Veteran Health Administration Policy Analysis

Introduction The United States has engaged in military conflict in many war zones throughout the last several decades. In addition to surviving the combat, a veteran must also deal with some unique health complications and hazards that exist in the armed forces. To that end, the Veterans Health Administration was...

American Indians’ and Alaska Natives’ Healthcare

Abstract The healthcare challenges that American Indian and Alaska Natives face on a regular basis present significant limitations for nursing practice. The increased occurrence of chronic health conditions as compared to their white counterparts have been attributed to poor health literacy, low levels of educational attainment and income, as well...

Asian Americans’ Healthcare Needs and Risks

Abstract Cultural competency is crucial for healthcare workers to be able to provide high-quality care for the diverse patient population. The analyzed article helps to acquire a better understanding of the health needs of Asian Americans. The research design to identify three risk groups of Asian Americans according to their...

Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare Workers

The work in a healthcare setting is rather demanding and may sometimes require much more than a thorough preparation and the knowledge of one’s job. Since medical workers and patients communicate on a daily basis and since different people have various opinions and approaches to situations, conflicts are inevitable. Disagreements...

Gay and Single-Parent Families: Functionalist View

Perspective The functionalist perspective chosen for the analysis considers any society as a complex system consisting of multiple parts that work together and cooperate with the primary goal to promote solidarity, stability, and achieve high levels of evolution (Boden, Berenbaum, & Gross, 2016). That is why it focuses on social...

Terrorism History in the United States

Terrorism is widely known as a social problem that poses a threat to people all over the world. The issue in question has a long history in the United States. The country’s population is extremely diverse in terms of both ethnicity and religion. Due to this and other factors, there...

The Arab Spring in the Tunisian Context

Introduction The Arab spring refers to demonstrations and rebellions that were witnessed in the Arab world in the spring of 2011, hence the name. It involved a series of anarchistic protests, organized oppositions to authority, and armed revolts across the Middle East as a response to oppressive regimes and low...

Cosmic Christianity: Eliade’s “Myth and Reality”

Introduction Mythology is a very abstract and historic concept which many do not realize has been a vital part of human civilization for centuries before the arrival of the primary world religions. As societies developed with more concrete ideologies and structured religious institutions, mythological concepts were integrated into mainstream religions...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization: Personal Experience

Introduction The experience that I have had when playing the role of a manager in a local organization was truly priceless in terms of the insight that is provided and the lessons that I learned. As a manager, I had to pay particular attention to the controlling function, with the...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization

Introduction The concept of management is often conflated with the phenomenon of leadership, which makes the role of a manager in an organization quite obscure for an uninitiated person. However, on closer inspection, a manager performs a range of set functions within a corporate environment, ensuring that a company delivers...

Preventing Diabetes and Heart Failure Hospitalizations

Introduction The goal of this research is to acquire data regarding the opinion given by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF). These two instances have had a huge financial impact on the American government. It is crucial to note that cases of diabetes and heart failure...

Falls Prevention in the Elderly and Risk Assessment Tools

Due to the fact that the risk of falls among elderly patients in emergency departments is high enough, it is necessary to find a way to reduce the number of victims. As a potential solution, the use of appropriate tools can be considered as a technique of effective intervention. As...

The Improve of Health Status for Elderly Patients With Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension is one of the common health issues affecting the aging population. This disorder has an adverse impact on people’s quality of life as its symptoms include visual impairment, metabolic syndrome, heart failure, aneurysm, cardiac arrest, stroke, and dementia (Currie & Delles, 2018). In 2014, the leading cause of...

Impacts of Long Working Hours on Nurses’ Lives

A proper healthcare system is crucial for every country and all its citizens as their health and well-being depend on the quality of hospitals and medical institutions. Unfortunately, while caring about the patients, it is usual to forget about the medical staff, and especially nurses. As there is a huge...

Personal Professional Statement of Social Work: Path, Skills and Future

Career Path In their life, people have many career paths from which they can choose. Some of them prefer to work with machines, others with numbers. Personally, I have always wanted to work and interact with people. The basis of social work is caring about others – without a desire...

Evidence-Based Practice in a Clinical Setting

Introduction Implementation science has emerged as a powerful framework for introducing new concepts and procedures in healthcare and maximizing patient outcomes. Integrating evidence-based practice (EBP) in a clinical setting can result in superior procedures and strategies for delivering high-quality services to different individuals. The consideration of emerging concepts and evaluative...

What Is a Philosophy of Nursing?

Introduction As a nurse, I believe since the time of Florence Nightingale, the goal of nursing has always remained the same, namely to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes patient health and well-being (Selanders & Crane, 2012). This goal forms the foundation of the nursing philosophy. In other...

Death & Dying Ethics in Buddhism and Christianity

Introduction The concept of cultural competence empowers nurse practitioners (NPs) to develop personalized care delivery models. They should also take their patients’ needs, expectations, and religious backgrounds seriously. The selected case study reveals that George is suffering from a condition called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The paper presented below describes...

