Addiction and 12-Step Programs

Haroutunian, H. (2016). Not as prescribed: Recognizing and facing alcohol and drug misuse in older adults. Simon and Schuster. The book in question dwells upon substance misuse in older adults and ways to address this problem. Chapter 2 provides valuable insights into the peculiarities of this population’s addiction development with...

Children’s Health Insurance Program: The Role of Nurses

Healthcare Program The USA federal government has presently elaborated and introduced many programs that ensure the access of low-income families and different social classes, irrespective of their ethnic affiliation, to high-quality care services. In this regard, being at the forefront of healthcare delivery, nurses play an integral role in achieving...

Material Preparation for Literary Synthesis

To form a more detailed and comprehensive synthesis of the literature, work should first be done to find the source and discuss its importance and relevance to the current study. An in-depth study of this issue among peer-reviewed scientific papers reveals the very high popularity of unidirectional works on the...

Combat to Corporate: Military Traits in Business

The Tentative Title of the Study The spheres of business and leadership have become significant subjects of scholarly investigations lately. Researchers endeavor to find out what the most favorable features of a good leader are, what differences exist between leadership and management, and, most importantly, what qualities of a good...

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the most significant arms limitation and disarmament agreement that had the record number of countries ratifying. As a confidence-building measure, the Treaty operates a safeguards system that is a responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). While the treaty...

Travel Agency: Case Study

Introduction Collective bargaining has become the standard for guiding negotiation processes between workers and their employers. The current case revolves around the decision by different employees to unionize. The identified travel agency is based in Miami, Florida, and provides services to residents and visitors from other regions across the country....

Walmart Brand Products’ Microeconomic Analysis

Introduction As the company for analysis, Walmart has been selected, the largest retail organization providing retail and wholesale services. In addition to goods coming from suppliers, the company is also a manufacturer of its own products. As a product for evaluation, the Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line will...

Religious Discrimination at the Workplace

Along with the ethnic and gender identities, religious ones are likely to be stigmatized at the workplace due to stereotyping. There are many documented cases regarding discrimination against specific religious groups. For instance, Christians are stereotyped as close-minded and naïve, Jewish – as disloyal and greedy, Muslims – as menacing...

Demi Lovato’s Story of Recovery

The following essay gives an overview of Demi Lovato’s recovery story from her mental issues, which involved substance addiction, depression, bulimia, and bipolar disorder. Her treatment was a life-long journey at different qualified rehabilitation centers, which had a personalized approach to their patients. Analyzing her history of relapses, it would...

COVID-19: Strategic Risk Management

Executive Summary The current situation posed by COVID-19 has forced some companies to advise their employees to work from home. Most of the work done is therefore managed virtually with online meetings being the order of the day. The adoption of this method by company management exposes some of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). There are certain critical social and economic situations in which a mothers decision...

The Film “The Great Gatsby” and the American Dream

The expression “The American Dream” has different ideas in people’s imaginations, but it is united by the idea of wealth and happy life. This idea often includes a successful career, a loving family, and a respectful place in society. However, this concept can also have specific images, as well as...

Combating the Local Drug Distribution in Missouri

In times of the raging opioid epidemic and increased recreational drug use, the local police departments need more money and manpower to address the rising challenge. Although young people in Missouri tend to avoid binge drinking, cigarette, and alcohol use, the illicit drug abuse of marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, and meth...

The Controversy Around Morality of Abortion

Introduction Abortion is a medical practice that has been in use for hundreds of years. It commonly refers to intentional termination of pregnancy and extraction of the embryo or fetus from a woman’s uterus. The first historical evidence of abortion dates back to ancient times and civilizations such as Mesopotamian,...

Goffman’s Theory of Symbolic Interaction and Dramaturgy

Introduction Erving Goffman was a sociologist who developed and presented the symbolic interaction theory alongside dramaturgy ideology. The dramaturgy principle is a social psychological viewpoint that studies the behavior of human beings and social interaction through its correspondence with the theatre. This perspective is also related to symbolic interactionism, a...

Multicausality: Reserpine, Breast Cancer, and Obesity

Introduction There is a suspicion that there is an association between reserpine use and the risk of breast cancer development. According to the table of Annual age-adjusted incidence of breast cancer per 100,000 women by body weight and reserpine status, this prediction may match reality. It depicts that people, who...

Anaerobic Threshold: An Experiment

Anaerobic Threshold refers to the minimum level below which no increase in blood lactose can occur. Levels below AT energy necessary for performing an exercise is generated from aerobic reserves. However, at levels above AT, supplementing aerobic production necessitates aerobic energy. Svedahl and MacIntosh (2003, p. 299) define AT as...

Renting vs. Buying a Home: The Best Housing Choice

The shelter is one of the basic requirements in everyone’s life. When undertaking some budget calculations, it is noteworthy to determine the possibilities that a person has. Nevertheless, the house that an individual can live in could be leased or owned. Before renting or buying property, someone should do some...

