Right to Own a Gun in the United States

Introduction The USA is one of the most remarkable democracies in the world where people enjoy various rights. Open discussion and direct influence on decision making are some of the most valued opportunities for Americans. The history of the country shows that people have had sufficient wisdom and courage to...

More’s “Utopia” vs. Bacon’s “New Atlantis”

When it comes to utopia as a philosophical genre, one cannot forego the author who gave it its name. While More was far from the only philosopher attempting to envisage perfect society, it was his book that baptized such thought experiments as a proper type of a philosophical treatise in...

Coca-Cola’s Strategic Management, Mission & Vision

An attempt to transform the goals and aspirations of a certain company into a holistic picture is formed by its mission and vision statements. To attract consumers, to interest potential investors, and to argue the strategy of work clearly, relevant slogans are approved and promoted. As a target organization to...

Klezmer Musical Tradition in Jewish Communities

Introduction The Jewish culture is unique, which is reflected in the Klezmer music tradition. This genre emerged in the 9th century, and during the 16th and 17th centuries, klezmer musicians were widely known as musicians playing at weddings. After the Second World War, this genre was forgotten by the general...

Renaissance: Titian’s “Bacchus and Ariadne” Painting

Bacchus and Ariadne, the painting created around 1520, is an outstanding example of Titian’s art and talent. In this paper, the analysis of the work is presented along with the initial observations about the colors used in it and the depicted characters. The historical context of sixteenth-century art is offered...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Introduction Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves. Reliant on a scope of factors, the responses of some people to traumatic events may last for a short time while the reactions of others might result in long-lasting...

Smith Photo Incorporation’s Business Plan

Statement of Purpose and Mission Purpose Smith Photo Incorporation is a business that specializes in photography. The business idea is informed by the need to provide flexible and affordable digital photography services to clients. The proposed Smith Photo Incorporation is projected to be successful since there is no business at...

“Interstellar” Film Under Sociological Analysis

Section I: Introduction Interstellar is a 2014 cinematographic masterpiece by Christopher Nolan that portrays a near-future dystopian society placed on Earth. Nolan’s film narrates about an environmental disaster and the threat of famine because of crop disease called blight. One day, a private facility of NASA is discovered by the...

Treasury and Risk Management Functions

Introduction The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is the representative of 60 central banks from around the world which holds the responsibility for about 95% of the world GDP. It was established in 1930 on the quest of being a trustee in connection, facilitating collaboration among the international financial institutions,...

Counseling for Healthy Relationships With Parents

Problem List Blame Brittany is dissatisfied with her parentsā€™ moving to another place, and implicitly puts the blame for certain events on them. For instance, she blames her parents for making her attend classes where she feels isolated due to her beliefs and biracial background. She also puts the blame...

Popular Research Paper Topics

State vs. Federal Taxes: Which Must Be Abolished

Taxation is the primary source of revenue for federal, local, and state governments in the United States. There are different types of taxes that are common in this country, including those imposed on property, payroll, gifts, estates, transfers, import and export goods, and sales. The total revenues collected in the...

Machiavelliā€™s The Prince in Renaissance Context

The new understanding of the world in Renaissance consisted primarily in the fact that the thinkers of the Renaissance began to relate to the problem of human completely differently than Christian theologians. Christian theocentrism was being replaced by Renaissance anthropocentrism, when a person, personality problems become the center and goal...

Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives

Within several contemporary perspectives and modern social topics, functionalism and rational choice theory were chosen together with their sociological approach to analyze the issue of poverty. The discussion is supported by Gans’ (1972) research on the positive functions of poverty and Luebker’s (2014) analysis of redistribution and poverty in terms...

2020 Presidential Elections in the United States

The next US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020. As usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president. Traditionally, candidates from two parties – the Democratic and the Republican – are fighting for victory. In...

Personality Theories and Behavior Therapy

The patient, Maggie, was a 27-year old female who was tall and attractive in an angular way, with dark, intelligent eyes. She was a graduate student in paleontology and she loved her field of study so much that she always talked about it. In the beginning, when she met the...

The Empathic Gift in Dickā€™s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Introduction Philip K. Dick might be one of the most significant authors of science fiction. His Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, published in 1968 for the first time, made a high impact on the genre. Dick discusses many issues through the prism of the atomic war threat making an...

