West Coast Transit Project Team’s Performance

Introduction In large companies, it often happens that it is necessary to make emergency marketing decisions, and for this purpose, project teams gather. Evaluating the performance of the project team is a critical factor in determining whether it is possible to solve the assigned tasks. Formed teams go through several...

Realism & Formalism. Singer’s Reality Transformed and La Jetée Film

Introduction People are free to understand and interpret movies in their specific ways, relying on personal interests, knowledge, and approaches. During this week, students got a chance to study the perspective about classical film theories and the peculiarities of cinematic art offered by Irving Singer. There are many filmmaking devices...

The Case of Curtis Flowers Analysis

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

Euthanasia and Morality Debate

Definition of Euthanasia and a Brief Introduction to the Debate Euthanasia may be defined as the assistance provided to people who deliberately want to die due to suffering too much pain because of being terminally ill. There are two major issues people usually dispute over when speaking of the morality...

Mexican War of Independence and Historical Figures

The Mexican War of Independence was the struggle of the oppressed people against feudal Spain, which had been plundering its colony for three centuries. The war of liberation was not only the fight of the Mexicans for independence, but also a great war of the Indians of Mexico for their...

Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in the Middle East

Introduction The contemporary Muslim states in the Middle East represent a wide variety of social, political, and religious structures. Currently, there are over fifty of these countries with different economic and political status, some of them being secular, religious, monarchies, or democracies. Examining the history of the development of the...

Central Government from the Colonial Era to the Civil War

Government during the Colonial Era Characteristics The colonial era is characterized by the lack of self-governess and dependence on the British. The British government provided the colonies with military defense against other major colonial powers in the region but could enforce its regulations on the American colonists. Thus, being a...

Coca-Cola: Grand Strategy

Introduction Following modern trends and management models allows both large corporations and small companies to develop their business and promote products to the market. Based on the activities of such a world-famous organization as Coca-Cola it is possible to pay attention to some specific approaches and strategies. The purpose is...

Assessing and Planning Care for an Elderly Man

Assessing an Elderly Person Brief Introduction and Background information The interviewee was introduced through a friend because this older man is his grandfather. Their family consists of three children, two parents, and two grandparents. Philosophy on living a long life He believes that being happy and surrounding yourself with few...

Locke and Descartes on Personal Identity

Introduction Locke and Descartes are two of the most influential philosophers in the field of personal identity. The matters they discussed were somewhat different, but the theories have some overlapping topics, such as the nature of the soul. The purpose of this essay is to outline the main points of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Introduction Christians should pursue specific values, notions, and ideas in order to fulfill God’s purpose on earth. Since the ultimate goal is for believers to become part of His kingdom, it is necessary to understand the meaning and role of discipleship. The inference analysis paper presented below begins by giving...

Martin Luther King Jr.: Ideas That Changed the World

Introduction Human history presents numerous ideas, concepts, philosophies, and thoughts that have the potential to influence nations and governments across the world. The idea of learning from the past is an evidence-based practice that has moved America forward. The legal, moral, economic, political, and social achievements experienced in the United...

Improving LinkedIn Profile

Introduction Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has been specifically identified as a professional, academic and work-related platform. Many users who join LinkedIn do so in order to present themselves to the world as professionals and experts in their field (Kim & Malek, 2018). Therefore, one’s profile on the platform...

Infections Prevention and Incidence Reduction

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) can be considered one of the most problematic issues of the modern healthcare sector because the corruption of treatment results under the impact of infectious diseases or other complications that might emerge in hospital settings. Regarding a significant scope of the problem, there are multiple attempts...

Porfirio Diaz in the Mexican Revolution

This paper is about one of the most famous and significant figures in the history of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915), and the Mexican Revolution. Diaz was a victorious military general, Mexican-American War volunteer, revolutionist, dictator, politician, and also president of Mexico whose term was longer than anyone else’s in Mexican...

Is Ryan Coogler an Auteur Director?

Nowadays, the term auteur in moviemaking is commonly assumed to be referring to the director’s ability to leave an unmistakable mark of his/her individuality on the cinematographic pieces that he or she oversees being put into production. As Van Der Pol noted: “Directors are given the distinction of auteur for…...

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory Under Concept

Concept analysis remains a powerful strategy for ensuring that readers and users of a specified theory understand and apply it accordingly. This practice is usually designed to ensure that researchers and students have a clear understanding of the intended variable. This approach conveys the desired meaning and eventually supports the...

