Preventing Opioid Abuse and Addiction

The genetic influences on drug use were proved after certain investigations on humans and animals (Hart & Ksir, 2013). A person has a unique physiology that may cause addiction. Enkephalins and endorphins are the morphinelike neurotransmitters that can be found in the brain (Hart & Ksir, 2013).

They have endogenous opioid receptors that play an important role in pain perception. Therefore, some people cannot resist the temptation and try a substance just to check its power, and some people find it’s normal not to try or regularly use opioids without a particular necessity. Many psychological factors make people addicted, including the drug’s ability to relieve pain and suffering, to reduce intestinal disorders and deal with diarrhea or dehydration, or to decrease a cough that disturbs people. Some people discover the possibility to avoid pain, and they cannot recognize other options that lead to the same results.

Gaidos (2016) discusses a vaccine that can counter opioid addiction. On the one hand, the information introduced in the article does not surprise me. A person died because of a drug overdose. It is not a new statement, and many people die because of their inability to control drug use. The article introduces a new chance for people to fight against drug addiction. The creation of a new vaccine is the solution millions of people could need. Relapse is common in addition (Gaidos, 2016).

Many people want to abstain but fail to achieve this goal because of weak character or some other unpredictable factors. The mother of the guy who died shared her opinion about the vaccine and wanted to believe that if her son could know about the possible effects of the vaccine, he would certainly try it and protect himself against an overdose.


Gaidos, S. (2016). Vaccines could counter addictive opioids. Web.

Hart, C.L., & Ksir, C. (2013). Drugs, society & human behavior (16th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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