The Issue of Illegal Immigrants and Access to Social Services

Introduction America is the epitome of civilization, and many people will want to live and work there. Moreover, the dream of getting good employment in developed countries has led to many people migrating in search of better working conditions. The United States has received many immigrants being the largest economy...

Family Health and Nursing Process

Family composition Janet’s family is a Black American nuclear family with both parents and three children. The father of the family is 57 years old, and the mother is 50 years old. The couple has two daughters. One is 19 years old and the other one is 16 years old....

The Significance of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Synopsis Purpose of the Study The study carried out by Prior, Wilkinson, and Neville (2010) was aimed at assessing the attitude of nurses to the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP), their understanding thereof, and the adequacy of their EBP skills and their application to a specific case. Data Contribution Participants...

Childhood Obesity: The Relationships Between Overweight and Parental Education

Extraneous Variables Extraneous variables are factors that might influence the observed results of a study although they are not included in the research design as variables of interest (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2013). In other words, something that is overlooked by a study or deliberately neglected in it can affect...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: The Compilation of Comprehensive Principles, Tenets, and Domains

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing suggested by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing is the collection of core principles, tenets, and domains, which educational facilities need to comply with when furnishing educational services for future nurses. The framework promotes such practices that will allow nurses to...

Analysis of Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Application in Different Nursing Fields

Introduction Nurses must develop and utilize superior philosophies to transform the health outcomes of their patients. I have managed to design a powerful model that informs my practice. The philosophy is guided by unique values, assumptions, and the four metaparadigms of nursing. This paper gives a detailed analysis of my...

“Who Moved My Cheese?”: A Great Allegory for Situations of Changes

People have various visions of changes and usually perceive them differently. Some react aggressively and do not want to communicate with anybody, the others begin to complain about their hard and unfair life. Some people like changes, they look optimistically at them and do not afraid, as think that changes...

Democratic Style of Leadership and Attributes of Leadership in Graduate Nursing

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, I completed a short eighteen-question quiz that helped me to recognize my leadership style. The results of the quiz reveal that I lean towards a democratic style of leadership. Democratic leaders or participative leaders value the collaboration of a group and engage it...

Leadership Qualities and Attributes of Graduate Level Nurses

Introduction Every person can utilize different tactics and activities in order to become a good leader. There are many styles of leadership, and each one has its advantages and drawbacks. In nursing, the position of a leader can be critical as this profession deals with the sphere of human health,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Biomedical Ethics and Christianity: Balancing Patient’s Wellbeing and Trust in God

Introduction Bioethics is an independent discipline and a system of moral principles and values that serve as a point of reference in case a medical practitioner is confronted with a moral dilemma. Often, the scale of a problem supersedes the limits of what is healthy and embarks on what is...

Brand Perceptions Marketing: Harley Davidson, Naked Juice, and Tropicana Juice

Introduction This paper analyzes my perceptions of three brands – Harley Davidson, Naked Juice, and Tropicana Juice. While the paper contains individual analyses of each brand, it also highlights four issues in each segment – how each brand captures my attention, what captures my attention about the brand, my sensory...

Physiological Psychology as a Branch of Psychology

Introduction Psychology is relatively one of the oldest disciplines that have ever been studied by mankind. It strives to understand the behavior patterns exhibited by human beings and their relationships with various mental processes (Wundt, 2005). Due to the broadness of the subject, it has been subdivided into numerous branches...

Thomas Jefferson: Life in Brief

Thomas Jefferson is one of the most intriguing historic figures because he is the author of the Declaration of Independence and developer of the ideals of freedom and equality valued in the American society. However, in spite of Jefferson’s significant contribution to the development of the American democratic society, historians...

The Perspectives of Genetic Engineering in Various Fields

Nowadays people strive for improving the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved organisms....

What Is Postpartum Depression? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Abstract The prevalence of postpartum depression is quite high as one in seven new American mothers develops this health issue. The illness is associated with such symptoms as anxiety, eating disorders, insomnia, and fatigue. The factors contributing to the development of the disease are divided into three categories: biological, psychological,...

Difference Between Articles of Confederation and Constitution

The late 1770s can be described as a difficult but eventful time for America. After the revolution, 80000 Loyalists had left the country; this paved the road for more democratic changes. Conservative opinions leaned toward a stronger government presence while radical ones thought that financial issues of people should be...

Victimization Image in the “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction Disgrace is a Booker prize-winning novel written by a prominent South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee in 1999 (McCrum par. 1). The book tells a story of a middle-aged professor of English, David Lurie, who is faced with life-changing events and decisions precipitated by his relationship with a much...

History of Social Welfare in the United States

Introduction The establishment of the social welfare system in the United States of America was one of the most critical undertakings in the history of the country. The institution of social welfare dates back to a few centuries ago when Queen Elizabeth introduced it in fifteenth-century England. In essence, the...

