Public Defenders and the American Justice System

According to the (n.d.), a court is supposed to appoint a lawyer for a person who is unable to meet the expense of a lawyer. In this case, the appointed lawyer is called a public defender. Therefore, a public defender refers to a lawyer selected to represent individuals who...

Concord Hospital Leadership Management

The Scenario Concord Hospital is a non-profit community hospital located in Concord, New Hampshire. This hospital has 295 beds and handles and treats approximately 250 patients annually in its cardiac surgery program. Despite the success that the facility has been enjoying, its main challenge has been issues related to medication...

Human Services for Low-Income Elderly Immigrant

Introduction The subsequent hypothetical case study aims its attention towards the 79-year-old female. She has applied for help from the agency that provides case management for low-income seniors who live at home and for whom English is a second language because of her recent loss. Sara Anderson is a Caucasian...

Morals Metaphysics: Criminal Punishment and Gay Basics

The Metaphysics of Morals It is not wrong to punish a criminal primarily as a means to reform the criminal. By punishing criminals, they pay for their deeds and justice is paid to the victim, society or the state. It is justifiable to punish any criminal so that the criminals...

Celebrity Electronic Health Records Privacy

Privacy has always been one of the essential concerns of all individuals regardless of a country or culture. Privacy is considered to be one of the most important civil rights. Today, the issue of privacy concerns is especially relevant due to the high prevalence of communication technologies in everyday life....

American Constitution of 1787 and Related Debates

Introduction The Articles of Confederation are considered to be the first American constitution ratified by all the states with Maryland being the last one in 1777. Still, the specific factors related to American internal issues proved that the states needed a national government that would be stronger than the provided...

Employment Effect on the Performance of the Firm

Introduction Employees form a very important component of an organization, and their output directly reflects the overall performance of an organization. A team of employees who are dedicated to their work will always help a firm achieve its vision within a reasonable duration. However, sometimes employees may fail to act...

Substance Abusers Alcoholics – Psychology

Introduction Alcoholics suffer from a distinct physical yearning to take alcohol past their capability to manage it, irrespective of every law of common sense. Despite having a vast desire for alcohol, alcoholics often give in to that yearning at the worst probable instances. Alcoholism is generally detrimental to the alcoholics’...

The US Governmental System Operation

Essay on Nader Book and Parentiā€™s Branches of Government Chapters Ralph Nader is considered a highly influential American, one who has managed to save the lives of numerous citizens due to his actions targeted at the protection of consumer rights. He has been involved in the creation of such agencies...

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Biography

Johann Sebastian Bach is a name that comes up among the first when it comes to naming the most important musicians in human history. Despite this, during his lifetime Bach was mostly regarded as a famous organist, not as a composer. He has worked with some of the established musical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Behavior

The phenomenon of organizational conflict and its impact on the performance of organizations has generated increasing attention from organizational scholars especially after the realization that organizations are ever more subject to conflicting demands imposed by a multiplicity of factors arising from both internal and external operating environments. Liebler & McConnell...

Cyberbullying Victim’s and Abuser’s Roles

Prewriting What is your narrow topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions youā€™ve developed for prior assignments. Cyber Bullying: Rehearsing the Roles of a Victim and an Abuser in the Online Environment Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your...

Wheatgrass Smoothie Production Business Plan

Wheatgrass Smoothie Production: Business Concept Wheatgrass smoothie marketing is based on the promotion of healthy lifestyle tendencies among customers. Therefore, the product belongs to the category of drinks that target a wide social group. The industry that launches wheatgrass smoothie sales has to account for several crucial factors. First, the...

Boyz n the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel

Introduction On the face of it, it may seem like Boyz n the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel may not give the impression of having much in common when it comes to the characters or the plot of the story. Nevertheless, the two stories are rather analogous and...

The Interpretation of the Second Amendment

Main Body The interpretation of the Second Amendment guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms outside of oneā€™s home is one of the most controversial provisions of the American Constitution. On one hand, the opponents claim that it is imperative to impose restrictions on the right to buy arms...

The Book “Amazing Grace” by Jonathan Kozol

Overview The inequality and harsh economic conditions experienced by millions of Americans living in economically depressed society have been described by many authors in their writings. Jonathan Kozol is among the widely celebrated writers known for exposing cruelty in American society in his books. His first book named Death at...

