Modern Society’s Knowledge Demands and Education’s Role

Modern society introduces numerous requirements to a person for him/her to become successful and build a career. It comes from the increased sophistication of processes and multiple sources of data available for individuals. In this regard, knowledge becomes the central resource of the modern world. It also means the increased importance of education as one of the aspects essential for the efficient acquisition of data, its management, and processing.

That is why there are numerous attempts to improve the quality and outcomes of education via the use of the most effective strategies to provide information and guarantee its improved comprehension. However, every individual has his/her own peculiarities that precondition the choice of the ways to work with sets of data and acquire knowledge. These unique features also determine a particular learning style of a person. The importance of its correct understanding helps to increase the efficiency of studying. For this reason, tools like VARK Questionnaire acquire the top priority.

My Learning Style

Nevertheless, using the given tool, I managed to determine that my learning style is a read/write one. There are several factors that should be provided regarding this statement. First, it means that the printed word becomes the central way to convey and receive information (“Read/write strategies,” n.d.). Individuals adhering to this learning style benefit from using notes and specific lists to structure information and improve its understanding. Second, this style means that single lecturing might be inefficient as students with this feature prefer some printed pieces of data and visual recordings that could be investigated and remembered (“Read/write learning style,” n.d.).

It also means that while writing some information down, a person memorizes it and contributes to better learning outcomes (Davison, n.d.). Another important peculiarity of this style is that students who have this unique feature would rather prefer to read recordings, books, and other literature devoted to the investigated issue on their own instead of listening to people talking about it (Davison, n.d.). It is preconditioned by the way their brains work and process pieces of data. Finally, learners with the read/write learning style always read supplementary information about the topic to attain an improved understanding of the basic concerns and ensure that no gaps in knowledge remain.

Learning Strategies

Resting on my own experience, I should say that these peculiarities of the learning style precondition the choice of learning strategies and methods to understand information. Traditionally, I use several strategies in my studying. First, I always take notes during classes as they are central for the improved comprehension of issues explained by a lecturer. Additionally, while making notes, I remember data. These recordings will also be helpful while preparing for some exam, meeting, seminar, or report as usual; I read all my notes to refresh memory and ensure that all critical facts are considered. Moreover, there is another learning strategy explored by me.

I read numerous books devoted to the issue under investigation. I think that reading is the best way to acquire knowledge as you can cogitate about all information presented in a source, analyze it, and attain an enhanced understanding. While reading, I also make notes to write down the most important facts. Due to this approach, I can easily refresh my knowledge about a certain event by using all my summaries. Finally, I might create graphs to arrange sets of data in a particular way to trace a particular logic in relations between some issues and causes.

The given strategies coincide with those suggested after the VARK questionnaire. Regarding the fact that my learning style is read/write, the identified approaches to processing information include the creation of lists, glossaries, and specific headings (“Read/write strategies,” n.d.). These might help in the process of studying to take in the information and use it in different situations. Additionally, it is recommended to write out words, terms, important definitions, etc., numerous times to ensure that they are remembered appropriately.

The same deals with the preparation for exams as reading/write style presuppose the creation of specific charts, hierarchies, etc. (Read/write strategies,” n.d.). In general, I should say that these recommendations could be applied to me as I often utilize the same methods while learning new facts and preparing for responsible meetings or exams. That is why these recommendations could be considered as useful, as resting on my own experience I am sure that they will obviously help students with the same learning style.

Importance of Learning Styles Awareness

Altogether, I am sure that the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences, and strategies is crucial for teaching and learning. First, educators should use it to attain an improved understanding of the issues they present and ensure that all learners can analyze and comprehend them. Second, using the most efficient methods regarding their learning preferences, students will be able to achieve their goals and avoid unnecessary efforts and attempts to understand pieces of data using ways unusual for them (Davison, n.d.). In such a way, it is fundamental to use tools such as the VARK questionnaire to determine leading learning preferences and attain better results by providing material in the most appropriate ways.


Davison, L. (n.d.). How to study if you’re a reading/writing learner. Web.

Read/write learning style. (n.d.). 

Read/write strategies. (n.d.). 

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