Project Evaluation in Healthcare

When developing and implementing a project, its evaluation is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that this procedure makes it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses, what problems could arise during the implementation of the project and what steps must be followed when developing future initiatives. For the most successful evaluation of project activities, it is of particular importance to determine the correct tools that will contribute significantly to its effectiveness. Thus, this paper provides a description of the evaluation process with justification for the use of surveys, checklists, and outcome evaluation.

Before carrying out the evaluation of the project, it is essential for all participants in the research work to have an accurate idea of the basics of the intervention and its expected outcomes. Thus, the main results that the study aimed at were the improvement of the education and competence of medical specialists who work in acute care units. The need for this initiative was due to the importance of improving the quality of services and greater involvement of staff (Tyo & McCurry, 2019). These aspects concerned the availability of knowledge about such indicators as managing continuous bladder irrigation, identifying symptoms, and preventing bladder spasms and perforation. Thus, the expected outcomes will be taken as the basis for the evaluation of the project, based on which a comparison with actual results will be carried out. Moreover, it is necessary to assess the number of incidents of bladder spasm or clot-related catheter blockage that occurred before the implementation of the project and after its completion.

Due to the fact that the primary expected outcome is to ensure an increase in the quality of knowledge of nurses, the evaluation of the project is also associated with an analysis of the experience of its participants. Surveys and checklists can be used to perform this action. Thus, the researchers will conduct a survey of the participants of the initiative, which will provide data on the expectations, desires, and expected results of the project. After completion of the work, participants will be provided with a similar survey, which will focus on whether all the listed aspects and criteria have been met.

Further, the same will apply to unique checklists that will be provided to medical personnel before and after the intervention. With its help, it will be possible to track the educational progress of employees and determine the effectiveness of the proposed methods of educating nurses. Thus, by conducting an evaluation of the proposed project, researchers will be able to answer the central question of the study (Nardi, 2018). Therefore, it concerns how clinical education for nurses facilitates the rate adjustment and management of Continuous Blade Irrigation for optimized treatment.

In conclusion, the evaluation of the project is a critical component of ensuring the future effectiveness and productivity of initiatives in the medical field. This is due to the fact that researchers can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project and understand where alterations are required. To evaluate the project, it was proposed to use tools such as a survey, checklists, and outcome evaluation. These approaches were chosen because they provide an opportunity to compare the initial and final data, provide an evidence-based project, and direct reflection of the project participants. The project evaluation procedure provides an opportunity for a significant improvement in knowledge about how to properly build further work.


Nardi, P. M. (2018). Doing survey research: A guide to quantitative methods. Routledge.

Tyo, M. B., & McCurry, M. K. (2019). An integrative review of clinical reasoning teaching strategies and outcome evaluation in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 40(1), 11-17.

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