Queen’s Album “A Night at the Opera”

The name of this particular band causes a wave of appreciation in any audience all over the world, and the sounds of their melodies cause a wave of excited screaming of the bandā€™s numerous fans and admirers. Everyone knows the names of the bandā€™s members. Their path towards fame was...

HIV/AIDS Prevalence Among Latino Population

Introduction According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2017), health disparities are “differences in the incidence, prevalence, and mortality of a disease and the related adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups” (para. 1). One of the possibilities to study health disparities is to divide...

Transforming Nursing: Issues and Trends

Introduction The provision of quality health care services in America has become a headache for most presidents and governments (Halstead 78). There seems to be very little progress towards improving this sector even though the government has invested heavily in research, debates, and reforms to ensure its citizens get good...

Anglo-Saxons: Trial by Ordeal

During the Anglo-Saxon period, one finds information regarding the use of trial by ordeal. A personā€™s involvement in a criminal act was decided through an ordeal. Appropriate legal process was not employed while delivering judgment. Trial by ordeal affected persons who were party to a legal dispute. As this method...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Seamus Heaney’s Stylistic Features

Seamus Heaney (1939-2003) is one of the prominent figures in the modern Irish poetry. Awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1995, the poet was the author of multiple collections of verse, literary essays, and translations. Seamus Heaney is an outstanding creative individual; his uniqueness is reflected through his poetic language,...

The Racial Suffering of Indian Americans

Introduction The life of Indians living in the United States has never been easy due to racism that remained widespread several years after the country gained independence. In this story, the author brings out the kind of life that Indians led, the challenges they faced, their aspirations in life, and...

ā€œA Passage to Indiaā€ by Edward Morgan Forster

Topic One of the most obvious and frequently discussed features of the novel by E. M. Forster called “A Passage to India” is the issues of racism, judgments, and generalization based on nationality. Right after the novel first saw the world in 1924, it became the cause of passionate arguments...

The Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction It is necessary to mention that Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects an enormous percentage of the population in the United States. It would be appropriate to review peer-reviewed articles on this subject matter to get a better understanding of the topic. Definition PTSD can be...

The Wal-Mart Story of Success – Company Analysis

Summary of the Book Since the demise of Sam Walton in 1992, Wal-Mart has witnessed a significant transformation. The company has moved from dominating the retail industry to clinching the top slot in the list of the 500 largest companies in the world as enumerated by the Fortune Magazine. One...

“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Phillip Dick

Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel that covers Phillip Dickā€™s analysis of the human state and his pursuit to retire six androids. The story trails John Isidore based on a post-apocalyptic future. The movie Blade Runner assumes the same story line as the novel. The difference...

Infection Prevention and Educational Interventions

Introduction The problem of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) often contributes to deaths and high rates of infestations among patients during their hospital stays. According to the statistics on infection-associated deaths, mortality rates linked to CLABSIs can range from 5% to 35%, which points to the need to carefully choosing...

Critical Thinking and Overpopulation Problem

Introduction Human beings should embrace the power of critical thinking in order to address the issues affecting them. McDougall (2013) defines ā€œcritical thinking as a method whereby an individual takes charge of the inherent structures and embrace intellectual standards in order to improve the quality of his or her thinkingā€...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Malcolm X’s Ideologies

Introduction Nowadays, the principles of equality and tolerance are discovered as guiding concepts in modern society. It implies that every individual is treated with respect disregarding his/her race, gender, and ethnicity. Nonetheless, the situation was different in the past due to slavery and high levels of discrimination in the United...

Great War, US Participation, and Versailles Treaty

Introduction World War I was one of the most important wars in global history. The war led to the identification of world superpowers and showed how politics and economy are intertwined. Various reasons led to the start of the war. For instance, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the breaking...

Tanglewood Company Selection Decision Making

There is a variety of different methods of selecting the best candidates to hire. Among them there are clinical prediction, unit weighing, rational weighing and multiple hurdle selection procedure. Tanglewood leaders are searching for the optimized ways to reduce the costs of the recruitment and selection procedures and this is...

Telenursing Advantages and Disadvantages

Telenursing is the application of information technology and telecommunications in the nursing field with the sole objective of providing quality health services. Telenursing is common in cases where the nurse and the patient work remotely. The technology has become popular in a majority of the countries due to numerous reasons....