Community Service Hours for High School Graduation

Introduction In the United States, community service is a mandatory requirement for high school graduation in some states. As a result, school districts expect students to complete a certain amount of hours in service. For instance, in the District of Columbia, students are required to complete 100 hours of community...

“The Voyage of Life: Manhood” Painting by T. Cole

Introduction The Voyage of Life: Manhood ā€“ is the third in a series of paintings by the American landscape artist Thomas Cole created in 1842 and presented in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. It is performed with oil on canvas with the overall size 134.3 x 202.6 cm...

Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for US society and the international community. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA, n.d.), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses affecting almost 40 million adults in the US. These conditions also affect 25% of children from 12...

Rational Choice Theories in Social Sciences

Abstract Rational choice theories emerged in economics models and were designed to examine human action and behavior in social science. RCT is a set of theories that emphasize the unforced nature of human action and actorsā€™ capability to decide and act according to rational calculations of benefit and cost. Human...

Popular Research Paper Topics

H&M, Zara, Benetton Firms Supplying Fast Fashion

Introduction Fashion has become incredibly fast-paced. The ability to mass-produce numerous articles of clothing and make them available and affordable to the general populace has increased consumerist tendencies across the globe. Changing clothes every season has become the norm for upper and middle-class customers. As such, the most successful fashion...

ā€œA Dollā€™s Houseā€ the Movie by Patrick Garland

Introduction The main themes of the movie A Doll’s House are institutionalized sexism, misogyny, and womenā€™s role in patriarchal systems. The story’s main character Nora was living a seemingly perfect life, but throughout the storyline, she came to the realization that she was a mere “doll” in her husband’s eyes....

Impact of Relationships and Social Connection

Introduction As social creatures, human beings depend on each other for support, care, and empowerment. They tend to establish unique relationships that eventually dictate their interactions, goals, and expectations in life. However, challenges that have the potential to disorient peopleā€™s unions and engagements will always emerge. In the selected book,...

Information Systems: The Role of Data Warehousing

Introduction Information systems depend on the way data is stored and retrieved for use. Without a system where information is saved and collected, a user cannot track the history of changes or utilize data that was once present in a database. To perform these actions, the concept of data warehousing...

The Language of Dance in the “La La Land” Movie

One of the basic human needs that most people satisfy every day is communication. There are many interesting ways of communication, and each of them is suitable for different situations. As an art form, dance is an extremely powerful, though not so obvious form of communication. According to Karkou et...

The Godfather: Management Style Analysis

Introduction Lessons one can learn about leadership or styles of management are in wide availability within the modern media. The different ways in which organizations are now led have been subjects to multiple movies or TV series that depict main characters dealing with important business issues. The Godfather (1972) is...

Sophoclesā€™ Oedipus, the Ideal ā€œTragic Heroā€

Introduction Oedipus has been one of the most well-known characters who has been mentioned by many art critics, artists, writers, and even psychologists. Oedipus Rex is a remarkable masterpiece created by Sophocles as it contains all the elements of a classical tragedy. Aristotle described the components of this type of...

ā€œThe Killersā€ the Story by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Hemingway’s short story “The Killers” deals with the common for the writer themes of courage, death, disillusionment, and masculinity. The semi-autobiographical narrator of the author, Nick Adams, intends to show his heroism but is disillusioned by the outcome of it. Throughout the story’s development, it becomes clear that Nick...

Management vs. Leadership: Functional Application

Introduction The concepts of management and leadership have been misused and misinterpreted to mean the same thing. Actually, leadership and management are two distinct concepts that are complex in application and coverage. This report differentiates leadership and management from functional application perspectives. The paper also explores the theoretical application of...

Cultural Differences and Stereotypes in “Coffee and Cigarettes” by Jim Jarmusch

Intercultural communication is a process during which people gain new perception experiences. Still, numerous cultural patterns and stereotypes can impede the clarity and effectiveness of intercultural communication. Besides, when participants are not paying attention to the non-verbal messages they are sending or lack the verbal culture, communication may not take...

Environmental Balanced Scorecard for the Everest Retail Company

Introduction Over the last decade, the environmental attributes of the business organization have been outlined as significant in affecting the outcome and general sustainability. The environmental concerns are propelled by the rise in legislation, pollution, and stakeholder pressure. This means that evaluation of environmental performance for a business is an...