Identifying Child Abuse Scenario

‘Red Flags’ that Suggest Possible Abuse There is no definite way to identify child abuse; however, there are some signs which help suspect and verify its occurrence. Physical abuse most often manifests itself in injuries and bruises (Hoft & Haddad, 2017). Another important detail to observe is the history of...

Addison’s Disease: Symptoms and Effects

Introduction Addison’s disease is a condition which develops in the human body most frequently as a result of autoimmune adrenalitis and damages adrenal tissue, which ultimately hinders the production of cortisol (Rumsby and Woodward 168). The adrenal cortex, which is unable to produce enough glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, may potentially cause...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modelling in the Marine Environment

Storm surges provoke increasing interest in relation to catastrophic occurrences and their damage in coastal and estuarine areas as the physical processes presently observed jeopardize coastal life. Notably, Global Warming raises the danger of coastal flooding caused by multiple phenomena (Rahmstorf, 2017). For instance, the Atlantic hurricane season in 2017...

Successful Ways of Preventing Crime by Blundell

The introduction Some basic points on Blundell’s article While evaluating Blundell’s article Successful Ways of Preventing Crime, some basic points on the content of the author’s work must be considered. First of all, it is necessary to point out that crime is considered to be one of the burning problems...

A Preliminary Care Coordination Plan: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction Care coordination (CC) is an indispensable healthcare strategy providing the elaborated organization of patient care activities and information exchange among all stakeholders in inpatient treatment to deliver safe and productive care. Due to such plans, medical providers can ensure that the right people are familiar with the patient’s needs...

Adolph Coors Firm’s Competitive Advantages in the Brewing Sector

Introduction The Coors Brewing Company is a US brewery and beer corporation that began in 1873 in Golden, Colorado, as a holding business. The organization is managed by the heirs of the founder, Adolph Coors. Since its formation, the Coors Brewing Company has sustained high production levels and expansion, making...

Price Setting and Price Regulation in Health Care

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. Research the issue and complete the sections below. For each topic that requires the listing of criteria, a minimum of two criteria should be identified and discussed. Add more rows...

Psychoactive Substance Addiction Treatment

One of the most acute social issues of modern society is the problem of chemical addiction. The spread of drugs worldwide is growing at an accelerating pace and is turning into a global threat comparable to nuclear and environmental. The data of the World Health Organization show that out of...

The Korean War and the Cold War

Introduction After World War II, the United States and other European countries had economic booms, and everything was going seemingly well. However, the U.S. and the USSR were ideological foes but had collaborated against Hitler. In 1945, the tension between the two superpowers exploded. A fight started due to Truman’s...

Crop Production: Practical Report on Strawberry

Introduction Strawberries are a group of perennial plants which belong to the Rosaceae family. They thrive well in soil that has good drainage, is moderately acidic (pH range 5.0 to 6.0) and require plenty of sunshine grow. They are capable of viable fruit production for a period of up to...

The Trends Pertaining to Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters

Introduction PICCs are employed to administrate substances directly into the major vessels; however, their use is associated with a number of complications, some of which may be related to the techniques of PICC insertion. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the trends related to the utilization of PICCs and consider...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Practice

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is widely debated as one of the controversial and less-researched medical conditions. The prevalence of GDM is at an all-time high of 15%, which is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing amount of obese women of reproductive age (Mensah et al., 2019). The reason...

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization

Energy demand is required to improve people’s health, welfare, and meeting economic and social development is on the rise each day. All societies in the world need a form of power to support basic human essentials such as cooking, lighting, communication, mobility, and space comfort (Gielen et al. 2020). Fossils...

Aspects of Ethical Decision‐Making

Abstract Most ethical dilemmas are conflicts between the whole and its part: organization and individual, society and organization. It is impossible to choose a single concept of ethical decision-making because it will change depending on the circumstances. As for me, over the course, I have learned to draw conclusions and...

Board Governance Principles for Nonprofits

Introduction The staff of the nonprofit foundation has a significant impact on shaping the specific programs under its goals and values. However, the influence of the staff should not be overestimated, as the foundation’s board has the right to approve or not approve the staff’s recommendations (Hofland, 2007). In addition,...

The Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular in recent times. Artificial intelligence (AI) involves the simulation of intelligence in machines programmed to mimic and learn human actions. AI comprises various subdomains that include deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, computer vision, and machine learning. AI leads to improved efficiency...

Religious Beliefs and Ecology Relationship

In my initial proposal, I have stated that religion and environmental justice could correlate on different levels to provide a better insight into the issues presented by the latter. The highlight of my idea was the fact that addressing this challenge as a community would be an effective way to...

Hypocrisy in “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Leo Tolstoy

The works of Russian classical literature have gained a great deal of popularity around the world over many years. Their main characteristic is the stimulation of intense, often ambiguous feelings in the reader, which make him think. Leo Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” was just such an example. The...

Café StudyFun’s Social Media Marketing Plan

Brief Overview The whole world has witnessed dramatic changes because of the COVID-19 industry, and the café industry is not an exception. Before the crisis, such organizations were places that allowed various people to come to eat and spend time with pleasure. Today, the situation is different because the coronavirus...