Tuberculosis, Health Determinants and Nurse’s Role

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and that is caused by a strain of bacterium knows as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primarily, it affects the lungs even though it can spread to other parts of the body including the brain, lungs, and the liver. There are two types...

Early Feature Films and Ethical Considerations

The culture of the 1910s and early 1920s and, in particular, cinema underwent crucial changes that were initially perceived with apprehension and mistrust. The transition from the one-reel movies to the so-called feature films consisting of multiple reels was steady yet noticeable. Along with a new format, feature films brought...

Diabetes Treatment: Computer-Based Intervention

Research Summary Self-management is an essential tool that contributes to the efficient treatment of diabetes because it reduces the risks of diabetes-related complications. However, productive self-management is inseparable from extensive and structured education programs. In some cases, they are connected to particular challenges because it is not always possible to...

Streetcar Boycotts in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson

Racial discrimination is a critical issue that has attracted the attention of the general public a long time ago and is still discussed by numerous professionals in such spheres as history and politics. Blair Kelley also revealed her interest in this topic. She wrote a book titled Right to Ride:...

Powerful States’ Influence on Poorer States

The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states; moreover, powerful nations can have a significant impact on other countries, as well as impose their will on them. In spite of the fact that globalization influences all states, powerful countries are...

Major Types of Depression

Introduction Having a continuous sense of exhaustion, feeling of sadness, and hopelessness are the key signs of clinical or major depression. This mood disorder is an illness; it makes one feel frustrated, angry, miserable, and apathetic. Such mood changes alter the daily life an individual quite a long and may...

Canadian Abortion Laws and Women’s Rights

Summary and Analysis of the Case The case Morgentaler v. Queen [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30 was tried in the Supreme Court of Canada from October 7-10, 1986, and the decision was made on January 28, 1988. In this case, 3 Doctors, Henry Morgentaler, Leslie Frank, and Robert Scott were challenging...

Cathay Pacific Company’s E-Procurement System

This recommends the implementation of e-procurement system (CXeBuy, namely) by Cathay Pacific due to the benefits that should be experienced by the company with the course of time. As the focus is made on the improvement of the purchasing process and capability, there is a necessity to develop an e-business...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Needs Analysis

Abstract The needs analysis plan is important to be developed in order to identify specific steps that are necessary for covering all the stages of the process and for collecting the specific information related to the selected organization. From this point, the effective needs analysis plan includes such steps as...

“Philosophy: The Power of Ideas” by Brooke and Kenneth

Explain and evaluate the Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman and reality Karma stands for ā€œactionā€ that leads to a number of outcomes, as a result of manā€™s desire for earthly things (Moore & Bruder 489). For example, Karma suggests that a noble action leads to happiness, whereas, an evil action...

Future of Nursing Report by Institute of Medicine

Work that Led to the IOM Report The collaboration between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) led to new insights that could be embraced to transform the healthcare of many American citizens. This work outlined the major barriers that were affecting the healthcare sector....

Health and Lifestyle in Russian Culture

The Cultural Norms of Communication Adopted in Russia Verbal, Non-Verbal Communication, and Touches For some reason, western countries consider Russian people to be grim and gloomy, down to the point where communication with Russians becomes uncomfortable and unpleasant, but it’s just a big misunderstanding. I think cultural norms of verbal...

Long-Term Care Financing in the United States

The United States is a country with a developed health care, to the success of which the American economy contributes significantly. Increased life expectancy of the population is the most important social change since the establishment of the social security system. In 1935, when the law on social insurance came...

American Women in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

American society encountered several changes. The changes included the gender equality issue. The author was one of the gender equality victims. Charlotte P. Gilmanā€™s The Yellow Wallpaper novel describes the plight of discriminated women during the 19th Century American period. Gilmanā€™s The Yellow Wallpaper is a feminist novel. The Gilman...

Copywriting Impacts on Small Businesses

Small businesses have distinct advantages that larger businesses may have sacrificed as they grew. Small businesses also have unique challenges. A major example is marketing. Ad copywriting, web content and maximizing relations with customers are all have higher stakes for a small business. Keep your smaller customer base and dependence...

Diamond as a Commodity

Origin Diamond is an important mineral resource. Diamond is one of the hardest minerals and enjoys the application in a variety of fields. The nature and value of a diamond make it a luxurious mineral. It is used in the making of jewelry and rings. Moreover, diamond is used in...

