Political Background and a Third Party

American electoral politics is presented by two political parties, which are the Democratic and the Republican. The first political force is a progressive and liberal party on domestic issues that implies the main direction for the welfare of the state, social liberalism, and a mixed economy. This party is the center-left one and intended to reduce the wide gap between social classes. The Republican force supports center-right politics, and its ideology is American conservatism. In contrast to the Democrats, this party opposes abortion rights and supports capital punishment, gun rights, reduced government spending and regulation, and restrictions on labor unions at the same time. From my perspective, these two parties cover the full spectrum of possible political concerns, as any existent issue belongs either to one or another party’s authority. It implies no urgent necessity for a third political force, as there are no independent problems for this party to solve.

The political history demonstrates the lack of success of different Third parties emerging in the United States. Minor parties such as the Libertarian, the Green, the Constitution, and the American Solidary support the same ideas and concepts as the major forces. Issues, minor parties rise are taxes lowering, reducing government size, environmental concerns, gun rights, and others. I am confident that all of the mentioned activities are considered by the Democrats and the Republicans. This fact reveals Third parties’ impossibility to gain Americans’ appreciation by suggesting improvements of social significance. The Democratic Party is progressive and libertarian at the same time, emphasizing individuals and working people. The Republican Party is conservative, focused on the upper class and collectivism. The range of issues managed by major parties is broad, and the political situation does not require a Third force’s existence.

Moreover, Democrats and Republicans tend to attract potential opponents by offering privileges and political influence. In addition, both parties reputation is solid, which means the inability to obtain votes by damaging them. To conclude, the United States politics depends on the Democratic and the Republican parties. People do not see the necessity to elect the Third force because of the mentioned reasons, and most influential politicians belong to either Democrats or Republicans. A Third-party can’t emerge in the United States.

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StudyCorgi. "Political Background and a Third Party." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/political-background-and-a-third-party/.


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