A Rose for Emily: Gothic Elements

Gothic Elements in A Rose for Emily: Essay Introduction Gothic elements in any literary work represent the intricate literature that specifically deals with the mysterious, unusual, and supernatural. Writers often deploy gothic elements in a bid to reveal popular themes and motifs such as hidden truths, death, complicated love, eroticism,...

Midsummer Night’s Dream: Perspectives on Marriage

Introduction “The course of true love never did run smooth” (Shakespeare 1.1.134). This quote ironically represents the complex relationships full of romantic complications which dominate the plot of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Written as a romantic comedy where marriage is the central theme, Shakespeare presents various views on love and...

Coca-Cola Company’s Environmental Factors

Introduction The general marketing environment is made up of factors and forces that affect or influence the marketing function (Capon, 2009). The marketing company’s immediate environment is the marketing function itself consisting of the four Ps which ensure the smooth running of the marketing function (Reynolds & Lancaster, 2005). The...

Population Parameters in Statistics

A population parameter and its point estimate. Population parameters refer to the statistical measures that are fixed and when used as variables, they make the population distribution descriptive hence descriptive statistics. A good example of population parameters is the mean and variance in a normal distribution. When these two variables...

“Starving Child and Vulture” Photo by Kevin Carter

Introduction The photograph “Starving Child and Vulture” made by Kevin Carter is one of the pictures that impress the souls and influence the minds of people. Since 1993, when it has been made, it remains a subject of discussion, referring not only to political issues, but also to deep social,...

Barriers to Ethical Managerial Decision-Making

Outline This essay is an attempt to describe the hurdles like social and cultural system, whistleblowing, corruption, groupthink
etc that are being faced by the managers while making ethical-managerial decisions. This paper also provides some recommendations for dealing with these obstacles. Obstacles encountered by the managers while making ethical decisions The...

Comparative Education Methods by Noah and Eckstein

Introduction Education internationally experienced a positive development in education systems and methodologies in 1960s. The emergence of pragmatic education methodologies schemas such as Noah and Eckstein contributed immensely to this success. Methodologists of international education put various schemas forward to aid in conducting educational research, which was aimed at promoting...

Foundations of Army Leadership

Good leadership is important for the success and continuity of any organization. In particular, the army holds leadership in high regard and strives to create efficient leaders. The responsibility of army leaders is to guide their juniors by providing them with purpose and motivation. Additionally, army leadership is founded on...

Ireland vs. America: Similarities and Differences

Introduction The United States of America and the Republic of Ireland are two countries with unique histories, cultures, and traditions. Naturally, there are many differences between American and Irish societies and the cultures of the two nations. Nevertheless, there are still many similarities in their cultural values and customs. Thus,...

Example of Successful Trading Company: Walmart, INC.

Trade is the basis of any kind of business. One of the examples of successful trading companies is Walmart, Inc., an American company that manages the world’s largest wholesale and retail chain. The main target regions are the USA and Mexico; also, the company is presented in Canada, South America,...

AACN Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

This paper explores the nine AACN MSN essentials of master’s education in nursing. Check it out if you need to analyze MSN essentials. Abstract The rapid advancements in the development and the delivery of health care require the sphere of education to account for the quick changes in order to...

Public Policy and Administration: The Theories of Departmentalization and Division of Labor

Theories and Theorists Theories are essential in scholarly studies. It is one reason scholars review the literature to help them understand relevant theories in their field of study. Generally, a theory refers to a group of harmonized constructs aimed at developing a hypothesis and defining relationships between variables. It comes...

Promote Outdoor Fun Than Mobile Games to Children

With the development of technical progress, which led to the emergence of all sorts of computer technologies, mankind has acquired not only advantages but also significant disadvantages that mainly affect the development of children. Among the benefits of mobile gaming, the most important one is that according to the recent...

Celebrities as Role Models: Positive and Negative Influences

Introduction In the present-day world, the universe has been considered a global village because of technology’s exposure and connections. Human interactions have been improved, primarily through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (Leng and Phua 3). Mostly these channels are dominated by socialites, entertainers, and celebrities from...

Betty Neuman’s Systems Theory of Nursing

Name of the theory The Neuman Systems Model appeared in 1972 and 1974 in Neuman’s books “A model for teaching total person approach to patient problems” and “The conceptual models for nursing practice” (Gigliotti, 2001). These books explained her perceptions of nursing and healthcare and. The books described the openness...

The Patient Registration Process and Its Stages

Patient registration is an important part of healthcare services provision. Either short- both long-term appropriate patient care is impossible without this procedure. The purpose of patient registration is to collect basic information about the person and record the actions performed as part of the services provided. It includes both consultation...

Punishment in Greek Mythology: Prometheus and Sisyphus

Introduction One of the main themes of classical myths is the punishment of mortals for their crimes by gods, and it reflects the perspectives of ancient people on matters of justice. Most cases are connected to disrespectful conduct and the lack of obedience (Jones 4). In this way, the principal...

