Has There Been a Generational Switch-off from Politics?

As one of the social sciences, politics has made it possible to analyze the various styles of governance around the world. It involves the study of political situations in relation to culture, power, and policies. Different governing styles have unique influences on the state (Garner, Ferdinand, Lawson & MacDonald, 2012)....

Behavioral Problems Caused by Video Games

Introduction Video games can be played by people representing different age groups and even sexes. Their greatest appeal is that they offer a version of reality in which a person can feel invincible or all-powerful at least for a short time. They give access to the environment in which people...

Texas History from 1870 to 1960

Modernity in Texas Modernity describes the period between 1870-1960. Any discussion about modernity depends on the context under discussion. It may refer to people in history who are associated with the rise in the nation-state, political difference tolerance, industrialization and urbanization, literacy of masses, mass media proliferation, and the increasing...

Benefits and Perks for Generation Y Employees

Introduction As a direct result of the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting recession that followed, Coronado Food Markets has been barely able to retain its market position and as a result, does not have the resources to develop a sufficiently competitive salary and benefits package to attract Generation Y...

Alibaba Group’s Progress and Influences on Industry

Introduction Alibaba I Alibaba is a company that provides online services to businesses and consumers. The company acts as an intermediary and connects buyers and businesses using their online platforms or websites. The websites developed by the company, which comprise Taobao and Tmall, play a pivotal role in facilitating interaction...

GCS Recruitment Ltd.’s Human Resource Management

Business strategy The business strategy aims for business excellence, which is a combination of horizontal and vertical teams providing strategy and planning and aiming for the ultimate goal of achieving the vision, mission and goals of the organisation. Human resource management planning is important in providing a strategy for an...

US Economy and Historical Changes in 1929-2016

History of Changes in GDP, Savings, Investments, Real Interest Rates. Forecasts for the Next Five Years First, it is important to evaluate the historical changes in the US’s GDP that directly relates to the dynamics of the economic growth of the country. Beginning with the crash of the stock market...

How the Beatles Influenced Music

The Beatles is probably one of the most influential music bands in the history of modern music. From the purely artistic standpoint, it essentially shaped rock music as we know it now. Its influence can be seen in the stylistic devices used by the musicians and writers of lyrics, in...

Intelligence and Cognitive Skills in Piaget’s Theory

Abstract The paper aims to highlight the peculiarities of the child’s development based on the theory of Piaget. The provided observations and the discussion section contribute to a better perception of the information. The theory of cognitive development proposed by Piaget is centered on the development of intelligence and cognitive...

Organizational Behavior in the “Troy” Film

Film Analysis Organizational behavior is a rapidly growing field of study. Many books and academic researches give critical assessment to various organizational behavior theories. Explorations in the sphere of motivation and leadership within organizations help building efficient collaboration schemes for workers in all kinds of companies. The importance of research...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Innovative Strategic Human Resource Development

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to identify a human resource development need and establish an innovative approach to meet it. The need for top talent retention forms the core of the present study, and the selected innovative approach is competitive remuneration. To facilitate the achievement of the above...

Verifying the Accuracy of Witness Memory

Purpose The purpose of this study was to develop a clear understanding of the ability of eyewitnesses to remember their self-made reports, concerning choice blindness. The researchers wanted to identify whether eyewitnesses can recall their reports accurately if the reports have been manipulated. The process entailed two experiments that aimed...

The Fintech Business: Gaining Trust from Clients

Introduction The FinTech sphere of business is currently on the rise, and many startups wish to achieve success and offer innovative solutions to completely transform the financial sector. This case study will focus on finding out what challenges a FinTech startup may currently face and outlining key strategic steps to...

Interpersonal Relationships and Health Outcomes

Abstract Interpersonal relationships are common between and among people in all parts of the world. Different theoretical models have been suggested to explain different aspects with regard to human social relationships. On the best-explained theory is the attribution theory, which argues that persons presume certain ideas that are associated with...

Intercultural Competence: Theories and Concepts

Introduction Given the discursive implications of Globalization, there can be only a few doubts as to the fact that one’s ability to act as an effective cross-cultural communicator does positively relate to the measure of his or her existential competitiveness. Therefore, it is indeed fully justified, on the part of...

Nutrition and Obesity: Management and Prevention

Obesity is increasingly becoming one of the major health problems in the United States. A report by Dawes (2014) shows that 34.9% of adult Americans, which translates to about 78.6 million people, are obese. The study also indicated that 17% of children and teenagers aged 2-19 years are also suffering...

Management Principles: Application and Challenges

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of management principles. It explores the topic by providing the definitions of manager, management, and organisation. The definitions are followed by a discussion of why managers are important. Other issues which are discussed include organisational structure, SWOT analysis, and organisational culture. Manager...

Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory: Name of Theorist and Background Nurse Practitioners (NPs) can borrow numerous concepts and elements from nursing theories to improve the health outcomes of their clients. It is appropriate for healthcare workers to be aware of some of the grand and mid-range nursing theories. I believe that I can...

Company’s Utilitarian Ethics and Utility Test Steps

Abstract Utilitarianism is an ethical model of reasoning which emphasizes on the maximization of good and happiness and the minimization of the reverse of happiness. The transistor company is confronted with the ethical issue of choosing to stop the supply of transistors to the heart pacemakers company and or supplying...

