The Condition of the Working Class by Friedrich Engels

Introduction When it comes to assessing the significance of a particular literary work, concerned with the matters of political economy, it is important to define the measure of the contained ideas’ systemic integrity, in the sense of how they correlate with the ’cause-effect’ (or dialectical) principle of analytical reasoning. The...

Capital Punishment and Kantian Normative Theory

Introduction Capital punishments attract immense controversies. Human rights advocates claim that a death penalty violates human rights, especially considering that the crimes for which death penalty is applied involve multi-killings. The issue here is whether an act of killing one person, the offender, can measure up to the lives lost...

The Idea that Asian Nationalism Development

Introduction Nationalism in Asia bears a lot of similarity to nationalism movements in Europe and the rest of the Western world. In fact, the goals of nationalism in both regions (Europe and Asia) are all the same (Metcalfe 45). Moreover, the various circumstances that made countries in both continents unified...

PharmaCARE: Ethical and Legal Issues

Ethical Issues Just like other products, marketing of pharmaceutical products requires adherence to ethical principles, as indeed, it directly influences human health (George & Stephen, 2008). The case of PharmaCARE entails improper and unethical drug marketing and advertising techniques that predispose patients to critical health complications. PharmaCARE implemented poor packaging...

Freshman 15: Causes of Gained Weight

Abstract The following essay is devoted to the subject of the so-called “Freshman 15” which has become a much-discussed issue among the college students and their caregivers. We have studied the literature on the subject of the “Freshman 15” and derived the most probable causes of the undesirable weight gain...

Western Australia Police Communications Centre’s Change

Introduction The WA Police Communications Centre is a vital organ of the regions police force, primarily because it provides for an ideal way for members of the public to reach the organization for help and support. However, the job is very challenging because, by its nature, it involves constantly listening...

Linux Deployment Proposal: Ubuntu 12.10

Abstract This paper explores the advantages of a Unix-based operating system and provides relevant evidence supporting the choice. The author dwells on the peculiarities of Ubuntu and its positive sides compared to Windows 7/ XP. The deployment plan is thoroughly described, and rationale for new hardware is also presented. The...

Pain Management of Acute Patient

Acute Patient Assessment Emergency Departments are dynamic healthcare settings in which time and effectiveness pose significant challenges to the delivery of the necessary level of care. Unlike other hospital wards, where nurses will have more opportunities to efficiently conduct patient assessments, acute settings require appropriate time management skills in addition...

The Root Cause of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence had great implications on the physical and mental health of the victim. There are many attempts that have been put in place to deal with domestic violence. Domestic violence is mainly characterized by aggression towards women even though there are few cases where men are assaulted by the...

Tomorrowland Festival’s Event Management

Introduction Events of all nature have socioeconomic and environmental implications. The implications underline the need for engaging in environmentally and socially responsible processes for decision-making and integration of such decisions into the events planning, arrangement, and implementation processes (Stone & Millan 2011). The goal is to ensure responsible hosting and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Artistic Voices in Albert Camus’ “The Fall”

The point of view an author chooses to use when writing is often an integral choice to make in describing a story (Hawke 1). The most common points of view used by writers are first person, second person, and third person. Although they affect different aspects of writing, they are...

The Key Academic Themes of 21st Century Leadership

Introduction Leadership is a complex phenomenon that can be roughly defined as the two-sided relationship between leaders and followers who work together with the same purpose to achieve shared goals (Avolio et al., 2016; Lewis and Donaldson-Feilder, 2012; Yammarino, 2013). One of the tools that can help in understanding leadership...

Google Inc.’s Male and Female Employees’ Conflicts

Background In all contexts that involve interactions between different people, communication skills are necessary to ensure passage of intended message. One of such skills is interpersonal communication. The skill encompasses a process in which different players in the communication process exchange their feelings, meanings, and information via non-verbal and verbal...

Embarrassment and Consumer Behaviour

Introduction The negative emotions such as embarrassment may significantly affect individual’s behaviour in different purchase situations. The article “Effects of consumer embarrassment on shopping basket size and value: a study of the millennial consumer” written by Nichols, Raska, and Flint and published in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour in 2015...

Detection of Depressive Symptoms

Background Knowledge It has been observed that approximately 12% of patients who experience depression will have a chronic, unremitting course (World Mental Health Survey Consortium, 2004). As the name suggests, a chronic Unremitting course refers to a condition in which one experiences persistent pain for very long durations of time....

Apple Inc.’s and General Motors Company’s Customer Service

Introduction Customer service is the art of listening and attending to clients’ needs in a professional manner. In the contemporary world where businesses face many challenges due to competition and innovation dynamics, successful organizations consider customer service in their growth strategies. The goal is to ensure that the clients get...

Workforce Activities and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction The changing global environment is forcing corporations to transform their models in order to remain profitable and relevant in their market segments. The problem of environmental degradation is a major problem attracting the attention of organizational theorists and scholars. Many consumers are also focusing on the ecological impacts of...

Disability in Australia: Income Security and Employment

Introduction For centuries, disability has been considered an issue making an individual unsuitable for any kind of labor and therefore, doomed to spend the rest of their lives in need and poverty. Disability used to be associated with a major vulnerability that created physical and social obstacles the individual affected...

