US Prisons Review and Recidivism Prevention

There will always be offenders in any given society however organized the said society could be. This necessitates the establishment of places where such individuals can be isolated from other people and helped to reform their characters and show what is wrong and what is right. This is what has...

How Inclusive Learning Affects Other Students

Identification of the Research Problem Educational philosophers and researchers have often mentioned that the term inclusion challenges people’s unexamined concepts of what is common and normal. In the field of education, inclusion means that all students with mental, physical and thinking disabilities are placed in the slightest restraining learning environment....

Teaching Communication Skills for Students with Autism

Introduction In recent years, peer tutoring has been widely adopted as a method of helping children with autism disorders to develop basic communication skills. As the name suggests, in peer-tutoring, use is made of peer mates to help a targeted learner develop necessary skills. Therefore, through games and other forms...

Shakespeare as the Genius of European and World Literature

Shakespeare is the legend of all world literature and the leader among English Renaissance literature. He was a gifted man of the people who came to the capital and in a few years became the largest literary and theatrical value. He made a new impact in the knowledge of reality,...

Rome from 140 BCE to the Reign of Octavian

Numerous events took place in Rome between 140 BCE and the time Octavian. These events are political, social, economical and cultural. The leaders who ruled Rome during this period are mainly responsible for the changes that took place during this time. The most outstanding personalities in this period include Tiberius...

Concept of Geriatric Dehydration

Abstract Dehydration is a common health care problem in geriatric patients. The complexity of socio-medical problems and the interaction of risk factors add to the problem. An understanding of the problem volume, pathophysiology, and diagnosis, should enable the geriatric nurse to design and implement an individualized intervention plan. The aim...

Writing About the Past

When it comes to discussing the representations of the past in the works of literature, many critics assume that how authors go about retelling their memories simply reflects the creative subtleties of their psyche. And, it goes without saying, of course, that addressing the subject matter from this perspective would...

Social Marketing Campaigns Study Evaluation

Introduction Qualitative research is a form of research that involves description. It seeks to describe and analyze the culture and behavior of humans and their groups from the point of view of those being studied. Qualitative research utilizes the natural setting, for instance a classroom and not a laboratory (Maximiano,...

Recycling of Materials: Entrepreneurship Assignment

Recycling of materials has been a very crucial part of our economic activities. It forms a part of the national income and also secures jobs for some individuals within the economy. Recycling itself involves the transformation of the already used products in other useful products that can be sold for...

Changes in E-Business Patterns During the Recession

Introduction As a result of the increasing technology across the world, e-business strategy among individuals and organizations through e-commerce has been found quite useful. As a result of establishment of online communication channels among businesses and their customers, creation and facilitation of business transactions among business organizations and their customers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Scribes and Pharisees Once Christ Was Crucified

Introduction Literary critics have often described the fact that Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall restrains the world’s best-selling literature. Sarah Lawall introduces each writer and their works with a detailed biography, background description, and critical analysis. The Scribes and Pharisees in Bible have often been considered as the...

Confucian Ethics and Authority in Chinese History

The Chinese history can be traced back to several thousand years. It is known to have been entwined among various dynasties that contributed differently to the development of the Chinese political, social and cultural standards. It is during this period of ruling by the different dynasties, that there emerged a...

John Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud” Poem Analysis

John Donne is often considered as one of the most remarkable literary figures of the Elizabethan age. ‘Death Be Not Proud’ is regarded as his most widely accepted religious poem. A closer examination and analysis of his religious poems reveals that Donne broke away from the conventional Elizabethan traditions and...

Made Ground’s Characteristics

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to categorize and classify the different forms of the made grounds. As made grounds are a category of the artificial man-made ground, the paper first delineates the different areas of the artificial ground and how the made ground can further be classified....

Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department

PICOT Question In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer (P), does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in the emergency department (I) as compared to patients who receive usual care (C), reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (O) on day 3...

Gender in The Great Gatsby & The Yellow Wallpaper

The focal point of the paper is to explore the Male-Female Relationships in The Great Gatsby by the noted American author of the post first world war era F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Yellow Wallpaper by American short story writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The complexities of men and women in...

Globalization Negative Effects on Canadian Labour Union

Like in other countries, workers in Canada formed unions that would enable them to have a uniform voice when addressing issues relating to conditions of their places of work or other issues concerning their rights. When globalization was introduced in the country, it had positive as well as negative impacts...

