James Horn’s “A Land as God Made It”

Introduction The book A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America written by James Horn, relate to the hardships that the early European colonizers faced in their pursuit of rich and flourishing civilizations.[1] The Europeans had traversed across the Pacific in search of wealth and new...

The Impact of the American Revolution on the French

Introduction The American Revolution erupted during the 18th century. The revolution was a political uprising, which brought together thirteen colonies in North America with the aim of fighting for liberation from the British who had colonized them. The American colonies were against the British authority over them especially British overseas...

The Umayyad-Hashemite Civil War and the Birth of the Sunni-Shiite Islamic Schism

Introduction According to the history of the Arab dynasties, Abd Manaf ibn Qusai was the ancestor of the Umayyad family, as well as, Prophet Muhammad. According to the history of the Arabs, “Muhammad descended from Abd Manaf through his son Hashim, while the Umayyad family descended from Abd Manaf via...

Health Information in Print and Digital Media

Introduction The media as tool of communication has become one of the most important source of information in the world today. For this reason, it ability to improve people’s health is evident around the globe. Even though some people are still skeptic of the use of media as a primary...

English for Specific Purposes in Aviation and Engineering

English for specific purposes in the aviation It is difficult to imagine such kind of activity where global standardized rules are needed more than in aviation. During air traffic control, a potential misunderstanding between pilots and ground staff can cause serious incidents. That is why an introduction to common language...

“The Portrait of a Lady” a Novel by Henry James

Introduction The Portrait of a Lady is one of Henry James’ best novels. In the book, James addresses the conflict between the spirit of independence and social norms. Throughout the book, James uses America and Europe as symbols of these qualities. Precisely, he uses America as a symbol of innocence...

Children Labor in Sweatshops

Introduction Contemporary discussions on global labor practices often feature sweatshops and child workforce. Opponents advocate for stricter regulations against the use of child labor in sweatshops (factories) run by multinational firms or outsourced to subcontractors in developing economies. On the other hand, economists contend that sweatshops help developing nations expand...

Animal Assistance Therapy in Palliative Care

Animal-Assisted Therapy Animal-assisted therapy is a type of therapy that employs animals for motivational and educational purposes, to facilitate treatment and improve social, emotional, or cognitive state of patients. However, there is also a number of scientific works pointing out the gaps in research concerning animal-assisted literature, which are made...

Culture and Values in Business Organizations

Abstract The existing concepts have proposed that organizational culture influences the capacity of a corporation to function in the global markets. In fact, most organizations have been unable to serve clients adequately based on the prevailing culture that inhibits the propensity of the workforce to generate and effectively use new...

2012′ by Roland Emmerich Film Analysis

One of the reasons why, along with representing an aesthetic value, some movies can also be considered as such that represent an unmistakably philosophical one, is that it is in the cinematography’s very nature to reflect what happened to be the essence of the affiliated socio-cultural discourse. That is, while...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparing Homeland Security Research Products

Analysis: NYPD Radicalization Report-Executive Summary The major goal of the research was to examine the al-Qaeda-inspired threat at the point where radicalization begins and to understand the specifics of the process of radicalization in order to prevent future attacks (Silber & Bhatt, 2007). Silber and Bhatt were eager to identify...

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in US

Introduction The government of the US plays a significant role in the American economy, which is the backbone of the country’s success and also has a role in the control of firms in the industry so as to check on the supply and pricing of commodities. It is responsible for...

Racism and Discrimination towards African-Americans

Introduction Racism and discrimination of the African-Americans in the United States of America have been a major issue that began way back during the colonial and slavery era. One would think that after such a long period of fighting for human rights and the changes made in the constitution to...

Acer Company Analysis: Marketing and Competition

Introduction Over the recent past, the global market has been characterized by a very high level of competition. This has been characterized by a very high level of competition. In particular, the market for computers and electronics, in general, has been increasing over time. This competition has increased as a...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Consumer Assessment

HCAHPS Earlier, it was difficult to measure the quality of service in most health centers, including Randall. However, the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) analysis has facilitated this process in these health centers. This approach is also known as the model that describes gaps between expectations...

Nursing Care Delivery Model

Introduction This paper discusses the nursing care delivery model, including advantages and disadvantages. In all aspects of nursing professional practices, there is a need to link good theory and best practices. Theories of nursing practices, which guide nursing care delivery models, offer explanatory frameworks to understand nursing practices within the...

Nigerian Democracy and National Economic Performance

The Relation It is hard to give a clear answer to whether democracy and economic growth are related to each other. Before analyzing this question, it is important to define the terms involved in this issue. Democracy is a system of government in which the people of the country choose...

Identification of a Nursing Care Model in Practice

Introduction Professional care models in nursing are numerous, but they all have a common goal: providing the best services for the patients and keeping a positive attitude of nurse professionals by organizing a satisfactory working environment (Finkelman and Kenner, 2013). Some of the traditional models are rarely employed in current...

Karl Marx Views on History

Introduction Marxism perspective is concerned with the ways in which the production of space and place is implicated in the reproduction of specific social reforms that happen in history. Marx believed that the present order must first be destroyed by revolution before a truly socialist could evolve. Marxist Theories of...

