PiggyBac Transposon System in Genetics

Ideal delivery systems for gene therapy should be safe and efficient. Non-viral DNA transposons and retro-transposons have been successfully applied in mammalian gene transfer in vitro. For example, the Sleeping Beauty (SB) system has been utilized to generate transgenic mouse models. A more versatile tool developed recently for mutagenesis is...

European Contact With the Aztec Empire and China

The history of European travels to the East as well as to new lands with a view to their further colonization contains a number of achievements initiated by individual explorers. These people significantly contributed to the development of the economy of the time. However, their activity did not necessarily lead...

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, which offers numerous potential benefits for humankind. However, machine learning imposes additional risks of adverse consequences for society. According to Jobin et al. (2019), AI refers to “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence” (p....

COVID-19 Among the African American Population in the United States

Two years since it was first reported, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rake havoc in many parts of the world. Almost every community in the globe has experienced the devastating effects of the disease. However, in the United States, there is a disturbing trend where people of color, specifically African...

Importance of Getting Immunized

Introduction Human body functions properly when it is in a good state of health. The body has mechanisms within itself that help it maintain a good state of health by defending it against attacks from diseases and infections. The white blood cells are known to defend the body against such...

Themes in “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is one of the greatest books of the nineteenth century that remains relevant today. Shelley explores many topics in her work that reflect social and philosophical aspects. In particular, the work refers to the problems of opposing nature and humanity, as well as the issues of ambition and blind...

Socialization of Children as Consumers

Introduction The process of children’s socialization in the marketplace may be described as the attainment by young people of necessary knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that will help them to function as consumers in the future. Multiple factors influence this process in completely different ways. This paper implies the critical...

Intellectual Property Law – The Case of “High-Friend!”

Introduction Technological and social progress would not have been possible without adequate protection of intellectual property. Various intellectual property rights provide means for creators and inventors from the misuse of their products and illegal distribution. In turn, they are granted the capacity to monetize their intellectual property. Knowing about the...

Applying Ethical Principles: Ethical Problems in Nursing Management

Analyzing ethical issues that healthcare professionals face requires adhering to relevant approaches and models to find adequate solutions. To assess a specific problem objectively, healthcare leaders should apply appropriate assessment models and communication principles to build productive relationships with all stakeholders. As an example of such an activity, a specific...

SEC Auto Exchange Company and Good Corporate Governance

The SEC Auto Exchange company is an organization based in Thailand that is involved in the import and purchasing of cars into the country which are subsequently resold. Its particular focus is on luxury cars ranging from coupes and sports cars to sports utility vehicles. Most of these are from...

The Issue of Police Injustice in the United States

With the growth of the American population, the number of interactions between people also increases, which affects the number of crimes committed. To control such a vast country, people need multiple police officers able to maintain order. However, despite the long and high-quality training of law enforcement officers, there are...

Modern Workforce: The Influence of Culture on Decision-Making Process

The influence of culture on decision-making is carried out mainly through shared beliefs and values that form a stable set of underlying assumptions among members of the organization. The individual’s perception of organizational reality is mostly determined by the fact that colleagues share the same views. Culture influences this process...

Climate Change: The Leading Cause of Global Warming

Introduction This essay will provide a discussion of the causes, effects, and possible solutions to climate change. The earth’s average temperature is about 15 degrees Centigrade, but sometimes it varies for several reasons, a fluctuation called climate change (National Climate Assessment, 2014). This alteration results in a lasting change in...

Federalism: What It Is and How It Came to Be

Introduction While creative attempts have been made to outline the origin of federalism back into ancient times, the constitution of the United States (1787) is one of the initial cases of any contemporary federal structure. The likelihood of setting up a federal blending amid the other North American countries that...

Diversity in the Military

Despite its challenges, diversity can be a major asset for a modern military force. The issue of managing individuals with different backgrounds, appearances, experiences, abilities, and beliefs is not new. However, the increased diversity of the early 21st century has made it particularly acute. Diversity today means not only race...

The Work for the Dole Policy Program: Review

The Work for the Dole policy program is an effectively compulsory measure to receive the JobSeeker Payment and satisfy the mutual obligation requirement for the unemployed. Regarding the Work for the Dole program, I am arguing that it should not be obligatory as the non-voluntary nature results in negative outcomes...

Minimum Wage Policy and Its Impact: Controversy

Introduction The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money for which employees can legally sell their labor. Minimum wage legislation was introduced in the USA in 1938, and in 2009, it was set at its current rate of $7.25 per hour (Congressional Budget Office, 2019). The proposal to increase...

Better Education in the United States

Introduction It is impossible to imagine modern society without education because the latter allows young people to receive basic knowledge of how everything works in the world. A country is considered developing if its citizens do not have sufficient access to educational establishments. However, it is a typical case in...

Social Learning Theory and Delinquency

Introduction In conditions of social disorganization and the weakening of cultural values ​​and norms, delinquency is a phenomenon that creates challenges for different spheres and structures. In this regard, studies on the prerequisites of crime are closely associated with theoretical approaches and practices that involve analyzing the causes of people’s...