An Introduction to Psychology Research Methods

What are the similarities between descriptive and inferential statistics? What are the differences? When should you use descriptive and inferential statistics? Descriptive and inferential statistics have various similarities that can be explored. Most notably, they can be used in the analysis of data without any problem which leads to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Project for the RedBull Energy Drink

Situational analysis Redbull is an energy drink which is produced by Red Bull GmbH which is a private limited company located in Australia. The firm was established in 1984 within the soft drink industry. The energy drink has managed to attain a significant market share of 46. 8% compared to...

Racial Inequality in the Job Market of the U.S.

Racial disparities are evident in the United States as portrayed through the ever-increasing wealth gap between blacks and whites. Inequality is mostly experienced in the areas of income, education, and asset ownership especially ownership of homes. In the US, adult whites are more likely to own a house and access...

Telephone-Based Support for Post-discharge Breastfeeding Mothers

Data Collection The proposed research project is focused on the following PICOT statement: (P) – new mothers after a vaginal delivery; (I) – lactation support phone calls after discharge; (C) – patients receiving no intervention; (O) – the increased chances of breastfeeding success; (T) – six weeks after delivery. Since...

Overview on the Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Bereavement Bereavement is the objective situation that people face after experiencing a loss of an important individual through death. For instance, it may involve a number of mental reactions such as a feeling of guilt, excessive anger, and despair. Physical reactions may include insomnia, loss of appetite, and illnesses. Complicated...

Utilizing Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice

Nursing Leadership: Isaacs case In the assigned case scenario, Isaac’s disruptive behavior hurt the overall atmosphere in the healthcare unit, as nurses experienced discomfort and pressure while working with Isaac. I was an assistant nurse manager who will be obliged to resolve this conflict since it has a damaging effect...

Effective Nursing Manager Skills Inventory

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the role of personal assessments has been increasing over the years, and some of the proposed techniques are incredibly efficient. Nurse Manager Skills Inventory is one of such tools, and one of its benefits is that it focuses on several important aspects at...

What Is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade bloc that was formed in the year 1994 to enhance free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As a trilateral arrangement, NAFTA replaced the trade agreement that was signed between Canada and the U.S. The previous agreements between the...

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Introduction Slavery has not always been an evil deal. In the earlier society especially in the eighteenth century, it was freely acceptable all over the world. However, this came to change toward the end of the eighteenth century into early nineteenth century. British philosophers who began to argue that slavery...

The Vietnam War and American Music

American Music in the 1960s was often associated with the combat zone and military. Songs were mirroring the current mood of the nation, reflecting common pain and disapproval. Although this music was initially written to simply express emotions, later it became a social tool for applying pressure to the US...

Strategic Management Aspects in Magna International

Executive Summary This paper is an interim report, outlining all major aspects of strategic management process of Magna International, Canadian automotive supplier, which will be addressed in the final report. Special attention will be paid to the history of Magna International, specificities of its strategic management, and recommendations for improving...

Wilderness Allurement in the “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer

The cover of the book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer immediately acquaints the reader with the protagonist of the novel. It says: “In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. His name was Christopher...

Health Informatics: Impacts on Patient Safety and Care

Role Description and Education Level Informatics is significant in any clinical setting because it provides an opportunity to code data so that it can be processed in different ways. As a result, healthcare professionals obtain a possibility to receive meaningful and understandable information. If a person is willing to be...

Woman’s Progress in “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction Most feminist literature seems to argue against the traditional conception of woman as she has been envisioned in the white, middle-class suburban ideal. However, feminist issues extend well beyond this narrowly defined world into the lives of women of color, too, although there are slight amendments as to what...

George Elliott Clarke’s Creativity in Poetry

George Elliott Clarke is a multitalented author, offering a unique perspective as a Black Canadian in his works. Poetry is just one of Clarke’s facets, but it allows him to express his identity in a concise and vivid way. However, even a small sample of the works reveals a great...

Korean War: Why Did the U.S. Got Involved?

Introduction The Korean War has been labeled as one of the most significant occurrences after the end of the Second World War. In fact, some political analysts referred to it as a direct replacement of the Second World War. It had an indelible impact on the Cold War that followed...

Harlem Renaissance: African American Identity

Introduction The Harlem Renaissance is a term that is widely used to describe the period of a cultural and social reawakening for African Americans in the United States, who concentrated their artistic effort in New York. The period between the 1920s and the 1930s became a critically significant era in...

The Great War Outbreak: Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism

Introduction The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918. This conflict involved 38 countries. The causes of the First World War were versatile; it can be argued that the serious economic contradictions...

Article Analysis: Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television

Explanation of the Topic of the Article The article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers in online platforms. Over the recent past, people have been sharing music and movies through media platforms and the experience has become...

Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food

The modern world is a rapidly developing place in all spheres of humanity, and productions of fast food and access to take-out combined with little exercise have raised very many health concerns. It causes a change in human behavior, perception of self-image, and health risks that pose a serious threat....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Engineering Competence and the Code of Ethics

An engineer is ethically right to leave one company to another even if the new company is a competitor to the previous one. The current working conditions may be unfavorable, forcing the engineer to leave the job. Some customers may feel comfortable to follow the engineer to the new company...

South Africa Spotlight in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies

Introduction Although Neil Blomkamp’s movies were relatively successful with regard to their box offices, the critics’ attention was also drawn to the depiction of Africans and Bantu Immigrants. The director himself pointed out that he did not aim to depict the population of South Africa in derogatory terms, but it...

Reflection on Nurse Manager Skill Inventory

Nurse Manager Skill Inventory is a tool used to evaluate the skills and expertise of a nurse manager in three primary areas: managing the business, leading the people, and creating the leader in yourself. Each skill is marked out of four points where one is novice level of experience, whereas...

Nursing Role in Tackling Youth Obesity

Background Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity. According to CDC (2016), the children aged between 6 and 11 years had an obesity prevalence...

Predatory Lending Practices: Definition, Features, and Victims

Introduction Predatory practices are admittedly and notoriously unethical as they are harmful to the borrowers and potentially for a country’s economy. While the wrongness of the predictors’ actions cannot be denied, it is not uncommon for victims to be blamed as well. In order to define the guilty party, it...

Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure, Its Diagnosis, and Treatment

When the patient is diagnosed with tonic-clonic seizure, the most important step take is to determine the best form of treatment (Gil-Nagel, 2012). The main objectives or goals of the treatment is to prevent further seizures, avoid progress of the condition and adverse effects and ensure that the patient leads...

Counseling Profession’ Analysis: Current State of the Profession and Potential Threats

The current state of the profession The counseling profession offers a wide range of services. It ranges from counseling students on various issues regarding their academic work to families in a crisis situation. However, the acceptance and prominence of counseling as a profession varies according to regions. For instance in...

Slavery Emancipation in Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil

Introduction Slavery was viewed as both an infringement of human rights in addition to the existence of forced labor. Numerous differences existed in the manner in which slaves were treated across the globe. These differences were based on gender and age differences, location and other demographic features, such as skin...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organizational Psychology: Definition, Evolution, and Comparison With Related Disciplines

Introduction Organizational psychology is as old as time. It is primarily concerned with how best organizations can work under specific conditions. It is obvious to assume that the success of an organization leads to the psychological satisfaction of employees and even volunteers. It emphasizes group-type settings especially in offices and...

Women’s Status in Ancient Societies, Women in Society

In the ancient times the world was a much different place compared to today. Men and women had certain roles and status in society that reflected the beliefs and culture of that time. Big part of the social system was based on beliefs and women had a particular place in...

Importance of Compliance Procedures in Pharmacy

Many of the health care compliance policies about health care are developed by the United States Food and drug administration agency together with various professional boards.they are meant to protect and promote the health and well-being of all people through the implementation of various initiatives meant to promote public health....

“When the Five Rights Go Wrong” Article Critique

In the health care settings of the United States, medication errors are one of the most frequent errors that occur. The Institute of Medicine reports that more than 1.5 million people are harmed every year. According to this report, on average, one patient will suffer one administration error each day....

Barack Obama’s Speech on Race in Philadelphia

Obama’s speech delivered in Philadelphia at the early stages of his presidential campaigns delves into the problem of racism and its effects in America. The venue’s choice was significant as Philadelphia was the place where the country made the Declaration of Independence in 1787. Senator Obama uses anecdotes from his...

Relationship Between Morality and Happiness

Introduction The issue of happiness appears to be the central determinant of a person’s life. The critical factor in establishing whether one had a good or bad life is whether this person was happy or not. Therefore, finding what one can do to achieve happiness and sustain it throughout his...

Human Psychological and Physical Development

Introduction The average human life is determined by different stages of psychological and physical development, which have distinctive features and problems. In particular, childhood is typically distinguished by exceptional mental and bodily progress, while middle and late adulthood is characterized by psychological stagnation or, in contrast, severe internal conflicts leading...

Poverty: Causes and Reduction Measures

The eradication of extreme poverty by the year 2015 was one of the millennium development goals that the United Nations member states committed to, during the signing of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. While many countries have made significant progress toward the attainment of the goal, many are still struggling...

Theme in Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction Words, especially sincere and true ones, are people’s most powerful and influential weapons. They can go deep into humans’ hearts and souls and touch the innermost and most essential parts. Some crucial concepts, including dreams, freedom, equality, fairness, and family, are sometimes so difficult to discuss that persons decide...