Nursing Practices in Iran

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world that causes thousands of deaths in different countries every year. Also, people might have various problems in their cardiovascular systems, skin ulcer, and other unfortunate outcomes due to the disease mentioned above. The research, which will be analyzed...

Aristotle Theory About Euthanasia – Ethics

Introduction I intend to explain the virtue theory from an Aristotelian perspective. In addition to the virtue theory, there exists the utilitarian and the deontology ethical theories that attempt to explain the wrongs and rights that human beings commit day by day. The ethical theories emphasize the virtues and vices...

Nursing Shortage and Turnover Management

Introduction A nursing shortage and turnover remain to be a serious problem for many American hospitals. Thousands of nurses are eager to leave their jobs in the next year after their graduation due to poor or unstable working conditions, long working hours, and the amount of work that has to...

American Neutrality and Contribution in the Great War

Introduction The Great War is an important event, which influenced the flow of the history Nonetheless, a combination of the factors such as the development of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism in Europe and establishment of the alliance system could be regarded as the critical drivers for the advancement of the...

Sickle Cell Disease and Family Involvement

Introduction The purpose of this case study is to provide analysis of sickle cell disease, investigate the involvement of family in making healthcare decisions, and determine the role of grants and FDA regulations in scientific and pharmaceutical advances. Sickle cell disease is considered as one of the most dangerous conditions...

Nurses Education and Development Opportunities

Maintaining knowledge, currency, and scholarships available to nurse educators Similar to other sectors, the nursing sector is constantly changing. Consequently, nurse educators have to work very hard to be up-to-date and remain relevant. The need to keep learning and advancing in the profession must be emphasized. Equally important is the...

Federally Qualified Health Center: Leadership Interview

Organizational Background Legacy is a ā€œfull-service, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that identifies unmet needs and gaps in health-related services and develops client-centered programs to address those needsā€ (Legacy Community Health, 2015). It exists since the end of 20th century in the Houston area and provides the clients with a...

Immigration in the US

Introduction The debate on whether to grant illegal immigrants in the United States amnesty or not, is very controversial. On the one hand, there are those who argue that illegal immigrants should not be granted amnesty. They maintain that there is need to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in...

Ethical, Legal, Multicultural Challenges in Crisis

Unfortunate events or occurrences affect the profitability and performance of organizations (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). Stakeholders expect their respective companies to have crisis management plans to tackle such events whenever they occur. A crisis that is not properly managed draws negative ideas or perceptions from different stakeholders such as...

What Is a Venturi and the Vena Contracta Zone?

Abstract This essay discusses the venturi and vena contracta zone. The vena contracta is explained as the narrowest central flow region in a jet found in the orifice of a regurgitant valve. It determines the fluid flow velocity. The vena contracta occupies less area as compared to the orifice owing...

British Literature: Heroism in Beowulf, Gawain and Viola

Beowulf, Gawain and Viola It is a common assumption that all heroic medieval literature presents heroism along the main characters to establish and develop their plot. However, there are certain values that the heroic characters must present to earn heroic status. These characters must portray heroic prowess that is presented...

The Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy

Describe how the auto industry might work differently if it were designed by the Dell Model The Ford motor company has existed since 1903 (Dornbach, Slade & Thorpe, 2009, p.4). It has had a series of success stories-revenues of more than 144 billion, operation in over 200 countries of the...

Self-Care Nursing Deficit Theory

Introduction The self-care deficit nursing theory was introduced by Dorothea Orem in 1971. The theory was based on the authorā€™s comprehensive experience in various fields of nursing and influenced by the existing theories at the time of writing. Its main premise is the leading role of the patientā€™s need for...

Tobacco Dependence Treatment in Inpatient Psychiatry

The following research critique is aimed at critically reviewing Prochaska et al.ā€™s quantitative study ā€œEfficacy of initiating tobacco dependence treatment in inpatient psychiatryā€ to determine its validity and thus assess its value for the nursing practitioners. The scientific rigor, minimization of research bias, and logical interpretation of the results are...

“Heritage: For Harold Jackman” by Countee Cullen

Paraphrase the poem The poem entitled ā€œHeritageā€ was written by Countee Cullen. The poet contemplates his origins and his present state. Cullen concludes that though he is civilized, he will still remember about his roots, and he will never forget the beauty and greatness of Africa, his motherland. Interestingly, it...