International Accounting Analysis: Foreign Exchange Rates and Financial Statements

Impact of Foreign Exchange Rates When a corporation decides to conduct business internationally, it will be exposed to two significant accounting risks associated with export sales and import purchases. These risks are related to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. When speaking about export sales and import purchases that are...

The Doodler. Criminal Analysis

The Doodler, who is also known as Black Doodler, was a serial killer of the 1970s. He killed his victims near the Ocean Beach area by stabbing them multiple times, both from the back and front. His targets were exclusively gay men, whom he met at the local bars and...

Sexual Abuse and Its Effect on Human Growth and Development

Unfortunately, sexual abuse is a common phenomenon, and since its manifestations cannot be eliminated, scientists and doctors develop methods to determine its effect and overcome them. Although violence and abuse at any age are traumatic, their consequences for children are more critical as it affects all stages of their growth...

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning and Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theories

Abstract Learned behaviors are a classical subject of behavioral psychology that attempts to understand how behaviors are acquired and established. Pavlov’s classical conditioning focused on involuntary stimulus and responses and Skinner’s operant conditioning centered around changing responses to stimuli through subsequent consequences are both prominent behavioral theories. This paper explores...

Communication Management: Analysis and Integration

Introduction Communication management is an essential element of any business project since it relates to the efficiency of spreading ideas, sharing a particular organizational message, and keeping the necessary stakeholders informed. Inefficient communication, in turn, can have an adverse effect on the productivity of the company and the success of...

Afro-Latin Culture and Approach to Healthcare

Latin American culture is characterized mainly by the contrast of various cultural traditions and inter-civilizational interactions. Latin American ethnos began to form as a result of the collision of three genetically different cultures: Iberian, Indian, and African, which led to the questionable heterogenic characteristics, and symbiosis, inversion of various elements,...

Addressing the Issue of Gender Equality

Introduction Gender or sexual equality is one of the most critical issues that we face in today’s society. This century is no longer the time when one can say that men come from Mars, and women come from Venus. Today, sexual equality is one of the basic human rights, but...

General Aspects of the Investment

Introduction Investment is a term used by different people to mean different things but on the financial aspect is the act of acquiring or purchasing a product that has value with the aim of getting profits or returns in future. Investment can take different aspects, for instance, the financial aspect...

Wal-mart Food, INC: Management Accounting Concepts

Introduction This would involve a short picture of Wal-mart food, Inc… It is the earth’s largest vendor it functions, in the course of an enormous foundation of Wal-Mart supplies, supercenters of Wal-Mart, etc. The main purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module...

A Look at MySpace

Introduction Any social network that is controlled by a certain form of technology like a website generally looks to please the users and therefore is designed for this sole purpose. Nightingale in her vivid explanation says that, “Industry players maintain an environment where they offer a degree of allegiance to...

Comparing Islam, Christianity, and Judaism Religions

Abstract There are well over 19 independent religions in the world. These religions have been further subdivided into 270 groups. They differ mostly in terms of origin, ethical and sacred texts, and in numerical strength (percentage of the believers in the world population and their absolute numbers). According to (David,...

Inflation in India and China

Introduction The tie between economic growth and the role of inflation has been of interest to the economist, especially now in the light of the global financial crunch. The emergence of new and rapidly growing economies has presented economists and other interested parties with the opportunity of analyzing economic phenomena,...

“The Life You Save May Be Your Own” by O’Connor

Author’s name: Flannery O’Connor This author has published a number of short stories apart from two novels. Her writing slants towards a compulsive Southern Gothic tradition with a strong narrative pace and most of her writings are based on old Southern styling. The readability of her works derives from the...

Global Politics: International Cooperation

Humanity and human society cannot be regarded as indivisible unity, since even Earth is divided, though, artificially, into the hemispheres by equator. Thus, there are two hemispheres: Northern and Southern. This division may be of great use for those who deal with international relations and global politics as the division...

Ethical Training in Business Schools

Introduction Each new day brings a unique set of tough choices to make. While for most people these decisions do not produce a large impact, business leaders are able to influence entire populations with their choices. Therefore, it is vital that a leader makes ethically correct decisions. Despite this importance,...

A New Online Tailor Shop’s Marketing Plan

Introduction The digital business gained popularity due to its convenience and availability. For example, in 2017, approximately 40% of Internet users shopped online more than once (Ijaz & Rhee, 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown forced the global population to transition to an online mode, increasing consumers’ preference for...

Obesity as a Wellness Concern in the Nursing Field

Obesity A Major Wellness Concern The history of obesity in the U.S. can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, when a slight rise in the percentage of people with unhealthy dietary habits and increased weight were spotted. However, what would later on be called the epidemic of obesity...

“Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe Analysis

Introduction The poem “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe narrates the experience of a young man. He loses the woman he loves because of the angels’ envy and claims to keep his feelings for her forever (Poe). By the end of the story, the main character concludes on the impossibility...

