The Old and New Testament Books

Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books Exodus The book of Exodus is a narrative. Exodus means “departure”. The book revolves around the deliverance of the people of Israel after 400 years of slavery under the then Pharaoh of Egypt. It begins with the cry of the Israelites...

Florida Board of Nursing: Licensing and Professionalism

Introduction While the roles of nurses of all types are similar in a way that they all deal with treating patients, some differences may be outlined. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse practitioner, whose duties include caring for patients of all age groups and promoting well-being...

Patient Urination Problem: Intervention Plan

HPI (History of Present Illness): the patient experiences the complications within last two weeks while he experienced the above symptoms during last two years. The patient received no treatment in the past. He had serious difficulties in starting his urine flow yesterday. Moreover, he has to pass urine four to...

Overviewing Managerial Work and Organizations

Introduction The table of contents (TOC) is the kind of navigational section usually found in publications which include books and other texts like magazines. Usually, it is written near the front of a publication and indicates its content together with the specific page numbers of the various sections. It is...

American Reconstruction and Civil Rights Movements

Impacts of Reconstruction After the end of the Civil War in 1865, American society embarked on a rigorous reconstruction program that aimed at bridging the gap between the blacks and the whites, who had engaged in several conflicts that were brought about by slavery and the slave trade. It was...

Legislation in Canadian House of Commons and Senate

In the Canadian legislative process, a bill passes several stages in the House of Commons and the Senate before it becomes law (Parliament of Canada, 2016). The legislative process starts in one of the Houses of Parliament when the author of the bill (one on the members of the House...

The Effect of Social Media in Changing Marketing

Introduction Marketing is a very important pillar in business that enables activities to be carried out for the satisfaction of a given demand. The process of marketing involves lots of activities that are geared towards the selling of products and services. The process of marketing means making the products or...

Universal Health Services: Financial Statement Analysis

Abstract The paper provides the discussion of the financial statements’ analysis related to operations of Universal Health Services. This company is one of the leading providers of healthcare services in the United States. The analysis of the data indicates that the financial health of Universal Health Services can be regarded...

“M. Butterfly” a Play by David Henry Hwang

M. Butterfly is probably one of the most controversial still rather popular works by an American playwright, David Henry Hwang. This story consists of several captivating details and examples with the help of which it is possible to understand the essence of western and eastern women, define the benefits which...

The Growth of the American Infrastructure

Introduction The presented article outlines various effects of the intensified infrastructure growth over the last twenty years had on the sociocultural system of the United States. All of the primary descriptors for the infrastructure growth are used in the article. Gross Domestic Product, population level, real growth, immigration, and other...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resources: Consolidated Chicken Products Case

Is there a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women? If so, explain what it is and, if not, explain why not? Yes, I do believe the company is discriminating against women employees based on these points: First Consolidated Chicken products employment ratio of Men to...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Literary Analysis

Brief introduction of the short story “A good man is hard to find” is a story that talks about a family that is killed by a social criminal named Misfit. The main characters are the Misfit and the unnamed grandmother. It depicts human beings as untrustworthy creatures; it is consistently...

The United Nations’ Security Council Membership

Introduction The United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats to the world peace and human being existence. It was established in the post world war two era under a background...

Case Management and Funding Maximization in the US Healthcare

Introduction US Health Care is one of the largest sectors of the US economy that has enormous resources. The activities of the government and private sector in this field have a multifaceted impact on American society. The health policy affects the essential interests of all layers, groups, and classes of...

The Philosophy of the Novels by Philip Kindred Dick

Introduction The stories by Phillip K. Dick have the philosophical background. Imposter is one of Dick’s works. Although it is written in the genre of fiction and narrates about the imaginary future, its plot shares the common themes with the philosophical teachings of Plato, the Ancient Greek philosopher. The second...

Health Risks of Vulnerable Population in Miami

Introduction The community was chosen for the windshield survey, and this paper is Golden Beach in Miami, Florida. It mostly consists of families (same-sex or different-sex couples) with and without children. It is a small community located near Hollywood that appears to consist of mostly upper-middle-class and upper-class members. The...

The Slavery Question: Destiny and Sectional Discord

Introduction By the early 1850s, the debates over the slavery issue had already come to a head and could no longer be neglected. The argument grew more and more heated. The situation was aggravated by the intention of the Congress to build a railroad across the territory of the country,...