The Impact of the U.S.-Mexican Trade War

Trade war is defined as a situation in which two or more countries do damage to each otherā€™s trades by raising import tariffs or imposing restrictions on the other countriesā€™ import. Trade wars are typically seen as a side effect of protectionism – a political stance that seeks to shield...

Fear of the Unknown

It was a chilly weekend winter morning in 2003, and for some reason, I chose to deviate from my routine of a kid on Saturday morning to watch cartoons and instead went outside to play. It was an urban neighborhood that my family lived in at the time, and there...

Milk in the UK Market: Supply and Demand Analysis

Introduction A market economy strongly relies on its two main concepts ā€“ demand and supply that correlate under the conditions of a free market. Both demand and supply are affected by economic factors and shift according to the change in prices. However, there are external factors that influence these phenomena,...

“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” the Film by Joel Coen

Introduction Following its release to theaters in 2000, it did not take long for the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? (directed by Joel Coen) to attain a critically acclaimed status. As of today, it is often referred to in terms of a ā€œcult movieā€. This implies that there is...

The GARS-3 Test Analysis

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that requires early diagnoses within the individuals. As a tool for diagnosing the patients in the age between 3 and 22 years, GARS-3 was introduced. GARS-3 represents the third edition of the original scale that was modified in response to the emerging...

The Globalization of Walmart

Why has Walmart viewed international expansion as a critical part of its strategy? After its incorporation in 1962, Walmart was growing and expanding at a rapid pace. The company was able to gain a significant competitive advantage and outdo its contenders due to its high levels of service, well-established and...

Zen Buddhism in America

Introduction Zen Buddhism is a separate school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes mindfulness and meditation practices as the path to achieving enlightenment. According to Wienpahl, the basic principle of Zen is that it cannot be transferred through books as ā€œthe heart of the matter is a practiceā€ (3). Although meditative...

Interview With a Science Professional: Steven Kidder

Steven Kidder is an assistant professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. He received a doctorate from the University of California Institute of Technology in 2012 and a master’s degree from Arizona University. These accomplishments allowed Mr. Kidder to specialize in structural geology, which...

Best Practice Companies: Netflix

The companies that operate in the context of technological advancement and the active inclusion of millennials into the workforce need to adjust to the new requirements within all the spheres of performance. One of the most crucial elements in the work of any company is the sphere of HR management,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Forster’s ā€œThe Machine Stopsā€: Into the Darkness We Walk

As children, our curiosities and wonders of the world are at their peak. We have just been brought into the world and are restless to venture out and explore, to experience the world first-hand. I remember having a sponge-like mind and the desire to satisfy my endless curiosity while growing...

Turning Point of Civil War in the United States

Introduction There are several events that redefined the future of the United States from 1400 to 1865. One of them was the Civil War that took place during the early 1860s. Many scholars acknowledge that this upheaval was catalyzed by the burning issue of slavery. The war was between the...

The Problem of Domestic Violence in Modern Society

Plan and Solution The problem of domestic violence has been in existence in contemporary society for a while, affecting victims significantly and causing them massive psychological and physical traumas. The unwillingness to report instances of domestic abuse leads to a steep rise in the intensity of violence and the negative...

Global Governance: Formation of the Nation-State and the International Institutions

Introduction Expanding the principles of democracy as the foundational concepts of the nation-state could be seen as a viable approach toward creating international institutions, yet the process of building the latter might be more intricate. The formation of the nation-state can be described as the introduction of the principles that...

Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union

Solution Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue that is prevalent in every layer of society and industry. It is difficult to pinpoint a solution that would lead to a resolution. However, one of the most efficient methods to combat sexism has been education. The proposed solution...

Musical Career: Personal Philosophy and Career Goals

Introduction Personal views on career and the ways of achieving goals are the natural component of self-analysis and self-development. In the process of thinking about professional priorities, each person creates individual images and stages that can enable him or her to solve problems and potential challenges. Regarding my personal beliefs...

ā€œComing of Age in Mississippiā€ the Book by Anne Moody

Introduction The problem of discrimination and biased attitude towards the representatives of particular groups of society has always been an ongoing issue. Even today, despite significant progress in this sphere, some manifestations of this remnant of the past can be observed. The situation was even more complex a half-century ago...