Robert Burns the Scottish Poet

Biography Burns’ family was relatively poor, and he had to work at the farm as a child. His father, William Burnes, taught him writing, reading, and arithmetic at home (Crawford 50). Later, he received lessons in French, Latin, and mathematics from John Murdoch, a student hired by his father (Carswell...

“The Influence of the Mass Media in the Behavior Students” by Wahab, N. A.

Introduction In the twenty-first century, a sufficient number of new technologies and systems have received large-scale development. With the evolution of psychology, a variety of different methods and ways of influencing human consciousness has been discovered. Transferring this experience to the media, people have received the full impact of the...

Strategic and Institutional Management

Introduction The implementation of the strategic plan is a matter of great importance as it is the facts which decide the success or failure of a strategic plan. In order to ensure that the strategic plan is effectively implemented, the concerned people must have clear understanding of the plan and...

The Britain Music of the 1960s

Introduction Music forms an integral part of any culture’s tradition and practices. In the 1960s, a new tradition in the music industry emerged in Liverpool and London that would transform Britain’s culture forever. The influence these two distinct regions provided the emergence of several bands and songs that became sensational...

Professional Association Membership

The creation and membership in professional organizations is a common practice in various fields as they contribute to the development of the skills of participants and the system of their work in general. However, nursing associations are especially important and necessary because people’s life depends on constant communication and obtaining...

Healthy People 2020: Reducing the ER Visits Caused by Falls in Aging People

Healthy People 2020 Topic Area and Health Issue: Aging and Falls. Description The problem of falls in aging people has been a common point of concern in public health, yet, due to the nature of the problem, the progress that has been made dos not appear to be sufficient enough....

Disorder of Hemostasis Case

A flight from Minnesota to Sydney lasts about 19,5 hours. When individuals travel by plane, especially during long periods, they remain relatively immobile, which is not the best state for those with CVS diseases. Stasis results in the accumulation of platelets and clotting factors. Moreover, immobility causes a decrease in...

Analysis of “Letter Beginning With Two Lines by Czeslaw Milosz” by Matthew Olzmann

The formal analysis of a literary work allows the reader to better understand the author’s message. The connection between form and content produces a desirable effect and generates meaning. In the poem, “Letter Beginning with Two Lines by Czeslaw Milosz,” Mathew Olzmann raises the issue of killing children and expresses...

Police Response to High Speed/Hot Pursuits

Police officers have the responsibility of defending the lives of citizens by maintaining law and order. However, in attempts to avoid being arrested, some criminals are normally willing to escape without much concern to the dangers that they pose to their lives as well as those of other innocent citizens...

The Feminist Ideas in ”A Doll’s House” Movie by Patrick Garland

A Doll’s House is a British film that was directed by Patrick Garland in 1973. Actors Claire Bloom and Anthony Hopkins starred in this film. It is originally based on the play of the same name by Henrik Ibsen, which was written in 1879. The story is devoted to the...

“The Retail Revival”: A Review

Over the last decades, the conventional retail model underwent significant changes as technological advancement, globalization, and major socioeconomic shifts occurred. Currently, traditional shopping centers yield power to the Internet, and from activity in which word of mouth was authoritative, it transformed into one where influencers impact buying decisions. Doug Stephens’s...

“Crucial Conversations” by Patterson

Introduction The book to be reviewed is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson et al. (2011). It is about the best approach to use when participating in crucial conversations. A model has been developed concerning how best to prepare for high-stake situations, control emotions, and...

The Importance of Leadership to a Team

Professionals in many different fields, ranging from social scientists to schoolteachers, pay much attention to leadership. Without any doubt, it plays a significant role in the 21st century. According to Achor et al. (2018), only 5% of people rate their current jobs as highly meaningful. At the same time, 95%...

Immortality Perception in Modern Philosophy

Introduction Eternal life, and the value of such an experience – this question has always worried philosophers of antiquity and modernity. Besides, since it is linked with the problem of life’s meaning, the question of immortality is one of the fundamental dilemmas of philosophy. In his article Williams (2010) presents...

The Ethics of Performance Evaluation in Organizations

Introduction Many companies have relied on the performance evaluations to measure and improve the effectiveness of its processes, systems and employees. The success of any business, company or institution is pegged on its performance and just as the process of project or business management is characterized by monitoring and evaluating...

Practicum Experience in New York Methodist Hospital

Practicum Activities Reflection My job practicum experience was held at the New York Methodist Hospital. The clinical practicum is a crucial step for a nursing student that fosters professional development and comprehensive competence, nurtures “patient-oriented professional ethics and work philosophy” (Li, Liu, Lin, & Meng, 2016, p. 2). The practicum...

The Sports Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Literature Review Background The impact of COVID19 on the world’s health remains one of the essential limitations for numerous industries and organizations across the globe. All the industries suffered from the quick breakdown that forced them into a seriously altered ecosystem that no longer allowed them interpersonal contact and isolated...

