Why College Graduates Fare Well?

Introduction Unemployment is a grave concern for college students. Earning a college degree is an expensive proposition; students often accumulate large debts in finishing their education and require employment to sustain themselves. During periods of economic instability, finding a job is an issue for most people. However, statistics indicate that...

Cultural Appropriation and Its Ethics

Cultural appropriation is defined as the possibility of some cultural features to assimilate into another culture. Cultural appropriation may be explained as the desire of one particular culture to adopt the qualities and features of another one. Still, it would be better to refer the appropriation to the assimilation when...

Healthcare Directive and Life-Sustaining Treatment

A clinical decision is regarded as a process that involves such steps as making a diagnosis, providing assessment, and determining an appropriate treatment. The current health care system is oriented to a patient-oriented approach which includes a shared decision-making philosophy to increase the involvement of patients in clinical decisions about...

Social Work Values and Ethics

Different professions have ethical guidelines that facilitate effective decision-making, but there are times when the professionals face ethical dilemmas. During these situations, it is imperative to embrace the decision that causes the least amount of harm on clients and the professionals. Ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality must be approached in the...

Ontario Post Traumatic Stress Legislation for Employees

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that can develop after a person experiences traumatic events. The events may include traffic accidents, warfare, death threats, sexual assault, or other trauma. Members of some of the most important governmental institutions are forced to deal with traumatic events daily. Police, paramedics,...

Banner Health Organization and Public Needs

Introduction Banner Health is a nonprofit network of hospitals across the United States of America which was established in 1999. It is based in Phoenix, Arizona, and boasts of over 39,000 employees who work in twenty-eight acute care hospitals and healthcare centers in seven states. Also, it has a growing...

World War I: Nationalism and the US Impact

Considering the belief that loyalty should be the greatest when it comes to nation and culture, nationalism is a way to describe this attitude. In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals....

Wal-Mart’s Target Market Selection and Competition

Introduction Marketing strategy is the marketing logic applied by firms to accomplish their marketing goals. A marketing strategy takes into account the cost of marketing, marketing mix, and marketing allocations to develop competitive settings. The objectives of marketing must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). An effective marketing...

Logistics Professionals’ Skills in Brunswik Lens Model

Authors’ Position Spens and Kovács (2006) argue that the publications they reviewed had some indicators missing. Therefore, it was difficult to categorically determine the use of the three different research approaches that were the point of focus in this content analysis. However, despite the fact that the method used was...

Patient Education Technologies and Their Future

Introduction The notion of patient education has always been one of the most important aspects of modern healthcare. The importance of this aspect of care has repeatedly been proven. Back in the day, the researchers had identified a dependency between the treatment areas (such as asthma, hormone therapy, and even...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Issues Reflected in the Art Works

Bertolt Brecht: Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hammer with which to change it for the better Most art pieces are borne from real-life experiences of either the author himself or from the experiences of others around him. Not only is the work supposed to reflect...

Weight Gain, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes Relationship

Introduction The article in question deals with some effects of intensive diabetes treatment in type 1 diabetes patients. Purnell et al. (2012) claim that intensive diabetes treatment has been regarded as an efficient way to address diabetes type 1 symptoms, but it is also associated with quite serious side effects....

Business Ethics in “Merchants of Cool” Documentary

Introduction It should be noted that the video “Merchants of Cool” is a vivid example of the way media and large corporations can use sensitive population groups to achieve their main aim, which is to earn as much money as possible. The movie explicitly shows how young adults are used...

Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran

Summary Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran by Shahla Haeri (first published in October 1988) is a scholarly account related to the practice of temporary marriage within the community of Shi’ite Muslims. The author aimed to explain how “contractual” or temporary marriage provided the Muslim community with an...

American Confederation and First Constitution

Introduction After independence, the United States went through multiple constitutional reformations. Polishing the authority system, the United States government developed its first Constitution. Its core was tested by time and still provides the working framework for the United States authorities. That is why it is important to thoroughly study the...

Same Sex Marriages in Australia

Introduction Same sex marriages and relationships have become common in modern societies due to the expansive democratic space offered by constitutions (Sullivan 2011). People misinterpret constitutions to behave in ways that make them happy even if this violates the moral and religious teachings of the society. The move to establish...

The United States Employment Commission and Lawsuits

Introduction Equal employment opportunity is one of the main aspects of United States ethics. The protection of this practice is highly important to sustain the values the country expresses (Gostin, 2015). This function is performed by the United States Employment Commission also known as EEOC. Their efforts prevent discrimination against...

Neuroscience and Behavioral School of Thought

Psychology is a natural science that, similarly to disciplines such as biology and chemistry, relies on experimental methods for pursuing scientific goals of prediction, description, and explanation. Scholars across different areas of science do not always agree with each other on the nature and scope of their discipline. In the...