The US Automotive Industry: Quality and Customers

Abstract The dynamic automotive business environment in the US requires industry players to strategize on ways of becoming competitive. In the 1960s, automotive companies in the US did not consider quality management as an important element of their strategies. However, competition has forced such companies to consider quality management as...

Gun Control History and Relevant Cases in the US

Introduction One of the most controversial issues in American politics that have been going on for decades is gun control. Gun control refers to the set of laws that govern the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, and use of firearms by American citizens. In many countries, firearm policies are very...

GI Bill: History and Development

Introduction In reference to Spaulding (2000), the formation of the GI Bill dates back to June 22, 1944. It was initially referred to as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, and it was created with the aim of promoting the economic, social, and cultural challenges facing veterans in America. Will (1997) notes...

Human Nature in Wells’s “The Island of Dr. Moreau”

Introduction The theory of evolution according to which humans descend from animals and inherit their key traits was first introduced by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and was met with a mixed response from the public. Since then, numerous debates have been rising around the problem of people and animals...

European Colonialism in Africa

Introduction Colonialism refers to a governance system in which a powerful country takes control of a weak state by ruling its people and exploiting its resources for economic gain (Gann and Duignan 5). Colonials assume that they have the right to impose their will and authority upon other countries. Most...

Al Ghandi Auto Group: Electric Car Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Al Ghandi Auto Group holds a leading position in the UAE automotive market. In existence for more than 50 years, the company has established itself as a reliable brand that provides the highest-quality service, the best customer care, and the best overall value for money spent. The company’s...

The Paul Collier’s Liberal Approach Critique

Critique of the Collier’s Liberal Approach Political theorists have espoused liberalism as a political theory and practice that should be adopted by the whole world. Liberalism strikes an appealing chord to people because it tends to offer citizens of a given country total freedom from any kind of oppression since...

American Veteran Homelessness & Advocacy Practice

Social problem Homelessness among veterans is an issue that has been causing concern within the American community. Most of these veterans are forced to live in cheap neighborhoods where gun violence is very prevalent. A study by Lusk, Staudt, and Moya (2012), shows that subjecting these veterans to constant gun...

Characters in E. Welty’s “Why I Live at the P.O.”

Motivations of the main characters Discovering characters’ motivations may be challenging in Eudora Welty’s “Why I Live at the P.O.” because the reader sees the story from just one perspective: that of Sister, the main character. Sister is not truthful about her motivations even with herself, so she decides to...

Global Consumer Culture and Behaviour

Introduction Knowing the different roles that family members play in decision-making concerning purchases is not enough. In addition, it is important to understand why certain family members directly influence decisions of the household, while others do so indirectly. At the same time, being familiar with the latest trends in role...

Operations Management of Logistics and Supply Chain

Introduction Business organizations have different departments and segments that work harmoniously to ensure that every targeted goal is realized. The nature of such departments is informed by different factors such as an organization’s industry, mission and vision, and business model. Logistics and supply chain are functions undertaken by a corporation’s...

Dong Feng Corporation: International Business Strategy

Executive Summary The paper analyzes the possibilities of Dong Feng, the Chinese government-owned automobile corporation, to internationalize its business. The company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are mentioned in the beginning. The current economic situation overview is also included for a better understanding of the immediate possibilities of the development....

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Conversation about Poverty

The success of every society is determined by values, cultural practices, and tendencies that can address the hurdles affecting its people. The author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis”, James David Vance, acknowledges that many people in the United States have been...

Wartime and Postwar Violence Analysis

Executive Summary The research aims to study the wartime and post-war case of violence. For the purpose of the study, we undertake the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (hereafter referred to as Bosnia), Croatia, and Serbia. The period for the study undertaken is from 1991 to 1998. The aim of the research...

Analysis of Nursing Comfort Theory

Theory: Author’s Name and Background Registered Nurses (RNs) can use different mid-range and grand theories to design the best healthcare philosophies. Such theories present powerful ideas and concepts that can be used to improve the quality of patient care. The selected theory for this analysis is Dr. Katharine Kolcaba’s The...

Love and Marriage in “The Philadelphia Story” Film

Introduction The film industry has played a critical role in society by not only entertaining but also educating and positively criticizing social evils within the community. Films before 1945 played a significant role in society, especially those produced during the Second World War. The society was going through a transition,...

“The City of Falling Angels” a Book by John Berendt

Legal Issues That Are Referenced Throughout the Book The book ‘City of Falling Angels’ is an interesting story that reflects how normal activities in life can lead to legal consequences for an individual. As the story begins, we are presented with a case of fire outbreak, an event that would...

Genetic and Genomic Healthcare: Nurses Ethical Issues

Introduction Genomic medicine is one of the most significant ways of tailoring healthcare at a personal level. The use of genomic information aids in the diagnosis and treatment of exceptional common infections. The patient’s genomic information helps in identifying genetic factors linked to the disease. This enables healthcare personnel to...

Schizophrenia in “A Beautiful Mind” Film by Howard

Summary Directed by Ron Howard, A Beautiful Mind is a chef-d’oeuvre film centered on the life and mental illness of the renowned mathematician, John Forbes Nash. The movie is based on a biography with the same name written by Sylvia Nasar. The storyline starts in 1947 when John Nash, the...