Activation Energy for Viscous Flow of Water, Acetone, Toluene, and o-Xylene

Abstract The knowledge of physiochemical properties of binary mixtures of solvents is of great importance for learning intermolecular interactions. The aim of the research was to investigate the hypothesis that the activation energy of a substance depends on intermolecular forces that arise in this substance. To test this hypothesis, activation...

Sexual Orientation as a Social Construction and Reality

The debate over the construction of gender, sex, and sexual orientation is high on the agenda among the public as no consensus has been reached yet. Notably, the contrasting arguments in the debate over the construction of the mentioned concepts have been attributed to different social and political ideologies, which...

Childhood Vaccination: Ethical Case Study

The nursing practice in the USA is a demanding profession that consists of daily care about the patients. Given the responsibility for human health and lives, nurses have to perform within the strictly defined rules in different dimensions, including organizational, professional, and ethical. The problem of moral behavior of nurses...

Popular Research Paper Topics

BH Health: Project Communication Plan

Project Title: BH Health Project Sponsor: BH financial manager Project Manager: (Add your name here as the project manager.) Table 1: Project Communications (created by the author). Communication Type Prepared By Sent By Reviewed By Received By Frequency Delivery Project spendings outline Project manager Project manager Case managers Sponsor Weekly...

A Community Based-Approach to Juvenile Justice

Abstract The criminal justice system in the United States has faced criticism for its failure to have better ways of dealing with petty juvenile offenders. Sending them to prison for minor crimes only creates avenues for them to become hardened criminals. In this program, the goal is to come up...

Mill’s and Kant’s Moral and Ethical Concepts for Rescue Efforts

Introduction The fields of ethics and morality continue to dictate or govern human beings’ behaviors and actions. Different philosophers and scholars have presented evidence-based theories and principles to guide moral values and ethical perspectives. Some of these thinkers include John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant. The paper presented below uses...

Perception in Behavior, Learning, Decision-Making

Understanding employees’ perception of the workplace and evaluating changes in it is another step toward enhancing performance quality and changing the workplace atmosphere toward a better one. It is important to motivate staff members to excel in their workplace performance. With a change in the staff members’ perception of their...

What Is Morphology?

Morphology is the study of the structure of words and their relation to other words. Since a morpheme is the smallest linguistic piece ‘with a grammatical function,’ it serves as a common unit of analysis.[1] Morphemes have different functions, such as forming new words, changing parts of speech, or adding...

Juvenile Justice Program in the United States

Introduction The existing juvenile justice system in the United States is similar to the one for adults. The main goal is to intervene and correct delinquent behavior before it can become a major societal problem. The major stakeholders involved throughout the process include the police, correctional institutions, and courts. The...

Health Problems of the LGBT Community in the United States

It is possible to state with certainty that the health problems of the LGBT community in the United States are various. Moreover, it is pointed out that in numerous cases, these problems are addressed inadequately, and also, there are considerable prejudice and social stigma surrounding the population under discussion. One...

Quality & Environmental Management for Business Excellence

Organizational performance is critical since it determines the competitiveness of a given organization and its ability to meet the demands of different stakeholders. Companies pursuing this form of excellence should take into consideration the major factors, processes, resources, strategies, and practices that can deliver positive results. The concepts of sustainability...

“How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine” by Fry

Book Report Automation and technology have a significant impact on today’s society, which is not always positive. Currently, the world’s population’s lives depend on algorithms heavily, as they are incorporated in all parts of people’s existence. Advancements in the field of technologies can protect individuals’ lives, improve their well-being, and...

Worker Organizations During the 1st and 2nd International

The second part of the nineteenth century was pivotal for world history. The colonial structure of the world that had been formed by that time and division of labor became global. The world economy of that period was characterized by the situation when the production of finished goods was concentrated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Philosophy and Beliefs Guiding Practice

Introduction The healthcare sector is one of the central institutions that regulate the functioning of the society and guarantee its further development. For this reason, much effort is devoted to reconsider the work of the given sphere and promote the enhanced outcomes to improve the quality of peoples lives and...

Readmissions in Patients With Lung or Heart Diseases: Methodology

Research Design, Hypothesis, Variables The purpose of this project is to estimate a particular impact on the rate of readmissions among patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or heart failure. A mixed research method will be employed. On the one hand, it aims at measuring certain variables and...

