Plan of Interview the Intensive Care Unit Nurse

The intensive care unit nurse is the position I am going to interview. The question where the candidate must provide the most precise response would involve a real-life scenario. The answer must include a detailed description of actions that should be taken in a stressful situation. The special skill required to perform is the practical and theoretical knowledge of filtration system of ventilators for respiratory problems.

The case involves the infection control guideline for highly contagious coronavirus patients whose respiration is carried out via ventilators. The Covid-19 patient is prescribed consistent ventilation, preventing further contamination and breathing difficulties by using proper knowledge of breathing devices’ application. It is claimed that intensive care nurses operate in severe conditions, because it “require complex and continuous assessment, high-intensity interventions and uninterrupted vigilance” (Castellan et al., 2016, p. 1274). Indeed, specific information as well as critical thinking are required in the provided scenario. Continuous ventilation necessitates the usage of a tested spray to disinfect the rooms to avoid subsequent contagion. The question is whether the candidate will exercise practical knowledge via the application of proper spraying appliances regularly and timely. Therefore, the applicant is expected to pay attention to the specificity of the case, using relevant information.

Since a ventilator aids in the air flowing through a tube, it is crucial for the prospective nurse to monitor it periodically. The exploitation of filtration on the expiratory part of the ventilator is needed to ensure its workability. As the patient is threatened to experience severe respiratory issues, the candidate must be able to detect the correct type of filtration system. Moreover, frequent change and monitoring of pipes is another critical aspect of the situation. Here, I expect the applicant to abide by the persistent routine of a regular inspection of the tubes and their efficiency. Hence, the given scenario also comprises the conventional side of nursing and precise knowledge of medic technologies.

The evaluation depends the following criteria

Excellent – the candidate possesses the knowledge of filtration system, spraying a room to avoid contamination, changing tubes on a regular basis.

Good – the candidate does not possess the knowledge of specific filtration system, spraying a room to avoid contamination, changing tubes on a regular basis.

Unsatisfactory – the candidate does not possess the knowledge of filtration system, spraying a room to avoid contamination, changing tubes on a regular basis.


Castellan C., Sluga S., Spina E., & Sanson G. (2016). Nursing diagnoses, outcomes and interventions as measures of patient complexity and nursing care requirement in Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(6), 1273-1286.

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