Alternative Education System by Schopenhauer and Freire

Introduction Schopenhauer’s article focused the spotlight on some of the critical weaknesses of the conventional learning paradigm. His assertions were not only scathing, but they were also accurate, especially when viewed from the perspective of the public education system (Letizia 119). Paulo Freire’s “Banking Concept of Education” framework strengthened certain...

Criminalisation of Aviation Accidents

Abstract The criminalisation of aviation accidents has brought many discussions in the field of aeronautics. There have been disagreements concerning the purpose of criminalisation of a professional mistake. The aim of criminal justice is to guarantee retribution and prevention. One of the problems that come with criminalisation is the dilemma...

Sociologists as Heroes of Social Sciences

The list below includes many figures from different areas of sociology. Perhaps, these names are not all the people who donated their knowledge and experience for the benefit of the development of sociology. Nevertheless, they may be called the most outstanding representatives of their epoch. The historical significance of their...

Diversity and Social Inclusion Persuasive Arguments

Abstract This paper contains two persuasive arguments – one relating to the concept of diversity and another, concerned with the principle of social inclusion. In the first part of the paper, the concept of diversity (in its Western interpretation) is exposed to be discursively erroneous. In the second part of...

Family Health Assessment

Introduction Family health assessment is an integral part of the healthcare practitioner’s activity. Health problems in general and chronic diseases, in particular, have an impact not only on a patient but on his or her family life as well. Health assessment demands skills and knowledge from healthcare practitioners to evaluate...

Early Renaissance Society and Contemporary Europe

Humanity has always been evolving, accepting the variety of thoughts and beliefs and allowing for the development of people’s worldview and creative endeavors. What has been considered exemplary in previous historical periods, might be found absolutely redundant in the present. Still, people have always borrowed some features from the past:...

Arts Organizations Management

Organizational Structure Definitions from an arts management perspective (Parker, 2012): The mandate is an authorization of an arts organization to perform particular actions (e.g. provide education, mentorship, leadership, and other services) as well as to serve clients coming from all existing artistic fields with any budget. Mission (mission statement) is...

Panda Express and Clif Bar Companies’ Business Practices

Abstract This paper delves into the business practices implemented by Panda Express and Clif Bar and attempts to showcase the effectiveness of developing positive attitudes in the workplace and its impact on employee performance and retention. Introduction The power of a positive attitude on the part of employees supposedly enhances...

Bureaucracy and Presidential Power

Bureaucracy being regarded as the forth branch of government In the United States, the bureaucracy is regarded as a forth branch of government by some besides the legislative, executive and the judicial. This is due to the fact that one has to comply with many processes in order to get...

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Customer Service

Introduction Any services marketing strategy aims at delivering processes and experiences to customers. It is expected that a company has to focus on its customers and identifies their potential needs to provide them with the required portion of the support, understanding, and services. Services marketing is the field within the...

Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by Pascoe

Abstract The text of this paper consists of the review of C.J. Pascoe’s 2007 book Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, and the critique of what appears to be the book’s major weaknesses. In particular, the author is being criticized on account of her inability to...

Fabrics Company’s Challenges and Solution

Abstract The primary goal of this paper is to analyze and critique proposed solutions to the problems in the Fabrics, Inc., a relatively small company that has to deal with several challenges. A training needs analysis was conducted to address some of the problems, but it is not as efficient...

Dorothea Orem and the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Orem’s Background: How the Philosophy Appeared Merely providing the patient with nursing services is often not enough. Although offering regular assistance is part and parcel of a nurse’s job, offering round-the-clock assistance does not seem a possibility. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the patient is encouraged to...

Cultural Diversity and Motivation

Industrial psychology dynamics are a very important part of an organization because, in order for organizations to be successful and operate at optimum levels, employees and managers are required to operate in harmony with the organization’s culture. Individual behavior within an organization is heterogeneous, and hence every individual’s behavior varies...

Digital Marketing Plan for Taylor St. Baristas Company

Taylor St. Baristas: Estimating Current Situation Estimation of the current situation is a vital step for understanding the online marketplace and finding ways to use social networks for marketing purposes. Taylor St. Baristas is a chain of coffee shops. As for now, it is a network of nine shops located...

Homeless People with Mental Illness and Healthcare

Introduction The topic of the interventions available for homeless individuals who are mentally challenged has ignited a heated debate among scholars. On one side of the debate, a section of the scholars argues that uniform approaches should be applied to all the homeless people, irrespective of their mental health status....

Chinese History, Culture and Development Since 1900

Introduction It is believed that by the year 1900, the Chinese empire had already existed for almost 2000 years making China one of the oldest known countries (Wakeman 78). Surprisingly, by this time the country had begun to flourish in technological endeavors such as astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and medical fields...

Family Institution and Sociological Theories

Introduction The branch of science that studies the behavior of human beings as a team is known as sociology, which is the holistic study of the society. It involves the study and analysis of human activities in societies using empirical investigation methods. Sociology aims at explaining societal effects of social...

Characteristics of Being a Student

Abstract Being a student is a dynamic and interesting stage of development, especially at the college level. At this stage of live, there several development phases, challenges, and achievements that come into play. At the same time, many negative influencers might distract or even make a student drop out of...

