Why Do Parents Abuse Their Children: Discussion

The emotional, psychological and physical maltreatment of children is referred to as child abuse. It is defined as the ill-treatment and exploitation of children by acts such as emotive abuse, psychosomatic abuse, bodily abuse, and sexual abuse. Most of the instances of child abuse happen while the child is at...

Cereals Company’s Marketing Theory and Practice

This is an organization which manufactures Cereals in Melbourne, Australia. The company’s name is “G’Day flakes”. This particular company is thinking of developing products which must be suitable for the current Australian market. For this reason they decided to understand certain macro-economic factors which may influence their market and the...

Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution

Pollution of the environment can be classified into various forms; air pollution, visual pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, noise pollution and water pollution. All these different forms of pollution contribute to health predicaments and also lower the quality of someone’s life. For example excessive noise pollution can lead...

International Business. Saudi Basic Industries Company

Introduction International business relations are characterized by the complexity of processes and phenomena that determine the market shares of various companies in the respective market segments. The market of petrochemicals also displays this complexity, and Saudi Basic Industries Company (SABIC), experienced this in its business activities. Dumping was the controversial...

Coca Cola Company: Strategic Management Recommendations

Introduction The business environment is characterized by a high degree of dynamism. This is because firms have heavily invested in research and development. The objective of research and development is to increase the rate of innovation thus enabling the firm to be well-positioned in the market. To be able to...

Methods of Recruitment and Selection Analysis

Introduction The selection interview is heavily criticized and currently seen as a contributing factor to poor job performance. The controversial aspect is that, a big number of people with high job performances have been employed using this criterion being questioned. Altogether, the blame cannot be placed on the critics or...

Virtual Environment and Morality

Introduction The introduction of IT has had a pronounced impact on the behavior and personalities of individuals and the Virtual community members. Some of the impacts are good and are in support of moral values. Others are negative to what society holds as moral. However, what may be moral to...

Theories of Reflective Practice: Comparing and Contrast

Introduction The development of reflective practice emerged from the requirement of making experiences in clinical practice as means to learning and improving the clinical practice of the health care practice. The basis of reflective practice however does not lie in learning by mere doing things, but the emphasis is on...

Concept of Guiding and Counseling in Grief and Loss

In today’s society losing someone or something, you love is quite painful yet it occurs frequently in human life. It is such an aspect of life that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives in this world full of dynamism. The concern is not the occurrence but...

E&M Greenfield Pty Ltd.: Information Systems in Context

This is a business report which deals with the applications of information systems in the decision-making process of business organizations in order to get competency and business growth in the industry. This case study deals with a clothing manufacturing company located in Sydney. The company selected for the study is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Information System in the Larry’s Clothing Company

Introduction The information system provides immense help to the manager in an organization for facilitating easy decision-making. Information means the useful facts and figures that have been retrieved, processed, or also used for information or argument, decision making, or forecasting. Information systems and decision-making are closely connected with each other....

Linear Accelerator in Radiation Therapy

Introduction Radiation therapy, more commonly known as radiotherapy, is the application of radiation as a mode of treating cancer, according to Dobbs et al. (1999). As a curative therapy, the method promotes survival and can eventually cure. As a palliative medication, the therapy can not offer cure, but it controls...

Euroland Foods S.A. Strategic Financial Management

Executive summary In project evaluation, the following tools can be used to aid managers in project financing decision making: Net present value, Internal rate of return including modified internal rate of return and Payback period including modified payback. The project evaluation the following criteria can be used in deciding whether...

Socrates and Plato: Ideas of the Great Philosophers

Introduction The ideas of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato are often looked to for wisdom and an idea of the ‘right’ path one should take. These individuals provided a great deal of information regarding the proper functioning of a society, including what it would take for a...

Interaction in Cyberspace: Impact on Morality, Personality, and Behavior of People

People’s morality and behaviors as well as their personalities have been negatively influenced by the introduction of cyberspace and Internet communication technology. This is mainly due to the non-strictness of the rules that have been set to govern the use of cyberspace. It has been noted that most of the...

The Iliad and The Odyssey – Homeric Epics Analysis

There is a great deal of different methods and techniques to introduce the main characters of the story, to organize the text and to make the reader interested in the book from the very beginning. Authors usually use various methodologies in their work, as they want to be unique and...

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Epic Poem Analysis

The epic poems can be regarded as “a beautiful fiction, producing a lovely, apotheosized version of the self with the capability of camouflaging one’s failings and the uncertainties of life” (Weiss 1). Thus works representing this genre of literature could be considered fairytales for children unless they were of great...

China’s and India’s Economic Growth Experiences

Introduction There has been growth that has been experienced in India and China. This has been in place because these two countries have been in danger of having high poverty rates therefore they had to come up with measures that could lead to a reduction of these poverty rates. Therefore,...

Second Language Acqustion and Fossilization

The term fossilization is bereft of general definition and it has not been explained empirically and sufficiently. The term introduced by Selinker captures the imagination that the majority of the second language learners are not able to meet native-like fluency in the language they wish to learn which is also...