Indian Boarding Schools’ Impact on Native Americans

Introduction In the US and Canada, education was used as a tool to address the so-called Indian question by outing children from their families and placing them in boarding schools. Namely, children aged five and older were forcibly removed from their families, while only the English language was used during...

Artificial Intelligence: Use and Potential Risks

Artificial Intelligence Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are nowadays utilized in a great variety of industries and sectors. For example, AI devices, such as machine learning and natural language processing, have become increasingly integrated into healthcare research. According to Jiang et al. (2017), the former type of device is primarily...

Miziwe Biik, a Social Economy Organization

Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...

Ethnical Ambiguousness as a Band-Aid for Racism

Introduction The history of the USA is riddled with examples of institutionalized racism, the roots of which can be found in the very founding of the country. For centuries, it was the world’s largest cotton empire, as the labor of slaves brought in from Africa enabled the country to grow...

Plagiarism, Its Reasons and Solutions

Introduction Plagiarism is one of the most frequent problems in academic writing. According to Hosny and Fatima (2014), it is deemed as “a common phenomenon among students of all ages and specialties.” However, the background of each case is unique, which adds to the complexity of the picture. The factors...

Louis C.K.’s “Shameless”: Cheap Thrills and Lush Rhetorics

Introduction Stand-up comedy is a complex, vibrant, multilayered phenomenon that, over recent decades, has attracted a fair share of attention not only from critics and target audiences but also from researchers in different fields. From a linguistic standpoint, jokes and comedy routines are usually subtracted from the main discourse and...

Public Administration: United Operations Association

Facts The United Operations Association (UOA) is a non-profit organization funded via contracts and membership dues received from the parent organization, The American United Operations Association (AUOA). The parent organization receives allocated funds from the United States government. It appropriates them through national agencies of the federal government, namely the...

Minimum Wage of $15 per Hour: Arguments Against

The minimum wage was introduced many decades ago to secure the rights of workers and ensure that employers would not make people work for extremely low wages. This standard is a common instrument utilized in many countries, including the USA. This tool is one of the measures to address the...

Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Human beings encounter different challenges, conflicts, and differences that make it impossible for them to achieve their objectives. The presence of such problems will affect relations, activities, and social goals. In any given organization, disagreements will affect employees’ morale and eventually result in poor performance. These issues explain why a...

Truth & Myth in Oā€™Brienā€™s ā€œThe Things They Carriedā€

Introduction Literature as art aims at retrieving readersā€™ emotions by conveying accurately created characters, plots, and symbols. In such a way, those who read a literary work obtain an opportunity not only to receive information but also to relive it through the authorā€™s experience. In its essence, therefore, literature cannot...

Compensation Plans for CEOs in North Americaā€™s Private Sector

Introduction Organizational leaders and chief executive officers (CEOs) are some of the key employees whose performances contribute to the success of their respective companies. Shareholders always expect such managers to use their abilities to move the targeted firms to the next level and make them profitable. However, these leaders require...

“Letter L: Phonemic Awareness” Lesson Plan

TeacherReadyĀ® Weekly Lesson Plan Template Name Subject/ Grade Level Language Arts / K-1 Title of Lesson Letter L: Phonemic Awareness State Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2019). 30 Day Learning Goal Learn that words are represented in written...

Students as Sheep: An Exploration of Governance in Education

Introduction Governance is one of the most critical issues in philosophy since it illustrates a conflict between people’s right to freedom and their willingness to live in an ordered society. Peter Cave’s chapter “Man or Sheep” discusses this concept in great detail, exploring the benefits of centralized governments and their...

Organizational Behavior Business Write-Up Plan

Motivation-Hygiene Theory and a Pay-For-Performance Plan The motivation-hygiene theory elaborated by Herzberg includes two components. Maintenance factors, also known as hygiene issues, are work conditions, job security, salary, and insurance (Alshmemri et al. 13). The motivators are composed of responsibility, involvement in the work process, the recognition of an employeeā€™s...

Slavery in “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Introduction Although slavery is considered to be the issue of the past, in the novel Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler imagines that this social phenomenon may acquire a new form soon. The extension of powers of big conglomerates may lead to the aggravation of poverty and enslavement of employees....

