Problem Solution: Global Communications


Global Communications is under the pressure of financial and organizational problems faced in the telecommunication industry. The basic objective of the company is the profits and revenues increase. The paper lies in the analysis of tribulations and trials confronting by Global Communications; the development of a growth strategic plan can be an effective solution to financial company’s problems.

The paper analysis describes the investigation of the principle of Global Communications’ opportunities, risks evaluation, and the development of implementation plan, allowing the company to achieve profitability and leadership in the international arena.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

The Global Communications Company has been experiencing significant problems connected with the decline of its stock; the principal opportunity of the company reflects the restructuring of its values system and introduction of new services for the purpose of capturing a new segment of the market. One should underline the fact that Global Communications shall focus on the strategic development aimed at the company’s values reflection and its contribution to the sphere of the telecommunication industry. The company has an opportunity to make the restructuring its business model; it is to introduce new additional services comprising consumers’ video and broadband connections. (McPhail, 2006).

One should stress that communication is the key element that can move the company to its complete restructuring; Global Communications has a wonderful opportunity to create a communication line between the parties interested for the purpose of showing consideration and controlling the changes affecting the organization.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Facing the problem of stock price plummeting made the stakeholders come to immediate corrective actions development. Stockholders concentrate on returns diminishing and the ability of the company’s rebound. Global Communications’ management group is aimed at revenue increase through cost reduction on the basis of call centers outsourcing. Nevertheless, it is necessary to underline the idea that the company did not take into account the role of Technology Workers Union in the decision-making process as well as the threat of taking legal actions. The workers of the Global Communications suffered considerable salary reductions and loss of jobs; despite this fact, the employee morale is to be centralized. The conflict situation faced by the management of the company requires integrative negotiation with the involvement of the union to come to beneficial ways out of the problem. Integrative negotiation lies in the agreement being beneficial for both parties on the basis of distributive cooperation. The development and following of ethical norms in the decision-making processes as well as company’s strategic management is the background for conflicting problems to dissolve. (Kreitner, & Kinicki, 2004).

Problem Statement

Global Communications is on the way to become the global leader in telecommunication industry. The basic strategies developed by management organizations are aimed at making the company become the provider of innovative service in the communications sphere. Global communications strategies and planning are similar to the scenario developed by USAuto Company striving to become the leader in the automobile industry reaching the international level.

The analysis of key issues faced by the company gives an opportunity to outline the following: stock decline, increased competition and the company’s fallout from the planned layoffs. To become more competitive, the company is on the way to moving some of its call centers to Ireland and India. ‘By improving decision making, knowledge management, employee needs and coordination; company can progress and retain the name in the communications industry.’ (McShane, 2005) One of the principal issues of the Global Communications is connected with internal communications; making an effective decision to problem-solving is dependent on the analysis of all possible motives.

End-State Vision

Strategic planning includes closer cooperation of the Global Communications with a wireless provider which is beneficial in better accessibility and connectivity for the customers. One should underline the fact that the corporation executives discovered various methods of cost reduction leading to profitability and marketability increase. Reaching these goals will give an opportunity for the company to gain some of the SMART aspects (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely). Global Communications Company is under the pressure of high competition connected with rapid telecommunication industry development; one of the key strategies developed by the company is aimed at reaching the international market for the purpose of providing better telecommunication service for their customers and small business. Global Communications will have a chance to provide better service for the consumers, and become a profitable global leader in the international arena.

Alternative Solutions

Solution to problem of financial instability can be resolved through some challenges in job positions restructuring. The alternative solutions to Global communications will demonstrate the minimization of the number of jobs being outsourced to India. One is to note the idea that management is to be focused on the expansion of job places within the inner house structure of the company as well as concentrate on the development of better communication skills.

One more alternative solution for the company’s problem dissolve can be concentrated on the trust in the staff and partners’ cooperation. One should stress the idea that compromise and communication are considered to be the basic elements strengthening stakeholders’ bonds. The increase of trust level between stakeholders and employees will lead to positive working environment and accurate understanding of the basic tasks.

Besides, Global Communications is to reflect and fix the increase of employees’ performance as well as introduction more security for their rights. For the purpose of high-performance development, it is necessary to provide the atmosphere of flexibility, adaptability, and involvement. Besides, the rights and freedoms of the employees are to be under complete protection helping to ensure the trust of the workers. There is the necessity to underline the fact that poor communication presented in the past appeared to be the cause for weak trust within the staff, influencing the professional performance of the specialists. So, the reestablishment of communication aspect will be the background for successful service presentations in the international arena.