The Toulmin’s vs. the Rogerian Arguments

Introduction Managing dilemmas and addressing conflicts as well as getting involved in any sort of analysis means being able to navigate among the existing options and analyze the arguments provided by each party to define the solution that suits the identified problem best. Traditionally, two types of arguments are used...

Stages of Development Adulthood

Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to...

The Movie “Back to the Future”: The Genre of Science Fiction

Introduction Understanding the primary features of various film genres is an essential part of a film studies researcher. Different types of movie categories can convey multiple ideas and stories, underlining specific aspects of ordinary lives or exploring the capabilities of human imagination. Some film types combine the knowledge from academic...

Theoretical Approaches to Addictions

Introduction Addictions represent a complex phenomenon characterized by the presence of behavioral, physiological, and psychological changes, the diversity of which makes the establishment of the core cause of addiction disorders and their etiology a challenging task. As opposed to more recent multi-causal approaches to comprehending addictions, single-cause models offer partially...

Kennedy Class II Removable Partial Dentures Review

During the last few decades, technology has combined well with science and innovation to bring about sweeping changes in dental treatment. People who could never afford a smile due to the sorry state of their teeth have been offered a new lease of life, courtesy of emerging technologies such as...

The Developmental Tasks of Early Childhood

Introduction When children reach the age of two, they are no longer toddlers but in their early childhood years. These years run through to the age of six. This age bracket involves growth in their body size and in their mental capacity. These children quickly grow and lose their toddler...

Woolworths’ Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy

Integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy is Woolworths’ competitive advantage. It is also connected with Woolworths’ pricing strategy and customer demographics. Keep reading to learn more. Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Woolworths has adopted various business-level strategies and integrated them to drive its operations in the highly competitive Australian retail sector. This approach is...

Greek Concept of the “Therapon” in the “Iliad” by Homer

Introduction The Greek concept of “Therapon”, as one of the central in the Ancient Greek culture, plays an important historical and cultural role in the “Iliad” by Homer. On the whole, the Ancient Greece contributed greatly to the development of the world culture of today, and the above mentioned concept...

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Literature Review

Introduction Autism is a disorder that science has not yet studied thoroughly, although it is a common problem in society. Therapists have only partially learned how to diagnose it, understand the causes of its occurrence, and evaluate its impact on human life. However, although autism is a poorly studied illness,...

Google Company Analysis: Strategies and Issues

Introduction Google was created to provide all information to the world freely through the organization of the same and being good unless otherwise. Google later launched Gmail which was supposed to compete with yahoo but it was more customized and designed for its contents. The contents for the search were...

Social Media’s Influence on American Culture

Abstract The use of social media has become increasingly popular and important in the globalized world today. People use social media for all kinds of reasons, including economic, social, and political reasons. However, the main reason for engaging in social media for most people is to satisfy their desire for...

Philosophy and Major Domains in Nursing

This paper focuses on the domains of nursing practice. Here, you’ll find definition of nursing, the major domains, and other useful information. Get some ideas for your paper on domains of nursing with our essay sample! Pursuing a nursing career is challenging and requires a profound understanding of the various...

Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Global events and attitudes have to a large extent been shaped by religion. The history of humanity have been encompassed by a number of events such as wars, the building of new cities and the introduction of new laws with the central of aim of promulgating or protecting one...

Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture

Check out our essay example on Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture. Here, you’ll find the meaning behind the definition of culture. Get some inspiration for your assignment with our Geertz’ Thick Description summary. Geertz’ Thick Description Summary Chapter by Chapter In “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory...

Disadvantages of Wealth

Achieving wealth and prestige is often the life goal of many young people. Money brings such advantages as better food and medicine, any things a person needs and wants, as well as the fulfillment of almost any desires without effort. However, stories of spoiled children of millionaires or pop stars...

Zara Market Segmentation

Zara Market Segmentation: Introduction The concept of market segmentation plays an essential role in setting up a company’s target customers. By selectively choosing the main market sector, a firm can deliberately increase its competitiveness in this given segment. It allows organizations to be more efficient and concentrate on specific products...

Health-Illness Continuum Relevance on the Patient Care

Introduction The health-illness continuum is a graphic illustration of well-being, first proposed by John W. Travis and Regina S. Ryan (LeMone, 2017). It goes beyond the physical aspect of health and concentrates on well-being or wellness as more than just an absence of illness. This paper aims to discuss the...

Two Narrators in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

The novel Heart Of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is written in a very peculiar way: Conrad uses a framing structure which makes up a story in a story. The story is recounted by two narrators, which makes it sound more verisimilar and impressive. The novel opens up with the description...

Big Five Personality Traits

Introduction The human personality has been described using what has been named the Big-Five factors. It has also been referred to as the Five Factor Model (FFM) in other occasions. These factors of personality, which are the five perspectives, include neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. Costa and McCrae established...

Management Theories: Classical Writers and Contingency School

Introduction Management comprises various theories, schools and directions. Management entails organization and direction of duties dependent on specific job context. Management theories define ways in which individuals can be organized and productive in the performance of workplace duties. In addition, theories of management synchronize workplaces with the aim of attainment...