Determinism, Libertarianism, and Compatibilism

Introduction In ancient times, people believed that everything in the world, including their own behavior, depended on the will of the gods. Today, people have different beliefs regarding the matter, but many think that humans have free will and are completely responsible for their actions. The philosophical views related to...

The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens

Introduction There is a rapid emergence of drug-resistant pathogens across the world. This phenomenon has endangered the efficacy of drugs such as antibiotics which have helped transform modern medicine and saved countless lives. Many years after the first use of antipathogens, the pathogens are increasingly becoming a threat again. The...

A History of the American People

The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement is based on the elimination of division and discrimination based on skin color. The first case, “Brown v. Board, 1954,” presents a lawsuit, the essence of which was to end the separation of education for black and white students. The court passed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Strategic Audit Analysis of the Amazon Company

Introduction Cost leadership techniques are helpful in consistent and reliable conditions. To achieve this, the Amazon Company has effectively implemented processes to lower employees’ costs and reduce expenses through lower-cost raw materials, manufacturing processes, and dissemination. Differentiation strategies might include trademark, innovation, service quality, distribution channel, and other factors (Kurt...

Giles Fletcher’s “Of the Russe Commonwealth”

“Of the Russe Commonwealth” is the work Giles Fletcher written in 1591. Giles Fletcher was an English scholar and diplomat who described Russia right after the reign of Ivan IV and before the Time of Troubles. He was sent to the court of Fyodor I Ivanovich, who was a tsar...

Mobile Advertising and Manipulation

The nature of mobile advertising has evolved enormously over the past few years. The advancement of phone technology has, in turn, changed the ways in which marketing is produced, presented, and maintained throughout the medium. Mobile advertising employs a number of characteristics that make it distinct from prior forms of...

Discussion of Civility on the Internet

Introduction The act of showing respect to someone with politeness and courtesy is civility. Civility comes from the Greek word civilitas, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city (Hayashi & Toh, 2020). When it is uncomfortable and challenging to care for someone’s...

Air Pollution and Its Consequences

Abstract Air pollution has been an increasingly major problem affecting the economy, people’s health, and the environment. Emission resulting from motor vehicle combustion, industries, bushfires, and dust are the major causes of outdoor air pollution, also known as ambient air pollution. Combustion of these fuels emits carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulate...

Applications of the Internet of Things in Business

Introduction Technological advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Internet of Everything (IoE) have made businesses more actionable and viable than ever. IoT propagates the idea of sensors (physical objects) being connected anytime from anywhere through the internet. IoE further includes the interconnectedness of people, data, processes, and...

Immigrants as an Underserved Community in the US

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by the surge in globalization processes that bring different parts of the world closer together. These trends promote the worldwide talent exchange, meaning that people opt for better places of residence and countries benefit from skilled and motivated workers from abroad. From a theoretical...

Childhood Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Childhood disorders refer to the emotional and mental issues that are diagnosed and often happen to younger or school-going children. Some symptoms begin early in a child’s life, although some develop during the adolescent stage (Dias et al., 2018). Some illnesses might progress and become problematic, while others end...

Mental Health: Current Situation and NCAA Policies

Athletes are one of the groups that face highly increased health risks in their lives, and it applies fully to college and university athletes. The rigors of studying combine with the pressure put in them as athletes combine to make university athletes susceptible to mental health issues. Even though one...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

Creating conditions for the safe production of pharmaceuticals is a practice that has evolved significantly due to the introduction of modern approaches to the manufacturing process. As effective measures aimed to establish control in this industry, various measures are promoted to ensure the operation of pharmacological enterprises. These practices include...

The Biopsychosocial Model in the Context of Dentistry

There is no community that has not been affected by oral diseases. It is the responsibility of dental health specialists to evaluate the oral health status of the communities they serve, and based on the feedback, design and develop effective strategies and models to ensure that the oral health needs...

Conflict and Negotiation Analysis of Nick Cunningham Case Study

It is normal to encounter conflicts among stakeholders of a profit-making institution. Business entities provide a social platform where individuals interact professionally. Both senior and junior employees frequently disagree on the best decisions entailing production processes (King et al., 2016). However, this analysis involves conflict and negotiation management between Nick...

Identifying and Gathering Relevant Data

Stotzer, R. L. (2008). Gender identity and hate crimes: Violence against transgender people in Los Angeles County. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 5(1), 43-52. In this study, the hate crime is an act of vehemence against transgender subjects who have changed from being male to female. The study identifies the...

Knowledge Regarding COVID-19 Infection Among Public

After several months of the course of the epidemic process, specialists naturally forecast and build models for the development of a pandemic in various regions of the world. There are demographic, social, medical, and other differences that significantly affect the incidence of COVID-19. Severe infections and deaths are observed mainly...

Gas as the State of Matter

Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...

