EFL Teacher Training and Development

The focus of research As every person has the abilities and skills to learn something new, this capability should be used for the improvement of professional skills and knowledge acquisition. For instance, the Cambridge online dictionary suggests the definition of development as an activity “when someone or something grows or...

Exit of Foreign Companies From the Market Due to Internal Problems

The value of the currency will decrease slightly in the future, however, it will not have any negative impact on the domestic economy in a long-term perspective. The soft drinks in the country can be more expensive compared to American prices; it does not mean anything as there are a...

The Walt Disney: Analysis of Mission Statement and SWOT Analysis

Introduction In the world of entertainment, the Walt Disney Company has a positioning on top because of the unique, creative, quality products that it produces. This has enabled it to be an international company that is highly valued by its customers. The worldwide spread companies are mostly found in America...

Political Sciences. “Inside Job” Documentary

Introduction The movie “Inside Job” can be acclaimed among the most successful documentary films released in 2010. And this is no wonder as the film features an interesting and thought-provoking layout with reliable information and good quality of its accomplishment. In general, this film is a story about the economical...

Comparing the Perspective and Attitude to Death of Ivan Ilyich

Introduction Death is like a change, it is inevitable, and however much people can avoid it, they must encounter it at all costs. Religious teachings are dominated by the issue of life after death, a life that theoretically stands out to be better than the current but ironically, though, all...

Aggressive Behavior Causes Media and Societal Violence

Media violence presents a risk to public health, and it contributes towards having an increased level of violence and aggression in the real world. Research indicates that fictional film and television violence lead to having short-term as well as a long-term increases in violence and aggression among the young viewers...

Airgas Final Investigation Report: Case Study

The purpose of an investigation report is not only to examine the possible causes of an incident but also to make evident the potential solutions that will prevent further complications from happening. Following a set of established rules and standards, the authors of a report are capable of pinpointing the...

Protease Signaling in the Circulatory and Cardiovascular System

Introduction and overview Human body produces an array of serine proteases involved in protein digestion, blood coagulation, and homeostasis. Recently, another important function of proteases: trypsin, thrombin, coagulation factors Xa and VIIa, cathepsins, etc. in signal transduction has been elucidated, which involves cell surface receptors, termed protease-activated receptors (PAR1-4) (Ossovskaya...

Hope for New Life Ministries’ Organizational Capacity

Introduction My role, activities and focus for improvement of the ministry As a leader in Hope for New Life Ministries, I will focus on a number of issues that will improve the organization’s performance. My analysis of the current state of the organization seeks to address leadership diversity and the...

Decision Support Systems & Project Management

Introduction This paper is to identifies and describe various decisions in Healthcare Management and Administration. It also carefully analyzes and identifies the data management system that used to apply the representative modeling technique. Apart from this; the paper includes Gantt chart for implementing the Healthcare Administration Decision Management System. Besides,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects

Introduction The last twenty years have witnessed several innovations which have made several implications to the financial sector. There are many instruments that have been employed by financial institutions like banks since 1970. Some of the innovations are: butterfly spreads, Eurobonds, program trading, collateralized mortgage bonds among others. These innovations...

Intersectionality: Diversity Within Categories

Abstract This paper explores the notion of intersectionality along with the challenges and advantages that it seems to open up. Having been suggested in the previous century, the idea of the importance of the intersectionality approach in the field of social studies appears to have changed our perception of discrimination....

The Wars by Timothy Findley

Introduction It is worth noting that the action of the novel written by Timothy Findley occurs during World War I. The plot of the book unfolds around the story of the short life and tragic death of Robert Ross. He goes to fight in Europe as a volunteer to escape...

Verbal and Non-Verbal Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Cultural communication is a way through which the members of the society express their views and relay information. All aspects of human beings including communication are affected and altered by culture. Culture includes how individuals express themselves including the way they think, move, and solve problems. When we discuss...

The Lais of Marie de France: Idiosyncratic Perspective on Love in Medieval Literature

Critical History The ‘Lais of Marie de France’ is an omnibus edition of works by a medieval female writer. The collection consists of twelve narrative poems, among which are Bisclavert, Cheverfoil, and Lanval. Glyn Burgess, who studied her works, notices, that ‘the theme of love is certainly the fundamental preoccupation’...

Rodamia: International Trade Simulation

Introduction Evaluation of a country’s natural resources is paramount in determining the country’s rate of economic growth. Considering the fact that countries have got different quantities and quality of resources, various countries consider trading with other countries in an effort to optimize their rate of economic growth (Suranovic, 2009, p.1)....

Mathematics Performance Among African Americans in Los Angeles

The media is full of reports on discrepancies in performance among students from different ethnic backgrounds. These reports have had mixed results. On one hand, the groups affected by low performance have seen the need to put more effort while those that are at the top of the class have...

Yogurtland and Micromax: Marketing Strategy

Yogurtland strategy Yogurtland is a chain of cafes and restaurants where people can buy frozen yogurt. Yogurtland operates in the United States of America mostly; however, it has several international branches which are a part of global franchise. The major features of the brand are self-service and a big number...

