Communication in Agilent Technologies While Layoffs

The way in which managers communicate change is very crucial to the success of a changed program in any organization. The communication style which the company decides to use should ensure that their staffs appropriately understand what will happen and why it should happen. They should also be in a...

GlaxoSmithKline Company’s Human Resource Strategy

Introduction The company under analysis has been one of the leading pharmaceutical providers in the world. It employs over ten thousand staff members and therefore serves as an ideal organisation for analysis of the role of HR in strategy formulation. How HR services are provided in Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman vs. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman are successful dramas produced in 1879 and 1949, respectively. Due to their relevance to contemporary challenges, both writings have garnered high praise from critics and are debated by academics worldwide. Despite being created in various eras and nations,...

Military Violence: Negative Impact on Society

The article by Alcindor with the flashy title “States with More Gun Laws Have Less Gun Violence,” published in USA Today, gives information about the study conducted by Fleeger et al. Alcindor states that the research findings indicate that in the US states where more laws regarding guns are passed,...

Medical Management and Communication of Neurological Alterations

Introduction Close to 100 million people living in the United States are impacted by at least one out of the several existing neurological disorders (Han et al., 2020). This study focuses on describing and discussing the medical management, communication or teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and the relevant...

Market-Oriented and Product-Driven Companies

A company that arranges its products, services and activities such that they are pertaining to the demand and needs of the consumers is called a market-oriented company. On the other hand, a product driven company is one that makes interesting and intriguing products. It is believed that for a company...

“Manā€™s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl

Introduction The book Manā€™ Search for Meaning is one of the most influential works on the psychoanalysis of the modern time. It was written by Viktor Frankl, a former Auschwitz prisoner, and the outstanding psychoanalyst. The existential vacuum is one of the most important concepts explained by Frankl in his...

Luxury Brands After Economic Crisis in 2008-2020

Introduction Luxury brands have been at the centre of interest for scholars and economists for a long time due to their specific and exceptional performance in times of economic hardships. In 2007-2011 the last severe and global financial crisis hit almost all areas of the world economy and trade. The...

Catholic Intellectual Tradition: Medieval Influences

In the Middle Ages Europe Christianity, namely Catholicism, was the prevailing religion. What is more, it was the only religion recognized and generously financed by the state. Having such robust support, the church has become a dominating institution having a powerful influence on the lives of both noblemen and peasants....

Abortion’s Moral Status in Case of Down Syndrome in a Fetus

Assignment Title During our life, we constantly have to encounter challenging circumstances that create dilemmas and demand difficult choices. Sometimes, our decisions inevitably affect other peopleā€™s lives and therefore involve a wide range of moral issues. This is the case with abortion. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to detect...

The Budalangi Flood: A Tragic Response to Unexpected Disaster

The world is full of natural occurrences. Sometimes floods come when people are not aware. The Budalangi flood occurred when people believed that the dykes the government had constructed would protect them. When natural disasters occur, it is how people respond that determines the extent of the damage on human...

Older Adults in Miami: Assessment of Vulnerable Population

Introduction Miami, Florida, is believed to be one of those locations people from all over the world want to visit, and this fact is not surprising as living conditions in it are rather good. For instance, the selected community (Miami Dade County) is well-developed and full of educational opportunities. The...

Language Simulation Activity Plan Creation

This activity uses drama and storytelling to help children develop their language skills and improve their reading comprehension and expressiveness. Children can practice their vocal language skills and develop self-confidence through theater, while they can learn to listen and grasp through narrative. This activity also develops literacy skills because the...

Jamaican Music’s Evolution and Forms

Introduction When one talks about Jamaican music, the first music genre that comes to mind is reggae music by Bob Marley. However, the history of Jamaican music spans beyond the music legend. The history of Jamaican music is based on drumbeat with a bit of European influence. Today Jamaican Music...

GlaxoSmithKline and Roche Group Companiesā€™ Cost Behavior Analysis

Trend Analysis and Changes over the Last Two-Year Period Revenues The income statements of the two firms over the last two-year period indicate increasing trends in the revenues. The net income for GlaxoSmithKline increased from Ā£4678 in the financial year 2012 to Ā£5628 in the 2013 accounting period (GlaxoSmithKline, 2013)....

Chopin and Hawthorne: Gender, Race, and Conflict in 19th-Century Literature

In the nineteenth century, men from the southern part of the US were very chauvinistic. They treated women like property, and used intimidating tactics to conquer them. Chopin, for example, writes that “when he (Armand) frowned, she (Desiree) trembled and when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing” (Chopin, 2006,...

Circumcision: Medical Right vs. Human Right

Introduction The question of whether circumcision is a medical right or a human right issue has been discussed for many decades in various forums by numerous scholars. Medical researchers and social scientists have focused on the different aspects of the issue to come to a conclusive answer as to the...

Alfred Stieglitz and Greer Muldowney: Biographies and Photographs

Introduction Born in New Jersey, in the year 1864, Alfred Steiglitz was a very successful photographer in the US during the 1800s. Greer Muldowney is a very popular young female photographer, who was born in 1988. This paper presents a biography of Alfred Steiglitz and Greer Muldowney. Besides, the treatise...

Analysis of Slave Emancipation in Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil

Introduction Slavery was viewed as both an infringement of human rights in addition to the existence of forced labor. Numerous differences existed in the manner in which slaves were treated across the globe. These differences were based on gender and age differences, location and other demographic features, such as skin...