Kotter’s Change Management Theory in Nursing Practice

This essay example analyses Kotter’s change management theory: its background, assumptions, characteristics, and other essential aspects. Learn more about Kotter’s change model with the help of our sample! Introduction To achieve long-term quality improvement, it is critical to create an appropriate theoretical foundation for change implementation. In professional nursing, a...

Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)

Studying Abroad Essay: Introduction On the outside, it may seem extraordinarily strange that some individuals choose to journey hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles to study abroad when they could just easily register for a similar course in their home country. But on the inside, there are many valid reasons why...

Animal Welfare: Why Animals Should Be Treated With Kindness and Respect

Introduction Animal welfare refers to the physical and social well-being of animals or rather the concern for animals. Animal welfare movement is a movement that began in the mid 19th century with a primary goal of protecting and improving the treatment of animals that are used by human beings. Just...

Auden’s “The Unknown Citizen” Poem Interpretation

Wystan Hugh Auden’s poem ” The Unknown Citizen” is a portrayal of a conflict between individualism and government control and the central theme of the poem is the attitude of the government towards its citizen. W H. Auden’s poem “The Unknown Citizen” is a government’s outlook of the ideal contemporary...

Air Pollution Solutions: How to Improve Air Quality

Introduction In general, public health issues are specific problems and threats related to the global population’s overall health. Public health may be regarded as an interdisciplinary field directly opposite to healthcare that focuses on the welfare of individual patients. Although fundamental public health issues have a particular tendency to change...

Comparing Literature and Film: Rapunzel and Tangled

Introduction It is a common practice for moviemakers to adapt a well-known story, fairy tale, or novel for their films. In the case of Tangled, it is based on a popular fairy tale. Tangled (2010) is an animated musical directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard and produced by Walt...

Human Resource Management and Functions: Mind Map

Mind Map About Human Resource Management Personnel are an essential component to any company’s success. A human resource (HR) manager has roles and functions within an organization that are focused on working with people. Proper human resource management is essential for any organization as it identifies the type of workforce...

Strategy Implementation, Evaluation, and Control

Are you searching for marketing strategy implementation, evaluation, and control examples? Then you are at the right place! Learn about the importance of marketing strategy implementation, evaluation, and control and get some ideas for your paper. Strategy Implementation, Evaluation, and Control: Essay Introduction A business plan is a focal point...

Academic Qualifications for Success in Life Importance

Success in life can be achieved through various means. However, our definition and perception of this term may equally vary depending on what we believe in or value in general. It is imperative to consider both views whether opposing or supporting this argument. Nevertheless, in retrospect, we all understand that...

Multinational Corporation: Apple Company

The Apple Company is a Multinational Corporation that deals with manufacturing and designing of various items like Electronics, software used by computers and also manufacturing computers for individuals. It is the manufacturer of ipad, ipod and also Macintosh computers. It has been able to make various soft wares like Mac...

Contemporary Globalization and Its Impact

Are you looking for contemporary globalization essay examples? This paper explores contemporary globalization, its features, issues, and impacts. What is contemporary globalization? Find out the answer with the help of our essay sample! What is contemporary globalization: Introduction As Shakespeare predicted a long time ago, the world is shrinking into...

Heidi: by Johanna Spyri

Heidi: by Johanna Spyri Essay Introduction “Heidi” is a children’s book by the Swiss author Johanna Spyri and it was first published in the late nineteenth century. The book’s intended audience is children and it has managed to remain relevant a century after it was published. It is not usual...

The Crisis of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug use is an act that has been seen among citizens, especially the youthful generation in many countries. It is a problem that is caused by a number of factors, among them being sociocultural factors, as well as the economic factors surrounding the drug users. Heavy use of drugs...

Literary Analysis: The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried Analysis: Essay Introduction O’Brien, in the short story “The Things They Carried”, captures the predicaments of soldiers during the Vietnam War. Each soldier carries a literal and symbolic object that links the past to the present. The symbols serve to distract the solders from the realities...

Romantic Period and Victorian Period Poetry Comparison

Romantic and Victorian poetry refers to verses produced during the Romantic and Victorian periods. The poems that have been chosen for my analysis, “Porphyria’s Lover” and “She Walks in Beauty”, demonstrate the most striking features of each of the literary eras. Both the Romantic and Victorian periods were two significant...

Entrepreneurial Ventures and Exploration of Entrepreneurial Mindset

Introduction Exploring the entrepreneurial mindset is impossible without clarifying different venture types and their characteristics. The typology of ventures depends on various characteristics, such as size, geographical location, product types, and other factors. The present paper will seek to discuss different types of entrepreneurial ventures and to examine their similarities...

IKEA Five Forces Analysis & SWOT Analysis

IKEA is a famous company that operates in the retail and furniture industries. The company provides affordable products to its customers that are often praised for their practicality, design, and recognizability of the brand. The paper aims to analyze IKEA’s competitive positioning in the furniture industry by using SWOT analysis,...

Frankenstein as a Gothic Novel and an Example of Romanticism

Mary Shelley is an iconic writer who lived from 1797 and died in 1851. The writer lived and wrote during the era of literature when romanticism bloomed and flourished. Shelley’s works can prove that she was significantly impacted by her times because she shows major elements of romantic writing. One...