The UAE Successful Economic Diplomacy Platform

Economic diplomacy is the process of pursuing a country’s commercial interests, both locally and internationally. It involves the use of financial tools and policies to eradicate vices, such as poverty and crime. Fulfilling a country’s economic interests depends on different factors such as the political climate, security, education, and international...

Evolution of Network Systems from 1G to 4G

Introduction Access to information is among the most important aspects of contemporary life. The popularity of portable devices capable of Internet connection has created a strong demand for network systems that provide fast and reliable data transfer. The following paper is a literature review on the evolution of network systems...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (1760-1840)

The Industrial Revolution of 1760-1840 was a remarkable time that changed the world picture impressively (Stearns, 2010). During this period, progress influenced the way the society lived. Before this time, the agricultural segment was dominant, however, after the revolution several countries in Europe and the United States became industrial. Before...

Fad Diets and Their Dangers for Mental Health

Introduction Because the epidemic of obesity in the USA has not been eliminated, the debates about developing healthy and effective diets still occur. Fad diets have emerged as a miraculous tool for quick and easy weight loss. There are lists of various fad diets, and the most famous ones are...

Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ancient and Middle Ages

Introduction Human society is a complex phenomenon that implies the coexistence of a great number of individuals characterized by different feelings, points of view, attitudes, etc. However, there are still some aspects that unite people and contribute to the creation of the mentality that conditions the appearance of some common...

Truly Fair Society and the Keys to Creating It

Secularization as a way to build a fair Western society When it comes to arguing as to what should represent guiding lines for building a truly fair society, which will provide its members with an opportunity to actualize their existential potential, one can hardly skip pointing out at what prevents...

Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It

Abstract The subject of assisted suicide is debatable in most nations around the world. Various scholars and medical practitioners offer varying perspectives on whether the act should be legalized. While focusing on the concept of assisted suicide, it is important to differentiate it from euthanasia to avoid confusion. Assisted suicide...

Single Parenting Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The topic of single parenting is often controversial in the modern world, which is caused by disagreements between the supporters and opponents of such a family union. However, earlier this issue was raised to attract public attention to this topic, but today this type of family is quite a...

Informatics Competencies for Every Practicing Nurse

Core competencies are the skills an employee is required to have to perform their job effectively. This concept is universal among many different fields of work. However, having specific competencies is especially prioritized in the medical field. Even different types of nurses require different core competencies. This paper will compare...

Ancient Philosophy in “The Power of Ideas” by Moore and Bruder

Explain and evaluate the view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality Heraclitus is a well known Greek philosopher who was trying to explain the nature of things and the world. He was deeply consumed that everything which surrounds us was made of fire. He thought that it was the...

Husband’s Violence Against Wife

Setting Identification The topic for the assessment is domestic violence. Domestic violence is the abuse of a partner or a family member by another especially through aggression (Nicholas & Maistry, 2010). The setting of the assessment is in the workplace. In this setting, one of the workers called Elizabeth Jennings...

Reality in “Philosophy: The Power of Ideas” by Moore and Bruder

Heraclitus on the Nature of Reality Heraclitus argues that there is no reality. Nature is constantly changing. Consequently, he equates permanence to illusion. In addition, he argues that change is not random. On the contrary, it is controlled by a cosmic order (Moore & Bruder, 2011). He refers to this...

Nature of Reality in Ancient Greek Philosophies

The Nature of Reality from the Perspective of Heraclitus Heraclitus believes that reality could be equated with fire (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The reason behind this is the fact that it is ever-changing. For this reason, he believes that there is no reality. According to him, permanence is nothing but...

Decision-Making and Strategic Marketing Choices

Information to use marketing tools and complete the analysis and decision-making Strategy in business is a fundamental and technical aspect of any organization. The success in achievement of a company’s objectives and goals heavily relies on the company’s ability to formulate maintain and sustain a viable business strategy. It therefore...

Child Labor, Its Forms, and Disputable Issues

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to eliminate remnants of the dark past and enter a new humanistic era, there are still numerous social stigmas that hamstring these efforts. It means that we still can observe such phenomena as slavery, discrimination, intolerance, poverty, etc. The disappointing effect that comes when facing these...

Leadership Skills, Techniques and Tools: Interview

Good morning, could you tell please does your company need leaders and why does it need such people? Good morning, to begin with, I’d like to say that each company needs a leader as it helps the company to develop and grow. Considering our company, I want to say that...

