Importance of Class in Cultural Studies

The academic field that deals with an amalgamation of sociology, political economy anthropology, history and historical events and communication in a certain community is referred to as cultural studies. It often majors on particular observable facts that speak about the matters of philosophy, ethnic group, gender and social class. Those...

Combinatorics. Using in Different Fields

Introduction Combinatorics is a section of mathematics that is primarily used for efficient counting of various things. At the basic level, it addresses such problems as enumerating all the ways in which a certain structure with some given properties can be arranged, or proving if such a structure could exist....

Public Procurement Law: Case Analysis

Introduction This case study analysis will consider two scenarios. The first scenario argues as if there is enough evidence that, Bill who joined Peradua as their Director of Procurement in September 2009 did help Peradua to win the contract of replacing reporting system and that the Trust did not follow...

Outsourcings Effects on Our Economy

Introduction There have been many hues and cry over the phenomenon of outsourcing and the benefits and downsides of the same. The debate is primarily on the kind of effect that outsourcing has on the US economy. While the concept of outsourcing is not new to the world with manufacturers...

Political Thinking For an East Asia Context

Introduction Chinese civilization has been considered to be the longest continuous civilization on earth. The system of the Chinese dynasty gave it a bureautic control against a system that in the end was advantageous to the Chinese agrarian system than the neighboring nomadic and hill cultures. The civilization of China...

Desktop Migration Proposal Windows 7 to Windows 8.1

Introduction This proposal covers upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1. Currently, HACKM, LLC has around 5000 desktops/laptops that run Windows 7. In addition, many employees will also be connected to tablet computers. Apart from migration to Windows 8.1, the company also strives for efficient and optimal use of Windows...

Contrasts the Chinese American Culture With the African American Culture

Introduction This paper compares and contrasts the Chinese American culture with the African American culture. The Chinese Americans are very distinct people who have their own ways of doing things. The Chinese American culture differs from the African American culture in a number of ways. However, on close scrutiny, the...

Researching the Eldercide Problem

The terms ‘abuse’ and ‘neglect’ do not seem to grab a lot of attention as they used to be some decades ago. We have become numb to hear about several cases of child abuse, child neglect, murders and rapes occurring in our own communities. The media is constantly bombarding us...

Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism

Christian Identity Since the institutionalization of Christianity, the Church has always competed with monarchs for control over the states. Only after the beginning of the Reformation did Christianity begin to cooperate with local authorities. It can be said that such a symbiosis of unique cultures and local Christian practice norms...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bills of Right: Objectives and Challenges

Introduction Justice is what protects the rights of citizens. Justice is concerned with laws, organizations and even the social system. Justice reveals itself in decision making, judgments and accusations. The basic assumption is that it should apply without discrimination to all citizens. The law of a country is enforced by...

Biometric System Modules: Implementation and Operation

Because ID theft occurs in 1 out of 20 individuals with an estimated 54 billion in fraud, biometrics is the future for security that should be implemented by businesses and the government to reduce Identity fraud. Biometrics addresses the recognition of people grounded on their genetic or behavioral traits. It...

Comparison of Utilitarianism and Christian Ethics

Introduction Human beings encounter diverse challenges and obstacles that could affect their goals and force them to change their philosophies of life. Metaethics has emerged as a powerful field that presents evidence-based concepts for examining moral issues and addressing them from an informed perspective. Depending on the existing situation and...

The Catholic Response to the Climate Change

Catholic Church joined other global climate change movements such as Action for climate change by the United Nations to champion a safer and sustainable ecosystem by 2050. Climate change refers to the increase of global warming on the earth’s surface. Approximately the heat temperature on earth increases by 1.5 degrees...

Coping Strategies in Job Related Stress in Nurses

Abstract Job-related stress among nurses is an issue that has raised massive concern among contemporary scholars. Nurses are forced to undergo very traumatizing environmental factors that are directly contributed by the nature of their job. Some issues such as pressure from the doctors, patients, relatives and, the administration affect nurses...

The Power of Photography: Photography’s Reality Effect

Introduction A vivid study of the use of photography by Roland Barthes throws light on how the photographic documentary is held in life writing. I dispute that photographs in real-life writing encourage readers to look further than what is imaged to their own experiences relative to various sort of general...

Digital Inclusion and Policy Recommendation

Many factors influence the level of civic participation and political culture in general. These are the features of a digital society that make adjustments to socio-political processes. The impact is exerted by processes associated with the development of civil society in the EU as a whole and in France in...

Target’s Data Security Issues Review

Introduction When building a system for ensuring information security, along with the processes of implementing protective measures, personnel training, implementing security policies, etc., the processes of monitoring and checking the state of information security are important. This allows checking the adequacy of the selected measures and means of protection, and...

Should Animals Be Used for Research?

Introduction Animals, from rabbits to dogs, are widely used in research studies as test subjects. They are an important component that allows scientists to increase their knowledge regarding human biology and health, as well as develop new drugs. The use of animals in scientific research has been a hotly debated...