William Shakespeare’s Henry ΙV: The Moral Ambiguity of the Characters

A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters. Shakespeare’s work Henry ΙV part Ι is considered to be the greatest historical play. A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters has become the subject of the research of many scholars. Two worlds come into collision in the play...

Research Design for a New Drug That Reduces Appetite

Introduction The discipline of psychology makes use of observation methods to come up with concrete description of behavior. Such observations have to occur in a natural setting. Psychological research has four main objectives. These are creating, understanding, prediction and description of change. This process helps psychologists describe the opinions and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Missing Issues in Perspectives of Social Development

Introduction Having considered the course I cannot but say that there are some points missed in the course. There are a lot of social problems, but I would like to concentrate on the several topics, that are neglected in the course. These are migration, poverty, and providing education in countries...

The Concept of Ways of Knowing

‘Ways of knowing’ generally refer to the deductive way of questioning what it implies or means to recognize; or know something. From the pursuit to address this area of dispute; science has deduced through discovery ways of multigenerational and empirically obtaining confirmable knowledge and information under a limited ‘domain of...

The Concept of Resilience: Individuals With Behavioral and Emotional Problems

People usually encounter various forms of stress either emotionally, physically or behaviorally and they come up with different ways of coping with these stresses. While others may succumb to the stress and end up emotionally affected, others may cope effectively by being positive and taking control of their environment. Individuals...

Political Theories: A Perspective on Human Nature, Order, Freedom and Equality

Concept of Human Nature Considered by the State The concept of the human nature is an important part of the political theory because concepts, suchlike state, liberty, freedom, and others are discussed with a view to relations of human beings and a state. Sometimes a living organism is even presented...

Business Code Evaluation of Ethics by Shell Company

Introduction Professional integrity and dignity are the foundation of an employees’ reliability in an organization. The consistency in the organization is obtained by the implementation of the code of ethics. A Code of ethics is the set of principles, values, policies and standards of conduct within an organization that directly...

Nurse Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, and Patient Safety

Introduction Patient safety, as defined by the National Patient Safety Foundation, is “the avoidance, prevention and amelioration of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from the process of health care” (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2016, para. 12). Patient safety is an expected characteristic of hospital stays. Although patients, their families, and...

Business Ethics Concerns at an I-Factory

Goree (2007, p. 132) notes: “ethics refers to the morality of human conduct that can be evaluated in terms of either being good or bad, so if related in a business situation it will mean corporate ethics, which combines both applied and professional attributes that examines principles and moral problems...

Relaxing Travel Company Business Report

Introduction Relaxing Travel Company is facing serious challenges following the economic downturn in the UK. On top of this, there have been other factors that have posed a big challenge to the business operations of the company and they include; Regular customers create their packages using budget airlines and the...

Media Impact on Adolescent Development

A wide range of studies has linked the media use with cognitive skills development as well as academic success, with a large number of comprehensive studies, in a strong way, giving out a suggestion that content is the most significant “mediating factor in the relation” (Kirkorian, et al, 2008, p.53)....

EBay: Tetrad of Media Effect

Abstract E-bay is an online shopping market where both shoppers and sellers can interact through the internet and does not have to involve physical contact. It has afforded the world a place where they can buy their goods and products without necessary having to meet each other; it has incorporated...

Harlem Renaissance or the ‘New Negro Movement’

Introduction Harlem renaissance was a literary movement that is also called the ‘New Negro Movement’ (Nathan, 1971). The movement was also a political one. It started in Harlem in the 1920s and1930s following the First World War. The movement addressed issues affecting the blacks living in America. They did this...

Women’s Backlash in the 1950s due to WWII

Introduction World War II, abbreviated as WWII, is known by various names like the Second World War, the Great War, and the War to End All Wars. It was a global war although its arena was primarily in Europe. This War involved not only the major European powers but also...

Prevention of Childhood Obesity

Elementary school students today are diverse by race, culture, and background. The student population includes non-Hispanic white, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and other races. They represent different linguistic, social, and cultural groups. However, there is a problem that unites all of them. It is childhood obesity, and it should...

The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Hitler

Immediately after the end of World War 1, Germany was forced to sign the treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 by American allies who had immerged victorious. The Germans hated the treaty so much for having laid on them extremely harsh political and economic conditions. The three allies never...

Teaching Philosophy and Its Impact on Learners

Introduction There is no clear-cut agreement regarding what constitutes best teaching philosophy. Nonetheless, it deserves merit to establish a tentative definition of what constitutes the effective teacher philosophy for the current paper. A teacher/instructor is deemed to have an effective teaching philosophy if he/she has a positive influence on student...

Critique of Westerhoff’s Spiritual Life

Introduction This is a critical analysis of the book entitled “Spiritual Life” by Westerhoff. Westerhoff says that it is not possible for preachers as well as the teachers to have a ministry that is fully effective if their personal divine lives are not effervescent. He therefore offers a resource to...

Philosophical Ideals in Relation to My Life

Philosophy is not merely a studied discipline. It is also a complex of views, opinions, and attitudes to various values and the community one belongs to. The system of values and beliefs consists of thoughts, which are connected with each other and make a kind of cooperation. When one starts...