Defying Hitler: A Memoir by Sebastian Haffner

Introduction After the First World War, Germany was conquered, weak and helpless. Its Citizen were desperate and ready to trust that anything someone said, to get any step essential, and to ease them feeling of self denial and overpowered. Due to this, Adolph Hitler managed to rise into supremacy so...

Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory

Introduction Ethical theories have enabled human beings to assess whethethe r their actions and consequences of their actions are ethical or unethical. Human beings can assess their athe ctions basing on deontological theories and consequences of their actions basing onthe teleological theories. According to Immanuel Kant, deontological ethics perceives morality...

Medical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

The case study presents a medical dilemma. Joanne and Mike encounter a unique problem arising from their sonā€™s health condition. James has been diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis and is in need of a kidney transplant. Jamesā€™ physician suggests that immediate dialysis is needed to address his health needs. However, the...

The Trump Hotel Annual Report Analysis

Introduction Donald J. Trump started Trump hotels in 1997 as Trump and International Hotel and Tower in 1997. The hotel was a 52-story building used as residential. The other hotels opened later include Trump International Hotels and Tower Chicago, Trump International hotel Las Vegas, Trump International New York, Trump Ocean...

Level of Happiness in Terms of Regional Differences

Abstract This paper focuses on the level of happiness in terms of regional disparities and measurement. Happiness has become a critical concern in the contemporary world due to increased psychological and physiological disorders. As such, the paper develops a survey design to collect data on the statutory differences in happiness,...

Patient-Centered Care Teaching Exemplar

Patient Issue Thomas and Galla (2013) define patient-centered care as ā€œthe provision of care that is in accordance with the patientā€™s needs, values, and preferences while at the same time ensuring such attributes guide every clinical decisionā€ (p. 395). For very many years, physician-centered care has failed to improve the...

History of Cold War and War on Terror

The ā€˜War on Terrorā€™ appears to originate from the Cold War era. Cold War and ā€˜War on Terrorā€™ are similar in different ways, since the American protagonists created ā€˜War on Terrorā€™ as the core element of national politics, and enforce their manias on other countries. The strategies used in Cold...

Lā€™Oreal and Procter & Gamble Companies Financial Analysis

Introduction Procter and Gamble (PG) is a manufacturer of cosmetic products. Its products are mainly sold to wholesalers, retail stores, and grocery stores. PG’s floods ship brands include an assortment of beauty, health, and household care products. PG operates in the personal and household products industry. L’Oreal (LRCLY ) is...

Women Role in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The womenā€™s movement can be considered as a platform that transformed the womenā€™s lives in the long-run. There were so many changes that accompanied this movement. The main reason why the women during this time engaged in the formation of this movement was to fight for their rights in...

The History of Indus Valley Civilization

Introduction More than 5 thousand years ago during the Bronze age, when Egypt and Mesopotamia sprouted, great cities blossomed along the flood plains of the Indus and Saraswati Rivers in modern day Pakistan and India (Jonathan, 2002.p.116). Harappa was the first city to be excavated, hence the name Harappan civilization....

Problems Associated with Unhealthy Eating Among Children

Introduction Problems related to childhood obesity, diabetes and heart problems are among the few problems currently plaguing our nation’s children as a result of unhealthy eating habits. In an effort to stem the tidal wave of a growing health problem among the nationā€™s children the LEA (Local Education Authority) has...

Planets and Solar System

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidences to support the same. Besides, the paper explores unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the treatise...

Greek and Roman Interiors: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The Greek and Roman interior styles are commonly referred to as classical architecture. The Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by classical Greek style according to Greek history. However, they advanced their architecture so that they looked different from those of Greek. In fact, they created new architectural style. This...

The American Psychological Association Style

Criminal Justice is a government institution. It consists of many establishments and trainings merged into one big entity. All these institutions work together. In fact, Criminal Justice was founded to help with the provision of law. The sole duty of this system is to uphold law and order, solve crimes...

Dave Eggers and Clive Lewis’ Works Comparison

The establishment of values and beliefs is a popular motif in both children and adult literature. Despite the superficial differences in narrative and manner of delivery, these stories are usually similar in their core premise. The following paper compares two such works, Surprised by Joy and The Wild Things. Surprised...

The Micromanager by Bronwyn Fryer

While exploring and trying to explain the role of leadership and performance management, Jamail (2012) offers a fascinating and insightful look as to what should be regarded as micromanagement and which one should not. From his point of view, micromanagement is a contextual issueā€”it should be defined or looked upon...