Communicable Diseases: The Epidemiological Potential of HIV

Introduction The problem of HIV as a severe communicable disease that significantly affects the population of the United States could hardly be overlooked. As it is stated on the website, an estimated 1 million people in the country are currently infected with HIV. Also, one out of every seven...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Boeing Company’s Stakeholder Analysis

Introduction In the wake of concern for citizens’ safety and security, the recent accidents that occurred to Boeing planes, particularly, the 737 model, put the company in an extraordinarily difficult position. Boeing owes a tremendous amount of responsibility to its key stakeholders, passengers’ safety being the key area of the...

Innovation and Technology Cycles in Organizations

Innovation and technology cycles For a long time, organizations have been experiencing various kinds of problems and they have resulted in their management exploring various changes to introduce into their mode of operation. Innovation and technology cycles have been very useful to organizations as they have helped such organizations to...

Parmalat Company’s Fraudulent Financial Activities

The term cooking the books is used to describing a range of fraudulent acts that companies attempt to provide false financial statements. Usually, cooking the books is associated with exaggerating financial data to report non-existent earnings. At the beginning of the 2000s, many Fortune 500 companies have been caught improving...

Date Rape, Its Causes, Effects, and How to Avoid This Case

Abstract Date rape is the type of rape in which a person who is, arguably, trusted by another takes advantage of the trust and forces his way into having non-consensual sex with her. The rape victim can either be a woman or a man although cases of male date-rape victims...

Cultural Competence in the Nursing Profession

Orientation Cultural competence in the nursing workplace is the accommodation of patient dynamics in the workplace. It is crucial for nurses to understand the importance of cultural competence in the nursing workplace and adjust according to patient needs and requirements to provide optimum patient care. This is an important step...

Child Growth and Development

The subject of the observation is a seven-year-old boy who has reached second grade at school and becomes less dependent on his parents. He is a clever and active child who knows how to ride a bicycle, roller skates, plays badminton and table tennis. The boy is attentive and can...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

Modern Technology and Engineering: The Prospects for the Development

Modern Technologies: General Overview of the Suggestions Due to the rapid development of modern technologies and the new ideas appearing in the sphere of engineering, people have faced with a huge number of newest gadgets and equipment which was created to make people’s life easier and provide them with time-savers...

Debt As A Very Important Part of Commercial Life

Introduction Debt forms a very important part of commercial life. While, some may say that borrowing is not a prudent practice, it is often the only way for an individual or company to stay afloat in business or to pay for expenses incurred that threaten to bring business to a...

Social Distancing as Prevention

Introduction Social distancing or physical distancing is a complex of non-pharmacological sanitary and epidemiological measures aimed at stopping or declining the spread of an infectious disease. Social distancing means limiting close contacts between people, even if they are not sick, not being in any of the risk groups. It is...

The Success of Workers’ Party Advert and Its Role in the Political Campaign

Introduction Advertising is an essential part of every political campaign. Nowadays, advertising has a broader meaning than selling products. “The word (advertising) refers us not only to a type of message but to a type of speech and, beyond that, to a whole communicative function which is associated with a...

Challenges of Democracy Promotion in the United States

The challenges of democracy in the United States center on promotion of democracy in all the government systems and departments. This is because Americans have built a long history of democracy since its independence. A good example is the opposition to women suffrage are the challengers of democracy. Authoritarianism in...

Music of the Baroque Period: What is a Baroque Concerto?

Introduction Baroque is often used to describe the style of music which is composed during the era that coincides with the period of Baroque art. There are still a lot of arguments when it comes to the principles of baroque music especially its contribution to the Baroque period. One highlight...

Denver International Airport: Benefits and Strategic Location

Introduction Denver International Airport (DIA) is believed to be the biggest international airport in the United States and second largest airport in the world. The strategic positioning of Denver has ensured that a large number of domestic and international flights touch down at DIA. It also happens to be the...

Australian Social Determinants of Health

Introduction The disparity in the range of life expectancy within and between countries is a well documented issue. For instance, life expectancy in Russia stands at 58.4 years. This is a clear difference of 21 years in comparison to life expectancy in Sweden which stands at 80. On the other...

Industry Research Completion: Real Estate Industry

An industry passes through a sequence of developments and downfalls either due to external factors or any internal grounds. Economic establishment helps to foster the growth of industries present in that particular economy. The role of industry in an economy signifies prosperity in terms of its advantage for respective stakeholders....

Importance of Traffic Safety Education at the School Level

Introduction Traffic safety education at the school level is meant to provide the students with lifetime skills for maneuvering in the public roads and highways. The importance of learning these skills at school level is increasing, since more and more students are nowadays driving to school. Those not driving are...

“Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care” by Gordon

The major purpose of the book is to explore the role of nurses and care for inpatients. Safety in Numbers: Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care is the first book to address matters about nurse-to-patient ratios. In the book, Gordon, Buchanan and Bretherton (2008) explored nurse-to-patient ratio historical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Corporate Financial Analysis of Gap, Inc

Industry: Apparel Stores Gap, Inc. Date: 01/09/14 Ticker Symbol: GPS – NYSE Recommendation: Hold Current price: $46.15 Price Target: $46.03 Earnings per share Ratio 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Earnings per share 1.58 1.88 1.56 2.33 2.74 Price/earnings ratio 14.8 12.3 10.7 15.2 14.0 Highlights The company reported an increase...

Social Health Determinants Impact on a Country’s Health Outcomes

Introduction Researchers rarely dispute the effect of social determinants of health, such as where people live and work, on global health outcomes (Baum, 2008; Dankwa-Mullan, et al., 2010). Although health indicators depend on several intrinsic factors that concern a country’s national health system, recent research has shifted our attention to...

International Relations: Growing Importance of Secularization

At the beginning of the 21st century, growing religiosity and secularization are the direct causes of political, economic and social crisis affected modern society. Within the context of increasing secularization, religion undergoes two crucial changes. First, its authority is narrowed to an ever-diminishing realm, as social institutions differentiate from religion...

Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces

Introduction The natural environment contains many micro-organisms that are suspended in the air, in water and on other organisms, for instance, humans. Modern laboratories are busy settings as personnel usually share equipment across overlapping work stations, which are near busy areas or high-traffic instruments. Therefore, it is essential to practice...

Consumer Law: Trade Practises Act

Introduction Background to the study Consumers are governed and protected by commercial laws against exploitation by corporate. These laws ensure that the goods produced by various firms meet the specified standard. These laws sometimes go beyond the regulation of products produced, but also control consumer transactions, and commerce. Commercial laws...

“Beowulf”: Character Analysis of the Epic Poem

When people think of the ancient world before written history, most get the image of a world of barbarians engaging in terrible pagan beliefs systems and fighting against evil supernatural forces that seem strangely more prevalent than they are today. This characterization might be the legacy of a highly Christian...

The Advertisement Effectiveness and Measurement of Its Effectiveness

Introduction Through the various changes that have taken place in our recent studies and measurement of advertising techniques, it has been found that advertising definitely works better than not advertising. It is certainly more beneficial than promotions and it works on almost any type of media, like print, radio, internet...

Oil Industry: ConocoPhillips Company’s Analysis

Introduction The ConocoPhillips Company is an international energy corporation having headquarters in USA Texas. It is the second largest refiner in the US oil industry and world wide its position is fourth among the largest nongovernmental refiners. They own a high quality portfolio of assets and have wide range of...

Cause-Related Marketing: Definition and Benefits

Introduction Cause-related marketing involves marketing efforts that have social and charitable causes and which are not based on donations as do corporate philanthropy. The strategy, which builds on the blend of the hybrid between public relations and product advertising, can be used to achieve positive impacts on customers’ buying behavior,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Introduction Nursing is a profession that offers a broad range of opportunities all over the world. While choosing nursing as a career, it is possible to select a particular nursing specialty area to work with patients of various health conditions and age groups. Even though a great variety of groups...

Physical Versus Chemical Restraints in Intensive Care Unit

Introduction The use of physical and chemical restraints in acute and intensive care began ages ago. Of these two restraint methods, physical restraint has attracted the most negative attention and criticism from both the health care sector and the human rights organizations. However, both chemical and physical restraints continue to...

Birtherism Theory in the United States

Introduction Conspiracy theories have existed for a long period, and it is used to explain the causes of significant political and social events and circumstances. Such ideas are pushed by powerful people in society and have great influence. The theories are developed to accuse an individual, achievement, or a contribution....

Organizational Management and Leadership at Hitachi Ltd Canada

Introduction Good administration is the hallmark of good management and the proper and efficient use of resources. Managers become leaders when their personality and character, their knowledge and functional skills of leadership are recognized and accepted by the others involved. Hitachi Ltd. is a leading electronic company specialized in information...

Maya Culture Overview and Contributions to World History

The Maya culture had interesting aspects in their civilization or that they accomplished over time. The important aspects of the Mayas are their physical characteristics, how they dress, their social organization, agriculture, art and techniques, religion, god and goddesses, architecture, trade, mathematics, and government. The physical characteristics of the Maya...

Self-Leadership and Management

Introduction Self-leadership refers to the procedure of influencing oneself to develop the self-motivation and self-direction required to execute management tasks effectively. Browning (2018) identifies leadership as a nurtured or cultivated art that starts with self-leadership, which has a direct correlation with the public one. Self-leadership enhances a manager’s emotional intellect...

Core Classroom Management Competencies and Skills of High-School Teachers in the Digital Era

The modern educational field is continuously undergoing the influence of multiple factors within the social, political, economic, and technological environments. The combination of these influential forces sets elevated benchmarks for teachers who must align their work according to the demands of society. The rapid technological advancement has been one of...