Intersect Investments Company’s Gap Analysis

Introduction The financial world has been in constant shock since the events of September 11, 2001. Companies have been struggling to keep their market position, or at least, not lose much of it. The company we are going to talk about, Intersect Investments, is a finance company that deals with...

Discourse in Language Teaching: The Genre of Letter

Introduction This paper suggests an example of genre analysis, which can be considered as a tool for investigating genre systems and teaching discursive competence. Genre analysis is an example of metadiscourse. “…metadiscourse provides a link between texts and cultures” (Hyland 58). Genre analysis is important for writing instructions because it...

Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types

Introduction A social problem is a condition considered by some members who live in a particular community as being undesirable. The big population generally agrees about some social problems, such as murders and robbery. Other social problems are viewed differently, dependent on the different groups of people in a society...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparison of Pieces: Baroque, Classical and Romantic

Over the centuries, the popular music changed, partly as cultures changed, as new instruments were invented and as the ability to manipulate musical patterns developed and became more and more sophisticated. Some of the earliest periods are sharply defined, because the changes which created them were major, The Baroque period...

Are There Limits to What Should Be Questioned? Philosophical Questions

Questions are usually used by many people to set the base for an inquiry. Therefore, any constructive conversation must contain some questions. This piece of work therefore tries to explain whether limits should be put to what should be questioned or not. Philosophy is a discipline that is characterized by...

Ho Chi Minh: Life and Contribution to History

Introduction The independence of Vietnam could not have been possible without the great effort of Ho Chi Minh. He is regarded as a great man in Vietnam because it is through his organization, skills, dedication, effort, and the great sacrifice that the people of the Republic of Vietnam are today...

Criminal Justice in America and Its Components

Mention of the phrase criminal justice evokes the image of a violator, police, the court and prison or a crime. Criminal Justice entails a system of practices and institutions of government that prevent and act on crime by way of imposing discipline on offenders with penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The...

The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime

Introduction There exists much research exploration into the relations between crack cocaine and heroin and the commitment of felony. Nonetheless, there has not been much research into the links between crack, heroin and cocaine and the commitment of avenue law-breakings. In this essay, evidence is drawn on the investigative substantiation...

Gender & Politics in Post- Modernist Society

Introduction The idea of gender and politics has been taken as an important aspect for analysis in the recent past. Society has all along treated women to be apolitical, creating a scenario where men dominate the political scene, leaving little opportunity for the former. In many literary works, it has...

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic-depression. It is a kind of illness that affects the brain causing unusual changes in mood, levels of activities, the state of energy and the capability to handle the daily tasks. It has severe symptoms which are very different from usual on...

“The Green Mile” by Frank Darabont

The current essay is aimed to analyze the psychological background of the movie by Frank Darabont, based on Stephen King’s novel with the same name. The story tells about the people who appeared in Louisiana’s Cold Mountain Penitentiary, in the domain of sentenced to death criminals. This domain was called...

Jacqueline Blake Forensic Fraud

Introduction Jacqueline Blake studied at Benedict College, Columbia in South Carolina where she earned a Bachelor’s of science degree in Biology. After she completed her studies at the college, she got employment with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the DNAUI unit on 8 August 1988. She joined the...

Business and Multinational Companies Internationalization

Introduction Analyzing international business in general, it can be stated that at the advent of the 21st century it became such a universal and pervasive phenomenon of modern civilization that it is practically impossible to provide an unambiguous definition of what it stands for. Attempting to reach a constructive definition,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Working as a Sports Agent: A Successful Career

The aim of achieving a prominent job position is not an easy one to attain. A person who wants to become successful in his occupation should be a skilled tactician who is able to analyze all factors that will influence his/her career advancement at every stage. This will ensure maximization...

The Effects of Sanctions and Embargoes on the Iranian Culture and Economy

If there is one country that has been a victim of trade embargos and sanctions, it is Iran. The tense relationship between Iran and the United States of America dates back to the seventies during the reign of Shah and the US has been imposing trade embargos and sanctions on...

Saint Aelred of Rievaulx Contribution to the Western World

Introduction Saint Aelred is considered to be one of the most notable figures in history whose works had a significant influence on western culture. Aelred was born in Hexham in 1109. His father who was a married priest, send him to the court of King David I of Scotland where...

Violence in the Middle East

Introduction The headlines in both print and electronic media from the Middle East are becoming more and more brutal each day. As more individuals die, the growing loops of vengeance and guilt grow harder to disentangle. Violence is typically defined as an act of aggression against persons who resist the...