“Maigret Goes to School” Novel by George Simenon

Introduction George Simenon is French born novelist. He is the deft handler of the detective fiction. He has been acclaimed as its literate writer as well. His name reverberates with the creation of Paris police detective inspector named Maigret. He has brought about dozens of the mysteries of this inspector...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Animation Art from Pencil to Pixels

Introduction Animation is the art of displaying a rapid sequence of motion in an art form where the path is generated, and images are created in either 2D or 3D, to different positions which are modeled to create characters who are made to create an illusion of movement or action....

“Four Views on Hell” by William Crockett

Introduction Life after death has always been of great interest to people. The only question most living human beings are preoccupied with is whether this life exists and if it does, whether there exists a separation between hell and heaven. Hell is traditionally regarded as a place where human souls...

McGill University Model of Nursing

Introduction Traditionally, most nursing theorists failed to recognize the importance of the strengths within nursing practice to appreciate the value of working with strengths. Currently, there is the steady growth of recognizing the importance of a strengths-based against a deficit-based approach to nursing but it had been observed that very...

Theories of Culture in a Point of View of “Brazil” by T. Gilliam

Culture and works of art are influenced greatly by social tastes, preferences and unique vision of the world. During the 20th century, artists have been engaged in an anxious and harassed attempt to manage presence and views under conditions where everything threatens to fall apart. The concern surrounding the artistic...

Management Education Is the Key to Successful Career

Introduction Effective and qualitative education is a core of any profession as it gives future private and public employees a chance to master knowledge and skills crucial for effective performance. Management education is important because it supplies future managers and administrators with knowledge and innovative ideas, practical examples and analytical...

Vygostsky’s Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development

A basic assumption of cognitive development is that individuals create new knowledge in their goal-directed activities; in turn, new knowledge leads subjects to identify new goals. Empirical research on culture and cognitive development have been influenced by two constructivist treatments which differ in their description of the role of social...

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Introduction In the world of bioethics the discussion on human embryonic stem cell research has resulted in a heated debate, from Washington D.C. and to the other parts of the United States of America. Human embryonic stem cell research (“hESR”) creates a discussion that could not be easily resolved. But...

Agriculture and Mayan Society Resilience

Introduction The Maya is a group of natives that lived in the Mesoamerica region mainly on the Yucatan peninsula. This peninsula had a vast landscape which was good for agriculture thus making agriculture to be the main economic base for the Mayans. The Maya grew maize, beans, cotton, squash, and...

English Literature. Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”

Introduction Jonathan Swift was popularly known as a satirical writer during his era. Aside from being a poet, essayist, and a political pamphleteer, he became the dean of Saint Patrick’s in Dublin. Swift was born on the 30th of November, 1667 and died on the year 1745. Most of his...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

With the general growth of interest in security after the terrorist attack on September 9, 2001, it is not surprising that the relation between the information and the methods to acquire them, along with the possible faults in the security system, has attracted considerable attention in recent years. However, after...

Pink Label Hair Company’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The present business plan is dedicated to an overview of Pink Label Hair Company, a limited liability entity, operating in the cosmetics and beauty industry. The business’s product portfolio includes 100% virgin hair bundles in Brazilian, Peruvian, and Malaysian styles. It has an offline location in [Name of...

Crow Lake by Mary Lawson

The beginning of every person’s life is in a family. All the person’s values, behavioral patterns, morals and character are formed in families. Family is the greatest support one can have. But at the same time it is in families where people are the most vulnerable. The circumstances under which...

Tightening Budget: Action Overview

Introduction It has been argued by many over many years that imprisonment is expensive and ineffective, yet it continues to be a major feature of penal policy in the U.S. justice system. The prison system operates on limited funding. The addition of prison time in the form of mandatory sentences,...

Public Safety Department of Connecticut vs. John Doe

Introduction The “Megan’s Law” in Connecticut asserts that an individual convicted of a sexual crime has to register with the a Public Safety department soon as he or she is released from conviction to join the society, the law at Connecticut also requires the former sexual convict to be registered...

Coral Reef Depletion and Possible Solutions

Abstract Coral reef depletion is not a new phenomenon as coral reefs in most parts of the world have gone through substantial alterations in their history. As early southeast the 1870s, coral reef mortality existed in many places although the trend of depletion has Southeast increased in recent years. Natural...

Urbanization, Its Challenges and Benefits

Abstract Urbanization refers to the growth of natural or rural land into an area with increased density of people and people made structures due to population in-migration. Urbanization is mainly attributed to the expansion and growth of towns and cities. Urbanization is characterized by the movement of a large number...

Alternative School Programs: Comparative Study

Effective education which is the purpose of various school programs depends on several factors and it is on the basis of the programs introduced in a specific school system that effectiveness of education is rated. The school programs, therefore, takes into consideration several of such factors that define the quality...

Federico Fellini Films Analysis

Cinematography is a rather complicated type of art. The film is the imaginary reality, which is created to give people some useful information, to give food for thoughts or just to entertain. The film industry is very popular among people. People watch films for different purposes, the main of which...

“Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser

Introduction In the book “Fast Food Nation” E. Schlosser describes his understanding and perception of fast food culture and its impact on the world. Schlosser singles out the main characteristics of fast food, its history and its advantages. The author argues that the image of fast food culture is replaced...

U.S. Army Is Not Unprepared at Outbreak of Hostilities

Abstract The agriculture in Somalia was being destroyed and its people were starving due to lack of food. Stolen food was exchanged with other countries in return of weapons while the people in absence of food died of starvation. It concentrated on amending the country’s infrastructures, re-establishing law and order...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The American Skinhead, and Greenpeace: Humanitarians or Terrorists

The Greenpeace and American Skinhead movements have come to attract a lot of controversies in regard to their intentions and legality of action in terms of whether they are meeting their objectives by fair or unfair means. There is a lot of concern amongst social organizations as also authorities in...

The Etruscans Granulation and Its Application in Art Works

Introduction The Etruscans inhabited modern Italy and Corsica between 800 BC -1000 BC. The civilization is well known for its craft works and artistic developments reflected their unique beliefs and traditions. In order to describe the art of granulation, it is important to mention the age and the stage of...

Popular Culture: Native American Communities

Introduction Indigenous people represent a unique combination of historical, economic, political, religious and diverse cultural influences. Impressions and interpretation of the land and the traditions shaped American culture bringing unique beliefs and aspirations followed and shared by millions of people. This survival of a close link between religion and ethnic...

New Aviation Routes Across the Middle East for the Next Decade

Executive summary Embarking into this project was with a view to enhancing the establishment of new aviation routes across the Middle East for the next decade. Statistical evidence has it that the airline industry in the Middle East is projected to grow rapidly in the coming years, buoyed by a...

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Oral Health in HIV Patients

Introduction Oral manifestations are the first signs of an underlying systemic illness like HIV/AIDS (Patel and Glick, 2005, p. 236). Oral health is an essential constituent of overall health and well being in a patient (Patel and Glick, 2005, p. 223). A patient with HIV is immunocompromised with many common...

Organisational Behaviour in Teams and Groups

Introduction For human beings it is typical to unite in various groups, teams and organisations. For the sake of order and avoiding anarchy certain rules and laws are established in these organisations that regulate the principles of organisational behaviour. Accordingly, organisational behaviour is the basis of the successful performance of...

Human Resource Stategy: BHP Billiton Case

Introduction Background of the study Strategy has gone from being the hot management buzzword of the 1980s and 1990s to the care of how organizations think as we enter the 21st country. Today, everything is supposed to be strategic. This includes business in general, management, human resource etc (Mintzberg, 1998)...

High Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction

It is interesting to find out the answer to the query whether job satisfaction can directly result in generating high employee performance because of two reasons. The first one is that there is indeed a utilitarian value in that managers can use the insights gleaned from the study to effect...

Adult – Child Relationships in American Movies

Introduction The following research paper is about the relationship bond of an Adult and a child shown in American movies. The paper would explore the meaning of a relationship between an adult and a child and would emphasize its importance as well. The relationship between that particular adult and the...

Boeing Company’s Project, Cost & Value Management

This paper would analyze certain vital elements of these paper-including elements such as project uncertainty, risk management quality management, forecasting, budgeting, appraisal of the model, value analysis amongst some. Besides reviewing the project itself, this paper would also seek present a cross comparisons of the above elements between the Boeing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Psychology: Influence of Thought on Body

Abstract Mind’s thought has been found to control most of the body’s behavior regarding health issues in human life. The argument is, if an individual can focus on a certain control of his/her mind and imagine that he/she is already being subjected to the physical conditions he/she would desire to...

Sugar Processing: Term Definition

Introduction Sugarcane is a fleshy, tall perennial grass crop that grows fast infertile tropical soils (Sheridan, 2000). Physical and climatic factors such as temperature, soil, rainfall, and other factors largely affect its growth (Sheridan, 2000). The crop’s origin can be traced to South Asia and Southeast Asia, where it was...

Mechanism of Action and Clinical Application of Antiviral Drugs

Introduction Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first reported in 1981 by the Centers for Disease Control, with the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) as the causative agent (CDC, 1981). To date, approximately 60 million individuals around the world are infected with the HIV-1 virus and this infection has...

The History of Gaius Julius Caesar

Introduction Julius Caesar’s determination and political savvy allowed him to rise to the head of the crumbling Roman Republic. Caesar amassed a great deal of power and popular support and single-handedly ruled Rome for years. However, some members of the Senate feared that Caesar’s autocratic rule would destroy any possibility...

Advertising Ethics: Truth in Commercials

The communicative stimulation was known in ancient centuries. With the help of signs and symbols, as well as inscriptions on the walls traders reported to the citizens about the availability of certain goods on the tray, as well as on future developments, such as the slave trade or fighting gladiators....