Perceptions about Relationships around Schooling

Schooling is the time when every student acquires precious learning and life experience. Thus, it is important to understand the impact teachers have throughout the formation of students’ personalities. The essential factors of forming mature personalities are relationships between teachers and administrators, teachers and students, and students and other students...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Apple’s Approach to Marketing Planning

Market plan Innovative contemporary technology has brought about a remarkable transformation in the mold of the modern day society. The spectacular and radical transformations that have occurred in the past few decades is indicative of the consequences of human endeavor to embark on countless new inventions and incessant search and...

Child and Family Welfare Agency’s Services

Obstacles to Accessing Services When people want to access any services across agencies, they may often encounter a range of different impediments. The main obstacles, when turning to agencies, are the inevitable bureaucracy and formalism, long processing times, and general scarcity of information on the services furnished by the agencies...

Assisted Suicide: Different Views

Introduction The debate surrounding whether to legalize assisted suicide, or not, rests with evaluating whether it is okay for physicians to help dying patients commit suicide, or not. There are conflicting views regarding this matter. While some people are against assisted suicide for religious reasons and because they are compassionate...

Reading & Technology. Curriculum & Assessment

Reading Fluency on Elementary Level and Technology It is impossible to underestimate the impact of technologies on our daily life. This topic is relevant because the digital revolution has provided us with different tools and activities that can make the problems that we need to solve easier and less challenging....

The Effect of Global Warming and the Future

Introduction Global warming can be described as the increasing average temperature of the oceans and atmosphere of the Earth which began to go-up in the late 19th century and it’s expected to keep rising (Simon 45). Ever since the early 20th century, the average surface temperature of the Earth has...

Evolution History and Scientific Discoveries

Evolution History Evolution is the theory that stipulates how changes occur among living organisms through the method that proves that all life is connected. From the time evolution was proposed, it has since been accepted, not as a theory, but as a fact. However, various theories are used to prove...

International Development, Colonialism, Social Inequality and Class Stratification

Colonialism This is the situation where a country extends its national sovereignty over land beyond its borders. This is by establishment of settler colonies or administrative representatives in which the native populations are ruled directly or relocated. The country that colonizes usually controls the resources, work force, and markets of...

Literature: “A Pyrenean Adventure” by G.R. Gleig

Introduction “A Pyrenean Adventure” is a short story by G.R. Gleig, which narrates the tale of one day experience of the protagonist- a nameless soldier in the British Army, assumingly the author, on the Pyrenean Mountains. This paper analyzes the aforementioned short story in terms of their literary genre and...

Heritage Assessment: Issues, Trends and Management

Heritage Assessment A heritage assessment is very useful for healthcare professionals because it provides them with an opportunity to find out a lot of health traditions that particular cultures have and then apply them to meet the needs of their customers (Kelly & Weber, 2013). As nurses are initially taught...

Broadway Café: M-Coupons Usage

Introduction The need for direct and targeted market communications has led to the increasing use of mobile phones to relay marketing messages. Due to its personal nature, the mobile phone provides an effective way of reaching customers (Dickinger & Kleijnen, 2008). The most common means of mobile marketing involves the...

Challenges in Planning and Managerial Decision-Making of Google

Introduction Every company or any institution has certain objectives for a fixed period to retain its competitive edge in the market. In order to attain those objectives, there must be some planning on how it is going to operate. This planning does not come handy unless and until it is...

The Communication Problems with the Email

Identify the communication problems with the email Communication is a sensitive issue because when one is saying or writing anything, the expectation is that the recipient will understand everything. It involves two or more parties but the basic ones are the sender and the receiver (Stuart, Sarow, & Stuart, 2007)....

Contract, Violations, and the UAE Federal Law

Contract Agreement The agreement is made between the Abu Dhabi Government (hereinafter ADG) and the Borat Construction Company (hereinafter BCC). The BCC agrees to build the project within two years from the day of signing the agreement. The ADG agrees to pay ten billion (10,000,000,000) AED upon the completion of...

Wells Fargo’s Work Processes and Key Employees

Introduction Wells Fargo is a successful organization in the Banking and Finance industry (Our strategy, 2016). However, specific issues such as competition and consolidation in the industry will definitely affect its performance in the future. In order to be prepared against these possibilities, the company should implement new work processes...

French Revolution as a Turning Point to Democracy

The events that took place in the late eighteenth century in France are known collectively as the French Revolution. These events are often cited as crucial for modern history and society. Despite being radical and revolutionary, both in scope and measures selected, they had the set of important political, social,...

Exposition Analysis: Maxine Hong Kingston’s “Tongue-Tied”

Exposition is an important part of the literary work which provides a reader with the necessary background information, clues, and important details which are essential to understand the author’s main idea supported in the text. In her essay “Tongue-Tied”, Maxine Hong Kingston intends to provide the complex background for her...

Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is an extreme fear of embarrassment or humiliation in human society or performing a work or role in situations and is usually described by avoidance of these situations. The fear is usually connected with marked anxiety and deterioration in several areas, including work, social life, and...