Translation and L2 Acquisition

Introduction Contemporary approaches to language education strongly rely on the theory of universal grammar that was put forward by Noam Chomsky and other representatives of generative semantics (Chomsky, 2006). This scholar argues that there are certain grammatical or syntactical properties that are inherent to every human language and a person...

Water Quality and Supply

The problem of lack of access to improved drinking water is one of the most significant public health issues in developing countries nowadays. Every year people in developing countries die because of the lack of access to basic sanitation, personal hygiene, and clean drinking water. There are water missions that...

Vodafone Company’s Strategic Analysis

Vodafone is an international telecommunications company that has its headquarters in Newbury, U.K. This company is the “world’s largest mobile telecommunications company measured by revenues and the world’s second-largest measured by subscribers (behind China Mobile), with around 332 million proportionate subscribers as of 30 September 2010” (SWOT Analysis on Vodafone,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lulu.com as a Management Information System

Summary Lulu.com, founded by Bob Young in 2002 in Triangle Research Park in North Carolina, is a very significant name in the Print on Demand industry (POD). The founder of Lulu.com wanted to expand the name of the company to make it something beyond a Print on Demand Company. He...

Columbus Discoveries and the Outbreak of the Smallpox Connection

Introduction Those who do not know history do not deserve future. It is really so as people who are not interested in the past of their country are not interested in the future as well. History is knowledge that people handle from one generation to the other. The book Colonial...

Domestic Violence Problem Overview and Analysis

Domestic violence is a controversial aspect of life, evolving from both physical and mental abuse of a person. In contemporary society, violence against another person can be justified and even encouraged as an acceptable form of decent behavior. Consequently, domestic violence has its origin in societal tolerance to the victimization...

Apple Battery Problem Discretion

Business decisions could sometimes be controversial. Some of them could even lead to global scandals, and huge losses if the choice was universally disapproved. A few months ago, in December 2017, the results of a test by John Poole from Primitive Labs had shown that due to battery wear-out, Apple...

Model Characteristics and Their Application to Nursing Roles

Promoting health and preventing disease are two of the core objectives of the nursing practice. To attain them, adequate approaches to the organization and performance of care practices should be implemented, and it is possible to say that Pender’s health promotion model (HPM) can successfully guide practitioners in selecting the...

Therapeutic Activities: Collecting Harmless Insects

Collecting Harmless Insects Participants This activity is designed for children between ages four to six years. It is a suitable activity for them since creativity and activeness is major characteristic of this age group. They enjoy active play and other invigorating activities that keep them occupied. It also provides an...

Nursing Leadership Health Policy

Introduction Community health nursing is an integral part of healthcare as it is concerned with the well-being of all residents. Therefore, the promotion of a good environment for community health nurses (CHNs) can improve the state of healthcare in all parts of the country. In particular, these professionals can have...

Functional Behavioral Assessment and the Behavior Intervention Plan

General information about Fred The student under consideration is a boy, Fred. He is eight years old, and he is a student of elementary school. Fred has a grade level “3”, his disability is autism. During the class activities, the boy takes everything lying in front of him and chews...

Analysis of John Falstaff in the Works of Shakespeare

John Falstaff, a common character in Shakespeare’s literary work perhaps by far bonds with the readers than any character. Falstaff’s ability to make us laugh at him and with him, his self observance, his frankness even in dishonesty, his lack of loyalty , his sense of determination and his enduring...

Strategies of the Organization Change

Introduction This paper focuses on the various strategies of organizational change based on the leaders’ pet peeves. It has researched articles from various authors. One such author is Kowaski, Robin M. in his book, “Complaining, Teasing and other Annoying Behaviors”. The paper has gone further to provide recommendations on how...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Unpatriotic Act” by Cook, and “It’s Good to Look at One’s Shadow” by Calcumil

Introduction The dramaturgy analysis is regarded as the inevitable aspect of realizing the culture of any epoch. Dramatist generally aims at revealing his/their entire understanding of the surrounding world, and their sense of the epoch, ideas and considerations of the generation as well as people’s concerns. As a whole, analysis...

Process Leading at Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. which was formally known as Apple Computer, Inc. is a multinational corporation based in California USA, which designs and market’s personal computers, computer software, as well as other consumer electronics such as phones and music players. The leadership at Apple especially under Steve Jobs has always identified the...

Purpose of Coaching in Management

Introduction According to Northouse (2007), a number of theories and strategies have been developed to enhance the performance of individuals within an organization and the organization at large (Peltier, 2009). Most of these theories and strategies focus on the managerial organ of an organization. The management plays a critical role...

The Necessity of Obama’s Health Care Plan

Health care is the management as well as the deterrence of sickness performed by qualified professionals in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and nursing. After long years of struggle by the Americans, as a result of societal along with opinionated issues contiguous to the contact with health care, there was...

Resisting Nature: Decision Analysis In The Robot’s Rebellion

The Robot’s Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin by Keith E. Stanovich expands the neo-Darwinian theory most famously introduced in the book “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. Stanovich implies that humanity is primarily driven by the relatively simple yet overwhelmingly powerful desire to replicate. This desire is...

