Parental Positive and Negative Behaviors


The main purpose of this piece of paper is to investigate parental positive and negative behaviors. Additionally, it describes the effects of parent’s behavior on the life of their children.

Main Body

Parenting care is an exceptionally essential aspect in the life, growth and development of a child. Parenting shape the direction that children live in the future. Therefore, will adopt the mode of life in the future depending on how one got raised. The child attitudes and behavior directly emanates from the parents. In fact, recent research studies have proven that parental attitudes adversely affect the brain of a child during his early phases of development. Parental positive and negative practices directly related to the mental stability and health of a child.

For the positive development of a child, positive parenting plays a significant role. A conducive and healthy environment positively influences children attitudes and consequent healthy growth. On the contrary, a negative parenting behavior worsens the health of a child. It is in fact, supposed that, negative and poor parenting may lead to a retarded growth of a child as the child get badly traumatized by the unconducive environmental conditions. This result to a lot of problems that affect the life of children in the future (Early, 2008).

The implication applies to all parents whether they are adopting children or they genetically related. This is particularly so because the parenting practices reflects children mental activities and healthy symptoms of aggression and depression. The condition negatively affects the life of a child which in turn deteriorates their mental capacity and behavior moral decay in the society. This is evident in children especially when they attain maturity and during their youthful life. Negative parenting behaviors only leave the society at risk of malicious gang.

The children activities in most cases are a reciprocate behavior of their parents cruelty. Research has shown that a large number of children who in unscrupulous behavior at later stage in their life cycle are a response to poor parenting strategies. The reason why most of the youth are drug addicts is mainly because the parents are drug abusers themselves. It is ironical for parents to restrict their from consuming hard drugs if they are themselves addicts of the same drugs. Therefore, an emphasis of positive behavior on the part of parents becomes a significant tool in eradicating unwanted social behavior (MILLER, 2012).

Parents should instill positive behavior to their children through constant interaction by performing conceptual activities together. This is vital as it enables parents to monitor their children and detect unwanted behaviors. It therefore, becomes extremely crucial for parents to advance their parenting style to instill corrective behaviors for effective development. It is note worthy for parents to praise positive behaviors and confidently condemn evil behaviors.

Parents should not manipulate their love for the children to spoil them but rather give genuine rewards. Therefore, it is upon the parents to realize that even a child needs recognition of positive behaviors. Despite the constant social vices, parents should be at the fore front condemning negative behaviors. It is evident most parents have left parental action in the hands of school masters and teachers, not realizing that their children are constantly interacting with different individual in a social set up.

In conclusion, the parents should stop evading their parental responsibilities and be accountable of their children activities. Positive behaviors should begin with the parents themselves. They should therefore, be a positive example to their children. Parents should realize that negative parenting makes their children relate with them in fear. Additionally, the positive parental image makes children want to please their parents hence maintaining a positive behavior.


Early, M. C. (2008). Observed positive and negative behaviors in children relation to anxiety and depression symptoms. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri-Columbia.

MILLER, D. F. (2012). Positive child guidance. s.l.: Wadsworth publishing co.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 31). Parental Positive and Negative Behaviors.

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