Management Theory and Practice

Introduction According to the current corporate world, leadership has been seen as one’s capabilities of getting others to follow him/her willingly. Leaders ought to have a very clear vision, clear destination as well as a very firm clutch of success image. Such a person should have the capability of communicating...

Event Management: The Tour Down Under, 2015

Introduction The Santos Tour Down Under (Santos TDU or TDU) is fast becoming a major global event in Australia, especially because it is the first event of its kind to be held outside Europe. In fact, it is clear that the event has also become the first cycling competition outside...

Management Accountants as Strategic Partners

Introduction Large companies and corporations in different countries can be extremely dissimilar in terms of preferred practices and accepted values. Nevertheless, when it comes to the key similarities between them, it needs to be said that the work of every corporate management team is aimed at leading a company to...

Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Theory and Author Background A nursing theory can be defined as a systematized understanding of phenomena that a nurse faces in his or her practice. The systematization is needed to ensure that nursing practice follows comprehensive guidelines in which the connections are explained between nurses’ activities and outcomes, such as...

Healthcare Accessibility, Disparity, and Safety

It is crucial for a new health care legislation to address the sensitive and relevant problems that exist in health care, namely accessibility and disparity, the rapidly rising cost of health coverage, and patient safety. In this paper, a plan based on evidence and research studies will be presented to...

Qatar Airlines and Its Growth Reasons

Introduction Various reasons explain the rapid growth and development of Qatar airlines ranging from the internal factors to the factors emanating from the external environment. Since its re-inauguration, the airline has seen tremendous growth to approximately 140 destinations globally. Factors that have been cited as the major contributors to this...

Time Management for Students in Bahrain’s Banking

Abstract Time management has been a very important skill since the dawn of time. Many students and employees need to learn time management skills in order to effectively balance their studies, work, social life, and various day-to-day activities. Studies show that in most cases, both understand the importance of time...

Casinos Effects on Communities

Casino, a gambling activity, has caused a plethora of effects in the society both economically and socially. The legalization of the gambling game in many nations has led to the establishment of structures, which govern the activity. Some countries have commissioned organizations to assess the impact of casino gambling within...

Alphabet Conglomerate: Dynamics, Analysis and Growth

Industry Overview Type of Industry Alphabet Inc. is an American-based conglomerate that emerged as a result of Google’s corporate restructuring in 2015 (Glowik, 2017). The term conglomerate refers to a corporation consisting of several unrelated companies, in which one business entity owns a controlling stake in other constituent members. In...

Obesity, Its Demographics and Health Effects

The “really serious price” that a nation will pay because of the state and weight of the nation The serious price that obese people pay as individuals will be a tremendous cost of health care and a diminished capacity as the result of premature death or complications arising from diabetes...

Kaizen Company’s Approach to Quality Improvement

Project Idea There are a lot of businesses in India that have to encounter problems connected with insufficient production volumes and poor quality of the final product. The project at hand has the ultimate objective to investigate how the implementation of the Kaizen approach to quality improvement in the selected...

Iron Ore Industry and Environmental Pollution

Introduction An iron ore deposit is a mineral collection of sufficient size, iron-content, and chemical composition with physical and economic aspects that makes it a viable source of iron either immediately or potentially. Economic viability is essential. No definite limits can be set on the size, grade, or mineral composition...

Adopted Children in the Same-Sex Couples

Introduction Family, one of the basic components of society’s social structure, has undergone change over the ages. The family unit remains the same, but how we view, a family unit has altered the definition of traditional families as it is difficult to incorporate gay and same-sex couples in that definition....

Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health

Introduction Understanding the role of concept analysis in theory development is one of the most ambiguous issues in nursing. On the one hand, concepts are seen as the building blocks of theories so that analyzing them is one of the ways to generate new knowledge and develop new theories. On...

Business Activities and Organizational Success

Introduction Current business trends that have come up as a result of technological changes and globalization have forced managers to upgrade their management and leadership skills to achieve success in today’s volatile commercial and noncommercial environment(Wheelen& Hunger 372-78). Business activities can now be done over the internet or at arm’s...

Racial Bias in Criminal Justice Systems and Workplaces

Background of Racial Bias against African-Americans On 28 February 2016, renowned African-American comedian Chris Rock was the official host of the 88th Oscar Academy Awards. During his opening speech, Chris Rock delivered a monolog in which he sought to answer the often-asked question about whether Hollywood depicted racist elements. In...

Morality in Kant’s, Mill’s, Aristotle’s Philosophies

Kant’s views about the nature of morality and how it is related to intellect Kant is one of the early philosophers who produced a number of works on human nature. In his talks, Kant described and stipulated on regarding morality depicts rational self-determination as the highest moral value in human...

Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory in Nursing Practice

The concept of empowerment is prominent in many contemporary nursing theories. Nevertheless, without proper understanding, it is sometimes misinterpreted and misused, which undermines its credibility. The aim of the paper is thus to analyze the concept as presented in Peplau’s interpersonal theory. The concept is outlined and evaluated by reviewing...

The Book “Naked Diplomacy” by Tom Fletcher

Introduction Diplomacy has always been one of the most powerful tools used by people in negotiations to attain an advantageous position or make an opponent accept a certain proposal or follow an outlined course. It appeared at the dawn of human civilization and since that time had experienced numerous challenges...