Education: Impacts of Societal Forces

Introduction School improvement plans involve goals and activities designed to improve students’ performance. The plan consists of steps on how the set goal and objectives will be achieved and the inputs of all stakeholders. A society is made up of a population with varied competence, nationalities and cultural heritage. Due...

Love: An Exploration of the Ways of Loving

The indispensable issue to be investigated is the analyses and comparison of “love”. Writing on this topic Henry Finck stated that: “Anything said about love that pleases is always correct, love also lives in an infinite mixture of forms and shades which however makes it a tissue of paradoxes. (p1)...

Existentialism as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction “The primary purpose of philosophical analysis is to examine meaning and to develop theories of meaning” (Kaufmann 59). It is hence the purpose of this paper to discuss the topic of Existentialism. This paper analyses Existentialism, its definition, origins, concepts and early pioneers who helped shape this philosophy into...

The Middle Adulthood: Developmental Theories

Middle adulthood is the stage of development between my 35 to 45 years and is normally exited between the ages of 55 and 65. Between the ages of 35-65, people experience a great deal of changes in their lifestyle; their careers, finances, marriage and leisure activities (Wrightsman, 2002, p 178)....

R. W. Emerson and N. Hawthorne: Human Nature

Introduction People are different with a view to their intellect and abilities, features and appearance, beliefs and views. Some people have good intentions and make good actions; other people do not seem to be good at all. Nevertheless, good and bad actions and even thoughts can be argued; it is...

The Influence of the West on Politics and War at Different Times

England Rise to Power England is part of the larger United Kingdom, bordering Wales to the west, Irish Sea to the northwest, Scotland to the north English Channel to the south, and North Sea to the east. The central and southern Great Britain Island, located in the North Atlantic form...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Work Practice: Work Experience and Career Development

Achieving the best in life and a career that is successful is the dream of every career minded person. In social work, however, changing the lives of people gives satisfaction to the worker. This means that properly worked out plans and commitment is necessary whenever any work is being done....

“Economic Sophism” by Frederic Bastiat. Book Reviev

The book “Economic sophism” was published around 1840 in the then language, and the translator tried to maintain the weight of the meaning of the then language. The book is an attempt to refute the contentions raised against the implementation of free trade targeted towards the ideas of the protectionists;...

The Music Industry Versus the Internet: Mp3 and Other Cyber Wars

Introduction Some issues need to be discussed in relation to MP3 and other Cyber related wars. Music is a foremost fabric that reaches its audience through many forms. Nonetheless, Mp3 is one of the forms. However, there are debatable concerns about consumption, distribution, revolution, copyright, promotion, and economic perceptive from...

Controversy About Global Warming: Skepticism and Reality

Introduction Global warming is a process that heats up the earth’s surface. The activities on earth’s surface produce green house gases, which entrap light and heat from the sun causing temperature of the earth surface to increase. The green house gases include nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide....

Theoretical Thinking and Analytical Understanding of the Visual Culture

Introduction This is an academic subject that involves a combination of art history, cultural studies, and philosophy with a focus on aspects of culture that depend on the visual media. It does so by placing focus on aspects of culture that rely on visual images (Barnard 2001, p. 65). Visual...

Locke’s Empiricism: The Logic Behind Ideas

For years, philosophers have pondered the issue of the intellect and the conceptualization of ideas. Locke’s view on the ‘idea’ itself centers on the fact that he made no distinction between the intellect and the imagination. Therefore, Locke stood to believe that the idea was a sensory image which is...

Media and Its Impact on the Audience

Consumerism is the concept of marketing developed in the 20th century by social economists and marketing managers to encourage high consumption of commodities through intensive marketing by investing in advertisement (Stuart 88). Since they were first used, product advertisements are designed to arouse consumers’ desire. In this case, the goal...

Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed to Adopt Children?

Introduction Emboldened by increasing global recognition of their sexual orientation, gays and lesbians’ latest venture into obtaining more rights has moved them into the arena of parenthood. They have done this by adopting one of three methods: firstly, they bring with them children from earlier relationships; secondly, they take the...

Major Depression Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Identifying a disorder is the main challenge in giving assistance to mental health patients. A therapist must be able to identify the disorder their patients suffer from in order to give the most appropriate intervention. Many disorders have conflicting symptoms that make it challenging to identify a disorder. Although...