Smart House System Technology Explained

Introduction Smart House is a term used to describe a house that has Computer Controlled Automation System that controls various functions in a house such as appliances and lighting. This system employs smart technology allowing for networking of appliances hence enabling access and operation of the appliances from any part...

Instagram vs. Facebook as Social Media Platforms

A few decades ago, the world population relied on the telephone for connection and communication. Nowadays, technological advancements have reduced the world to a globalized village with a third of the entire human population actively interacting online through Facebook and Instagram (Bumsoo and Yonghwan 158). The two online platforms are...

Working Stage of Group Therapy in Counseling

The working stage of group therapy is only possible upon the successful completion of the first three phases. When all the conflicts are resolved, and a comfortable environment for group discussions is created, it is possible to start the proper work on problem solving. If during the earlier stages the...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca

Introduction With the increasing profits of companies in the 20th century, the question about their potential contribution to society was raised. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) implies procedures and practices that are considered by companies to make a positive impact and achieve pro-social objectives. In terms of Carroll’s pyramid of CSR,...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” Literary Analysis

The appearances people put on for others and the true essence of their being are vital parts of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” A short story is a literary genre with distinct ways of conveying themes and messages concisely. Various authors utilize different elements to enhance and...

Ford Motor Company Organisational Structures

Introduction This report summarises the managerial and organisational structures of Ford Motor Company. An analysis of the market environment in which Ford occupies will be taken into consideration to determine the internal and external factors that affect their organisation. Historical Background Henry Ford started Ford Motors in Detroit, Michigan in...

Nursing Theory of Virginia Henderson

Virginia Avenel Henderson was born on November 30, 1897, in Kansas City, MO. She graduated from the U.S. Army School of Nursing in 1921, completed her B.S. at the Teachers College in 1932, and her M.A. at the Columbia University in 1934. Then she taught at the Columbia University until...

Troy and Cory Conflict in “Fences” Play by Wilson

Fences is a play in two acts written by August Wilson in 1985 and set in the 1950s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The plot follows the life of Troy Maxon, a former African American baseball player who is presently a garbage collector struggling to support his family and manage his relationships...

The Modern Prometheus: Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This Frankenstein analysis focuses on Victor’s motivation, various themes, and parallels with mythology. Check it out if you need ideas for your analysis of Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Analysis of Frankenstein: Introduction Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster...

The Roles of Women Changing in the World Today

Introduction Women have been one of the most important elements of society but were never able to make an eminent place in the world, due to the dominance of men all over. This gender of society has forever been the lower one, with male supremacy and authority taking their toll...

Locke and Berkeley: If a Tree Falls in a Forest

Locke and Berkeley “If a Tree Falls in a Forest”: Introduction One of the most debated philosophical experiment questions is “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” The answer to this question seems to be quite easy,...

Why Electronic Book Is Better Than Print Book

Introduction For hundreds of years, books have been the foundation of the society in which we live and especially beginning from the time the printing press was invented. This invention is possibly the most significant in the history of a human being. However, in the current day, advancement in technology...

The Political Situation in Pakistan

Abstract The region today referred to as Pakistan was much of its history part of Persian dynasties including what is today referred to as India. Today, Pakistan is an independent country in South Asia to the west of India. But what led to the split and the rise of Pakistan...

Social Disapproval in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Introduction Mary Shelley’s book Frankenstein raises a number of social issues such as the disapproval of the female gender in society. The social class, as depicted in the novel, is split along gender lines that marginalize women as a result of the existence of a predominant patriarchal structure. Also, a...

“Strange Meeting” by Wilfred Owens

Introduction Wilfred Owen is often considered as one of the eminent war poets in English literature who exhibits real pathos in his poems. His war poetry shows an astonishing advance in expressions as well as contents. Owen had previous experimented with a variety of new technical devices, such as half–rhymes,...

Impacts of Drugs on the Society

Drug usage has been a crucial issue worldwide for many decades. It impacts not only the particular individuals addicted to illegal substances but also the surrounding around them, and eventually, it leads to massive social issues. This essay aims to identify drug addiction’s influence on society on the local, national,...

Paris: Beautiful and Breathtaking

Introducing Paris The French capital city, Paris, by the river Seine, is one of the most seductive and celebrated cities in the world. With beauty and romance in each and every part of it, it is not an exaggeration to tell that it is the most beautiful city in the...

Deviance and Social Control

Introduction Deviance is a form of behavior that violates the social norms of a particular culture or social group. It is generally considered an inherent part of a functioning society influenced by several social and psychological factors and regulated by internal and external mechanisms of social control. There are many...

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory in Nursing

Virginia Henderson Theory: Introduction The use of nursing theories in the clinical nursing environment varies significantly depending on the context. However, all such theories are targeted at achieving high levels of care for patients regardless of who they are and what is their background. For the purpose of the current...

Comparison of Cultural Deviance Theories

Any behavior that violates cultural norms is called deviance. Deviance can either be formal or informal. The former is exemplified in day to day crimes such as arson, assault, homicide, robbery, fraud, theft, rape and so on. It follows that perpetrators of such crimes often violate formally instituted laws. The...