“Digital Diplomacy” a Book by Andreas Sandre

Introduction With the rapid development of technologies, coupled with contemporary tendencies to globalization, the digital age provides more political, economical, cultural, scientific, and other opportunities to people who never before could enjoy so many freedoms and access to sources of information. However, the Internet has acquired so much power and...

Bioecological Model of Human Development

Introduction Many scholars in the psychology field define child development as biological, psychological and emotional transformation of a child from birth until when he or she reaches late teenage-hood, where he or she can make wise uncompelled decisions. Genetic factors and external happenings during pregnancy and before birth significantly affect...

Health Literacy Intervention in Cardiology

Abstract This report aimed to present health literacy as an evidence-based intervention tool that could help in reducing readmission within 30 days following the discharge of acute myocardial infarction patients. Low health literacy was identified as a major factor that contributed to significant cases of hospital readmission within 30 days...

Family Centered Services in Florida

The Agency Family Centered Services (FSC) is a program of Children’s Network of Southwest Florida (CNSWF), which examines the welfare of children, parents, and families. Despite the fact that families protect and provide social support to children, domestic violence and poor parenting lead to neglect, abuse, and abandonment of children....

Problem of Gangs in the United States

Abstract This paper tackles the issue of what should be considered the foremost contributing factors to the formation of gangs in the U.S. Based on the conducted literature-review; the paper’s analytical insights expose the economic, psychological, and cultural forces of influence, in this regard. The provided recommendations, as to what...

Did America Over Reacted to the 9/11 Attacks?

Introduction September 11, 2001, was the day when terrorists changed American’s history. The terrorists potentially delivered merciless attacks on US soil and claimed thousands of innocent lives. To this day, some of the victims are still missing. After the malicious attacks, American people grew closer and offered each other helping...

Determinants of Patient Adherence

Introduction Patients’ poor knowledge about their health conditions is a health care issue that should not be underestimated. Inpatient care and services provided by medical staff constitute only a portion (albeit a large portion) of treatment and recovery, and the rest is comprised of patients’ self-care, adherence to treatment plans...

Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication

Communication is one of the people’s needs who are eager to share their knowledge and experiences with others. People have developed numerous channels of communication and the beginning of the 21st century is one of the most remarkable periods in this respect. Development of technology-enabled people to squeeze the world...

Immigrants in Toronto: Social and Economic Challenges

Introduction The frequency with which people are moving from one country to another has been on the rise in the recent past. People are moving to change lifestyles, seek job opportunities, education, or refuge in times of conflicts. However, many immigrants have targeted Toronto thus resulting in a number of...

Personality: Early Childhood Development’ Effects

Personality has been defined as a set of psychological characteristics that differentiate one person from another. Personality starts developing soon after birth and continues throughout life. Many psychologists believe that personality is determined by early childhood development involving both experiences and growth environment. Personality involves a set of constant and...

Meso Level Leadership and Friendliness at the Clinic

The concept of patient experience that is usually compared to satisfaction has been already studied by several researchers to prove its complexity and importance in health care. The investigations show that some organizations face the same mistake in their intentions to rate the level of satisfaction instead of rating the...

Human Resources in Global Business Management

Executive Summary Globalisation has opened new market opportunities in other countries that corporations can utilise to expand their businesses. However, in recent years, promising equity-based partnerships, IJVs and M&As, have failed to prosper. Scholars cite differences between the local and host cultures as the key success or failure factors (Khilji...

Zion Revival Church and Its Management

Introduction The effective management of a church organization is crucial for the realization of its vision and goals. Besides fostering the congregation’s spiritual nourishment and growth, the church needs to experience growth that denotes desirable progress (Jackson-Jordan 77). For this reason, church leaders need to consider the demographic elements of...

Hillary Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Introduction Public opinion about a person is usually based on the image created by the media. Politics, celebrities, famous people, and anyone else caught by the lens of a camera become dependent on the information produced by the journalists of all kinds. Media has powerful tools to shape public opinion:...

American Civil War and Reconstruction Era

Introduction Among the many tragedies that the United States (US) has faced, the Civil War ranks as one of the worst incidents. After the Civil War, the American people had heightened resentment and hatred towards the government and each other. Consequently, eleven of the Southern states decided to separate from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Work-Life Balance and Social Intelligence

Introduction The increased number of responsibilities peculiar to modern society along with the necessity to earn money resulted in a significant shift of priorities from traditional values like family and personal life to work and career. In this regard, the issue of the life-work balance becomes extremely topical nowadays. Numerous...

Fukushima and Chernobyl’ Nuclear Disasters Comparison

Introduction Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively. The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant while the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Both disasters were rated seven, which is the highest in...

Cyclefest: Marketing Communication Plan

Market Analysis Cyclefest can be described as an open area event that is attempting to take advantage of the growing popularity of cycling and outdoor festivals (Beard and Ross 2013). It is based on this that it can be classified as a form of events tourism wherein people from various...

Chronic Disease: Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic illness marked by hyperglycemia which derives from insulin action or insulin secretion deficiency. Chronic hyperglycemia may lead to such long-term harm as dysfunction or failure of the organs. Most frequently, diabetes impacts kidneys, nerves, eyes, blood vessels, and heart (American Diabetes Association, 2010). In...