White Slave Owners in Phillis Wheatley’s Poetry

Introduction Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral is the first published volume of poetry written by an African-American author Phillis Wheatley (Mulder et al.). Published in 1773, Wheatley had an opportunity to speak out on the tyranny she and her race faced from day to day. However, there are...

Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj: Self-Governance in India

Hind Swaraj is a book written by Gandhi, which represents his view on modern civilization. The Reader and The Editor are the main characters who engage in a dialogue, where the latter explains his understanding of self-governance in the Indian state. In this book, Gandhi summarizes his view on the...

Sisterhood in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Play

Introduction Susan Glaspell is a celebrated American writer, and Trifles, a one-act play, is among the many works that she wrote in the early twentieth century. At the time, women in American society were facing various challenges and Glaspell used her literary skills to highlight the same, albeit dramatically. In...

How Cancer Affects the Skin?

Introduction The cutaneous membrane primarily consists of the outermost protective layer of the body found in human beings. The skin forms the majority of this membrane that rests on top of other connective tissues. It further belongs to the epithelial types of tissues that form an impermeable barrier throughout the...

Barriers Limiting Female Academics after Maternity Leave

The issue under investigation is related to problems female academics face after returning from maternity leave. The current statistics evidence the fact that in the UK the given question preserves the high priority as the majority of women has multiple difficulties in regaining momentum in their academic careers after giving...

Walmart Ethics and Compliance Challenges

Introduction Walmart Stores, Inc., better known as Walmart to the public, is one of the nation’s biggest and most profitable retail corporations. The success of the store is attributed largely to the commitment of Walmart and its employees to provide services at the lowest prices. Since 1969, the slogan of...

Trumps Obsession: Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

What do we know of president Trump’s obsession with chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine? The use of these drugs in the treatment of COVID-19 has been a matter of great concern due to the presence of the deadly Coronavirus epidemic, which has no cure. The president has continually pushed for the idea...

The Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Practice of Different Nations

Medicine and healthcare in the United States are one of the most unique and distinct systems in the world. Although one can argue that it has an array of flaws, it is important to put these notions into a perspective in order to have a more precise understanding of the...

Using a Mobile Phone While Driving

The use of cell phone while driving should be banned in all states. The cell phone has become one of the best-liked and fascinating technological inventions of the 21st century. Currently, the cellular phone has turn out to be a major safety concern in our roads. In the United States...

Discussion of Cardiac Rehab Aspects

Coronary artery disease is a type of disease during which the plaque accumulates in the blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the heart. This is due to the combined impact of risk factors, as well as the consequences of age. Patients with CHD were more likely to engage in unhealthy...

Rodriguez and Coates: The Connection Between Family, Community, and Identity

Introduction When individuals consume food, they have a sense of taste that is susceptible. The sense of taste is on one’s tongue, and they send a signal to the brain, which accepts it. This activity informs people of what is going on in their body. Looking at Rodriguez and Coates’...

Death in the Village of Gold, Zamfara Province

Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...

Crocs Marketing Campaigns and Business Strategies

Crocs is an American company that sells footwear and apparel of its own. The company operates in many countries with a wide range of all-season casual shoes, clothing, and accessories, while the main product of the company is molded shoes made of synthetic material. It has won the recognition and...

CDC Milestone Tracker: General Background and Application

General Background CDC Milestone Tracker Mobile App is a free application that helps track and encourage children’s milestones of early development. It was created and launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the basis of their “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program (CDC, 2021). Students from...

The Organizational Change of a Small Restaurant

Introduction The modern economy is developing under the influence of many contradictory political, technological, social, environmental, and other trends. This increases the turbulence of the economic environment and uncertainty in making decisions related to management at all levels of the economic system. Accordingly, these conditions impose new requirements on the...

Medical Professionals in Nazi Germany

German Nazism is commonly known as the most extreme and atrocious example of racist ideology barely constrained with any ethical considerations put in motion. Teachings of Hitler and Himmler called for the physical perfection of the Arian race and the extermination or exploitation of the “inferior” racial and ethnic groups....

Discussion of Meaning of Visual Aids

Introduction Visual aids are things that are of a visual form and used on top of spoken information. These help many to understand the world through reading images. They help to enhance presentations by improving the understanding of listeners on a particular topic, making an impact and creating enthusiasm. Its...

Medicinal and Magical Practices Used for Survival Among Enslaved Africans

Life in Africa was not easy, but it was free. Everything changed after the slave trade began and slaves were sold to the Canaries, Maderia, the Azores, along with North America and Brazil (Greenfield 45). Working conditions on the plantations were severe; many Africans could not bear the unlimited working...

Surrealism in the Meshes of the Afternoon Film

Maya Deren’s film Meshes of the Afternoon belongs to the artistic direction of surrealism. It concentrates on the subconscious aspects of mental activity and paints a dreamlike, paradoxical, in its way threatening picture of the world. The image of noon in the title emphasizes the dual nature of reality in...

Recruitment Plan Overview

Introduction The quality of the recruitment process closely relates to the overall performance of the company. If an HR manager succeeds in hiring professional, experienced, and well-educated employees, then, without a doubt, an organization will flourish. A hiring manager should develop an effective recruitment plan that is a strategy for...