The Theme of Hysteria in The Crucible by A.Miller

Introduction It is common for authors to use historical events as a foundation for exploring pressing issues. The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953, is one of the examples of such a choice. In the play, the city of Salem is overcome by the fear of witchcraft,...

Network Security and Cyber Crime, Super-Highway Metaphor

Network Security Principles There are a number of network security principles that are used for internet security purposes. These principles include regularity, hardening, integrity, and redundancy. Basically, depending on how these principles have been put in place, they will be able to provide different securities levels for internet connections. Integrity...

“Discipline and Punish” Book by Foucault

Introduction Discipline and Punish is a narration of the current disciplinary system. Foucault’s analysis and examination of power on punishment use a social context. Initially, Foucault stated how corporal punishment and public execution were the main forms of penalty (1975/1977). Torture was used to extract information from culprits as a...

Gender, Racial Discrimination, and Exclusion in Toni Morrison’s “Paradise”

Introduction Racism and other forms of discrimination are among the major social issues affecting millions of people in modern society. Toni Morrison addresses these issues by narrating a story about African Americans who move to the town of Ruby. Here, residents lack trust in outsiders, especially people of other races....

Psychological Effects of Cocaine

As the sun sets in the small city of Espanola in New Mexico, parents stay worried as their kids come home completely drugged and in a sorry state. They look upon the government to help salvage them from this terrible situation of rampant drug abuse that has engulfed them like...

Similes in The Odyssey – Greek Literature

Introduction The ancient Greeks had a worldview that established a close relationship between the world of the gods and the world of mortals, typically expressed as a close relationship between the natural world and human activity. This was because it was felt the will of the gods was expressed through...

Methamphetamine Addiction and Interventions

Introduction Methamphetamine was synthesized in 1919 by Ogata, a Japanese scientist. In the 1930s, Temmler Werke’s pharmacists in Berlin developed the stimulant called Pervitin. Since 1938, the substance has been used systematically and in large doses, both in the army and defense industry: tablets of Pervitin were officially included in...

Cancer: Symptoms and Consequences

Introduction The problem of cancer disease is spread all over the world because of global difficulties of its treatment. The identification of the notion “cancer” is not strictly fixed in the sphere of medicine. It combines thousands different types of cancer forms affecting almost every organ of human organism. The...

The Great Gatsby Themes

Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby depicts life in America in the 1920s focusing on the relationship between different classes and their representatives. The main character, Jay Gatsby, starts his life as a poor farm boy and earns his position in society and wealth through perseverance, commitment to his dreams, and hard work....

Alcohol Addiction in a 59-Year-Old Man: Case Study

Introduction The case study concerns Juan, a 59-year-old commercial pilot who has come to visit a clinician at the urging of his son. He lives alone, having divorced his wife and had his children move away. He engages in extensive daily drinking of both beer and hard alcohol, which he...

Socrates and His View on Happiness

Philosophers and thinkers are always the rebels of their contemporary society. The foundations of their philosophy are laid based on human welfare. Looking into the history of all the mighty revolutions becomes evident that it was philosophers who awoke the sleeping nation and fought for the noble cause of freedom,...

North American and British Accent Differences

Introduction The differences between various English accents are a well-researched topic, particularly when it comes to the North American and British variations. The difference in how various groups pronounce words may be the most important point of discussion on the topic. It is the most overt difference between various modes...

H&M: Strategic Brand Management

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz or H&M is a Swedish retail company that specialises in clothing and accessories for the whole family within the fast-fashion paradigm. It operates in 60 countries and has a developed vast network of online shops. Under the main H&M brand, there are several sub-brands such as...

Social Impact of Population Growth

Introduction Over the past centuries, the number of people inhabiting the planet has rapidly increased. Growing population consumes more energy, food, and water, thus exhausting the environment. The loss of resources emerges as a severe threat on the social, economic, and political levels due to the influence of climate change....

Ethical Dilemma of Circumcision: Nurse’s Role

The Nature of the Issue Male circumcision (MC) is a highly debated topic among medical professionals, religious people, and human rights activists. Currently, the decision to agree to this procedure does not belong to children in many countries, while other states try to change their legal structure to make the...

Confucianism as Foundation of Chinese Civilization

Introduction Ever since the conception of the Chinese civilization, its core beliefs, values, and structures have been attributed to the philosophy of Confucianism. It is considered one of the most influential systems that have a significant impact on the opinions of the country’s leaders and, subsequently, the economic and social...

Plagiarism and Its Adverse Effects

Introduction Plagiarism is one of the issues affecting the quality of education, the integrity of learners, and the reputation of learning institutions because it entails an unauthorized use of research information, such as ideas, data, methods, figures, and language, without attributing to their authors. In essence, plagiarism has become a...

Canada-United States Security Partnership

Introduction The land border between the US and Canada is the longest in the world. Its total length is 5,525 miles, including the section between Alaska and the two adjoining Canadian territories, British Columbia and the Yukon. However, the amount of petrol and surveillance seems to be small for such...