Breast Cancer Inheritance Biophysical Factors

Women’s Health The biophysical factors operating in this situation are the age of the patient and the possible inheritance of breast cancer. The psychological factors are her mental health records and susceptibility to depression. The sociocultural factors are the influence of the public opinion on her gender, social stress, and...

Teratogenic Effects of Alcohol and Smoking

The teratogen is an umbrella term for substances that can have adverse effects on the physiological development of an embryo. The effects are usually caused by the toxic effects of the agents in question, and can result in abnormalities and birth defects, including malformation, growth and development retardation, functional disorders,...

Ethics in “John Q” and “Dog Day Afternoon” Movies

Introduction Today, cinema is one of the most popular kinds of art which attracts millions of spectators all over the world. Its rapid rise is related to the spread of technologies and the creation of a new digitalized society. Therefore, like any art, it could be used by creators to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction The problem of obesity in modern society is an issue that could hardly be overlooked due to its vast prevalence among the United States population (Roberto et al., 2015). Based on the information obtained in Genetic Health History, it should be stated that the adult participant is at risk...

Improved Nursing Practice of the Future

Contribution of the Future of Nursing Report The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” explored the roles, responsibilities, and education required for the nursing practice to have to address the changing needs and demands of fore care. Nurses make the single largest workforce segment,...

Professional Development of Nursing

Introduction The Institute of Medicine report concerns various issues and problems in nursing, e.g. nursing education and practice, right leadership skills, and the Government’s role in the transformation of the medical system. Nursing Education The IOM report draws the reader’s attention to the importance of education for nurses and reviews...

American Hospitals in Financial Comparison

Hospital Selection This paper deals with discussion of the financial aspect of two selected Hospitals from the free area of American Hospitals. The list of American Hospitals belonging to this category is long, but this research narrows down to the selection of two that is, Harrison County Health Department and...

Anthem Insurance Companies’ Risk Management

Medical malpractice is an issue that affects healthcare establishments and insurance companies from both legal and ethical perspectives. The primary implication of the problem is its impact on the health of individuals and the reputation of the clinic as an accountable care organization (ACO) that provides high-quality services. It is...

The Management of Accounts Receivable

Introduction Management of accounts receivable is an intricate process that follows some distinct steps. First, a company has to determine the right customer extend credit. This can be achieved by reviewing the credit rating of a customer. Secondly, the management should come up with a payment period. Working capital requirements...

Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue

Introduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the developing fetus is ready to be born or able to survive. When it happens naturally, it is known as a miscarriage, and when done deliberately, it is referred to as an induced abortion. Any woman who participates in abortion does...

Computerized Entry of Drug Prescribing Order

Introduction It should be noted that at the global level, millions of errors related to the appointment and distribution of drugs are predicted. This leads to several millions of preventable adverse effects and millions of dollars that represent the costs of the necessary subsequent medical care (Charles, Cannon, Hall, &...

The Nature of Human Rights

Abstract This essay is dedicated to one of the most disputed questions in philosophy. The nature of human rights and democracy has been the subject of debate for philosophers and politicians for many centuries. Democracy existed in a variety of forms long before its modern meaning. The paper defends the...

The American Frontier: Reality and Myth

Introduction The American Frontier is often recognized as the single most popular period in the history of America, especially when it comes to the portrayal in the popular media and, as a result, the recognition in the public consciousness. There are many reasons for that, and different scholars tend to...

Evidenced-Based Practice in Nursing Profession

Introduction The major role of the nursing profession is to provide high-quality health services. The implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the most important strategies to achieve this professional role. EBP refers to the contentious, judicial, and explicit use of the current empirical or scientific evidence in informing...

Breast Cancer and Effective Medical Treatment

Introduction The evolution of mankind and changes in the social and ecological factors provoke the spreading of different diseases. Cancer is one of the most life-threatening ones nowadays. The modern healthcare does not have the medicines and methods of medical treatment of many types of cancer guaranteeing the 100% recovery...

Unified Registration in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp

Introduction Facebook Inc. is a large-scale technology conglomerate, most well-known for its primary social media platform Facebook. However, the company also owns popular social media and messaging services such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and others. Each is a separate platform and service, with few to none integration among each other and...

File-Sharing and the Value of Television

The Topic of the Article The article (or essay) “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Michael Z. Newman is devoted to the topic of TV file-sharing (for example, with the help of BitTorrent) and its impact on the shifts in the TV’s value and status. Outline of...