Feeding in CHARGE Syndrome: Hudson et al.’s Study

Research Problem The study by Hudson, Macdonald and Blake (2016) seeks to address the issues of packing and problematic feeding behaviors in individuals (particularly children) with CHARGE syndrome. While holding food without swallowing is an adverse event researched and described for autism and Down syndrome, it has not been addressed...

Feeding Children with CHARGE Syndrome by Dobbelsteyn et al.

Research Problem The research problem that the study attempts to investigate is the frequent and long-term feeding difficulties that children with CHARGE experience (Dobbelsteyn, Peacocke, Blake, Crist, Rashid, 2007). This problem is easily identified in the first sentence of the abstract. It is clearly stated and described in more detail...

Professional Nursing: Concepts and Philosophy

Introduction Over the last decades, the nursing profession has seen the emergence of many new challenges. The widespread innovation of healthcare systems forced nurses to acquire new skills and knowledge. However, the foundations of nursing remain immutable; that is why nurses still need to realize the essence of their job....

Dynamics of Change in the Supervision of Others

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13 years of professional experience taught me that there could be a range of external pressures and complications that affect organizations’ need to change. These can range from disruptions in the market to new technologies or shifts in the preferences of customers. Any organizational...

Nursing Interventions for Pressure Ulcers Prevention

Introduction Along with the advancement in diverse spheres of healthcare that guarantees high-quality care in hospitals, many unavoidable issues might cause complications upon treatment. One of the main problems among such is the development of pressure ulcers in bedridden patients. Immobile patients who stay at a hospital for an extended...

Psychological and Causal Explanation: Accept or Deny?

Introduction The concept of psychological explanation has been used as a general term explaining people’s attempts to understand any phenomena linked to intelligent behavior. An adequate psychological explanation is seen as the one that offers enough information for psychologists to predict behaviors and then manage them. The psychological phenomenon of...

Policies and Work Rules’ Influence on Supervisors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13-year leadership experience allowed me to see that without the establishment of clearly defined rules, policies, and procedures, an organization cannot reach its objectives to the full extent. Procedures refer to the sequence of steps a company must follow consistently, for example, responding to...

Women in Voltaire’s “Candide” & Moliere’s “Tartuffe”

Introduction Gender inequality and patriarchy are common societal characteristics in human history, problems that were well-established in social norms in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when Moliere and Voltaire wrote Tartuffe and Candide, respectively. In Tartuffe, Moliere highlights the patriarchal hierarchy and the subservient nature of women in French society...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personnel Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Law

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my company, the recruitment process involves an inquiry from a department for a specific position addressed to human resources. An essential element here is that managerial positions, such as mine, can be filled using the current employees if those possess the necessary skills. One...

Information Analysis for Persuasive Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Leaders in business organizations are occupied with several tasks and duties. One of the experiences I obtain as a leader in data analysis is based on persuasive messages. A persuasive message is one of the central sources of information that may call to action, convince,...

Communication Within Organizations: Nature and Function

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Workplace operations and the effective performance of a company are unthinkable without communication. Using a particular system of signs, be it a basic language or a combination of symbols that are characteristic only of a particular workplace environment, a manager and a leader convey important...

Employee Management Supervision in Complex Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my experience working at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), good supervision is always based on the relationships working in favor of organizations. It offers safe environments for critical reflection, professional support, and challenge. In my experience, setting the standards of quality and expertise for a position...

Persuasive Arguments to Maintain Ethical Standards

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience in management and leadership at Bridgestone helped create several persuasive arguments in communication regarding ethical standards and organizational norms. It was not enough to demonstrate good skills in leading people. My goal was to achieve excellent results by demonstrating strong communication skills, developing...

Critical Analysis of “Nursing Pain Management”

Article Title and Abstract The title of this article is straightforward in the sense that it captures the topic of interest and the direction of the research. For example, the reader is made aware of the study’s hypothesis and research methodologies through the title. The article’s abstract is also successful...

Restraint Use in Home Care: Nursing Perspective

The article by Scheepmans et al. (2013) is titled “Restraint use in home care: A qualitative study from a nursing perspective”, and it is an appropriate description of this work. The abstract is well-structured and contains all the necessary sections that would help to get a better understanding of the...

The Trends of Natural and Organic Foods

There is a trend in the modern food market where unprocessed food products are labeled as “organic” because they were grown without the use of pesticides, genetic modifications, or other factors. Such items usually have higher prices and lesser availability than their counterparts that do not claim the distinction. The...