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

New mothers have to make critical decisions regarding whether to breastfeed their babies or not. This personal choice will present the cons and pros to both the child and the mother. While many people support the benefits associated with breastfeeding, some might be against it due to various reasons. The...

Lysanderā€™s Wine Cellars Research Scoping

Research Proposition The research proposition for the planned business endeavor will be as follows: If Ted Proctor establishes Lysander’s Wine Cellars in Dunedin’s Otago Rowing Club building, then he will achieve the revenue of at least $400,000 by the end of the second calendar year after opening. This proposition captures...

Chapters 1-5 of “Diversity in Families” by Zinn et al.

Chapter 1 This chapter is about images, ideals, and myths related to families. It teaches the develop a new framework for understanding families. In society, there are different ideas about what an ideal family should be, and the characteristics attributed to a perfect family differ. Some emphasize the traditional aspects,...

“Knowing Your Own Mate Value” by Back et al.

Summary The article primarily emphasizes the importance of knowing your own mate value. Mate-value accuracy, defined as “knowing how much other people are interested in you as a mate,” plays a significant role in a person’s social life (Back, Penke, Schmukle, & Asendorpf, 2011, p. 984). People, who accurately estimate...

“The Lottery” the Story by Shirley Jackson

Children learn about morality while being educated by their parents and teachers in the contexts of certain communities and cultures. Depending on what they see and perceive as ethical and normal, children form their own views and behavior. In her short story ā€œThe Lottery,ā€ Shirley Jackson discusses numerous provocative themes...

Disciplined Growth Strategies in Business

Introduction Growth opportunities achieved through development in a business may be divided according to the areas where improvements can be achieved. Based on modern management practices, leaders of organisations often resort to strategies that involve expanding the capabilities of their companies by working in different regions, selling new products or...

Accountants and Professional Self-Actualization

Discuss Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and show how ethical values and culture played a role in the success or problem of the situation Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, as well as their companies Facebook and Tesla, are commonly assumed to be exemplifying the viability of the ethically sound approach...

Mozart’s Requiem Mass: Exploring Music History

Introduction Requiem is the last uncompleted work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the prominent composer, and a funeral mass written in the canonical Latin text. The writing was finished by the disciple of Mozart, mainly by Franz Xaver SĆ¼ssmayer. Requiem is one of Mozartā€™s most famous works, the creation history of...

American Civil War and Its Complexities

Introduction One of the most significant events that determined the course of further economic and social development of the United States was the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war was the natural result of a sharp aggravation of the economic and legal contradictions between the capitalist...

Rhetoric of ā€œVirtual Promiseā€ by Claire Giordano

Online courses are becoming more and more popular in the contemporary world because of rapid technological development. Claire Giordano, a student, wrote a persuasive essay, ā€œVirtual Promise: Why Online Courses Will Not Adequately Prepare Us for the Future,ā€ where she discusses the pros and cons of taking online courses. She...

Primate Behavior: Observing and Comparing

Introduction The present paper will seek to report on the observations of primate behavior in the Los Angeles Zoo and highlight behavioral similarities between primates and humans. This technique is often used in biological anthropology, which seeks to explain how humans appeared on Earth. Observing and comparing primate behavior to...

Is Multiculturalism a Good or a Bad Thing?

Introduction Multiculturalism is a term that can be viewed from different aspects. First of all, it is a fact of the surrounding world: our planet is culturally diverse, and most of the modern countries have also ceased to be monocultural. Apart from that, multiculturalism is an ideology that depicts the...

International Business Communication Problem Case

Introduction Our construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe to be based in Rio de Janeiro. Dubai will finance the project, China will provide the raw materials, and management of the project shall be from the United States. On the other...

Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement in the US

Local Law Enforcement Local law enforcement derives its authority from its governing body in the district where it is located. It maintains the responsibility of enforcing laws of their jurisdiction, investigating criminal violations, and providing protection or patrol in the area (ā€œTypes of law enforcement agencies,ā€ n.d.). A sheriffā€™s office...

Edouard Manetā€™s Olympia Painting

Review of Edouard Manetā€™s Olympia Edouard Manetā€™s Olympia seems to intentionally provoke the debates regarding the quality and purpose of this painting. Is it possible to perceive Olympia seriously and positively when, in this work, Manet tries to represent a vulgar and nude young woman whose glance is indifferent, but...