Analysis of Alternative Solutions

The planning of growing realization on the basis of new service introduction serving in long-distance and local markets was one of the principal tasks to be followed by Global Communications. The company has made alliances providing special broadband satellite version and video service; this step is aimed at increase of the competitiveness with local cable and telephone companies.

The next step demonstrates the identification of cost-cutting measures improving the company’s profitability. The maximization of the initiatives is the background of company’s aggressive position on the international market. As an alternative to the approach, the company could invest in the purchase of the local companies, getting more access to current services and increasing its profitability.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques

The assessment of risks of the Global Communications is to be connected with making positive working environment, though this goal is too complicated and can become the background for the conflict. One should stress that positive outcomes in such situations will be based on the development of training process, allowing the workers to save their positions and obtain new skills necessary for their qualifications. (DeJanase, 2002)

Optimal Solution

One should underline the idea that excellent communication developed within the company is considered to be of crucial importance. Global Communications is to be on the way to reestablishment of the new communication line within Technologies Workers Union and internal organization structure. This approach can become the way out of internal company’s problems requiring no the destruction of organization’s commitment. So, summing up, solutions are:

  • New communication line establishment;
  • Cost-cutting measures;
  • New service introduction.

The indication of job satisfaction and organizational commitment is closely connected with the breaching of employees’ psychological contact. All the solutions presented will become the key way to company’s success.

Implementation Plan

Global Communications will be focused on the updating of its policies aimed at reflecting company’s commitment and ethics to the employees and customers. One should underline the fact that the introduction of a reward system and training will perform the function of the workers’ opportunity to demonstrate their high skills level.

Besides, it is necessary to create a special team, researching business operations of the cable companies and merging their approaches; the team representatives are to meet with top management of the competitors and develop weekly reports with the analysis of their progress and operations on the market. It is compulsory to create special department for the work with the staff, to develop additional skills and training their abilities.

Evaluation of Results

The developed research aspects will require certain additional costs; the company will also have to invest in employees’ training and policies development. Nevertheless, the following implementations plan will give an opportunity to gain expected profits and take a lead on the international market.

One should underline the fact that reduction of costs, providing additional innovative service for the customers, and supporting favorable and conducive working environment based on trust and mutual understanding will lead to problem solution and achievement of the necessary goals in the shortest period.


The analysis of the Global Communications business problems gave an opportunity to develop and evaluate the company’s perspectives on profitability and leadership. The paper provided the balance between the goals and opportunities of the company; it highlighted the basic solutions to the financial and organization problems within its internal and external structure, covering partnership with stakeholders and competitive level. One should stress that the principle solution method reflects the strategic evaluation, allowing understanding SMART opportunities of the Global Communications and its chances to take the leadership position through following its implementation plan.


Alred, G. and Brusaw, Ch. (2006). The business writer’s handbook. 6th Edition. St. Martin’s Press.

DeJanase, S. (2002) Interpersonal Skills in Organization. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kreitner, R., Kinicki, A. (2004) Organization Behavior. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

McPhail, Th. (2006). Global communication: theories, stakeholders, and trends. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

McShane, S., L. (2005) Organizational Behavior. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Table 1: Issue and Opportunity Identification

Issue Opportunity Reference to Specific
Course Concept
(Include citation)
USAuto’s negotiating team did not carefully identify AutoMex’s goals. USAuto’s goal was to reduce costs through utilizing AutoMex labor. Autodesk, by contrast, viewed USAuto as a source for developing its employees’ skill levels. USAuto’s negotiating team also approached entering the Mexican market similarly, unwilling to allow AutoMex access to the hybrid engine for AutoMex’s own production.

Both of these distributive approaches create win-lose situations and can lead to conflict, as compared to the win-win situations created by integrative negotiations (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2003, p. 504).

auto can develop intelligence on potential business relations to understand better others’ goals in negotiation settings. “A distributive negotiation usually involves a single issue—a ‘fixed-pie’—in which one person gains at the expense of the other. For example, haggling over the price of a rug in a bazaar is a distributive negotiation,” (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2003, p. 71). Distributive negotiations
Global Communications shall focus on the strategic development aimed at company’s values reflection and its contribution to the sphere of telecommunication industry. The company has an opportunity to make the restructuring its business model; it is to introduce new additional services comprising consumers’ video and broadband connections. Global Communications has a wonderful opportunity to create a communication line between the parties interested for the purpose of showing consideration and controlling the changes affecting the organization. The development and following of ethical norms in the decision-making processes as well as the company’s strategic management are considered to be the background for conflicting problems dissolve. (Kreitner, & Kinicki, 2004) Integrative negotiations

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