ACA’s Impact on Mental Health Coverage: Challenges and Progress

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, introduced in 2008, were the long-awaited results of the efforts to enhance insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment. This federal law was amended by...

HB 543 Regulation of Health Care Practitioners

Major Provisions of the Bill and Quality Care The 2017 Florida Legislative Session conducted by Florida Board of Nursing issued several bills related to nursing practice and aimed at improving it. One of the most important bills is 543 Regulation of Health Care Practitioners. It proposes the commitment to an...

Impact of IOM Report on Nursing: Education, Practice, and Leadership

Introduction In 2011, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on the future of the nursing profession, education, and practice. The report outlined some of the key issues in contemporary nursing and suggested possible areas for improvement. The report has made a significant contribution to the development of...

Impact of 2010 IOM Report on Nursing: Education, Practice, Leadership

Over the years, the healthcare sector has grappled with numerous challenges such as nursing shortage, chronic conditions, and sentinel events. These obstacles continue to affect the quality of health services available to different populations across the country. Such issues explain why the Institute of Medicine (IOM) presented its findings in...

The 1780s Crisis: Articles of Confederation vs. 1787 Constitution

Introduction The crisis of the 1780’s was due in large part to the government structure of the United States in the aftermath of the American Revolution. Due to the traumatic experienced by the American colonies under the rulership of the British Crown, the new government was established under the guidelines...

Struggles and Scarcities of Peasants in Terryā€™s 1992 Study

Introduction The major purpose of this study is to explore the struggles and scarcities that were witnessed by the peasants according to Terry (1992). Renard the fox is an interesting book that highlights the carnivorous behavior of Reynard who had made numerous attempts to consume other animals. Reynard the fox...

Tensions Between American Colonists and British Government in the 18th Century

During the second half of the eighteenth century, the tensions between American colonists and the British government intensified because the Parliament did not want to delegate some of its authorities to the local people who believed that they had been excluded from the political life. Overall, the nature of this...

Proving Teenagers with Birth Control Devices

Introduction One of the greatest challenges associated with parenting is dealing with teenage pregnancies. Health care experts have noted that the number of teenagers getting pregnant has increased a lot since the turn of the century (Gillham 13). Most teenage pregnancies are unintended and end up compromising the future of...

Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect peopleā€™s growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in various functional competencies. Researchers and scholars in the fields of genetics and psychology have been keen...

Individual Project: Statistical Study of Cemeteries

Several virtual cemetery sites were used to collect a sample of one hundred people for this assignment. Each of the cemeteries is located in the Canadian province of Ontario: a total of four different cemeteries were used. # Name of the Cemetery Location   1 Assumption Catholic Cemetery Toronto Twp,...

Blogs: A New Era in Educational Research

Technology has changed the way people do things in numerous ways. It has turned the world into a global village where people can communicate and share information from different geographical locations. A number of communication platforms have emerged over the years as a result of technological advancements. They have resulted...

Tay-Sachs Disease: Genetic Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Introduction The causal factor for Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic mutation occurring in the HEXA gene (Yerramilli-Rao, Giannikopoulos, Kublis, Pan, & Eichler, 2012). Genetic mutations represent a lasting modification in the DNA chain that forms the gene; this results in the malfunction of one or many progressions in a personā€™s...

Impact of the Internet on Society

The Internet is justifiable referred to as one of the most beneficial technological advances of the 21st century. Despite the increasing concern over the negative impact of the Internet on young people and the increasing risk of online fraud, the Internet improves interpersonal communication, enhances education, and contributes to economic...

Susan Wolf on Euthanasia: Moral Obligations and Assisted Suicide

The article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Certainly, people should look at this moral dilemma from the perspective of the patients who suffer from a painful and terminal illness. Yet, they should not forget about their immediate duties towards...

Immigration: Todayā€™s Situation in the United States

Illegal and legal migration has a great impact on economic system and social order in the developed countries including the USA and EU. The main reason for immigration is better standards of life, higher wages and stable political system. Thus, it is supposed that illegal immigration deprives many native citizens...

Leadership Traits for Effective Clinical Management

Leadership Traits for Successful Management in the Clinical Arena Leadership is not simply a role one is forced to take on at his/her work; it is always a choice that distinguishes a born leader from a regular employee. Regarding the sphere of nursing, ā€œsuccessful nurse leaders are those who engage...

Impact of Family-Based Interventions on Childhood Obesity and Parental Weight

Introduction The article examines the multifactorial nature of the growing health issue of childhood obesity. The authors investigate the correlation between childhood BMI and parental obesity. The authors cite empirical evidence to support their central point, which is that there exists a link between elevated parental obesity rates overweight in...

The Concept of Media Ecology

Introduction Media ecology is defined as a study on various media developments regarding the early years and the current years a better example of the current development in the media and communication industry is that of the advancement of technology whereby we find that in the past years many people...

Future Competitive Success in Delivery Industry

Introduction The courier and delivery industry has significantly impacted the business world. The industry involves parcel and package delivery from one destination to another. The popularity and reliability of this industry result from the speed at which parcels and packages are delivered to their final destinations. The industry has been...

Favorite Instrument on the Web: The Guitar

History and/or Manufacturers Guitars were invented in Spain, by the people of Malaga around the 15th century. Initially, it was a very small instrument with four pairs of strings each pair called a “course”. Two significant changes were made to the guitar in the Baroque period – double strings were...