“Goodfellas” Crime Drama Film by Martin Scorsese

Introduction Goodfellas is an iconic crime drama film released in 1990. It was directed by Martin Scorsese, also written by him and Nicholas Pileggi. The film achieved unarguable financial and critical success, as it was deemed culturally impactful, and preserved among other classics in the National Film Registry by the...

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Management

The development of many modern and well-known brands depends largely on how effectively the principle of managing all the areas of work is organized. In various corporations, directors pay specific attention to those spheres that they consider the most significant – interaction with consumers, building partnerships, attracting sponsors, and other...

“Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci: Iconographical Interpretation

The Last Supper mural was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in the years 1495-1498 and belongs to the High Renaissance period. The work is located in the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan and depicts the last supper of Jesus and his Apostles. In particular, Leonardo portrayed...

The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2019-2021

Introduction The latest outbreak of COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease of 2019”, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had an undeniable permanent impact on a global scale. The pandemic has influenced the life of every member of the human society without any exception, whether in an irrevocable way or through...

Strategic Leadership Failure Scenario

Introduction Strategic leadership can be considered a type of skill set that allows managers of any level to guide their organization while acknowledging both long- and short-term goals. It is also a practice in which people in executive positions continuously develop a vision that ensures the firm’s superiority over competitors....

Political Economy by Adam Smith and Thomas Green

Adam Smith was not an economist but a philosopher who initiated modern capitalism. On the contrary, Thomas Hill Green was a political radical, temperance reformer, and English philosopher, and he supported the human freedom theory. Although both individuals aimed to improve people’s living standards in society, they had contradicting ideas...

Social Policies and Equal Opportunities for Minority Groups

Introduction For many years, the disadvantaged and minority groups have been underrepresented in education, employment, and housing. Moreover, the people of color have suffered historical exclusion and have missed several opportunities since the merit was based on race. For example, considering race as an admission factor in higher education has...

“21 Lessons for the 21st Century”: Book Review

Introduction Living in the age of rapid technological progress is challenging from various perspectives. This claim is explained by the fact that the ongoing process of creating new solutions intended to make life easier occasionally leads to the emergence of problems. They are related to numerous spheres, such as politics,...

Review of “A Stranger Among Family” Series

The series A Stranger Among Family is a project concerned with telling the story of an unusual family in which the protagonist is a teenager. The series is narrated in third person, concentrating on the character, exposing him gradually and focusing on the difficult moral and social situation of the...

Invasion of Privacy by Big Tech

Introduction Technology influences the privacy of internet users in two main ways: it changes the accessibility of information and modifies the privacy norms. For many years, the issue of information privacy has been debated, with technology companies being accused of violating their customers’ privacy. Consumers have become increasingly concerned with...

The Process of Socialization

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that socialization is one of the essential and very complex processes that define the personality of an individual. From the sociological perspective, a person is not born as a fully developed and functioning social actor, but he or she has to go through a...

SPA Salon’s Marketing and Design

The holistic SPA is created to provide deep relaxation procedures for highly stressed clients who require access to both signature and individual treatments. The business concept of the given SPA is to deliver entirely natural and organic products, which are oriented at relaxing and vitalizing a person’s mind, body, and...

Slavery Impact on Modern American Society

Introduction Slavery casts a dark shadow on the history of the United States, and knowing about the devastating impact it had on generations of people is fundamental. As the practice was heavily supported by the idea of the superiority of one race over another, its traces are still felt to...

“Catch Me If You Can” by Steven Spielberg

Introduction Catch Me If You Can is a biographical drama film that depicts the personal and criminal life of Frank Abagnale, who engaged in a series of financial, forging, and fraudulent crimes at a young age. The plot is inherently interesting as it portrays the origin of Abagnale’s skills, intentions,...

Effect of Domestic Violence on Children

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for the development of children that grow up in such environments. The issue of domestic violence and its effect on children is one of the more prevalent topics in social sciences, but the need for additional research is clear....

A Head Nurse as a Hospital Manager

Introduction The profession of a head nurse occupies an important place in the modern world since the person in this position bears tremendous responsibility for organizing the treatment process. Patients and their relatives or friends trust the head nurse’s words and look forward to being active in the workplace. This...

Challenges in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Introduction Teaching English as a foreign language remains one of the most rewarding careers in the education sector. Tutors must identify the emerging needs of every learner in order to deliver appropriate instructions. It is also agreeable that the teaching process can be demanding since there are certain problems that...

Review of “Capital” by Carl Marx

Karl Marx is a famous philosopher known for a variety of economic works discussed and applied today. The most outstanding work is devoted to discussing capitalism and its components. Cooperating with Friedrich Engels, Marx created a small political group which is known as the Communist Correspondence Committee (Lebowitz 2020). Among...