Leadership at the Workplace

Leadership is a very important skill that is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges, and the person who overcomes these challenges make a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation to...

Have “Three-Strikes” Laws been Effective and Should they be Continued?

Introduction Three Strikes Laws are legislation implemented by various states that aim at punishing offenders who commit the same crimes again. Kenneth (2000, p. 457-469) indicates that the significant of the law is to secure the society from those who repeatedly commit felonies that put the individuals at risk. Three...

Gay Marriage Should not be Legal

Introduction While marriage has traditionally been prescribed as a union between heterosexuals, there has been a shift towards giving marriage rights to homosexual couples. This change has been brought about by the prevalence of homosexuality in the society and the widespread acceptance of gay relations. While at the onset of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leadership in Nursing and Midwifery

Issue Definition and Description Removing the current barriers to practice is a crucial step in improving patient outcomes and the overall quality of the nursing services (McInnes, Peters, Bonney, & Halcomb, 2015). Despite the recent introduction of new policies allowing for efficient management of the existing limitations, a range of...

Gabriela Family Health Assessment

In the quest to understand the lifestyles of people living in the United States and ascertain their wellness needs, I developed a questionnaire attached at the appendix of this essay. Using the questionnaire, I collected data from a family that resides in the state of California. The questionnaire had a...

The Code of Ethics in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice

In any organization, the code of ethics is an extremely important document. The purpose of the code of ethics is to outline the core values to which the organization employees are expected to adhere during the working process. The code of ethics presents guidance for the ethically appropriate behaviors and...

Foam Dressings for Venous Leg Ulcers

Introduction The given paper is devoted to the investigation of treatment methods for venous leg ulcers (VLUs) focusing on foam dressings. The major advantage of this type of advanced dressing is that it is highly absorbent and, therefore, may reduce the risk for maceration of peri-ulcer skin and does not...

Internet and Interactive Media as an Advertising Tool

Introduction The Internet has replaced traditional methods of carrying out the business long ago. People started using it as a primary source of information, which is why it became an integral part of their marketing activities (Alonzo 2006). Internet and interactive media are now especially frequently used in e-commerce: “Consumers...

Russian-American Family Health Assessment

Family Description The family was interviewed for the purpose of completing this health family assessment is a Russian-American family, whose ancestors migrated to the USA in the early 20th century. The family is comprised of three people, which include the father (43 years old), the mother (40 years old), and...

Mackmurdo’s and Dresser’s 20th Century Design

Each period of development of our society is characterized by some unique phenomena which took place in the world of art. Ancient times gave the world wonderful shapes and forms of antiquity. Renaissance presented us with a constellation of artists which changed the whole image of art and created unique...

The Glass Menagerie and Portrait of a Girl in Glass

The Glass Menagerie was the first successful play written by Tennessee Williams in 1945. It brought the author great fame and success and alleviated him to the ranks of America’s most esteemed and regarded playwrights. This play introduced the genre of a “memory play” to the theater, characterized by the...

The Case of Native Women’s Association of Canada vs Canada

The case of Native Women’s Association of Canada v. Canada, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 627 came before the Canadian Supreme Court as a result of the Charlottetown Accord negotiations. The native people of Canada were widely represented by various interest groups and funded by the Canadian government. However, the Native Women’s...

The US Intelligence Community Role in Countering Terror Threats

The U.S. intelligence community is comprised of many agencies that integrate their efforts to fight crime and terror. Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States charged the Department of Homeland Security with the responsibility for ensuring that the nation was secured through the development of different lines of defense. Homeland...

History: Hitler’s Regime in Germany in the 1930’s

Introduction After the First World War, Germany was conquered, weak, and helpless. Its Citizen was desperate and ready to trust that anything someone said, to get any step essential, and to ease the feeling of self-denial and overpowered. Due to this, Adolph Hitler managed to rise into supremacy so smoothly...

Video Games: Negative or Positive Effects on Teenage Kids

Introduction Video gaming is a highly controversial issue. It is often argued that it is very harmful to the players, gives them nothing, and is plainly a waste of time. On the contrary, large numbers of people still play games very often and enjoy them much. Which opinion is true?...

Information Systems for Patient Education

Introduction Modern health policy functions in such a way that vital importance is given to patient education. It contributes to increasing the life expectancy of various medical institutions’ wards, improves the quality of care, and also reduces the cost of treatment. By teaching a patient, nurses help him or her...

Learning Features and Connecticut Teaching Standards

Impact of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Cultural Differences on Student Learning To a large extent individuals’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as inherent cognitive abilities, define their personalities, behaviors, and decision making. These factors also affect the process of learning across the lifespan. Therefore, every teacher must consider all possible...

Nurse Staffing: Job Satisfaction and Retention

Article Review Empirical and non-experimental studies play critical roles in the nursing practice and healthcare provision in general. As such, almost every element of evidence-based nursing practice is based on research. Most studies are published and are available in peer-reviewed journals as articles. This paper reviews an article by Hairr,...

Astronomy: Planets and Solar System

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidence to support the same. Besides, the paper explores the unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the...