The Needs of Family Members of Patients in Intensive Care

Yinet Literature Review Paper Critical illness denotes a severe condition that is usually fatal (McAdam, Fontaine, White, Dracup, & Puntillo, 2012). Therefore, critical illness signifies a condition, disease, or sicknesses such as cancer, renal disorder, heart surgery, myocardial infarction, coma, stroke, loss of sight, transplant of a major organ, and...

Power, Networking, Negotiation in Global Companies

Introduction Leaders within an organization have the role of ensuring human and physical resources in the organization has been managed effectively and effectively. They have the power to plan, control, and implement strategies that yield high results in an organization. The main difference between effective and ineffective leadership is how...

Pork Inn’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Pork Inn is one of the most popular sausage joints in Ohio. It is located in an upmarket area. Pork inn is a popular place for customers who live pork products, especially young people who come from well to do families. The restaurant is housed at HZ Towers, an...

How Civil Liberties and Rights Evolved Over Time

Introduction The tremendous evolution of civil liberties and rights in American society occurred mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries (Kollman 5). While this does not mean that the American people are contented with the current state of affairs, they acknowledge that the strength of modern-day America is due to...

Regulatory Economics and Environmental Policies

Explain how an increased federal budget deficit resulting from a recession can actually help stabilize an economy Local governments and the states face tough fiscal times due to economic downturns. It has been observed that due to this, the state tightens up its fiscal belt and this leads to the...

News and Feature Articles as Writing Genres

Introduction The proponent of this study attempted to appreciate the deeper meaning and intended message of two articles. The first one is a news article and the second one is a feature article. The process was made easier by reviewing essays regarding writing genres (Dirk 250). The same thing can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Systemic Psychotherapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a holistic set of symptoms of mental activity disorders caused by a one-time or recurring strong external traumatic impact on the patient’s psyche (e.g., physical or sexual abuse, constant nervous stress associated with fear, humiliation, and empathy to the sufferings of other people)....

Privatization in Housing: Beijing and New York

Beijing: Role of Private Sector and Privatization The history of privatization in Beijing is somewhat recent, as the city entered the sphere of the market economy at the end of the twentieth century (Yang et al. 522). The market-oriented housing reform significantly affected the place of public housing in the...

Disney Company’s International Pricing and Branding

Describe how Disney conducts market research and how it helps them with new product launches or expansion into new countries Disney considers innovation as one of the most important factors in its marketing processes. Consequently, the firm undertakes market research periodically to understand the prevailing market challenges and opportunities. Additionally,...

Muhsin al-Hakim as a Religious Leader in Los Angeles

Southern California is home to several Islamic religious factions with major Muslim populations in three cities. Sayyid Muhsin Al-Hakim is a Shia leader in Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Los Angeles situated at Serapis Avenue, Pico Rivera, California. He leads the Dawoodi Bohra community, which constitutes the Shi’ah, family, and Tayyib....

Potential Iran’s Response to the US or Israel’s Attack

The United States or Israel forfeit to attack Iran could give free rein to horrifying consequences amongst them since Iran would certainly hit back. By Iran striking back, this will definitely end up in a third World War in the Middle East. Iran is also in a position to exercise...

The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Domestic Policy

Introduction The domestic sources of American foreign domestic policy is a masterpiece book by James McCormick. The book is about the US politics and international relations policies. The author is a professor who chairs the department of political science at Iowa State University. The content of the book covers the...

Leadership, Management and Change

Introduction Change will is always an ongoing process (Goleman 2002). Organizational leaders should embrace new roles and ideas in an attempt to create better structures that can deliver the best results. My dream is to become a successful organizational leader. A proper understanding of the major processes of organizational change...

Problem of Conflict Situations

Conflict situations are impossible to avoid in any settings. Some people even consider disagreements as a positive trend since they can lead to significant changes and help to resolve the misunderstandings between the individuals or groups. Most commonly, conflicts occur in busy work environments when there are many employees each...

Information Privacy Protection Practices in Africa

There are huge differences between the regulations of information privacy in some regions that are caused by differences in culture and other significant factors. This article discusses current problems that are related to privacy in Africa that are complicated by the economic state of the countries on the continent. The...

Online Privacy Regulations in the US and China

Online privacy is always an interesting topic for discussion. It is especially true nowadays with the development of new technologies and the popularity of Social Media. This article focuses on the comparison of the governance of online privacy in two countries. Authors claim that the U.S.A. and China are making...

Asian American Dreams and Communities

Vincent Chin Circumstances of his murder and how he was murdered It has been considered that Vincent Chin was murdered in the Detroit suburb, as a victim of a racial hate crime. At the onset of the 1880s the depression suffered by the auto industry in the US and the...

“Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service” by McAdam and Brandt

Summary of the Article The article under consideration dwells upon the civic commitment of people who had TFA experience. The major question which the researchers try to answer is as follows: “do the subsequent service commitments of participants show significant effects of the TFA experience, net of other explanatory variables?”...