“The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer

Introduction When learning to teach, teachers are required to read a number of books and texts. The aim is to get knowledge on what scholars in their field have to say about teaching as a profession. Different books address varying themes and subjects associated with learning how to teach. Some...

Using YouTube as a Customer Communication Vehicle

Strategy for using YouTube for communicating with customers Social media tools such as YouTube have become essential for most organizations. In turn, organizations have turned them into management tools. YouTube has become one of the social media business communities uses in promoting their customer relationships. Management teams have learnt to...

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Business

Abstract Leaders need to have traits that are visionary and should be competent enough to attain the intended goals of the organization; meaning that the future of the organization lies squarely on the ideas generated by them. Such people should be inspired and possess the capability to explain it to...

Automobile Sector: Negative and Positive Impact

Introduction Technology is being changed every day and its impact occurs in every sphere of life. It influences the transportation systems also. The emergence of automobiles made a tremendous change in the life of the people. This paper mainly presents the new advents in the automobile sector and its impact...

Tesla Motors Company’s Distribution Channels

Introduction Tesla Motors, established by three persons – Marc Tarpenning, Elon Musk, and Martin Eberhard is a corporation that creates a very high-routine electric games car and is supported by a large amount of elevated-profile shareholders. “Tesla’s goal is to produce increasingly affordable electric cars to mainstream buyers – relentlessly...

Employee Retention in Healthcare Call Center

In the article “Stressful Work, Citizenship Behavior and Intention to Leave the Organization in a High Turnover Environment: Examining the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction” Paillé (2011) presents the notion that a high stress environment has a connection with increased employee churn rates within particular organizations. He argues that job...

Institutionalizing Knowledge Management Initiatives

Introduction Knowledge management (KM) simply refers to an area of study that promotes an integrated move towards identifying, examining, obtaining, and distributing an organization’s precise and tactic knowledge resources to meet its mission targets. It involves leveraging knowledge to optimize managerial efficacy and competence. On the other hand, knowledge management...

Christianity and the Issues of the Later Roman Empire

The history of establishing and development of the main principles of Christianity in the Roman civilization and the role of the religion for the progress of the state is characterized by a great number of issues. AD 381 can be considered as the year when the conception of Christianity as...

Bell’s Post-industrial Society Theory and Braverman’s Deskilling Theory

Introduction The change in social stratification was present during the agrarian and all through to the industrial revolution. These past revolutions brought changes that socialists had to theoretically examine their consequences in the future. Bell and Braverman contributed to theories of the labor process but their ideologies were different and...

Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health Policy

The authors’ research problem is major health problems in today’s world. The authors’ research questions are what the international health organizations such as WHO do to improve public health, and how they tackle the emerging diseases. The main point of the research is that the creation of a unified international...

Newspeak as a Language of Fiction

Abstract Newspeak, a language of fiction, was invented by George Orwell. The language was developed during the totalitarian party system to make speech hard to understand thus making speech impossible. Other than the media, newspeak as a language has continued to take over many other sectors today such as the...

Power Abuse and the Means to Avoid It

Abstract Despite numerous attempts to control the actions of those beholding power, power abuse remains one of the notorious elements of everyday reality. On the one hand, corruption is an inevitable stage of evolution of a regular person who suddenly gained too much power to be able to refrain from...

Homicide Investigations and Forensic Evidence

Introduction Forensic evidence forms an integral component in the investigation and prosecution of homicide crimes. Without forensic evidence, it would be impossible to prosecute a good number of homicide crimes whose weak link to the crime in many cases is evasive without forensic tactics. The belief is that people are...

US Current Economic Conditions

Introduction The economy of the United States has experienced great turmoil following the global economic crisis of 2007-2010 periods. The crisis started in the united state and it spread to the rest of the world. The US economy suffered a lot and some of its financial institutions collapsed. Although the...

Economic Aspect of The Wall Street Movie

Introduction Movies are generally for entertainment a reason why any none entertaining movies are less sold. The movie Wall Street, in addition to being entertaining, conveys economic lessons as a moral of the storyline that enlightens those who understand the business of financial trade. Although the movie was made in...

Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities

Introduction Description and History of Social Work The history of society goes back to ancient human society. Social work entails charity giving to the poor and at times voluntary service to the needy in society says (Rosen 66). There has never been a time when all were self-sufficient in the...

“Journey Home” by Yoshiko Uchida

Yoshiko Uchida’s Journey Home is written about a Japanese American family which undergoes various hurdles during their way back to home. The author Yoshiko Uchida herself belonged to an immigrant family. The novel is an autobiographical account of Uchida who saw the horrors of the aftermath of the Second World...

Management: Personal and Professional Development

Introduction Management is an important part of any business. Many success stories in the business world have been due to effective management practices. This paper is an analysis of the concept of management and how it relates to business. It embarks on a series of research questions into the most...

The Models to Manage Change in the Organization

Organizational change is an essential part of any company’s development. In the contemporary management theory, there are three primary models that can be utilized to manage change in the organization. Those are – Lewin’s stages of action research (five phases involved in action research), Lewin’s change management model (three-step model),...