Enron’s Corporate Culture and Ethics Failure

Organizational culture is a manner in which people in a company operate unconsciously and consciously in their daily activities (Flamholtz & Randle 2011). Through understanding the organizational culture, an institution can identify with the culture that prevails and supports essential programs within its workforce to accomplish the strategic objectives. Organizational...

Non-traditional Healthcare Practices: Can It Replace the Actual Medicine?

Introduction: Describing Three Non-traditional Healthcare Practices The three cultures that will be examined in this study will consist of the Filipino, Chinese and Finnish cultures. These were chosen based on how their nontraditional health practices significantly diverged from one another and how their cultures also had considerable differences as well....

Group Dynamics in Baseball

A human being is a social animal. Moreover, society tends to value people based on their relationships, so even those who do not crave a sense of belonging must form them in order to gain a positive image. Membership, such as belonging to a sports team, teaches an individual to...

Social Media Hindrance on Interpersonal Relationships

Social media has made communication between people in different regions very easy; however, it has altered offline interactions as many people are enveloped in social internet sites. The result has been a hindrance to good interpersonal relations as many users of social media lack the necessary skills for offline interactions....

Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed

Heroes The term ā€˜heroā€™ draws various definitions from across the world. As it would be observed, various communities across the world view heroism differently. This would have the meaning that, there are various reasons as to why one can be regarded as a hero or heroine in a particular community....

Princess Diana: Biography and Charity Work

Introduction A lot has been written about this lady, one of the most famous women of the 1990s. A lot of this has revolved around her life, her marriage to the royal family, her charity work, among other highlights of her life. Given this high profile focus on this lady,...

Exploitation and Minimum Pay

Minimum Wage The issue of exploitation is a major challenge in many societies. A minimum pay is the lowest monthly or daily remuneration that companies may pay their workers. My position is that every business should follow the best ethical principles. This approach will ensure ā€œevery organization provides what many...

General Motors Company’s Operational Effectiveness

Operational effectiveness, in general, refers to the way an organization sees the importance of operations in achieving strategic objectives and economic success. There are four stages of operational effectiveness, i.e. coming to a realization that processes are the key to high levels of performance and competitiveness. Organizations in stage 1...

Masterworks of 20th-Century Music

The concert included musical masterpieces of the 20th and 21st century. The first piece was ā€œSymphony #1 The Lord of the Ringsā€ (1987) by the Dutch composer Johan de Meij. The composer was born in 1953, and he is an artist of our modernity. The work was created at the...

Ventricular Septal Defect and Tetralogy Of Fallot

Ventricular septal defect (VSD) and tetralogy of Fallout are heart defects ailment. The defects result from a gap in the ventricular septum (Corno, 2009). The gap lets oxygenated blood to combine with the non-oxygenated blood in the heart chambers (Abdulla, 2011). The two defects affect the functioning of the heart...

Balance of Power Theory and Modern World Order

The modern world is characterized by a great deal of instability that can threaten the world order established after the Second World War. It becomes clear that the created paradigms are inefficient in meeting the challenges of the world that ceased to be two-pole over two decades ago. The issues...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pulmonary Immunity and Respiratory Infection Impacts

Major Points of the Article The article ā€œRespiratory Infection and the Impact of Pulmonary Immunity on Lung Health and Diseaseā€ offers useful ideas that can improve the health of many people. According to Mizgerd (2012, p. 824), ā€œpulmonary immunity defends the respiratory system from various diseases and microbesā€. This fact...

Public Health Initiative for Childhood Obesity

Introduction Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity (Ogden, Connor, Rivera, Dommarco, 2010). Overweight and obesity are leading risk factors for hypertension and diabetes....

Old Navyā€™s Online Video Promotional Strategy

Marketing The concept of online video promotion has allowed companies and organizations to fulfill their marketing objectives. Until recent times, organizations have had to rely on the experiences of marketing and promotional agencies or attend their online marketing seminars to comprehend how to create, manage, and even execute simple online...

Transitional Care Management Intervention

Transitional Care Management (TCM) is seen as an effective tool to decrease the rate of readmissions in patients with CHF. The TCM often involve some services provided within a month after the discharge but this period is rather long. This paper dwells upon an intervention that involves the provision of...

