Philosophy of Leadership Statement


The philosophy of leadership is a theory that describes the art of leading and serving a group. This philosophy is not just any group; it includes authors, researchers, and businesses seeking to improve their operations through organizational changes (Bolman and Deal, 2017). The philosophy is especially appealing because it reveals why certain people lead or decide whether to become leaders. The “lead” part of the expression means one who directs efforts toward an end goal; the “leader” part indicates someone with the ability to lead others in accomplishing those tasks (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

In addition, leadership is an art that must be learned, understood, and practiced effectively. It is one of the most important concepts in business today. While it carries a variety of meanings and definitions, its essence is commonly described as the process or institution through which an individual assumes responsibility for the knowledge, abilities, and skill to effect change within a group or organization. Motivated by this definition and further inspired by the ongoing search for meaning related to leadership, this essay discusses the philosophy of leadership.

The most important ideas about leadership

In the reading by Bolman & Deal (2017), one of the most important ideas about leadership is “reframing.” This idea means that leaders are not just directives or controlling figures who tell people what to do. Instead, they are creative thinkers who use their experiences and training to help others see things in new ways. It also means that leaders should be open to new ideas from their employees if those ideas can be used productively for the organization’s goals and values. Another important idea about leadership is “choice.” Leaders can choose what kind of leadership style they want to use with each particular team or person they lead (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

For example, one person might prefer a more direct approach, while another might desire a more hands-off style; both are valid approaches for different situations. According to the theory of reframing, leaders choose how they want their organization to be perceived by their stakeholders, and then reframe that perception to be positive.

In this way, the leaders create a new reality for their organization. This argument suggests that leaders must have an intimate knowledge of their organizational culture to create this new reality. This can be difficult: leaders are often first in line when things go wrong (Bolman and Deal, 2017). However, suppose a leader has a clear understanding of the needs and wants of their constituents. In that case, they should be able to see ways to improve the organization’s public image through positive reframing.

A good example is when a leader decides their product is not “good enough” for consumers with high expectations. Instead of criticizing themselves or others for failing at their job responsibilities which could lead to recrimination), they reframe this failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Finally, the role of an organization’s leader is not just to lead but also to help others learn how to conduct themselves by developing their leadership skills and cultivating personal leadership qualities within them.

Lessons learned about myself

I have realized that I am a highly driven leader striving to progress. I love the challenge of finding a solution and then implementing it. I aim to continue learning to become more effective in my role and lead others better. I am a person who is not afraid to take risks and try new things, and I like to make the world a better place by doing my part in it. Further, I have realized that I have a lot of patience. It takes me a while to overcome a problem or issue and feel like I can move forward.

Additionally, I have realized that I am rather persistent when I set my mind to anything. Once I decide on something, I will go after it until it is completed. Moreover, I am not a good listener when someone is talking to me about something that does not interest me. Sometimes listening can be difficult because my mind starts thinking about other things, so I must try harder to focus on what the other person is saying. Finally, I have learned that I prefer working alone instead of with others regarding work or school. This skill makes sense because there are times when working with others would be more enjoyable than doing things alone, at times like this when people are trying to push one another.

Application of My Learning

When trying to reframe an organization, it is important to consider the role of leadership and how it can change how an organization is perceived by its people. For example, when I was working for a company that had a very strict dress code, there were many times when employees were asked not to wear certain types of clothing or jewelry because it did not fit with their dress code. This issue made many employees feel like they were not valued as employees because they could not wear something vital to them as individuals. As a leader, it is essential to consider what employees need to feel comfortable wearing, whatever makes them feel good about themselves and helps them be their best selves at work.

Moreover, as a leader, it is essential to understand the employees’ needs and wants to create an environment where the management team feels like they are being heard and understood. It further means understanding how the employees think about their jobs and what motivates them to do their best work—things like pay, benefits, and recognition for good work (Bolman and Deal, 2017). All these things are essential in creating a good workplace culture where people want to come back each day because they want more out of life than just getting paid for a job. Finally, I believe the most important thing I could do as a leader in any organization is foster a culture of choice. By engaging employees in the decisions that shape their working lives and encouraging them to act on their initiative, I will increase their sense of agency and ability to make meaning for themselves within the organization.


Considering what one’s leadership philosophy means to them as leaders and managers is crucial. Not only could this philosophy be a guide to the day-to-day decisions a leader and a manager make. It also serves as a starting point for developing one’s leadership style — how one leads. Defining and clarifying these values will allow people to realize their vision consistently. The necessity of a philosophy of leadership stems from the fact that without an explicit understanding of one’s expectations, subordinates are forced to rely on their judgments. These judgments are about correct behavior, and one may be surprised at what extreme lengths these judgments can go when left unchecked.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

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