Social Theory. Religion as a Tool for Social Oppression

Introduction There can be no doubt as to the fact that religion played an important role in shaping up socio-political realities, ever since the dawn of history. In its turn, this allows the proponents of religious worldview on culture and science to suggest that people’s tendency to indulge in theological...

NTCL: Human Resource Management

Introduction Northern Transportation Company Limited is Northern Canada’s oldest and largest Arctic marine operative and Canada’s largest barging corporation. For more than 70 years it has provided trustworthy and necessary marine transportation services to consumers and resources examination projects along the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories and crossways the...

McCain Online Campaign in Form of Social Networking

Introduction The online campaign in form of social networking incorporates My space, Facebook, YouTube and other online sites have been used in McCain campaign and has helped many Americans and another possible voter in easy access of the information related to McCain qualities of leadership, background, his plans as a...

Improving Access to Pediatric Mental Health Care

Introduction Similar to adults, children also encounter many mental health challenges. According to the latest statistics, almost 20% of youth experience some mental health-related problems and have a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder (MBDD) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019; Delaney, Burke, DeSocio, Greenberg, & Sharp, 2018). Nonetheless,...

Right to a Free Press in the Australian Constitution

In 1948, United Nations General Assembly adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHP). Under Article 19, it confirmed the right to free speech and declared that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Milkman in Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon”

Song of Solomon is one of the most famous novels by Toni Morrison written in 1977. Milkman Dead III is the main character of the novel who embodies both the positive and negative features of a man. Morrison depicts Milkman in mythic terms. Not only does his story follow a...

Private and Public Sector Labour Relations

According to the online Canadian Encyclopedia, the term labor relation refers to, “the relations between employers and employees”. It can also be defined broadly as the term that covers all forms of interaction between employers and employees; this includes that which occurs among employees, trade unions, employers, and employer associations...

Prophet Moses: Religion Figure Review

According to the Bible in the book of Exodus, Moses was the son of Amram and Jochebed and had an elder brother who was called Aaron. Prophet Moses is the one who led the Israelites from Egypt at the time that they were slaves. Moses was born at a time...

French Hijab Ban and Its Effects on Society

Alma and Lila are teenage sisters from the lower-class suburbs of Aubervilliers who were expelled from their school in 2003 after they defied the French law requiring them not to wear headscarves. Their father is a Jew who does not believe in God and a lawyer who works for an...

Cross-Cultural Executives’ Perceptions in Quality Customer Service and Relationship

Introduction The paper is a research proposal for research that is supposed to discuss the cross-cultural perceptions of the marketing executives of MNCs as they deal with different customers in different regions and countries. The effect of their perspectives and strategies necessary to make their view open and rational will...

“The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway

The book ‘The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926 and was the first novel published by the renowned Novelist Ernest Hemmingway. The book is also known as Fiesta in some countries because this was the original title that Hemmingway chose for the novel. The Sun Also Rises expounds upon...

United States Electoral College

Introduction In the US, the Electoral College is made up of elected representatives of each state who indirectly appoint the president and vice president. The college has had 538 electors since 1964. The term Electoral College came into usage in the early 19th century to refer to a group of...

National Economic Crisis as a Result of Failure by National Governments.

Introduction A nation or state that is sovereign enjoys a political autonomy, as well as the freedom to regulate the movement of people and goods. In addition, such a nation, by virtue of a sound government management and an implementation of policies, will also enjoy a control over foreign policies...

Budgeting Impact on Organizational Behavior

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss how budgeting can impact organizational behavior. This paper explores how the impact can be both positive and negative and discuss ways that financial managers are changing the budgeting processes to better inform managerial decision making. Analysis and Discussion Budgeting, its nature and purpose Budgeting...

Communicable Disease Control. Medical Issues.

Introduction A disease is described as a condition/disorder that interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Communicable diseases are those diseases that are easily spread from person to person by way of contact, food, water, contaminated objects or even through the air. They are also referred to as infectious...

Hotel Law Cases Analysis: Customer and Hotel

Macgregor V beatrice The facts of the case are as follows. Peter has availed himself of a room at MacGregor hotel for a period of one week. On the second night of his stay, Peter invited Beatrice to be his guest and dine at the Hotel’s restaurant. After ordering a...

Should Animals Be Used in Medical Research?

Introduction We live in times when the voices of self-proclaimed “animal rights activists”, who suggest that it represents a highly immoral deed to conduct scientific experiments on animals, are growing ever-louder, even though that those that are opposed against animal testing do not seem to be in a big rush...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Analysis

The topic that I am researching is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In what follows is a literature review on the topic. I specifically analyze articles that investigate the question of whether the Bush administration has committed abuses with regards to the FISA or not. The hypothesis that I...

The Fit Stop: Compensation Strategy

Introduction Founder Susan Superfit viewed the Fit Stop as a breakthrough endeavour. Superfit stated that the company is highly dependent on the performance of the employees. The skills and attitude that the staff will cultivate in the company is critical in the success of the Fit Stop. Since the company...