Stroke Awareness in African American Women

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in African Americans while stroke is among the biggest problems affecting women from this race. Beal (2015) conducted a study titled ā€œStroke education needs of African American womenā€ to investigate the perceptions about stroke and health information seeking behaviors in African...

ā€˜Everyday Useā€™ by Alice Walker – African-American Perspectives

Introduction In Everyday Use, Walker deals with controversial topics for African-Americans, both generations and cultures. The author raises the question of rather do individuals need to give up their African-American roots and more common families when they leave home and embrace the African-American heritage. The problem is primarily African-American, but...

Euthanasia: A Childā€™s Right to Die

Introduction It is important to note that euthanasia is a highly intricate and complex ethical issue, which requires a thorough analysis and understanding in order to draw any form of evidenced conclusions. Euthanasia for children should be allowed only if a child is suffering from extreme pain, has zero chance...

How to Keep Your Content Marketing Fresh and Engaging

Content marketing is a booming activity right now, with thousands of websites and blogs posting tens of thousands of pieces of new content daily. This competitive market of ideas can challenge a business/website owner seeking novel content to attract and retain customers. This task is complicated by rapid changes in...

Struggling to Find Love: The Modern Loneliness Epidemic

Loneliness is a serious problem of the contemporary world. Lots of people of all ages are suffering from the inability to find a suitable partner and arrange own love life. Settling down is a big issue. Maintaining successful interpersonal relationship and being in a couple has become so difficult that...

Stricter Gun Control Laws: Reducing School Shootings

Abstract The adoption of stricter gun control laws can be useful for reducing the risk of shootings in various educational organizations. In particular, this policy can prevent students from taking firearms without proper authorization. Additionally, this approach can ensure that a person with firearms cannot enter schools or colleges. It...

Electric Vehicles: The Roles in Air Pollution

Introduction The invention of Electric Vehicles (EV) brings both advantages and disadvantages to the world because it addresses the problem of air pollution caused by Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV). However, batteries utilized in EVs can contribute to greenhouse emissions during their manufacturing process without a proper recycling measure. The...

Economy and You. Electrical Engineer Professional

Introduction Career choice is considered to be an important step in everyoneā€™s life. Job is an integral part of human activities and it should be balanced with oneā€™s interests and mentality. To achieve global goals and make a successful career it is necessary to make a right choice evaluating personal...

Eco-Entrepreneurship and Theoretical Framework

The VUCA framework has been used in various business establishment scenarios to explain the changes in the external business environment that impact how a business functions. It describes the business environment as unstable, characterized by chaotic changes, unclear standards, or prevalent outdated projects and plans. Despite the increase in eco-friendly...

Stamp Act Congress: Colonial Response to British Taxation

The Stamp Act Resolutions The Stamp Act of 1765 was developed during the meeting later called the Stamp Act Congress. The purpose of the Stamp Act Congress was to address certain concerns and discuss the possible ways to terminate them. The difference between the Stamp Act and the Acts before...

Indian Solar Installation Program Slowdown | Mercom Capital Group Report

The Indian solar installation program has slowed down year-after-year according to Mercom Capital Group. The consultancy and communication firm had predicted the installations to reach 1,000 MW by the end of this year. Between 2012 and 2013, solar installations in India increased by 12 MW; so elusive was the growth...

Socratesā€™ Apology and Crito: Law and Justice Analysis

Introduction Socrates is a Greek philosopher and teacher of a great Greek philosopher Plato. His works laid a basis for the Greek thespian art and he is a pioneer to the rise of official logical positivism. The Apology and Crito, which substantiates his tribulation, sentence, and denial to run away...

Impact of Social Media on Activism and Revolution

Introduction Across the global village, the introduction of communication via the internet has liberated contact and made it efficient and cost-effective. At present, by a click of the button, an individual is in a position to communicate with the entire world. Social media has become very common among activists across...

Social Behavior Observation: Adjusting Views and Attitudes

Introduction The observation of social behavior can demonstrate how people can adjust to each other and even change some of the views or attitudes. This paper is aimed at discussing the cooperation of students who need to join their efforts in order to achieve certain goals. Such interactions are particularly...

SJ&D Inc.’s Code of Ethics and Employee Training

Code of Ethics A code of ethics is a set of regulations and guidelines, which aim at establishing certain behavioral rules for people within an organization. Very often, many organization prefers to develop own code of ethics in order to control people at their working places, find out the weaknesses...

SilkQueen Company: Leadership Challenges and Organizational Solutions

At the present moment the SilkQueen company faces the organizational difficulties caused by the misunderstanding between the line manager and the employees of the enterprise. In spite the vast working experience in Asian companies and the undeniable professional skills, Sally Dawson has the definite difficulties in relations with the staff...

Sierra Leoneā€™s Health Crisis: Ebola Outbreak and Poor Infrastructure

Community and Public Health Issue Sierra Leone is a West African country that has a population of more than 7 million people (Lahai, 2017). Emerging from a civil war that lasted more than a decade, the country has a poor health infrastructure characterized by poor access to health care facilities...

Shopping at Wal-Mart: Among Canadaā€™s Best Employers

The articles under consideration dwell upon one of the major retail chains, Wal-Mart. One of the articles is entitled ā€œROB Ranks Wal-Mart among Canadaā€™s Best Employersā€ (, 2008). The article highlights the success of Wal-Mart Canada which is among 50 best employers in this country. The author uses several approaches....