Group Dynamics Impact on the Organization’s Productivity

Abstract The study will explore the impacts of Group Dynamics on the productivity of an organization. A survey will be used as the method of study where random sampling will be used as the technique for data collection. The sample size will be 100 out of which half will be...

Human Life is Unique: A Response to Singer

Introduction Biological ethics or bioethics is a critical aspect of any form of scientific experimentation, especially if it involves sentient and highly intelligent beings, such as monkeys and apes. The given argumentative paper will oppose Singer’s arguments that human life is no more valuable than that of the apes and...

Maternity Nursing: Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation

Introduction The improvement of maternity care quality and the reduction of infant morbidity are the main concerns of maternity nursing. It has been broadly addressed in professional literature, research findings, and statistical data that the health of a newborn child vastly depends on breastfeeding initiation. The World Health Organization (2018)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resources Management in Google

Company Overview and HR Concept Introduction Google is one of the largest multination IT corporations in the world. It generates billions of dollars of revenue and offers a variety of services to its clients. Google’s primary sphere of interest lies within the boundaries of the internet and computer technology. It...

US Tax System: Deferred Compensation Definition

Introduction The concept of deferred compensation is an essential maneuver in order to alter the tax value. Despite the ongoing theoretical synthesis of various aspects of taxation, there is no specific and holistic concept. It uniquely describes the social role and importance as a tool of public authorities for the...

Understanding Ebola: Epidemiology of Virus Disease

Epidemiology is a key pillar of any public healthcare system. It ensures optimal health for human populations through surveillance, data-driven health promotion, and prevention. Epidemiological tools are used to screen for disease-causing agents, their natural hosts, and means of transmission for effective interventions. This paper applies the concepts of epidemiology...

Communicable Diseases: Measles and Its Impact on the Population

Introduction Among the variety of communicable diseases, there are those that are typical for certain population groups. One of the problems of modern medicine is measles, mostly a child’s ailment. Despite the fact that the treatment of this disease meets the quality standards of modern medicine, the danger for patients...

The Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life

Ethical consideration is an important issue in personal and professional life. Over the years, ethical conduct has attracted diverse opinions. This has been the case especially when people compromise ethics for material or other gains. Ethical practice is not an easy task; it calls for a person to be dedicated...

The Healthcare Information: Security and Privacy

Teaching Hospital Employees The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the primary legislation that regulates how personal health-related information is managed by healthcare institutions. Because of the increasing number of privacy-related issues concerning this data, it is imperative that all employees have the necessary knowledge and training to...

Anxiety Disorder Definition: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Introduction Anxiety disorder refers to a mental condition where someone experiences considerable sensations of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness, while fear refers to an emotion experienced in anticipation of a specific pain or danger. Studies have established that people with anxiety disorder...

Personality in Williams’s “A Streetcar Named Desire”

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is written by Tennessee Williams and first presented in Broadway Theatre in December 1947. The play is focused on the tense relationship between two sisters, where one is a spoiled young woman who is driven by her desires, and another is desperately in love with her...

Law Enforcement Position in Society

Introduction With centuries of securing fellow residents and combatting crime, law enforcement authorities seem to adjust to the new policing advancements at a relatively high rate. However, over the last decades, it became clear that felony crime and a misdemeanor would always be at least one step ahead of the...

Program Code in Assembly Language Using Easy68K Software

Introduction The basic concept of a microprocessor is a component hardware referred to as the central processing unit (CPU) that executes data and instructions in a logical sequence of computations in the CPU through instructions written in an assembly programming language recognizable by the CPU. Assembly language instructions are usually...

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Antecedent Manipulation Project

L. is a 10-years-old male student, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is largely expressed in frequent tantrums and the inability to interact within groups, such as a family or peers. Among the interfering behavior of this patient, there is an uncontrollable tantrum that appears when L....

Jury System and Its Effect on the Trials in the United States

Since the inception of jury systems in United States, many Americans feel that it is the cornerstone of the nation’s justice system since it guarantees citizens fair impartial judgment. However the perception has changed with many feeling that it has tarnished in favor of others in delivering verdicts in both...

A 3-Day Diet Analysis With the USDA Food Pyramid

Introduction First day 07/3/2011 1115hrs – Lunch 1 hot dog (frankfurter / hot dog with chilli on bun) 1 tbsp mayonnaise 2 pear halves 1345hrs – Snack 1 8oz cup of bottled drinking water (Poland) 1 cup seedless dark purple grapes (Korean kind) 1725hrs – Dinner 1 corn dog 1...

Edward Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Introduction When Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency in United Sates was tapping phones of world leaders and capturing information from ordinary people, including U.S. citizens all over the world, there was outrage and shock. The U.S. government as evidenced by its action to charge Snowden under the...

SBE Innovations Ltd.’s Value Management Project

Executive summary The Public-Private Partnership represented by SBE Innovations has the two-fold objective of ensuring a fair return on investment and enhancing community life. The benefits of applying Value Management early in the Project include a better grasp of the project objectives by the stakeholders, preservation of high-value functions, reduction...