Germany After the “Zero Hour” of 1945

Introduction The Second World War, fortunately for the whole world, ended in favor of the Soviet Union and resulted in the complete failure of the Nazi regime in Germany and the suicide of Hitler with who the age of horror and totalitarianism ended happily. But the fact was the despite...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Media and Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism

Introduction Mass media can be defined as the print and the electronic means by which communication takes place. It is through it that information is passed to different groups of people in society. Mass media plays a significant role in shaping and informing society in every nation. The media surveys...

Youth Violence: The Columbine High School Case

Introduction Violence is a difficult term to define. However, it is a widespread vice which may take diverse meanings in different circumstances. In institutions of learning, the definition embraced by the management is significant in shaping the action that the educators take against behaviours regarded as violent. In general violence...

Socrates in Aristotle’s and Plato’s Works

Thesis Statement Discussion Socrates’s decision of investigating piety was prudent and necessary. He was a wise philosopher who enlightened the citizenry against unjust laws and traditions which tend to be oppressive. He was charged, convicted, and condemned on the charge of impiety. Impiety charge had three specifications depicting Socrates’s thoughts:...

Could 7/7 Have Been Prevented?

Introduction The critical analysis of the findings that can be observed in Part C of the Review of the Intelligence on the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005 (Rai, 2006, p. 11) by the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) should be started by the consideration of the background of...

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction According to Anonymous (Anxiety disorders, 2010), anxiety refers to a human reaction that is natural which involves both the body and mind. It is an alarm system that undergoes activation every time an individual perceives a threat or danger. At the time there is a reaction of the body...

‘Girl With a Pearl Earring’ and ‘Girl With a Wine Glass’ by Vermeer

Introduction The paintings ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ and ‘Girl with a wine glass’ are examples of the most famous works of Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. The ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ is believed to be one of his most brilliant works. In addition to this, it is widely believed...

How Democracy Was Born?

Introduction Since ancient times, democracy has been considered a favorable way of ruling which permits freedom and participation in state of affairs by all citizens. Still, within it conflicts of interest are neither eliminated nor stilled. They are rather transferred to a different battleground and the contenders are supplied with...

Theory and What Managers Do in Practice

Introduction There is a plethora of organizational theories and researches which have been and are still being conducted. An extensive number of academic research and theories are being published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals year after year. But there is evidence through these scholarly researches which shows that increasingly managers choose...

The Employee Training Program

The environment is an important aspect of the educational process, as it influences the whole learning abilities of the staff (Burke, 2007). The economic and political changes have a direct relation to the educational level of employees that should be constantly developed (Hauer and Daniels, 2008). I currently work for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Inuit Art: The “First Goose of the Spring” by Houmak

Introduction to eskimo art In the words of the renowned folklorist Henry Glassie, “All art is an individual’s expression of culture. Cultures differ, so art looks different” (Rafferty 78). This is essentially true in the case of the Eskimo art which has captured the world’s imagination by virtue of its...

Rosa Parks: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction Rosa Lousie McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 to October 27, 2005) has been described as the “Mother of the Modern-day Civil Rights Movement,” in the United States of America (Parks). She had selflessly dedicated her entire lifetime for the cause of underprivileged and segregated colored sections of this country....

Locke and Descartes: Personal Identity

The views on personal identity among different philosophers have always differed. Locke and Descartes are two philosophers whose views on this issue are especially interesting to compare. Locke believed in the presence of the physical body and its relevance for the personal identity, whereas Descartes kept to an idea that...

Citizen Journalism vs. Journalism and Technologies

With the rapid development of modern technologies and shifts in categories and roles a new term ‘citizen journalism’ has appeared. According to the new broadened concepts of journalism and news Twitter provides an opportunity to fulfill the roles of citizen journalists in the democratic society. The term ‘citizen journalism’ involves...

An Injured Player’s Psychological Interview

Introduction Description of the injury John twenty-two years old rugby player got injured while in his first year in college. He landed himself badly on his shoulder thus causing the joint in the shoulder to separate. The injury separated his Acromio Clavicle (AC) joint from the shoulder. Description of the...

Interior Design and Respective Skills

Scholars have not agreed with the definition of such a term of interior design because this field of human activities comprises several elements like art, engineering, psychology, ecology, etc (Gibbs, 2005). Thus, many students, who have chosen this profession, are occasionally unaware of those difficulties that they will have to...

Instructional Strategies in Computer Education

Information communication technology has a great impact on the current teaching and learning process. The rapid growth of web-based instruction has raised concern about the quality of online courses new instructional strategies are emerging due to the growth in technology. One of the most important prerequisites of computer education is...

