the key vital organs, describe...

Case Study of an Infancy Period

Infancy is a period when the most dramatic developmental changes happen in a human. The following essay will investigate multiple aspects of an infant’s development and the role of caregivers illustrated by the example of a 4-year old girl named Ann. Ann was born full-term, weighing about 6 lbs with...

System Analysis of Health Information Management

Effective health care management is a challenging area of discipline, requiring that a correct approach should be used in each particular situation. One of the primary objectives consists of data collection, analysis, and storing. This process must be effective, convenient, and secure, meaning that health care organizations must choose the...

Power of Ideas: Philosophical Theories

Rene Descartes’ argument Rene Descartes proposed a novel way of acquiring knowledge through the use of his “doubting methodology” (Moore & Bruder, 2008). He said that skepticism enabled him to know the truth. The doubting methodology was comprised of the dream conjecture and the evil demon conjecture. It is possible...

Roiphe’s Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow: Rhetorical Analysis

Author In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. Anne Roiphe is an American feminist author, and her work is noteworthy for its examination of the conflict between the desire for family and relationships and that for career and self-determination....

United Airlines: The DuPont Analysis

Various groups such as shareholders, governments, employees, communities and creditors use audited financial statements of companies. Financial statements provide the potential users with a narrow insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Reflectively, financial statements do not give an in-depth depiction of performance of an entity (Siddidui, 2005...

New Moves Program. Healthy Lifestyle

Stakeholders The stakeholders of any program can be divided into three groups that are primary (the users of the findings), secondary (affected by the findings), and tertiary (interested in the findings). In case of the New Moves Program that targets the obese female high school students and promotes a healthy...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Among the core areas of information management is Enterprise Resource Planning, which is a concept that was first embraced during the early 80s. It was used to merge the functions of finance, manufacturing and business logistics, and was mostly implemented with a sole objective of facilitating the execution of business...

The Influence of Quality on the Demand for Medical Care

Introduction For many years, health care sector has remained a very important aspect of a nation’s economy, creating the need for a well managed system and quality services. This can be attributed to its role in ensuring good health and overall welfare for the population. The sector has continued to...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis Controversy

Introduction ADHD is characterized by abnormally high levels of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Children affected by this disorder are notoriously difficult students: they can barely focus their attention on a single task or sit still for prolonged periods. In the last few years, there has been a significant increase in...