Bullying Effects on Health and Life Quality

Introduction If there are people who consider bullying to be harmless child’s play, they are sorely mistaken. Victims of bullying may suffer from the consequences of this maltreatment throughout their lives. Bullying is “aggressive behavior or intentional harmdoing by peers that is carried out repeatedly and involves an imbalance of...

Techsol Corporation’s Creativity and Innovation

Introduction TECHSOL is a high-tech start-up company that does not have any recent experience in the market. Nevertheless, its CEO, Pedro Gonzalez, is aiming to launch a social media monitoring and analytics platform for businesses. This technology is rather innovative since it provides the opportunity to understand what customers say...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Holy Spirit: Characteristics and Activity

Introduction The Holy Spirit is an inherent part of Christian theology representing an integral element of the Holy Trinity and a means by which people are both empowered and become messengers of God. In Scriptures, the Holy Spirit takes on numerous forms and has appeared to influence major events in...

Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

Introduction The military is one of the most vulnerable populations in relation to physical and mental health and social work. People who have participated in a war killed someone or became injured due to others’ actions take much time to recover. Sometimes, the hardships experienced during one’s military service cannot...

Taylorism as Ideology and Russian Revolution

Introduction The late 19th century and early 20th century are known for the emergence of various ideologies regarding the organization of industry and manager theory. These were intertwined with the raging political climate and revolutions which sought to redefine social norms, which were influenced mainly by industry standards and workers’...

Castrato Voices: A Path to Virtuosity

Abstract This paper focuses on the study of a castrato’s phenomenon from the perspective of the history of music. To better understand the role castrati singers played in opera, along with the impact of castration, the nature of their singing and bodily effects are explored. The prohibition of male voices...

Expresso Espresso Coffee Shop’s Issues and Actions

The case “Expresso Espresso” gives a detailed analysis of a new coffee shop that is positioning itself as an emerging player in Mobile, Alabama. Its owner, Sylvester Todd, selected the best location since it is near a university with over 20,000 students and teaching professionals. The document reveals that the...

American History & Future. “Are We Rome?” by Murphy

Introduction The book Are We Rome? The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America gives a detailed analysis and comparisons between the United States and the Roman Empire. The author’s main subject matter revolves around the practices and developments recorded in the United States that have the potential...

Interpersonal Relationships Against Life Discontent

Introduction Nowadays, the media often presents idealized images of life in America, which may make the viewers feel inadequate and underachieving. As one of the marketing institutions, advertising is compelling in this regard. In an attempt to sell a product or a service, it shows the consumers how their lives...

Leadership Theories and Examples

Trait Leadership Definition/Characteristics The timeframe in which the theory was popular is between the 1880s and the middle of the 1940s. According to it, one can be born a leader; thus, no further efforts would contribute to the development of the needed skills (Nahavandi, 2015). Trait leadership theory takes into...

The Morality of Giac Nuyen in N. Du’s “The Tale of Kieu”

The Tale of Kieu is one of the most important works of Vietnamese literature, and it is an exciting object of study and analysis. Throughout the poem, Kieu faces many different circumstances, including prostitution, poverty, slavery, rape, mental health issues, and more. The focus of the story is mostly on...

Social Injustice in the Seafood Industry

In the past 50 years, global seafood consumption has more than doubled, and such changes have raised some issues on the sustainability of the fishing industry and related sectors. The major justice issues affecting this industry in today’s world touch on fishers, especially those from developing and underdeveloped countries where...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Skate Park for Healthy Activities of Teenagers

Introduction Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the negative influence of peers and adults, as many of them have not yet developed their system of values and principles. Millions of young people become involved in unhealthy activities and start using substances, tobacco, and alcohol. Often, it happens when a person fails...

Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders

Introduction This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted. It concerns the relationships between the offenses and explains why they are often correlated, as well as studies their definitions. It also concerns the right of access to the courts as one...

Conflicts and Development in Emerging States

Introduction Even a most unenthusiastic person living in a land far away would easily say that the world is a place where barely anything is just and barely anybody is equal. Although the international community finds itself in a never-ending daily struggle for a better world, this dream might never...

Andrew Yang as a Presidential Candidate in 2020

Introduction Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a 2020 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. He is also an accomplished lawyer and the founder of a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to create employment in American cities. Political analysts downplayed his 2017 announcement to run for the...