History of the Internet

Before the internet came into place, communication (voice and data transfer) was limited to areas between stations covered by a small radius network. That was in the 1950s and the early 1960s. The term internet is used to mean a global link via the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The...

Target Corporation’s Marketing Strategies and Financial Performance

Target Corporation is the eighth largest American retail corporation with stores in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The CEO of the corporation is Brian Cornell, who is in charge of Target’s 1900 U.S. stores, various properties, and more than 350,000 workers (Target, 2021). The company is...

Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned

In a rapidly changing world, computer technology is becoming an increasingly important factor influencing the formation of a young person’s identity. With the growth of the influence of computer technologies on the consciousness of a modern person, a tendency has emerged that allows one to notice the increasing dynamics of...

Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

Introduction School is one of the most important social institutions that have an educational and educative function. Safety is a critical element of a school that requires constant monitoring and development. Bullying encroaches on school safety, so now the question of what to do with bullies is quite relevant. The...

Future Nursing Profession Analysis

Introduction Healthcare professionals play a significant role in the community since they promote people’s well-being and healthy living. They not only treat and manage diseases but also provide preventive care services. Doctors and nurses are recognized health care providers who guarantee healthy nations. My future profession is nursing, and I...

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the Automotive Industry

Introduction Porter’s five forces are essential tools for understanding a particular industry’s competitive environment and determining the best strategies for potential profitability. They are important since they provide an understanding of the forces that can hinder success in a business environment. The five forces consist of supplier power, intensity of...

Movie Analysis: “Hacksaw Ridge”

Introduction Hacksaw Ridge is the story of a Seventh Day Adventist infantryman, Desmond Doss, who refuses to carry any weapon as he serves in the United States Army. He enlists as a combat medic after the Pearl Harbor attack. His infantry is supposed to ascend the Maeda Escarpment which the...

The Role of Conflicts in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Conflict in Hamlet: Essay Introduction The play Hamlet is one of the appealing literary works of the world’s renowned play writer, William Shakespeare. The play is about one character that is, Hamlet who is the prince and son of the late king who was allegedly murdered by the current king...

Sociological Analysis of Nosedive: “Black Mirror” by Brooker

Introduction In the past few decades, media was the source of shaping people’s opinions and the broadcaster of fundamental thoughts, ideas, and messages. The advent of television programs, radio, or social media has changed the perception of such messages, whether they are open or hidden, that sometimes cannot be easily...

Consumer Behavior: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Consumer behavior can be defined as the analysis of how, what, when, and why individuals purchase certain commodities and leave out others. The analysis tries to comprehend what drives the making of decisions by consumers either as an individual or as a group. It further attempts to evaluate what...

The Social Bond Theory by Travis Hirschi

Theory The social bond theory was developed by Travis Hirschi in 1969 to address social problems among delinquents and provide practical solutions on how these social problems could be solved. The theory which is one way or another similar to the social control theory originated from the Functionalist theories of...

How and Why TikTok Addiction Affects Academic Performance

Introduction Social media has developed into a potent and beneficial instrument that allows contemporary society to engage. However, social networking platforms are becoming very addicting for their users (Yahya et al., 2020). The addictive nature may significantly interfere with users’ everyday commitments in the real world, necessitating a recovery process...

The United Nations’ Strengths and Weaknesses

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations? Read this essay to find out! Find here examples of United Nations’ strengths and weaknesses for a SWOT analysis or a case study. United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses: Introduction Operating since 1945, the United Nations is viewed by many states...

The Song “Somewhere Only We Know”: Comparative Analysis of Two Versions

Introduction Many people grow up listening to popular songs on the radio without paying particular attention to the lyrics and the execution. However, years later, when they hear the familiar melody that was deeply engraved into their memory, they start to contemplate the differences and the meaning behind the song....

Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

Introduction The transatlantic slave trade is the forced export of African slaves from Africa to the colonies of the New World and European countries. Its beginning dates back to the middle of the 15th century, when the first Portuguese, who were led by Prince Henry the Navigator, reached the West...

Analysis of “Joyas Voladoras” by Brian Doyle

These days, people predominantly lead a speedy lifestyle, they always hurry for coming in time to work or university, run for important meetings, and do their best to fulfill deadlines. The modern pace of life can be compared with a continuous rush without the finish point. Time management is the...

Tesla Differentiation Strategy and Its Distinctions

This paper analyzes Tesla product differentiation as a competitive strategy. Tesla differentiation strategy is a great subject for your case study in business. Read on and get inspired! Introduction The demand for eco-friendly cars is rising, fueled by sustainability policies, advances in technology, and changing consumer needs. Tesla has been...

The Seven Soliloquies of Shakespeare’s Hamlet

In total, there are 7 soliloquies in Hamlet. Soliloquies help reveal his personality and state of mind. This analysis presents all of Hamlet’s seven soliloquies in order with explanations. “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” is among William Shakespeare’s most famous works. The play is centered around the titular...