Dysplasia Patient’s Intervention and Education Plan

Introduction The purpose of the educational program is the provision of secondary intervention for the female adolescent of 14 years old with congenital vascular dysplasia of a lower limb (Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome). The patient complains about the progressive swelling of the right lower limb. The talocrural area is increased in volume....

Clinical Decision Support System

Introduction Information systems are a rapidly developing technology being integrated into the healthcare sector, which seeks to modernize the operational and clinical capacities of medical facilities and its staff. A technology known as the clinical decision support (CDS) system can combine research, protocols, informatics, and patient data into databases. Its...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Conflicts

The Role of Conflict in Change Management Conflict comprises wide-ranging emotional reactions to incompatible or divergent views or needs. It results from misunderstandings or a difference of opinion, professional values, or beliefs, which, if not managed well, degenerate into a dreadlock or inaction. Conflict in nursing roles originates from intra-group...

The Current Alfa Corporation’s Operation

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of managerial decision making based on intuition, as in the current Alfa operation? Pros In Alfas’ current operations, several advantages of managerial decision making based on intuition can be identified. First, intuitive managerial decision making is the best in changes that...

Altruistic Punishment in Humans

Basic questions posed The main question that the authors sought to find answers to is why people involve themselves in punishing others in a group, yet there are minimal chances of gaining from executing the punishment. Cooperation among people in a team is promoted by altruistic punishment; that is, punishment...

“An Emotional Survival Manual for Students” by Bell et al.

Introduction The book is learner-centered. The authors have based their ideas on the experiences of college students right from the date of enrollment in graduation year. In other words, the authors have provided some insights into the opinion of college students on how to share an educational experience with the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Greggs Company’s Communication Theory

Introduction Annual reports are written with the purpose to inform the shareholders about the situation in the company, about its achievements and the future purposes. Clatworthy and Jones (2003) state that it is highly important to provide both good and bad news in the report, focusing more on bad news...

Affordable Care Act and Its Stakeholders

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a landmark health legislation signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama. The purpose of this policy was to increase the number of citizens who had access to medical insurance cover, lower medical costs, eliminate inappropriate practices in the industry, and maximize efficiency....

Family Life Education: Heritage Assessment

Common Health Traditions Based on Cultural Heritage The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail. The Latin family consists of the mother from Cuba, the father from Mexico, and their son. This nuclear family...

Media Usage as a Mode of Learning

In the recent past, the use of electronic media has increased in our schools. This can be attributed to globalization and emergence of information technology in the 21st century. Because of many challenges related to the use of media and information technology, I will discuss use of media as a...

Ignatian Spirituality: Origin, Concepts, Attitude

Introduction The dynamic changes in the present-day society and a great number of international conflicts make many people realize the necessity of the social structure transformation. A lot of researchers in the social studies recognize the importance of spirituality in the life of individuals and collectives. The recent research investigates...

Gender-Based Discrimination during Surgical Training

Writer background: All authors–Adrienne N. Bruce (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Alexis Battista (MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, MD, USA), Michael W. Plankey (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Lynt B. Johnson (Division of General Surgery Department of Surgery, MedStar Georgetown...

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea or Vomiting

Introduction Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are one of the most feared cancer treatment procedures due to its severe side effects (Cohen, Moor, Eisenberg, Ming, and Hu 497). The treatment is classified as an anticipatory because it is a conditioned response. This means that an individual undergoing CINV is exposed...

The Concept of Death in Islam

Introduction The perception of death largely depends on the religious characteristics of a particular nation and is determined by people’s inner beliefs. Cultural characteristics of different countries predetermine how people relate to the afterlife and what is considered to be dead in any religion, that is, the total absence of...

Ford Motor Company’s Organizational History

Organizational History What is interesting about the Ford Motor Company is that its organizational structure consists not only of its internal management and product creation divisions (i.e. marketing, engineering, etc.) but also encompasses aspects related to the different brands under its control, the various dealerships that sell its products as...

Theories of Intelligence and Their Application

The field of human intelligence has evolved with time and different scholars have come up with varied definitions and theories on the subject. In addition, the application of the theories of intelligence cuts across different fields especially in the workplace. Human resource managers apply these theories in the hiring and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Microsoft’s Strategies to Leverage Its Monopoly Position

What is the primary barrier to entry in the operating systems market? How does Netscape’s product threaten to remove this barrier? Microsoft has succeeded in creating a monopoly in the operating systems market with its Windows operating system. To start with, running an operating system requires very many software programs....