Psychological Perspectives of Behaviorism

Psychological perspectives have been changing as the psychological field progresses, however, few perspectives are integral to the field of psychology and they have therefore remained relevant even in modern psychological theory. John Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward Tolman are psychological theorists whose theories continue to provide foundations for the development...

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Daydreaming? Getting lost for a moment when doing a certain task? Being absorbed in one’s thoughts and forgetting the rest of the world for a moment? These are most common examples of what we call mild dissociation and it is just a normal experience for any person at some...

Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

Abstract The Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development is a context that explains the role of ecology on our growth and development. The theory projects how resiliency and other factors prompting our development mentally. The incorporation of resiliency as a subject in learning theories based on societal contexts is an important...

Pro-Abortion Ethics Case and Argument

Introduction Abortion is a term used to refer to pregnancy termination. The abortion process involves the removal of the fetus from the uterus. Abortion can be aided or it can occur spontaneously following pregnancy or health complications of a pregnant woman. Spontaneous abortion is medically termed as a miscarriage; while...

US News Coverage on Three Major Networks: CNN, FOX and MSNBC

I consistently view news programs on three networks: CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. The one I use most often is MSNBC because I like two of the political shows and one news show on that network: Countdown with Keith Oberman, the Rachel Maddow Show and Morning Joe. I do not often...

Divorce: Rates and Effects on Teenagers

Introduction Divorce refers to the dissolution of marriage through legal means (Theu 2). In any divorce case there are various duties that the divorcing parties must stream line so as to have the divorce process completed. These responsibilities include taking care of the children as well as sharing property. In...

The Colon Cancer: Main Aspects

Introduction Colon cancer is characterized by cancerous growth of tumor in the colon. The growths are benign but can progress into cancer as time progresses. Colonoscopy is normally used to diagnose colon cancer found in specific regions. Surgery can be used as a curative measure for invasive cancers. When invasive...

Nanotechnology in Modern Life

Introduction Indeed, there is no clear definition of the term ‘nanotechnology’. At the moment, the very existence of nanomaterial and nanotechnology is a variety of opinions, attitudes and creates myths. One of the most popular explanations for the ordinary inhabitants is as follows: nanotechnology is a technology for manipulating matter...

“The Worst Hard Time” by Timothy Egan

National Enterprise Reporter Timothy Egan is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and the author of five successful books. His books include masterpieces such as The Good Rain and Lasso the Wind. The worst hard time is a story that centers on the people who were present in America’s high plains in...

Israeli Culture and its Diversity

History of the Israeli culture The history of the Israeli culture dates back to the period between 1750 and 1280 B.C.E when the Israelites were held captives in Egypt. After the end of this period they were driven out of the land of Egypt by Moses who died within the...

“Lineage” by Margaret Walker

Margaret Walker was an African American poet and writer who wrote on a level comparable to such well-known names as yesterday’s Langston Hughes or today’s Gwendolyn Brooks, but her name is often not recognized outside of academic circles. Coming out of the oppressed South into the North for her university...

Facing East From Indian Country by Daniel Richter

Introduction Facing East from Indian Country by Daniel Richter is not the first book written about the Native Americans. A number of other researchers spent their lives trying to identify what the Indian’s New World was like. As far as Richter’s book is concerned, it can be definitely stated that...

“The Hero With a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell

A hero strikes one as an individual whose personal attributes elicit admiration both before and after their death. Mythology presents a hero as one with great strength and courage, one who is widely celebrated for bold exploits. Making such a unique character entails a process as Joseph has explained in...

Neurobiology in Human Social Behavior

Introduction Different individuals expose different but selective social and Sexual attraction behaviors (Mackey, 2003). Individuals acquire these social manners as they grow and develop, and go a long way in determining the individual’s conduct, attitude, and choices in life. Sexually, monogamy and bi parenting are still dominant in many societies....

Policy, Ownership, Professionalism, and Technology

It is common knowledge that mass media has a strong influence on the way of thinking and behavior of people. Modern radio and television can provide the audience with any possible information about the country’s development and contribute significantly to people’s education and self-development. Most of people do not even...

Future Measures for Wildfire Protection

Introduction For many years, wildfire has been a major threat to the United States. Many fatalities and injuries have resulted from this problem. In the last decade, about seventy-seven firefighters and twenty-three civilians perished with over half a million citizens being left homeless as a result of wildfire. Some of...

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co: Company Analysis

Treating the organizational setting and its leadership challenges as a unidimensional system based on differing levels of hierarchical or functional responsibility does not reflect the divergence of leadership behaviors that exist or the skills needed to demonstrate potential for new environments. Cycle time, life stage, and cultural conditions warrant examining...