Cartesian Doubt: Rene Descartes’s Skepticism

Introduction Rene Descartes’s form of skepticism, which is referred to as Cartesian Doubt, represents a manifestation of methodological skepticism. It implies a systematic process of doubting the validity of people’s personal beliefs, which has become a key characteristic of philosophy. For many who studied the topic, methodological doubt is considered...

Interpersonal Communication in the “One Day” Film

The specifics of communication between a man and a woman who are in relations that they define as friendship, but that can actually be described as love, are interesting to be examined in detail. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of interpersonal communication observed between the characters...

History of Alcohol in Europe

Introduction By the year 1600, alcohol consumption had become a common practice in different parts of Europe. With the spread of Christianity into different parts of the world, brewing and the use of wine attracted the attention of many people. However, the 17th century presented a new era that reshaped...

Recreational Marijuana Is Beneficial in America

Introduction The debates over whether recreational marijuana should be legalized provide various arguments that were propounded by both supporters and opponents. The legalization of the mentioned drug means not only to fully resolve its trade and use but also its support from the state, which will have the right to...

Bacteria Lab: Enriched, Selective, Differential Media

Introduction The lab experiment aimed to characterize and describe the growth and colony appearance of distinct species of bacteria inoculated on three different media: enriched, selective, and differential. The selected bacterial strains were Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes, Streptococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and an unknown sample. Microorganisms exhibit distinct...

“Why Abortion Is Immoral” the Article by Don Marquis

Summary The selected text for analysis relates to the ethical issue of abortion since its title is “Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis. In his argument, Marquis explains that abortion is an immoral act because it entails depriving an innocent human of the right to life (183). In this...

South Africa: Violence and Crime

The Republic of South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa. Now it is a BRICS country and a member of the G20, but, until the end of the last century, it was under international sanctions approved by the UN due to the official apartheid policy ‑ discrimination...

Ethics in Human Services: Counseling Agency

Introduction Counseling is a rewarding field that is concerned with empowering and addressing the emotional and psychological challenges facing clients. Having completed the coursework successfully, I have acquired and developed superior competencies that can make it easier for me to meet the needs of different groups. This is the reason...

Team Management at Amazon

Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce companies delivering various types of products to customers all around the world. The company is famous for its use of the most recent technological advances at its warehouses, but manual work is still central to the current operations. The company is also characterized...

The Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan

The present paper will offer a reflection on a lesson with a focus on the evaluation of related teaching experience, community response, and the aspects that could be improved. The lesson was dedicated to the topic of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and took place in Miami, Florida....

The History of Civil Rights Act 1964

Introduction The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is recognized to be amongst the most controversial, yet significant laws in America. After the debate, which is considered to be the most prolonged in the history of Senate, on July 2nd, 1964, it was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson (Aiken, Salmon,...

The Korean War: Applying Operational Art and Design Concepts

Introduction The success of any military operation depends on the commanders’ ability to develop an executable plan and implement it successfully. Operational art and design are instrumental in describing how exactly (ways) the military force can utilize the available “capabilities (means) to achieve military objectives (ends)” and mitigate possible risks...

Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?

Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...

Current Organizational Issue: Technological Changes

Introduction Organizational leaders should be aware of the changes experienced in their respective sectors or industries. This knowledge can empower them to recruit competent employees and be prepared for potential challenges that might affect performance. They should also form partnerships with different stakeholders whose ideas and practices resonate with the...

An Atomic Radio Receiver

Introduction The history of electromagnetic waves being used for communication is rather long. People have been receiving and sending signals since the end of the nineteenth century. The style of the antenna used for radio received has been the same for many years as well (Emerging Technology from the arXiv)....

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Life Quality

Introduction The mental health of the person is one of the fundamental factors of people’s well-being as it guarantees their ability to socialize, communicate with other people, and remain involved in the processes critical for their existence. For this reason, the monitoring of its status is one of the fundamental...

Personnel Requirements in Facilities Design

In the modern world, human needs and demands determine the creation of new objects. Facilities design as a type of activity is used in all areas of life, such as construction, business, manufacture of clothing, and others. To create useful and high-quality products in enterprises, a large number of specialists...

The Paris Accord: Macroeconomics and Global Warming

Introduction The Paris Accord, which is a worldwide agreement among nations, is intended to counter the effects of climate change. Its primary purpose is to strengthen the international response to the dangers of this appalling effect by maintaining global temperature increments below 2 degrees Celsius (Falkner 1109). This move is...

Gentrification and Its Merits for Population

Urbanization as a shared social phenomenon is typical of the modern world, where much money is spent on creating advanced infrastructure and large-scale buildings. With the development of urban civilization, such a notion as gentrification has become a frequent term associated with innovations and changes in the structure of a...