John Ilhan and His Managerial Skill

Management refers to all the activities and one’s duties undertaken by one or more persons to plan and control the duties and activities of others to do a given goal or complete a given duty. Management also involves staffing, directing, and controlling the employees of a given company or organization...

The Social Capital of Young People

They’re battle scars Using the theoretical works of Hauser et al (2006, p.5), Rutter (1999), Masten et al (2009), Luther et al (2000), McDermott and Graham (2005), Drapeau et al (2007) and Thomson et al (2002), the authors present their own survey research findings to explore how a sample of...

Moral Issue in Business

Background This paper aims at identifying the application of ethics in business. A business ethics program is expected to provide the business architects with the best approach that should guide them in the process of designing and implementing the business initiative with minimal conflict with the societal norms of the...

Large & Small N Design and Interpretative Research

Introduction This paper is aimed to investigate the issue of doing good research, including discussing its peculiarities, based on the examples of three articles under consideration. The paper will take into account three types of research designs. They are the large N, the small N, and the interpretive designs. In...

Education Reforms under the Bologna Treaty in Romania

Introduction The Bologna treaty was characterized by a series of reforms undertaken by 45 European countries. The reforms aimed at creating an integrated higher education era in Europe. The 1999 Bologna treaty presented and emphasized on six objectives which were directed towards the establishment of a European Higher Education era...

Music Therapy and Its Positive Psychological Impact

Introduction Music is known to have healing power and is widely utilized as a therapeutic tool to manage chronic pain and neurological disorders. Music therapy is defined as an evidence-based and clinical use of interventions related to the musical experience. It is generally recognized that music greatly assists in managing...

EChoupal: Session Justification and IT Projects Evaluation

Who are the key stakeholders in the ITC’s initiative to implement the Coupal project? Briefly justify your claim by explaining what’s at stake for them. It can be argued that the major stakeholders in the implementation of the ITC’s Coupal program are the rural farmers and the staff of the...

Zara Company: IT Projects Justification and Evaluation

Based on the classification of IT projects in the Ross and Beath article, what kind of project is Zara’s upgrade of Point-of-Sale technology? Justify your answer. Zara’s point of sale technology can be classified as a renewal of the existing systems. The common or traditional technologies used when IT infrastructure...

Cost-Effectiveness Methodology in the Health Care

Introduction Cost-effectiveness analysis is applied in the healthcare system to determine the ways of redirecting the reserves in order to attain better results. This analysis shows the advantage of designating the resources from inefficient to efficient programs, and it also demonstrates the benefit of designating the resources from cheaper to...

Catastrophic Attack on Telecommunication Systems

Introduction According to Bullock, Haddow, and Coppola (2016), the main reason for the increasing threat of cyber attack is the development of technology: “Communications, commerce, finance, and all forms of information management and access can be achieved from almost anywhere, using devices so compact that they fit into our pockets”...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Factors and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by changing moods and energy levels that affect the ability of the patients’ memory to function normally. The disorder affects the neurons in the brain, hence causing uncoordinated functions of the same. The effects on the brain depend on the periodic episodes...

Ethics, Policy, and Finance in Healthcare

Medicaid Eligibility Fairness Every state has its conditions for people who want to receive coverage under Medicaid. In Florida, these criteria are established by multiple entities: the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) (“Florida Medicaid,” n.d.). DCF is the source of all regulations for...

Politicians and Their Speaking Skills

When judging politicians, so much importance is placed on public speaking skills for various reasons. To begin with, politicians are public figures, and this means that whenever they speak, they usually address large numbers of people. To appeal to such huge numbers, they must have good public speaking skills. Good...

Technical Communication: Professional Finance Association

Abstract Technical communication, in a broad sense, can be described as a form of communication that encompasses qualitative and, to a greater extent, quantitative forms of research. It has an aspect of research and generates more information about technical processes that are related to an intended audience. Taking in-depth scrutiny...

Auditing and Metrics in Process Safety Management

Characteristics of effective metrics Effective metrics have four key characteristics. They are (De Waal, 2013): Easily measurable and calibrated. A good metric should be easy to measure and give the same results in the same conditions regardless of the person recording it. Correlated to the current business performance and predictive...

Sherman Antitrust Act Violations and Lawsuit Recommendation

Healthcare litigation can take on many forms. All parties involved often experience significant costs and challenges as health law litigation can be complex. Therefore, when possible, alternatives should be found to determine a mutual resolution. This report will investigate various means to legally resolve a scenario of a surgeon suing...