Nurses Political Activism Process Agenda

Introduction The American Nurses Association (ANA) supports various policies and agenda issues that affect the performance of nurse practitioners (NPs). The agency has several programs aimed at examining the implications of different priority trends and issues. The organization informs more nurses about the major issues and policies that have the...

Discharge Planning in Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of the lack of effective discharge planning, as practice shows, negatively affects patient outcomes and adversely influences recovery rates. As a solution to the issue, a special plan will be analyzed where the intervention model will be presented with its full justification and a description of all...

Dietary Habits of Students

Abstract The aspect of healthy eating among the students of a university is considered to be very influential nowadays. Many students are aware of the importance to eat properly and to avoid eating fast food. Wrong nutrition may cause several problems with health; this is why it is necessary to...

Moral Distress and Effects on Critical Care Nurses

Introduction Wiegand and Funk (2014) explored the moral distress experiences of nurses, the causes of such experiences, and the effects they had on nursesā€™ practice, attitude, and future decisions and actions. The research questions were, ā€œ(a) What situations caused moral distress for critical care nurses? (b) What were the consequences...

Drug Dependency and Behavioral Addictions

Introduction Drug addiction is a complex condition that includes a variety of aspects that create dependency in a person. Often such dependency may have highly negative consequences for both the person and their family. Non-drug addiction does not include dependency on a chemical from an outside source, but consequences of...

Hub and Spoke Routing Concepts

Introduction The airline industry in the United States has faced a number of regulations meant to increase profitability and efficiency among the airline companies. According to Bontekoning (2006), most of the United Statesā€™ airlines were forced to use the concept of point-to-point routing system where a plane has to fly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Festivals and Fairs: Function and Importance

Introduction Environmental festivals are becoming increasingly popular, and many countries that desire to create environmental awareness are turning to environmental festivals as a means of spreading environmental conservation messages and creating awareness with regards to the importance of resolving environmental problems. The Tbilisi conference on environmental education, held at Tbilisi,...

The Television Series “South Park” Analysis

Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media...

Impact of a Growing Elderly Population

Introduction One of the main challenges that most countries face in the contemporary economic setting is the increasing number of elderly people in the society. This group constitutes of retired workers and veterans aged 60 years and above (Morgan 16). According to experts, growing old is an inevitable process that...

Ventricular Septal Defect Concept

Introduction ā€œVSD (Ventricular Septal Defect)ā€ refers to a defect in the heart. VSD is characterized by one or more holes in the septal wall. This wall separates the two ventricles (right and left). On the other hand, ā€œToF (Tetralogy of Fallot)ā€ is a condition of the heart that occurs at...

Stress Factors: Work, Financial, Social Issues

Almost everyone experiences stress. When someone is stressed, it means that he or she feels worried and tense because of certain problems or difficulties. It is an inherent part of various activities and interactions. From evolution, stress is a natural and helpful response of our organism to a threat (Chrousos,...

Narcissism in Organizational Leadership

When an individual is extremely and inordinately interested with oneself, it is referred to as narcissism. Narcissistic persons are also egocentric and self cantered in nature. Narcissism is associated with a high level of smugness. It does matter how much theory is offered about what is good management and leadership....

Cultural Beliefs, Norms and Practices

Cultural Beliefs in Sweden: Cooperation There is hardly a single thing that is just as important to people as the sense of belonging and the search for the ideas that can help them in the process of self0identifiction. Luckily enough, when being a part of a certain culture, one is...

Hyundaiā€™s Branding and Marketing Strategies

Hyundai was recognized as one of the top spot terms based on corporate brand loyalty amongst American potential customers within automotive industry. Hyundai has improved over the years, migrating from cheap brand with cheaper quality to one of the most recognized loyalty based brand. Hyundaiā€™s Kia brand appeared as one...

Inborn and Trained Manager’s Skills

Being a good manager is a factor that goes beyond formal training and it requires a great deal of talent. In the context of the global business environment, good managers are required to have apt leadership abilities. The relationship between a manager and an employees is one of the most...

Charles Manson’s Antisocial Personality Disorder

Introduction Charles Manson was born in 1934, Ohio as Charles Maddox. In early childhood, Charles Manson lived with an alcoholic mother. Charles Mansonā€™s mother was not ready to provide quality care to her son, thereby leading to the development of a disadvantaged child (Sidner, 2015). As a single mother, Kathleen...