Child Care as an Evidence-Based Practice Issue

Practice Issue The topic Care for children who are five years old or younger. The nursing practice issue related to the topic In children under the age of 5 years old will providing coordination of patient care activities through technology compared to not using technology improve care coordination and result...

Symptom Management Theory and Interventions

Introduction Among the most critical middle range models is the symptom management theory (SMT). Its importance is based on the fact that the majority of people visit health providers because of symptoms. Initially introduced in 1994, the SMT passed through several updates (Smith & Liehr, 2018). It describes the multidimensional...

Nurse Managers’ Leadership Styles

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare system, and the nursing staff is currently the largest category of health workers. The role, functions, and organizational forms of activities of the nursing unit – nurses are extensive. In modern conditions, it is worth highlighting such features of nurses as...

Nurse Understaffing Problem in USA

Nurse understaffing is a common problem for many developed countries including the USA. The increasing number of older patients, low salaries, and insufficient prestige of the profession contribute to the shortage of nursing professionals. In its turn, inadequate nurse staffing and work-related stress lead to nursing professionals’ burnout, fatigue, and,...

Social and Environmental Impact of Burberry’s and Gucci’s Business Operations

PESTLE Framework, Its Advantages and Disadvantages The PESTLE framework is a tool with the help of which one can analyse the marketing principles of organisations. PESTLE is an acronym that stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal, and ecological (environmental) factors. The political environment is composed of legal systems that...

Bipolar Disorder: Risk Factors Analysis

In order to properly and thoroughly assess the potential risk factor of bipolar affective disorder (BAD), it is important to overview and analyze the current literature on the given subject. The research studies conducted on BAD can be categorized into two major subcategories regarding their approach to the issue. Some...

HIV: The Impact of Chronic Illness

Interview Responses What is your name? How old are you? My name is R. A. I am 29 years old. Do you have a family? Yes, I have. I live with my parents and my younger brother, but I am not married. When were you diagnosed with HIV? I was...

The Concept of Johnson’s Nursing Care Theory

Introduction In order to provide comprehensive care, junior medical personnel uses various nursing models aimed at meeting specific patient needs and differing in the nature of interventions. For personnel working in intensive conditions, it is essential to have appropriate approaches that allow responding to any changes in the behavior of...

Transcultural Assessment Model by Giger and Davidhizar

Formal Paper A cultural approach to health care providers is one of the most important elements that ensure improved patient outcomes. There are various nursing theories that define culturally-competent qualities and strategies to assist patients with their needs. This paper focuses on the use of the model developed by Giger...

The Concept of Hildegard Peplau’s Nursing Care Model

Introduction The work in a healthcare setting requires much educational and professional preparation, presupposes the possession of specific skills, and is rather demanding yet rewarding. In order to make the professional care about patients easier for nurses, several nursing care models have been identified and explained by scholars and nursing...

The Conflict Resolution and Moral Distress in Nursing

It could hardly be doubted that conflicts in the workplace have a considerably negative impact on the overall efficiency of any given organization. This assumption is particularly accurate when applied to clinical environments, in which healthcare workers largely responsible for the health and life of their patients, and yet nurses...

The Concept of Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction Nursing theorists and their work have a significant impact on nurse education and clinical practice. They can be applied both in theoretical research and used practically in diverse interventions aimed at the improvement of patient care quality and patient outcomes. One of the theories most commonly employed in practice...

Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions

Introduction Healthcare disparities present a significant problem surrounding the delivery of medical services. Inter-group differences related to access to care or the quality of treatment run counter to the principle of equality. Considering this problem’s significance and impact, the purpose of the paper is to expand on disparities, contributing factors,...

The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety

Introduction As it is stated on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website, “nurses play a vital role in improving the safety and quality of patient care” (“Patient safety and quality,” 2008, para. 1). It is also of high importance to notice that the role, which is played...

The Problem of Burnout in Nursing

Introduction Burnout is among the essential human resources issues in nursing. Nurses experience burnout due to high workload, poor working conditions, lack of support structures, and many other factors. However, research surrounding the issue shows that some leadership and human resources management strategies can be useful in reducing burnout. Researching...

Health Assessment of a Family With Russian Background

Studies and surveys in the field of family lifestyle are of particular importance for the quality of health care, as their results determine the approach to treatment. Also, having an understanding of the family life details, specialists can arrange a more accurate course of guidance and support, if health problems...

Healthcare Delivery Models and Nursing Trends

Introduction Nurses have evolved from being specialized doctors’ assistants to becoming a vital part of maintaining patients’ health. The scope of their responsibilities has expanded, thus making nursing practice more sophisticated and challenging. Almost any change in terms of health care reform directly or indirectly influences the nursing industry, so...

Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare

Clinical Situation: Limited Access to Care Opportunities for increasing the accessibility of healthcare services have been a contentious topic for discussion for a while. Although numerous steps can be taken to advance the levels of care accessibility by eliminating the barriers associated with economic concerns, language barriers, and similar obstacles,...