Money and Politics in Healthcare Reform

What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the healthcare reform and why? Having initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met strong opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. The reform would be disadvantageous to these industries and made them lose revenue, and for this reason, they were...

Advanced Technology Investment Company: Problems and Decisions

Introduction Background of the Problem The effectiveness of the company’s strategic planning directly depends on the certain management style followed in the organisation. During a long period of time, the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) located in the UAE has been following the effective management strategies to contribute to the...

Racism Problem at Institutional and Interactional Levels

The question of racism has been opened in the United States of American during a long period of time. Despite numerous attempts that are taken to provide African-Americans with the same rights and possibilities as the Whites have, the problem cannot be solved because some new aspects and concerns take...

Health Sleep for Low-Income Youth Model

Introduction One of the vulnerable population categories with respect to healthy habits and behaviors is low-income youth. Young adults from 18 to 25 continue their studies at colleges and universities or have to work part-time or full-time to earn their living and pay for studies. However, they frequently lack time-management...

Wal-Mart’s Leadership in Crafting and Executing Strategy

Introduction The targeted organization for the exercise was Wal-Mart. This company was selected because it was associated with sustainable business strategies capable of fulfilling the emerging needs of more stakeholders. Wal-Mart’s primary products include apparel, beauty products, household appliances, jewelry, and electronics (Hill & Jones, 2013). This means that Wal-Mart...

Holistic Nursing Care’ Principles and Essentials

Principles and Essentials of Holistic Nursing Care Holistic nursing care refers to a patient as a whole. According to the principles of holistic nursing care, a nurse integrates self-care, responsibility, and spirituality based on such concepts as mind, spirit, body, emotion, and environment (Dossey & Keegan, 2016). A range of...

Deloitte Global Company’ Organizational Design Model

Executive Summary This study looks at Deloitte Global mode of organizational design. Deloitte Global and its affiliate firms within the Deloitte global network have adopted a combined organizational approach in its structure and functions. This structure involves a compromise mix of the other organizational design models as evidenced by the...

Information Technologies in Patient Education

Introduction Nowadays, information technology in the healthcare system provides the foundation for the future. The significance of modernization can be seen in retrospective by comparing healthcare provision now and thirty years ago. Most of these years were devoted to the development of computer technologies that improved patient care, whereas, for...

Indian Culture in the “Pather Panchali” Movie

The modern stage of the development of technologies and means of communication gives rise to a number of opportunities to obtain the new information and explore the new and unique culture. Any modern individual has the limitless access towards any data he/she needs. This fact promotes the interpenetration of various...

Biomedical Ethics Study in the Christian Narrative

Under the Christian narrative and Christian vision, what sorts of issues are most pressing in this case study? The case study at hand contains several controversial issues that can be called pressing if regarded in the context of the Christian narrative and Christian vision. However, generalization is not applicable here...

American and South Korean Business Cultures

Culture and environment affect institutions and their management in several ways. Technological advancements have allowed individuals from different cultures and backgrounds to work and communicate together. This experience appears to be both exciting to some and frustrating to the other. Some individuals find it hard to adjust to both the...

Becoming a Cat Owner

Introduction: Why Choosing a Pet-Related Topic There comes a time in every person’s life when they are ready to take their love to pets from watching adorable YouTube cat videos to the next step. Getting a pet cat might sound very easy – and, in fact, it is – but...

Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism: Concepts and Values

Introduction Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism all believe in nature gods. There doctrines revolve around things such as rain, oceans, sun, and other unique physical features. Shiva, Indra, Varuna, and Surya are the most important gods in these religious orientations. Even though Aryan is the religion, Brahmanism represents the sacrificial...

Burnout Syndrome in Professional Nurses

Introduction Burnout syndrome is a serious issue that negatively affects many workers in any profession, especially nurses. The syndrome is associated with a number of psychological distress forms, such as the sense of low personal fulfillment, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization (Dde, Magnago, Sakae, & Magajewski, 2009, p. 1559). To resolve...

Second Temple Judaism: Contradictions and Unity

The Second Temple Period of the Jewish history is characterized by three major crises the Jewish people struggled. They were caused by social, religious and political contradictions. The major sects, which are Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes were formed during this period. The beginning of the period is characterized by the...

Indonesia’s Potential Real Estate Bubble

Background information The Indonesian housing market is heading towards a burst. This reality has been necessitated by economic factors that are integral to its propagation. There are numerous similarities that are evident between the Indonesian case and the United States housing bubble in 2008. Several factors were responsible for the...

Friendship Concept in American and French Cultures

Introduction The United States has a complex culture that is characterized by historical developments since colonization era. The country is made up of various ethnic and racial groups, each with special cultural system. In an interview asking a native citizen and French migrant to give their views on friendships, it...

Cognitive Coaching Techniques and Behaviors

Abstract The paper provides an analysis of the case of Bonita with the focus on the coach’s work and his use of the best practices and cognitive coaching techniques. While working with Bonita, the coach adapts the strategies and practices that are usually known as the “best” ones. The effectiveness...

Rivalry and Competition in Italian Renaissance Art

Renaissance art refers to the sculptures, paintings, and decorative arts that were created during the Renaissance era in Europe. This type of art was introduced in the year 1400 and was considered as a monarchy of early traditions but later adapted to modern arts. With time, many people with artistic...