Ancient Greek Philosophersā€™ Impact on Modern Thought

Introduction The contemporary level of the development of humanity greatly depends on the contributions made by the ancestors. When discussing Ancient Greece, a variety of discoveries and theories serve as a profound validation of the long-lasting legacy of the pioneers in philosophy. The modern generations owe the essentials of primary...

Emily Dickinson’s Reasons to Write About Death

Introduction There are many reasons for people to love or hate Emily Dickinson, but her passion for writing about death can hardly leave any reader indifferent. This author is strong due to her confidence and the desire to find out what happens before and after death and formulate clear emotions...

Best Sweetener: Artificial or Natural?

Introduction The diet of many contemporary individuals incorporates many manufactured products that contain refined sugar. In recent years, however, due to public discussions regarding the negative impact of this ingredient many artificial sweeteners were developed and incorporated into products such as soda. While these sweeteners offer a sweet taste at...

The Estee Lauder Summer Internship Program

Introduction This first week we got introduced to the Estee Lauder Summer Internship program and went through their internship orientation. We got introduced to the Estee Lauder companies as the leading prestige beauty company in the world and had the chance to learn about the company’s history. According to Tim...

Curriculum and Standards Documents in Virginia

Introduction Any curriculum is to adhere to appropriate standards published by authorities in the spheres. Sometimes, curricula are based on several standard documents published by national, state, or county agencies. The synthesis of two or more guidelines to academic program elaboration may improve educational outcomes if done efficiently. The effectiveness...

American Sports: Football, Soccer, Basketball

Introduction Games are thought to be helpful in reducing stress and taking oneā€™s mind off mundane tasks and daily routines. Some games have grown to be recognized as official sports with strict rules, governing institutions, and international events. Out of all sports, football, soccer, and basketball have grown to be...

Female Identity in Ortiz Cofer’s “Quinceanera”

Judith Ortiz Cofer Judith Ortiz Cofer (1952-2016), who wrote QuinceaƱera, was a Puerto Rican American author critically acclaimed for her poetry, short stories, essays, fiction, and autobiography. She was born in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico, in the family with a military father, J. M. Ortiz Lugo, who took his closest relatives,...

Medical Education: Getting into College and Training

Introduction The paper addresses the most widespread issue of education accessibility and affordability for students who are pursuing specialized careers. The fundamental basis for the preparation of a qualified and competitive graduate of a medical university is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. This process is ensured by the...

Continuity and Change in Managing Innovation

Introduction In the modern world of business, innovation management turns out to be a significant process in terms of which organizational growth and competitiveness are possible. In 2010, Bhat conducted a study to investigate the peculiarities of managing innovation through the prism of continuity and change. The author began research...

Black Femininity: Changes in the Perception

Introduction: Black Femininity Across Decades The development of perceptions toward womanhood and femininity as they are affected by the changes in social standards and trends allows inspecting the challenges that vulnerable groups of women face in their daily lives. The analysis of African American femininity and alterations in its interpretation...

“The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” by Lewis

Introduction The book ā€œThe Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terrorā€ narrates the complex history of Islam and how most of its followers continue to reject modernism in favor of conservative ideas that oppose most of the changes experienced in the Middle East and other parts of Asia. The...

Sociology of Power and Women’s Rights History

Abstract Women have been oppressed throughout the course of human history. In order to oppress others and enforce their will, a dominant group is required to have power. Without power, any human and humanitarian rights have no support and protection. For women, real changes began with the industrial revolution and...

Isolationism in Contemporary Public Discourse

Introduction It should be noted that the term ā€œisolationismā€ has been most often used to describe American approaches to the country’s strategy in the international arena. This American policy provoked discussions in political, military, and academic communities regarding the prospects for multilateral cooperation between the US and other countries within...

Popular Research Paper Topics

William Staffordā€™s ā€œTraveling Through the Darkā€ Poem

Introduction William Bradford’s “Traveling through the Dark” seems to present its setting in the very title, but further analysis of the poem allows discerning that the “dark” has two shades of meaning. The direct connotation of the dark is the time of the day when the events are happening. The...