Housing, Profit, and Justice in California

Introduction California is among the best cities in the United States and the world at large, leading in movie production and property development. As such, San Francisco has experienced the effects of mass house and industrial growth. In addition, the activities resulting from its expansion have not only led to...

The Effect of Investing in Tourism Sector on the National Oncome of Saudi Arabia

The tourism sector of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among the most prospective and potentially lucrative sectors of the nation’s economy. Although the country is the largest oil exporter in the world, it is important to point out that such a heavy reliance on one source of national income...

Lifestyle Interventions by Nurses

The study being evaluated in this case is implicit in the effect of lifestyle interventions by nurses. Like other studies in the medical field, the research leverages a standard format to explicate the effect of the intervention mentioned. It contains the conventional sections of a quantitative study that include the...

Teacher’s Reflection, Liberal Arts and Social Justice

Reflection Research indicates that when we reflect on our individual actions and thoughts, this often enable us to internalize and process information in a more efficient manner. Through reflection, an individual is not only able to take into account the elements of an experience(s), but also how such an experience...

Family Resource Programs and Participants

Family resource programs (FRPs) are community-centered organizations that through close partnership with other service providers “create a web of supportive services for families” (FRP, 2013, p. 1). The Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (FRP Canada) recognizes guiding principles of the organizations that include, but are not limited to, building...

Films Comparison: “Psycho” by Gus Van Sant and Hitchcock

The film version of Gus Van Sants Psycho in 1998 put out of temper practically everybody who has seen this movie. This reaction was predicted. In this particular case there was proposed a unique by its arrogance experiment, aiming to reproduce in details all the techniques that had been used...

Anthem Blue Cross: Strategic Healthcare Planning

Introduction The environment analysis and TOWS matrix both contribute to creating a strategic plan for an organization since they synthesize the factors that influence the operations. The external components of an industry (such as major trends) are crucial to consider when designing a strategic plan for a company. TOWS matrix...

The Royal Masai Mara Safari Lodge: Trip Experience

While on my recent trip to Africa, particularly Kenya, I happened to go to the Masai Mara Game Reserve for a two-day workshop on 15 Oct 2010. It occurred to me that Masai Mara had many lodges along the Mara River. The Game reserve is approximately 260km west of Nairobi...

The Truth in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

Interpretation and understanding of truth is a very ambiguous thing. Everyone has their own unique opinion regarding what is true and what is false. The reason is that language is not a perfect instrument for communication. The language is limited because we can only hear the words. When people listen...

Principles of Primary Health Care

Introduction The principles of providing medical care are largely based on the specifics of certain diseases since many illnesses require an individual approach and the involvement of special treatment means. Junior personnel involved in the healthcare system have to be well-versed in the particularities of caring for different patients, including...

Improving Math Fluency Skills to Enhance Math Score

Introduction The need for teaching math skills is an integral part of any training program, and if it is school education, the initial attention is paid to mathematical score. (Hodges, McIntosh, & Gentry, 2017). One of the possible and affordable ways to increase the ability of students to perform both...

AIDS, Hepatitis A, Influenza A in Miami, Florida

AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a slowly progressing disease, which occurs as a result of the human immune system’s damage made by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV pandemic continues for more than 30 years worldwide. It was identified in 1984 after the discovery of human retroviruses. In...

Marks & Spencer as a Marketing-Oriented Company

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is an international, multi-channel retailer specialised in food and fashion. Currently, food business accounts for 58 per cent of the enterprise’s total turnover, while clothes and home business – for 42 per cent (M&S 2016a). Quality and innovation are the core values incorporated into M&S organisational...

Evidence-Based Practice Star Model in Nursing

Introduction Among the chosen population of patients aged 50 or older, one of the most widespread problems is the high amount of readmissions due to insufficient risk assessment before discharge. In the previous paper, the issue was identified as follows: how can patient outcomes be improved with the employment of...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies

Regulation is an extremely important function that guarantees the observance of the main rules and laws introduced to maintain quality and assure that individuals will be able to enjoy the advantages of using the most efficient and modern approach. For this reason, the given aspect is important for the existence...

Microsoft Corporation’s Organizational Behaviours

Organization Structure In the course of time, the Microsoft Corporation structure changed several times. However, mostly, these changes were not significant. Currently, the organizational structure of Microsoft is divided into two main divisions which are managed by the CEO, namely, the Business Functions and the Engineering Groups (“Facts about Microsoft,”...

Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact

Introduction Food additives have become central to the food industry as a tool to enhance the marketing of the product. Additives are extremely common in some form in most modern food. Through the years, an ongoing debate continues whether food additives are appropriate for use due to inconsistencies and controversy...

Tuberculosis and Epidemiologic Triangle

Introduction and background information Tuberculosis is one of the communicable diseases that pose critical health concerns globally. Although there have been slight declines in tuberculosis prevalence over the last ten years, the disease is still a major cause of deaths with approximately 1.3 million fatalities and almost 9 million new...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

War and Security in Terms of Political Theories

The Significance of Theory For some, international conflict is inevitable due to its innate human nature. Realists believe war is a part of a never-ending cycle of violent confrontations between the states. Liberal thinkers tend to assume that the causes of war are connected to the institutions. They argue continued...