Decision-Making Process and Flaws in Management

Introduction Decision-making may be defined as the act of selection between two or more option, the result of which is not perfectly known, with the intention of solving a problem. The success or failure of a business relies on the value of decisions made or not made. Decision makers are...

Rubbish Waste & Recycling Program “Rubbish Are Us”

Waste Services Coordinator As the overall manager of the “Rubbish Are Us” team, he is expected to set goals, solve problems, manage time, provide effective communication, with good interpersonal skills, work well in the team, and has the ability to manage conflicts. He is expected to: Oversee the whole staff,...

Lewis and Clark Expedition in American History

The significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was that it effectively opened up the west and established it as American territory. Spurred by the Louisiana Purchase, the expedition was designed to give the country a better sense of what it held as well as to attempt to soothe relations...

Debate of the Dangerous Consequences of Abortion

Introduction Despite the fact that abortion has been widely practiced by the whole of mankind since thousands of years before, it is a matter that still evokes deep emotions and debate. The very nature of the process raises the primary question regarding life: What is the true value of human...

Opioid Epidemic Article Analysis

Article Summary The article I have chosen for the analysis is entitled “The changing face of the US opioid epidemic: Middle-aged black adults see rise in deaths” and was published in CNN Health this year. The publication addresses a concerning trend in opioid use for recreational and medical use. The...

Johnson & Johnson Ltd.: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The past few decades has witnessed a complete revolution on the way business is conducted and the approach through which organizations relate to one another. This has been facilitated by globalization, advancements in information technology, outsourcing, and a networked economy. Organizations are increasingly finding it necessary to rely on...

Subprime Mortgage Crisis Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this study is to bring to light the mechanism of an economy and banking system. The study focuses on subprime crisis that has hit the US in the last two years. The study throws some light on the adverse effects of the crisis on the US...

Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Quantitative Methods

Research question Obesity in children and adolescents has increasingly become prevalent in the recent past and is now a major problem in most developed countries. In what ways can we determine the main causes of obesity in this age group and whom should the blame be placed on? The Problem...

“Skin: Ineradicable Stain Project” by Shelley Jackson

Introduction According to Harris, the gothic genre involves mysteries, horrific scenes, death, and other features that generate fear among the readers (par 1). The style establishes uncertainties in the settings and plots of stories. In most of the gothic genres, death is inevitable. In fact, most of the characters face...

Field Trip to Ghana

Introduction Field trips offer a good learning experience for students. It is during such trips students have the opportunity to apply practical knowledge they have theoretically acquired in class. Over time, there has been a shift in regards to the purpose of travel. Initially, travel was meant to be a...

Vegetarianism In Teens

Vegetarianism is a dietary condition that entails refraining from meat and to some extend related animal products. Various people will cite different reasons as to why they ended up embracing such a kind of mannerism in their diets. Religious, social, economic, medical and cultural reasons have been attributed to various...

Marketing Strategy in the Business

Evaluate this statement: “Internet marketing objectives that are associated with any type of communication strategy in the business resemble those marketplaces.” Internet marketing is gaining popularity day by day because of the fast pace and high-efficiency level that is demonstrated through the use of Internet marketing strategies. Internet is an...

Disability and Information Technology Education

Introduction This proposal is about the study of Disability and ICT education. It proposes to study how the disabled can be taught ICT and the benefits of introducing ICT education to the disabled. ICT has no universally accepted definition because the concepts, methods and applications involved constantly evolves every day.ICT...

Comparison of NAFTA and European Union

European Union In the aftermath of World War II, the next four years of devastation and destruction witnessed the death of millions. Consequently, a relatively small group of different European countries join together for the purpose of planning for the future to avoid such destructive events. The result was the...

Benefits of Sustainable Technology and Living

Modern society suffers greatly from technological revolutions and innovations which ruin natural environment and kill out Planet. The adoption of the integrated approach to sustainable development represents an almost archetypal ‘ecological modernization’ approach to sustainable development. ‘Ecological modernisation’ is a term which covers a range of policy approaches that embody...

Vulnerability of Hazardville to Flooding Disasters

Introduction History, research and the recent catastrophes of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and the more recent Midwest floods have determined that the United States of America is highly vulnerable to natural disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) confirms that folds are undoubtedly, the most frequent and costly among all...

Chinese Family System Coordination

Introduction It is most possibly correct to say that since the inception of humanity, there has not yet been an established stable human culture whereby any other institution has been ranked higher and deemed more important by its participants than the family unit. China being one of the civilizations that...

The History of Translation Through the 20th Century

Introduction Tracing the course of the development of the translation theories during the 20th century, it would be relevant to suggest regarding theoretical perspectives of translation to certain linguistic theories which represent different approaches to the translation of this particular period. Such translation theories might be listed as follows: Walter...

The Changing Trend in Human Resource Management in Australia

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, the traditional male breadwinner model has changed towards greater participation of women in the labor force and new policies introduced by Australian companies to support families. In effect, even under the most generous provision, available only to a small proportion of the...