Reason of Wound Infections

Study Wound infections are extremely common among patients; sometimes, they can have symptoms similar to sepsis or cellulitis. It should also be noted that Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also becomes more widespread. This infection is extremely resistant to antibiotics and often cannot be cured by them, which leads to complications. Case...

American Express Company’s Data Quality Evaluation

Formulate a high-level plan for how you will proceed with the task of determining the quality of the redundant data elements that will become the master data American Express is one of the largest multinational companies providing services for helping merchants in buying and selling goods and services. The company...

Nursing Role and Leadership Styles and Skills

Introduction In health care and nursing, leadership remains one of the most crucial concepts for discussions. It is not enough to organize people or make them believe in developed leadership skills. It is necessary to know what to do even in the most unpredictable and unplanned situations. Sometimes, people are...

Social Media Platforms and the Nature of Healthcare

Articles Discussion The first article explains how tutors can create videos for different nursing courses. The practice can address multiple needs in the learning process. Videos can be used for pretest studying and pre-class listening (Bristol, 2011). The video can act as a tutor for the learners. Faculties can use...

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Abstract The completion of master’s degrees is a key component in the professional development of nurses (Drennan, 2012). Graduates of master’s degree programs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for the transition into clinical and educational settings. Nine essentials that outline skills and knowledge possessed by graduates of...

Internet Privacy Policy at the Workplace

Overview In this era of globalization, employers may have valid reasons why they should be interested in monitoring their employers’ email and internet use at the workplace. In fact, today numerous firms across the planet have put policies to ensure that all employers monitor to use the internet and other...

Human Resource Selection Methods for Employment

The Human Resource Selection process is very important. It determines the kind of candidates who will pass through to become employees of the Organization. The paper would examine the combination of three selection methods. After the job applicants have gone through the recruitment stage, they now enter an important stage...

Virtualization and Cloud Computing World

Introduction Recently, many IT/IS companies started to use Saas (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). The three services mentioned above provide a virtualized space that replaces all the required data storage, desktop computing, networking, and many other elements necessary for engineers....

Study of Folklore in Terms of Development and Evolution

Short Answers A systematic approach to the study of folklore Anthropological and psychoanalytic survivals provide systematic approaches in the study of folklore because they offer rich sources of evidence that substantially support modern cultures and traditions relative to ancient times. Both Anthropological and psychoanalytic survivals give a view of ancient...

Professional Ethics and Legal Responsibility

Professional Ethics, Major Problems The Chapter under consideration discusses the problems of professional ethics. Arens et al. provide several definitions and theoretical frameworks explaining the importance of professional code and rules of conduct in the working environment (76). In the sub-points 4-10, the chapter provides information about the Code of...

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

What are the glass ceiling, glass walls, and the glass escalator and what are their effects on those who are constrained by them? Usually, a glass ceiling is a form of limitation to prevent the upscale of a person to higher positions, based on unfair and discriminatory grounds such as...

Direct Competence and Remuneration Level in the Workplace

What is procedural justice? What strategies should an organization take to ensure that their performance management system is fair? Procedural justice refers to the transparency in the process of issues discussion and decision making on different levels of a company. Thus, procedural justice can be illustrated by the company when...

Bachata in the Dominican Republic

Introduction There are a plethora of music genres based on Spanish guitar motives. Bachata is one of the most popular embranchments of traditional dancing and music styles that originated in the Dominican Republic. The following paper will cover and discuss the history of Bachata and its role in the culture...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diabetes Diagnosis and Classification

Introduction Caring about one’s health is the most crucial and rewarding duty of every person. Prevention plays a significant role in the process of keeping oneself healthy. Knowing one’s family health history and being aware of possible health complications makes it easier for an individual to fight dangerous conditions and...

Depression and Workplace Violence

Introduction Workplace violence is a growing problem in organizations and businesses and is recognized as “a critical safety and health hazard” in the United States (Chenier, 1998, p. 558). Injury caused by accidents and violence in the work environment has been regarded as a significant social problem. But the accident/injury...

School Rules and Alignment With Student Values

Some policymakers suggest that schools are becoming less stratified (streamed) overall as educational systems focus on preparing students for knowledge economies. Discuss your interpretation of the validity of this statement Some policymakers claim that “schools are becoming less stratified” since they are concerned with preparing youth “for the knowledge economy”...