Culture, Science, and Philosophy of the Hellenistic Empire

Hellenistic Empire The Hellenistic territory consisted of various dynasties, namely the Seleucid in the East, the Ptolemies in Egypt, Macedon, and Pergamon in Asia Minor. These empires were dominated by the Greek civilization after Alexander’s conquest. His reign and intention aimed at facilitating the spread of “Hellenazation” throughout the kingdoms....

Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case

Introduction Research design is a prominent and vital part of marketing researcher. By applying various methods of analyzing and interpreting data, one can form solutions to emerging problems and ensure the stable development of a company. In this process, choosing the most appropriate type of research design is especially important,...

Evidence-Based Medicine Analysis and Policies

Introduction Evidence-based medicine is the use of systematically reviewed cases to make the best decisions concerning the health of a patient. It involves integrating personal expertise with available best clinical evidence from systematic research in treatment. This practice aims at improving the quality of healthcare and reducing the gap between...

The Gay Marriage: Legal Arguments For and Against

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. Because of this gay couples argue that they are unlawfully being discriminated against. Those that oppose gay marriage do so based on primarily religious reasoning and not legal precedent. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

How Does the Digital Divide Affect Low-Income Communities?

Introduction When first introduced in the second half of the 20th century, personal computers were expensive and of interest mostly for business users. However, Moore’s law has been proving itself accurate and today computing is cheap. Despite economic advancements and unprecedented increases in global GDP, only half of the worldwide...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare is an example of a major political initiative aimed at improving the affordability and quality of healthcare in the U.S. The policy was issued on March 23, 2010, and declared universal access to Medicaid and expanded insurance coverage for previously uninsured individuals (Gaffney...

Consumerism and Materialism

Masoom, Muhammad Rehan, and Md Moniruzzaman Sarker. “Rising materialism in the developing economy: Assessing materialistic value orientation in contemporary Bangladesh.” Cogent Business & Management 4.1 (2017): 1345049. Web. This journal article provides research into the rising materialism in the developing economy and its impact on influencing materialistic value orientation in...

Constructing Step-By-Step Instructions for Reading Research Projects

Summary Research comprehension is essential in reading a scientific article. Such writing is not accessible to most people because of the seeming complexity of structure and language. Nevertheless, works of science can be read and understood, and finding effective strategies for exploring complex texts is a critical skill to learn....

Adolescents With the Experience of Juvenile Detention

Adolescents with juvenile detention’s previous experience face multiple social barriers such as neglect, lack of financial support, biased attitude, ineffective policies, and high risk of recidivism when trying to rehabilitate and acquire the appropriate education. Outline Introduction Background The rates of juvenile detention continue to grow today, which means that...

Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society

The utopian vision of a peaceful world, in which all of the wars would end and violence vanish, has never been realised in practice. Some argue that it is due to contemporary economic and political approaches that prevent people prosperity and promote unethical conduct. Others believe that it is the...

Hate Crimes Study

Hate crimes are not new to Europe, the United States, Russia, and many other parts of the world. They are described as the offenses related to a specific aspect of a victim’s identity – nation, race, sexual orientation or sexual identity, skin color, religion, or a disability. Rooting in the...

The Victims of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal transportation of individuals through coercion and force for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ harvesting. The practice has been part of society for many centuries going back before the slave trade (Attwood, 2019). Most of the victims of human trafficking are young boys and girls...

Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching strategies should be implemented. The recent pandemic has restricted many traditional venues for...

Bitcoins and Their System: Payment Option for Business

Introduction Bitcoins appear to be the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world, which implies an electronic user payment system by analogy to digital wallets and bank accounts. Unlike traditional monetary resources, digital coins are not dependent on the economics of a particular country or central bank. All the operations regarding...

COVID-19: Information About Vaccination

Introduction COVID-19 is an infectious viral high-contagious disease with predominant damage to lung tissue. Pathognomonic clinical signs are respiratory failure and distress syndrome (Cennimo, 2020). In addition to these symptoms, patients complain about a dry cough, fever, and weakness. Although the first wave of coronavirus is already behind and the...

Personal Communication in Business Organizations

Introduction In the field of business, communication is an integral process that defines how information is gathered, analyzed, and delivered. An individual has to be ready to work hard to achieve a number of goals. Some of the most crucial tasks are to make sure that enough skills are defined...

The Concept of Social Justice in Nursing

The Impact of Social Justice on Health Care Social justice in nursing relates to human rights and equality in the nursing practice. It aims to address inequalities arising from race, gender, age, religion, and other aspects of social injustice. Therefore, social justice in health care results in delivering high-quality care...

“Episode 66: Yard of Dreams — Ear Hustle’’: Sports in Prison

The episode’s topic is prison sports in San Quentin State Prison in California. The episode demonstrates the essential opportunities to engage with offenders through sports as an intervention for correction and highlights the increased re-offending rates among those released from jail. The episode also demonstrates that through sports, individuals engage...