South Korea’s Innovations in Data Privacy Principles

There have been many discussions about data privacy and methods that should be used to make sure that the information stays confidential. This article focuses on the current principles of information protection in South Korea and compares them to those of other Asian countries. Innovations that were introduced by the...

Ethical-Legal Controversy in Decision-Making

Introduction Human behavior can be evaluated from the perspective of ethics, but in some cases, it may be difficult to define an action as moral or immoral. Frequently, ethical considerations and legal regulations enter into a collision and significantly challenge decision making. Such a controversy between ethics and law can...

Nursing Practice: Knowledge and Care

History It was revealed that 35-year-old women have a rash on her face during the past one week. She has never experienced such problems before. Mary noticed the rush after spending one week in the Appalachians. However, she states that no new food, medication, or lotions were used. Speaking of...

Effective Communication and Training Theories

Creating a learning organization has been an anticipated attainment attributable to the concept that it offers a setting that will endorse discovering innovative notions in order to obtain information (Baker & Camarata, 1998). Learning organizations are founded on operative communication and constructing consistent relations within the framework of the team....

Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Smoking: Negative Effects

Introduction Cigarette smoking is well known to have diverse health effects on humans. Some of the common illnesses associated with cigarette smoking include those that affect the lungs, liver and heart. The diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, bronchitis and heart attack. This habit has also been associated with...

Conflict Resolution and Action Plan in Hospital

Introduction Care delivery settings are stressful environments, in which nurses experience pressure not only to meet patients’ needs but also to interact with each other and avoid conflicts effectively. However, the extreme workload, the lack of staff, the unequal distribution of resources, leadership issues, and other complications can lead to...

Unilever Company’s Market Segmentation

Accessibility This is a vital factor in segmentation. Although the broader geographic segments have been widely targeted by internet traffic, it is usually necessary to market or promote goods and services to the targeted market in the most effective way. In other words, a business enterprise requires economic marketing of...

Dyslexia: Methods to Improve the Condition

Abstract Cognitive development as well as issues that can arise with the ability of an individual to comprehend and express thoughts through language have been extensively studied by researchers. This scholarly area focused on the variety of conditions, disabilities, and general issues that limit a person’s ability to effectively communicate;...

Nursing: Qualitative Research and Ethical Considerations

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that a research critique is often undertaken to not only provide feedback for improvement, but also to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). In this regard, it is important to undertake an in-depth review of how each step of the research...

Just in Time Practices in the Toyota Company

Summary Chapter 15 begins with a detailed description of the examples of several different companies and their approaches to the selection of leaders. Namely, Toyota’s strategy is juxtaposed to those of Ford, Nissan, Chrysler, and GM in terms of the process of acquisition of a new leader. The point of...

Masculinity in the Film “Saturday Night Fever”

Introduction Saturday Night Fever is a movie that revolves around a young man, Tony Manero, who acts as John Travolta. John works as a clerk at a hardware that is in the heart of the New York City. He regularly breaks his routine activities of the week on the weekends...

Madagascar’ Risk Factors and Health Service

Brief Country Profile Madagascar is an island nation located off the South East Coast of the African content which has a population of roughly 18.5 million people and specializes in the export of agricultural products and textiles. Unfortunately the country has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the...

New American Constitution’s Establishment

Introduction The Constitution of the United States was established in 1787. Delegates from northern and southern states worked on this document, taking into consideration the interests of all the involved. The Articles of Confederation preceded the Constitution. However, they could not be used effectively to govern the country. The delegates...

Teacher Merit-Pay System: Critique of Florida Case

The scene in the political cartoon shows a representation of the current state legislature in the form of a fat, geeky-looking individual with a receding hairline and glasses offering an apple core to what appears to be a woman representing the entirety of the teaching profession. There are three distinct...

Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Cancer Patients

Introduction Cancer is one of the prevalent diseases in the world. The disease itself as well as cancer treatment becomes a frequent cause of psychological distress for patients. For example, earlier investigations reveal the damage that breast cancer treatments have on the normal cognitive functioning of female patients. Other studies...

Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention in Counselling

Introduction Multiple murders at the hands of a lone gunman typically characterize mass shootings in the United States. The cold-blooded murder of innocent people never fails to traumatize the survivors or the loved ones left behind. Mass shootings add another trauma-inducing layer as the murders were committed in a public...

Socialization Theories by Mead, Cooley, Piget

Introduction Socialization is a powerful process through which human beings learn the behaviors, cultural aspects, and ways associated with their respective societies. The complexity of the process explains why it is influenced by the surrounding environment, parents, relatives, strangers, and media outlets. It is agreeable that George Herbert Mead and...