Online Shopping and Employment: Legal Perspective

Legal Issues in E-Commerce Introduction Since its introduction, the online shopping and e-commerce platform has experienced an exponential growth. Business-to-consumer has contributed significantly to the development of this form of trade. However, like in all other form of emerging technologies, there are several concerns that make it hard for online...

Popular Research Paper Topics

English Language, Literature and Creative Writing

Language and literature are important for a person in order to exchange the knowledge and ideas with the public and use the experience of generations effectively. Therefore, the subject of English Language, Literature and Creative Writing can be discussed as an important step for the A-Level learners who need to...

Educators’ Attitudes to Teaching Approaches

Introduction This paper seeks to examine three topics about the current issues in education concerning the educators’ perceptions and attitudes towards different teaching approaches, policies, and the training of teachers. The first topic for study is, “Teaching linguistically diverse students: a mixed-methods study of the elementary practitioners’ coursework, attitudes, and...

Importance of Self-Concept for Marketing Strategies

Introduction Marketing in the Global Economy The task of appealing to a specific demographics has both gained new opportunities for the companies operating in the realm of the global economy and incorporated new impediments to a successful marketing process. On the one hand, the creation of numerous tools for communicating...

Agricultural Role in African Development

It is common to believe that agriculture is a major sector for developing countries, especially rural territories because it does not require vast investment in the innovations and the implementation of the newest technologies. Nevertheless, regardless of a traditionally acceptable economic myth, there is a severe debate around this statement...

Congestive Heart Failure and Orem’s Theory

Incorporating Theory Agboola, Jethwani, Khateeb, Moore, and Kvedar (2015) found that the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) could be controlled effectively through outpatient follow-up and patient education. The proposed treatment is in line with the Orem’s theory, which was developed by Dorothea Orem in 1950s (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). The theory...

Burberry Corporation: Job Opportunities and Increasing Income

Executive Summary Burberry is a multinational corporation that specializes in the production of apparel, accessories, and cosmetics. The company is famous for the manufacture and distribution of trench coats. Burberry has outlets in the United States, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. It runs a promotional campaign dubbed “Burberry Bespoke”, which...

Guatemalans in Southwest Florida: Cultural History

Introduction Understanding the roots and social foundations of different groups of people is an important step for social work service to that particular community or social group. This is because different groups may have diverse elements of social life that in turn influence how they should be handled. In addition,...

EasyJet Company: Strategic Capabilities

Introduction EasyJet Airline Company Limited is an airline that is part of a large holding EasyGroup. This British company, which has existed since 1995, at present is one of the largest and most influential corporations in the airline industry in the category of low-cost flights (Anderson 2014). EasyJet serves both...

Native American Indians: Concepts, Theories and Research

Historical antecedents of societal discrimination of Native Americans Complexities in the interaction of Native Americans and settlers from Europe in the 15th century and early 16th century led to the establishment of boundaries between the natives and settlers. The latter group took ownership of lands, established economic control, and expanded...

Patient Recovery in Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Theory/Author Name and Background Known as one of the people that broke new grounds in the realm of nursing, Dorothea Orem reinvented how patients’ needs were addressed in healthcare (Wong, Choi, & Lam, 2015). Her Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) allowed viewing patients and their participation in the process of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Change Effects on Health

How Florence Nightingale’s legacy has influenced my perception of the Millennium Goals Based on Nightingale’s influence, I feel that developing the Millennium Development Goals by the UN is a significant milestone in alleviating inequitable access to healthcare, education, food, and water among other resources (Brinks, 2013). These social factors influence...

Why Did the United States Invade Iraq?

Abstract The US government’s decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty and unreliable intelligence report that says Saddam Hussein’s government was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq War was one of the costliest mistakes that the American government made in the 21st century. The US government failed to...

Epidemiological Features of Ebola

Introduction Dangerous communicable diseases have ceased to carry a big fear for both doctors and patients over the past few decades. The fact is that the developments of healthcare and progress in this sphere have caused quite strong protection of the population against possible severe ailments. However, even today, some...

Post-Colonialism in Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo

Introduction The post-colonial review of three countries, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo, shows that there is a great deal of progress made towards self-governance. The governments in the various countries set up institutions for governance, and they appear to have matured in the democratic representation of the people. Thus, in all...

Injustice in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Milton’s Paradise Lost

“Th’ infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv’d 35 The Mother of Mankinde, what time his Pride Had cast him out from Heav’n” (Milton Lines: 34-37) The monster created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein (henceforth mentioned as Frankenstein) and the character of Satan...

Technologies Importance in Nursing Documentation

Introduction Prior to technology adoption, nurses would pass down information to each other verbally. Most documentation was defensive; it focused on protected the nurse or care institution from litigation, slow and difficult to access. However, with the use of computerized systems to record nursing information, it is now possible for...

Human Resource Management: History and Future

Abstract Human resource management (HRM) is a vital aspect of overall organizational management. HRM has evolved to develop into a comprehensive and complex discipline in business. Some of the major functions of HRM include job design; recruitment and selection; training and development; workforce planning; performance management and remuneration/compensation. The HRM...

Dutch and Lebanese Business Culture Comparison

Introduction Globalisation is a rising trend in today’s business environment. It involves international integration resulting from continuous exchange of culture, views, as well as products and services. It is mainly fuelled by advances in telecommunication and transportation infrastructure (Siegel, Licht & Schwartz 2011). Clever Clogs International is one of the...