Dorothea Orem’s Nursing Theory of Care

Introduction Among the grand nursing theories of care, the work of Dorothea Orem stands out as one of the most recognized and applied models in healthcare. Orem was born in Baltimore, MD, in 1914, but she started working as a nurse in Washington, DC, after getting a diploma from Providence...

Patient Advocacy and Safe Practice in Nursing

Introduction Patient advocacy is a significant component of nursing practice, as nurses are the part of the medical workforce that spends the most time in direct contact with people undergoing treatment. As such, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patients are treated in a manner that maximizes their...

Legal Business Categories Definition

Introduction The structure of a business is essential to its functioning, as it defines the legal framework that surrounds the company, including taxes, ownership, and the overall status of the enterprise. A successful entrepreneur should understand the differences between various forms of organization, their advantages and disadvantages, and the conditions...

Technology in Education Standards in Los Angeles

Introduction Teaching informatics and robotics present their own set of challenges that teachers need to overcome to make sure that all students develop the necessary skills and gain more independence in applying them. One of the most prominent approaches toward school information technology (IT) education that has emerged within the...

Business Strategy and Plan for Beckman Coulter

Company Information Beckman Coulter is a leading brand in the Vitro diagnostics industry. It manufactures and supplies a broad portfolio of laboratory equipment and systems for clinical research and testing in six continents and over 130 countries, including the Sultanate of Oman. It seeks to improve the efficiency of clinical...

Self-Care Management Education and Implementation

When patients move from one setting to another, it is appropriate for practitioners and physicians to have a seamless strategy in order to maximize health outcomes. Family members and relatives involved during the transition process should embrace appropriate ideas to meet the needs of persons with terminal conditions. This paper...

Nursing Full Practice Authority: Pros and Cons

Introduction The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by multiple attempts to increase the efficiency of care delivery and improve treatment outcomes. For this reason, there are numerous innovations, including the extensive use of technologies, reconsideration of outdated practices, and better training for health workers. Under these conditions, the question...

Preventing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection

Methods Study Design This study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The qualitative data derived from the academic literature was used to develop several interventions to be tested. The five studies reviewed in the scope of this research suggest two different approaches to reducing CLABSI among patients: by either providing...

Abortion Policy in the United States

Throughout the years, abortion has been a controversial issue in the United States, where different policies concerning the termination of pregnancy exist. Abortion regulations have a direct influence on women and can influence numerous aspects of a female’s life. The policies related to the issue target the healthcare industry due...

Adult Depression Treatment in the United States

Introduction The research problem investigated in this study is the treatment of adult depression in the United States. This problem is prompted by the fact that although the United States has been observing an increase in the use of antidepressants recently, there are still many adults with depression who do...

Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care

Basic components Implementing a patient-centered approach has become a critical requirement in the clinical care environment due to the necessity to address patient-specific needs and create a positive environment in which recovery can occur at a faster rate. Therefore, the introduction of a theoretical framework that could assist in performing...

Father-Son Relationships in “The Odyssey”

Introduction The epic poem, “The Odyssey” by Homer is a great work of literature that narrates the story of Odysseus as he returns to Ithaca from Troy. Due to the patriarchal nature of the Greek society, the reader observes that the relationship between father and son is a major subject...

Tourism for Developing Low-Income Countries

Tourism can become a lever that pulls the growth of country’s economy-stimulating revenues by foreign exchange, and forming new positions for employment. Tourism sector makes up around five percent of the global GDP, being a very lucrative area (Aynalem, Birhanu & Tesefay 2016). This paper is dedicated to research on...

Physical Exercise in Elderly: Literature Review

Introduction Falling is one of the most common reasons for injury in elderly patients. Typically, it results in minor injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, and pulls. However, over 30% of falls result in temporary or permanently debilitating injuries, such as cranial injuries, and fractures (Shim et al., 2014). Hip fractures...

Roy Adaptation Model for Nursing Care

Introduction The theoretical concepts of nursing care models are closely related to practice. Many of the models have been developed by nurse practitioners who based their theories on real-world contexts. It is important for registered nurses to observe and apply nursing care models in workplace settings to identify positive characteristics...

Unified Model of Patient Safety and Nursing Care

Introduction In the modern and complex healthcare systems, models serve as the basis of nursing practice to ensure the delivery of high-quality and accessible care that meets the needs and demands of the patient. Models are developed by nurses who use their experience and expertise to devise frameworks of care...

Hospital Mortality and Optimal Nursing Workload

Introduction The problem of understaffing is one of the most recognized issues in the contemporary public sector, which demands a solution (Silva-Santos et al., 2018). The application of the analytical approach to theoretical and evidence-based academic works in this context appears to be a beneficial approach (Burns & Grove, 2011)....

Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing

Different methodologies used in medicine allow impacting on patients differently and help them to restore both physical and mental health. Among the variety of nursing practices and approaches used to care for people, one of the most well-known is considered to be the Roy adaptation model. It is a theoretical...

Collaborative Care Model in Nursing Practice

Choosing a nursing model that fits a specific team and facility is likely to improve the quality of care delivered to patients. The organization of care delivery is usually predetermined by such factors as leadership styles, staff retention and recruitment rates, and relevant economic conditions in healthcare facilities. This assignment...

Hubris vs. Nemesis in Literary Stories

Creating a story that stands the test of time is difficult not because of the necessity to build a compelling character or create a narrative that allows readers to remain engaged. Although the described items are also crucial components of a story, it is an action challenging the norm that...

Decreasing Anxiety in Chemotherapy Patients

Background of the Problem Cancer is considered to be the plague of the 21st century. It is one of the primary causes of mortality in the world. In the US alone, over 600,000 patients die of cancer per year (NIH, 2016). In addition, the number of new cases of cancer...

Staffing for the Strategic Success of the Organization

Introduction The significance of staffing might not seem as high in the environment of an average company. Yet, the specified process has an evident effect on the delivery of performance and the overall quality of work. Furthermore, staffing is linked directly to creating premises for the further success of a...

Leading and Controlling Theories in Addressing Challenges

Introduction Understanding the significance of management is intrinsic to the successful functioning of an organization. While the role of a manager might not seem as big, it defines a company’s performance. Therefore, the theories linked to the use of managerial functions are to be examined thoroughly. Theories Theory 1 As...’s Strategy Implementation, Evaluation, Control

Introduction Development strategies supported by modern corporations are largely based on the implementation of not only domestic but also international steps to strengthen the brand value and expand the sphere of influence. Using the example of Amazon that is one of the largest online shops, it is possible to assess...

Patricia Sawyer Benner’s Nursing Theory

Introduction Part Several theories have been presented to guide and inform nursing practice. When used efficiently, the theories can guide nurses and healthcare professionals to deliver quality support to their patients. One of these theories is known as From Novice to Expert. The theory was developed by Patricia Sawyer Benner...

Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Introduction Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), also referred to as advanced practice nurses (APNs), is a broad term that comprises nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. In the United States, about 8 percent of all registered nurses are trained to become APNs (“Advanced practice nursing fact...

Walmart Inc.: Cash Conversion Cycle Analysis

Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) is a key performance indicator that measures the amount of time taken by a company to convert its investment in inventory into sales. It determines the number of days that the company has to hold its cash in inventory or other assets before realizing cash for...

Performance Appraisal Process and Its Elements

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Firstly, as a supervisor at Bridgestone’s Mixing Department, part of my job is to monitor department results and create measures that can help improve those. Based on my experience, I can say that the appraisal process requires a systematic approach with a transparent system that...

Scholarly Research Methods for Persuasion

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My 13-year-old working experience at Bridgestone required the identification and development of multiple skills and knowledge in the field of leadership, cooperation, and management. To be persuasive means to be ready to present credible information and clear facts and explain how to use the material....

Group Structures and Goals Accomplishment

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my practice, I am responsible for a range of tasks to be accomplished by my employees. The goals may include leadership training provided to the crew leaders and team members as a part of process improvement activities. Performance management and safety issues are especially...

Group Decision-Making and Conflict Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience and the evidence show that continuous improvement and monitoring are the two key areas of effective conflict management and decision-making in a group (Griffin, 2017). In this connection, I train my supervisors on developing countermeasures and observing the results of the department. At...

Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing are an integral part of master’s education in nursing. They provide an understanding of the qualities and capacities graduates of master’s programs should have. There are nine Essentials that refer to various aspects of nursing practice, including the utilization of evidence, applying...

Change and Its Elements in an Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Any progress that occurs within our department is the result of the competent work of all its employees. The mode of changes promoted to improve such factors as performance indicators, quality control, effective interaction, and other criteria are achieved through preliminary planning and the evaluation...

Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Involvement, Stress

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Improving quality standards is one of my responsibilities as a leader. Since the role of the individual contribution of each employee in achieving his goals is significant, I have always strived to ensure that workers understood the range of personal responsibilities. While operating as a...

Group Development Phases in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Tuckman elaborated the group development phases to explicate the development of group members’ behavior over time. It consists of five stages: the formation stage (Forming), the storming stage (Storming), the settlement stage (Norming), the performance stage (Performing), and the completion stage (Adjourning). Consistent with Tuckman,...

Opioid Use Disorder and Death: Evidence Appraisal

NR 439 PICOT Worksheet Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICOT question to guide the change project. Directions: Use the required form below to complete the Week 3 Assignment PICOT Evidence Worksheet. This includes filling in the table with information about your...

Group Communication in Organizations

I believe that insufficient development of communication is the main obstacle to achieving the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations. The exchange of information is an essential link in all the activities of the organization. Therefore, if communication links, both internal and external, do not exist or operate, this...