Substances Identification and Their Chemical Properties

Describe the difference between a mixture and a compound The matter is classified as an element, mixture, or compound, which varies due to composition and separation. A compound is described as a substance, where atoms of various elements are chemically bonded by either ionic or covalent bonds to give a...

Organ Trafficking Statistics and Patient Education

Introduction Organ trafficking is a problem that has been overlooked for decades, which led to the worsening of the situation. Kidneys and the liver are the two most commonly traded organs; the trading is differentiated into three categories that describe the nature of cases. The first category of illegal trade...

Zamra Health Center’s Risk Management Meeting

Zamra Health Center is an organization with a mechanism that ensures stability. There are systems that the internal stakeholder must adhere to in order to complete their designated duties. The organization may never succeed without managing some of its challenges both from within and outside. Risk management helps the firm...

Costco Wholesale Corporation’s Compensation Philosophy

Introduction There is no doubt that a well-designed compensation philosophy is vital to a company’s success. Employees are responsible for the execution of corporate goals, and compensation programs should be developed to drive such behavior which will allow a company to successfully execute its strategy. In addition, in today’s ferociously...

Health Care System: Cost Control Policy

The desire of public services and heads of healthcare institutions to control costs is a natural desire since the ability to track spending allows efficiently allocating resources and assessing development prospects. That is why it is essential to find a suitable strategy that can help to make the process of...

Tourism in the United States of America: Marketing Plan

The Mission Statement To be the best tour operator company in the United States of America, by providing efficient, outstanding quality services and value so that we make every client who uses our services smile with satisfactions. Background study of U.S.A. and description its tourists Tourist attractions The United States...

Crimes in Intimate Relationships

Use of term abuse The term violence refers to the intentional and improper handling of other persons which results in harming them and many of the times the person who is being abused is injured. The use of the term abuse to refer to the violence in intimate relationships for...

Pricing Strategies and Marketing Channels

Explain At Least Four of the Seven Steps for Setting an Initial Price for a Product or Service Select the pricing objectives In choosing its pricing objectives, a company must first establish what it wants to achieve with a certain product offer. A company can pursue various objectives and they...

Computer Forensics and Investigations

Other than the two basic types of computer crimes above, what non-computer crimes might a computer forensics examiner get involved with, and how? A computer forensics examiner may be called upon to provide evidence and advice in a court of law. He or she should always gather and preserve evidence...

International Business Strategies for Multinationals

Introduction In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in stiff competition in order to survive in the market. This pertains not only to companies working inside one country but to international businesses as well. On the whole, it is paramount for such organizations to appropriately formulate their...

Cocoa Production and Its Social Impact on West Africa

Abstract Cocoa is a necessary cash crop both for producing and consuming countries (Bales, 2004). The cocoa beans go through a rigorous and delicate process. Some of the challenges that farmers face in cocoa production include the weather patterns, insects and a number of diseases. Cocoa production is not an...

The Enron Company Management Analysis

​«Cooker jar’ reserves» concept The ‘cooker jar reserves’ was a strategic technique that was used by Enron’s management to save what they had earned from a ‘rainy day’ using the means of storing extra earnings in reserves. The term ‘reserves from the cookie jar may also refer to a firm’s...

Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism

Thesis Statement Although the development of feminist movement contributed to the reduction of gender inequality in some states and communities, the disparities plaguing women are maintained and supported by traditions, social norms, and cultural values in a large number of regions across the globe. Introduction For centuries, women suffered from...

Safe Nurse Staffing Act Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, staff reduction is the main policy in many global companies and businesses, which causes loss of clients sometimes. Still, when the business involves health care and human life, it is crucial to provide patients with high-quality services, which is possible only with adequate staffing. Recently, there have been...

The Indian Creek Foundation Strategic Plan

The action plan is an instrumental part of any project because this method provides a person with a certain idea of what he or she is obliged to do to accomplish a particular goal. The final version of an action plan makes the implementation process more effective and clear. Therefore,...

Nursing Career Vision and Networking Strategies

Introduction Nursing practice is the field of medicine that requires constant improvement of personal skills and self-development. As a consequence, regularly working on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, it is possible to achieve significant career growth, having sufficient ambition and aspirations. In order to grow successfully as a...