“Against The Gods” by Peter L. Bernstein: “Risk” Concept Analysis

Introduction Risk is daring to do something that you are not sure if you will survive, make it a success, or lose it, but it’s done with the hope of being successful. It is a choice one makes but not fate. Key concepts/thoughts/points of the author Risk as a definitive...

Leadership and Team Self-Management Assessment: Perfect Example and Own Results

Introduction Leadership refers to the ability to influence a social group or a team of people into accomplishing a particular mission or assignment (Mehrotra, 2005). Hence, a leader is equipped with the potential of not only showing the way but also encouraging those below him or her to pursue a...

Frankenstein vs. Paradise Lost

The stories about the Devil, Adam, and Frankenstein’s monster seem to have nothing in common at first glance. However, a more detailed consideration of each of them allows tracing certain similarities between them. People (or other beings) who have negative qualities always seem alike. They are united by their desire...

“Life of Pi”: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Survival

One cannot say that the book “Life of Pi” is devoted to animals, like, for instance, the books by Seton Thomson or Gerald Durrell, who express their love of wildlife in books. In contrast to them, Martel presents a philosophic and religiously oriented account of the life of a human...

Is There Possibility That Meriwether Lewis Was Murdered?

Introduction Meriwether Lewis came to the political limelight on August 1794 after joining a group of 13,000 militiamen that was destined to quell the Whiskey Rebellion1. Lewis remained as a volunteer of the army after the revolt was suppressed. It was while serving in the army that he met William...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Bureaucracy in the Policy-Making Process

Bureaucracy, or administration, systematically arranges the work of large groups of people and manages the implementation of programs and policies. The role of bureaucracy is thus set in the areas of organization and realization. Often administrative bodies are viewed as inefficient because of constant growth—and a difficulty in controlling it,...

United States Homeland Security Strategies

Modern society currently faces many dangers such as crime and terrorism. Security of the citizens is of the utmost importance for the United States government. That is why there are numerous laws that help the government to reduce crime rates, and prevent activities associated with terrorism. The United States government...

The Design of a New Kentucky Urban Village

Have you ever thought about a village or a city of your dream? The city will be built according to your plan and design. Everything is possible due to design thinking. The method commonly considered as design thinking is an established and repeatable indicative procedure that can be employed by...

Shoe-Polisher Machine as a Perspective Product

Introduction The unique innovative product proposed for implementation belongs to a home product category. The name of the product is a shoe-polisher machine in the shoe closet. It is recognized that the newly invented machine makes business people life easier: its users will be able to make their life less...

Racial and Cultural Descrimination

Race and culture have always been sensitive topics given the rise in racial discrimination in the recent past. This prompted me to carry out a study on various aspects of culture and levels of discrimination that are common in the society today. In addition to the above, I highly anticipate...

Democracy: Principles and Critiques

Diversity and Democracy Diversity has become a popular human resources concept in the recent years (Levine, 2003). The way its ideas seem to correlate with the principles of democracy makes them very alluring. The Democratic Principles Chosen Among the main principles of democracy the equality of all people and the...

Binge Drinking Issue Review

The article examines and analyzes the problem of drinking among undergraduates and assesses reasons and factors of drinking behavior. The effect of alcohol varies by social position and achievements of students. Female students who drink face a lower risk of death than male students, but an increased risk of breast...

Performance Impact of Business Group Affiliation

Introduction, purpose, and significance of the study Singh, Nejadmalayeri & Mathur (2006) conducted a study titled “Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy.” The main purpose of the research is to explore the performance of large and diversified Indian firms as...

Assertive Discipline vs. Classroom Autonomy

Type of Study The type of study undertaken will be a qualitative study. This is because the study is aimed at finding out the major classroom-based and discipline-related factors that contribute to the high rates of detention and suspension at Southern Aroostook High School. In addition, the study will enable...

Renewable Energy Programs in Five Countries

Introduction Energy is one of the fundamental aspects of human life. Ranging from domestic to industrial use energy, it is in great demand. The unlimited demands for the energy has necessitated the innovative ideas to ensure that the supply is constant even in future. Several countries have devised mechanism to...

Mobile Commerce Adoption in Saudi Arabia

In the recent years, several developments have been experienced in the field of information and communication technology. One of the major developments has been in internet and web development field. Accordingly, the increasing mobile phones usage has opened up avenues for mobile commerce services across the globe in the recent...

Breaking Free From an Abusive Relationship

According to statistical data provided by the American Bar Association of Commission on Domestic violence, approximately 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States (American Bar Association). This problem has grown so acute that many American writers and screenwriters of the XXth century...

Immigrants in Canada: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Immigration is the process by which people move from their native land to another land and some become citizens of that land. However, people migrate to Canada from various countries in the world. Canada immigrants can be classified into three groups. For example, there are those who migrated to...

Design for Testing and Specification Compliance

Abstract This paper discusses the design process of testing and specifications compliance. Testing and specifications compliance is an issue that any venture introducing a new product into the market has to observe. This paper investigates how these parameters and stipulations are designed. It also contains an outline of how entities...