Do Marketers Condition Us to Buy More Junk Food?

Marketing and advertising are two fundamental elements of the modern world that impact its evolution and shape people’s behavior. The high potency of these tools can be associated with the fast speed of technologies’ development and their integration with every sphere of human activity. This statement is especially topical for...

Interpersonal Communication in YouTube Videos

Interpersonal communication is undoubtedly an essential aspect of any person’s everyday life. While it may sound like a rather scientific term, it is not so for the reason that it is intrinsic to any human being co-existing with other people around. Interplay: the Process of Interpersonal Communication is an academic...

The Theme of Love in Ancient Egyptian Poetry

Different cultures and eras have their own perceptions of love that they eloquently communicated through various creations of literature, including poetry, epos, and philosophical pieces. Symposium by Plato is remarkable in this regard because concepts recorded in this work can be traced in multiple poems composed in distinct regions, centuries...

Dementia: Evaluation of an Epidemiological Problem

The individuals with dementia experience memory loss and the reduction of cognitive abilities caused by the degenerative processes in their brain. Today, more than 47 million worldwide are diagnosed with dementia, while it is anticipated that their numbers will grow (Livingston et al., 2017). Dementia is identified by the scholarly...

The New Deal History in United States

Introduction The first part of the 20th century was a hard time for many countries as they had to recover after WWI, rebuild their economies, and enter the new era characterized by numerous challenges and significant problems. This resulted in the emergence of multiple problems in all critical spheres of...

Ethnically Ambiguous – America’s Band-Aid for Racism

I still remember the first time I went to an American diner. My older cousin Briana, my younger cousin Gabriel, and I did not see each other often back then. Briana and I lived in Costa Rica, while Gabriel was a local. We were famished and were not too meticulous...

The History of Black Settlement

African-American Experience in Washington, DC. The history of Black settlement in Washington, DC, since the early 17th century until the early 20th century, provides us with many in-depth insights into the African-American experience as a whole. Probably the most notable of them is that it was not only that throughout...

USPC Company: Recruitment and Selection

It is widely believed that employees are the most important asset that an organization can have. Presently, the value that organizations place in having an effective and efficient workforce have surpassed many other considerations that were previously thought as fundamentally important to the wellbeing and survival of an organization (Pynes...

Raising Awareness of Ebola in Sierra Leone

Evaluation Goals Table 1. Evaluation Goals. Type of Evaluation Evaluation Goal Formative Evaluation To assess the need for the Ebola awareness campaign in Sierra Leone, relative to the social, political and economic issues that have made the community vulnerable to the disease. To investigate whether there is a need to...

Cahokia People, Their Culture and History

The Cahokia Native American tribe and region are one of the most prosperous and extensive pre-Columbian civilizations on the continent. Recent archaeological discoveries have uncovered significant revelations regarding the sheer size of Cahokia and its numerous cultural and anthropological features. For its time, Cahokia was a complex and cosmopolitan city,...

Capital Punishment for Crime Deterrence

Introduction Capital punishment has been the subject of considerable debate in the past, and many countries have removed the practice. Nevertheless, the United States has retained the death penalty, and executions are carried out sometimes. One of the primary arguments for the existence of the punishment is deterrence or the...

TorontoNorthAutoParts Company’s Human Resources

Introduction The human resources (HR) department in every organization undertakes numerous studies to identify the challenges employees face and apply sustainable strategies to address them. At TorontoNorthAutoParts, the rate of rejects began to increase sharply, therefore forcing the company to introduce superior measures to minimize them. This occurrence might be...

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Background of the Case Study The case study under discussion is focused on a situation faced by a Christian family. The parents had identical twins, but with the course of time, one of them was diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. It is also known as kidney failure that affects people’s lives...

Effect of Patient Satisfaction

Introduction Improving the quality of life in elderly patients through a holistic approach towards quality of care has always been one of the primary goals of the US healthcare system. The USA sees an increase in the elderly population, standing at 46 million people aged 65 or older. By 2060,...

Healing by Faith Ethics and Organ Transplantation

Introduction When discussing the Christian perspective on healthcare, it is important to discuss the issue of balance between physical and spiritual lives, which often intertwine and create barriers for one another. Therefore, Christians are presented with the task of not only being responsible for following and trusting the word of...