Anthony Giddens and the Theory of Structuration

Introduction Anthony Giddens is an English sociologist and the headmaster of The London School of Economics and Political Science. The scientist is considered to be one of the most significant figures in contemporary sociology. He has written 34 books, which have been published in 29 different languages. In 2007, Anthony...

The Metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa and His Family

Introduction The Metamorphosis is one of the best-known works of German-language writer Franz Kafka. Originally titled as Die Verwandlung, the short story was first published in 1915. Since its publication, The Metamorphosis received a lot of attention from critics and readers, fascinated by the surreal and tragic story of an...

Hamlet’s Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s Play

Hamlet’s Internal Conflict: Introduction Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies. The plot revolves around the main character Hamlet who cannot make up his mind on whether or not to take revenge over the murder of his father, King Hamlet, the ruler of Denmark. This indecision arises after Hamlet...

Difference Between Pavlov and Skinner’s Behaviorism Theorie

Welcome to our comparison of Pavlov and Skinner’s behaviorism theories! Read it to learn more about Skinner, Pavlov, and operant vs. classical conditioning. Abstract The given paper is devoted to the comparison of learning theories offered by Skinner and Pavlov. Being representatives of classical and operant conditioning, the scientists offered...

Advantages and Disadvantages Working From Home or Office

Introduction Nowadays, the boundary between personal life and workspace becomes more and more blurred. Advancement of communication technologies provided everybody with a chance to find a job that can be performed either at the office or at home according to individual preferences. The Covid-19 pandemic increased the rate of home-based...

Globalization Impact on Sustainable Agriculture

Introduction Researchers are in agreement that the ongoing agents of globalization, including trade liberalization, international migration, rural-urban migration, technological innovations, and global currency deregulation, have far-reaching implications on sustainable development (van der Velde et al. 2007; Zimmerer 2007). However, there are conflicting views on whether globalization has actually led to...

Why You Should Not Have Grades in School

Introduction The last decade saw many anthropological studies that sought to identify the challenges and mismatches between what people understand about real-life experiences and learning in colleges. Numerous researchers have also attempted to explain why formal education has resulted in a “lack of learning.” Learning institutions often promote credentials and...

Pizza Hut’s Marketing Strategy

Product Pizza Hut is a well-known restaurant that is primarily focused on modern Italian and Western cuisine. The franchise represents the world’s largest pizza chain with over 12,000 establishments and delivery points worldwide. Furthermore, the chain is known for its innovative approach to new product development. Despite a fairly extensive...

Pros and Cons of Online Learning

Introduction Institutionalized education has been affected significantly by the current Covid-19 pandemic because schools have been closed as one of the countermeasures to address this global problem. As such, online learning has become the preferred mode of delivering instruction to students. With the rapid rate of technological growth in the...

Supply Chain Management Theory

Want to know more about the fundamentals of the supply chain management theory or materials logistics management theory? Then keep reading! Get some inspiration for your essay on supply chain management theories.  Supply Chain Management Theories: Essay Introduction A supply chain is a system of information and resources that involves...

Causes of Violence in Society

What Are the Causes of Violence in Society: Abstract There are many factors that can cause people into violent acts. Acts of violence in humans can be caused by triggers to violent acts and propensity to be violent. The propensity to be violent depends on the personal character of the...

Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

If you’re about to write a “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay, make sure to check out our sample below! Here, you’ll get some ideas for your “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay.  Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘A complete...

High School Challenges in Personal Experience

Introduction High school experience is different for everyone; however, unarguably, it is both the most critical and stressful time for students. Before the school year began, I anticipated this life stage as the most essential and fun period of a student’s life. Moreover, as a learner, I wanted to explore...

Beauty Standards and its Effects on Body Image

Beauty standards established by media images have a substantial impact on body image in the modern world. Despite numerous experts discussing the positive effects of such influence, there is a considerable amount of compelling evidence suggesting another point of view. Celebrities and advertisements persuade young people to aim for specific...

High School versus College

Introduction The transition from high school to college marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Some aspects of life are similar while others are different. Similarities include class structures, examinations, homework, and social life. They are experienced in both cases but on different levels. On the other...

Impact of Internet on Students’ Life

The Internet’s Effects on Students Lives: Essay Introduction Technology, particularly the Internet, has changed the lives of students who have access in various ways. The effects of technology ripple out and reach even those students who may not have direct access to Internet but whose professors have the privilege of...

Why Are Beaches Important to Humans and to Earth?

The Importance of Beaches: Essay Introduction Beaches are the landforms that exist along large water bodies and they are made up of various materials that might include sand, gravel, or rock. Haller states that the term ‘beach’ is widely defined as “the zone of loose or unconsolidated material extending from...

You Are What You Eat: Essay Example

You Are What You Eat Essay Introduction A person living a modern life should learn to eat healthy since whatever a person eats will determine their health condition in the long run. Eating healthy would lead to being in good condition, but eating junk food would lead to complications to...

Benefits of Having a Pet

A pet is regarded as any animal kept by human beings to act as a source of pleasure and companionship. Generally, they are kept because of the pleasure they tend to give to the owners; often, especially with dogs, horses, and cats, the pleasure is mutual. Therefore, pet keeping is...

Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan: Character Comparison

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a story that is centered on three main characters in a love triangle, Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan and Gatsby is Daisy’s old flame since collage days and is still in love with her though she is married. The Great Gatsby demonstrates how the...

Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons: Essay Sample

Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons: Essay Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a machine’s ability to demonstrate intelligence comparable to that of humans. The AI algorithms are developed for a specific task, implying that a device can scan its environment and perform actions to achieve a set goal. The use of...

The Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution Comparison

Introduction The Articles of Confederation emerged as an issue of great debate among the United States citizens after the American Revolution. Encouraged by victory over the European crown, they claimed that the article was inadequate in governing the central authority. This is because it had no recognized executive power. In...

The Walt Disney Company: Main Strategies

Disney has a dominant presence in major entertainment segments and markets. The company’s primary operations are in mass media entertainment, but it has diversified into theme parks, personalized gifts, and cruise lines through large acquisitions. It produces and distributes animated films via its business units, including Media Networks and Disney...

Causes of Youth Unemployment

People need a sufficient income to procure a life of full value, not to mention that self-realization is necessary for stable mental health. However, young people sometimes do not manage to find an occupation when they are at a mature age. The problem of youth unemployment has become a global...

Effects of Cell Phone on Society

Research on the negative effects of smartphones on students is often controversial. This essay reveals the pros and cons of cell phone use in society. Impact of Mobile Phones on Society: Essay Introduction The telecommunication industry takes a considerable place in the modern life of society. The purpose of cell...

Urban Versus Rural Areas: Compare and Contrast

Introduction There has been series of questions on the quality of having a superior or more favourable living condition or position between the rural and urban existence. However, High social status is the most important cardinal concern in the relation based on similarities and differences between rural versus urban course...

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Sample

Do Video Games Cause Violence: Essay Introduction Video games are electronic devices that require the interaction of a user. This enables the generation of visual feedback. Video games vary from handheld devices to mainframe computers. Video games started as early as the mid-20th century, and today their popularity has grown...

Bullying in Schools: Essay Example

Essay about Bullying in School: Introduction Child bullying is a problem that has affected many young children and adolescents. It can be done physically or verbally. It may also take the form of cyberbullying in the case of those who use social networks (Kowalski & Limber, 2007) or threatening. A...

Correlational vs. Experimental Research

This paper defines correlational vs experimental research types and highlights the difference between correlational and experimental research designs. It includes advantages, disadvantages, and examples. Introduction In psychology, there are two predominant types of research – correlational study vs experiment. Although they share certain similarities, it is very important to understand...

The Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

The use of cell phones in schools by students has become a fiercely debatable topic that concerns all segments of society, including students, parents, teachers, scholars, and officials. People who mostly advocate for using mobile phones consider that these devices are beneficial in providing safety and seamless connection of pupils...

The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Introduction In 2010, Qatar won the right to host 2022 World Cup. It became a significant achievement because no Asian country has been hosting this international sporting event since 2002 when the tournament was organized by South Korea and Japan. Such events as FIFA World Cup provide many opportunities for...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Young People

Alcohol Abuse Essay Introduction Alcoholism and drug addiction are considered not only purely medical but also social problems of modern society. Alcohol and drug abuse have been known since ancient times and have now extended to disturbing proportions in the world community. Even when limiting alcohol and drug abuse to...

Why I Want to Be a Police Officer

Do you want to join the police and become a police officer when you grow up? Then make sure to check out this “why I want to be a police officer” short essay! Here, you’ll learn more about the author’s ambition. So, why do you want to become a police...

School Bullying: Causes and Effects

Bullying has become one of the most urgent problems in modern society. It comes from different sources and affects victims’ psychological state and quality of life. In this essay, we analyze the causes of bullying in school, its effects on victims, and mitigation measures that should be taken. Cause and...

Patient’s Past Medical History

Chief Complaints The patient in question is suffering from a rash that has spread all over her face and the bridge of her nose. The rash has caused lesions on her face that itches and aches. the reasons for the crash are not yet known since no prior diagnosis or...

“Won’t You Celebrate With Me” by Lucille Clifton

Won’t You Celebrate With Me: Poem Analysis The poem “Won’t You Celebrate With Me” by Lucille Clifton is a unique masterpiece of rare quality. The fourteen lines carry a deep meaning that transcends all differences which people seem to have and hits a reader right into the very core of...

The Integrated Approach to Studying Addiction

Introduction The model of addiction etiology that best describes why people become addicted and the most effective ways of helping them is the integrated approach model. The integrated approach model received widespread attention and acclaim following the works of Dr. Gabor Mate that heavily relied on personal experiences and scientific...

Stress Management and Lifestyle Modification

I am a student and work part-time to facilitate my lifestyle. I find some sense of responsibility and satisfaction in working to meet my needs. Balancing my academics and work can be draining. I have extra pressure to perform in my studies and especially when deadlines or exams are approaching....