“The Narrative of Sojourner Truth” a Book by Olive Gilbert

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth is a story of a renowned public speaker, abolitionist, feminist, and itinerant preacher who spoke against slavery in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and against the feminist movement that excluded African American women. In the book, Sojourner told a story of her life not only...

Tinnitus and Cerumen Impaction: Medical History

Patient Information Age: 59. Sex: Female. Subjective Chief Complaint “High-pitched noise in right ear mainly at night started two weeks ago.” History of the Present Illness The patient is 59 years old woman with a chief complaint of high-pitched noise in her right ear mainly at night. According to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hatshepsut, the Forgotten Queen

Introduction Hatshepsut was and still is the only female who doubled as a queen and pharaoh of Egypt. She ascended to power in 1478BC after the demise of her spouse Thutmose II. Hatshepsut became an Egyptian queen and subsequently a pharaoh at a time when no one thought that women...

Four Seasons: Multicultural Team’s Challenges

Introduction The high competition in the global market has forced most companies to invent different coping mechanisms. Failure to counter completion can push an organisation out of local and international market. Currently, most organisations focus on improving the quality of their products and implementing advanced technology to ensure operational efficiency....

Body as a Media’ Social Subject

Introduction The human body is a dominant subject in contemporary social discourse. Besides being a symbol of individual identity, the body, as presented in the media, is a powerful tool for understanding beauty embodied in its various visual forms. Contemporary marketing communications predominantly feature socialized slender visual forms. In the...

Selective Criminalization of Aboriginals in Canada

Introduction By and large, the Canadian Criminal justice system is anchored on the legal doctrine. To be precise, the country’s democratic ideals are grounded on the rule of law that each individual is liable to the customary law of the Canadian territory (Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission 10). Since the patriation...

Process Improvement and Its Role in Organizations

Introduction Process improvement (PI) is most popular among researchers and practitioners nowadays (Veldman et al. 2014), and in this paper, an attempt at explaining this phenomenon is made. In particular, process management and its types, including PI, are defined, and PI is described in detail. The paper includes a discussion...

Reference Groups Influencing Consumer Behavior

Introduction For several decades, the dynamics in the marketing environment have shifted from predictable consumer trends to those that are complex and almost unpredictable. In the quest to unearth the factors that determine the trends and complexities surrounding client behavior, there is a need to examine the issue of social...

Neoliberal Economic Model in Western Countries

Introduction Probably the most notable characteristic of today’s living in the West is that there is presently a strongly defined neoliberal quality to the socioeconomic realities in Western countries, reflective of the assumption that one’s entrepreneurial freedoms cannot be restricted – even if it comes at the expense of undermining...

Senate’s Policymaking Through Advice and Consent

Introduction The Treaty Clause in the US constitution has been a major area of debate both in the public and academic sphere. The clause defines the powers of the executive or president and the senate in the treaty-making process. The executive is given unlimited power to engage in treaty making...

Slavery in Different Periods of American History

Edward Berenson’s textbook “Europe in the Modern World Since 1500” As transportation networks and technology began to develop, they allowed for fast and efficient shipment of goods anywhere in Europe and across continents. This resulted in a dramatic decline in prices on food and crops, particularly with the arrival of...

Adverse Drug Events: Evidence-Based Project

Introduction An issue of adverse drug events is a crucial point in nursing practice. Having substantial knowledge about the ways of predicting the negative outcomes of the problem allows a nurse to provide the best care for the patients. The current paper presents a narrative description of ten peer-reviewed articles...

“Oedipus Rex” a Play by Sophocles

Oedipus Rex is a Greek tragedy play written and directed by Sophocles who lived many centuries ago. The play is a classic master piece of Greek talent in theatre and drama and has generously contributed to modern forms of theatrical arts. The play revolves around the tragic fate of Oedipus...

Adult Learner Characteristics and Learning Factors

Introduction Critical thinking and reflective practice are critical features of effective learning in clinical contexts. The awareness of the internal and external factors that may influence clinical learning is important to ensure that one benefits from the practicum project. In addition, understanding adult learner characteristics, such as motivation, goal orientation,...

Transgender Issues in Cis- and Trans-Made Movies

When transgender and transsexual persons’ experience has finally started to present a point of interest to the audience that is willing – either sincerely or pursuing some personal interest – to understand them, the representation of trans community on the screen can be seen. However, what the mainstream broadcast mostly...

Ethics in Information and Communications Technology

Case Study: Jailbreaking ‘Jailbreaking’ describes how to hack the operating system of a device to remove the restrictions placed on them by the manufacturers; if you jailbreak an iPhone you can run any apps on it rather than just those which have been approved by Apple. Apple have argued that...

Silver A-Plus Card: Marketing Precision

Executive Summary Consumers love a bargain no matter their market demographic and some consumers continue to patronize the same types of stores for their purchasing needs. With the holiday season closing in, Bank of America is releasing its new Silver A-Plus card in an attempt to capitalize on the increased...

Developmental Diglossia in the Arabic Language

Introduction Diglossia is defined by Fergusson (1959) as a specialized form of study where a specific ancient language is analyzed in the context of comprehending its dynamics for writing and oral works. However, he identifies that the summed up knowledge is not essentially used in day-to-day conversations. This is affirmed...