Team Work and Collaboration

To handle the problem of Mr. Diaz, a nurse should be, first of all, aware of the rights which he, as a patient has. The most significant legal right of a patient is the right to informed consent (Heath, 1995). It is vital not to exaggerate medical responsibility before patients....

Leading and Managing Change in Business

Introduction Nowadays, the importance of change is emphasised by many business researchers. This tendency is explained by the rapid development of the world. Companies need to adapt to these changes to maintain high positions in the market and stay ahead of their competitors. However, in order to achieve this goal,...

Arrest Histories of High-Risk Gay and Bisexual Men in Miami: Article Analysis

Introduction Gay and bisexual men persistently suffer the highest burden of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. (CDC, 2008). Ever since the epidemic began, substance abuse has been proved to be one of the strongest predictors of sexual risk behaviors and seroconversion among this population. Latest research has centered on additional aspects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Actual and Budgeted Food Costs

The first task of the new Director of Food and Beverage is to choose a concept for a new outlet: either a fast service restaurant or a French fine dining restaurant. Both ideas have certain advantages and disadvantages for the Marina Bay Sands resort. A fast-food cafe may be a...

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by Orwell and the Real World

The world described by Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-four seems cruel and unfair. With its totalitarian regime, full devotion to the Party, and Big Brother constantly watching everyone, the existence of such a society seems impossible in the modern world. Nowadays, although many countries are tolerant and respectful of...

The Ways to Automate Lead Responses for a Business

Introduction Software as a service (SaaS) company is springing up because of its relevance in the modern business environment. Many businesses are currently relying on online platforms to promote their brands and sell their products. Unlike the traditional brick-and-mortar model of operation, SaaS companies are required to demonstrate their capacity...

Evolution of Microsoft Windows Operating System

Overview The journey for Windows began on November 10, 1983, with the release of Microsoft windows Beta 1.0, which was followed by Windows 2.0 and then Windows 3.0 in May 1990. The first version Windows 1.0 was an extension of MS-DOS which used the “C prompt.” To communicate with the...

Negotiation’s Strategy: Conflict Between Basran and Carpathia

Information on the Negotiating Parties Negotiations will be conducted at the highest level. Basran Representative – incumbent President John Seripan, who is for the third term in office, may be showing signs of authoritarianism, as the legitimacy of the last election is called into question. The representative of Carpathia is...

Trump: Elections and Presidency

From the beginning of his political actions, Donald Trump made a considerable impression on the audience. People were interested in him, although many were also wary. This politician tried to stand by his opinion, even though it was often unusual and revolutionary. This allowed him to win over audiences and...

Correlation Between Childhood Attachment and Adult Anxiety

Abstract The relationship between childhood attachment and adult anxiety is an essential aspect to analyze due to the many negative implications for physical and psychological health. The formation of specific behavioral habits at an early age is a factor affecting further cognitive development, and certain aspects of parenting increase the...

Patients’ Perceptions of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Care Bundle in Hospital

Bedsores or pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis of skin, muscle, and, in some cases, bone tissue that occur with prolonged compression and impaired blood flow. As a rule, they form during prolonged contact with a solid surface, sometimes combined with friction or shear. Patients with overweight or severe exhaustion...

Hinduism and Christian Doctrine Investigation

Hinduism that originated in India is one of the oldest religious cultures in human history. Every religion to be a part of Hinduism should support the caste system, respect the Vedas (Sanskrit scriptural texts), and honor particular spirits and deities (Corduan, 2012). The main Hindu deities, the caste system, and...

Comprehension in ‘all Children Read…’ by Temple and Al.

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Muijselaar et al. (2017) focuses its attention on the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension. The paper describes a quantitative cohort study that aims at creating a linear regression model with reading comprehension as a dependent variable and reading strategies as the independent...

“Assisting Preservice Teachers Towards Becoming Culturally Responsive” Article Analysis

Overall Comments Assisting Preservice Teachers Towards Becoming Culturally Responsive is a must-read article by Starker and Fitchett whose aim is to assist pre-service teachers towards becoming culturally responsive so that they can teach in societies that are diverse in terms of culture such as urban centers. The researchers chose the...

The Legalized of Abortion in the United States

On the 22nd of January, 1973, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision that held that a woman has the right to privacy and could choose to abort the fetus in the early months of pregnancy without any restrictions and with restrictions in the later months of her pregnancy...

Social Injustice Leads to Public Unrest

Despite significant advancements in the areas of human rights and equality, modern societies are still affected by social injustice. In the United States, people of color continue to face discrimination within various systems of the government, as well as from white people. The recent protests in the United States were...

The Action Plan: Literacy Development

Abstract It is the joy of every teacher to help his or her students learn and acquire skills on how to read and comprehend whatever a student sets out to read. A teacher’s knowledge of the stages of reading and writing development is not only important but also a prerequisite...