Importance of Envisioning Diversity in Organization

Abstract The current paper discusses the peculiarities of envisioning diversity and its understanding as an adaptive challenge. Many organizations try to consider different aspects to create appropriate working conditions, offer the best services, and demonstrate successful results. However, these companies cannot solve diversity-related problems in time and face several challenges....

Healthcare Revenue Management and Forecasting

Healthcare organizations (as any other organizations) have to manage their revenues to function properly. First, it is critical to take into account all types of revenue the healthcare facility under analysis receives. Langabeer and Helton (2015) state that there can be various sources of revenue when it comes to healthcare...

Collectivism and Individualism in Human Behaviour

Introduction Social constructs are useful in the study of human motives and behaviour. The constructs such as individualism and collectivism are essential as they form the basis of human character. While scholars use construals such as independence and interdependence to explain social constructs, the construals represent social constructs that determine...

Adoption of New Technology Systems: Rogers’ Theory

The present report outlines the use of Rogers’ (2003) theory during an upcoming meeting with a group of nurses that is aimed at facilitating the implementation of a new electronic health records system (EHR) in their hospital. The nurses are reported to be rather reluctant to adopt the new EHR,...

Dell Company’s Twitter: Tracking Word of Mouse

Abstract Dell is one of the biggest companies in the technology industry. It manufactures computers and computer accessories, as well as other technology related products. There has been a lot of news trending through various social media sites about the organization, its products, its business, sales, advertisement, and image, among...

Amending the Constitution of the U.S.

The Constitution of the U.S. is its supreme law, as it controls the whole country through its government. Thus, the power of the country is “divided into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial” so that it is balanced (Kozak, p. 206). It was adopted in 1787 and has been...

The ‘Black Other’ as the African Diaspora Experiences

Introduction Globalization trends which occurred in the nineteenth century have been perceived to have effects such as constitution and reconstitution of race. This is by transforming the world in an enormous dimension. As a result, there is a shift in the perception and meaning of skin color throughout the world...

Burdens’ Impact in “The Things They Carried” by O’Brien

Tim O’Brien’s short story “The things they carried” is a set of short pieces of narratives that tell the experiences of young American soldiers during and after the involvement in the Vietnam War. O’Brien took part in the Vietnam War in his early 20s. O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota...

Family Centered Services: Client Strengths and Resilience

This case was referred to Family Centered Services (FSC), FSC was asked to assist the mother in understanding the importance of setting boundaries and discipline her children. This case was assigned to this Student Intern for non-emergency services. The referral stated, “Client mother has a history of depression and is...

The Motherboard Structure and Analysis

Motherboard A motherboard refers to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which has an extended capacity. Today, it has become the most important component found nearly in all modern computers all over the world. As a holder, the motherboard acts as a major point of connection in which most of the...

“Hills Like White Elephants” a Story by Ernest Hemingway

“Hills Like White Elephant” by Ernest Hemingway is told mainly in the form of a conversation between the couple and even though the words are not actually said, it becomes obvious that the girl in the story is about to get an abortion. The main theme of the story centers...

Attack on Pearl Harbor and Power Balance Theory

The Second World War can be regarded as an illustration of people’s irresponsibility, ignorance, and vanity. Several nations tried to change the world order that had been established after World War I, and the only way to do that was to start even another war. Japan was one of the...

Diversity and Communication in Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Current nursing philosophies tend to place a specific issue at the helm of the nursing process, be it communication, knowledge management, identification of patients’ needs, etc. (McKenna, ‎Pajnkihar, ‎& Murphy, 2014). However, globalization as the continuous process of knowledge dissemination has reinvented the realm of nursing, hence the demand...

American School Uniforms and Academic Performance

The debate on whether or not school uniforms should be introduced in public schools has been raging for decades. There is no indication that this debate will come to close any time soon. In Northern America, wearing of school uniforms in public schools is disfavored as uniforms remain to be...

William Carlos Williams’ Poem “This Is Just To Say”

Communication is an important aspect with regard to human relations and interaction in social contexts. Through communication and interaction, people share and propagate ideas that ultimately portend influence on overall thresholds of discourse and engagement. It also offers an opportunity for individuals to relay feelings and emotions in a manner...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Wilson Company’s Marketing Mix

The market mix is described as the combination of the four main elements of marketing, which are the product, price, promotion, and place to meet a certain market need. The market mix model is usually used as a tool by many companies to define their marketing strategy to attempt and...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient’s Support Needs

Introduction Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most spread illnesses among the US population. Not only is this health condition dangerous, but it also may lead to rather serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and other severe conditions. Patients suffering from CKD have different types of...

General Mills and Meiji Holdings Companies Finance

Balance sheets Components of stockholders When financial analysts are assessing the performance of a business establishment, they evaluate stockholders’ equity, which is used to reflect the extent to which a firm earns money for its shareholders (Mongiello, 2009). General Mills is exemplified by the following elements of stockholders’ equity: common...