British Social Enterprises’ Success and Challenges

Introduction In the contemporary world, people always venture into different businesses to earn a living by making profits. Sometimes they start large social enterprises, which are expected to generate income for them. As Konda, Starc, and Rodica (2015) observe, although the majority of them give up when they face hardships,...

Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stalking as Crimes

Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking are rather close in meaning, but there is a slight difference in definition of these terms. Cyber-bullying is explained as the use of cell phones or the Internet with the aim of posting pictures or text messages that may cause mental discomfort to another person (Taylor, Fritsch,...

The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security

Introduction Globalization is a process beneficial in numerous ways as it supports economic growth and assists in accessing and creating opportunities – the Internet is possibly both one of its most visible facets and a driving force. Web security is one of the issues on which the effects of globalization...

Horror Films: Articles Analysis and Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparison of two articles concerning horror films. While the article “The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone)” by Christopher Sharrett suggests the social and political implication of horror films the second article “Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film” by...

Cabell Huntington Hospital’s Performance Appraisal Tool

Introduction Organizations can ensure the improvement of their performance through so many ways. One such way is through performance appraisal systems with appropriate tools depending on the sections targeted for improvement. This paper aims at evaluating a performance appraisal tool based on the following; the model, the advantages and disadvantages...

Ukraine Should Not Join the European Union

The debate over Ukraine joining the European Union has had many opponents as well as supporters. It has been a matter of discussion both among the Ukrainian citizens and European community. After long arguments, there is no unanimous decision about this problem. While Ukrainian side mostly supports this integration, Europeans...

Developing Business Performance: Principles and Strategies

Introduction Operation Strategy refers to the actions chosen, mandated option, and is stimulated by an organization within its operations functions to be able to meet the mission and objectives. A firm must make decisions that are in line with its strategy. The decisions must bind with the organization’s rules and...

US Challenges of the Supply and Demand of Physicians and Nurses

Introduction The main problems the U.S. is likely to face in the future, owing to the current shortage of physicians, are undoubted, demise in the health care sector accompanied by the emergence of epidemics and preventable deaths. Many U.S. citizens will travel long distances in search of health care workers...

The Property Legislation in the UK

The property broker convinced Mr. Auden to buy two bed roomed freehold house of Desolation Row in exchange of his desire of three bed-roomed house. It was explained as a sole proprietorship property of Mr. Pound, though practically some other people lived there. It is not clear here who where...

Ethical Cases: Human Rights To Decide on One’s Life

Background and Purpose These cases show complicated concerns that are related to decision-making and the intrusion of the government and family in the rights of a person. On the one hand, the idea of extracting the eggs of their daughter, might be considered by parents for creating a new child,...

Dallas Tragic Events: The Shooting of Police Officers by a Perpetrator

Executive Summary The recent surge of media attention to victims of police mistreatment has led to a massive outcry across the country and triggered several tragic events, such as the 2016 shooting of several police officers by a single perpetrator in Dallas, Texas. Among other implications, the incident illustrated significant...

Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Unknown Bacteria

The identification if various forms of bacteria is an important part of clinical practice. To identify bacteria, the present phenotypic characteristics are usually compared with those of known bacteria. In the process of identifying bacteria a researcher needs to appreciate the fact that the characteristics may vary significantly. Furthermore some...

Professional Performance Characteristics and Workplace Effectiveness

The effects of personality and emotion on individual behavior and performance at work Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clear to many managers that, unlike what it happened to be the case with non-human mechanistic systems, the dynamics within human systems (e.g. collectives of employees) do not solely concern the qualitative specifications...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Debt Problem in Developed Countries and Possible Strategies

Issue Government debt has become a concern for many developed countries in recent years. Economists, officials, and other stakeholders fear that the government debt will increase and become an unbearable burden for younger generations. Such issues as financial crises, aging populations, and quite inconsistent tax policies contribute greatly to the...

Family Support to a Veteran With Depression

Introduction Today, many Americans believe that they have happy and safe lives due to several available resources to cover their needs. However, despite the intention to create the best services and opportunities, the U.S. government is not able to protect all the citizens and remove social inequalities or health disparities....

Project Management and the Importance of Top Management Support

Project Management in the Face of New Software Such as Agile Project management in general and database design, in particular, will never be the same again. This is due to the impact of new modeling and management techniques like the Agile Software. These new techniques have pushed out completely or...

North Korea: High Mortality Rates

North Korea, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it is officially called, one of the most controversial states in modern society. Despite presenting itself as a completely self-sufficient socialist state, it has been declared a totalitarian dictatorship, built around the all-pervasive cult of personality of the ruling Kim family....

Artifacts Produced on the Images During CT Scans

Introduction The term artifacts as used in computer tomography (CT) refer to any inconsistency that occurs between the CT numbers in the rebuilt image and the actual shrinkage coefficient of the image. As images developed through Ct technology are obtained from numerous autonomous detector measurements, they are susceptible to artifacts....