How Democratic Is the American Constitution?

Constitution is a government agreement whereby it obtains full authority from the governed. It defines the composition of the government, the purpose of the government, and the authorities of each government department. In addition, the relationship between the states, the public, how the government institutions are related to each other,...

Synoptic Gospel: The Books of Mathew, Luke and Mark

Introduction Synoptic gospel is the term used in reference to the books in the bible whose content and explanations are almost similar. In this case, the four books of the New Testament that constitute the synoptic gospel are those written by Mathew, Luke, and Mark. The book of Mark is...

Myth About the Selkies Narrates About the Seal People

The Ireland is a country of ancient myths and traditions whose magical stories are emotional and appealing. Those narrations are always a mixture of love and hate, sufferings and pleasure, joy and grief. The myth about the Selkies narrates about the seal people who have all the qualities of the...

“Frederic Chopin: A Guide to Research” by W. Smialek

Introduction Music is one of the finest art forms that the mankind has ever created. It allows people express their emotions and reflect the whole beauty of the surrounding world. However, research in music would be impossible without another art form – literature. In this paper, I will present the...

Theory of Knowledge: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

We See and Understand Things Not As They Are But As We Are The assessment of knowledge as a subjective or objective entity can be seen as a question that is haunting humanity since the ancient times. Taking Plato’s allegory of the cave, where people chained since childhood to watch...

Development of Animation on the Example of the Hayao Miyazaki Works

Most consumers assume that the main objective of filmic endeavors such as animated stories is strictly to entertain the masses. Film certainly does serve to entertain. However, this media also acts as the link between people’s personal lives and events outside what they encounter in their everyday routine. Through entertainment,...

How Can Teachers Help Improving the School for Young Learners?

Introduction The topic of improving the schools for young learners is disputed among scholars worldwide. There are different opinions as for the leading factors that can provide for this improvement. However, it is out of question that teachers play a vitally important role in forming the school environment for students....

Nursing During World War I: The Importance of the Discipline

Introduction During the early 1900s, the world was rapidly experiencing changes. For instance: one, the US economy was growing, while in Europe, Germany was busy arming itself and the rest of Europe seemed to ignore the threat at that time; second, women especially in the US received vote rights and...

Kate Chopin: Early Feminist Writer

There are many early feminist writers who wrote prolifically in the late 19th century up to the early phase of the 20th century. In this study the focus will be on early feminist writers that came from the South. This means that they are female writers who are not only...

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Introduction Written by Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century, The Divine Comedy is considered to be one of the most captivating epic poems in literature. Dante’s Inferno paints an edgy and imaginative vision of the Christian afterlife by combining classical Christian influences with a classic touch of Renaissance culture. The...

Proverbs and Translation: Comparison

For a long time, it was noticed, that the wisdom and the spirit of a nation can be shown through its proverbs and sayings, where the knowledge of proverbs of a particular nation promotes not only a better knowledge of the language but also a better perception of people’s nature...

Medical Analysis of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Previously known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a psychological condition which affects moods causing them to swing to extremes. Bipolar disorder is a disorder of the brain and is a manic depressive illness which also causes shifts and swings in energy and activity levels hindering the ability of...

Are More Attractive People Perceived to Be More Successful?

Introduction The power that accompanies a pretty face has received countless studies for a long time now. Jackson (1992) talks of the benefits of physical attractiveness, about success. Another author, Wilson (2003) talks of a meta-analysis that involved a total of 76 studies, all of which sought to augment the...

Gary Soto: Biography and Soto’s Poems Analysis

Gary Soto is a Chicano writer born in Fresco, California in 1952. Even as a child, he used to work as a farm laborer, which had a significant effect on his works resulting in their reflecting the whole reality of life. His works have taken this direction owing to the...

Two Party System in America: Origins, Pros and Cons

Origin The American political scene is centered on two major parties. There are clear reasons as to how democracy was defined in terms of the parties. Democracy is only workable in the existence of parties (Aldrich, 1995). This means that all democratic nations have political parties. The United States in...

Design and Development Problems of the Camera

The modern world is the world of computerization, innovative technologies, and other facilities which are aimed to make people’s life easier, more interesting, and exciting. Internet, mobile phones, cameras, and other products fill people’s life with additional emotions which help them to live a full and happy life, but, unfortunately,...