Cvs Caremark: Case Study Analysis

Information security seems to have become a hot-button issue for every single member of the entrepreneurship area. Although the recent technological breakthrough has provided a plethora of opportunities for improving the quality and speed of data processing, it has also facilitated numerous malefactors with tools for conducting cybercrimes such as...

Impact of Grief Caused by Violence in the Community

Grief…It is natural for humans to feel deep pain and sorrow when grief occurs. Grief causes devastation and kills a part of any human’s heart; it also brings crucial changes to the community where it arises. In the following paper grief caused by shooting in Casas Adobes, Arizona on January...

Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes

Introduction Many physicians, parents and coaches worry about the effect of performance enhancing drugs in schools and colleges (Amy, n.d.). The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) reports that in every thirty student-athletes, one will use performance-enhancing drugs like steroids (“Coalition addresses abuse of performance-enhancing drugs,” 2004). Research should find...

We See and Understand Things Not as They Are but as We Are

Human minds shape the world where an experience of the reality is limited or enhanced by human’s cultural beliefs. In this case, we see and understand our world from what can be formed in our minds. Based on this ‘ways of knowing’ generally we refer to the deductive way of...

An Organization’s Corporate Strategy

Introduction Comparative advantage is achieved when an organization has an edge over its competitors when attracting buyers. In business world, strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, where an organization can differentiate itself for the targeted customer and add value by an asset of activities different than...

Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction

At the beginning of his career, Brad Pitt worked for El Pollo Loco to pay the bills for his acting classes. The fast-food industry may have given the world one of the most talented actors, but is it enough to turn a blind eye to all the adverse effects it...

Development of Humanities and Its Impact on World

Important works of Art and Written Text The period between 1800 to 2000 BC was characterized by great development in the world of arts. Many works of art, which included paintings and written texts, came into being at this time. However, there were three most important works of art, and...

General Electronics Company’s Demographic Factors

The diversity of the workforce has become commonplace due to the extensive wave of globalization, which has reduced differences between regions, religions, sex, race, and ethnicity. General Electronics (GE) being one of the largest companies in the world has a highly diversified employee base. The company spreads from the U.S....

Petronas Group’s Products and Performance

Company history Petroliam Nasional Berhad is a multinational oil and gas firm that is publicly owned. It is located in Malaysian with its headquarters at Kuala Lumpur. The company was established in 1974 within the major integrated oil and gas industry. The company has a total of 29,236 employees worldwide....

Fleming’s VARK – VAK Model and Anthony Gregor’s Model

Introduction In spite of many learning styles studies having been carried out, most education trainers and instructors lack to acknowledge that students are different in the way they understand and process the information given to them. Particularly, they have been brainwashed by the notion that cognitive skills are identical in...

The UAE Cultural Dimensions Review

Cultural analysis An analysis of the target market is a very important issue before making the decision to move into the market with goods or services. Market analysis comprises of various aspects. Culture is one of the aspects that ought to be considered during market analysis. In the course of...

Conflicts and Political Goals in Afghanistan, Gaza and Iraq

Many modern governments instigating wars against their neighbours or other countries often flood media outlets with songs of triumph and endless rhetoric about how necessary those wars really are. However, the loss brought on by these wars is further compounded by the absence of political achievement by instigators. The violence...

BHP Company’s Employee Incentive Systems

Introduction Broken hill proprietary company was first incorporated in 1885. Its major operations included mining of silver and lead at the broken hill in Australia. The current BHP Billiton Company was established in 2001 by merging broken hill proprietary company and Dutch Billiton plc. This resulted in the formation of...

History: The United States’ Origin

Introduction The world consists of communities that practice different traditions and have unique social, economic, and political activities. Sociologists argue that societies will continue to evolve because people have to adopt new lifestyles and drop practices that disadvantage and expose them to social, political, and economic challenges. There are various...

Antisocial and Delinquent Behaviors

Abstract This paper is going to deal with the reasons of antisocial and delinquent behaviors. Theories of Social and Self Control discussed by Ronald L. Simons, Lesley Gordon Simons and Laura Ebert Wallace in “Families, Delinquency and Crime: Linking Society’s most Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior” will be thoroughly considered...

Research Characteristics of Data Collection & Analysis

Introduction Data collection in qualitative research helps to answer the “why, how, and what” of the phenomenon under investigation. This is unlike in quantitative research in which the data collection is used to address the “how many” or “how much” of the phenomenon under investigation. This means that in qualitative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

The Purpose of the Theory The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) offers actual examples of the characteristics of SI that can improve and develop teachers’ instructional patterns. The procedure comprises 30 points classified into three major parts: Preparation, Instruction, and review/Assessment. The six points under Preparation analyze the lesson planning...

Environment Protection Authority and Chemical Waste

Introduction Chemical wastes are those chemicals by-products in form of solids, liquids, or gases produced by factories that are harmful to animal and plant life. On the other hand, petrochemical wastes are those chemicals derived from some reaction involving natural gas or petroleum. However, unlike chemical wastes, petrochemical wastes sometimes...

Implementation of Federal Educational Policies

Carol M. White Physical Education Program The Carol M. White Physical Education Program has been important in the organization’s pursuit of effective physical education programs. The fund received have helped the completion of many projects that otherwise could not have been done without the policy. However, there have been some...