Daryl Kolendichā€™s Response to Workplace Harassment

The workplace is a network of people that all have different personalities and understanding of ethics. Some employees might behave and feel strongly about others and their actions, whereas individual people can be working alone without paying much attention to anyone else. Workplace harassment can be on many basesā€”gender, racial...

Healthy People 2020 and Miami’s Health Challenges: Tuberculosis & Hepatitis

A nurse must make sure that the needs of all community members are met. However, in a multicultural environment, the identified task becomes increasingly difficult. To address the issues observed in Miami, FL, one will have to consider combining the local health initiatives with the Healthy People 2020 project. Illness...

Improving Patient Care with Electronic Health Records

The purpose of the program Over the past years, the industrial giants have invested heavily in computerization in the world. However, despite such global developments, patientsā€™ data are still recorded manually while the prescriptions are hand-written. In fact, patients still report to the receptionist for any inquiries or seek an...

Global Climate Change: Rising Temperatures and Human Impact

Scientists asserted that due to global climate change, average temperatures had increased measurably in the past century (Lunine 279). The impacts of global climate change are manifested through rising sea levels, shrinking polar ice, warmer winters, and retreating glaciers (Lunine 279). As a result, summers are growing hotter, and weather...

Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus: Infections and Treatment

Introduction Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) is a bacteria or what is also known as germ is a bacteria that causes bad infections. The first strains of this bacteria first appeared in Europe by the year 1986 and three years after (1989) the first incidence in America was reported and between the...

Quality Improvement Paper on Hand Hygiene

Issue of Hand Hygiene Washing hands properly is a health requirement so basic that it barely warrants discussion, yet the recent increase in the demand for high-quality care has defined stricter guidelines and standards for care. Thus, the problem of hand hygiene has risen as one of the issues that...

New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are “a new, universal set of goals, targets, and indicators” that the countries-members of the United Nations are expected to apply as a pattern for planning their activities and developing political policies during the following 15 years (Ford, 2015, para. 1). These goals apply to diverse...

TechFite: Case Study

The Organizational Needs of TechFite As evidenced in the case study, TechFite is an organization that worries about the inadequacy of its cybersecurity systems. At the same time, due to being involved in NASAā€™s space program, it represents a likely target for hacking attempts and corporate espionage. Its vulnerabilities are...

Appreciative Inquiry as a Methodological Approach

Che Aziz, R., Nik Hashim, N. A. A., & Awang, Z. (2018). Tourism development in rural areas: Potentials of appreciative inquiry approach. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts, 10(1), 59ā€“75. Web. In the hospitality industry, it has been a challenge to establish tourism in rural areas. The problem is...

Exploring the Role of Social Context and Individual Differences in Hypodescent

The purpose of this study is to establish the function of social context and individual differences in hypodescent, the system of allocating multiracial the status of their relatively underprivileged parent group. The Key theory highlighted in this study is social dominance orientation (SDO). The theory predicts a broad range of...

Nursing Staffing Levels’ Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction Nurses serving in health care facilities are obliged the provision treatment and care services for several patients admitted and those who seek outpatient services. However, due to the greatest acuity level, the number of nurses performing such services has substantially decreased across the US (Tawfik et al., 2020). When...

The Stanford Prison Experiment Analysis

Bartels, J. (2019). Revisiting the Stanford prison experiment, again: Examining demand characteristics in the guard orientation. Journal of Social Psychology, 159(6), 780ā€“790. Abuse between guards and prisoners is an imminent factor attributed to the differential margin on duties and responsibilities. Bartels (2019) agrees that aggression from professionals is a consequential...

Clinical Decision Support Systems

Introduction Clinical decision support (CDS) systems are among the most significant technological advancements in the healthcare sector. These tools are meant to help caregivers come up with directives and work to achieve better outcomes for all stakeholders involved, like reducing costs and making work more efficient and care better. CDS...

The Clinical Systems’ Impact on Outcomes and Efficiencies

Introduction The healthcare sector deals with human life and hence quality in service delivery is of uttermost importance. Stakeholders in this field have embraced the use of various clinical systems for easy operations and better patient outcomes. Improvement in technology has helped the health sector in advancing its procedures especially...

How Exercise Programs Decrease Fall Rates in Adults

PICOT Question For adults greater than 65 years of age in the retirement community (P) does an exercise program (I) compared to no exercise program (C) decrease fall rates (O) within one year (Table 1)? Prioritized List of Databases for the PICOT Question The first database that was considered appropriate...

Beliefs, Perceptions, and Behaviors Impacting Healthcare Utilization

Introduction Immigrant communities face a variety of challenges with regard to accessing healthcare services. Language barriers often make it difficult for individuals to communicate their concerns in a clinical context. Medical appointments often become difficult in scenarios where important concepts are lost in translation. This study aims to ascertain how...

The Chotukool Project in India

Introduction In India, where many people live in poverty and do not have access to basic electronic devices, Chotukool is a unique solution to the problem of food hoarding. The organization’s push for disruptive innovation and breakthrough management is also largely driven by its executive vice president Mr. Sunderraman (Schiling,...

Modernization Theory in the Afghanistan Situation

Modernization Theory Przeworski, Adam and Limongi, Fernando. 1997. Modernization: Theories and Facts.ā€ World Politics 49 (2): 155-183.Ā  This article presents a compendium of theories surrounding the concept of modernization and tries to offer the most intelligible interpretation of this term. Modernization and renewal should be understood not only in connection...