Volkswagen Company’s Emissions Scandal

Introduction According to Bowler, the infamous VW emission scandal refers to a controversy that revolved around software that was strategically embedded in the company’s vehicles with the aim of fraudulently confusing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).1 The software, popularly known as the “defeat device”, had been fitted in about 11...

Rhetoric in African-American History Articles

Introduction The chosen articles on the history of African-Americans seem to be linked by individual conventions. The inner organization and content are the items that unite separate text into the united body of knowledge. History is the area where ideology, style, experience, and the depth of research intertwine to create...

The Christian Worldview and Key Concepts

Abstract Although the Christian religion is often viewed as a rather complex set of concepts and rules, it, in fact, conveys rather simple ideas, which are related closely to the human nature. While the latter is linked to the concept of sin directly, the origin thereof allows assuming that there...

Crisis Types Affecting People and Organizations

Crisis refers to any unplanned and sudden occurrence that causes a major disturbance, and that is characterized by three main aspects namely, threat, surprise, and short decision time (Bernstein, 2011). Crises affect both individuals and organizations. Types of crises include natural disasters, technological crises, confrontation, malevolence, organizational misdeeds, workplace violence,...

Kenya: Country Analysis and Economic Development

Executive Summary Kenya is a developing country located in the eastern part of Africa. It has a thriving economy and serves as the major communications and logistics hub in East Africa. It borders with Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. According to government statistics released in 2016, Kenya has...

Medical Ethics: Christianity and Buddhism Perspectives

Ethical concerns are present in any working conditions. However, ethics in medicine is particularly important, and it has many complicated issues. Taking into consideration that more and more patients with chronic or severe diseases choose to perform euthanasia, it is necessary to contemplate on this problem. Ethics should be combined...

Reflection: Critical Thinking and New Habits’ Development

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that performing some kind of activity a person develops his/her own personal and professional skills. Moreover, the more difficult this activity is, the better the results are. With this in mind, it is also possible to suggest that each teaching course or...

Cultural Globalization as the Americanization of the World’s Cultures

The process of globalization has swept the entire world, unifying countries and nations and bringing people across the world closer. Although the specified process has been reasonably viewed as mostly positive, one cannot argue that it is likely to entail multiple confusions and misunderstandings due to the differences in cultures...

Nurse Migration: Major Causative Factors and Effects

Introduction Migration has been part of humanity throughout world history. In the current world, professional migration is a common phenomenon, which is influenced by many factors. This paper discusses migration in the nursing profession, which is a global phenomenon that has been on an increasing trend in the last decade....

Is Jesus God? Critical Evaluation, Arguments for and Against

Introduction Diverse religious opinions arise whenever individuals hold different views about a certain spiritual issue. Most people respect the opinion of others about a certain topic. People appreciate that rational individuals can in differ in opinion. However, these sensible and tolerant attitudes lead to the formulation of two distinct lines...

How to Encourage Low Sugar Consumption Among Primary School Students?

Sugar Consumption as a Serious Problem Sugar, or sucrose, is a natural molecule usually produced by plants.1 Chemically, it is a disaccharide consisting of glucose and fructose links. Since ancient times, humanity has learned to use this white crystalline substance as a food additive, and today sugar is an integral...

Donald Trump Won the Presidency: How and Why?

In any competition, there has to be a winner and a loser. However, some contests are more important than the others, making all the world follow them and root for their favorite participant. One such event, the evolvement of which was followed by millions of people, was the President Election...

Literacy and Academic Performance in ELLs

Relationship between Bilingual Education and Literacy Bilingual education is the delivery of academic content in more than one language. The main purpose of multilingual schooling is to enhance understanding of the contents of academic programs amongst learners who are not proficient in the native language (Escamilla et al., 2014). It...

Language Acquisition and Multilinguism in Theories

Language is one of the major forms of cognition that distinguishes humans from other species on the planet. Representatives of many other species tend to rely on sounds produced by voice as means of communication, some species even use partially learned systems of vocalisations; however, humans are the only species...

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009

As President George W. Bush’s term moved closer to the end, a major financial crisis rocked the world. Prior to the onset of this major downward trend, the United States economy seemed to be thriving as financial institutions had generous consumer lending practices, and there was a lot of new...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Promotion: Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

Introduction In contemporary communities, the elderly population is more vulnerable to a range of chronic conditions and disorders than other age groups, necessitating the need for the promotion of its health. According to the 2012 estimates, the elderly population (65 years or older) was about “43 million and it is...

Architecture: The Criteria for a Better Home Zone Street

Outline A home zone is an area where people reside and calmness is maintained with many activities on the road other than driving. The street is used by both traffic and people who go there to gather and children have a place to play. The home zone is expensive to...

