Water Pollution in the Pacific: A Global Crisis

Pollution remains one of the most tremendous problems in the world at the present moment. Scholars claim that various gases and toxic substances that are constantly released by a number of factories all over the planet might lead to the problem of global warming (Victor, 2018). It appears that all these evaporations cannot escape the atmosphere because of the ozone layer. Therefore, the temperature on Earth increases rapidly.

There is another issue that is also posed by pollution. The mortality rate of people with cancer grows every year. Unfortunately, the majority of these individuals inhabit polluted areas near mass manufacturers of metal or plastic (Sul & Costa, 2014). Although medical workers cannot state that this is the main reason that increases the possibility to be ill with cancer, the statistics show that the highest concentration of lethal cases is registered in industrial regions.

Pollution also kills flora and fauna on the planet. In 2017, the most essential problem of water pollution in the Pacific Ocean became the object of discussion almost in every country. All the plastic materials that cannot be decomposed for thousands of years are floating approximately on one-tenth of the world’s biggest water body’s area (Victor, 2018). Due to this factor and adverse living conditions, fish and other organisms that live in depths mutate and even extinct.

In general, the pollution destroys the environment and kills all kinds of living organisms that inhabit the planet. Unfortunately, the world’s greatest countries do not pay much attention to the given problem. It would be proper to mention that there are approximately nine countries in the world that do not have access to clear water. Instead, they filter polluted liquids and boil them to make the substance at least less harmful to their health.


Sul, J. A., & Costa, M. F. (2014). The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment. Environmental Pollution, 185(1), 352-364. Web.

Victor, P. A. (2018). Pollution: Economy and environment (7th ed.). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

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StudyCorgi. "Water Pollution in the Pacific: A Global Crisis." May 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/pollution-impact-on-the-environment/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Water Pollution in the Pacific: A Global Crisis." May 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/pollution-impact-on-the-environment/.

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