Environmental Ethical Issues and Current Situation

Abstract The Mexican gulf oil spill and the most recent wildfires brought the world to almost a standstill as far as environmentalism is concerned. The fires in Russia and Portugal caused lots of damage both to the environment and to the world economy. Was the act of putting out the...

How News Media Shape American History

Mass media have always been a powerful source of shaping public opinion. Governmental and corporate media publications depend on the particular interests of authorities and enlighten the facts accordingly. Usually, the influence of authorities or governmental institutions forces the reporters to distort authentic information. When it comes to revolutions or...

Appaloosa County DAY Care Center, Inc. Costs

Introduction The primary focus for the Appaloosa County Day Care Center, Inc. (ACDC) is to provide child care services to members of the local community. The company offers child care to three main age groups: infants, toddlers, and pre-K children. Each of these services is part of ACDC’s line of...

Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to review a scientific article that describes a medical study. The authors of the paper selected for the purpose aim to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination concerning improving the health of children when compared to infants who did not receive immunization. To that...

Early Childhood Observation of Motor Skills

The child observed was a young boy, two and a half years old. From a distance, I observed him at play with his mother for thirty minutes. The child interacted with his mother on several occasions while she read him some books about numbers, shapes, colors, and the alphabet. The...

New Dimensions in Women’s Health

Abstract This paper focuses on the examination of sexual and reproductive health literacy’s role in the social adaptation of women. Based on the critical literature review, the importance of the topic is introduced from the point of the current situation. Many young girls and women tend to lack basic knowledge...

Reading Reflection “The Emotionally Healthy Church”

The main idea promoted by Peter Scazzero throughout his book The Emotionally Healthy Church is that many Christians appear to have a hard time trying to relate to their religious beliefs on an emotional level: “We have many people who are passionate for God and his work, yet who remain...

Women as Vigilantes in “Thelma & Louise” Movie

Introduction to the Movie ‘Thelma and Louise’ is a fascinating story of two allies Louise and Thelma, who head for a vacation to escape their tribulations for a while. Thelma is a housewife married to a chauvinistic husband; Darryl. She does not have freedom considering her economic status. Louise works...

“Montana 1948” Book Review and Analysis

The book ‘Montana 1948’ reflects themes of; the importance of family, loyalty, guilt, law, and order, and justice. The book is told from a third-person perspective of David Hayden, who recaps the events of his childhood Bentock, Montana in the summer of 1948. The issue of identity and decision-making are...

The ‘Attacks’ by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel

The ‘Attacks’ by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel is a combat action of the L.T. Rommel’s platoon against the army war troops; in which the writer is the army leader who explains a detailed procession of an attack to the French army troops, during the time of the interwar era among...

Health Promotion in Latin American Immigrants

Medical assistance to the population may concern not only scheduled inspections and help those who apply for it. In some cases, promoting health among certain categories of the population is an important task that allows reducing risk factors and mortality rate. The role of healthcare employees is essential since not...

Trends and Projections of the United States Economic Growth

Introduction The economic growth rate of a country is not constant over time, but it exhibits phases of expansion, stagnation, and decline. Fluctuation of an economy in these phases creates a business cycle that elucidates trends and offers projections of economic growth. For the last ten years since the great...

America and the Great War, Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism

The rise of nationalism, militarism, imperialism, the conflicts between the allies played their part in the outbreak of the World War I. Although America tried to stay neutral during the years 1914-1917, later the country had to join the war. The Treaty of Versailles was opposed by the Senate, and...

Prospects and Problems Faced By Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

Introduction Entrepreneurship is highly embraced in the contemporary competitive world. Its input to the economy is acknowledged worldwide (Fielden 2010). In Pakistan, especially in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachiit, it is unfortunate to note that entrepreneurship is considered a male-gendered concept (Hafizullah, Manzoor, Hussain, & Farooq 2012). Women are highly...

Philosophies of Curriculum and Design

Abstract This paper presents a personal design of the essential learning strategies in the prevailing curriculum. It discusses how the curriculum can be modified to develop in various factors such as environment, social state, current education, and psychological state. All these are associated with the learning outcomes of education theories...

Nursing Theory of Music, Mood, and Movement by Murrock and Higgins

Introduction Healthcare professionals can identify and use different nursing models to provide exemplary medical services to their patients. Middle-range theories are powerful frameworks that offer evidence-based insights for bridging the gap between care delivery and knowledge. They provide meaningful concepts and notions that can improve the quality and nature of...

Orem’s Self-Care Theory vs. Neuman’s System Model

Introduction Nursing theories have been developed for describing, predicting, and explaining the process of nursing for those in the field. They offer a foundation for the nursing practice as well as help to generate further knowledge to indicate the direction in which the discipline should be developed in the future....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Theoretical Perspectives Associated With Child Development

Introduction Several factors affect growth and development of child. A number of theories try to provide us with explanation on how a child grow and develop in his life. Although the theories on child developments are not entirely true, they provide us with an insight on how changes occur in...

