New Approaches to Clinical Practice: RS and Leadership Qualities

New Approaches to Practice

During the last course, I had a chance to learn several new approaches to clinical practice. One of them implies what is called RS (restraint and seclusion). This knowledge will be helpful for me as a professional medical worker as I will be more competent in solving cases and healing people who face various physical challenges. Also, I learned several leadership qualities that were new to me. These considerations will also be beneficial as I need to manage my working shifts properly and give recommendations to young nurses in the future. Talking about interprofessional collaboration, it is necessary to state that such an organization creates a positive working environment for all medical workers as they are able to share the essential experiences with their colleagues from other locations or even people involved in a wide range of other industries (Regan, Laschinger, & Wong, 2015). This fellowship is useful for doctors or nurses who face some uncommon cases and need to consult professionals from other hospitals or private firms to solve a particular problem.

In the context of health care delivery and clinical systems, it would be appropriate to state that all the guidelines and orders of professional doctors must be followed by a nurse who contributes to the treatment of a certain patient. Moreover, it is necessary to create and provide as many beneficial conditions to a client in the hospital as possible. Not only this stimulates the healing process of this person, but it also raises his or her mood, which appears to be crucial in some cases. Also, every patient’s privacy and human rights have to be followed on a regular basis. For instance, their health history or other information has to stay confidential, as well as their presence at the hospital if they wish to keep that unrevealed. However, the last rules in the given paragraph can be perceived and referred to as ethical considerations that I learned during the nursing course.

Improvement of Health Outcomes

As to the problem of popular health concerns, the leaned course also provided some information that revealed the fact that the majority of people in the United States of America are worried because of their permanent stresses, obese appearances, cases of diabetes, and harms related to alcoholism (Dietz et al., 2015). However, all the concerns mentioned in the previous sentence can be addressed by appropriate educational activities aimed at improving patients’ knowledge for them to be able to prevent such health outcomes and be aware of what might cause them. As a nurse, I can contribute to the given problem by engaging health promotion practices. For instance, giving and organizing free lectures for the target audiences, creating brochures with beneficial notes, and so on.

As the humanity develops a tremendous number of new technologies on a regular basis, they must be used in clinic environments to make various treatment processes both easier and quicker for medical personnel and more efficient for their patients. It is necessary to state that not only innovative technological achievements can be used to store and have access to important information, but new inventions and hardware also can be used in hospital settings to monitor and control clients’ physical statements. Such an approach to healing processes will reduce the time medical personnel waste to assess every patient in their departments. Also, the progress in IT technologies allowed nurses to receive almost any information or guides that are helpful for the advancement of some of their professional practices.

Although the topic of health policy was not covered explicitly during the course, I had a chance to understand that this factor implies various strategies, plans, and decisions aimed at the elimination of particular health concerns or issues that are permanent among a certain society or a minor group of patients. Appropriate health policy must include and identify a vision of patients’ outcomes in the future, a list of priorities and roles of some health workers, and the building of consensus to educate audiences about their major health problems. I can claim this practice to be my strength.

As to the concepts of both leadership and understanding of basic economic rules, they must be present in hospital settings and learned by medical personnel as these two fields have a significant impact on the organization of any treatment process (Fann et al., 2014). Some knowledge of economics is helpful to assess a client’s ability to cover certain drugs or service expenses. In turn, leadership skills are beneficial for nurses who strive to organize their work and make it efficient for every employee and client in their settings (Lee & Kim, 2016). Also, important leadership qualities and traits will be helpful for an appropriate organization of the working process of the entire nursing team.

The term of health disparities can be interpreted as differing practices that must be used to heal the same disease or illness in people belonging to specific races, minorities, and other groups that require an individual approach to them (Manrai et al., 2016). It is necessary to mention that all the health services required by a hospital client must be provided to him or her, regardless of this person’s age, ethnic background, race, living area, sexual preferences, and other factors that differentiate them from other parts of the country’s populations. Unfortunately, this topic is my weakness as I do not have enough experience in working with the same diagnoses that occur in people of with different biological specifications.


Dietz, W. H., Baur, L. A., Hall, K., Puhl, R. M., Taveras, E. M., Uauy, R., & Kopelman, P. (2015). Management of obesity: Improvement of health-care training and systems for prevention and care. The Lancet, 385(9986), 2521-2533. Web.

Fann, N., Nolte, C. G., Dolwick, P., Spero, T. L., Brown, A. C., Phillips, S., & Anenberg, S. (2014). The geographic distribution and economic value of climate change-related ozone health impacts in the United States in 2030. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 65(5), 570-580. Web.

Lee, S., & Kim, Y. (2016). The effects of self-efficacy and self-directed learning readiness to self-leadership of nursing student. Journal of Digital Convergence, 14(3), 309-318. Web.

Manrai, A. K., Funke, B. H., Rehm, H. L., Olesen, M. S., Maron, B. A., Szolovits, P.,… Kohane, I. S. (2016). Genetic misdiagnoses and the potential for health disparities. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(7), 655-665. Web.

Regan, S., Laschinger, H. K., & Wong, C. A. (2015). The influence of empowerment, authentic leadership, and professional practice environments on nurses’ perceived interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(1), 54-61. Web.

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