Stress Management at the Workplace

Introduction Managing stress at the working place is one of the underlying humanistic facets that contributes to both interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict. Constant stress at work significantly reduces labor productivity, physical and emotional health of employees (Robbins & Judge, 2016). That is why Robbins and Judge emphasize that it is...

Difficulties Encountered While Writing Research Papers

Introduction Writing a research paper has been a difficult journey in my academic field due to the numerous problems that I have faced when doing research. By its very nature, research is a challenging endeavor that necessitates an in-depth understanding of the subject matter, careful preparation, and hard work. These...

Nursing Theories and Approaches in Practice

Aldohaian, A. I., Alshammari, S. A., & Arafah, D. M. (2019). Using the health belief model to assess beliefs and behaviors regarding cervical cancer screening among Saudi women: A cross-sectional observational study. BMC Womenā€™s Health, 19(1). Web. The study explores the phenomenon of cervical cancer prevalence using the Health Belief...

Ancient River Valley Civilizations

Ahmed, Abdelkader T., Farima El Gohary, Vasileios A. Tzanakakis, and Andreas N. Angelakis. 2020. ā€œEgyptian and Greek Water Cultures and Hydro-Technologies in Ancient Times.ā€ Sustainability 12 (22): 1-26. This scholarly and peer-reviewed article focuses on a historical topic and comments on what hydro-technologies existed in Ancient Egypt. The authors admit...

Japanese Animation: “My Neighbour Totoro” Film

“MI VECINO TOTORO – Clip #2 Subtitulado “Paraguas””. YouTube, uploaded by VĆ©rtigo Films, 2018, Web. The video “MI VECINO TOTORO – Clip #2 Subtitulado “Paraguas” shows a scene from the animation “My Neighbour Totoro” and can be found on YouTube. It was uploaded in 2018 and served as a good...

The Neurobiology of Ecstasy (MDMA) Abuse

Introduction The current paper explores the neurobiology of ecstasy (MDMA) abuse and conducts an analysis of academic articles related to the topic. The theme of the study is relevant to the field of biological psychology because it concerns a widely used substance which significantly affects the well-being of people. Therefore,...

Nigeria: Structure of Society and Cultural Issues

Uzoigwe, G. N. The Evolution and Relevance of Autonomous Communities in Contemporary Igboland: An Essay in Local Governance. Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, 177-189. 2009. Association of Third World Studies, Inc. This article examines in detail the structure of society in Nigeria, which is characterized by...

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare

Interdisciplinary cooperation has been on the rise in the last few years in healthcare system and its impact has been substantial. The increased focus on preventative healthcare services and demand for holistic patient-centered care has led to the integration of human services in healthcare to ensure the delivery of top-notch...

Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System

Elder abuse within the US has posed a threat to the elderly citizens; the situation has emanated in perennial harm to older adults. Types of elderly abuse include physical, sexual, neglect, financial, and psychological abuse. All these types have been occurring in all states of the US. Some of the...

Food and Water Security Management

Introduction The emerging threat to the worldā€™s food and water security is a crucial issue for the academic community. Access to clean and nourishing food and water is a requirement for any individual throughout the world; however, in the current age, some countries are struggling to provide their citizens with...

Problem of Suicidal Ideation in Sexual Minority

Bouris, A., Everett, B. G., Heath, R. D., Elsaesser, C. E., & Neilands, T. B. (2016). Effects of victimization and violence on suicidal ideation and behaviors among sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents. LGBT Health, 3(2), 153-161. The study was carried out to fill the gap in research concerned with the...

Inheritance of Property Legal Aspects

Your Honour, the case of the transfer of inheritance is presented to your attention. The case of the plaintiff’s property was divided into equal shares between the plaintiff and his brothers, which was bequeathed to the wife of the plaintiff’s father, despite the existence of assertions that the property should...

Teenage Cyberbullying: How to Protect Victims

Problem or Objective The topic to study The object of my study is the phenomenon of cyberbullying, targeted bullying with the help of high technologies and communication networks. In the context of this topic, I want to find out the reasons for this behavior and theoretical ways to deal with...

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic

Kofman, Y. B., and D. R. Garfin. “Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 12, no. S1, 2020, pp. S199-S201. Web. The article written by Kofman and Garfin describes how the social disruption caused by...

Caring for Populations: Interventions and Evaluation

The target population will be the Westchester Community from Miami Dale County, Florida. The population in Westchester mainly consists of new individuals who are moving into the area from other countries. As such there is an enormous immigrant population with about less than 20% consisting of the locals. The total...

Risk Management in Supply Chain Processes

Introduction Supply chain risk management relates to the procedure through which organizations employ strategic steps to discern, evaluate, and mitigate threats within their end-to-end supply chain. Two primary risks could disrupt oneā€™s supply chain; including external and internal risks (Prakash et al., 2017; Son, 2018). Threats in the supply chain...

Hand Hygiene in Reducing Transient Flora

Problem Statement The healthcare environment is ironically not the safest of places as may be generally assumed by many people. This is because of numerous reasons but most of which revolve around the high-risk condition of the hospital environment to disease-carrying organisms. As a result, the healthcare environment instead of...

Computer Science and Information System as Disciplines

Coy, W. (2004). Between the disciplines. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36(2), 7ā€“10. ā€œBetween the disciplinesā€ was first published in the year 2004 to explain the nature and characteristics of computer science. The journal not only explains computer science in its authentic details but also analyses its usability in a future-oriented manner...