Organizational Change’s Effect on People

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have been working for more than thirteen years as a successful leader managing people and organizing their functioning in the most effective ways. At the moment, I am a section leader for the Mixing Department at the Bridgestone Aiken plant. There are 191 employees...

Personnel Management Issues Facing Supervisors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Having more than 13 years of successful leadership experience, I have encountered a fair share of personnel management issues and situations. My current span of control is 191 employees and a leadership team of five supervisors, which I must oversee in all aspects of personnel...

Culturally Competent Nursing for Asian Americans

Introduction To deliver proper healthcare services, a nurse has to be aware of culture-specific factors that affect a target group. Therefore, learning the essential components of cultural competence is critical to the management of people’s needs. For this paper, a representative of the Asian American community was interviewed and asked...

Effective Groups, Teams and Participation

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Teamwork skills constitute some of the crucial components of a skill set required to be productive in any workplace setting. Therefore, as a leader and a manager, one needs to encourage staff members to cooperate in the corporate setting. However, as my experience has shown,...

Change Resistance and Nurse Leaders’ Strategies

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is influenced by various factors and processes that challenge organizations to adapt. Thus, as part of their work, nurse leaders are required to implement and facilitate organizational changes. Resistance to change is among the key barriers that affect change implementation and success (Salam & Alghamdi,...

“The Crucible” Film and Its Historical Value

Introduction While there are various opinions and attitudes towards the Salem witch trials, these hearings that took many lives and occurred between 1692 and 1693 should not be neglected. Nowadays, it is easy to read books or articles to improve one’s understanding of the trials or even watch movies to...

Policies Related to Personnel Management Issues

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The main issue faced in my industry is the motivation of employees, especially the newcomers. Laws and policies that regulate this problem in the US are connected to the incentives of empowerment of the staff and recruitment (“Employee motivation law and legal definition,” n.d.). The...

Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back

Introduction Modern technologies are currently transforming business operations and processes. Uber Technologies is one of the companies that have capitalized on the power of smartphones and apps to deliver high-quality services to the targeted customers. Unfortunately, the organization is facing various obstacles that have the potential to affect its future...

Group Participation Dimensions in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My professional experience consists of 13 years working as a leader for the Bridgestone Aiken plant in the flagship department. I currently manage 191 employees and five supervisors, focusing on operations, personnel, and customer satisfaction. As a qualified leader, I have substantial skills and knowledge...

Organizational Change: Need and Process

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal experience, I can also state that the articulation and explanation of the need for change are among the most difficult phases of any transformation process. The fact is that workers already have some experience working in particular environments that remain comfortable for...

Ethical Communication and Its Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation A leader has to follow ethical principles and standards when making a decision in the workplace. The essential ethical standards that a leader has to follow when managing communication in an organizational environment include reciprocity, clarity, and speed of data transfer (Mumby & Kuhn, 2018)....

Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements

Research Method Used in the Article The article “Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students” forms part of Daniella Arieli’s works. It deploys in-depth interviews, which lie in the category of qualitative data collection methods, to examine nursing students’ encounters with clinical appointments, particularly in environments characterized...

Organizational Change: Stakeholders and Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have always realized that any complex process presupposes the existence of multiple stakeholders and contexts that precondition its further evolution. The same idea can be applied to the functioning of organizations. Traditionally, I am the person who prefers to consider all existing actors that...

Pressure Ulcers: Change Proposal Guidelines

Introduction Pressure ulcers are often experienced by those patients who have problems with movement and cannot change their position without assistance. In many cases, this condition is associated with surgical interventions, but it is only one possible cause. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent the occurrence of this issue,...

Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Families

Abstract The problem of drug addiction has been discussed multiple times, yet it still affects communities all over the world. While substance abuse affects primarily the person that develops the specified dependency, the family members of a patient with substance misuse issues also face significant psychological and physical threats. Because...

American Red Cross: Organizational Culture Ethics

The American Red Cross (ARC) is a large non-profit organization that was created to provide humanitarian relief. Since 1882, ARC promoted Americans’ safety by providing disaster responses, as well as collecting and distributing blood (Grube, Haeffele-Balch, & Davies, 2017). ARC has also been operating outside of the US (Armengol, 2014;...

Postpartum Depression: Diagnosis and Treatment

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common mental health disorder among first-time mothers. About 15% of women admit that they experience depressive episodes during pregnancy or the first year after childbirth (Sockol, Epperson, & Barber, 2014). In addition, negative mental outcomes and physical changes influence mother-infant and mother-father relationships (Maimburg &...

The Concept of Death and Dying in Religions

Religions teach people to perceive the world around them by certain canons and laws prescribed by higher powers. In different faiths, approaches to the interpretation of human existence during life on earth and after it may differ. The case of George who learns about the terrible diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral...

Childhood Concept and Its Visual Analysis

Introduction Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of every individual. During this very period, basic skills and behavioral patterns are formed (Gabriel, 2014). Additionally, a child acquires a set of values and attitudes that impact his/her mentality and shape his/her character. For this reason, numerous research papers are...

Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy

Introduction Human beings rely on different sources to generate energy for both industrial and domestic use. Some of the common ones include water, natural gas, coal, solar, and nuclear plants. Many emerging and developed economies are currently considering additional solutions that can promote sustainability and protect the natural environment. This...

Enterprise Risk Management and Assessment

Introduction Enterprise risk management (ERM) is an essential practice in businesses that are enthusiastic about dealing with uncertainties and their impacts on the realization of organizational goals. It allows companies to direct their effort to the most relevant risks that may hinder the achievement of corporate objectives. The future performance...

“Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Lanier

Introduction Social media platforms are trapping more and more people into their golden cages. Although the vast majority of people are aware of the hazardous effects of social networks, they still cannot imagine their life without them. In the past few years, many researchers published some serious studies on the...

Technology Impact on the Experience Economy

Introduction Each wave of economic development so far has been characterised by a particular feature. For instance, the agrarian economy relies on farming, whereas the service economy thrives on services rather than manufactured products. The term “experience economy” was first used in 1999 to describe the emerging step in economic...

Plato’s Concept of the True Art of Politics

Introduction According to Plato, the central axis of the state is justice; it contains the answer to the question of why and how a perfect polis is born and dies. The correct organization of government, according to Plato, is able to curb and make impossible the greed of rulers, in...

Starbucks’ Strategy to Enter Abu Dhabi’s Market

Introduction Starbucks is a globally renowned organization with close to 50 years of operation having been incorporated as a retail shop in Seattle’s Pike Place in 1971. The company has branches in approximately 30,000 locations evenly spread in many countries around the globe (Taecharungroj, 2017). Starbucks was started by three...

BRL Hardy Company’s Strategic Options

Introduction BRL Hardy is a merger of two wine companies BRL and Hardy that was established in the year 1992. Operating within the wine industry and setting high goals can be challenging for every organization, and BRL Hardy faced specific issues in terms of creating a global wine brand. Globalizing...

“All My Thoughts” Poem by Dante Alighieri

Introduction Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet famous for his Divine Comedy, which is regarded as the most prominent literary work ever written in Italian. The sonnet “All My Thoughts” is a part of the acclaimed narrative poem. The very title of the sonnet resorts to the readers’ attention...

“Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser” by Frida Kahlo

Introduction According to many historians and researchers, most of the famous works by Frida Kahlo portray the unique challenges encountered by Mexicans from 1930 to 1960. She used her traumatic experiences to describe the nature of the country’s heritage. From the 1940s, Mexico was keen to establish its cultural identity...

Cultural Events in French-Speaking Countries

Traditional events pertinent to various cultures may be significant for the analysis, as they may tell a lot about the country. This paper explores three cultural events that share many similarities, although being different from each other. The report addresses the origins of the selected traditions, reviews their aspects, and...

Transgender Children’s Issues in Society

Introduction The topic of transgender children in society proves to be divisive and is widely discussed by parents, teachers, clinicians, and politicians. There is a range of opinions on the topic – from the medical point of view to issues of parenting and educating transgender children to questions of their...

Death of Loved Ones: Foer’s “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”

The death of a loved one causes torment and anguish pushing the mind to try everything possible to get close to the lost loved one more time. This premise comes out clearly in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close publication. The book is a narration by a nine-year-old...

African Americans’ Issues in Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction The middle of the twentieth century was the period when the USA underwent major changes in many areas of social and political life. Diverse populations were affected by these shifts, but African Americans could be regarded as the group that went through the most considerable transformations in terms of...

Election Ethics: Voting vs. Maintaining Neutrality

Decision In the Election Day Scenario, I believe that I ought to go to the polls and vote for Superior to be elected President. First of all, voting is the right that each citizen has or should possess. By choosing to vote, one can fulfill one civic duty of participating...

Plants’ Role for American Society

The Earth is commonly referred to as the green planet as it is the only planet that is known to contain plants. Plants are the primary producers in the food chain; thus, they are considered to be the root support of every organism subsequent in the chain. Over the years,...

Literary Style of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The end of the 19th century was marked by a rethinking of the role of women in civil society. It resulted in a movement against discrimination of women in political and economic life. Kate Chopin, an American novelist and short-story writer from St. Louis, was one of the first feminist...

“Epilogue” Poem by Robert Lowell

Analysis It is worth noting that Robert Lowell was a poet who did not use rhyme and rhythmic units to give his writings traditional sounding. Many of his works can be regarded as experimental poetry, and the author resorted to his creative method to produce the necessary impression on the...

American Eagle Outfitters Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction American Eagle Outfitters is a clothing company headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The company operates both online and offline, with 933 stores as of February 3, 2018. American Eagle Outfitters also includes the Aerie Brand, Tailgate, and Todd Snyder, which add 114 operating stores to the figure. The brand has...