The Characteristics of Enterprising Managers

The fast-expanding entrepreneurial businesses need managers who can demonstrate a particular set of characteristics. These managers need to work with diligence to recognize and identify the company’s needs with the sole focus on improvising ways of meeting them. Contrary to what many people believe, “enterprising” managers are not those whose...

Targeting Customers in Emerging Market

Introduction A handful of merits of targeting customers in emerging markets are identifiable since the inception of such a strategy by business enterprises. The form of the target is often based on the approach proposed and justified by Professor C.K Prahalad, who has a heart for admirable business. The recent...

Suffolk County Council Organizational Change Management

Background Public sector organisations adopt change to ensure that service delivery to their clients is done at a reduced cost. Zhou and Tse (2006) assert that profit-making organisations, which are reluctant to embrace change, risk losing their competitive edge. Hence, they fail to realise the needs of their clients. In...

European Urban Spatial Planning

Introduction: When Spatial Planning and Economic Development Walk Hand in Hand Urban spatial planning is one of the hardest tasks, seeing how it presupposes that environmental, economic, financial and political factors must be taken into consideration (CEC 2010a, p. 4). By following a common plan for urban redesign, the states...

Graphic Design in Postmodern Art

Introduction Starting from the 1970-s, Postmodernism dominated over various spheres of culture. It was spreading around the world through newspapers, television, and magazines. The traditions and norms of the society were revised, some of them completely pushed away. This was the time of common skepticism toward modern values. Among the...

The Fine-Dining Restaurant Project

Situation Analysis Current Student Experience The fine-dining restaurant project at Thompson Rivers University is designed to meet the TRU’s five strategic priorities and to address the dinner services needs of the immediate community, which are not currently met effectively by existing restaurants. The analysis of the market indicates that adequate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Culture in Business Communication and Management

Australians’ approach to business negotiations Negotiation has two parties who have different or common interests and are trying to reach an agreement on matters that are beneficial to them. The content of the negotiation is influenced by culture, strategy, background and context. When the negotiating parties have different cultural sensitivities,...

“Gulliver’s Travels” a Book by Jonathan Swift

Introduction The novel ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ was written in Europe in the early 16th century. It was published in 1726. The novel was written by Jonathan Swift. He was a writer of Anglo-Irish origin. Initially, the title of the book was ‘Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World in Four...

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Definition and Usage

Introduction Jon Kabat-Zinn first employed Mindfulness-based treatment in offering psychological services to clients at the Center of Medical services in Massachusetts at around 1978. The new model was viewed as the most effective in helping those suffering from chronic pain since it was thought to reduce suffering among those who...

The US in the Era of 1970s: Roe v. Wade Case

Introduction The era of 1970s saw many historical events take in the United States of America. According to Quigley (2014), in this era, saw some phenomena that happen for the first time in the country. This was the year that a sitting United States president was forced to resign from...

The Significance of Work in Sociological Theory

The concept of work has drawn attention of many scholars over the years who are trying to determine its relevance in the society. Although many scholars have been analyzing work from the works of early scholars such as Max Weber, many prominent people had analyzed this concept several hundreds of...

African-American Rituals from Emic and Etic Aspects

Introduction Assessment of a given culture can be carried out from various perspectives. Some of the recognized perspectives, which are used by anthropologists and other professionals, include the emic and the etic approaches. To gain an emic perspective of a culture, the individual is required to view the world through...

Film Script Proposal: “New Times, Old Cops”

Abstract This proposal provides brief insights into a crime film New Times, Old Cops. The film deals with such issues as discrimination, racism, bias, injustice, corruption. The film is a drama with elements of comedy. This proposal includes a brief summary of the film, the basic plot structure, main characters,...

The US National Intelligence Council: Stalled Engines

Overview The current international system is faced with several challenges related to security, economic development, cultural identity, and issues to do with equality. While some states are of the view unilateral decisions are needed to resolve these challenges, a quite a few are of a different observing that cooperation and...

Web Reservations International: Company’s Strategy

Introduction The rapid growth of Web Reservations International (WRI) can be viewed as an example of how technologies can transform a certain area of economic activities. In this case, one should speak about the budget youth and independent travel market which passes through the period of rapid development (Savills World...

Ethical Business: Essential or Optional?

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many corporate spokespersons and social scientists to suggest that companies are inheritably interested in conducting business ethically, as the main precondition for them to remain competitive (Melville-Ross 2013). In its turn, this implies that ethical business is not only optional but also essential....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Recruitment Strategy

Abstract The Kroger Company refers to the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm that is not appropriate to promote the diversity vision and effective inclusion practices in the organization. However, the company aims to follow the principles characteristic for the access-and-legitimacy model. In this context, the current report provides the summary and analysis of...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Psychology

Abstract All behavioral therapies attempt to improve the mental health of patients. Various theories have served as the underpinning for these therapeutic treatments for mental health disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the efficacious treatments for some of the psychological problems affecting humans. This paper discusses the history of the...

Hosting the World Cup in the United States

Abstract Soccer is one of the most popular games in the world. However, it seems that the case is different among American game lovers. The game is not as popular in this country. Analysts have explored the possibility of bringing the World Cup to the US. The current paper discussed...