Internet Age and Its Influence on a Public Self

Introduction The Internet age has brought forth a significant change in social interactions and personal connections. As in the case of any modern tendency, this phenomenon created both numerous advantages and challenges. On the one hand, researchers note that social networking gives plenty of chances to increase oneā€™s quantity and...

Psychology: Attachment Styles and Employee Performance

Introduction In recent years, researchers and employers have both shown increased interest in exploring contributing factors that shape employeesā€™ attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. It is now argued that the reasons for how employees choose to engage or disengage in workplace activities may be traced all the way back...

Mysticism Influence on Religion

Introduction Religious beliefs have played a significant part in human lives ever since their inception in ancient societies. The idea of the presence of some being that is beyond the material world has helped people find answers to crucial questions. They could obtain an understanding of how the world is...

Musical Culture and Internet Influence

Introduction The role of music in the structure of the spiritual life of a modern person is quite large, and musical culture as a whole becomes a significant factor in the formation of universal human values ā€‹ā€‹among people. Music can be represented as a certain symbolic system, musical culture as...

Parents Shape Early Adolescentsā€™ Eating Behaviors

Parentsā€™ behaviors have a significant impact on their childrenā€™s development. For children, parents tend to be role models whose authority cannot be questioned (Reicks et al. 8788). Parents are often the adults who are trusted and loved. They are also the source of knowledge as children observe the way parents...

Saint Anselmā€™s Ontological Argument

An ontological argument refers to the type of philosophical exploration in regards to the existence of God. However, when talking about their theories, philosophers also argue about the state of being and existing, beginning with the ideas about how the universe is organized. Despite the complexity of ontological arguments and...

John Philip Sousa: the Marine and Bandmaster

John Philip Sousa, a known American composer, was born on November 6, 1854, in Washington, DC, in a family of former European residents. The legacy of this famous bandmaster is among the greatest national treasures of the United States. In the history of America, this remarkable figure is known as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Dream vs. Reality Throughout History

Narrowed Focus: The concept of the American dream held by many citizens in the United States has become a dream. Thesis Statement: Although many American citizens continue to hold on the American dream and its role in promoting upward economic and social mobility, the existing facts reveal that the conception...

“Dove Chooses Beautiful” Advertising Campaign

In 2015, Dove launched its new Dove Choose Beautiful advertising campaign, writing a new chapter to one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever, the Real Beauty campaign that started in 2004. The campaign was groundbreaking: its purpose went beyond promoting its commercial products but aimed at drawing people’s attention...

“Double Lives on the Down Low” the Article by Denizet-Lewis

Introduction In his article ā€œDouble Lives on the Down Low,ā€ Denizet-Lewis gives a clear and vivid description of the prospects for the development of H.I.V. among black gay males. He formulates the importance of the problem logically and cites statistical data ā€“ one-third of the countryā€™s HIV-positive black gay male...

Religious and Ethnic Groups in Personal Worldview

Introduction Human beings develop unique worldviews to guide them whenever interacting with their neighbors, friends, and colleagues. The outstanding fact is that there are several theories, concepts, and ideas that influence every personā€™s thoughts and values. The personal reflection paper presented below gives a detailed analysis of my personal worldview,...

Climate Change Initiative in Canada

Dear Mr. Trudeau, I am writing regarding the environmental issue that has recently been placed on the agenda of the Canadian economy and foreign policy. The connection between economy and environment is especially tight in Canada. Because of the rise in the air pollution rates that have been witnessed over...

Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

Introduction Emily Dickinson was a renowned 19th-century American poet that wrote unique and complex poems. Her style, symbolism, and hidden meanings of poems continue to be studied in the modern-day as she delved into socially controversial topics of her time. One subject matter commonly explored in her poems is the...

NCIS TV Series: Narrative Structure and Characters

Although NCIS cannot be considered the longest running show in the U.S. primetime broadcast, it has definitely cemented its position as one of the most popular TV series. Started in 2003, NCIS centers around a group of people belonging to the titular department and solving crimes, which might seem as...

Maslowā€™s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Expansions

Maslowā€™s hierarchy of needs is among the most utilized and researched psychological theories in the world. Its pyramid structure is applied in various spheres, including business, healthcare, education, and others. Maslow first proposed the hierarchy in 1943, and the original version includes five different needs that all people experience during...

