HIV Prevention in Older Adults: Davis & Zanjani’s Methodology

The primary goal of this question is to determine the methodological matters utilized by the authors of the article Prevention of HIV among older adults: A literature review and recommendations for future research by Davis and Zanjani. 18 articles relevant to HIV/AIDS were chosen, and the literature review was conducted in September-October 2011 in Lexington, KY (Davis & Zanjani, 2012).

Nonetheless, 22 articles were selected initially, but four of them did not comply with the inclusion criteria such as being peer-reviewed, emphasis on interventions related to the HIIV/AIDS among adults, presence of the assessments of the effectiveness of interventions and HIV prevention strategies, being conducted in the USA and published no later than 1996 (Davis & Zanjani, 2012). It could be said that the authors selected these inclusion aspects to avoid the bias and ensure the relevancy of the study, and they provided the summary of the results in tables by portraying key findings of each article.

As for the careers, the authors’ professions are connected to the sphere of gerontology, which implies the monitoring of the changes in the adults’ behavior during aging. In this case, the authors utilized a significant number of studies, which is not related to their field including the articles related to healthcare, nursing, social work, and infections. It could be said that the authors were able to assess the drawbacks and benefits of the selected articles critically.

Despite the profound coverage of the topic, the critical weaknesses were retained to the lack of the analysis of interventions and limitations of the racial and gender coverage while focusing on the particular racial groups and females (Davis & Zanjani, 2012). In turn, some studies did not use randomized sampling to avoid bias while causing the threat to the reliability and validity of the findings and increasing the potential occurrence of risks (Davis & Zanjani, 2012).


Bauer, J. (2010). Nurse practitioners as an underutilized resource for health reform: Evidence-based demonstrations of cost-effectiveness. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22, 228–231.

Davis, T., & Zanjani, F. (2012). Prevention of HIV among older adults: A literature review and recommendations for future research. Journal of Aging and Health, 24(8), 1399-1420.

Healthcare Triage (2013). Obamacare and October 1st: Healthcare Triage #1. Web.

Vlogbrothers. (2015). Is Obamacare Working? The Affordable Care Act Five Years Later. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 18). HIV Prevention in Older Adults: Davis & Zanjani’s Methodology.

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StudyCorgi. "HIV Prevention in Older Adults: Davis & Zanjani’s Methodology." November 18, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "HIV Prevention in Older Adults: Davis & Zanjani’s Methodology." November 18, 2020.

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