Those Lazy, Hazy Days

Winter blues are never as tiring and soul-wrenching as they are at the end of February. The sun rarely shows its face, and all of us feel as if we are trapped in an endless pool of grey. It’s ironic that when it’s hot and humid, all we think about...

Muscle Identification Presentation

Biceps Biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle located anterior to the humerus. The long head of the muscle originates from the supraglenoid cavity of the scapula while the short head originates from the cubital fossa. The two heads insert distally on the radial tuberosity. They also insert into the fascia...

Object Code Optimization Technique

ompiler optimization is important in computing, as it enhances the performance and operation of executable computer programs. The process of optimization may involve either the minimization or maximization of certain attributes or aspects of the execution process. The essence of compiler optimization is to hasten the execution process by minimizing...

Family Health Intervention: A Caregiver’s Perspective

Agren, S., Eriksson, A., Fredrikson, M., Hollman-Frisman, G., & Orwelius, L. (2018). The health promoting conversations intervention for families with a critically ill relative: A pilot study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 1-9. The outlined in the article pilot study concerns conversations intervention for family members and was conducted in...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Case Study

Introduction Presumably, the incident involving Mark happened last year during the preparation for the annual community arts festival organized by The Community Festival. Mark has been a dedicated volunteer to the community organization, and he was extensively involved in facilitating this festival. The Board of Directors organizing the festival made...

Incident Management Program: Set of Guidelines

Abstract This incident management program includes a set of guidelines that should be followed by the employees who face workplace violence. They should take several precautions that can help them avoid danger. Additionally, this program includes procedures for stopping violence at the early stages. Furthermore, this plan lays stress on...

Trade Liberalization: Environmental Effects

Introduction Trade liberalization presents major opportunities, especially to developing nations. New policies put in place to allow global trade have helped create and sustain global economic growth. Living standards have gone up substantially as a result of job creation and exposure to different cultures. Products from different nations have bigger...

Economic Impact on American Workers

Introduction Since last year, the world has been going through an economic recession and this has led to a financial crisis around the globe. This has also led to many companies collapsing and hence it has had a direct impact on the workers. This is because many workers have had...

The Person-Centered Approach in Coaching

Introduction Coaching psychology has brought with it a new thinking in psychological practice. Many people, including the practitioners and clients, fail to recognize that coaching psychology principles are embedded on medical practice. In medicine, practitioners view themselves as experts against patients’ lives. In contrast, person-centered approach views clients as their...

The History of Montgomery Bus Boycott

Introduction The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the earliest and most high-profile episodes in the history of black civil rights struggles. In the early 1950s, the civil rights movement was still relatively weak to oppose White America’s political and economic institutions. However, the segregation laws that continued to operate...

Leadership and Self-Deception Analysis by Arbinger Institute

Books on leadership are sources of essential information and knowledge about the best techniques which individuals can employ to be more effective in their work or life. Usually, such books focus on practices that allow a person to exert greater influence over others, and rarely do they teach their readers...

The Research About Unhealthy Attachment in Childhood

Participants This research sample will include 20 randomly selected psychology students who have experienced unhealthy attachment in their childhood, and the mean age will approximately be 19.5 years. There will be 11 (55%) female and 9 (45%) male participants. 60% of the sample will be represented by white Americans, while...

Moving Passengers Large Groups Though Airport Terminals Quickly and Efficiently

Introduction The aircraft industry is one of the most highly-developed brunches in the contemporary world, so a considerable number of people use it every day. With the progress of the aircraft infrastructure, launching new routes, and applying the low-cost pricing policy, the number of airport users increases with impressive rates....

Security of Data With the Elderly Population in the Health Care Sphere

Patient’s rights are a growing concern for both patients and health care organizations. The rights of patients for the confidentiality of information about the fact of turning for the medical help and other information, which is given to the medical care organization, is secured by the law of the country....

Personal Health Records in the US Healthcare

Introduction Personal health record (PHR) is a useful electronic service that is used by patients to store and access their medical information. PHR presents a unique opportunity for patients to store all their medical information electronically and manage it if required. PHR is entirely managed by patients and contains information...

Fort Matanzas National Monument in Architecture

Fort Matanzas is a national monument located at St. Augustine, Florida. Initially, the Spanish built the fort to protect this historic city (Fort Matanzas National Monument – St. Augustine, Florida). Since 1740, the fort has been a guard for this historic city. Although it was built for protection from the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

United Nations in the Israeli-Palestine Conflict

Introduction The establishment of the United Nations (UN) was accompanied by a clear message of keeping peaceful relationships between countries; however, as evidenced by many historical events, the organization has failed to offer solutions for preventing conflicts among countries. Sadly, in some cases, the UN has played a major role...

Clocks, Their History and Functions

In the world of nowadays, time is one of the most important aspects of our life. Contemporary people like to stick to their plans and schedules where every minute of their day is occupied. We feel comfortable when we know what time it is. This knowledge gives us an opportunity...