Special Education and Child Development

Towards the end of the 20th century, educational theorists presented meaningful insights that continue to support the needs of more learners with special needs. Such changes emerged after the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975 (Belkin, 42). This Act echoed the ideas of the civil...

“How Hollywood Vilifies a People” Documentary

Introduction One of the main aspects of today’s living is that people in Western countries most commonly form their opinions of those who profess different cultural/religious values, based on how these ‘others’ are being represented by the mainstream media. This situation, however, cannot be referred to as being fully normal,...

Hospital Infections Prevention: Implementation Plan

Introduction As has already been stated in previous papers regarding this project, HAIs should be considered one of the primary problems of the modern healthcare sector. In such a way, the need for an intervention to enhance the understanding of the leading causes of HAIs, their development, and find efficient...

Garner’s Murder in El-Khazen’s “Hummingbird Effect”

Justine El-Khazen’s lyrical piece was an attempt to make sense of Eric Garner’s senseless murder. She was able to learn more about the case by going beyond the news footages, news reports, and even beyond the uncut version of the recorded event via YouTube. She was able to have a...

Services Marketing in Vehicle Recovery Industry

Introduction The success in the marketing sphere is highly dependent on the understanding of major concepts, theories, and techniques. The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the application of services marketing concepts to a specific market context. Extended Marketing Mix Marketing is all about “putting the right product...

Dove’s Racism in Promoting New Shower Foam

Introduction Modern media advertising is engaged in various social issues as it strives to focus on the context and customer’s backgrounds to promote products and services. One of the most critical social problems refers to racism that is widely combated across the world yet remains alive in some cases. The...

Higher Education for African American Women

Significance of the Study This study can be discussed as significant because it is aimed at investigating whether African American women experience certain barriers while obtaining their higher education, what types of barriers these females can face, and what measures to prevent these obstacles can be used by these women...

Storms, Forests, and Coastal Beaches as Places of Interest

Storms and forests as John Muir’s point of interest John Muir observed that human beings and the environment are highly interdependent in the universe. Noting that human beings rely upon their natural environment in surviving and living a blissful life, Muir got attracted to the beauty of storm and forests...

Science and Technology as a Part of Society

Technological optimism and pessimism The Nineteen Eight-Four is a fictional novel by George Orwell that illustrates technological optimism and pessimism. In the novel, Big Brother is a dictator who rules the totalitarian government of Oceania using technology. The totalitarian government has no laws, but it can punish its citizens when...

Team Management and Leadership

Are human beings superhuman? It depends on your views, basing on their performance. In fact, man makes mistakes. He is not perfect. This extends to where man works. We do not expect an individual being recruited for a certain job to have all that it takes to perform the job...

Person-Centered Health Care Reform

Introduction Proper access to health care is one of the most crucial issues in many countries of the world. In the US, this question is also a rather important one. There are people whose income does not allow them to count on receiving the full specter of healthcare services once...

Early Literacy and Academic Performance in English Learners

History of Bilingualism in the US Despite the fact that a lot of Americans see bilingualism as a modern trend reflecting the present-day diversity of the nation, the historical perspective of the issue reveals that it has always been present in the country. The earliest settlers were not exclusively English...

Myasthenia Gravis and Its Immunologic Basis

Introduction Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that results in progressive weakness of ocular, bulbar, limb, and/ or respiratory muscles due to a defect in neuromuscular transmission and subsequent contraction of skeletal muscles. The autoantibodies target the acetylcholine receptor on the postsynaptic membrane leading to a decrease in several receptors...

Are Businesses Good Corporate Citizens and Help the World?

Introduction In the age when corporate power reaches threatening proportions, it is extremely important to ensure that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at the core of each business entity. Corporations should be regarded not only as a means for enrichment but as social responsibility enterprises (Lange & Washburn, 2012). Unfortunately,...

Alzheimer’s Treatment in Geriatric Patients

Literature Review The research conducted by Saragat et al. (2012) focused on the dependency between the variations in nutrition and several certain conditions related to the psycho-functional state of geriatric patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The analysis of this dependency was conducted via bioelectrical impedance vector analysis. The vital signs of...

Khobar Towers Bombing and Terrorism in the US

Introduction The Khobar Towers bombing that took place on June 25, 1996, was a terrorist attack aimed at a part of a complex in the city of Khobar in Saudi Arabia (Jamieson, 2008). The complex was situated close to the King Abdulaziz Air Base and headquarters of Saudi Aramco –...