Renaissance: Da Vinci’s “Comparison of the Arts”

Initial Reaction to the Work The work, which is within the analytical scope of this paper, is the “Comparison of the Arts,” which is the chapter from Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks, translated to English by MacCurdy (1955). Before dwelling upon the profound analysis of the work, it is essential to...

Pret a Manger Company’s Foreign Entry Mode Selection

Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market...

Horses as Pampered Prisoners in Henderson’s Book

Introduction As they say, people are responsible for what they have tamed. It equally refers to all those animals that have been domesticated by humans over many years. As for horses, they play an essential role in modern society because they are used in agriculture, sport, and even leisure activities....

Price Discrimination in “Naked Economics” by Wheelan

Price is one of the most potent instruments affecting the global economy, different countries’ economic and social stability, as well as the life of millions of humans and even various species on the planet. Higher prices let people earn more and improve their living standards while they can also make...

Leadership & Management: What the Future Looks Like

The success of any organization will depend on the existing business model or strategy. Companies can introduce effective leadership styles and produce goods or services that will compete efficiently in the global market. The concepts of success and failure are critical for managers who want to take their firms from...

Superficial Goodness in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Similar to the case of painting, a talented writer manages to convey his or her message and emotions without creating idealized and flawless images and characters. In her most famous literary work published in 1955, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor tells the story of an ordinary...

Baldwin’s “My Dungeon Shook – Letter to My Nephew”

The 1960s were a kind of turning point in the history of black US citizens. Namely, during this period, the black ‘revolution’ of America began. The civil rights movement has officially put an end to the issue of discrimination against representatives of the “colored” population of the country. In 1964,...

American Noir Tradition in the “Oldboy” Film

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the borderline between genres of horror and thriller in contemporary cinema is a subject to continuous merging. The primary reason for this phenomenon is that both genres appeal to the same core human emotion of fear, and they both use quite similar techniques...

Online Shopping: Security Concerns vs. Convenience

Results This study is based on the data obtained through a survey that involved 23 volunteering participants (13 males and 10 females). The age of the people who completed the questionnaire ranged from 18 to 35, so the research reveals the views of young adults and adults. The participants were...

Life Meaning: 15 Reasons to Live by Alan Zweig

Introduction A documentary movie, 15 Reasons to Live (2013) by Alan Zweig, is an attempt to answer a question that probably puzzled every person who ever lived on earth at least once across the lifespan: what is the meaning of life? The film comprises fifteen short stories told by different...

Slavery in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” the Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Anti-slavery is one of the central aspects of Mark Twain’s iconic novel, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Given the years when the novel was written, Twain’s thoughts and beliefs regarding slavery channeled through the book’s main characters were quite revolutionary and ahead of their time. First things first, the writer...

Prostitution Being Deviant: History and Theory

It is well known that following social standards and norms of behavior are crucial for establishing effective communication among people. However, some individuals prefer to ignore generally accepted rules of conduct and stick to their life concepts. This type of behavior is usually called deviant and implies a violation of...

Courtelaney Pass Police Department: Potential Problem Solutions

There is a great variety of research that focuses on various issues evident in law enforcement. As part of the previous work on this project, four essential problems in the Courtelaney Pass police department were discovered: racial tensions, questionable investigative and enforcement practices, poor community reporting, and the lack of...

Deportation of Immigrants From the United States

Introduction When the problem of illegal immigration is debated, one fact is often not enough emphasized: the United States of America is a country that was initially founded and developed throughout history exclusively by migrants in the literal sense of the word. Nevertheless, it is also evident that contemporary American...

The Duel After the Masquerade: Formal Analysis

Introduction The formal analysis represents a form of artistic exploration that requires a viewer to look at a piece of art and try to understand what the author tried to convey. Therefore, there is no unified way in which things can be interpreted; rather, the observer will present information based...

Affordable Care Act and Health Disparities

Racial and ethnic disparities make one of the primary concerns in health care today. Representatives of minorities usually have worse insurance coverage and lack access to high-quality care, which leads to significant discrepancies in health outcomes. Consequently, there is a need for interventions with the potential to reduce disparities and...

Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Introduction The nature of the Dunkin’s Donuts’ system is determined not so much by its constituent elements but by their relationship between each other and each element individually with the system as a whole. These relations form the structure of the system, the main purpose of which is to ensure...

Labor and Income Inequality in the U.S.

Introduction Every day people meet and try to fight with various forms of injustice. Some persons are discriminated against by their religion, nationality, and culture. One may also notice discrimination and inequality in labor and income as, usually, women and ethnic minority groups get a smaller salary or cannot get...

The TĂȘt New Year in Vietnam

Introduction When learning about the culture of Vietnam, it is of great importance to pay attention to the so-called TĂȘt Nguyen Dan, also referred to as TĂȘt or the Lunar New Year. The full name of the celebration refers to the very first day of a new part of the...