Advertising: Ewen’s “Captains of Consciousness”

Ever since man engaged himself in the business of mass production of products and commodities, the practice of advertising has increasingly taken a central position in informing the lifestyles of people. In our daily endeavors, we are greatly influenced by the advertisements we view on the television or read in...

Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Review

The Taming of the Shrew is a very light-hearted comedy written by William Shakespeare. It depicts the social attitudes to the institution of marriage as was in existence during the Elizabethan days. The theme of the play can be approached from several angles, but at the surface level, it is...

Rhetoric in Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: Travel

Introduction Barbara Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences is a critically-acclaimed collection of thoughts on mundane and unappreciated subjects. However, the wit and quick thinking turned the narrative into an interesting discussion about the small details of life to which most are indifferent....

Disliking Others: Racial Discriminations as an Outcome of Racial Prejudices

Purpose of the Study There has been a long drawn battle line between the White Americans and the African Americans in the United States. This prejudice has existed and many steps have been taken to eradicate this and provide equality. Today, it manifests itself in various forms in schools and...

Modern Jewish history: Ashkenaz, Ottoman Empire, Aliyah, Immigration, War

Modern Jewish history It took the new Jewish nation more than100 years to emerge as the modern nation of Israel as it is now. The period between 1914 and 1945 was the turning point for Jewish history. Jews in Europe experienced brutality, starvation, civil war, followed by the oppressive communist...

Biotechnology: Methodology in Basic Genetics

Project Summary The material presented in this research proposal illustrates the possibilities of ecological genetics, in particular, the development of eco-genetical models, based on the usage of species linked by one food chain as consumers and producers. The consumer’s metabolic dependence on producer allows altering the metabolism of the producer...

Dressing Constructs Identity with Fashion Materials

Introduction The history of fashion is interconnected with the history of humanity. Ever since ancient men and women started wearing furs to cover their bodies, the concept of fashion was born. The choice of appearances for men and women had been changing from one century to another, as new trends,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Arabian Nights: The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

Introduction The Arabian Nights have always been viewed as the staple of the Arabian folklore and a source of wisdom on which the Arabian philosophy is based. However, apart from addressing the general notions of justice and the battle between the good and evil, the collection of tales also examines...

Poetry and Prose 1660-1800- John Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel

Introduction Absalom and Achitophel was written for the King Charles II in 1681. This poem represents a political satire and critically depicts the Court and royal manners. The uniqueness of this poem is that it presents not merely a series of pictures of personalities, but the whole situation and in...

Emeco Company’s Information Management

Abstract Information management plays a critical role in modern business as it provides opportunities for better cooperation with customers and analysis. For this reason, managers’ top priority is the creation of effective systems that will be able to consider all existing factors. In this regard, the presented paper is devoted...

Traditional and Non-Traditional Grooming Markets

Introduction Market analysis is a prerequisite for any company or business that considers entering into a new market segment. Market analysis can reveal the market share, market trends, segmentation of services and products, market size, market growth, just to mention but a few. The analysis is important because it gives...

Jazz and Politics: “The History of Jazz”

Jazz is an American musical art that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities as there was the connection of African and European music traditions. With the emaciation of slaves, there were new opportunities that were cared to African Americans in that they were allowed...

Hate Crimes – Past, Present and Future

Introduction The United States is one of the most successful multiethnic, multireligious and multiracial societies in the world. However, these differences have also proved to be negative sentiments in society leading to violence, such as anti-Semitic, anti-black, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-Catholic. “Hate crime” as a term and as a legal...

Managerial Accounting Concepts in Health Care Industry

Introduction The continuous increase in the cost of providing health care has resulted in additional pressure on the health care providers to extend their services to their patients in a more cost-effective manner to meet the challenges of retaining the patients as well as maintaining the revenues. To meet these...

Environmental Management Approaches and Waste Audit

Environmental strategies, waste audit and cost-efficiency The purpose of current research is to provide the comprehensive analysis of environmental management approaches in terms of conducting full-spectrum waste audit. Currently existing ecological problems pose new challenges to enterprising units which are obliged according to national legislation to utilize environmentally safe equipment...

Effects of Caffeine in Fetuses or Pregnant Rats

Introduction Caffeine has been known to cause many deleterious effects starting from addiction to effects on the neurological development, skeletal development, and behavioral system of the offspring when the mother has consumed large quantities of it. Having gone through the various literature on the subject, I have decided to replicate...

Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping

As the waves of change are intensifying in the Information Age, the role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming. Indeed, the growth of technology in policing, from crime analysis and crime mapping to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Native Americans History: The Other Trail of Tears

Natives are people who live a life that is very different from the rest; this is because such people lack their rights of living in that particular country. Natives are indigenous people from the regions of North America who are covered by the continent of United States and parts of...

Cyberbullying of Children in Canada

Introduction The digitalization process across the globe not only opened a way for new advancement but enhanced pre-existing problems as well. One of these problems includes the issue of bullying, which is especially painful for the children of the school age. The enhancement has led to the emergence of a...