Formation of Sexual Identity, Sexual Customs and Gender Bodies

Introduction The role and position of women and men in society changed from one historic period to another. This change was predetermined by different social, economic, political, and other reasons. Nowadays, we may observe that in different communities’ women and men are treated differently. Of course, one of the most...

How Diverse Traditional Beliefs Affect the Spheres of Life in Ghana

Ghana is a post colonial country situated in Africa that embraces diverse ethnic group, religious concepts, beliefs, and languages, greatly affected by European influence. As in most African countries “religion is inseparable from virtually every aspect of Ghanaian life and is important in the determination of worldview” (Salm and Falola...

Social Media Impact and Governmental Regulations

Title of Article 1: “Privacy and Social Media” Style of Article 1: Persuasive Example 1: “From every angle, social media is anathema to privacy”; “All of this sharing may help create communities, but it also destroys privacy” (Claypoole p. 1) Title of Article 2: “Known or Knowing Publics? Social Media...

Access Control Methods: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction The concept of access control is confusing to many people. Some consider it as the act of preventing external sources from accessing information stored in a system. They are unable to differentiate between access control and identity verification or authentication. Sicuranza, Esposito, and Ciampi (2015) define access control as...

Inflation in the UK

Introduction This case study analyzes an article on inflation in the United Kingdom. The reviewed work describes the rise of the statistic shortly before the article’s writing and the potential reasons. It adds that the increased growth rate may be temporary, and the predictions and resulting reactions from the Bank...

World War I and the Role of the United States in It

Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism When considering the factors that led to the eruption of WWI, one must mention nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. Due to the increasing influence of Pan-Germanism originating from the Napoleonic wars, the levels of nationalism were on the rise in Germany at the time, causing the state...

Race and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Race and the Invisible Hand determines the subtleties and disparities of a workplace that gives the white job-seeker more employment chances over the black job seekers. At the heart of this discussion, the question is whether there are specific characteristics that make young black people undesirable as workers, compared...

Marketing During Recession Importance

Marketing is regarded as the process of researching, distributing, selling and promoting products and services with an aim of increasing sales. It involves arousing interest of potential customers to consume your products or services. Contrary to the belief by firms directors that spending on marketing is an expenditure, research has...

The Currency Exchange Risks

The currency exchange risks can be a serious issue for any company as it is something that cannot be under absolute control. Taking into account that the company has no option than to buy raw materials in Japan, the safest method is hedging. Hedging refers to an ability to minimize...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Substance Use by Parents and the Effect on Kids

Introduction The misuse of substance among children has been a major problem in most countries (Velleman and Templeton 2007). Research has indicated that children who are introduced to substance abuse at early stages in their lives are likely to develop serious psychological and behavior disorders in adulthood (Velleman and Templeton...

Board of Directors of Edwards Lifesciences Corporation Analysis

Introduction The analysis of corporation cannot be complete without approaching such a significant governance instrument as the board of directors. In simple terms the board of directors is an elected or assigned body of members who are given the authority and the responsibility to manage the corporation (Mancuso 47). Additionally,...

Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the role of fair employment policies and prevention of discrimination in the workplace has been increasing. The situation has improved over the last few years, but such incidents are still quite common. The primary problem is that many employers are not aware of...

Television Violence and Critical Thinking

Identifying the Topic Violence sells; from T.V. shows to movies to reality dramas and live-action contests the addition of violent content increases the likelihood of people viewing what is being shown. It is a concept that has become so ubiquitous with pop culture that it has resulted in more recently...

The Negotiation Process in Football

Negotiation is a progression in which two sides try to resolve a dispute or argument and come to a mutual agreement (Barry, Lewicki, and Saunders, 1). According to Cellich and Jain (2003), negotiation involves the presentation of arguments by both parties to the negotiation then trying to initiate a pact...

Friedman: Liberalism, Individualism, Market Economy

Milton Friedman’s astounding contribution to the U.S. economy is something that continues to affect the present day. One of the primary ideas he espoused focused on the value of liberalism in developing an overarching theory to govern modern society. However, Friedman lamented the fact that contemporary interpretation of the term...

PDA Sim Company’s Strategic Review for 2004-2009

Introduction The PDA Forio Simulation is intentioned to evaluate and assess the capability of a strategic decision make to formulate diverse strategies and dynamically adjust strategies as a consequent of market responds to price and quality constraints. With the ever increasing dynamics of competition in the international and local markets,...

Audience Analysis: Term Definition

Audience analysis is an activity that involves a critical analysis of the audience so as to be able to cater to their diversified needs, interests, and objectives in the speech to be delivered. When analyzing an audience, it is important that the type of audience is looked at. One such...

Societal Mores in Communication and Interaction

Societal mores are a part of life and existence. They determine principles of communication and interaction between individuals in society. Mill and DeToqueville underline that for people to believe (or to pretend to believe) that they could establish “good” institutions to control “bad” men, i.e., men who in the narrow...

Slavery as a Peculiar Institution

When slavery was defined as a peculiar institution, it was thought to mean a distinctive aspect of the people of the US who had embraced it. In other words, it was used in a more positive light since those who partook of it believed that they were doing the right...