Commercial for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Introduction This paper will discuss a commercial for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), a network of animal protection organizations that features the singer Sarah McLachlan. The nonprofit’s primary activity is the management of shelters for pets that have been abused by their owners. The SPCA name...

Premature Ejaculation Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Premature ejaculation can be listed among the most common sexual problems experienced by men. When it comes to the key definition of the disorder, it needs to be noted that having a “premature” ejaculation involves the release of semen a few minutes after the start of sexual activity, which...

Significant Event That Positively Impacted My Life

Introduction Every person may notice that there is a wide range of factors that influence his or her life every day. New acquaintances, knowledge, or experience make their contribution either to improve or degrade the quality of living. However, at the same time, only highly significant events have an immeasurably...

Role of Men and Women in Susan Glaspell’s Play “Trifles”

Introduction There has been a significant change regarding the position that women held in the 19th century and the present-day community. This shift is apparent not only in America but also everywhere around the globe. Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, which forms the basis of this paper, reveals the extent to...

The Origins of the First World War

Introduction This paper discusses World War I, its causes and the role of America in the military actions. It identifies the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism in the outbreak of the war, as well as the impact of the alliance system. The paper also concerns America’s role in World...

The Nature of Revenge Prior to and After the Creation of Hamlet

Introduction One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. However, the most dominant theme that overshadows everything else in the play is the theme of revenge. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence. This...

The History of United States Constitution

The United States Constitution is one of the most well-known government documents in history and modern politics. It stands as a symbol for Democracy and the strength of the country that the United States has become over the last two centuries. However, the process of drafting the Constitution was extensive...

The History of Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War led to a vacuum of power in the former British colonies. The people and prominent revolutionary leaders were tasked with creating a new government and country that would become known as the United States of America. However, there were many prevalent opinions on the governance process, which...

Rian O’Doherty’s “Inside the White Cube”

Introduction The book comprised O’Doherty’s famous essays “Notes on the Gallery Space,” “The Eye and the Spectator,” and “Context as Content,” published in 1976 in Artforum magazine. It also includes the article “The Gallery as a Gesture,” published ten years later. In these writings, the author explores the social and...

The Future of Human Resource Management

To achieve success, human resources, along with other business units, must perform various functions from providing basic operations to strategic planning. It is essential to balance strategic and tactical actions for HR managers to get consistent results. HR professionals are expected to understand the internal and external environment in which...

Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition

The Fear of Flying (FOF) has psychological and physiological symptoms. It makes people avoid boarding planes. According to Clark and Rock (2016), this highly common phobia affects about 2.5-40 percent of the global population. These authors associate the misconceptions raised regarding aviophobia with inadequate research in the area of cognitive-behavioral...

“Inside the White Cube” the Book by O’Doherty

Summary of the Book The book, Inside the White Cube, by O’Doherty focuses on the concept of the gallery space, how it has evolved over the years, and its significance in passing a specific message to the audience. In this book, the author explains the relevance of neutral patterns in...

The Worth of Heroes and Villains in Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”

Talking about the conflicts between heroes and villains in movies or literature, one should recognize the story of Batman as one of the strongest examples of how evil is born, developed, and controlled. This film franchise contains a number of characters as protagonists or antagonists and, what is more important,...

Situational, Transformational, and Transactional Leadership

Effective management requires the appropriate leadership approach. The theory of situational leadership was created to adopt the leader’s behavior and approach to his or her subordinates by diverse circumstances, such as the followers’ individual needs and competency. While some workers feel more confident under the leadership of autocratic and demanding...

Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization, immigration, biracial and interracial family unions demonstrate that demographics and...

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

Dealing With Diversity in America From Reconstruction Through the 1920s

Introduction People’s ability to collaborate with others who demonstrate different culture-based values often serves as an indicator of their open-mindedness and humanity. Today, the importance of diversity seems evident at the personal level, but in the past, the authorities of some large countries such as the United States attempted at...

Ernest Hemingway’s Life and the Themes Presented in “Hills Like White Elephants”

It is not a rare occasion that authors include some details from their personal life in their works. Sometimes, they explicitly remark that a book or a story is autobiographic. In other cases, writers entitle their characters with some features pertaining to themselves. Finally, there are also situations when nothing...

The Concept of Disability Awareness

Introduction Discrimination against disabled individuals is not only a violation of federal and state laws but also is extremely unethical and inconsiderate. In the assignment, an assessment of inclusivity and accommodation for disabled individuals in public places will be conducted. The assignment aims to meet the following five objectives: describing...

Scott Pilgim vs. The World: Is It a Good Movie?

Introduction Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a 2010 action-comedy movie directed by Edgar Wright, based on a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley. It stars Michael Cera as the eponymous Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year old slacker from Toronto, who falls in love with Ramona Flowers and must battle...

Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare

Sample and Setting The researcher will sample nurses and congestive heart failure patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Nurses will be sampled from the hospital’s department of cardiology. They have to have worked in this department for at least five years. They will provide their expert opinion on...