IBM Corporation: Logistics and Management

Competitive strategy of the company International Business Machines Corporation, commonly known as IBM was founded in 1911 by Charles Flint (Kros and Brown 28). This American firm is headquartered in New York, United States, and operates in 170 countries around the world. IBM was one of the firms that played...

New France’s and the North American’ Fur Trade

Introduction Towards the beginning of the 17th century, Europeans formed powerful companies, conglomerations of firms, and individual proprietorships for critical business goals. It is during this time that several French citizens on a fishing expedition in North America came up with fur business idea. Towards the end of the century,...

The Ku Klux Klan and Its Terroristic Features

Introduction The infamous Ku Klux Klan is an example of when an organization with clear terrorist overtones has not been officially recognized as terroristic. It should be noted that the supporters of the clan terrorized and killed no fewer Americans than the Islamic terrorists. Despite this fact, the oldest American...

The Orthodox and Alternative Poverty Explanations Comparison

Introduction Poverty has over the years become a worldwide subject of concern for developing and developed economies. The current statistics paint a grave picture with over 1.2 billion people living on a budget of under a dollar a day. It is common ground that poverty is a worldwide phenomenon and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigrant Generations in America

Define the 1.5 and second generation. What are their basic characteristics (countries of origin, economic status and so on)? How are they different, if at all, from the descendants of previous waves of immigration? There are a lot of people who are foreign born, but living in the United States...

Terrorism: Irish Republican Army History and Ideologies

Abstract According to the Council on Foreign Affairs (2010), the official or Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed after conflicts occurred between the members of the larger IRA. The initial IRA group was known for its efforts to fight the reign of the British rule in Ireland. In the...

Cisco’s Change in Information Technology Structure

Introduction Today, more than ever before, change is increasingly becoming a constant reality for any organisation looking to survive and thrive in these turbulent and uncertain times (Merrill, 2002), characterized by increasing globalisation, rapid pace of technological innovation, intense competition, new regulations, and shifting social and demographic trends (By, 2005;...

Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Management

Introduction According to Stokes, Wilson and Mador (2010) “Entrepreneurship is an emergent process of recognizing and communicating creativity so that the resulting economic value can be appropriated by those involved.” This definition of entrepreneurship brings out some fundamental characteristics of an individual who intends to be an entrepreneur. From this...

Lesson Observation: 4th Grade Math

Pre-Conference Teacher’s Approach to Teaching Math The teacher demonstrated that she is not indifferent to the results of her work and her students’ performance. She said that her aim is to explain the students that mathematics is “not all about numbers on the paper, but all about the world around...

Financial and Management Accounting

Financial ratios Group one The first group contains the returns on capital employed. It is a fundamental ratio that is used to assess the financial health of an institution. Return on capital employed is obtained by dividing operating profit and capital employed. It is a suitable measure of the profitability...

Coca-Cola Company and Its Marketing Strategy

Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is the leading manufacturer of beverages, selling more than a billion units a day. Coca-Cola’s red and white logo is undoubtedly the most recognised trademark in the whole world. The company’s headquarters are located in Atlanta, and their beverages take on four spots on the top-5...

CEMEX Company’s Learning Plan

Abstract CEMEX is a world leader in the cement industry. The paper discusses the creation and implementation of the organizational learning strategy plan for CEMEX in order to contribute to the company’s further progress in the industry. To become a learning organization and to implement an effective learning strategy, CEMEX...

Commuter Cleaning Company’ Analysis

Commuter Cleaning is a company that will provide dry cleaning services to office workers who live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas. Their specific target comprise of single men and women as well as married couples who both work in the office and have no time to go to...

Internet’ Effects on Journalism

Introduction The current innovations have had many impacts on almost all professions. The emerging use and easy access to the internet had its effects on traditional journalism. News houses, therefore, are changing their approach to journalism with changing training techniques offered to journalism students. One of the most fundamental concerns...

Impact of External Issues on Organizations

Introduction A variety of issues can have an impact on the Human Resources of an organization. Such issues may be internal or external in nature. Internal issues are caused by aspects which organizations can control and even prevent if they are foreseen beforehand. For example, if there is an issue...

The Changing Nature of Volunteering in Australia

Introduction Volunteering has a long history in Australia and it has played a critical role in the development of many communities in the nation. This activity has been credited with contributing to the survival of many rural and remote communities in the country. Volunteering Australia (2012) documents that Australians have...

African Americans and Politics in the Media

Introduction Generally, there is a common concern among scholars that African American politics are of no consequence. Arguably, the study and practice of African American politics have reached a state of sluggishness, and nothing new is being discussed by scholars (Persons 1). To a large extent, studies on African American...

Globalization and Businesses in New Economies

Introduction Globalization has led to the emergence of numerous trends and challenges for business operations in the 21st Century economies. The contemporary business environment is more dynamic due to the effects of the high rate of globalization. Most economies in the world are growing on a worldwide scale, thus increasing...

Fad Diet, Their Threats and Public Education Plan

Introduction Fad diets are a loosely defined category that includes popular diets that are not recognized by official healthcare institutions. Common elements of fad diets include the simplicity of the regimen, appeal to non-scientific or pseudoscientific authority, and short implementation time. When combined, these factors create a highly appealing option....