Security Issues Facing Smartphone Users

Introduction Over the past few years of the 21st century, smartphones, production, and consumption have portrayed significant global growth. Today, smartphones have become almost inseparable from the lives of most individuals and businesses. Most people use smartphones for several functions revolving around their lives apart from communication. For instance, most...

Review of “Hum” by Jamaal May

Readers always have different opinions for the same work of literature. Specifically, people tend to use different lenses in interpreting a book. However, knowing the author’s biographic information and the contextual setting within which the author wrote a novel helps to get the intended meaning. Other aspects that a person...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology for Business

RFID: Software Used The possibilities of the modern market of wireless technologies allow expanding the fields of the application of innovations significantly. They make it possible to simplify the algorithms for reading data, transmitting information, and processing the necessary digital and text indicators. One of these modern mechanisms is the...

NASA’s Efforts of Space Colonization: Pros and Cons

Introduction It is vital to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However,...

Irish Celebrations Features

Introduction Like every country, Ireland has a rich history of celebrations, holidays, and festivals. While some of them are shared by the whole world, like New Year or Christmas, others are solely Irish peculiarity, like St. Patrick’s Festival, Bloomsday, or the Irish wake. Each holiday has its traditions, which are...

Financial Performance Measures: Target vs. Walmart

Introduction This paper focuses on and calculation and discussion of Walmart’s financial performance in comparison with Target’s performance using financial ratios. In particular, 21 financial ratios are used to compare the companies’ performance in terms of profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and financial gearing. First, the paper provides calculations of ratios in...

EBP Guideline for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

Guideline Developers The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) clinical guidelines are the recognized standard and most synoptic evidence-based practice (EBP) policies. One of the guidelines is the NCCN Guidelines for Patients with colon Cancer. The guideline was developed by a multidisciplinary panel comprising members of the NCCN institutions. The evidence...

Animals Represented by Ancient Cultures

Introduction The animal kingdom has been a source of inspiration and worship for many people during ancient times. Certain animals had deities dedicated to them, while others were respected for specific traits, such as companionship and loyalty. This kind of perception can be witnessed in various artifacts, demonstrating the feelings...

Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development

Introduction For a program to be developed successfully, strong leadership is required. The process of designing and planning programs is a comprehensive endeavor that calls for an awareness of an organization’s core principles and cultural norms. Communication, human relations, and communication are all examples of leadership duties required during the...

Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan

Introduction Multiple health issues affect communities, which results in the fact that residents of the same area are subject to similar problems. This information demonstrates that certain epidemiological and environmental factors contribute to this state of affairs. That is why it is possible to address all these risk factors to...

Obesity and Iron Deficiency Among College Students

Abstract The relationship between obesity and iron deficiency has not been adequately defined. The study seeks to establish the relationship between the two conditions by analyzing the serum hepcidin concentration amongst individuals aged between 19 to 29 years of good health. The cross-sectional study will evaluate inflammatory markers, serum lipids,...

The Paralyzed Veterans of America Case Study

Introduction Description of Scenario This case study involves a chartered organization by the US government called the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA). According to the case study, PVA is a philanthropic organization that focuses on serving the needs of American veterans who have suffered from spinal cord diseases and injuries...

The Milbanke Court vs. Grantley House Lease Agreement

Unit 2 Milbanke Court in Bracknell, Middlesex; Grantley House on Park Lane in Cranford, Middlesex; and their lease have been explored in this unit. The first consists of “Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell,” a “gross lease property.” Under a “gross lease,” the landowner receives a single payment from the tenant...

Healthcare Change Implementation and Management Plan

Executive Summary The intensive care unit is a unit of paramount salience in a healthcare setup. It serves the sole purpose of handling critically ill patients requiring extensive care. Teamwork is vital in providing timely, effective, and excellent care and promoting patient safety (Ervin et al., 2018). Poor collaboration and...

Significance of the Practice Problem

Summary Well-developed communication and relationships are the core mechanisms that ensure the effective delivery of quality treatment and care to sick persons by medical service providers, especially in psychiatry. Peplau made a significant contribution to developing this professional viewpoint, and many nurses nowadays follow this perspective. She perceived nursing as...

Significance of Social Media and Communication

Introduction Social media has become a significant part of today’s youth and is one of the newest inventions to hit the human race. It plays a significant role in influencing young minds, it is utilized by many people as a site to communicate with friends and family, but it also...

The Rockeach Values Survey Tool for Leaders

Introduction Having a strong set of values for decision-making and relationship building is an undeniable advantage that guides one through life and allows resolving complex dilemmas. However, determining one’s values and understanding which concepts and ideas one prioritizes is a complex journey of self-assessment and self-exploration. The Rockeach Values Survey...

Hospitality Industry: The Role of Ethics

Introduction Tourism is an important sector in the economy of every country as it not only attracts income but also provides important avenues through which people and nature interact constructively. The hospitality industry attracts people from across the world for recreation, business, and environmental conservation attractions. Due to the nature...

Service Project Experience and Leadership Skills

Service project Participation in service projects provides a valuable experience for the individual. Hence, it gives an opportunity to improve leadership skills and understand which ones require improvement. Thus, this presentation aims to narrate the passage of the service project in the Community Church donation event. While taking part in...