The George Floyd Case in the Criminal Justice System

Cuddy, A. (2020). George Floyd: Five pieces of context to understand the protests. BBC News, Web. The article reproduces a brief description of the George Floyd case and elements in the context of understanding the protests that followed it. George Floyd, 46, was arrested May 25 in Minneapolis on charges...

Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case

Introduction Research design is a prominent and vital part of marketing researcher. By applying various methods of analyzing and interpreting data, one can form solutions to emerging problems and ensure the stable development of a company. In this process, choosing the most appropriate type of research design is especially important,...

Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians

Cederbaum, J., Wilcox, S., Sullivan, K., Lucas, C., & Schuyler, A. (2017). The Influence of Social Support on Dyadic Functioning and Mental Health Among Military Personnel During Post-deployment Reintegration. Public Health Reports (1974-), 132(1), 85-92.  This article is relevant to my study as it discusses the military personnel’s mental health...

Deforestation: Analysis of the Issue

The aim of this project is to research a technology-based solution that would help address the problem of deforestation. The problem is deforestation, which is especially concerning in tropical rainforests. Technology can help address deforestation by tracking the areas where trees are destroyed. The different solutions include using satellite images,...

Cutler Bay Community’s Windshield Survey

The community chosen for the survey is Cutler Bay community in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Physical environment, people, and service will be assessed in this paper. Geographical Description The geographical boundaries of the community are SW 184th Street, SW 232 Street, and Biscayne National Park (Town of Cutler Bay, 2013). The...

Customerā€™s Decision Making Process

Consumer attitudes are formed by several aspects They can be influenced by the peopleā€™s beliefs, intentions or feelings towards certain types of goods and objects (Attitudes 2010). Besides, the attitudes make consumers prefer different brands or even favor certain stores and prefer them to the other ones. Of course, these...

Sammyā€™s Decision in ā€˜A & Pā€™: Analyzing His Quit and Its Consequences

Introduction After reading the short story ā€˜A & Pā€™, one will be forgiven for believing that Sammy quit his job as a result of his immature, childlike behavior (Uphaus 23). However, a critical analysis of the character will reveal that Sammy did not quit his job on principle grounds. On...

Correlation between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration

When I initially saw the headline, I assumed there was a link between the cost of an engagement ring and the length of a marriage. I expect to find evidence of this correlation when I read the article. The headline makes a correlational claim that there is a relation between...

Childhood Obesity in the US: A Growing Crisis

It is imperative to mention that childhood obesity has turned into a crucial problem over the last few years, and it is especially problematic in the United States because the number of individuals that suffer from this condition has quadrupled over a relatively short period of thirty years (Sabin &...

Revamping Strategic Plans for Indian Creek Foundation

When an organization sticks to a particular plan for years, a plan that was perfect at the beginning becomes outdated. Thus, change is needed to preserve the company’s efficiency. A plan can be defined as “a set of decisions made on actions to be taken to reach a goal” (Homan,...

Research Studies Should Withstand Criticism: Impact of Clinicians on Health

Introduction Research studies should withstand criticism. The paucity of research information is evident on the impact of clinicians on dietary intake and physical activity improvement, and tobacco use reduction using community intervention methods. Anthony et al. (2016) conducted a study titled ā€œCommunity Interventions for Health Can Support Clinicians in Advising...

Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama: Heroes of Modern Society

Abstract This paper explores the subject of heroism and its place in the present society. It determines that in the biblical and medieval societies, heroes were individuals with extraordinary abilities who saved their societies from evil and bondage. The paper goes further to determine that the present society has had...

Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma: Awareness & Prevention

Introduction Substance abuse is, unfortunately, quite a common phenomenon in the 21st-century reality (Holmes 17). While, for the most part, drugs are rather hard to obtain, with prescribed drug abuse, however, the situation becomes more complicated, since the doctor provides the patient with open access to the drug. As a...

Clocks, Their History and Functions

In the world of nowadays, time is one of the most important aspects of our life. Contemporary people like to stick to their plans and schedules where every minute of their day is occupied. We feel comfortable when we know what time it is. This knowledge gives us an opportunity...

Design, Self, and Society: Concept of Advertising

The lifetime of the manufacturesā€™ brand largely depends on the advertizing campaigns and the techniques applied in it. Certainly, most buyers are likely to purchase the product because of the famous brand but because of the product itself. Getting back to the nineteenth century, advertising industry was initially meant as...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment Protocols

When Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) begets acute exacerbations, symptoms deteriorate, and patients experience breathlessness and overall reduced quality of life. A lot of resources go into ensuring that COPD patients receive the necessary care to lessen the exacerbations. There has been a paradigm from the traditional management of COPD...

Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations

Title of Article 1: ā€œPrivacy and Social Mediaā€ Style of Article 1: Persuasive Example 1: ā€œFrom every angle, social media is anathema to privacyā€; ā€œAll of this sharing may help create communities, but it also destroys privacyā€ (Claypoole p. 1) Title of Article 2: ā€œKnown or Knowing Publics? Social Media...

Psychological Type Theory of Jung: Understanding Personality

Jung and Gardner Theory The Psychological Type Theory (PTT) of Jung consists of the orientations (extraversion as opposed to introversion) and the functions of “thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation” to be defined for a person (Crellin, 2014, p. 14). Thinking is opposed to feeling; intuition and sensation form another pair...