Alaska Airlines’ Technology and Customer Loyalty

Background Alaska Airlines is an organization that operates since the 1930s. I was considered to be one of the top ten largest American airlines at the end of the 20th century. The company is rather expanded and operates in 36 cities with the main hub in Seattle. Operating together with...

Processing and Information Systems Role in Supply Chain

Introduction With complexity in the nature of the environment in which business activities operate, it has become a necessity to integrate various aspects of technology in the operations with the main aim of attaining efficiency, effectiveness and economy as well as being at per with the competitive business world. Information...

Singhania and Partners’ Human Resource Strategy

Evaluation of the Singhania and Partners Strategy Singhania and Partners have a strong sense of context in their business strategy. The company is on the forefront of planning for change and adapting to it. Cases in point include opening a New York office to take care of the influx of...

Racism in the United States Judicial System

Abstract This literature review uses the retributive theory of punishment which explains the reasons behind the large number of imprisoned black American men. This incarceration has consequently led to the high prevalence of poverty among the black American community with women as the primary causalities. The retributive theory of punishment...

Zizzi’s Restaurant: Job Satisfaction and Behavior

Introduction Though the name “Zizzi Restaurant” may sound alien to any other resident of the United Kingdom, in South East England, the above-mentioned restaurant chain is quite famous for its Italian flavour and rather reasonable prices. The company has gained an impressive popularity among the target audience; however, a closer...

Delivery Methods on the Students’ Skills Acquisition

The research question for the study under analysis can be put in the following way: what are the key differences between the delivery methods on the students’ statistical skills acquisition between various courses? The statistical notation for the null hypothesis in the study (the supposition that the face-to-face delivery will...

Women’s Stress Caused by Social Networks

Social networks construct and reinforce normative conceptions of femininity and women’s appearance. According to O-Neill (2014), “young women and girls are under more pressure than ever before to look a certain way” (para. 1). Older women are not an exception to this rule. LĂłpez-GuimerĂ , Levine, SĂĄnchez-Carracedo, and Fauquet (2012) state...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Creation History

On December 15 2010, Time Magazine named Mark Zuckerberg the 2010 person of the year. The Magazine argued that the award served as recognition to Mark Zuckerberg’s power to shape the world (Bahareth 13). Zuckerberg is an extraordinary person who has not only changed the world but as well positively...

Language Acquisition Concept and Theories

Introduction One of the most important topics in cognitive studies is language acquisition. A number of theories have attempted to explore the different conceptualization of language as a fundamental uniqueness that separates humans from other animals and non-living things (Pinker& Bloom, 1990). Similarly, Pinker (1994) recognizes language as a vehicle...

Cultures in a Polish-U.S. Joint Venture

Introduction Cultural distance influences the efficacy of management approaches in different cultures. The differences affect aspects such as negotiations and conflict resolution, which form part of business processes such as mergers and acquisitions, and labor negotiations (Metcalf, Bird, Peterson, Shankarmahesh & Lituchy, 2007). This paper evaluates the differences in culture...

The Clayton County Library System Board Meeting

The History of Clayton County Library and Its Branches The Clayton County Library System which is located today in Clayton County was established in 1941 by the Jonesboro women’s group. The first visitors could find the building of the library in the South Main Street. The first library’s collection of...

Semiotics Theory and Signs in Designs

Introduction Semiotic is a theory that explains the application and results of signs and symbols in both artificial and natural language structures1. It tries to explain the origin of meaning rather than what the word or phrase means. The theory of semiotics assumes that the thing human beings suppose to...

“Everyday Use” a Book by Alice Walker

Everyday use is an allegorical story that intertwines the African heritage and the modern world practices. Written by Alice Walker the story focuses on the lives of the African Americans who struggle to keep the African legacy amid a world engrossed with diverse cultures. Therefore, the narrator struggles to reveal...

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Control and Prevention

Introduction Ever since its invention, the television has played an important role in the entertainment of people and families. This has been achieved by the programmes that are aired by various media houses. Due to this fact, televisions have developed to be one of the best forms of home entertainment...

Gendered Analysis of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”

The story of Henrietta is a classical example of how women are portrayed and thought of in the society. The portrayal of women on magazine covers is exemplary done by the author in her book cover. The author views Henrietta as a beautiful black woman. In fact, pundits argue that...

Discrimination and Human Rights Laws

What are rights? Rights refer to legal claims that enable a particular group or individuals to have access to a particular entitlement. They are protected under the law of justice, although they are not always willingly granted since sometimes a group or an individual has to fight for their rights...

Racial Preference in the Higher Learning Institutions

Title, author source, and date of the article The newspaper article entitled Colleges Seek New Paths to Diversity after Court Ruling was obtained from the New York Times edition dated 22nd day of April 2014. Tamar Lewin authored the article. Summary of main points in the article The article reports...

Incompatible Traditions and Communities

Karma is a theological concept that emphasize on living righteously (Moore & Bruder, 2011). This theological doctrine warns believers of consequences for actions and thoughts that are relived through reincarnation. Samsara describes the state of ignorance and assumptions of the current impressions. In this regard, the cycle of rebirth is...