S. 1895: Lower Health Care Costs Act

Bill Information The Lower Healthcare Costs Act of 2019 is a bipartisan healthcare bill introduced by Lamar Alexander, Tennessee senior senator of the Republican Party, in June 2019. The bill seeks to resolve some of the major issues associated with healthcare out-of-pocket payments and potentially create a degree of consensus...

Medical Humanities and Their Impact on Medicine

Introduction Unlike most disciplines of medicine, medical humanity covers a wide range of fields, including social sciences, arts, and humanities. This field of study is the most complex, involving, and considerate because it seeks to strengthen the quality and practices of the involved activities of medical humanities. The discipline is...

Medical and Psychological Genetic Counseling

Introduction Genetic counseling is defined as “the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease” (Ormond, 2013, p. 189). It can be used to predict and prevent multiple heritable conditions, including diabetes. In the given paper, the focus will...

The Optical Illusions Concept

Optical illusions are examples of challenges that we may face when trying to see the world around us as it is. They prove that sometimes we fail to see what is out there as it appears in reality. The causes of such failures are specific characteristics of our vision. In...

Virtual Reality in Education and Science

Introduction The modern global development is associated with a rapid increase in the amounts of information that should be processed and cultivated for the maintenance of progress in many fields of human performance. Nowadays, many scientists recognize the significance of interactive visualization of large information amounts for the understanding efficiency...

Death Penalty: Contradictions

Several crimes can lead to the death penalty: rape, racism, and murder. Rape cases have been on the rise, and criminals have faced severe punishment such as the death penalty. The death penalty occurs when the criminal is convicted before the law and thus assigned to a life jail sentence....

Developing Personal Writing Skills: Present and Future

Introduction Refining individual writing capabilities is an essential task for any person interested in developing their career. Excellent proficiencies in writing often aid the employee in their professional growth, chartering a path for a successful future. Of exceptional importance is observing the advancements made during the educational endeavors, which allow...

Financial Planning: You Cannot Plan Looking Back

Introduction I support the statement “you cannot plan to look back”. When one plans for a business or self after retirement, it is all aimed to look forward without ever looking back. The focus is on advancement and preparation for future encounters, especially in the dynamic business world. Economics and...

Dudebox: A Business Project Analysis

Mission Statement We esteem our clients and therefore treat everyone who contacts the company as though they are our only customers by giving them swift responses to demonstrate how important they are to Dudebox. Vision Statement To become a global leader at connecting men to quality and unique products that...

Employee Termination: The Employment Law

Introduction Labor laws in the United States are aimed at protecting the rights of employees and employers. They prohibit discrimination and harassment based on factors such as age, ethnicity, and gender. There are procedures that should be followed when discharging an employee, and this depends on whether they are employed...

Police Misconduct in Criminal Justice

Introduction The United States government has primarily invested in the criminal justice system to improve security in the country. However, various issues have been experienced in law enforcement, leading to multiple controversial discussions. One of the significant issues that have led to heated debates in America is the increased number...

An Important Role of the Nasal Cycle

Introduction The nasal cycle is one of the physiological processes that take place within the body without a slight knowledge of a person. Josephson says that the nose has two parallel nostrils (breathing passages) which are separated by a septum (a wall of cartilage) (17). These two passages are joined...

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs

Abstract Quantitative research designs utilize standardized mathematical approaches to affirm or disprove theories or explanations. They are characterized by the collection and analysis of numerical data to draw conclusions on a phenomenon. The strengths and weaknesses of each design determine its suitability for a particular research. The correlational research design...

Business Ownership: Corporate Governance

Introduction In any firm, there should be a healthy employee-employer relationship to enhance productivity. It is the interaction among employers and each employee at the workplace that influences productivity and efficiency. Business owners are all parties involved in the overall operation and success of the business. Governance is a process...

Three Waves of Feminism in Cunningham’s “The Hours” Novel

Introduction The Hours by Michael Cunningham is a novel, which follows and describes a day from three women’s lives. The main characters are Virginia Woolf, Laura Brown, and Clarissa Vaughn. The actions of these women take place during different timelines and locations. Virginia Woolf is an author who is writing...

Computer Hardware and Software Components

Computers, which were invented as far back as in the 1940s, are highly complex machines that need both hardware and software for their operation. If, in the middle of the 20th century, it was crucial only for computer technicians to understand how these components interact, in the age of computerization...

Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I

Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward the war. The Pan-Slavic movement itself was not created specifically by Russia to achieve its political goals. It was originally coined by various Slavic intellectuals, and at the beginning of the XX century, František Palacký invited various historians...

Practicing the Art of Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession is considered to be one of the most challenging and demanding. It requires a lot of skills and emotional resources. While nursing is usually considered to be a scientific field, it does not limit to pure knowledge as it promotes the need for soft competencies. Thus,...

