Today, the power of persuasion is one of the most important aspects in many organizations. Some companies use persuasion to make people pay more attention to their products and services. Some organizations use this technique to motivate people and provide them with opportunities. Media is the field where persuasion messages take a considerable place.
In this project, three different persuasive messages taken from daily encounters in public life with media and communication will be analyzed in order to explain how different groups of people offer their ideas and explain the worth of their choices and visions of the world. An effective persuasion is a tool that has to be properly developed in terms of its vision organization, the chosen context, and the audience that has to receive the message. It is not enough to introduce a product or a service. It is more important to make sure that consumers get these messages and follow the suggestions offered.

There are three different media ads chosen for this analysis. One of them is taken from the field of cancer prevention and informs about the latest statistics of colon cancer and its importance. The chosen message is divided into several logical parts. In the beginning, the authors inform about the general facts about colon cancer and the possibility to prevent it. This ad provides people with a hope that it is a true fact that people may overcome the complications caused by cancer. At the same time, this message contains a guide and identifies the auditory that people over 50 can get an opportunity and improve their lives (Jewish Cancer Prevention, n.d.).

The guide is simple indeed. People do not have to take many steps but make one correct decision only – to call and schedule a personal colonoscopy. The second persuasive message touches upon certain health issues as well. This message is about the importance of fitness in a human life and the possibility to keep fit. In this message, much attention is paid to the image of a handsome man with a number of muscles identified on his body. The text is divided into three logical parts: the main idea of the message, its powerful aspect, and the explanation. The authors of this message underline that it is possible to build mass and burn fat in 25 minutes flat (Build mass & burn fat, n.d.).

There is no identification of audience. Still, people are able to guess that the main task is to attract more men to the offered program and help them develop a good fit and keep it with ease. The final image is about traveling and the options that are available to people. It is not a secret that traveling opportunities are the most frequently used topic in ads. People want to know more about where they can go and what benefits they can get.
In addition to an amazing view that is offered by the company, people are able to learn more about the conditions under which they can travel with AirVentures. Enough information is given about the opportunities for each passenger, who decides to choose AirVentures and pay for the views offered but not for the fuel spent (Sip. Don’t guzzle, n.d.). The authors of this message persuade people to make the right choice and use the services offered by a particular company.
The powerful aspect of this ad is the attention to the fact that people should not spend their money on transportation or be dependent on fuel prices. Travelling should be about the impressions and views offered, and AirVentures is ready to offer enough for their passengers.
Though these three messages are taken from different spheres of life and cover the aspects that I can hardly use today or even in one year, I think that all of them have a particular impact on my personal perception and the perceptions of the environment and the society I have to live in. On the one hand, I remember that cancer is an urgent problem, and there are still many people, who have these problems. People want to be confident that cancer is not their concern regarding the histories of their families. At the same time, I remind the necessity to check my body and start thinking about my next visit to a doctor just in order to check if everything is good with my body and my organism.
On the other hand, I have many friends, who are fond of fitness and the idea to keep fit. Sport remains to be an integral part of a human life, and the second message changes my perception about the possibility to develop a healthy body at home. I cannot even guess that 25 minutes may be enough to build mass. Finally, there is the message that persuades people to travel with a particular company. With the help of this message, I got a chance to realize how companies may attract their customers and how simple details like a separate bubble window can make a person to think about traveling.
In my opinion, one of these three messages seems to be more persuasive than others. The message about colon cancer has a number of benefits and powerful aspects. First, it identifies the audience that can find this message rather helpful. Second, it contains some statistical data with the help of which people can understand that the chosen topic is urgent. Finally, there is a solution to the problem identified in the message. Though this message is short, its font (clear white letters) and the background (an ordinary man with hope in his eyes) make the message clear and captivating.
I think that knowledge of the ways in which the chosen messages are created to persuade a person actually makes a difference when a person consumes these messages. When people start developing an ad to ordinary people, they try to investigate the field and choose the most interesting details. Therefore, it is possible to assume that the creators of the message about cancer know more details about this disease and do not show all of them just because they do not want to disappoint people (like the possibility not to be protected against colon cancer or the necessity to spend much money on diagnosing and treatment).
The developed of the fitness message may not mention some additional details of the program that can make it possible to build mass spending 25 minutes per day on training. Finally, the message about travels is created to attract the attention. It is made to persuade people to buy the services. In fact, the consumers know nothing or a little about the details of a trip offered.
In general, all persuasions used in the messages under consideration prove several things: people have a number of opportunities to try in this world, and people are free to make their decisions, protect their health, and enjoy this life. Persuasive messages are powerful tools that influence people in different ways, and people have to consider their opinions, dreams, and needs to use persuasive messages properly.
Build mass & burn fat. (n.d.). Web.
Jewish Cancer Prevention. (n.d.). Web.
Sip. Don’t guzzle. (n.d.). Web.