Advertising: Aviva – Saving for the Future

Introduction Studies show that young people do not save, and this behavior follows them into adulthood under the assumption that the government will take care of their needs in old age. People find it difficult to put some money aside because there always seems to be an urgent need for...

P&A Company and Organizational Theory

With the course of time customers’ demands started to change extremely quickly, and P&A need to implement changes to meet them. Otherwise, the company will not be able to remain competitive, and its place in the market will be immediately occupied by some other firm. Unfortunately, the personnel does not...

Nigerian Student’s Education in the United States

When people move to foreign countries, they inevitably start facing difficulties with almost everything. Even going to the grocery store may become a problem because everything is new and unfamiliar. The sphere of education is not an exception. Immigrants in the United States have to cope with countless challenges, the...

Marketing Research Brief: Research Design, Sample, Questionnaire

Research Design The main goal of the research brief is to set clear objectives in the form of questions and design appropriate research. The key objectives are to understand consumers’ intentions towards the category of food provided by the company and estimate market penetration in the given category of products....

Family Genogram: ‘Ethnicity and Family Therapy’ by Hines, P. M., & Boyd-Franklin, N.

Introduction A detailed analysis of a given family is an evidence-based practice for understanding its unique challenges and informing the best solutions. Different races in American society have encountered a wide range of issues that have dictated the goals and aims of their members. The book Ethnicity and Family Therapy...

Leadership Style and Nursing

Personal Democratic Style of Leadership People have come up with different leadership styles to enable them to manage, motivate and direct their employees. The main style I use to lead is democratic or participative. It is because I tend to set parameters for work and make the final say on...

Euthanasia in Christianity and Buddhism

Case Study on Death and Dying Nowadays, we live in a multicultural world, where individuals who represent different traditions have to engage in contact and coexistence in a wide array of situations. In particular, patients of clinics may often belong to different cultural and/or religious traditions. This means that it...

The Central Intelligence Agency in Asia

It is often mistaken that a majority of America’s foreign policy screw-ups are the result of bad intelligence. However, this claim is not true. Surprisingly, most of the known foreign policy blow-ups had the backing of good intelligence prior to their inevitable occurrence. Former CIA forecaster, Paul Pillar, asserts that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Popular Culture’s and Fashion Industry’s Influences

Introduction The popular culture influences the majority of people and particularly the youth who are attempting to build an identity. The media describes the pop culture in regards to what people should eat, wear, what kind of music they should be listening to, how they should behave, and how they...

Dissociative Disorders, Their Types and Diagnostics

Abstract Dissociative disorders deal with one’s cognition and perception of self and others. The definition of these disorders outlines the word disruption as the main concept of these conditions. The three types of dissociative disorders are dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization disorder. The primary cause of these disorders...

Designing a Museum Display for Pearl Harbour

THESIS: A museum display for Pearl Harbour is an important part of the teaching of the national history, demonstration of bravery, and invincible courage of the nation. World War II and attack on Pearl Harbour as its first event for the United States lead to the transformation of the structure...

Modernization of the UAE Education System

It is observed that economic and social development inevitably invokes the necessity for the change of the public educational systems to meet the needs and interests of the transformed society. The purpose of the paper is the evaluation of multiple aspects of modernization of approach to education that recently took...

Lloyd’s of London Company: Achievements and Claims History

Introduction Lloyd’s of London is one of the oldest insurance markets in the world. Their history spans more than 330 years and an innumerable number of events that affected the market. Currently, the market consists of more than a hundred syndicates which are managed by 57 different agencies. The market...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” a Story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Sometimes, even experts in certain professions go wrong. Many of them always believe too much in their knowledge such that it never occurs to them that they can go wrong. It is a good thing for professionals to have self-belief for the sake of efficiency in what they do. However,...

Recruitment and Social Media

Use of social media tools for recruitment by employers One of the most important activities that help organizations in creating a great workforce is the recruitment process. Employers in the contemporary world use various tools and strategies when recruiting individuals for their workforce (Broughton et al. 2013). One such strategy...

Personal Finance: Professional Financial Planner

Abstract Investments are an important part of financial planning. When looking at investments there is a need to examine the different options available to people. Different people have different investment needs. The investment option chosen should address the specific needs of the investor. For example, there is the case of...

Transformations Taking Place in the Montenegrin Society

The tradition of dividing Europe into several regions has been existing for centuries. Such zoning has always demonstrated rather eloquently the hierarchy taking place between the countries and their alliances and has been politically and culturally loaded. The existing tendencies have already been reflected and contested in the scientific literature...

International Corporate Governance: Principles

Introduction Corporate governance has become an international phenomenon. The recent financial scandals and bankruptcies of big multinational companies have really impacted almost every nation. Realising the significant, the nations around the globe are either establishing corporate governance guidelines or codes or refurbishing their guidelines already in force. International governance principle...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Airport Security and the Reduction of Skills in Security Staff

The development of security measures in airports has been largely a response to various terrorists’ efforts targeting planes and passengers in the past 70 years. The 1960s saw over 130 hijackings of commercial airline planes, the most prolific one of which had been the one performed by Antulio Ramirez Ortiz...