Canoes of North American Indigenous People

Introduction Canoes have always been an integral part of the life of ancient tribes. Ancient people all over the world started to build canoes as early as 8200 BC (ā€œNative American canoes,ā€ n.d.). North American Indigenous tribes were making dugout and birch-bark canoes long before the first European settlers came...

BNE Pty Ltd’s Financial Analysis

Executive Summary BNE Pty Ltd is a specialty frozen-food processor that has achieved significant business success. That is why the leading purpose of the given report is to comment on what changes should be implemented so that the company can effectively assess its performance. Every employee should be valued, which...

Understanding Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between physiological events (biology) and psychological processes (behavior) (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). If human behavior is studied in the framework of biopsychology, cognitive processes such as perception, memory, speaking, thinking, etc., are studied within the scope of cognitive neuropsychology. Cognitive...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Emotional Intelligence: Experiences and Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is regarded as one of the important components of effective leadership. Batool (2013) points to the strong link between EI and leadership style. It is also found that leaders tend to receive higher EI scores than their followers (Siegling, Nielsen & Petrides 2014). Being a Human Resources...

Roles of Professional Nurses: Expanding and Changing

Patient/family/client situation The roles of professional nurses continue expanding and changing relative to the rising populations in need of healthcare on one hand, and on the other hand, there is the philosophical shift in healthcare provision in that besides nurses curing illnesses, they are also required to promote health, take...

Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Practice – Prior et al. (2010)

Synopsis Purpose of the Study The study carried out by Prior, Wilkinson, and Neville (2010) was aimed at assessing the attitude of nurses to the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP), their understanding thereof, and the adequacy of their EBP skills and their application to a specific case. Data Contribution Participants...

The Nursing Shortage Problem Analysis and Plan of Action

The problem of the nursing shortage in the United States is primarily connected with three factors: permanent poor health care workforce planning, ineffective system of payments, and disadvantageous geographic distribution of nurses. According to MacLean, Hassmiller, Shaffer, Rohrbaugh, Collier, and Fairman (2014), in 2008 almost 50,000 applicants to nursing programs...

Creation and Wisdom in the Old Testament: Key Concepts

Distinguish between key concepts and subordinate ideas. Concisely summarize these The key concept of ā€˜Creation and Wisdomā€™ by Phillip McMillion is that creation plays a vital part for a minimum of three ways in the acumen of the Old Testament: Wisdom and ethics, wisdom and idolatry, wisdom and praise. The...

Personal Loss and Bereavement: Understanding Deep Emotions and Grief

Personal loss ā€œoccurs when someone loses something precious in his or her lifeā€ (Leming & Dickinson, 2011, p. 26). This kind of loss occurs after the death of a beloved person. Personal loss is usually associated with deep emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bereavement and grief describe the emotional responses...

Satrapiā€™s ā€œThe Complete Persepolisā€ Graphic Novel Analysis

A graphic novel belongs to the number of genres that allow people to demonstrate their talents of writers and artists simultaneously. Graphic novels present fictional stories that are told with the help of the combination of verbal and graphical means. Even though it is widely accepted that a format of...

Characters Whose Stories Reveal Lifeā€™s Dualities in Literature

Speaking about the world of literature, it is necessary to say that it is quite difficult to divide the most famous and appreciated books into two groups based on positive or negative aspects of life that their authors are focusing on; in fact, when it comes to good books, it...

Pain Assessment and Home Safety for Older Adults: Interview Insights

The assessment of pain and home environments with the focus on possibilities of falls is important for understanding experiences of older persons and developing appropriate interventions. The purpose of this paper is to provide the results of the interview with an older female regarding her perception of pain. The paper...

Impact of Organizational Structure on Employee Behavior and Performance

Introduction Every organization needs to put in place a structure for efficient operation. An organizational structure is defined as a hierarchical representation of individuals and what they do within the organization. It sheds some light on critical values an organization stands for and its character. Therefore, it is essential for...

Why Change Occurs in a Law Enforcement Agency

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable and constant. Virtually all organizations are susceptible to changes in their organizational systems and hierarchies. Some of these organizational changes come as a result of positive factors, while others are brought about by negative factors. Police administrations are not left out of this. Eight reasons...

Opera: A Unique Blend of Art Forms and Musical Exoticism

Opera is a unique genre of art which uses the great variety of different methods to influence the viewer and make an impression much more stronger. It is a strange mixture of singing, acting, dancing and all other known remedies. Costumes also play a great role in this performance as...

Open and Close HMO Panels: Understanding Their Differences and Benefits

Introduction Improving the working conditions of medical professionals is essential for quality health care delivery. Health Medical Organizations (HMOs) operate in the health care environment to offer members services similar to those offered by insurance companies to cater for their unique needs (Taylor et al., 2010). The beneficiaries of the...

OPECā€™s Influence on Oil Prices and Americaā€™s Economic Challenges

America’s overdependence on petroleum products is one of the main reasons for the sluggish economy. The cost of importing crude oil creates a trade deficit, and it increases the debt burden of the United States. Also, policymakers must explore other sources of energy because petroleum products contribute to the degradation...

Enhancing Patient Education with Nursing Information Systems

Introduction Considering the necessity to provide clients with a high-quality service in a short period of time that exists in any sphere of human activity, there is a range of information systems used by specialists to improve working performance. Nursing information systems are used by healthcare specialists as they present...