Aetna Healthcare Corporation: Performance and Stability

Overview of the company Aetna Inc. is a differentiated healthcare aids corporation. The company proposes a variety of classic, voluntary, and patient-oriented health insurance goods and associated facilities, as well as therapeutic help, dispensary, social health, communal life and ill health strategies, health organization capabilities, Medicaid healthcare supervision, Medicare benefits...

Communicative Activities for English as an Additional Language

Introduction The book “Communicative Activities for EAP” by Jenni Guse and Scott Thornbury is an English book meant for EAP teachers of both ESL and EFL that encompasses the framework for the four macro skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing. The writer chose the four resource model developed by Freebody...

Emergency Planner’s Role in Disaster Preparedness

Introduction Some emergencies are hard to prevent. Therefore, the only way of dealing with them entails putting in place strategies for responding to their effects to minimize the suffering of the affected people. Although disaster managers have the responsibility of ensuring that emergencies do not translate into immense suffering, other...

Terrorism and Its Damage to Modern Society

The 21st century could be characterized by increased tension in international relations. Constant civil wars, numerous local conflicts, and skirmishes became an integral part of the modern world and ruined the lives of thousands of people. However, there is another concern which introduces even more complex threat. It is terrorism,...

New Constitution of 1787 Ratification Debates

While carrying out a comparative analysis of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of 1787, it is critical to take into account the fact that the latter appeared in response to the overall dissatisfaction with the Articles. Hence, the ratification of the Constitution signifies that this legislation was considered...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wound Management in Geriatric Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients

Problem Description Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is type 2 diabetes (T2D)-related complication associated with the problem of high morbidity and lower quality of life among geriatric diabetics. It manifests as recurrent wounds or painless surface lesions attributed to sensory/motor neuropathy or ischemia (Hampton, 2015). Globally, T2DM is projected to affect...

The Discrimination of Employees: Nurse’s Case

Introduction The enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was meant to streamline the relationship between employees and employers by minimizing instances of discrimination in relation to race and other categorizations. Title VII prohibits among other things, the discrimination of employees on the basis of their...

Global Ethics and Ethical Compliances Promotion

Introduction On the home page of the website globalethics.org, a lot of information about its vision of global ethics can be found (Global Ethics). First of all, the representatives of the Institute for Global Ethics state that their mission is to promote ethical action. They are targeted at the global...

Immigration in American Culture

Introduction Immigration is one of the most controversial topics in American culture, mostly due to a host of political issues associated with it. Despite a significant amount of research done on the subject, the public perception of immigration remains polarized. While some U.S. residents believe that the phenomenon has severe...

Nuclear Caucasian Family’ Health Assessment

Introduction A family health assessment helps identify family and nursing diagnoses and develop nursing interventions. In this paper, a health assessment will be performed on a nuclear Caucasian family, the Johnsons, using open-ended questions touching on 11 functional health domains related to the family. The paper also includes a summary...

Nursing: A Science or Art?

Introduction The debate over whether the nursing profession is a science or art has been ongoing, and the proponents of each point of view put forward contrasting arguments to support their opinions. As debates proceeded, it became evident that nursing has more apparent characteristics attributed to the scientific side of...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Quality Collaboration

Health care is a highly dynamic field that constantly evolves and reviews its core concepts. Naturally, with improvements in means of care delivery and the changing social and scientific standards, the understanding of the goals and objectives of health care were also reshaped. Among these changes are the definitions of...

Amazon Corporation’s Radio Frequency Identification

Implementation Plan to Incorporate RFID Technology Amazon is a leading retailer that “sells a wide range of products over the Internet” (Salam, 2016, p. 2). This online retailer has an interesting background. The corporation was founded by a young entrepreneur named Jeff Bezos in the year 1994. The company started...

Motivation, Leadership, Teamwork in Operational Enhancement

Abstract Theoretical knowledge related to the efficient performance of the organization is critical because it serves as a basis for future actions performed in the real life. In this work, three articles that consider particular concepts relevant for operational enhancement are discussed. The information provided by their authors is outlined...

Women’s Rights in Chopin’s, Updike’s, Auburn’s Works

Not many of us think about the way life was hundred, or fifty, or even ten years ago. Even less of us ponder on the topic of the change in society, for example, human rights. However, when one encounters a work of art, for example, a literature piece or a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Stereotypes, Identity and Intersectionality

How oppositional dichotomies of race define racial stereotypes During the centuries, there have been developed racial stereotypes. Thus, dividing people into different races (according to color) we can assume that every race has its “characteristic features”. The racial stereotypes consider different aspects of life, appearance, and behavior, such as interpersonal...

Modern Psychological Testing: Concepts and Theories

Constructed- and Selected-Response Items When designing a test, one may select an option of providing either constructed- or selected-response items. Each of the tools has its place in the hierarchy of psychological assessment methods, and both have their unique advantages, as well as certain inherent flaws. For example, the use...