Latino, Black, White Families’ Heritage Assessment

Introduction Healthcare providers should be able to use different tools to diagnose, examine, and predict the health needs of their patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Since culture is a risk factor for health outcomes, practitioners must monitor the norms and practices associated with specific groups. The purpose of this paper...

Dilemmas in Hamlet and The Fall of the House of Usher

In the famous play of William Shakespeare Hamlet, the English poet tried to show the tragic image of a man who is trying to find answers to the eternal questions of life and death. The play focuses on vengeance and personal conflict of the main character. Likewise, an unnamed narrator...

Health Education Effects on Patients With Hypertension

Experience has proven that the patients diagnosed with hypertension do not always know the factors that influence high-blood pressure and what precautionary measures should be taken in order to avoid the increase of blood pressure. The paper reviews the related studies and suggests the combination of direct communication and modern...

Emergency Plan for the Midland Community Center

Introduction Disaster preparedness is a crucial element of the strategy facilitating the safety of a community. Despite the fact that some parts of the United States, such as Michigan, are less prone to disasters than the others, it is crucial that the maximum safety should be provided to every single...

Companies Ethics: Concepts and Cases

The Problem of Exploitation Many companies exploit their employees by paying them poorly. Some companies also fail to provide their employees with the best working conditions. The problems of exploitation and child labor are common in many countries. This situation explains why business firms should ensure every worker receives the...

The Debate Over Gun Control

Introduction Different countries have different opinions about gun control whereby some countries have strict gun control laws while others are liberal. The debate surrounding gun control has two differing sides: the pro-gun control and anti-gun control. Each of these sides bases its arguments on different reasons. Gun control debate touches...

Recycling of Materials

Introduction The challenge of waste disposal has affected both the developed and developing world for years. In urban areas, the situation is worse as more complex forms of garbage are being produced. The state is spending billions of dollars in its efforts to use modern forms of waste disposal, as...

Animal Liberation from Peter Singer’s View

In this paper I will explore Singerā€™s claim that our practice of farming non-human animals for human consumption involves systematic moral wrongdoing and that such attitude towards the creatures of the same species as humans is highly immoral because it is close to severe racism and sexism and can be...

IDEO Company’s Workforce Diversity

In recent years, diversity is considered as an important aspect of any business organization. The incorporation of diversity in terms of ideas, culture, and other critical elements has been given relevant emphasis in the world of business. IDEO Company is a renowned company with roots in Palo Alto, California. Although...

Bill Clinton’s Presidential Campaign

Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the United States of America. He was born William Jefferson Blythe III in the year 1946. He joined politics in the early 1970s where he first vied for the post of Congress in Arkansas which is his place of birth1. He was defeated...

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ā€œThe Fire Next Timeā€ a Book by James Baldwin

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Watson’s Theory for Oncology Intervention Project

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Are Anti-smoking Adverts Effective?

Background Information Smoking is responsible for over 440,000 deaths annually in the United States. A similar number of casualties occur in different parts of the world. Smoking is also ā€œassociated with different health problems such cancer, respiratory complications, and lung infectionsā€ (Ji, Xiong, Gilpin, & Biener, 2007, p. 34). Every...

Patient-Nurse Interpersonal Relations Theory

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Immigrant Children and Governmental Responsibility

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Print and Social Media in 2011 Egyptian Revolution

The Arab spring refers to the uprisings that took place in North Africa and the Middle East in the early 2010s. The revolution in Egypt took place in 2011 and led to the fall of the regime of President Hosni Mubarak (Alexander and Aouragh 891). Alalawi stresses that the major...

Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model

Introduction Sr. Callista Roy is now known to all individuals occupied in the sphere of nursing because she managed to contribute to it significantly. She is known as an outstanding theorist, researcher, and educator. However, in the middle of the 20th century, she was just a promising nursing student. Receiving...

A. Fadiman’s “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall”

Anne Fadiman, in her book The Spirit, Catches You and You Fall Down, tells the story of a child whom doctors and nurses treated from convulsions. The book revealed the conflict between the child’s parents and the health care specialists of a medical institution in the United States. This writing...

Nursing Professional Capstone and Practicum Course

After completing another course, students have gained specific nursing knowledge that they are intended to demonstrate in practice. This course was useful for understanding and grasping such material as health care delivery, health policy, economic models in nursing, and other useful information. The following paper will discuss and cover various...