The Alibaba Group Company’s Analysis

Introduction The rapid development of digital technologies and the Internet has made them rather significant in many spheres of business. In that way, e-commerce has become one of the dynamically growing industries. The field of e-commerce known only a few behemoth businesses the largest one of which is based in...

Advertising: Patriotism and Buyer Behavior

Patriotic advertising is a viable way of appealing to the consumer base. However, it may lead to undesirable adverse effects if applied inappropriately or without alignment with other important determinants of consumer behavior. The following paper presents an overview of patriotism-oriented marketing in the Canadian market and provides an assessment...

Gulf Cooperation Council: Current and Future Prospects

Introduction Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a socio-economic and political pact, which consists of six of the Middle East nations including Saudi, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Arabia, and Oman. Founded in Riyadh Saudi Arabia on May 1981, the GCC has been keen on safeguarding the interest of its...

The Global Campaign: Share the Happiness With Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leader in producing sweet soft drinks. The company is a powerful market player that feels the latest trends in the modern market perfectly and makes skillful use of them. Hence, Coca-Cola’s recent promotion campaign is truly global as it targets different countries including Nigeria...

Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society’s Aim

In 1963, there was the registration of the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) as a nonprofit organization subject to the British Columbia Act. The VAFCS was offering quality services and programs to society for more than five decades. Since it chattered, the VAFCS has been moving its location due...

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods In Psychology

Introduction Psychologists use different research methods to study sex and relationships. These methods can be either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative research may consist of surveys, self-report questionnaires, measurements, experimental studies, correlational designs, laboratory and ethological studies, psychometric scales, etc. Qualitative research gathers data through interviews, document and text analyses, observations,...

Lulu Hypermarket’s Supply Chain in the UAE

The countries of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have experienced an unprecedented growth of the population’s buyer capability (Viau 11). The booming economy has opened numerous opportunities for local retailers. Hypermarket concept is gaining wide popularity in the Middle East, as it enables the customers to shop for a diverse range...

Team, Primary, and Hybrid Nursing Care Models

Introduction There is no doubt that organizational factors have a significant effect on the quality of care. The delivery of nursing care can be organized differently and result in different patient outcomes, different rates of medical errors, and different job satisfaction. In order to improve the quality of care, it...

E-Cigarettes Smoking: Threat or Solution?

Vaping, Threat, or Solution? Smoking has become a serious challenge having a catastrophic influence on human health. As there have been massive anti-smoking campaigns, it has become less acute because more people are concerned about the negative outcomes of this bad practice. Nevertheless, the new challenge looms on the horizon...

Plan-Do-Study-Act in Hospital Quality Improvement

Critical care or intensive care units in hospitals are required to be staffed with nurses who are trained to work in these units and who are able to perform their duties in a stressful environment. However, staff shortages in these units are typical because of specifics of responsibilities and the...

“Let’s Move” Program for Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

Introduction The burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is known to be increasing nationwide in the United States. The rates of mortality, caused by these illnesses, have gone record-breaking over the last decade. As to the incidence, people aged after 60 usually belong to a high-risk group and represent 23%...

Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs

Pharmaceutical Monopolies The importance of medical science innovation can hardly be overestimated and is reasonably appreciated by the government of most countries. As a result, when a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a “legal protection that shelters an...

Austrian vs. American Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper aims to examine, compare, and contrast the health care systems of the United States and Austria. Austria possesses one of the most advanced health care systems in Europe, which includes a complex and supported system of social security services, accessible and affordable health care facilities; Austrian social...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Leadership

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing The sphere of healthcare is rather complex, and professionals who are employed in it are required to perform various roles to make their services productive and benefit patients. As the number of the medical staff reduced while a significant rise in patients was observed, an...

Blended Bedside Nursing Report Implementation

Introduction The article prepared by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) is focused on the effects of blended bedside nursing shift reports. It discusses improvements obtained due to the implementation of the change. Mainly, professionals focus on patient safety and nurse accountability. Assessment of the effectiveness of nursing shift reports is required...

Amazon’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Introduction Amazon Incorporated is an American multinational corporation that offers services in several areas, including artificial intelligence, e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming. It is among the best information technology companies in the United States, and among the largest Fortune 500 service companies in terms of market capitalization. The company...

Eli Lily and Ranbaxy Laboratories Joint Venture

A joint venture involves a business partnership between two businesses that intend to benefit from the partnership but also deal with the risks of cooperating. The venture is guided by law that defines the nature of attachment. The following analysis involves a joint venture between Eli Lilly and Company from...

Alibaba Group and Its External Stakeholders

Abstract The paper provides an analysis of Alibaba Group’s relationships with external stakeholders in terms of legal aspects and possible ethical issues. The discussion of the impact of stakeholder perspectives on diversity is also presented in the paper. The analysis demonstrates that Alibaba Group pays much attention to aligning the...

Learning Disabilities and Their Identification

Cory’s parents had divorced, and the boy lived with his mother in an inner city area. His mother did not allow the father to visit his son and prevented him from any visits. Nevertheless, when Cory was in the first grade, his father picked him up after school. Cory was...