Ratio and Proportional Reasoning

Introduction The ratio or proportional reasoning is one of the key concepts presented to students during mathematics classes. However, it is not easy to transform mathematical definitions and concepts into a task that will be perceived equally by all students. To understand what problems might arise during this class, an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Congestive Heart Failure and Reducing Readmission Rates

Topic Proposal The topic proposed is the way to reduce congestive heart failure (CHF) readmission rate. In healthcare, the readmission rate is hospital admission due to episodes of acute coronary infarction within a given period after discharge. CHF, which affects about 6.5 million Americans, is known to have multiple etiologies,...

The Nature of Personality

Two Opinions on the Nature of Personality We often hear that people possess different personalities, but the meaning of this word is not the same when it is used by a common person compared to a professional psychologist. Trying to couch the notion of personality in the right form, many...

The Book “Freedomnomics” by John Lott Jr.

Underlying Theme The book Freedomnomics by John Lott Jr. is an exploratory work of the economic principles that underlie the functioning of modern society. Much like Donahue and Levitt in their book Freakonomics, Lott Jr. makes his point by making an unexpected claim and providing astonishing yet scientifically accurate evidence...

Special Education: Principles and Legal Background

The principle of zero reject ensures the identification of children with disabilities. What are the two other issues addressed by this principle? The principle of zero rejects addresses two issues. First, it is aimed at ensuring that no child is denied access to education because of his or her disability...

Self-Assessment of Organisational Behaviour

Self-evaluation or self-assessment as it applies to organisational behaviour and practice is a very complex issue that varies from one company to another. Often, understanding the variable to use in evaluating a leader in an organisation is critical to various business entities. Based on the assumption that one applies to...

Community Library’s Role in Civic Involvement

The community library plays a vital role in empowering the community with regard to civic rights and democratic participation. Education reinforces the participation in democracy and civic life by triggering an informed decision making in the light of the power of consents (Seigel, 2003, p 17). Unfortunately, in many schools...

Assumptions, Values, Biases in Social Work

Definitions Nowadays, people like to live in regards to their values, assumptions, and biases. However, several people continue making the same mistake again and again when they fail to comprehend true definitions of these terms in professional practice in human and social services. Therefore, it is not enough to comprehend...

Hand Held X5, X6, X7 Products’ Cost-Volume-Profit

Introduction PDA Sim produces three products (Hand Held X5, Hand Held X6 and Hand Held X7) and desires to come up with a strategic decision about which product to be discontinued from production in the year 2006. The three products are at different stages in the market and an appropriate...

Williams-Sonoma Inc.’s Online Strategies and Future

If Williams-Sonoma continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in 5 years? With the strengthened supply chain operations that resulted from sourcing east coast functions of FY2007, Williams-Sonoma has the potential of emerging a leading company amongst its competitors in the next five years. This is...

Wal-Mart Stores: Internal Business Process Perspective

Internal business process perspective Internal-business-process-perspective entails identification of various processes which are critical in a firm’s effort to attain the shareholder’s and customer’s objectives (Lessem, 1998, p.140). Through incorporation of internal-business-process-perspective, a firm’s management team is able to identify the core operational processes which require to be improved. The resultant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Promotion and Three Levels of Prevention

Introduction Health promotion is a basic refrain for nursing practice. It has been a major focus in the nursing practice in the recent decades due to its contribution to the nursing philosophy. This literature review analyzes the evolution of nursing roles and responsibilities in health promotion. The paper reviews three...

Violence: Community Center for Children and Parents

Proposed Intervention As it stands, there are very few, if any, mechanisms for preventive action against domestic violence. The official approach to both governmental, law enforcement, and medical institutions usually takes a retroactive approach to family violence, dealing with its effects and trying to mitigate the damage dealt with the...

Coconut Grove: Vulnerable Population Assessment

Coconut Grove is a neighborhood in the southern part of Miami Florida roughly constituted of twenty thousand people. There is a calm and relaxing atmosphere characterized by lush green lawns with tall, green trees. The well-marked and sufficiently maintained infrastructure is indicative of good living standards. It is a multicultural...

Barack Obama’s Campaign Ad Analysis

In 2008, Barack Obama ran for a second term in office. He wanted to achieve something that has eluded past presidents of his homeland, and that is to become a two-term President of the United States. To accomplish his goal he decided to produce a TV commercial that would allow...

Survey for Needs Assessment and Data Collection

Introduction Assessing the needs of the target audience is the first step toward designing an appropriate intervention strategy and managing a problem in the context of a specific environment (Rossi, Wright, & Anderson, 2014). Therefore, the design of the tool that will help collect the data regarding the primary requirements...