The Kyoto Protocol. Montreal Conference 2005

Introduction The earth’s temperature has been steadily increasing since the advent of the industrial revolution due to a natural process called greenhouse effect. When light passes through the atmosphere, some of the infrared radiation is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere around the earth and this keeps the...

The Theme of Transitioning into Adulthood in “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki and “Spring Awakening” by Frank Wedekind

Introduction Contrary to popular belief, childhood is definitely not an easy period in human life. This time is characterized by many qualitative changes in the child’s physiology and consciousness, and their worldview’s serious reconstruction. In other words, in late childhood, the individual unconsciously prepares for adult life to become part...

Information Systems and Project Management Performance

Introduction The article chosen for analysis was written by an Information Systems (IS) management professor with tremendous experience in the field. It is known as “The relations of requirements uncertainty and stakeholder perception gaps to project management performance” by James Jiang, Shelly Wu, Gary Klein and Liang, T.P for the...

Factors Contributing to Dyslexia and How They Can Be Addressed

Introduction Dyslexia is often being mischaracterized as a childhood disorder. However, it is a lifelong condition; therefore, it has to be studied as a neurodevelopmental disorder that afflicts both children and adults (TED-Ed, 2013). Another term for dyslexia is reading disorder. Difficulties in reading in spite of the usual acumen...

The History of the Criminal Justice System

The British established the original formal criminal integrity structure during the American Revolt. The criminal justice system (CJS) was developed to oversee the rationalization of hanging to the British citizens. In every chosen region a magistrate existed, who in current time is named a judge. These people were at the...

Radiology: Radiological Society of North America

Introduction Ionizing emission has been used for analytic intentions in the medical profession for years now. Its importance surpasses the risks. The American College of Radiology (2007) explained that the latest improvement of significant equipment that are used in medical imaging analyses have better the lives of patients and, together...

Modern Jewish History and Major Jewish Developments

Introduction The European Jewish life had many challenges after 1800, which greatly changed their lives. The European Jews experienced communal development as the modernized way of life changed their status as Jews. This exam paper will tackle question one, about the Jewish developments after 1800 and question two on the...

Enron Company History, Management, and Financial Scandals

Introduction Enron Company got involved in several financial scandals between the years 2001 and 2002. The most interesting part of the scandal, however, was the persistent denial by the top managers of the company of their knowledge on the same. The managers vehemently denied knowledge of the mischievous financial activities...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Stereotyping Experiment: The Level of Gender Stereotyping in Society

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the first impression formed by a group of subjects based on the information given to them about a fictitious man on the one hand and a fictitious woman on the other and to investigate further whether the subjects are likely to...

Qualitative Content Analysis in Art Psychotherapy Research: Concepts, Procedures, and Measures

Introduction: Defining the Quality of Research Organization In the qualitative study carried out by Karin Egberg Thyme, Britt Wiberg, Berit Lundman and Ulla Hällgren Graneheim and titled Qualitative content analysis in art psychotherapy research: Concepts, procedures, and measures to reveal the latent meaning in pictures and the words attached to...

Parkinson’s Disease: Categories, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been defined as a steady progressive central neuro-degenerative disorder. The disease affects the body movement and is typified by severe symptoms which include significant rigidity in muscle, tremors in hands and legs among other body parts, loss of facial expression as well as hypophonia, diminished...

Discovering Texas History: What Influenced Texas and Native Texans?

How the Native Texans impacted the Europeans and later Americans who came into the region? The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land. However, the importance of the Texan residents to the two groups differed considerably as...

How the Solar System Is Formed?

Introduction Luckily, the naturally occurring processes of geology concentrate on the minerals and metals that become valuable in human daily activities and convert them into forms that are useful of us. These processes enable people to take these minerals and metals out of the ground using less efforts and this...

PharmaCARE Company Analysis: Stakeholders and Practices

Introduction PharmaCARE is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world, which has made a significant contribution to the development of drugs and treatment of diseases. The health care system, insurance companies, private healthcare centers, and regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration view PharmaCARE as a...

The Impact of Globalization on Labor Market and Trade

Abstract Globalization refers to the coming together of the international markets. It contributes to the forming of trade blocks. Globalization has opened the international market to developing states and countries that can now trade freely. On the other hand, it poses a significant threat to the growth of local industries,...

National Parks: Environmental Threats and Protection

Protecting the Habitat of Endangered Bird or Timber Logging? Walker and David argue that every person is required to protect the endangered species because; they have a duty to protect the earth, including these birds, for future generations (127). The societies do not possess the species, but they are charged...

Developing a Detailed Picture of Family Health

Family health assessment has proved to be an effective practice to find out the atmosphere in the chosen family that might be useful for choosing the right way to treat the patients. It is used for gathering a comprehensive understanding of the health status of each family member (Willemse &...