Patient Education for Obesity Treatment


Important Findings

  • Obsession with sweets
  • Obsession with sugary treats
  • Does not have health insurance
  • Practices self-treatment
  • Buys only cheap medicine

The patient overuses different products that contain an enormous quantity of sugar in them. Also, the patient does not want to pay for her health insurance, as she considers it expensive.

Risk of Developing a Preventable Disease

  • Sugar contains many fats
  • Sweet products influence blood pressure
  • Sweet products lead to obesity
  • Cheap medicine might lead to poisoning
  • Misdiagnosis may damage a person’s health

Type II diabetes might emerge due to excessive consumption of different sweet products daily. It is essential to avoid eating a tremendous amount of sugary treats because it can lead to obesity (Bray & Popkin, 2014). Moreover, the use of cheap medicaments can often cause particular by-effects or other unfortunate outcomes.

Short-Term Goals

  • Purchase a medical insurance
  • Stop consuming sweets
  • Stop practicing self-diagnosis
  • Stop following online medical advice
  • Stop practicing self-treatment

The patient has to start paying for her medical insurance as it will cover her pharmacy and hospital expenses in case of an emergency. Another goal is to stop overconsumption of sweets and prevent it in the future as such products do not have any beneficial elements for a human body (Taylor, 2013). Using pieces of advice posted online is the worst method to identify and address the patient’s health problems as no one can guarantee whether certain treatment process is tested.

Long-Term Goals

  • Lose weight
  • Going to the gym regularly
  • Prevent Type II Diabetes
  • Become more active
  • Following a medical course

The first long-term goal for the patient described above is to lose weight as the person has distinctive signs of obesity that also might lead to such diseases as arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and other unfortunate outcomes. The patient needs to become more active because obesity usually occurs in people who do not follow a healthy lifestyle.


Intervention in Detail

  • Doing cardio exercises
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Blood sugar level monitoring
  • Monitoring the state of myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Using prescription drugs only

As mentioned above, doing such cardio exercises as jogging and cycling is beneficial for overweight people as these activities help burn calories, increase a person’s stamina, and make one look fit and healthy. The blood sugar level is also important to control due to the possibility of type II diabetes occurrence (Zinman et al., 2015). The patient has to be informed that the use of cheap medicine might cause damage to one’s health.


  • Type II diabetes prevention
  • Obesity prevention
  • Cataract or glaucoma prevention
  • Following a healthy lifestyle
  • Preventing by-effects and unfortunate outcomes

As it is already stated above, the type II diabetes might be prevented with the help of blood pressure monitoring and reducing the amount of consumed sugar and other products with sweet ingredients (Landsberg et al., 2013). According to Healthy People (2017), it is necessary to start doing cardio exercises and develop a healthy diet that includes only natural and nutritious products to lose weight and address the possible obesity problem.

Additional Resources

  • A list of healthy products
  • A diet schedule and allowed meals
  • An educational handout about sweets consumption

The patient will be provided with a link to the Healthy People 2020 organization’s official website as she might be able to find many useful and informative articles there. A list of healthy products will make her meals more nutritious and beneficial for losing weight and cleansing the digestive system.


Evaluation Methods

  • Weighing
  • Blood pressure measuring
  • Blood sugar level measuring
  • Lab values
  • Medical examination

Every method listed above is used to identify whether the considered medical intervention is beneficial and effective or not (Landsberg et al., 2013). For instance, weighing the client on electronic scales is supposed to show several calories she managed to burn for a certain period.

Other Evaluation Methods

  • Blood analysis
  • Urine analysis
  • Nutritionists’ examination
  • Visual evaluation
  • Questionnaire

Blood analysis is intended to determine whether the level of hemoglobin is appropriate (Taylor, 2013). A professional nutritionist might examine the patient, outline various changes in one’s body, and evaluate the effectiveness of certain products in a particular case.

Desired Outcomes

  • Weight loss
  • Appropriate blood sugar level
  • Appropriate blood pressure
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • No risk of cataract or glaucoma

To prove that the suggested intervention is effective in the given case, it is essential to compare the weighing results before and after the medical course (Zinman et al., 2015). Also, such factors as an appropriate blood sugar level and blood pressures are the desired outcomes for this person and her doctor.

Additional Steps

  • Staying in the hospital
  • Controlling the treatment process
  • Changing the diet
  • Considering other medicaments
  • Considering other treatment processes

If the plan described above is unsuccessful, such factors as another diet, treatment process, and drugs must be considered (Zinman et al., 2015). To control the intervention and record significant changes, the patient must stay at a hospital.


The patient consumes an enormous amount of sweets and practices self-treatment. To prevent the risk of type II diabetes and obesity for the patient, it would be proper to monitor the blood sugar level and constantly measure the blood pressure. The person should consider doing physical exercises and follow a healthy lifestyle. As a result, the patient should stabilize her weight, and the numbness in feet must disappear.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 30). Patient Education for Obesity Treatment.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Patient Education for Obesity Treatment." October 30, 2020.

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