Revolution Leaders and Masses in Fanon’s Work

Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth” established himself as a most formidable scholar in various aspects, including colonialism, nationalism, decolonization, black consciousness, language, and identity, among other things (Fanon and Philcox 25). Much of Fanon’s work continue to suffice as instrumental in many faculties such as philosophy, political science, cultural...

Gender Mainstreaming of European Union Institutions

Gender equality has been a subject of discussion for a long time in all parts of the world. To enhance gender equality, various governments and nongovernmental organizations have come up with different policies to help in ensuring that women and men are availed with equal opportunities at all institutions and...

British Petroleum Company: Organization’ Social Performance

Introduction British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational company that deals with gas, crude oil, and petroleum products (Frerrier, 2010). Its headquarters are in London. According to statistics, BP is among the largest energy companies based on market capitalization. Based on annual income, it was named the fifth-largest company in the...

China’s and Hong Kong’s Cross-Border E-Commerce

Abstract The enforcement of a policy to control the import of commodities via the CBE platform affects the Chinese economy significantly. The taxation provisions of the policy established recently imply that consumers experience both fair and unattractive prices of commodities they purchase via the CBE system. Thus, the policy fails...

Agronegocio Asistencia Company: Organizational Change

Organizations must be able to quickly adapt to the changing environment if they are to retain their competitive advantage in a world where globalization is increasingly taking the center stage (Kotter & Cohen 2002, p. 24). Organizations that have incessantly failed to make provisions for change have been hardest hit...

Indonesian Language: History and Development

Introduction The struggle for nationalism was one of the significant events during the colonial period in Indonesia. It was facilitated by the unity of the Indonesian tribes. The natives of Indonesia achieved unity through the adoption of a common language that facilitated communication. Therefore, the adoption of a common language...

Emotional Branding in Advertising

Introduction Many organizations have embraced the art of advertising to capture the attention of consumers. Emotions account for more than half of the extent to which consumers are satisfied with various products. Trend assumed by firms is dependent on the emotional involvement of consumers. With current escalation in the adoption...

Language Reform in Modern China

Introduction The language used in modern China has undergone several reforms since the time of Qing Dynasty. Studies show that the Chinese language has close relationships with several social aspects, which is the case in any other society meaning this case is not exceptional. Within a span of three hundred...

The Mau Mau Legal Hearings and Recognizing the Crimes

Introduction The case discussed in this paper concerns the claim received from Ndiku Mutua, Paulo Nzili, Wambugu Nyingi, Jane Muthoni Mara, and Susan Ngondi against the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of Great Britain (McCombe). The primary issue discussed was the fact that British armed forces tortured the participants of the...

PharmaCare Company Ethical Issues

Introduction Life, health, and medicine are intertwined, and the pharmaceutical industry has played a leading role to confirm this assertion. The pharmaceutical industry has supplied drugs that have saved millions of people, cured various chronic ailments such as cancer, and helped in controlling diseases such as HIV/AIDS. However, the industry...

Marketing Research Importance for New Product

Introduction Managers need vital information before introducing new products and services into the market. Such new products are those that create value for the consumers. As a result, it is important for companies to carry out marketing research before introducing a new product. The aim of this research is to...

The Process of Conducting a Dismissal Meeting

Introduction The dismissal of an employee might be challenging and has to be carried out carefully through the consideration and follow up of the guidelines. A manager can prove to be careless and non-caring about the layoff concerns. However, the way this task is performed remains significant to both the...

Postmodern and Family Systems Therapy

Introduction Defining postmodern therapy Life is based on certain common beliefs held by people unanimously. Postmodern therapy is a field in psychology that concentrates on deconstructing these beliefs as well as examining their value in a person’s life (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2001). Some of the subjects where postmodern therapy has...

General Motors Company’s Ethical Dilemma

Summary of the Ethical Dilemma that the Organization Experienced In February 2014, General Motors started recalling some of its car models made before 2007 because of their ignition switches which could abruptly shut off the car when one was driving and disable the car’s airbag, steering and brake wheels (Isidore...

Saint Augustine and His Understanding of Memory

Introduction In the Confessions of St. Augustine, memory is a multidimensional, multilevel human faculty that is capable of performing several functions due to its features, which, in turn, are enabled by its nature and the character of its inner workings. Following the doctrine of recollection, Augustine believes that his mind...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conflict Resolution in Libraries of St. Lucie County

Problem Definition: Problem Resolution as the Reason for Concern A school library is an essential resource for learners and teachers alike. Containing an array of scholarly articles, books, and other resources, it enables the participants to engage in the process of data collection and acquisition of the relevant knowledge and...

Literature Issues in “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer

Introduction One of the reasons why the book Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster (by Jon Krakauer) was able to attain the status of a bestseller, is that, along with being utterly entertaining, it provides readers with the insight into what can be considered the...

Foreign Investment in India’s and China’s Telecom

Introduction Speculators in the telecommunication industry provide information on the bright future of the sector. The telecommunication industry is a wide sector in every country and calls for massive investment from both public and private investors. There are several countries, which leads to the list of the advanced countries in...

Al-Jazeera International and Arabic television

Introduction Arabs started to pay attention to media in the Middle East after the establishment of Al-Jazeera. Prior to this, they considered the information they got from the media in their own nations biased as it only provided speeches of their prominent leaders as well as the reports of their...