Piet Mondrian. Works Comparison From Naturalistic to Neo-Plastic

Art is an essential part of people’s life. Art relaxes and fills our souls with feelings of beauty and peace. There are a lot of artists whose masterpieces people have been admiring for many years and continue to admire now. Artist is a part of his painting. We may see...

Europeanization of European Politics

Introduction The impact of European integration studies on the state administrations of the associate states of the European Union (EU) have pointed towards an irregular practice of “Europeanization.” While there has been indisputably growing variety and regularity of links between state administrations and the EU structure. There is small proof...

Challenges That Multicultural Children Face In the United States

Over the recent past, there have been several attempts to integrate the challenges that multicultural families face in the direction of equal openings or opportunities in society, particularly in America. Multicultural families around the world have encountered many opportunities, conflicts, and adjustments at the turn of the twentieth century. This...

Sociolinguistic Concepts: Speech Community

The existing different categories used by sociologists to study society include; economic characteristics, class, regional characteristics, and ethnicity. Sociology defines a community as a dimension of shared possessions, knowledge, and behaviors. Linguists however use another dimension of social organization by using speech community to refer to the community. Sociolinguists, therefore,...

Cognitive Psychology and “Blind Spots” in Our Consciousness

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that everyone is subjected to making mistakes. It is impossible to be ensured against them. These actions are always criticized with expressive remarks made by other people, nevertheless, psychologists have their own ways of explaining dumb things, made by smart people....

The Influence of Individual Behavior in the Marketing of Video Games

Introduction In the 21st century technological environment has witnessed a rampant growth due to its dynamic nature. This has also been witnessed in the marketing function of the business since some of the businesses are based wholly on technology. One such area is the development and marketing of the video...

The IRA and the Irish-English Conflict

Outline It has been found that there exists a very strong relationship between a people’s identity and their language. This was confirmed when the English tried to translate names of Irish people as well as those of Irish cities to English. The main objective of the British was to make...

The Characters Dreams in “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

This paper will study the important characters in the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry in the context of the substance of the dreams that they have. The paper will analyze the character roles from two perspectives; the first is about the American dream regarding material prosperity...

“West Side Story” and “Romeo and Juliet” Movies Comparative Analysis

Despite the fact that the both cinematographic adaptations of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”: “West Side Story” (1961) and “Romeo + Juliet” (1996) exploit essentially the same motifs of love, revenge and “corporate solidarity”, the semantic message, conveyed by these movies, varies significantly, which can be explained by particularities of...

Contrast of the Blake’s Poems “Infant Joy” and “Infant Sorrow”

Introduction The poems by William Blake are vital for their contrasting value. The features in such small poems which are described in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience correspond directly to live. Two poems from these compilations are Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow respectively. These poems are under...

Linking Cultural Variations and Family Cooperation

Introduction Harrison (2002) defines culture as a set of basic characteristics that makes a certain group of people distinct from another. For example, we may be able to distinguish the way in which Indians act as compared to the Chinese through their cultural differences. We therefore take the differences and...

Rosalyn S. Yalow, A Winner of the Nobel Prize

Introduction Rosalyn Sussman Yalow is the first woman born in America to win a Nobel Prize in Science. She won this coveted prize in 1977 after her successful development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) (CWP and Regents of the University of California). Who exactly is Rosalyn S. Yalow? This American medical...

Analysis and Description in PR Issue: Sea Shepherd

Introduction The idea of the need to form a body to coordinate the anti-whaling activities in the world was proposed by Paul Watson when he formed the earth force. The sea shepherd was registered in 1981 as an anti-whaler and anti-sealer but later expanded to incorporate the other marine life...

What Happens to the Mentally Challenged Once They Grow Up?

Introduction Shawn Ley was diagnosed with autism at the tender age of five years. His parents, and especially his mother, have cared for him night and day for the past fifteen years. This is with the help of a nurse from the local nursing home. The nurse is paid by...

The Ethics of Global Conflict: Violence vs. Morality

Introduction Ever since the dawn of civilization, groups of people united by a common interest used to wage wars on each other, as the ultimate mean of resolving seemingly irresolvable issues. Modern historians and anthropologists cannot even find a consensus on whether the first stone axes, produced by revolutionizing homo...

The Abortion Law in Ireland and Canada

Both the republic of Ireland and Canada are at the extreme end of a continuum on the abortion debate. For one, abortion was illegal in the republic of Ireland before case X gained prominence (BBC News 2008). On the other hand, Canada was opposed to abortion, and only relaxed the...