The Bartow Regional Medical Center: Fall Prevention Plan

Accident Description The crisis that began in Flint, Michigan in 2014 brought many problems to the area and affected its current population and environment. The timeline of the crisis shows that the problem is not entirely resolved to this day, although the authorities state that the central issue is solved...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy and Mental Health

Introduction Knowing that the psychological well-being of cancer patients can have an impact on their physical condition, many researchers pay attention to the effects of various interventions on cancer patients’ mood. In her research, Lesiuk (2015) aims to define the effectiveness of an intervention that uses music as a tool...

“The War and the Workers” by Rosa Luxemburg

Introduction According to Luxemburg, masses that agreed with leaders who advocated for World War I did so due to social attributes (13). Some of the issues that Luxemburg mentions as “social attributes” include the “…cholera in the wells, Russian students heaved bombs on railway bridges in Berlin, telegrams became false...

Communist Revolutions and Cold War in East Asia

Introduction Also referred to as the proletarian struggle, the communist revolution was a platform used to replace capitalism with socialism in East Asia. It is important to review the events that catalyse revolution and social composition of each ideology. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the historical significance of...

Should Marijuana Be Legal in United States?

Introduction The legalization of marijuana in the United States has caused a decidedly heated and divisive matter currently. Most Studies reported that around 60% of all Americans consider that marijuana should be legalized, and the remaining 40% considers that marijuana should be prohibited (Pierre 598). Marijuana contains minimum effects on...

Political Book: Alan Abramowitz’s “The Disappearing Center”

Introduction Alan Abramowitz is an American political scientist. He was born in 1947. He is well known for his research and literary works. Most of his studies revolve around American politics and elections. In addition, they also focus on political science and parties. Abramowitz studied BA at the University of...

Caucasian Family Health Assessment and Problems

Introduction Assessment is referred to as a collection of data about the state of health at the individual or family level. It is a general opinion that modern families experience constant stresses in their everyday living, which makes it difficult for them to participate in healthy activities. An unhealthy way...

Conflict Competence in the Workplace

Conflicts can happen in any workplace. All employees, while occupying the same territory, may have different values and goals. However, it is important to remember that an establishment cannot work successfully with employees that have unresolved issues. Thus, the process of solving such conflicts is an essential part of one’s...

Failed Fortune 500 Product: Bandai Pippin

Introduction Bandai Pippin is one of the epic failure projects to have ever been undertaken by Apple Inc. According to Baker (2013), Pippin was expected to be a major project that would allow Apple Inc. to make an emphatic entry into the gaming market. After brief market research, Apple Inc....

Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships

Rhetorical Situation The article by Shwayder addresses the issue of domestic abuse as one of the key concerns of contemporary societal concerns. However, while the problem of abuse is often explored in-depth as a serious issue among heterosexual couples, it is often overlooked when analyzing same-sex relationships, which becomes the...

Social Cognitive Theory

Introduction Social Cognitive Theory is one of the models that are used to explain the behavioral patterns of an individual. Developed in 1931 by Harold Brown and Edwin Holt, the relevance of the theory has increasingly become evident in our current society. According to Flower (2009), modern psychologists have been...

Internet for Children: Benefits and Threats

Introduction The internet is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. This creation has had a tremendous impact on modern life. Many people rely on it for a wide variety of activities. The abilities of the internet have made it a key factor in increasing the productivity...

Implication for Nursing Practice

Introduction Abusive relationships have adverse physical, mental and emotional effects on the victims. The effects may manifest in all victims’ environments including workplaces. In most cases, living in an abusive relationship has negative impacts on the victims’ workplaces. Conversely, the implications of abusive relationships may sometimes be positive at workplaces,...

The Problem of Adolescent Suicide

Introduction The problem of adolescent suicide is researched from various angles. The complexity of this issue is addressed by many scholars who often focus on a specific aspect such as suicide prevention methods or therapy approaches in their works. For example, a study by Asarnow, Berk, Hughes, and Anderson (2015)...

Telenursing vs. Home Visits in Post-Acute Care

Introduction The USA has one of the largest elderly populations in the world. As it stands, the current number of elders aged 65 or older is around 45 million people, which, according to the Population Reference Bureau (2016), is estimated to increase to about 98 million by the end of...

Community Cancer Screening and Detection Project

Introduction Presently, societies are grappling with the effects occasioned by lifestyles changes. Poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles have led to an increase in the rate of people suffering from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and a range of weight problems. To combat these challenges, medical facilities need to institute policies...