Boeing’s Company Strategy and Advantage

Challenges and Opportunities faced by Boeing in the Late 1990s Boeing has been regarded an industry leader in the production of large aircrafts for commercial and military purposes (Boeing, 2012, p. 12). For a large part of Boeing’s history, the company has received immense support from the US government to...

Risk Management in Modern IT Plans

Risk management framework The objective of this research is to investigate the area of risk management. This paper suggests a theoretical outline that utilizes knowledge management methods to expand its usefulness range and upsurge the possibility of success in advanced IT plans (Alhawari et al. 2012). The paper develops ideas...

Diversity in Baptist Hospital in South Florida

Introduction This paper seeks to examine the case of the Baptist Hospital based on a critical evaluation of the information available on its website. The different insights, experiences, and attributes of the workforce, the community, and suppliers, among other stakeholders, will be explored to weigh their perceptions regarding diversity. The...

Google Inc. and Competition in the Chinese Market

Assessment of the current strategy and the capacity to sustain competitive advantage Google.com faced serious challenges during its venture into the China market. There was competition from other internet search providers who were already operating in China. For instance, there was Baidu, and yahoo. However, Google came up with strategies...

Hotel in Dubai City Center: Project Management

Introduction Value is the art of striking a balance between client satisfaction and the consumption of resources, which entails the optimal use of resources to reach the desired goals. Value management, therefore, is the hands-on, innovative problem-solving service. It entails the use of a detailed, multi-disciplinary tactic to reveal the...

Pathos, Logos and Ethos in Charles Dickens’ Works

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most renowned authors of English literature, and this stems from his skillful use of pathos, ethos and logos in his pieces. A Tale of Two Cities was a remarkable depiction of how the French revolution affected the lives of its people, but more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Globalization and the Social Interest of Workers

Abstract Globalization, a phenomenon characterized by the increased integration of nations through trade, politics, and culture, has emerged as an important feature of the modern world. This phenomenon has been hailed by economists as the most important driver for global economic prosperity. The paper sets out to demonstrate that globalization...

Depressed Women and Art Therapy

Introduction Depression is a serious mental health issue that has become prevalent in modern society. While this condition afflicts people indiscriminately, women are more predisposed to developing depressive disorders. A report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that one in eight women will face a major depression...

The United Kingdom Employment Rights Act

Introduction The UK Employment Rights Act attempts to set various criteria or tests to differentiate a contract of service from a contract for service. Further, the Act grants certain rights to the first category of services that are not available to the latter. Typically, a contract of employment gives rise...

Management: Mass Customization Concept

Introduction In the current-day market, customers’ demands have shifted from general products and services to very specific products. Every other firm in the world is capitalizing in the manufacture of very specific and customer-tailored products. Manufacturers and providers capitalize on practical and very visionary practices. The premise in mass customization...

Dyslexia, Academic Achievements and Self-Esteem

Abstract This paper provides a review of the literature on the problem of dyslexia and its relationship to children’s and adolescents’ academic achievements and self-esteem. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze, compare, and contrast the recent studies on the topic and identify possible interventions to cope with...

Amazon Company Supply Chain Management Practices

Introduction This paper entails a case study analysis of Amazon.com. The paper assesses how the firm has implemented the concept of inventory management. Glossary Inventory outsourcing – according to Chhajed and Lowe (2008, p. 81), ‘in this strategy, a firm outsources some of its operational activities to a third party...

Should Apartments Ban Dogs Based on Breed?

Background For over half a century now, governments around the globe have legislated against specific dog breeds for various reasons, particularly based on the vicious attacks on human beings and other domesticated animals. The increasing dog population up to about 68 million in the United States has escalated the fear...

Personal Loss – Bereavement and Grief

Introduction As human beings, we all face moments of loss in one way or another. Drawing from a study by James (2008), it may take several months or even years for an individual or family that has experienced a loss to finally recover. It is also possible that the trauma...

Malcolm X’s and Anne Moody’s Autobiographies

Introduction Malcolm X and Anne Moody are well-known African American activists who fought against racism in the United States in the 20th century. Their actions had a significant impact on the state of racial problems in the U.S. Both of them wrote autobiographic works, which may provide insights into their...

Socialism and European Workers in the 19th Century

Introduction Socialism was a new ideology introduced in Europe in the 19th century. It was considered a modern political ideology after conservatism and liberalism, which were dominant in various European societies. Even though liberalism and conservatism were still the main ideologies in Europe, socialism was able to find its way...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mental Disorders and Social Networks Correlation

Social media is currently a vital component of enhancing communication amongst friends and families through the sharing of personal content. The use of social media platforms has gone a notch higher, especially among young adults who are striving to develop their identities, for self-promotion, as well as establishing their social...

Classroom and Behavior Management: John’s Case

Introduction The focus learner selected for this project is John, a 15-year-old Hispanic male. John is in the ninth grade, and he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) several years ago. The focus learner is sociable, friendly, and high-skilled, but he is inclined to interrupt other students when...

Articles of Confederation

Introduction Events rarely take place in space and only few ideas just get into the scene without prior preparation. Using various ideas here and there, major ideas can be realized and lead to great success. James Madison is one of the people who managed to get ideas from taking notes...