The Funding Request of the Business Plan

Introduction: The Basis of the Project The business plan has: Information about the company, products; Calculations, prospects for the years; Further actions, methods to improve efficiency; Strategies for further promotion. The Business Plan Based on the Coffee Shop The coffee shop’s uniqueness is in: Aromatic tea and fragrant coffee; Freshly...

Military Mindset: Leadership, Discipline, Resilience, and Teamwork

Introduction Military training and experience are systematically known for creating highly efficient, cohesive, and resilient organizations which is the national military and its units. In the post-9/11 era of regional conflicts and short-term deployments in global anti-terrorism efforts, veterans often find themselves entering the labor force, with the experience often...

The Ideology of Political Liberalism and True Democratic Ideal

Introduction “True democracy … will not condemn those whose devotion to principle leads them to unpopular courses, but will reward courage, respect honor, and ultimately recognize right.” Understanding the cornerstones of the political context is indeed a complex issue because of the various political ideologies that govern modern society. As...

Effects of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Pope, Nolan G. “The effects of DACAmentation: The impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on unauthorized immigrants.” Journal of Public Economics 143, (2016): 98-114. The article by Pope (2016) examines the effects of DACA on unauthorized migrants on several parameters, such as labor market outcomes, unemployment, income, and legalization...

Fair and Neutral Public Town Hall-Style Debate

Executive Summary Social Influence and Politics Fair and unbiased hall-style debates are the current issues nowadays. People want to express their standpoint and viewpoint freely and not be afraid of being criticized. Open space for debates is an excellent opportunity to voice concerns and issues that are much spoken about...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Television Watching and Effects on Children

Introduction Television is a medium of telecommunication used to transmit images, either monochrome or polychrome, in two or three dimensions and transmits sounds. It is a common medium in houses, institutions and businesses. It is mainly used to broadcast programs aimed at entertaining, provides education and information (Kostyrka-Allchorne et al....

Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary America

Introduction The mainstream assumption is that slavery is in the past, and discrimination based on skin color is no longer an issue in the United States. Unfortunately, in reality, these problems remain and continue to cause disruptions in America. Dr. Leary and Ta-Nehisi Coates provide the foundation behind the claim...

Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The hospital sector management is a very dynamic and at most ever-changing occupation that has the opportunity to undertake a varied number of duties and responsibilities. As a manager in the sector one is supposed to be flexible enough and ready to handle whatever duties he is allocated without...

European Debt Crisis: Fiscal Union Modern Perspectives

Introduction The European Union is currently experiencing one of its worst financial crises since the formation of the regional body in December 1991. So far, three countries namely Greece, Ireland as well as Portugal have admitted facing huge national debts while Spain and Italy are facing the danger of slumping...

The New Testament: The Source of Spiritual Knowledge

Representing the second part of the Biblical Canon, the New Testament offers a crucial source of spiritual strength and development. However, its interpretations are quite numerous, inviting multiple opportunities of interpreting the Scripture in a variety of ways. Specifically, the New Testaments, the source of information about Jesus and His...

The Development of the United States History

Eric Foner has demonstrated a high mastery of the subject of the development of the history of the United States by introducing various topics related to the most impactful colonization. According to the author, the most impactful form of colonization was having privileges and freedom for the American natives in...

“He Died With His Eyes Open” by Derek Raymond: Reading Critique

Introduction In the story ‘He Died with His Eyes Open’, the narrator explained how an upper-class drunkard was found cruelly murdered through being beaten, and left to die. The man was later discovered by an unidentified police officer, who worked in an outmoded branch of the ‘London Metropolitan police’. It...

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The famous philosopher Rene Descartes is prominent not only because of his ideas but also for the book he wrote, Meditations on the First Philosophy. This book is highly influential among philosophical texts and remains distinguished long after the first publication date. The book was initially written in Latin in...

Peter Singer on Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Peter Singer’s argument is valid when viewed from a moral and humane angle. Human life is sacred and should be protected from any threat. Peter argues from the standpoint of famine which is likely to cause death if not addressed. The author states that death or suffering caused by starvation,...

Embracing Cryptocurrency in the Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency is the currency that uses digitalized files or assets as a medium of exchange created using the same method. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by an individual or by any government as electronic money. The distributed ledger is the financial transaction database for cryptocurrency, and it contains all the...

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William Blake’s Poetry and the Modern Republic in Crisis

Introduction Blake’s society was in the midst of revolutionary fever, and the hope of a better future prompted the poet to express views he hoped would guide the people to freedom. His poems show that apparent evil is the manifestation of energy working to oppose the established order. This new...

Civil War Veterans and Crime in America

The post-war fate of veterans is not necessarily the most popular but an exceptionally topic in the study of many modern wars. It is certainly true for the American Civil War, which produced maimed, mentally affected, and otherwise traumatized people in a number unprecedented in American history at the time....