Organ Donation in Pakistan

Reasons why organ donation is not supported by the society in Pakistan The problem of organ donation has been witnessed worldwide because even when a family member needs an organ transplant, the relatives are not willing to donate. There are many reasons that lead to that such as age, gender...

Telenursing: Nursing Practice in Cyberspace

Telenursing is one of the emerging nursing practices that involve the use of information technology to provide nursing services to patients without necessarily interacting with them physically. According to Soar, Swindell, and Tsang (2011), telenursing is an interesting practice that allows the nurses to reach out to patients who are...

Conversation Analysis: Social Action Structures

Conversation Analysis (CA) is the technique used to investigate and analyze the structures and processes of social interactions between human beings. CA is primarily focused on casual conversations but it also deals with the non-verbal forms of social interaction. CA’s research methodologies have evolved to include advanced forms of social...

Special Education in New York City

Introduction Every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, and disability, has the right to receive an education. Special education is a term used to describe the set of instructions that have been specially developed to meet the educational needs of children with disabilities. Individualized Education Program (IEP) defines the...

Hispanic Population With Heart Failure

Standardized Telephonic Case Management in a Hispanic Heart Failure Population The aim of conducting the research was to determine the effectiveness of a standardized telephonic protocol used as an intervention method for managing diseases. In this case, Riegel, Carlson, Glaser, Kopp and Romero (2012) focused on heart failure disease to...

Utilitarian Ethical Problems and the Utility Common Good Test

Utilitarianism is one of the theories of normative ethics claiming that the right course of action is the one that maximizes utility, meaning going for the decisions that capitalize on benefits while at the same time reducing the chances of suffering or the negative effects. Aristotle was one of the...

John Gillies’ Essay “Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque”

In the essay ‘Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque’, John Gillies analyzes Shakespeare’s play ‘Virginian Masque’ in reference to the historical events in South America’s around late 1600s. Specifically, he refers to the problems faced by new European settlers in the West Indies, their attempt to control the native tribes and the integration...

Causes of Civil War in the United States

The Civil War in the United States started in 1861 and lasted for four years claiming about 0.6 million of lives. The major players were the Southern States and Northern States (Henretta and Edwards 2). It is the tension that had characterized the country in past that triggered the American...

Five Priorities for Wisest Life: “The Odyssey” by Homer

The epic poem by Homer called “The Odyssey” is not only a fictional story full of mythological monsters, captivating adventures, and brave characters, it is also, in a way, a manual of moral behavior, advice for better decision making, description of the qualities that lead a person to happy life...

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Poems by William Carlos Williams

“The red wheelbarrow” and “This is just to say,” are excellent examples of imagery poetry. The poems create images in the reader’s mind, which convey the poet’s message. However, imagery poetry creates varied visions in people’s minds. As a result, readers would come up with a variety of analysis and...

Food Culture: Doughnut’s History, Marketing and Sociology

A doughnut, or as it is often called donut, is a kind of fried dough baked or pastry meal. The doughnut has become well-known and beloved in numerous countries and cooked in an assorted model. This sugary and delicious snack could be made at home; however, the most prominent favored...

The Power of Ideas – Philosophy

According to Heraclitus, everything is ceaselessly changing. In his argument, Heraclitus says, “all is fire”, which means that the only reality that exists is the reality of change. He argues that permanence does not exist, but it is an illusion. By using the phrase “all is fire”, the philosopher attempts...

Tia Chi Lessons for the Elderly

Overview Tia Chi is a famous Chinese exercise that is characterized by a number of health benefits for people of different age. The purpose of this beginners’ tutorial is to develop a list of helpful and informative tips about Tia Chi, its learning techniques, and its possible health effects on...

A Defense on Abortion: Ethical Issues

Abortion is considered the intended action to expel a fetus from the womb of a woman. The expulsion of a fetus leads to death, but scientists and societies argue that the intentional expulsion of a fetus is murder. Morally, abortion is illegal and not permitted by law in several states...

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Windshield Survey in Winchester: Health Resources

The relevant Windshield Survey has been conducted in Winchester. The city is situated in the north of Virginia State. According to the official figures, the population of Winchester makes 26,330 inhabitants most of which are English speaking people (Winchester, VA Demographics, 2013). The data collected in the survey allowed one...

Bipolar Disorder’ Symptoms and Treatments in Psychiatry

Introduction The bipolar disorder (BD) is an austere, cerebral illness that forces an individual to have highly unpredictable and intense sensations. The identification of the real cause of the bipolar condition is still under research. Although there are several effects associated with the basis of bipolar occurrences. People are suffering...

Veterans’ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: How a Game Can Help?

The game of Human versus Zombies has gained popularity in the recent past, and is very common in colleges and military camps. The game is designed to allow the participants to engage in combat that is similar to what takes place in the battlefields. The difference between this game and...

United States in the Great War

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Feminism: Losses and Victories

It goes without saying that the issues of gender equality are still on the agenda of the present-day world, even though the gender inequality was detected quite a while ago. Despite all the efforts of the world’s most prominent feminists, women still have to fight for their rights; however, it...