Texas v. Johnson (1989): An Evaluation

After a protest which involved burning the American flag, one of the participants was convicted of a crime by a Texas law that focused on the defilement of venerated objects. In Texas v. Johnson (1989), it was determined that the act could be considered a piece of speech that was...

The Theme of the Hero’s Journey in Ancient Poems and Tragedies

Introduction Myths and works of ancient literature based on these myths represent archetypal heroes who have to cope with obstacles and challenges on their life paths that are viewed as universally common. The most vivid example of an archetypal hero is Odysseus presented by Homer in his epic poem The...

Spa and Salon: Business and Management

Introduction In today’s economic environment, enterprises need some effort to survive. The necessary conditions for the survival of the company are flexibility, adaptability to rapidly changing market conditions, increased labor productivity, and the ability to develop creatively. The team method of work is more effective in managing an organization in...

Revealing Marital Rape as Domestic Violence

Introduction Marital rape entails sexual action with one’s partner devoid of his or her consent. Failure to get consent is the fundamental component that results in the involvement in violence. This type of rape was considered a contradictory term in the United States until recently. In the years leading up...

T. Sully’s Portrait of Sarah Sully and Her Dog, Ponto

Title: Sarah Sully and Her Dog, Ponto Artist: Thomas Sully Date: 1848 Medium: Oil on canvas Source: San Antonio Museum of Art Introduction When I visited the San Antonio Museum of Art, I became interested in the presented portraiture collection. I feel that the painting Sarah Sully and Her Dog,...

How Non-Profits Address Domestic Violence

Background Domestic violence can happen with anyone because it is based on the quality of relationships among people. It can occur within same-sex relationships and heterosexual couples, between stepfathers and stepdaughters, between mothers and sons; it does not discriminate. Domestic violence any attempt of one person within a marriage, family,...

Abortion: Legal, Medical, Moral, Religious Issues

Introduction The discussion of abortion has always been an acute and controversial one. As an ethical dilemma, the decision of whether to permit or forbid abortion deals with a variety of justifications grounding on several arguments. The debates between the opponents and supporters of abortion are characterized by the utilization...

Sales Management in the Hair and Beauty Sector

The retail strategies of the market for consumers of services and products of the beauty industry in different regions are largely dependent on the characteristics of each particular area. It is highly determined by the structure of consumer demand and behavior. The given hypothesis to a large extent determines the...

Save Animals: Experimentation Should Be Stopped

Introduction The aspects and consequences of animal testing are debatable issues in today’s world. While some believe that animal experimentation ensures human safety, others think that such an approach should be eliminated. This paper provides arguments for the latter position and presents supporting claims in detail. The report addresses statistical...

Jim Crow Laws During the Pursuit of Equal Rights

Introduction The enforcement of Jim Crow laws played a significant role in the lives of African Americans in the United States, severely damaging the outcomes of their fight for racial equality. For almost a century, the segregation of people by their race was upheld by the government, and early attempts...

Presidential Primaries in Vermont State

Introduction This paper aims to predict the election outcomes for both the Republican and Democratic candidates in the current election for the presidential nomination in the state of Vermont. It will also explain in detail the reasons for such predictions. The paper will commence with a brief description of the...

“Letter from Birmingham Jail”: Where Reason Meets Emotions

Introduction The 20th century was marked by a range of social changes and challenges, yet the struggle for equality and the fight against oppression that the United States witnessed in the 1950-the 1960s was, perhaps, one of the most complicated challenges to be faced in addressing multicultural relationships (Colaiaco 68)....

The Killing of Balder in Norse Mythology

Introduction In spite of the fact that myths are perceived as fictional stories about different events occurring thousands of years ago, they still influence people’s spiritual life. The reason is that myths represent ancient people’s views regarding the cosmos, the relationships between nature and a human being, and the sacred...

Security in the Computer Networking World

Ensuring security in computer networks is a significant issue that requires careful analytical work and utilizing relevant mechanisms to counter the threats of hacking and data theft. The transition to a digital standard for storing valuable documentation necessitates the organization of reliable and stably operating systems with authorization functions, protection...

Cannabis in the Workplace: Human Resource Guidelines

Introduction This memo is a response to the inquiry made previously about the current state of the law concerning marijuana use in the workplace. I have reviewed some recent and Ontario Human Rights Commission publications to provide relevant information concerning rights and obligations relating to cannabis use. Before delving into...

