PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola in the South African Market

Strategic management of a brand and its portfolio is a complex multi-criteria process simultaneously aimed at the main goals of increasing revenue, recognition, reputation, and sustainability in business development. For this management, many different tools reflect its activities for consumers at different levels of perception (Hossain et al., 2020). PepsiCo differs from Coca-Cola in several features, including those typical for the South African market. First of all, this is broader product diversification and a more comprehensive brand portfolio, which requires a more differentiated approach to management (Rama, Han, and Hessels, 2018; Sehrawat, 2019). PepsiCo competes in a broader environment on more metrics than Coca-Cola’s only soft drink products.

In addition, an essential difference between these companies is their value system. It is in many ways similar to the total views on sustainable business development and social and environmental responsibility (PepsiCo, 2022; Coca-Cola, 2022). However, PepsiCo’s approach focuses more on social structures and related issues of employment, quality of life, and production in the country, represented by various beverage and food factories (PepsiCo, 2022). Coca-Cola focuses more on internal manufacturing processes to reduce sugar, optimize waste, and use fresh water (Coca-Cola, 2022). Consequently, market positioning must be consistent with the value system shown: PepsiCo is more focused on the food system and providing benefits to people, while Coca-Cola is more focused on environmental beautification for a lifestyle. To reflect this activity, PepsiCo is equally developing the roles of individual brands to support sustainability, while Coca-Cola increasingly centralizes achievements under its leading brand. As a result, PepsiCo has a more complex and multi-criteria strategy for aligning brands to achieve its goals due to broader product diversification and differentiation.

Reference List

Coca-Cola. (2022) ‘Refreshing South Africa.’

Hossain, S., et al. (2020) ‘Affirmative strategic association of brand image, brand loyalty and brand equity: a conclusive perceptual confirmation of the top management’, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(2), pp. 1-7.

PepsiCo. (2022) ‘About us.’

Rama, Z., Han, H., and Hessels, E. (2018) ‘When Brands Go Political: A PepsiCo Case’, LBMG Corporate Brand Management and Reputation-Masters Case Series.

Sehrawat, S. (2019) ‘Pepsico’s Sustainable Strategies’, Journal of Management, 6(2), pp. 81-83.

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