Postpartum Depression: Risk Factors and Prevention

Giving birth to a baby is a happy occasion, yet numerous women cannot experience the feeling. The phenomenon of postpartum depression affects the quality of women’s lives, as well as their self-esteem and relationships with their child. To prevent instances of depression and the associated issues, a detailed assessment of the factors that contribute to it is required (Katon, Russo, & Gavin, 2014).

Article Information

In their study titled “Predictors of postpartum depression,” Katon et al. (2014) explore risk factors for developing postpartum depression (PPD).

Purpose of the Paper

The goal of the paper is to examine the article by Katon et al. (2014) and determine its advantages and disadvantages. Thus, a new and improved framework for addressing the needs of pregnant women can be developed.


Research Purpose

The goal of the article written by Katon et al. (2014) is to study the factors that contribute to the development of PPD, including not only health-related ones but also socioeconomic ones, the behaviors that cause health risks, patients’ health records, including the history of depression, etc.

Research Question

The authors answer the following question: “What are the effects of the key socioeconomic and health-related factors contributing to the development of PPD?” The question helps embrace the issues that are typically not included in the analysis of PPD-related threats. It could be argued that the question may have been inspired by the current propensity toward incorporating the analysis of socioeconomic issues in health management programs (Punch, 2013).

Research Design

A quantitative approach involving a statistical analysis was used in the study. Statistical analysis was a rather sensible choice to make since it helped compare the key factors based on their intensity. The possibility of biases due to the small number of participants might be the weakness of the design (Creswell, 2014).


A sample from the “entire screening sample” (Katon et al., 2014, p. 754) was selected for the analysis (i.e., 1,423 participants out of 3,039). The sample size seems adequate since it is large enough to represent the target population appropriately. While the representation might be generalized, it still is rather accurate. The number of participants can be considered adequate since the purpose of the study required embracing a wide variety of factors to which pregnant women may be exposed.

Data Collection Method

The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) was the primary data collection tool used in the study by Katon et al. (2014). Each of the participants gave their informed consent for participation.

Study Limitations

By using a questionnaire, Katon et al. (2014) restricted the variety of possible responses to five options only.

Reported Findings

The research showed that the factors such as age, employment issues, depressive symptoms, ADs consumption, stressors, chronic diseases, and smoking defined the development of PPD. The research results answer the question asked by the researchers fully. Seeing that the information obtained during the research was valid, the results should be deemed credible.


Important Points

Creating a safe environment for pregnant women is crucial. Unfortunately, the threat of developing PPD among the target population remains high. The study shows that age, smoking, health issues, depression tendencies, etc., are the key factors of PPD.

Research Question and Findings

The research question, which implies exploring the connection between socioeconomic factors and PPD, was answered during the research positively. Particularly, the findings show that age, unemployment, smoking, and other factors contribute to the development of PPD.

Probability of Implementation

The evidence obtained during the analysis is rather generic. Therefore, a more thorough study will be needed to build a comprehensive program. However, the study outcomes will suffice to define the further course of managing the problem.


Preventing the instances of PPD is crucial to help women handle the issues related to childbirth and further childrearing. The article by Katon et al. (2014) has shown that socioeconomic factors must be taken into account for this purpose. Therefore, the development of a program for preventing PPD by helping pregnant women handle the pressure of socioeconomic issues will be required.


Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Katon, W., Russo, J., & Gavin, A. (2014). Predictors of postpartum depression. Journal of Women’s Health, 23(9), 753-759. Web.

Punch, K. F. (2013). Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 25). Postpartum Depression: Risk Factors and Prevention.

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