Culturally Congruent Care and Hispanic Health

The United States has a significant share of Hispanic populations, and it is expected that the number of Hispanic or Latino people will grow further in the future. Although a certain degree of cultural assimilation among Hispanic people is evident, there are a lot of sociocultural beliefs, practices, and issues...

Conflict Resolution Between Nurse and Patient

Introduction It would be great if the treatment process could be addressed with a few difficult psychological situations as possible. Unfortunately, conflicts among patients and health care personnel are not a rare thing. It is important for nursing staff, as well as for other participants of the process, to understand...

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Conflict in IT Project Teams

Abstract The present paper aims to reveal four major sources of conflict about IT and IS spheres and offer strategic measures to address them. As a result of a literature review, it was discovered that role perception, socio-political, cultural, and structural origins of the conflict were identified as being among...

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Friedrich Nietzsche’s Views on Human and Society

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Epigenetics in Nova ScienceNow’s Documentary

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Rethinking the Texas Constitution of 1876

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Clinical Problem: Nurses’ Burnout at Work

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Nursing Metaparadigms and Practice-Specific Concepts

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Marketing as a Competitive Advantage of a Company

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Southwest vs. United Airlines’ Corporate Culture

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Information Systems and Patient Care Technologies

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Master’s Prepared Nurse and Leading Change

Introduction Advanced practice nurses are believed to play a crucial part in the current process of healthcare system transformation. At present, medical organizations tend to invest in improving patient care and developing the culture of nursing practice. To improve the quality of medical services, nurses should advocate for evidence-based and...

Recurring Conflict between Two Nurses

Introduction Conflict resolution refers to the method whereby two or more warring factions find a diplomatic and harmonious solution to their disagreements. Conflicts may occur between physicians, the healthcare team, the patient’s family, the patient, or between physicians and the staff members. The majority of health amenities may be exposed...

The History of Slavery and Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

Surgery Complications and Bioethical Decision-Making

Introduction A physician decided that a patient should have surgery on one ear. The patient agreed and provided informed consent to the surgery. However, during the procedure, when the patient was examined under general anesthesia by a surgeon, it turned out that he required the same surgery on another ear....

Internship and Cooperative Education Programs

Introduction Internships and cooperative education programs that are known as co-ops enable students to anticipate the challenges associated with future workplace activities. Moreover, they can make learners more competitive in the labor market. There are certain differences between these methods of preparing graduates for their professional careers. It is important...

Banner Health Organization’s Business Strategies

Introduction Banner Health is one of the most famous and productive companies in the American health care system. This non-profitable organization was established in the year 1999 in Phoenix, Arizona, but it diffused all over the United States territory to give its services to as many people as possible. Banner...

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois’ “Of the Coming of John”

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois uses color symbolism in “Of the Coming of John” to reveal the plight of the diverse American population. The author uses opposite colors to point out not only racial differences but also those associated with the opportunities to live a happy life. He refers to...

EHR Database Management: Diabetes Prevention

Introduction According to Baus, Wood, Pollard, Summerfield, and White (2013), “diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and is a major contributor to decreased life expectancy, increased rates of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, retinopathy, and adult-onset blindness” (p. 1f). Moreno-Iribas et...

Acceptable Use Policy

The Purpose of AUP and the Description of a Selected AUP The establishment and maintenance of acceptable use policies (AUP) is a common practice in many different organizations. The major purpose of the policies covering acceptable use is to outline rules concerning the exploitation of company resources and information technologies...

Inclusive Education for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become widely spread in the United States today, resulting in developing the debates on the appropriateness of inclusive education for students with ASD. In 2014, the prevalence of ASD was one in 59 children, and this figure allows for speaking about the necessity of...

Ancient Sparta Community Analysis

Introduction Sparta was a worrier community in ancient Greece that residents in a city known as Lacedaemon. The origin of the community can be traced to 900 BC. However, they rose to prominence in 650 BC when they started demonstrating their unique military skills. According to Cartledge (47), the ancient...

Miami Hospital’s Conflict in Healthcare Teams

Introduction The stressful workplace environment of a modern healthcare facility is known to be prone to conflicts. While they are traditionally viewed as having a negative impact on the performance of nurses, the application of relevant leadership skills and thorough analysis can turn an incident into an advantage. However, in...

Visually Impaired Youth College-to-Work Transition

Introduction The article by Capella-McDonnall and Crudden (2009) sought to examine various issues, which affect the youths with visual impairments, especially when they are transitioning from college or high school to employment. What elements influence the triumphant absorption of transition-age visually disabled adolescents in the job market? The article sought...

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality

The nursing profession was historically viewed as a subordinate and lesser medical profession. Over time, it has gradually become a well-established and respected job that demands a high degree of skill. Today, the issue of developing a theoretical basis for nursing has also become urgent. Many researchers have developed their...