Poverty: ā€œ$2.00 a Dayā€ Book by Edin and Schaefer

The problem of poverty and low quality of life is a significant one in the modern-day. Even in developed countries like the United States, more than 3 million people live in impoverished conditions. Those numbers are much higher in the less developed countries. Edin and Schaefer, in their book ā€œ$2.00...

Democratization in El Salvador

Having improved its political and economic situation by becoming a popular tourist destination, El Salvador might seem like a fascinating place to a random visitor, yet its internal political and social processes have been very challenging for its residents. The state has also been affected by two civil wars to...

Advertising Analytics and Marketing Innovations

Advertising Analytics The modern advancements in computing, communication, and analytics can provide significant benefits to any organization looking to improve its marketing strategy. One of the main barriers to modern analytics comes from the overwhelming amount of data being registered and monitored by various electronic devices. The use of cloud...

Promoting the Use of Green Energy in Emerging Economies

Executive Summary The United States of America has been leading the effort to fight climate change that is threatening the very existence of human beings on the planet earth. For a long time, scientists had warned about the imminent dangers of global warming directly caused by greenhouse gases. However, little...

The Mindfulness Effects on Chronic Pain Management

The effects of mindfulness on chronic pain management have been studied extensively, with numerous results of the studies available in the academic literature. However, the quality of evidence is inconsistent, with many studies utilizing methodologies that do not comply with the scientific standards. The following literature review explores the standing...

Shootings and Current Gun Legislation in America

Introduction Shootings are a somewhat frequent crime in the United States, along with the generally high incidence of gun crime. The tragedies have caused some groups of the population to oppose the existing firearm control legislation. However, support for a lenient gun policy remains strong, and the right is supported...

Racial Biases in the Central Park Jogger Case

The Central Park jogger case is one of the most well-known media-covered assault events at the end of the twentieth century. It is mainly associated with five false confessions and convictions of black and Latino juvenile males. This case is a matter of prejudices and biases related to people of...

Learning Types Through the Lens of Psychology

Introduction The process of learning is essential for any person. People may learn how to perform physical activities, social skills, emotional understanding of themselves and others, the inner workings of societies, science, and almost any other skill. However, approaches to learning may be varied and have their own benefits and...

Homelessness and Mass Incarceration Relationship

Introduction Homelessness is an issue that affects not only those individuals who do not have their own residence but also the rest of society. Taking into consideration the fact that this problem is global and extremely influential, I decided to write a paper that deals with it. Trying to narrow...

How New Media Shapes American History

Introduction In the modern digitalized world, media is one of the central sources of information. However, the given tool has always been important and played a significant role in the development of society and the formation of perspectives on particular issues. The power of media is evidenced by its ability...

Nazi Imperial Barbarianism and Assault on Humanity

Germany’s quest to unify and organize Europe, coupled with establishing its rule across the continent, took a tragic turn as Nazis started the Second World War in 1939. The majority of European countries supported Germany’s efforts of a unified region. After World War I, the United States, Britain, and France...

“Collective Victimhood and Social Prejudice” by Giorgos

Summary of the Source A critical analysis of events during the Second World War demonstrates that anti-Semitism was an excuse that was used by some of the European powers to eliminate people they considered outsiders. In this book, the author describes the anti-Semitism attitudes based on the Theory of Scapegoating....

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“Falling in Love with Close Reading” by Lehman & Roberts

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Design of Enterprise Systems

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US Agencies Budget Outlay and Authority Analysis

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Khrushchev in the US: “K Blows Top” by P. Carlson

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Observation of the Students With IEP

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Hobbes and Arnaudā€™s Replies to Descartesā€™ Meditations

Introduction Rene Descartes was a thinker who was best known for his contribution in the field of philosophy. In Meditations, Descartes focuses on epistemic and metaphysical matters (Moriarty 13). Through this, he shed more light on the existence, mind, and answers about God. In the article, Descartes asserts that as...

Proficient Writing: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Proficient writing is a skill developed through regular practice and response to issues raised by readers. It is a two-pronged approach reflecting on one’s writing style and responding to readers’ feedback and evaluations. In two of my previous rhetorical analysis essays, I analyzed Al Gore’s Nobel speech on global...