Zionism and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany

Introduction Before and during the Nazi regime in Germany headed by Adolf Hitler, there was a systematic- state-sponsored persecution that led to the murder of many Jews. This occurred at the beginning of the year 1933 when the Nazi regime came to power and progressively propagated the belief among the...

The Civil Rights Movement in USA

Introduction Civil rights are normally grouped together with political rights. These are categories of freedom and rights that are recognized by a constitution and are meant to protect citizens, both at individual and group level, against unjustifiable actions undertaken by the government, individuals, and private organizations. Civil rights also ensure...

Closing the Gap Policy for Indigenous Australians

Introduction Aboriginal Australians have for long preserved their native cultures, which are significantly different from those of immigrants. Racial discrimination is a common phenomenon in Australia due to this difference in cultural backgrounds between the two groups. The non-indigenous Australians are the majority, and thus they have great influence in...

Substance Abuse Disorder Causes, Syptoms, Types

In most cases, the consumption of substances that alter psychological states or behavior is considered a normal pastime. However, substance abuse – illicit, prescriptive, or licit drugs – has been linked to multiple chronic behavioral and psychotic disorders (Blow & Barry, 2014). Substance abuse or drug abuse can cause adverse...

The Role of a Social Worker: Scott’s Case

Description of the Agency referred to and the roles and functions of social workers Scott is a young Russian boy who suffers from autism. He has communication problems with his peers. He has poor social skills and thus unable to interact with fellow students at school. Several social agencies can...

Animal Testing: Use of Animal in Biomedical Research

Introduction For over 100 years, animal testing in biomedical research played an important key role in many of the medical and scientific studies. Thanks to advances in animal research, people across the globe are now in a position to access better quality life. On the other hand, animal testing for...

What does the Rise in Interest in Celebrities Tell Us about Our Current Society?

Introduction In the society as a whole, there are those individuals who are not known, and there are also those who are well known in history. Those who are well known are known as celebrities and they are, in most cases, influenced by celebrity culture. The history of celebrity culture...

Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence

Key factors clinicians should consider when addressing violence and substance abuse They should evaluate the person and know why he or she is reacting in that way. Through this, the clinician will learn that some people are violent because of their upbringing; such people did not have a good foundation....

Neoliberalism in Ontario Government

Introduction The transition towards neoliberal thinking in policymaking has become a tendency characterizing most local governments throughout the world during the past three decades. Canada could not but fall within the mentioned trend and witness a series of reforms that have a robust impact not only on the decision-making mechanism...

Use of Social Programs by Social Class in Canada

Introduction Canada, contrary to popular belief, is a highly stratified country. While the general perception to some citizens and foreigners alike is that it offers equal opportunities for individuals who strive to excel, the reality on the ground tells a different story. The history of Canada has been tainted by...

Insomnia: Causes and Treatment

Abstract This study aimed to explore to root causes of sleep disturbances, sleeping pills use, and their subsequent side effects among insomniacs. Insomnia is a common health challenge globally with severe health challenges. A thematic analysis was conducted on data obtained from the messageboard posts by seven patients. The findings...

Jainism’s Historical Development in South Asia

Introduction Jainism forms one of the oldest religions across the world, and it is traditionally referred to as Jain Dharma amongst the South Asian communities as transcribed in the Sanskrit literature. Jainism emphasized the doctrines of non-violence and peaceful coexistence towards all living beings, whilst prescribing equality and respect to...

Employee Personality and Performance Correlation

Introduction Personality can be described as the different characteristics that make up an individual, which are common to the given individual. The characteristics form a trend that people can use to identify any person. Personality of an individual can be viewed as a trait of a given individual that can...

Westlake Lanes Company: Issues and Analysis

Background of the company Westlake Lanes is located in Oregon, United States. The company is a family business in downtown Raleigh and was founded in the early 1970s. The company is located on 11,000 square feet of an old mill in the downtown acquired on a long term lease. Dane...

Renton’s Addiction in the “Trainspotting” Movie

Introduction Drug addiction remains one of the major problems that affect modern-day youths. According to Perfas (2003), youths never realize that they are getting addicted until such a time when it is too late to fight the addiction. In most of the cases, they get into drugs to get accepted...

Music Festivals and Sustainable Event Management

In the modern world of global environmental crisis, it becomes clear that nothing may be done in the same way it was earlier. People, not long time ago focused mainly on the satisfaction of their consumer needs, pleasure and entertainment with disregard of nature, gradually come to an understanding that...

Judicial Reasoning in Bowers v. Hardwick Case

Introduction The US judicial system constitutes a powerful component that is engaged in preventing crime and resolving civil matters. Thus, the system must prevent crime while guaranteeing justice to the suspects and victims of criminal offenses. Judges are also required to avail well-reasoned decisions in civil matters to enhance peaceful...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Coca-Cola’s and Samsung ‘s Home and Host Marketing

Introduction Over the recent past, several companies have been devising strategies that facilitate penetration of international and domestic markets. The need to penetrate international and domestic markets emanates from the advancement in technologies that have led to the globalisation of markets and change in consumer behaviour. To succeed in international...

New Journalism in Capote’s and Tom Wolfe’s Works

New Journalism emerged in the 1960’s as a way of writing news using literary devices. This approach was new in that era. According to Boynton (21), New Journalism emphasized truth and gave little importance to facts. When it started, many people thought that this was a new approach to writing...