Islamic Themes in Kerem Oktem’s and Thomas Solomon’s Articles

“Being Muslim at the Margins Alevis and the AKP,” by Kerem Oktem The author presents how the people of Tunceli province were festooned by the holiday wishes which were being celebrated at the same time. He presents the duties that were carried out by various people. For example, the author...

Unhealthy Eating Habits: Main Cause of Obesity in America

Introduction The American Continent has been in the headlines for the high prevalence rates of obesity among adults and children. Unhealthy eating habits have been cited as the main cause of this disease. Obesity was declared a national disaster since it was the major cause of deaths on the continent....

The Healthcare System in the US: Constantly Improving

ObamaCare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) was signed by President Barack Obama in 2010; it is ā€œa US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxesā€ (ObamaCare Facts, 2015). In this way, the purpose of this reform is to...

Obama Administrationā€™s Healthcare Agenda: Expanding Coverage for All Americans

Introduction The Obama administration’s healthcare agenda calls for expanded health insurance coverage for all Americans. As a direct result of policies implemented after close to a decade in national leadership, the Obama administration expects to increase the scope of America’s health care delivery system to benefit additional tens of millions...

Professionalism and Ethics in Technologies

Technological Optimism and Pessimism Technology has revolutionized the production of goods and services to ensure people live happily. The need to use modern technology has enabled people to save time, energy, and get quality products and services. This discussion explores the future and impacts of cloning on modern societies. This...

Marketing Communication: “The Selling Game” Video

What are the main messages and themes in the video ā€œThe Selling Gameā€? The video deals with a number of topics. One of them is the subject of communication and the numerous themes connected to it. The different views of communication are presented; two main models of perceiving communication are...

Parentsā€™ Influence on Childrenā€™s Emotional Control | NYU Study

The article that is presented by the New York University is dealing with the parentsā€™ influence on the childrenā€™s ability to control emotions and recognize them. It is claimed that the aggression between parents is likely to have an adverse effect on the development of children. There is no difference...

Family Nurse Practitionerā€™s Employment in Professional Organizations

Introduction The nursing profession, in addition to professionalism, requires dedication and endurance, bordering on self-sacrifice. The specialist working in this sphere should not only know the theoretical part of medicine well but also be an excellent practitioner. The qualification of a nurse is essential both for patients and management. Self-education...

Graduate Education in Nursing: An Interview with a Masterā€™s Prepared Nurse

Introduction The present paper is devoted to an interview that I carried out with a master’s prepared nurse (MPN) who is currently working as a nurse educator. I chose this MPN since her scope of practice is very similar to my personal interests: I am specializing in nursing education as...

The Role of Nurses in Clinical and Non-Clinical Settings

Advanced Nursing Practice Role Although nurses do not treat patients, but only follow the doctorā€™s prescriptions, their role in advanced practice is important. Nurses are expected to notice any changes in the patientā€™s condition. Besides, nurses can calm the patient down as well as make his/her sufferings less severe. The...

The Role of Nurse-Managed Health Centers in Expanding NP Practice

Introduction Nurse-Managed Health Centers (NMHCs) are organizations that could become a significant part of the solution to the problem of restricted access to health care. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the shortage of primary care practitioners will reach 44,000 by 2025 (as cited in Esperat, Hanson-Turton,...

Judieā€™s Conflict: Patient Care vs. Organizational Needs

Introduction Judie, who has served as the nurse manager for the past ten years, has been experiencing irritation and dissatisfaction due to certain administration issues at her working place. In spite of the initial priority for the patient’s needs, Judie has to ignore some of them for organizational matters, which...

United States and Soviet Union: Post-WWII Nuclear Arms Race

Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, countries have become concerned on how they can manage the use of nuclear weapons however, some countries that have nuclear weapons in their military bases and are continuing to develop other. During this period, the United States and Soviet Union had...

The League of Nations: Formation and Impact

Introduction The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918. This conflict involved 38 countries. The causes of the First World War were versatile; it can be argued that the serious economic contradictions...

Harley Davidson Brand Analysis: Attention & Sensory Perception

Introduction This paper analyzes my perceptions of three brands ā€“ Harley Davidson, Naked Juice, and Tropicana Juice. While the paper contains individual analyses of each brand, it also highlights four issues in each segment ā€“ how each brand captures my attention, what captures my attention about the brand, my sensory...

Myasthenia Gravis: A Neurodegenerative Disorder

Running head: Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis is a neurodegenerative disorder that weakens the skeletal muscles. The disorder causes emotional stress on the family members because it is difficult to detect in early stages (Mehta, 2014). The diagnostic process of Myasthenia Gravis is a continuous process which is very expensive for...

Different Types of Art Therapy in Modern Healthcare

Different types of art therapy are actively used today in the health care system as effective methods to influence the patientā€™s psychological and physical state. Music is also an important tool to contribute to the patientā€™s successful treatment. Nowadays, music is used in the field of health care as the...

Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC Speech: Persuasive Techniques

Introduction Nowadays, being a political leader requires having the support of close relatives and friends, as they give hope and help people overcome constant challenges and issues of the modern world. One of the bright examples of political contributors is Michelle Obama. Analyzing her speech during the 2016 National Democratic...

Michelinā€™s New Pilot Super Sport Tires: A Game Changer

Introduction In this paper we will analyze trade mark Michelin, its new product and will talk about the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Michelin is considered to be one of the leading tire manufacturing companies in the world. There is no doubt that this market is quite competitive and in...