Irony In “Everything That Rises Must Converge”

Introduction The term criminal profiling progresses to racial profiling when the defining characteristics used comprises ethnicity, religion or race. Law enforcement officials often utilize offender profiles, which is described as a series of behavioral and personal characteristics related with specific offenses, to make predictions regarding the type of person that...

Stress Has Become One of the Most Serious Health Issues

Introduction Kusluvan (2003) defines stress as a condition where one experiences tension when the physical or psychological demands they are subjected to outweigh them. Stress is a feeling which comes about when one reacts to a particular event. The body when subjected to stimuli tries to rise to the challenge...

Metafiction on the Example of Works of Literature

Introduction Analyzing postmodernism, its description is often examined through such literary phenomenon as metafiction. Metafiction can be defined as a fiction that makes the readers realize and acknowledge the nature and the meaning of the process of creating the fiction. Self-reflectiveness makes the reality of the texts, the author, and...

Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech

When we examine the history of Western civilization in the 19th-20th centuries, it will appear that virtually all of the wars that had taken place, during the course of this historical period, were instigated by politicians who never ceased promoting the concept of military confrontation as the ultimate solution to...

Family Violence and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the total dependence on drugs that may result in very adverse effects on the individual’s health both physically and mentally. Substance abuse leads to addiction to the substances involved such that the individuals cannot be able to cope without their use. Substances that are normally abused...

Yumi Company’s Fashion Marketing

Introduction The fashion market is regarded to be one of the most changing markets in the world, as the tendencies and trends change every season. On the one hand it provides the essential dynamics for the development of this business sector, thus, only companies with high competitive capacity may survive...

The Influence of Phrenology on Modern Science

Introduction Phrenology has been a subject of heated debate among criminologists, psychologists, and sociologists for more than two centuries. This theory is based on the belief that the personal qualities of a human being can be deciphered from the shape of his or her cranium (Hanen et al, 1980, p....

Procter & Gamble: Annual Report Analyzing

Introduction Procter & Gamble provides a wide array of personal products to customers by its focus on providing branded consumer goods. By selling its products in over 180 countries around the world via primarily many means like the mass merchandisers, grocery stores, membership club stores, drug stores and in high-frequency...

Proposal for the Financial Improvements of Chrysler LLC

Introduction Chrysler LLC is one of the most developed automobile producers in the world market. It is a US-based company whose sphere of interest includes the productions and sales of cars and their spare parts around the world. The recent events in the global economy, namely the financial recession and...

Judith Guest’s “Ordinary People” Reflections

Conrad vision of life after death On primary reading of the story, I find Conrad feeling pain and guilt for his brother’s death. He is incapable to overcome this barrier as already experiencing the breath of death; the boy could look at the world in a usual way. Now, Conrad...

National Income: Concept, Measurement, National Income and Social Welfare

It is the total monetary value of all products (goods and services), a nation or country produces within a specified period of time, usually a year. This monetary value is represented by profits, wages, and rents among others received by the Nation’s residents (Parkin et al 2000). This income represents...

Realism as the Dominant Approach in the World Politics

Introduction Realism was the dominant approach of world politics in the post-war period in the 20th century. It is claimed that realism is the most progressive and the most pragmatic approach, as it presupposes a quick solution of the problems from the position of power. While liberals claim for the...

Current Desktop Operating Systems

Introduction In this research paper, we will analyze a couple of operating systems that are widely used today in homes and offices and each one of these operating systems has its distinguishing features from others. Thus through this report, we will compare these operating systems with respect to the following...

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How Divorce Affects Children

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Death Within Edgar Allan Poe’s Works

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US Presidential Election of 1896

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“Ordinary People” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”: Book Report

Fault and Responsibility Taking People apart in the Ordinary People The major theme of the book by Judith Ann Guest in 1976 is education and upbringing conflicts that follow both parents, Cal and Beth Jarrett. The reason for such discrepancies is first of all their background – Cal is the...

Canadian Government Regulation on Telecommunication and Broadcasting

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Exchange Control and the Asian Financial Crisis

The impact of globalization is felt all over the world. Sometimes the effect of globalization forces can be dramatic and sometimes subtle. While globalization can be very difficult to track and study there are tools that can help an economist to get an idea of what is happening when it...

America Is Becoming a Fascist Country

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Injection Safety and Syringe Reuse

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The Roots of Islamic Terrorism

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Problems of Adolescent Pregnancy in Modern Society

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Prostitution Legalization in Canada

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John Galliano, a Fashion Designer

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