Management Information System Concept

Abstract In the not so distant past, companies were able to collect and process information by hiring a significant number of people that were tasked to collect and sort data and then file the same into storage cabinets. The old system was costly and inefficient. However, due to the emergence...

“Superbad” and “Enchanted”: Comedies Comparison

Introduction Contemporary genre theorists view the evolution and growth of the film as an active process. The process involves the alterations associated with technological innovations. It is a development that is influenced by new trends, as well as by changes in socioeconomic circumstances in society. The romantic comedy, as one...

“In Our Time” a Short Story by Ernest Hemingway

The nature of humans suggests that we tend to get close with certain people or things, and to keep others at a distance at the same time. Some things are familiar to us; we know them well and feel safe with them. Other things are foreign to us, and we...

Interpersonal Skills in Organizations

Introduction Skills have a huge impact on the way an individual carries him or herself. This involves both personal and organizational lives. According to sociologists, there are a number of factors that influence the ability of an individual to acquire and develop various skills that influence their personality (Dowd, Dejanasz,...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

Introduction The problem of the relationship between humans and technology is often discussed nowadays. In the 20th century, when Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was published. This problem was no less important than now. Many post-apocalyptic novels depicted the horrible future that could follow the future...

ZTE Corporation Analysis: Background and Development

Executive Summary ZTE is a Chinese multinational company that deals in telecommunication, terminals, and carrier network services. It also manufactures and distributes smartphones. The company’s headquarters is in China, and it has sales offices in over 160 countries globally. The corporation uses online retails and foreign carriers to distribute products....

Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE

Abstract This research paper examines the impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. Through primary survey research, it was established that social media has positive and negative impacts on teenagers. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires....

English Language Learning: Arabic and Romanian ESL Students

Introduction English as a second language has proven quite difficult for many students. This has been attributed to the direct influence of their first languages. It is important to point out that it is not only cultural differences that make the students find second languages difficult, but also complex linguistic...

Chinese Position in International Economics

Data / Year 2011 2012 2013 GDP (current US$). 7,492,432,097,810 8,461,623,162,714 9,490,602,600,148 Population, total 1,344,130,000.0 1,350,695,000.0 1,357,380,000.0 GDP per capita (current US$) 5,574.2 6,264.6 6,991.9 FDI inflows 280,072,219,149.9 241,213,868,161.4 290,928,431,467.0 FDI outflows (% of GDP) 1.3 1.4 1.7 Balance of Payments 136,097,000,000 215,392,000,000 182,807,000,000 Imports 459.4 487.7 530.4 Exports 761.8...

Healthy SoftDrinks Inc: Business Plan

Introductions Soft drinks are a major and booming industry in the USA and the world. Customers prefer their drinks and refreshments to possess a flavor of some sort, finding regular water to be too bland, at times. Giants like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite, and others make great sales every day,...

Gestures and Signs in Communication

Introduction The development of spoken language is arguably one of the greatest achievements of mankind and it has enabled people to communicate effectively and therefore develop great civilizations. Owing to the importance with which spoken language is regarded, psychologists and linguists have extensively studied spoken language and aided in its...

Motivation in the “Whiplash” Film by Damien Chazelle

Reflective Portion Whiplash (2014) is a superb story depicting the efforts of an ambitious, 19-year-old drummer, Andrew Neyman, to become one of the greatest musicians ever. He attends one of the best conservatories in the United States, the Shaffer Conservatory based in Manhattan, where he gets noticed by jazz guru,...

Volkswagen Company’s Information Technology

Introduction With the evolving technology, organizations are putting more efforts to keep up with these advances in technology. The business environment has to a great extent been influenced by the constant changes that are being witnessed in the market currently, technology has made it easier to come up with methods...

Need Theory vs. Transcultural Nursing Theory

Introduction Nursing theories form a crucial foundation for nursing practice and education as they review the key nursing concepts and provide tools to improve patient care. Today, there are many nursing theories available to practitioners, so that each person can practice by a nursing theory that suits his or her...

Karl Marx’s Sociology and Its Principles

Abstract In this paper, the general description of Marx’s sociology is given. A review of literature that focuses on different aspects of Marx’s theory about society is provided. A comprehensive analysis of the literature sources is conducted, and the main purposes of these sources are identified. A general overview of...

Sustainable Marketing and Consumption

Introduction According to Harrison et al. (2005), consumers can act as agents of bettering society. They do this through ethical consumption, which relates to the intentional selection of alternative products offering or not offering the greatest utility or pay off. The motive for selective buying as described here would be...

Dog’ and Human Baby’ Raising

Introduction Many humans who have pets handle them like their children because of the love that exists between the two. While raising a dog as your pet, it is important to consider the same in the context that a pet requires as much attention and care as a human baby....

Terrorism Evolution from 1972 to 2016

Abstract Terrorism has evolved over time from being a domestic threat to an intractable global concern. Globally, no country is immune to the heinous acts of terror meted out on innocent people by a minority group, who are hell-bent on advancing their ideologies through unorthodox means. Due to the extent...