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs: Slave Narratives’ Authors

Introduction Slave narrative developed as a distinct form of written literature, characteristic of North America. The period from the early 1830s to 1865 was marked by a wave of abolitionism, which was embodied in the writings and speeches of several former slaves. They spoke eloquently and convincingly about the need...

The Seven Voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He

Introduction Admiral Zheng He, China’s ultimate sea captain, was born and bred in the countryside in a household of glorious Muslims around 1371. When his predecessor was killed, he was taken as a prisoner, beginning the incredible journey of switching identities upon which he would embark. In the 1400s, Zheng...

Indigenous People and Human Rights

Introduction: UDHR and Acculturation The second article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that regardless of race, gender, language, opinion, and many other things that distinguish people, everyone is entitled to rights without restriction (United Nations. General Assembly, 2). This article is critical when considering the process of...

Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?

Introduction Since equal rights and access to opportunity represent important values in the U.S., the country has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect women from discrimination. Despite the presence of laws to promote equality in diverse areas, there are some unaddressed challenges pointing to women’s specific challenges and barriers...

Turning Points in Workers’ Rights in American History

Workers’ rights in America are essential to all employees as they protect them against discrimination under federal law based on religion, color, sexual orientation, race, disability, or even pregnancy. Between 1877 and the 1980s, there were several turning points in workers’ rights. These points had a tremendous impact on the...

Politics and Social Media Relations

Introduction Social media have diverse effects on politics, including their influence on voting, the spread of fake news, the promotion of rebellion toward government and politicians, and the proliferation of negative attitudes such as xenophobia, racism, and political polarization. In contemporary society, it is hard to talk about politics without...

“The Sacred and Profane Love” by Titian

Introduction “The Sacred and Profane Love” is an oil painting found in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The artwork was designed by Titian and has been analyzed by different people to reveal its meaning. The art was created in 1514 and consists of two women and a little winged boy. Therefore, one...

Employment Relations, Diversity and Inclusion in Australia

The issue that will be covered in work is the diversity and inclusion issue in employment relations in Australia. Firstly, due to globalization and diversification processes, the diversity among employees is rising. Thus, the employer should consider this factor and implicate the inclusion of different racial groups. Secondly, the diversity...

Skills of Communicating With People in Business

When one becomes a leader or starts a business, one needs skills that will enable one to communicate with people and build work processes effectively. This is why lately soft skills became so popular since they are versatile skills that help maneuver between work tasks, meetings, and negotiations, plan the...

Discusison of Medical Errors Impacts

Introduction A medical failure is the improper activity or omission of a doctor. The reason for performing mistakes is the imperfection of modern medical science, ignorance, or inability to apply existing knowledge in practice. A medical mistake is considered to be the most contradictory phenomenon of legal understanding of the...

Ancient Buildings in Contemporary Los Angeles

Introduction Art is one of the aspects that have primarily impacted the appearance of many cities in different countries. For instance, ancient buildings in contemporary Los Angeles can be noticed by people due to their different unique features. The architects of the buildings drew their inspirations from the ancient world,...

Generation Gap in Multigenerational Workplaces

Generation Gap: Definition It is quite rare that a workplace setting is represented by one generation. Instead, most companies have a mixture of generations collaborating as a team. In the contemporary corporate environment, the presence of four generations (Baby Boomers, Generations X-Y, and iGen) is a common occurrence. Herein the...

Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran

Introduction Johnnie Cochran was born in 1937. Initially, he studied business administration. Thurgood’s inspirations and victory in Brown v. Board of Education marked the turning point in Cochran’s career. To him, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that there were many injustices happening...

Comparison Paper on the Character Malvolio

Many would not dispute the fact that people nowadays tend to recreate literary classics. The movie “She’s the Man,” a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” exemplifies this the best. At first glance, the film and the play appear to have apparent congruities. However, the differences and alterations that...

Interdisciplinary Plan Overview

Organizational or Patient Issue The quality of healthcare in a prison environment is critical as it requires a high level of interdisciplinary care. The issue onboard is the increased Tuberculosis spread in the prison system, as evidenced by the daily test results (Farhoudi et al. 2020). The proposal focuses on...

Conversation between a Youth Worker and an Emo Teenager

Youth Worker (YW): Hi, Colin. I want to speak about your decision to become emo and your future goals in life. Could you, please, tell me what is emo for you and why did you decide to be a part of an emo culture? Colin: Well, there is no clear...

The Behavior of Viruses and Trojans

Introduction Viruses and Trojans are both bad and though you get them in much the same way they are created for different reasons and they do different things. Viruses are generally created only to disrupt your use of your computer, to destroy or compromise your data or even destroy part...

Alleged Crimes During a Law Enforcement Exercise

Lawsuits brought against police officers are a well-established feature of the regulatory environment. While law enforcement officers typically have sweeping powers to conduct their work, the U.S constitution, state constitutions, and other statutes impose limitations on what police officers can do during policing activities. This week’s activity is based on...

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Acupuncture in the Treatment for Low Back Pain

Abstract Acupuncture is a time tested treatment used by mankind because it has been used for a long time around the world. Most people have thought about the treatment as being helpful making it a very effective treatment to mankind. However, most researchers do not know how the treatment works...

Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism

Introduction This scene is a father-son after school conversation about racism. The boy, whose name is James, is six years old and he went to the first grade, where he met four other boys, the same age, the same race, all white. They spend a lot of time together, make...

A Young Man’s Problems With an Air Force Base

The Meaning of the Problem The critical problem is the lack of reasonable medical care for the wife of the serviceman. Additional factors are the inadequate provision of living conditions, which is expressed in several situations. The first is the failure to provide housing; therefore, the couple is forced to...

Gender Diversity: Impact on the Organizational Performance

The current research question is concerned with investigating the impact of worker and management diversity on US tech companies’ stock prices between 2010 and 2019. Therefore, it is important to find studies that show how gender diversity shapes organizations’ performance and what indicators point to either favorable or unfavorable results...

The Blues Trio Band’s Live Concert

Introduction This paper will discuss the elements of the live blues concert by the Blues Trio. The concert took place on August 1st, 2019, in Santa Fe, Argentina (“BLUES TRIO – LIVE AT TRIBUS BAR (Full Concert)”). This concert is an excellent representation of the traditions of blues music and...

“There Will Be Blood” Film by Paul Thomas Anderson

Most of the greatest films reveal complex and controversial topics to show the intricacy of human life and morality. There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson is one example of such film as it depicts themes of capitalist greed, violence, power, hypocrisy, and loneliness, telling the story of one...

Review of “Living for the City” by Murch

Introduction Written about the struggles the African Americans have undergone for decades, Living for the City recounts the origin of the socio-political movements that started in the 1960s. The book whose title borrows from the song by Steve Wonder expounds on the lyrics that form part of the reminiscences of...

Impact of Gold Rush on California

Introduction U.S. history is rich, and each era has its characteristics and specific contributions to the development of the states and the establishment of new rules and living standards. The progress of California was slow because of the Spanish invasion and colonization in the 18th century and Mexican control in...

Interpersonal Communication Between Kuzco the Emperor and Pacha

Interpersonal communication skills are essential in everyday human life. To safely communicate with another person, it is not enough to choose a convenient time and place. It is also necessary to build behavior so as not to cause an adverse reaction from the interlocutor. The topic of this essay is...

Shortfalls of Descartes Mediation

The aim of Descartes’ Mediation 1, “Meditation on the First Philosophy,” is to present the philosopher’s radical doubt and its implications for people’s abilities to know anything. To a great degree, Descartes breaks down the knowledge and reality in order to reconstruct it on more reliable and science-based grounds. The...

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A Parent’s Right on Their Child Medication

Introduction Rights are the provisions of how individuals relate and live with each other including the respect given to other people’s lives and property. Parents’ rights face a major threat when it comes to the question of setting restrictions and disciplining as there has been the misconception that the rights...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia SWOT Analysis

Introduction Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a large enterprise that exists across various industries, including television broadcasting, publishing, household décor, and radio broadcasting. As a result of a series of socio-economic precedents of the company, the current SWOT analysis draft may be represented as follows: Table 1. SWOT Analysis Strengths...

Quotations of “After the Firebombing” by Malcolm X

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is the one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages...

Personal Effect of Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Summary The short story is set somewhere between Madrid and Barcelona, in the valley of the Ebro (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). It follows the dialogue of a man and woman at the local bar with a view of the valley’s hills (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). The pair are quarreling about the issue...

The Hypocrisy of the Civil War

The American Civil War is among the main events that defined the future of the United States. The American revolution of 1776 was responsible for the formation of the first government in the United States. However, when the revolution came to an end in 1783, not all the issues that...

Corporate Finance Theory and Practice

The exercise presents a sequence of accounting income and expense annual reports for the Norne group, and it contains data gathered from 1996 to 2000. A financial analysis provides insights into the company’s sustainability in the current situation (Dallocchio et al., 2011). Additionally, these reports overview the costs incurred in...

The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

Life is a unique adventure that carries us through various experiences, some of which we remember until the end of our days. Sometimes, it seems like people’s existence has been partly thought through, and some of the circumstances we simply cannot impact. Situations we get involved in and humans we...

Scientific Management Principles by Frederick Winslow Taylor

Introduction The theory of scientific management was published by Frederick Winslow Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century. At present, the principles of scientific management introduced by Taylor are called “Taylorism”. The concept of this theory is different from traditional management methods based on initiative and rewards. It is...

Men’s Violence Against Women Worldwide

The violence that is gender-based and targeted at women continues to be prevalent despite the many developments and progressive changes the modernization of the world has established. As such, the issue’s importance is pressing due to the widespread and incredibly detrimental nature of violence that targets women. The overlapping issue...

Fate of Sex Offenders After “Payment of Debt”

Introduction The Department of Public Safety in Texas is in charge of collecting information on sex offenders and keeping it safe in the state sex offender registry. The law enforcement officers from the local arena furnish the registry with relevant information concerning the sex offenders. Texas offender law was enacted...