The Case of Curtis Flowers

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

Narration in the Max Ophuls’ Film “Letter From an Unknown Woman”

Introduction The notion of narration has always been a subject of controversy within the community of filmmakers and philosophers. Who narrates the movie, whether the outlook is entirely based on a character’s perception, or whether the narrator is placed outside the world where events are happening are some of the...

Women Roles During Wartime in Ancient Greece and Rome

According to the world literature, various communities have continued to restrict the ability and rights of women to manage as well as own property. Highly regarded women who dared to spend their time in public were frowned upon. Nevertheless, at times women applied the power of public protest to make...

Bereavement: Normal vs. Complicated

Abstract Bereavement is a health problem that health experts and stakeholders should examine carefully in an attempt to present powerful initiatives to deal with it. Around 10 percent of the United States population suffers from complicated grief. Those who face this mental health problem lack high-quality medical support. After analyzing...

Declining Pound’s Effect on the UK Economy

Introduction In international trade, the demand and supply of currencies affect their values in the short and long term (Frieden 2016). The interest rate policies formulated by different governments to stabilize their currencies also influence supply-side economics and, by extension, the value of linked currencies (Hassan & Mano 2019). These...

Lung Cancer Early Screening in African Americans

Health communication is imperative in all facets of disease prevention, promotion of well-being, and fitness education (Farzadnia & Giles, 2015). The African American culture suffers a more disproportionate impact of lung cancer with respect to prevalence and survival than other cultural groups in the US. Apart from poor communication with...

Oil and Gas Resource Curse in Post-Soviet Space

Introduction In the context of economic development and recognition in the international arena, many states use domestic resources as key trade elements, thereby creating demand and increasing budget revenues. The oil and gas industry is promising today because, although a constant search for alternative sources of fuel is conducted, natural...

Modern ‘In Your Face’ Advertising Issues

Introduction With the advent of TIVO, VCR’s, and DVD’s, businesses have had a harder time reaching their potential customer base. These businesses have begun to search out new ways (or old) to reach potential customers. TIVO’s greatest sale point is that customers can tune out commercials or other types of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The State of Being Two-Spirit: Blessing and Curse

Introduction As of now, a share of LGBTQ-related literature and research use the concept of two-spirit to showcase First Nations’ acceptance and recognition of non-cis non-hetero members. Unfortunately, this approach to the subject matter may not do the communities any good: in a way, it romanticizes two-spirit people and ignores...

America’s Geopolitical Stance During the Cold War

Introduction Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many historians and political scientists to claim that America’s victory in the Cold War (1946-1991) was objectively predetermined by the inefficiency of Socialism, as the form of political governing adopted in the USSR (America’s main rivalry) throughout the era. This, in turn,...

Classroom Analysis of a Recorded Class

Class Background Information The recorded audio represents a literature class for high-school students. The topic of the class is empathy in literature, which aims at educating the students about the notion of empathy and how writers might use it in their attempts to engage their readers. The teacher’s task is...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Epidemiology

Introduction HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that attacks and damages the immune system. HIV infection has become an acute problem in the past thirty years. Even though there are prevention methods and strategies, a growing number of people become affected by the virus every year. In some...

Aviation Security Is Over Reliant on Technology

Introduction The aviation industry has gained massive relevance and popularity in the modern society where the need to move from one part of the world to another has become a necessity to a vast majority of people. According to Pelton and Singh (2019), there is always a unique focus on...

Arnheim, Eisenstein, Hitchcock: Film and Reality

Introduction During the last century, film studies underwent many considerable changes. Theorists developed their statements, introduced new approaches, and promoted debates to understand the role of the film industry in human life. In the 1900s, theorists were divided into formalists and realists with their intentions to prove the connection between...

Relationship Between Stress and Nicotine Intake in Middle Age Adults

Historical Overview of Theory The study of the relationship between stress and nicotine required broad investigation to reveal the effects of smoking on mental health. Scholars have been observing and discovering facts that aimed to prove that nicotine intake can increase stress levels and lead to various neurological issues. History...

American Cancer Society Guidelines Implementation

Introduction Healthcare system practice guidelines represent systematically-developed statements intended to assist practitioners and patients in making decisions about relevant health care for a specific case or circumstance. Such guidelines provide a definition of relevant diagnostic and treatment aspects in the management of a health condition. These recommendations are based on...

Changes in Google’s Employee Selection System

Introduce the case briefly by providing an overview/summary of what is happening in this situation Google is one of the largest digital corporations, and today, the company occupies a leading position as an information search engine service. In addition to this activity, the company is involved in a number of...

Strategic Analysis of Pepsico

Executive Summary The present paper provides a situational analysis of Pepsico, Inc., the second-largest food and beverage company in the world. As of late, Pepsico has been going through some difficulties due to political, economic, and social volatility and its apparent unpreparedness for changes. This essay investigates the situation using...

Aristotle’s Teleological Understanding of Ethics as Virtue in Modern Society

The idea of interpreting the nature of ethics as teleological dates back to the era of Ancient Greece, yet the understanding of ethics as a teleological notion still echoes in contemporary society. At its core, teleological ethics on which Aristotle’s philosophy based can be traced in the contemporary interpretation of...

