Professional Nursing Organization and Identity: Building a Strong Foundation

What Is a Professional Nursing Organization? How Have You Seen the Organization Enhance Professional Practice?

A professional nursing organization can be defined as the entity that affects the development of healthcare policies, promotes a consistent rise in positive patient outcomes in a community, encourages an increase in nurses’ professionalism and the active acquisition of the relevant knowledge, etc. (Masters, 2013). While primarily aiming at addressing the health issues that are characteristic of a target community, a professional nursing organization also develops comprehensive strategies and programs aimed at raising awareness and managing health concerns on a global level (Hood, 2013).

Personally, I have witnessed a professional nursing organization enhancing professional practice when working for a local nursing facility. The head thereof encouraged a patient-centered approach and focused on improving the communication between a nurse and a patient. The identified goal was achieved by introducing IT innovations into the realm of nursing. Particularly, the active use of social networks as the means of raising awareness among the community members and encouraging them to develop the required habits and skills should be viewed as the tool for enhancing professional practice.

Furthermore, the introduction of programs for improving nursing skills among the facility members was an important step in increasing the number of positive patient outcomes. Moreover, the training sessions served as the platform for promoting lifelong learning and the regular acquisition of new skills by nurses. Therefore, the experience of working as a nurse assistant in the specified facility was a crucial part of my professional growth. It encouraged me to focus on developing empathy toward patients and using the communication tools that help improve a multicultural conversation. As a result, a better understanding of the importance of a nurse-patient connection was developed (Ivey, ‎ Ivey, ‎& Zalaquett, 2015).

Describe How a Chosen Nursing Professional Organization Helps Develop Nurses and Their Professional Identity

The organization described above should be credited for focusing on the development of programs that contribute to consistent professional growth among nurses. The vast variety of training opportunities and the regular support received from the managers helped develop a number of professional qualities, such as empathy, ability to manage time efficiently, need for professional growth, tendency to address the needs of patients based on their cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds, etc.

Moreover, the focus on enhancing the significance of nursing values and ethics needs to be mentioned as a crucial part of the organization’s policy. The well-being of patients is viewed as the top priority in the identified company, thus, shaping the choices that nurses make. To be more exact, the decision-making process is based on the idea of striving to enhance patient well-being.

In addition, the fact that the company in question focuses on the needs of all stakeholders, including nurses, should be taken into account. Much to its credit, the firm where I worked as a nurse assistant also addressed the problem of workplace burnouts, which is one of the primary issues of concern in the contemporary healthcare environment (Laschinger & Fida, 2014).

By placing a big emphasis on the needs of both patients and nurses, the organization promoted the idea of striving to meet the needs of all stakeholders, therefore, encouraging nurses to accept the philosophy the human life as the key priority. Therefore, the company played an essential role in my professional development. It encouraged me to focus on the crucial values, develop a coherent nursing strategy, and build the nursing philosophy based on the significance and value of human life.


Hood, L. (2013). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing. New York, NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Ivey, ‎ A. E., Ivey, M. B., ‎& Zalaquett, C. P. (2015). Essentials of intentional interviewing: Counseling in a multicultural world. Stanford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Laschinger, H. K., & Fida, R. (2014). New nurses burnout and workplace wellbeing: The influence of authentic leadership and psychological capital. Burnout Research, 1(1), 19-28. Web.

Masters, K. (2013). Role development in professional nursing practice. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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