Group Experience and Dynamics in Organizations

Key Dynamics and Issues about Group Experience Since various groups pursue different interests, the dynamics that are witnessed in many sets of people are not new in terms of group experience, as discussed here. Task and Maintenance Roles Mostly, group task and maintenance roles in the organization, whether in the...

Sleep Apnea Types, Diagnosis and Treatment

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder which is characterized by shallow breaths or infrequent pauses in breathing while a person is asleep. The abnormal shallow breaths are referred to as hypopnea. Pauses in breathing are caused by blockage of the airway and can last from several seconds to a...

Tuberculosis, Mumps, Influenza in Miami

Introduction The recent events of Hurricane Irma created an increasingly unhealthy environment for the city of Miami, Florida. This situation requires additional actions to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses. Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County (zip code 33125) was contacted to identify the issues that require attention. Then,...

“Job Stress and Burnout in Hospital Employees” by Chou et al.

Introduction This paper presents a critique of the article by Chou, Li, and Hu (2014) entitled: “Job stress and burnout in hospital employees: Comparisons of different medical professions in a regional hospital in Taiwan.” The problem under the study is clearly stated. The authors assert that the work of health...

Nucor Corporation’s Organizational Structure

Trends in the steel industry and its impact on Nucor’s strategy The current trends in the steel industry involve mergers and acquisitions. This is happening in the United States and other parts of the world. The rationale for the mergers can be attributed to the need for strong companies to...

Hilton Hotels’ Information Technology Application

What are the problems associated with measuring the ROI on a CRM system? ROI is the acronym for return on investment, a measure of performance that helps in evaluating the efficiency of an investment singly in comparison with other investments. The enterprise-wide impact, the effect on revenue and costs, the...

Bipolar Disorder in Medical and Societal Views

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disease, which predetermines the extreme change in mood from depression to manically exalted mood. Although for a long time, bipolar disorder was not recognized or treated, it is under special consideration of therapists today, considering how destructive it can be for the...

Sampling Methods, Statistical Tests and Variables

The use of stratified random sampling Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling where the entire population has a particular number of elements. The entire population is divided into small manageable units. These divisions are referred to as strata. The division may be done according to age, gender, religion,...

Self-Appraisal in Manager’s Skill Development Plan

Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses While evaluating the strengths and weaknesses, specific reference has been made to subjective analysis of the level of skills. Nevertheless, answering the proposed questions implied a certain note of objectivity and, therefore, it was easy to define certain advantages and disadvantages in my knowledge...

Miami Community Health and Vulnerable Population

Introduction The community explored in this assessment is Miami, Florida. It is a highly urban area with a well-developed infrastructure that focuses on providing vital health and education services to its citizens. The vulnerable population consists of drug and alcohol addicts, particularly youth and young adults. The purpose of the...

Immigration, Race, and Labor in American History

Introduction Immigrant workers play a crucial role in the development of the United States’ economy. Historically, slaves were brought into this country to work on farms, which contributed largely to economic development at the time. After the abolishment of the slave trade, domestic work became the largest single employment avenue...

Personality Trait Theories and Flynn Effect

Eysenck versus Gray personality theories Initially, the personality theory developed by Eysenck was based on two main dimensions – extraversion and neuroticism (‘E’ and ‘N’ responsively); on their axes, the two were juxtaposed to introversion and stability (Nussbaum, 2013). The theory by Gray also relies on two dimensions (impulsivity and...

Arab Stereotypes in the Media

Introduction Nowadays, the world faces the problem of battling terrorism and its expansion. Many countries are involved in the confrontation with terrorists, which causes the formation of certain stereotypes of a typical Arab portrayed in the popular and news media. It is generally recognized that a negative image of Arabs...

Oprah Winfrey’s Leadership and Change Competency

Abstract The paper discusses global leader’s competencies with the focus on the Change competency demonstrated by Oprah Winfrey in her activities. While referring to Winfrey’s experience in leading projects and maintaining the change, the basic principles of the development program for global leaders are formulated to contribute to the leaders’...

Vulnerable Low-Income Groups in Hialeah Community

City of Hialeah community is located in Miami-Dade, Fl. The population of the community is approximately twenty hundred thousand citizens or more; the community borders Miami. Various services (police, fire, water and sewer, etc.), as well as low-cost or free education programs, are available to citizens. The identified vulnerable population...

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