Reducing Readmission in Patients with Lung Disease

Problem Statement Patients with COPD are exposed to an array of threats even after the treatment process is completed (Cruz, Brooks, & Marques, 2014). Because of the nature of the disease, the propensity toward health problems such as flair-ups, and the subsequent need for another hospitalization, it is crucial to...

American and British Empires in the Middle East

The expansion of both the American and British Empires in the Middle East was based on imperialism, which started with the aggressive overseas expansion of Europe in the 1400s. The Middle East region was excluded from the initial European occupation until the 1780s, when the first invasion occurred. The British...

Queen Isabella I of Castile and Inquisition

Introduction Queen Isabella I of Castile is a key figure in Spanish history. Her rule following her marriage to King Ferdinand of Aragon, saw the unification of the Spanish kingdom and the conclusion of the Reconquista. She further solidified the power of the unified crown by employing a group of...

“The New Automaton Theater” by Steven Millhauser

Introduction It should be noted that Steven Millhauser is a writer and author of many popular works that raise important philosophical and moral questions. He uses the images familiar to every individual and creates a small world, a micro-universe, into which the reader is immersed from the first lines. The...

Development as a Language Learner

Introduction While teaching and learning language are sometimes perceived as merely providing and obtaining a particular set of prescriptive forms, language is a structural and multifaceted system that integrates knowledge about cultural and social phenomena. This paper aims to examine my personal development as a language learner based on the...

Correlation Between Headteachers’ Leadership Behavior and Problem-Solving Skills

Introduction Headteachers’ leadership skills are of extreme importance for the efficient cooperation of teaching staff. At the same time, problem-solving skills are also vital since they help to decrease the amount of stress put in headteachers. The present paper offers a review of an article by Izgar (2008) with the...

Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV

Description of the Commercial The Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV is a short television commercial that promotes a satellite television company known as Direct TV. As it starts, we see a man who is trying to watch news, but there is a problem with the television. The...

Procurement System at IKEA: Purchasing Style and Tools

Introduction IKEA was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden, and it has grown to be one of the leading international companies with over 420 stores in 52 countries around the world. For such a big company, sourcing materials globally is normally a challenge, which requires an elaborate strategy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Avast Software: Company Analysis

Executive Summary Avast Software is a globally recognized multinational company and leader in the area of providing cybersecurity solutions for individual customers and businesses. The company, which serves users in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, has been demonstrating stable financial growth. As the leader among its competitors, Avast is...

Rogers Communications Inc.’s Compensation Analysis

Executive Summary For this assignment, Rogers Communications Inc., a Canadian company operating primarily in the field of media and wireless communication, was chosen. As of 2018, the company’s annual revenue had amounted to CAD$15.1 billion (Statista, 2018). According to the 2013 data, the company employed 26,000 people both in Canada...

Federal Taxation of Individuals

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corporation, and C Corporation A partnership is an agreement signed by two or more parties to manage a business as co-proprietors. An organization is a business with different proprietors, each of whom has put resources into the market. A few associations incorporate people who work in...

Alcohol Difference in the United States and Europe

The types of alcohol and the patterns of its consumption vary across the countries. Historically, the attitude towards it was changing depending on the socio-political and the economic situation. Europe and the United States belong to the same Western civilization, and it is understandable why many processes associated with this...

The Spot Fiat 500X Commercial

The chosen 2014 TV commercial Spot Fiat 500X Viagra – anuncio de television advertises the new Spot Fiat 500X to potential buyers, with the ad’s setting being a town in Italy. In the beginning, viewers get to see an old man entering the bedroom with his wife laying on the...

Comme Des Garçons’ Marketing Activities

Executive Summary The report provides a comprehensive overview of Comme des Garçons’ marketing activities. The brand was established in 1969 by Rei Kawakubo and currently has headquarters in Tokyo and Paris. It is a luxury brand that regularly presents collections on the catwalk, yet is also highly appealing to streetwear...

Byfield Business College’s Change Problem

Introduction Organizational change is a challenging endeavour because it affects many structural units and employees. Without adequate change processes, such ventures often fail because of many resisting forces. Therefore, it is imperative to plan the implementation carefully and communicate the ideas to employees correctly. This paper analyses the case of...

Social Media and Their Psychological Effects

It is well known that nowadays, due to the development of information technologies, social media play a significant role in people’s lives. Thus, social media allow people to share different types of data through virtual reality, reach large audiences in a short period, and achieve business success. However, even though...

“The White Book” Novel by Han Kang

The White Book is a novel written in 2016 by a South Korean writer, Han Kang. The unique and unconventional way of narration that is usually used by the author ensures the popularity of her books that are recognizable in different parts of the world (Hartanto 265). In 2018, the...

Chicken Co.’s Performance and Talent Management

The Role and Advantages of a Performance Management System Performance Management as a Crucial Aspect of Success The role of performance management (PM) in a company’s operations and successful development cannot be overstated. Through the use of carefully selected approaches, one can provide high-quality work in all departments and at...