Service Department’s Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction In a modern economy, any venture that wishes to survive aggressive competition needs to makes an emphasis on effectiveness, quality, and customer relations. High levels of product rejection, returns, and customer complaints indicate a greater problem within the company that needs to be urgently fixed before the revenues drop...

Suleiman the Magnificent, Shah Abbas I and Akbar the Great

Introduction History is always written by the winners. It is a well-known phrase that perfectly demonstrates the nature of our world and the way it evolves. However, there is one more fact that should also be mentioned. The thing which makes a person the winner is his/her outstanding character and...

Kendal Jenner PepsiCo Commercial’s Failure

Introduction Making a social or political statement that can be perceived as entirely unambiguous and positive by the target demographic is a difficult but not impossible task. However, due to the increase in the sociopolitical tensions within the American society and the rise in social pressure regarding the issue of...

God’s Laws and Gospels Relationship

Introduction In the Old Testament, God gave different laws to guide people on how to lead an acceptable lifestyle under the standards of moral behaviors. Additionally, the laws were meant to point to God’s purity and expose people’s sinful nature. As such, all the 613 commandments in the Old Testament...

Leadership Styles in “Moneyball” by Bennett Miller

Introduction In the movie Moneyball, the main story is focused on Billy Beane, a General Manager (GM) of the team Oakland Athletics and his attempt to rebuild the team after a number of unsuccessful games in order to prepare it for the 2002 season (Miller, 2011). During the course of...

News Media Shaping Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The social and cultural attributes experienced in the United States after the end of the Civil War created a society characterized by inequality and racial segregation. Many African Americans and other minority groups were against the existing levels of racism and injustice. These challenges led to the infamous Civil...

Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective was to help them to devise survival tactics. With...

American Gun Culture and Control Policies

The United States has the highest per capita number of guns with 88.8 guns per every 100 persons (Anderson, 2017). Currently, over 270 million guns are in the hands of civilians. Additionally, in 2016, there were 16,459 murders in the United States, and 73 percent of them were committed with...

History: Transnational Labor, Slavery, and Revolt

Introduction Slavery is a tragedy and one of the darkest pages of human history. At present, slavery is officially prohibited in all countries of the world. Nevertheless, even in modern conditions, such a social relic not only exists but also flourishes, including in free and democratic states. After centuries of...

Determinism and “Free Will” by Derk Pereboom

Determinism is a well-established school of thought, arguing that all actions performed are entirely determined (hence the name) by psychological, biological, or other causes. Thus, all actions are entirely rational and could be explained. Sometimes it also precludes free will, since if all human actions are determined by their experience...

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Introduction When it comes to analyzing themes contained in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot, it is important to understand that these themes cannot be discussed outside of historical discourse, which defines their actual quintessence. Play’s absurdist overtones leave every doubt as to the fact that in Waiting for Godot,...

Christianity as a Contemporary World Religion

Introduction Christianity remains one of the contemporary religions in the world today. Religion emerged during the first few decades of the Roman Empire. This was after several religious leaders began to get rid of various rituals and practices that characterized the Jewish way of worship. This means that the religion...

Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace

Executive Summary It should be emphasized that all the course assignments and theories have improved or expanded my understanding of managing people and reinforcing collaboration strategies. Nonetheless, certain assignments have been of particular importance for me such as the discussions in “How Do Great Managers Give Constructive Feedback?” (in Week...

Why Owning a Gun Is a Good Idea?

Talking about weapons usually makes people feel uncomfortable, scared, angry, or altogether. Many of us have heard stories about violent attacks and those who fell innocent victims of them. Some of us have even lost close people because of gun shootings. People tend to believe that guns are bad, and...

Father Absence Impact on Daughter Sexual Behaviors

Research Topic The research topic of the proposed study is the exploration of the influence of father absenteeism on attachment development in adult women with the focus on the mother-child and female – intimate partner dyads. This study aims at identifying the difference (if any) between the way females (who...

Virginia Tech University: Making Sense of What Happened

Introduction On April 16, 2007, the tragedy at Virginia Tech University remained a big sear for the hearts of those who were directly involved as well as those affected, such as the victim’s families or friends. On that terrible day, the struggling loss of lives due to one disturbed young...

“Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament” by Willa Sibert Cather

Some people are like square pegs in the world of round holes, and Willa Sibert Cather eloquently tells a story of one of such individuals in “Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament.” Paul is a high school student from Pittsburgh who lives with his father and reluctantly tries to conform...

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Modifying Natural Processes: Advantages and Disadvantages

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