Tennessee Williams’ Play “A Streetcar Named Desire”

The mastery of a writer can make the readers sympathize for the characters’ destinies and their overcoming many difficulties in life according to the writer’s intentions but in spite of the traditional opinions and prevalent public’s visions. Blanche DuBois is the main character of Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named...

Mass Media Impacts on Personal Socialization

In the 21st century, the mass media has become an integral part of the day-to-day activities for human beings. Over the years, this sector has undergone considerable transformation to incorporate almost all aspects that people consider as important in their lives. The mass media has become a tool that defines...

Future of Nursing: the Institute of Medicine Report

Introduction The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing in cooperation with the Institute of Medicine has implemented extensive research that revealed challenges as well as opportunities of the future of nursing. The report provided contains valuable insights on the matter. According to this report, key...

Sea Dumping: Legal and Ethical Issues

The issue regarding the pollution of the environment seems to be significantly important to solve; otherwise, the society will be in a threat. The unlimited human activity has already influenced the surrounding. The negative impact resulted in climate change. One of the most dangerous factors that contribute to the problem...

Hispanic as a Vulnerable Population in the US

Introduction Vulnerable populations encompass racial and ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged, homeless, the elderly, those with HIV, as well as those with other chronic health conditions such as severe mental illnesses (“Vulnerable populations,” 2006). In addition, individuals in remote areas who encounter barriers while accessing healthcare services are part of vulnerable...

St. Patrick’s Nursing Home: the Recruitment of People

It is important to consider some factors when making plans for the recruitment of people to work at St. Patrick’s Nursing Home in order achieve the good results. According to Nazarko (2002, p. 112), the process of recruiting employees can be very complex at times. There are some factors that...

Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, and Congestive Heart Failure

Everyone looks forward to good health in life. However, it is important to note that one must also be able to manage his or her health status. There are very many serious health conditions. Anemia is one of the most serious diseases. The paper would cover the condition on Ms....

The Gay Human Rights: Harvey Milk Contributions

Abstract It is a struggle to achieve comprehensive gay human rights in any society. In this context, gay human rights have attracted conflicts over the years. The struggle for gay rights is traceable since 1924 and has since gained momentum due to increased public awareness and debate. This research paper...

“Our Town” a Play by Thornton Wilder

In his theatrical masterpiece, Our Town, Thornton Wilder dramatically focuses on three essential stages of human life, namely birth, marriage, and death. The first part of the play describes the daily lives of human people in a family or a community. The second act highlights the importance of relationships/companionship among...

The Lehman Bank: Irregularities and Cybercrimes

Henry Lehman had until recently been the head of one of the world’s largest and most successful investment bank. Now he was on the verge of bankruptcy and facing a damning criminal trial. He blamed his misfortune on two people in particular. A former employee of his bank named Paul...

Is Death Penalty Adequate?

The death penalty has always been a question of discussion. In my opinion, the death penalty is inadequate, as it leads to the punishment of not guilty people, feeling of insecurity, negative attitudes in the society, high volume of stress, cruelty of the execution process, and violation of ethical principles....

Delta Airlines Company’s Change Diagnosing

Company’s background Delta Airlines Inc. is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The corporation’s history indicates that it was established in the year 1924 in Macon, Georgia (Jones, 2013). Currently, the company is one of the fastest growing global airlines. Recent data indicate that the airline is a...

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology

Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to the understanding of their needs, the assessment of the problems that children at the specified age may have, and locating any possible issues in their development (Jasinski, 2012). Therefore, applying an appropriate tool for measuring children’s intelligence is crucial to...

Banner Healthcare Strategic Planning

Strategic planning to enable Banner Healthcare to serve citizens in the next decade Banner Healthcare is a health care facility in the United States of America. It is located in Phoenix, Arizona and operates over 25 hospitals across the country. It also operates several specialized facilities in the U.S. Banner...

Anemia and Cardiopyopathy Cases

Identifying the Type of Anemia Anemia comes in several key types depending on the speed of red blood cells production, the rates of hemoglobin, and the related factors. According to the existing nomenclature, there are thalassaemia, sickle cell anemia, pernicious anaemia, Fanconi anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia, aplastic anaemia, and haemolytic...

Moral Beliefs vs. Sympathies

We are all people who live in a society that has its particular rules and norms. Generally, we follow them to act decently and be accepted. No one questions the principles he/she was taught starting with the early childhood. Our parents claimed that this is right, and that is bad,...

Article of Confederation and the New Constitution

Introduction Even though the conservatives in historic America believed in the culture of a centralized system of governance, federalists and their associated allies believed in a system of effective citizen representation in all decision-making levels of governance. After a series of debates, arguments, and counter-arguments, the United States of America...

Using New Technology in Nursing Practice

In the 21st century, the nursing practice is characterized by the more complex character in comparison with the situation observed several decades ago. From this point, today the role of nursing practice in the society is changed with references to the new nurses’ functions and expanded nurses’ duties. In spite...

Prison Population and Healthcare Models in the USA

Introduction In essence, vulnerable populations are viewed and identified on three critical bases. Firstly, it can be used to refer to people whose options in life are overtly few due to the conditions in which the find themselves. Understandably, these conditions might be either natural or artificially encountered. Secondly, they...