Cultural Identity and Its Acceptance in Society

Cultural identity is a complex concept that is associated with a person’s understanding of his or her cultural roots, language, and community beliefs. From this perspective, cultural identity can be viewed as the person’s acceptance of belonging to a certain group that follows specific practices, visions, and traditions (Kuper 235)....

Monopolistic Competition in Public Utilities

Introduction Monopolistic competition is described as an imperfect competition where a small number of producers sell differentiated products, which are not necessarily substitutes (Borenstein, Bushnell & Stoft, 2010). Werner & Kirk-Duggan (2009) provide several explanations for this imperfection. They are of the view that the imperfection is brought about by...

William Lloyd Garrison and Slavery in America

William Lloyd Garrison made a significant contribution to the anti-slavery movement through his idealism. Being one of the most notable leaders of the abolitionist movement, Garrison has been portrayed differently by many scholars. Several pieces of literature claim that he made a minor contribution to the abolitionist movement, while others...

Business Strategy and Resource-Based View Theory

Introduction The activities of various firms and businesses translate to a myriad of environmental issues. The responsibility of companies and businesses towards the environment is continually emphasized through care for the natural environment (Gomes, Scherer, Gonçalves, Neto & Kruglianskas 2013). As a result, many firms are taking up environmental sustainability...

Free Market Principles in the Twenty-First Century

Introduction Economic theories of the past have shown that they still have a positive impact on the improvement and development of the modern society. Economic theories have greatly facilitated the growth of societies by assisting them to reach their current state of being informational societies which have consequently become global...

Science and Technology Roles in Society

Abstract Science and technology have played critical roles in transforming society, particularly in the transport and communication sector. Approximately two-hundred years ago, the rate at which changes in technology and science were experienced in the western societies was alarming because it was so intense. The development of the wind power,...

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman

Summary Authored by Anne Fadiman, the book, The Spirit catches you and you fall down, unfolds the drama of clashing epistemologies. The book narrates a story of a “family whose second youngest daughter (Lia Lee) struggles with illness having been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy” (Guerrero, Laughrea, McVicker, & Bradley, 2002,...

The Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention: Human Resources

Founded in 1987, the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP) is a non-profit community-based that relies on volunteers to achieve its strategic objectives (Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention 2014). The Black CAP is a community-driven organisation whose mission is to “reduce the spread of HIV infection within Toronto’s Black...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sex, Gender, and Inequalities

Abstract The main aim of this paper was to analyze the distinction between gender and sex. The author started by introducing the two concepts. Also, the impacts of the two on social structures were highlighted. It is important to evaluate the level of gender and sex structures in society. Such...

European and Other Empires Differences 1500 – 1914

Several structural differences existed between European Empires and other kingdoms found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. However, the empires that existed in Europe and other parts of the world between 1500 and 1914 shared several features. They were both dynamic, implying that they always embraced change where one kingdom...

Childhood Maltreatment’ and Psychosis’ Relationship

Child maltreatment is a crucial social problem which is related to a complex of various aspects of the functioning of society and its beneficial evolution. The growth of the level of attention devoted to the problems of upbringing resulted in the appearance of a number of important questions. The relations...

Best Practices in Addiction Treatment

How an Understanding of Trauma Informs the Development of the Interventions Most soldiers suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to the exposure to traumatic incidences during the course of dispensing their mandate. Studies have established a great connection between PTSD and addiction. This assertion holds because most soldiers...

Nanotechnology and Its Application in Civil Engineering

Introduction Unlike the situation where conventional technologies are used to manipulate construction materials at the millimeter scale to achieve certain properties, similar properties can be achieved at the nanoscale by using nanotechnology (Srivastava & Singh, 2011). Nanotechnology has proved to be very useful in biological, physical, and chemical disciplines to...

Terri Schiavo Medical Ethics Case

The relevant medical facts contributing to Ms. Schiavo’s condition While the case of Terri Schiavo remains disturbing, it was one of the most litigated medical cases in history, which focused on medicine, ethics, law and the role of the family in decision-making. Many case studies have claimed that all the...

Roman Catholicism Vs Protestant Christianity

Introduction This paper examines the differences between the beliefs of the Roman Catholicism and the mainstream Protestant Christianity. During Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, “several groups of churches separated from the Roman Catholic Church” (Walton 40). This marked the beginning of differences in beliefs and unity of Christendom among...

External World Philosophy: Realism, Idealism and Phenomenalism

Introduction – Theories and debate on human perception of the external world According to empiricism theorists, only what a person experience is real, which means that there is a problem with the way on which humans can check the truthfulness of their perception. Therefore, all knowledge humans obtained is based on...

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Analysis

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a condition that involves persistent phases of anger, refusal to comply with adults, arguing, and spitefulness. It is experienced for a period of at least six months. Other behaviors include deliberately annoying people, touchiness, and blaming others for their misconduct. For a child to...

Family Crisis Addictions in Psychology

Description of the Nature of Addiction Crisis Addiction is characterized by the continued use of drugs or any other substance by the body to prevent the indications of physical and psychological withdrawals (Brown, 2000; Hoffman & Froemke, 2007; Stanton & Shadish, 2007). In other words, addictions can be termed as...