General Hospital’s Case of Conflict Management

The Conflict That Is Occurring at General Hospital Instances of conflict are said to occur when one party feels that another party has negatively or always negatively affected equipment or a service that the first party cares or is supposed to manage (Javitch, 2007). According to the views of many,...

Gossip: The Issue of Interpersonal Communication

People are flawed creatures who are prone to be biased and rude, who could betray and lie remorselessly. One of the most complicated ethical problems that appear in any group of people working or studying together is gossip. From one point of view, harmless gossip might improve interpersonal relations between...

Falls in Elderly Patients: Prevention

Introduction A comprehensive literature review helps to build the logic of the research. In addition, it provides an opportunity to evaluate the existing body of knowledge and determine the gaps that exist in it. The purpose of this paper is to review the articles related to the approved change topic....

Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers

Introduction More and more teenagers are seeking plastic surgeries in the United States and professionals believe that it stems from a lack of self-esteem and pressure from the media. These two factors affect the development of young people and prevent them from becoming healthy and confident adults. In this paper,...

How to Create a Successful City Branding

Introduction A brand is a name, graphic, or sound that distinguishes a company’s products from those of the competitors. Branding traditionally has its application to commodities. However, research by Hankinson (2001) concludes that “the branding of places and locations is not impossible” (p.1). Many people, irrespective of whether they consume...

“The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach”

Introduction In their book The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach, Hawkins and Clinton seek to explain counseling from a Christian perspective. They consider what it means to be a new Christian counselor. Additionally, the book makes a distinction between old Christian counselors and new ones. In...

“Jerry Maguire” a Film by Cameron Crowe

Introduction People are social beings that live in a certain community and move together to attain success and contribute to the further evolution. In this regard, the efficient cooperation between all individuals could be considered a key to the existence of a certain society. However, this cooperation is impossible without...

Saudi Arabian Special Schooling and Legislation

Introduction The Saudi Arabian education system appears to be radically evolving from the time when the system was first founded. In fact, having been in existence for over 78 years, just the affluent and kids from the elite families enjoyed the Saudi Arabian education system privileges from the onset. Now,...

Auto Car Companies Industry in China

With the ever-growing and stable development of China’s economy, the Chinese domestic auto industry has become one of the most vibrant sectors of China’s economy. Over the recent past, this industry has come up with new automobile brands that have made China to be ranked one of the leading automakers...

The Use of Animals in Scientific Research

The question of animal rights is a rather controversial issue of the twenty-first century. Some people believe that “animals have feelings, too,” while others are convinced that animal testing is essential to future scientific research. The opinions are entirely different, and one side of the conflict does not want to...

Online productivity applications

Microsoft Office Productivity Applications Microsoft Office is a widespread software package that every modern computer must have installed. This set of programs includes such productivity applications as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Publisher. Moreover, the Microsoft company released a plethora of other useful programs that might not be necessary...

Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes

Introduction Environmental groups and other secular entities often emphasize the importance of natural and uncultivated land. However, this may not always get to the root causes of environmental degradation. Essentially, restoration must take on a small scale approach so that individual efforts can be combined to make a huge impact....

Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions

Introduction The theme of this paper is about my Hispanic Cuban family. I am a resident of the U.S., and of Antilles descent. I am 41 years old and hail from a middle-class family. I am a Christian, of heterosexual inclinations and without any physical or mental disability. In this...

Problems and Policies of International Economy

Although multinational corporations bring a number of advantages to developing countries, they pose various challenges and problems. Although they provide jobs to populations, these are low-skilled and poorly paid. There is repatriation of the profits earned from the businesses they operate. Because most of the companies are concerned with more...

Montesquieu’s Persian Letters as Orientalist Texts

Introduction “The Persian Letters” are detailed accounts of the European experiences of two young Persians named Rica and Usbek. The intellectual tourists explore French manners and morality while their people rebel against the tyrannical authorities that have been subjected to years of misery. The seraglio, as defined in the text,...

The Main Themes in “Dead Men’s Path”

Introduction Various paths of presenting leading ideas can be implemented in literary writings. Understanding the themes discussed by the author and underlining the primary examples behind them is an exceptionally prominent topic of discussion. Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path offers a negative example of an authoritative figure’s disregard towards the...

Justice in Dante’s Poem “Inferno”

Even though justice is a very straightforward idea, its execution in many cultures remains a challenge. Dante Alighieri depicts a man’s journey through Hell in his famous epic poem, Inferno, a microcosm of society. A book depicts Hell as a place where many humans- historical, mythological, or contemporary-are incarcerated for...

Health Behaviors & Attitudes in Middle-Aged Women

Proposal In the past 200 years, women’s roles and influence on culture have evolved. For centuries they were considered the property of men and after overcoming many challenges, women’s importance in culture is being acknowledged. Across the lifespan, women have various struggles and things to overcome. From child to teenager,...