Google’s Values, Image, Organizational Structure

Company values Google’s value system is multifaceted. Among the elements in the company’s value system are leadership, integrity, passion, quality, diversity and objectivity. These elements are not explicitly stated in the company’s website but are highlighted in a section titled ‘ten things we know to be true’. Leadership-Google founders Larry...

Political Organizations: Risks and Opportunities

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis Carrying out a change on an organizational level is not an easy task, as it presupposes not only restructuring the corporate processes but also reestablishing the models of organizational behavior and relationships between the company members. In the specified case study, it was the lack...

Alibaba Group’s Public Relations and Responsibility

Although the focus on marketing strategies and the development of effective public relations techniques is discussed as important for companies, modern consumers are inclined to pay more attention to the social activities of the organization (Nickels, McHugh, & McHugh, 2013). Therefore, companies usually try to address the highest expectations of...

The UK and Russian Educational Systems Comparison

Introduction The education system of Great Britain is famous for its unique traditions. Having such well known education establishments as Oxford, Cambridge, and having rather high educational standards, especially in the sphere of higher education, taking the 2 place in Europe, education system of the United Kingdom however, has its...

Florida Medicaid Program and Its Funding Structure

Rationale Florida was one of the last states that adopted Medicaid. The state did it as late as in 1970, in comparison with many other states that did it in 1966 (Norris, 2017). The latest reform of the program was initiated in 2013. The rationale for the program is to...

Affordable Housing in Charlotte Community

Problem Statement A problem of affordable housing is a burden of the American population. Although attempts are made to solve it on the federal level, they are still not efficient is some states. For example, Charlotte region of North Carolina faces a shortfall in affordable housing which is supposed to...

“The Shawshank Redemption” Film by Darabont

Era and Setting The Shawshank Redemption is a movie revolving around the life of a banker by the name Andy Dufresne. The plot of this film begins in 1947. This is a clear indication that the film describes the issues and events experienced in America’s postwar era (Marvin & Darabont,...

Exelon Corporation: Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Process Strategic planning process focuses on purpose of existence of the firm and its objective according to company’s vision and evaluates both the internal and external environment of the organization and make strategies and amendments as necessary. It provides competitive edge and predicts profitable openings about future. Strategic...

Electronic Health Records: Definition and Examples

There is a clamor for greater efficiency in the field of health care. This desire for greater productivity and cost-efficiency is due in large part to rising medical costs. One of the popular strategies utilized by health care institutions to achieve this particular goal is the application of IT-based solutions...

Good Leader and Bad Leader Comparison

Introduction Leadership is complex and has various definitions, qualities, concepts, and theories. As such, different leaders apply different leadership approaches and styles. A comprehensive yet precise definition of leadership portrays leadership as a multidimensional process of identifying goals, motivating others to act, and giving pertinent support to realize mutually agreed...

Disability Studies in American Counseling: 2003-13

Introduction In recent years, multiculturalism has become a recognized aspect of the counseling profession. Nevertheless, despite the increase in recognition, academic publications are yet to address the demand for reliable data on the matter. The following paper provides a report of a journal article that highlights the said issue and...

Business Information Technology Governance Models

Information technology plays a strategic role in corporate decisions. IT governance aims to align the IT processes with a firm’s business strategies, leverage on technology infrastructure, and control IT-related risks and costs (Jairak & Praneetpolgrang, 2013). Different models exist for IT management, e.g., COBIT, which supports business-IT alignment. A generic...

Social Changes in Iraq

Introduction The term social change is used to refer to a shift in the human aspect of biological development which encompasses; social behavior, community relations, nature, social structure, and social institutions to mention a few. A social change starts with a slight change of thought, then behavior, this will then...

Improving Healthcare through Advocacy

Introduction The information presented in this brochure targets every citizen. The reader is informed about his or right rights as a patient. Every citizen should receive timely and adequate health support. Patients who are aware of their rights can make accurate decisions and influence the quality of care availed to...

Ebola in Sierra Leone as a Public Health Issue

Community and Public Health Issue Sierra Leone is a West African country that has a population of more than 7 million people (Lahai, 2017). Emerging from a civil war that lasted more than a decade, the country has a poor health infrastructure characterized by poor access to health care facilities...

Health Insurance Policy’s Impact on Nursing

The federal policy that has a significant impact on the role of the advanced practice registered nurse is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The policy strengthens the privacy of the patients’ personal information by providing them with several sets of rights such as the right to obtain...

Baccalaureate Versus Associate Degree Nurses

Differences in competencies It is obvious that the provision of the high-quality medical care and services is one of the main tasks of the modern healthcare sector. However, the increased complexity of the environment and new challenges result in the great level of demands to professionals working in the given...

