Braden Scale Risk Assessment: Reducing Pressure Ulcer Incidence

Why did the author access the PubMed system and then what for?

An online literature search based on the PubMed system was used to gather available evidence about the possibility to reduce pressure ulcer incidence with the help of the Braden Scale risk assessment. In this article, it was necessary to consider the results from previous studies even if no progress was observed, explain the peculiarities of a pressure-reducing surface, and develop effective guidelines to hospitals.

What is the incidence of pressure ulcers between 1999 and 2004?

Between 1999 and 2004, the prevalence of pressure ulcers was approximately 16% in hospitals and about 7-9% in acute care facilities (Comfort, 2008). In addition, it was stated that 70% of patients who were older than 65 years and had pressure ulcers developed new pressure ulcers.

When was the Braden scale developed?

In 1998, the Braden scale was developed as a possibility to assess the degree of pressure ulcer development risk (Comfort, 2008). This kind of risk could be observed among any individual.

What are the six factors that are considered for the Braden scale?

In the development of the Braden scale, there are the six main factors that have to be taken into consideration. They include “sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction/shear” (Comfort, 2008, p. 330). All of them are important for therapists, as well as for patients.

Which government agency is responsible for clinical practice guidelines?

The development of clinical practice guidelines is an important task. According to Comfort (2008), the US Department of Health and Human Services was the government agency that was responsible for the creation and promotion of these guidelines. In 1992, the Panel for the Prediction and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Adults developed the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical Practice Guidelines to support the Braden Scale as the main validated risk assessment tool for patients with pressure ulcers (Comfort, 2008). The results of this work were successful and important for many hospitals.

List at least three reasons that a hospital would be interested in identifying a pressure ulcer early in the patient’s hospital stay.

A hospital may be interested in identifying a pressure ulcer early in the patients’ hospital stay because of different reasons. Still, the most crucial aspects of such urgency are the prevention of the development of new pressure ulcers, the reduction of costs, and the possibility to avoid fluidized-bed or other types of therapies.

What does the term nosocomial mean?

The term “nosocomial” means the number of ulcers that were found during a survey at a point in time that has not been present at admission (Comfort, 2008). In other words, this term is used to underline the fact that the development of a disease or an infection may begin in a hospital.

What is risk assessment and why is it such an important aspect of hospital management?

Risk assessment is an important and complex activity in hospital management. It usually includes such tasks as an identification of a disease and its risks, its assessment, and averting. In the article under discussion, the Braden Scale risk assessment was based on the idea of a specialized support surface for all patients with pressure ulcers.

Why is the selection of a proper surface to lie on an important part of wound management? (be specific)

Wound management has to be properly developed by physical therapists or other involved medical workers because every intervention may influence a healing process. Positioning is an important aspect as it may help to prevent the development of new pressure ulcers. A choice of a proper support surface may depend on the needs of patients and include a special bed, a mattress, or a wheelchair cushion.

Which analysis was utilized in the results section and why?

Meta-analysis was a statistical type of analysis utilized in the results section. It was chosen because of the possibility to make conclusions using the results from different studies.

Is the hospital that you are working for using the Braden scale? If so, then state if it appears to be working and if not then give a reason that they may not want to use it. (If not working then just give the main reason that an institution would want to use the scale).

There are several reasons for why a hospital has to use the Braden Scale for assessing the risks of pressure ulcers among patients. First, this tool is based on the analysis of six risk areas which may be dangerous for patients. Second, this scale is appropriate for all patients regardless of their age, race, or gender. Finally, this scale helps to identify associated risks at early stages and choose the most effective preventive interventions.


Comfort, E.H. (2008). Reducing pressure ulcer incidence through Braden scale risk assessment and support surface use. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 21(7), 330-334.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 2). Braden Scale Risk Assessment: Reducing Pressure Ulcer Incidence.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Braden Scale Risk Assessment: Reducing Pressure Ulcer Incidence." December 2, 2020.

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