Social Problem of Inequality

Introduction The salient crime that dominates people’s considerations is violent crime due to the fatal, shocking and traumatizing aftermath. This has led to a greater focus on this type of crime in comparison to property crime. Property crimes are the common crimes that occur in everyday life, and they do...

Employability Skills and Self-Developing

Analysis of Graduate Employability Skills The concept of employability In theory and practice, the concept of employability has been explained by many authors by creating a connection with policy formulation of a country that provides the direction for increasing productivity, creating a flexible workforce, and increasing the employment levels (Clarke...

Psychology Issues: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract People often experience situations that make them feel worried or suffer emotional tension. The human body reacts to such situations with a fight or flight response. Examples of experiences that can lead to such responses include rape, child abuse, bombing, torture, mugging, and natural disasters among others. People who...

Chile’s Copper Mining Industry and Business Ethics

Introduction Organisations need to operate as good corporate citizens. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is pegged on the idea that businesses have charitable, honourable, and decent errands to play while at the same time guaranteeing returns to shareholders. Companies that operate in Chile mining industry can gain a lot when they...

Divorce and Single-Parent Families

Introduction Families across the world face different challenges. One such challenge is marital instability, which in a significant number of families, lead to divorce. Divorce is a legal process in which there is mutual agreement by a couple to end their marriage. As far back as 1983, there was concern...

The Use of Strategic Intelligence in Politics

Introduction Strategic intelligence has been a point of concern to policymakers in many developed countries, and different researchers have attempted to describe its utility in the decision-making process. According to Johnson (2007, 84), strategic intelligence entails the use of intelligence in making strategic management decisions and planning. Strategic intelligence also...

Sociology: Muslim and Western Women

Introduction Globalization has had significant impacts on the lives of many people in different continents. However, the Muslim society has resisted various attempts to brainwash it with western ideologies. Most Islamic issues have not changed even though there has been an improvement in their lifestyle. Women are very vulnerable to...

Starbucks, Toyota and Google’ Corporations Missions

The mission statements In most organizations, the missions or visions statements represent the publicly observable element in the strategic administration procedure that fluctuates in particularity, layout, constituents, and span. The paper seeks to identify the mission statements for Starbucks, Toyota, and Google. Besides, the paper explains how these corporations implement...

Hurricane Katrina Emergency Management

Introduction Hurricane Katrina caused immense devastation to the people of Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast. The catastrophe occurred at a time when the US government was emphasizing the need for disaster preparedness. However, it is crucial to point out the disaster did not occur because Orleans’ emergency response systems...

The Edinburgh Tram: Project Management

Abstract This report reviews the Edinburgh Tram project. The review compares the game theory with the project management approach used by the stakeholders. Each stakeholder used the “Chicken Game” to influence on the project. As a result, the report shows that politics influenced the project’s completion period. The effect of...

State Terrorism vs. Critical Terrorism

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many political scientists to suggest that the concept of state terrorism can no longer be discussed within the methodological framework of the Realist (Positivist) paradigm of international relations. It is also being commonly suggested that namely the application of Constructivist/Critical inquiry, in this...

PharmaCARE: Product Safety & Intellectual Property

Introduction Pharmaceutical organizations have a legal and ethical obligation to manufacture and sell products, which cannot damage the health of people. This role calls for compliance with regulations on product safety and intellectual property. Fully aware of these requirements, PharmaCARE developed AD23, a diabetes drug, through its team of pharmacist....

Four Key Lessons for Today’s Enterprising Manager

Introduction Any organization is a complex mechanism, which consists out of multiple levels of subordination and departments while aiming at the achievement of the common goal related to the optimization of its processes and maximization of profits (Harvey 2015). Senior managers tend to take responsibility for the company’s course of...

Nestle Company’s Group Dynamics and Performance

Abstract This study explored the impact of group dynamics on the performance of individual employees, which in turn affects the total productivity of the company. The researcher used a total of 25 employees of the Nestle Company in examining the impact of group dynamics on their operations in the company....

Art Event: World Expo 2020 in Dubai

The World Expo has, over the years emerged as one of the largest worldwide noncommercial events in terms of cultural and economic impact. This is a global exposition which entails an exhibition of art, science, and agricultural products as presented by participants from across the world. World Expos are normally...

Dragonfly Solutions Company: Sales Advisors’ Job

Introduction Employee recruitment refers to the process of identifying people who can work for an organisation. The process begins with the stage of identifying an organisation’s employee needs. Employee selection refers to the choosing of individuals suitable to fill a position from a list of several applicants. The process of...

High School Students and Vocational Education

Introduction Across the world, the debate about the importance of vocational education has been going on for decades. While some systems of education value vocational education, others disregard it as irrelevant to the dynamic needs of education and job markets. Opponents of vocational education argue that vocational education is irrelevant...

The Concept of Audience in Writing

The concept of audience in writing is one way for students express themselves and also to reflect on their experiences in schools. However, in most cases, students rarely entrench or write with their audience on their mind (VanderMey, Meyer, Rys, & Sebranek, 2014). A good number of students especially international...

Chest Pain and Angina Holistic Health Care Plan

Case Study Evaluation Hospitalized for four days with crushing chest pain, the 52-year old patient is dealing with angina, which is a type of pain in the chest, occurring in cases of reduced blood flow in the heart. This means that the patient’s heart is not getting enough oxygen to...