Religious Prejudice in “Defender of the Faith” by Roth

The task of retaining one’s faith and staying true to one’s religious convictions becomes particularly hard during times of social unrest, and nearly impossible when sociopolitical issues result in war. In his short story “Defender of the Faith,” Philip Roth explores the difficulty of reconciling one’s responsibilities as a soldier...

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Comparing Levels of the Federal Government of the USA

Introduction A budget refers to a financial plan of government expenditure that conforms to its revenue collection within a given period. Revenue denotes the money that the government raises from different sources. Expenditure refers to the manner in which the state uses the collected amount. The federal government is a...

Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction Novels

The world, where humans will coexist with machines, is coming closer every day. The fast development of artificial intelligence that was almost a miracle a hundred years ago now is considered to be a usual thing. Attempts of science to understand how the human brain works and improve the fragile...

The Birth of American Advertising

With today’s unprecedented growth of consumerism as a common lifestyle, advertisement has moved far beyond its initial definitions. According to scholars, the very idea of advertising appeared centuries ago with the rapid development of goods exchange where the proposal for the product must have been convincing enough to sell it...

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The Aspects of Arterial Stiffness

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Levels of Practices of Organizational Change & Change Process and Models

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Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Education

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Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients

Introduction This paper aims at answering the following PICOT question: In patients 40-60 years old diagnosed with obesity (P), does diet and physical plans modifications (I) compared with diet management (C) reduce patient weight and improve healthy lifestyles (O) in 6 months (T)? When assessing these causal relationships, it is...

Pharmaceutical Industry: Effective Market Strategy

Effective market strategy greatly determines the successful performance of a business. However, its sufficiency to meet the requirements of a business is highly doubtable. With a biased focus on the pharmaceutical industry, it is, therefore, cardinal to ascertain the authenticity of the above statement. A marketing strategy in the pharmaceutical...

Possible Approaches to the Depiction of a Significant Social Event

The current 2020 year has brought a lot of disasters, catastrophes, and distress situations to humanity. This essay will touch upon the coverage of such situations in media and its consequences. Namely, an overview of the recent floods and landslides in Vietnam will be provided in this paper. Furthermore, a...

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Ian Curtis and the Decline of Western Civilization

In my opinion, Ian Curtis’ words “No language, just sound, that’s all we need to know” do not correspond as much to the fact that the general public in the U.S. lacks the scientific knowledge, as they actually reveal the essence of author’s subconscious anxieties, related post-industrial living. At the...

Critique of “We Should all be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In April 2012, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a speech entitled “We should all be feminists” at the TedxEuston event in London. TEDx talks are regular events across the world that invite speakers of various backgrounds, from philosophy to medicine, to share their experience and expertise. By 2012,...

Situational Awareness of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators stand for remote pilots of autonomous observation aircraft, such as drones, for example, that collect intelligence information. Space Systems operators functions include support of the space-related missions via air traffic controller. The current paper provides a comparison of situational awareness experienced by these two operators,...

Decathlon: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The Indian sports retail sector is growing very fast due the presence of potential customers and changing lifestyles. The existing regulation compels foreign companies to source around 30 percent of their products locally. Decathlon has the potential to succeed in this market if it starts new stores and pursues...

Scandinavian Mythology: The Life of the God of Thunder Thor

In Scandinavian mythology, Thor is the god of thunder, rain, storms, and fertility. Thor always stood out among others, and on his eighth birthday, Odin gave Mjolnir, a hammer enchanted with extraordinary magic. However, he could get it when he proved that he was a worthy warrior. The way of...

Importance of Ethics in Wartime

“Ethics is the science that deals with conduct, in so far as this is considered as right and wrong, good or bad” (Dewey, 2998, p.1). Ethics is important in all spheres of human life as morality is the decisive factor that makes us human beings, that differs us from animals....

COVID-19 and Employees’ Mental Health Relations

Several researchers consider the current global pandemic as a significant challenge facing the world economy and health. Hamouche examines the relationship between COVID-19 and the employees’ mental health. The author uses a qualitative approach to derive information from previous studies available in Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Semantic Sage....

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New York City (NYC) was a primary gateway for Europeans, Russians, and Asians, especially in the early 20th century. Nowadays, people of European ancestry constitute around one-third of the population, as well as Hispanic communities, whereas African Americans account for one-fourth. However, by the early 1900s, the black community made...

Connie and Arnold in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates

The fascination with death, darkness, and moral corruption seems intrinsic to the human experience. Macabre areas of life attract substantial attention, especially in works of fiction – Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” belong to this category. The explanations for the phenomenon could be found...

John Watson and the “Little Albert” Experiment

John Watson is considered to be the founder of behaviorism, a psychological theory that focuses on visible behavior while diminishing the notion of consciousness (Malone, 2014). He firmly believed that every human has the same set of reflective responses, which can be influenced by the use of a process called...