Parental Involvement in Children’s Education: Pros and Cons

Many modern families want to know more about parental involvement and its impact on children’s education. In this presentation, attention will be paid to the benefits and shortages of this practice. First, parents should understand that as soon as they are involved in their child’s education, they can develop positive relationships with a child, as well as with a teacher. Second, according to Đurišić and Bunijevac (2017), children whose parents participate in conferences and communicate with the academic staff achieve high academic results due to the offered support. In addition, communication with a child is a good opportunity to identify school climate and participate in its improvement. Finally, when students feel their parents’ support in education, they are eager to go to school, share their achievements, and enjoy cooperation (“How parent involvement leads to student success,”2017). All these changes may be observed at personal and classroom levels.

In addition to a number of positive aspects of parental involvement, children’s education may become a real challenge for some families. For example, parents cannot cope with panic associated with homework and expected problems and do not demonstrate a good example for their children. Instead of thinking about completing tasks, a child follows his parent’s style and avoids decision-making. In many cases, parents demonstrate their desire to participate in all child’s activities, neglecting the limits and distracting the class. In addition to education, parents have many other responsibilities, and if parental involvement is obligatory, some adults have to choose between their children and their work. Finally, Hornby and Blackwell (2018) discover that not all parents have enough time for their children because of the necessity to solve their financial problems, organize business meetings, or participate in community services. In this case, parental involvement is another chance to underline existing social diversity and inequality. In general, parental involvement in children’s education cannot be merely good and bad, and people have to gather as much information on this issue as possible to make correct decisions and develop appropriate judgments.


How parent involvement leads to student success. (2018). Waterfold17).

Parental involvement as a important factor for successful education. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(3), 137-153.

Hornby, G., &.org. Web.

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